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1. Day 1 the teacher writes some questions on the board for the students to answer.

. Students can choose 3 questions and write the answers on three slips of paper. Students are required to give a full answer (I usually read a boo at ! p.m.". #he teacher collects the answers and chec s them for any mista es. $uestions% &hat do you usually do at ! p.m.' &hat is your favorite movie(#) show' &hat is your telephone number' &hat is your street number(name of your street' *ow many sisters(brothers do you have' &hen is your birthday' &hat do you li e coo ing' &here did you go last summer' *ow do you usually get to school' &ho is your father' (&hat is your father+s name'" ,. Day , each student receives 3 slips of paper written by other students. -ow students have to go around the room and find those who wrote those answers. #hey have to as questions% Do you have three brothers'

#his activity is good for introductions and for practicing the alphabet. It is good for a new group of students and for the class where you have .ust a few new students or a new teacher. /evel% 0eginning through 1dvanced /anguage% &hat is your name' 2y name+s 333.(I am 333. 1lphabet 4rocedures% 1. Students introduce themselves% &hat is your name' 2y name+s 1nna. ,.#hen students line up in the alphabetical order (1 to 5". If there isn+t enough room in the classroom students can form a circle. )ariation% 2ore advanced students can be as ed to add an ad.ective in front of their names% I am a smart Sandra.

&hat don+t you now about me' 6ive out two strips of paper to each person in the room. 7ach person must write one unusual thing about themselves on each piece of paper. 6ive them a few e8amples such as% I have flown a .umbo .et or I have a collection of 39 pairs of shoes. &hen they have finished ta e bac the pieces of paper: mi8 them up and then give them out again to different people. Students must not ta e a piece of paper bac that has their own statement on. -e8t they mingle to find out who the statements belong to. 0e careful here as students li e to .ust show the pieces of paper to each other as ing ;<ours'+. 2a e them leave the slips of paper on their chair so they have to as questions in order to find out who they belong to. &hen everyone has found the owners of the statements they return to their places. #o e8tend this activity students can then report bac the findings to the rest of the

group. Did you now that =oe has ' >sually this activity will throw up problems in the use of the 4resent 4erfect for life e8perience and can be used as an introduction or revision for this tense. 2ore importantly it will get the students interested in each other and usually want to now more.

&hat would you li e to now about me' 1 similar activity as the last can be done .ust changing the tense focus. 6ive out strips of paper and tell the students it is their chance to find out things about each other and as questions anonymously. 7ach student writes a question on their strip of paper starting ;I would li e to now+. #hey then fold the paper up and write the recipient+s name on the front. -e8t they shout postman: postman. <es you guessed it% that+s you? <ou collect the piece of paper and give it to the recipient . #hey answer the question fold the paper in half and write the originator+s name on the front shouting postman: postman. <ou collect it and deliver it. &ith a large class it will be difficult to eep up with the delivery and you may want to allot the tas to a couple of students instead. It is a good idea to give this .ob to students who are strongly intrapersonal who may not want to answer questions. If you collect the pieces of paper at the end: from those who agree: you can analyse the writing mista es. #his can form the basis of a grammar revision lesson or can be the basis of a needs analysis. <ou can even put together a mista es page where students try to correct the errors themselves as a class. *ave fun finding out who: in your group: is highly interpersonal? &hat+s the $uestion' @irst: write 1A things about myself on the board. I write some easy ones li e% ;0ob+: +3AB: ;swimming+: etcC 1nd then i write some more obscure ones li e% :+Sage+: ;<es+: +D(1,(,AA9B: etcC #hen: get the students to guess the question to the answer that is on the board. So they would as % &hats your name' *ow old are you' &hats your hobby' &hats your dog+s name' 1re you married' &hen did you get married' 1fter they have figured out the question for each answer: it+s their turn. they write down 3E9 things about themselves that maybe their classmates don+t now. then they come up to the front of the class: i write their info on the board and the class guesses about the student.

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