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Visa Liability Waiver Program Security and coverage when pr

Commercial and Business cards to employees

Now you can provide Visa Commercial and Business cards to employees with built--in protection against los built -in

he Visa Liability Waiver Program is one o! the most valuable core bene!its o! Visa Commercial and Business ca and coverage you need to do business with complete con!idence.

he Visa Liability Waiver Program protects you against eligible losses that might be incurred through card misuse

he program waives certain eligible charges in the event that one o! your employees misuses Visa Commercial o

Visa Liability Waiver Program Bene!its"

# $%tensive coverage"

up to &'(()((( per cardholder i! you have !ive or more valid cardholders up to &*)((( per cardholder i! you h cardholders +utomatic enrollment No deductible and no e%tra cost No ma%imum cap per company Coverage o! cash advances) o!!icers) and ghost accounts

Simpli!ied claim procedures

Open up to Visa Liability Waiver Program details.

he Visa Liability Waiver Program gives you sa!eguards and protection that are bui means you can provide employees with Visa Commercial and Business cards with and that ma,es doing business easier and more convenient.
What charges are eligible !or coverage-

Waivable Charges
Waivable charges are charges incurred by an employee or other authori.ed person which" -

do not bene!it the company directly or indirectly) or

bene!it the company directly or indirectly when the employee was reimbursed by the company !or those c

the !inancial institution/ and billed up to 1* days be!ore the Noti!ication o! ermination 2ate / or

# are the responsibility o! the company and0or cardholder !or payment to the !inancial institution. Charges incurred but unbilled as o! the Noti!ication o! ermination 2ate/ or incurred up to '3 days a!ter the Noti!ication o! ermination 2ate.

Cash +dvances

Prior to the Noti!ication o! ermination 2ate) cash advances are considered waivable charges as de

+!ter the Noti!ication o! ermination 2ate) cash advances are considered waivable charges as de!ine

per day or a ma%imum o! &')(((.

Visa Liability Waiver Program 6aterials

he !ollowing items can be photocopied should you re7uire additional materials. 8r contact your card-issuing !ina institution !or additional materials.

Visa Commercial and Business Credit Card Liability Waiver Program 8utline
permitted waivable charges) obligations o! the company and !inancial institution) and payment o! claims.

his document details the speci!ics o! the program as it pertains to Visa Commercial and Business credit card cha

Visa Business Chec, Card Liability Waiver Program 8utline

his document outlines the program as it pertains to Visa Business chec, card charges.

Visa Liability Waiver Program +!!idavit o! Waiver Claim 9orm

to the card-issuing !inancial institution. he !ollowing materials provide sample language that you can adapt as needed.

o re7uest a waiver o! charges) you must complete the Company section o! the +!!idavit o! Waiver claim !orm) sig

Sample +ccount Cancellation :e7uest

o comply with Visa Liability Waiver Program obligations) you must send the card-issuing !inancial institution a le !or the total waiver period.

cancellation o! the account. his letter must be sent within two ;4< business days o! the Noti!ication o! ermination

Sample $mployee +ccount Cancellation Noti!ication Letter

$mployers participating in the Visa Liability Waiver Program are obligated to 7uic,ly noti!y !ormer employees) in w retain a copy) as it must be attached to your +!!idavit o! Waiver claim !orm in the event a claim is !iled.

account has been canceled and they no longer have the right to use it. his letter can be sent by !irst-class mail o


Simple re7uirements !or !iling a claim

=our company may re7uest that your Visa card-issuing !inancial institution waives liability !or waivable charges when you meet all o! the !ollowing re7uirements"
' =ou terminate) voluntarily or involuntarily) a Visa Commercial or Business cardholder s employment. 4

=ou have one ;'< or more valid Visa Commercial or Business card accounts in good standing.
5 =ou re7uest the !inancial institution to cancel the account within two ;4< business days o! the

Noti!ication o! ermination 2ate.

3 =ou deliver to the employee or send by !irst-class mail or !a% a written notice stating that the account has

been canceled) and that the employee should immediately discontinue all use o! the card) pay any outstanding amounts) and return the card to your company.
* =ou complete the Company side o! the +!!idavit o! Waiver claim !orm) have an authori.ed o!!icial o! your

company sign it) and return it within ninety ;>(< days o! the employee s Noti!ication o! ermination 2ate to the !inancial institution. +ll claim documents must be !iled with the program underwriter within one hundred eighty ;'?(< days !rom the Noti!ication o! ermination 2ate.
@ =ou include the !ollowing documentation with the +!!idavit o! Waiver claim !orm when sending it to the

!inancial institution" Copy o! the $mployee +ccount Cancellation Noti!ication Letter 2escription o! the waivable charges ;e.g.) a copy o! the account statement with the waivable charges Proo! o! reimbursement ;e.g.) e%pense reports or canceled chec,s< in cases where the employee was


reimbursed by the company but !ailed to pay the !inancial institution.

1 =ou give prompt written notice to the !inancial institution in cases where it invoices the employee directly) i! you ,now that an employee is receiving reimbursement !or charges but is not paying the !inancial institution !or those charges.
? =ou remit to the !inancial institution any amounts recovered !or waived charges !rom any source a!ter !iling an

+!!idavit o! Waiver claim !orm and agree to assign any rights to collect such amounts !rom the employee to the program underwriter.

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