Project Guidelines For MBA

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2014 Final Project Guidelines

This document provides guidelines for MBA project work. The purpose of this document is to help student choose appropriate sector, organization and create a career. It is not to create a set of inflexible rules. It helps the students to have uniformity in their presentation of written report.

3/10/2014 Dear Student: Greetings. We wish you all the best for your journey to complete your MBA requirements with an exiting phase known as project work. Project work done with utmost sincerity will be one of the milestones in your journey. The department has designed a set of guidelines and goal posts in the form of reviews. Observations regarding of Guidelines for 20122014 project work is as follows, 1. Do not use logos of the companies in your project report. You are completing university academic requirement. Use only the template given at the end of this document. 2. Do not plagiarize any other project. It will be a violation of code of conduct and you may be detained or appropriate action will be taken by authorities. 3. Please stick to time schedules. If you are submitting late, it may not be considered for evaluation. 4. The list of guides is already displayed on the notice board. Please contact them immediately. 5. For the first review, you need to submit, organization in which you are planning to do project, title, need for study and objectives. Based on these inputs your guide will suggest an appropriate research design and a sample plan. 6. The second review will be on your implementation of your research work and test survey with testing your research for validity and reliability. 7. Third review will be complete project report with lessons learnt. 8. Fourth review will be complete report with no errors. 9. If you are not able to get project work, please inform your guide, there is provision to complete project work internally. Please note the internal project work will be more rigorous than organization project work. 10. Please do not choose topics that are trivial and add low value. Challenge and innovation should be part of your DNA. All of us at the SRM School of Management will try to strive for your success. 11. This document is the outcome of team effort. However, if there are any errors or mistakes it rests with Dr. K. Prabhakar (, 9790701612) and will be glad to be corrected. Please do contact your guide or Dr.K.Prabhakar if you need any help. With warm regards, Final Project Team

Introduction The objective of project work is to experience the way in which organizations function in a given environment The keyword is experience. Experience has two dimensions, understanding and application. Understanding 1. Understand the global and local economic scenario and the sector in which the selected organization operates. 2. The business model of the organization. 3. Understand how each of the functional areas are designed and performed in an organization. 4. How the organization is similar to other organizations in the same sector as well as how it is different from other organizations. 5. Business proposition offered by the organization, SWOT Analysis, financial for the past five years, the strategy of the organization. The understanding expected may appear to be obvious and amenable to easy analysis. However, in practice it is different. You are encouraged to go through the web link, and understand how the nine fundamental building blocks of business are built. Please do jot down all the points in a sheet and share it with your cohorts, juniors, and teachers and with organization employees. Find how the model is working in comparison to other models. Application 1. Apply knowledge of research methodology to analyze the problems or issues faced by organizations. 2. Understand how various principles you have learned during course work is applied in the real time business world. 3. Learn the changes that are taking place in the business world. If certain guidelines are followed, experiences indicate that project work will be fulfilling experience and paves way for final placement. 4. Certain assumptions are made before starting the dialogue. It is assumed that you have successfully completed your summer project work. The guidelines may not be different, but are applied with fewer rigors. You have also selected your specialization with due diligence and passionate about perusing your career in the given specialization. Phases of Project Work The project work you will be doing may be divided into three phases 1. Pre-project preparation 2. Interface, during the project 3. Interface after the project. If you have requested for a project work from any organization, you will be raising certain expectations. You may send a resume to the organization you have chosen. To help you to design resume with the appropriate statement of purpose is given the web link It is not written specifically to Indian conditions. If you need help, please do contact the author and his team. An ideal resume should not exceed more than two pages.

The expectations are generally based on 1. The institute you come from. 2. Your competencies. 3. References given by you. 4. Personal interview attended by you. Selection of Sector Examining an episode while placing students, will throw light on why this step is most important. Students are offered placement in a multinational bank business process outsourcing organization with a good starting salary. Large number of students applied for the same and a significant number of them got selected. After some time other organizations came in and students who are selected in the bank bpo are not nominated. Some of the students who got the jobs are disappointed as they thought they will be suitable for other sectors. The disappointment could have been avoided if the students studied different sectors and zeroed on the organizations that they are planning to work. Thus the first step is to start with sector. However the question is why starting with sector? The answer is you need to focus. If you try for any job, you may not have a career. Please do differentiate between career and job. You need to have a career that will help you to earn as well as feel happy about it. If you get a job that you do not like or not suitable for your personality and skill set, you may find yourself in a difficult situation. Please take the advice of Steve Jobs1. For this purpose, you should know different sectors and the characteristics of each of these sectors. If you do a careful analysis of what is happening in the environment you will be in a position to identify sectors that is growing and provides opportunities. Please remember that all industries were growth industries when they started2. If you need further information, please do go through the Indian Brand Equity Foundation ( IBEF is an authentic website that provides information on Indian economy and on the performance of different sectors. Let us consider an example. If you decided to do project work in a biotechnology organization, after carefully considering your skill set, and wanted to know the overall performance of the biotechnology sector, you may go through the web link ( Then go through different press reports, financial data for five to ten years from the links (, of different organizations operating in that sector. These sites suggested are only to start initial analysis. You may choose your own search strategy. Once you have studied the sectors, you need to match them with likely employment scenarios in that particular sector. For this purpose, please go through the report given by Ma Foi Randstad (Employment Trends Survey; (listen to his lecture) The article written by Theodore Levitt is one of the finest articles on Marketing Myopia suffered by organizations .The article is written in the year 1960 and many of the ideas are still relevant. Articles/Classics/Marketing%20Myopia.pdf
1 2

The suggested report is based on the Indian economic environment and provides input from the perspective of jobs created and likely growth in jobs. Table 1 List of Sectors and the Employment Estimates

After carefully going through prospects of different sectors, skill sets needed by each of the sectors prepare a report. You may get skill set, in that case meet HR manager or executive to help you. What about universal skill set that every employer expects from employees? Please go through the article written by Robert Shindell3. It provides ten universal skills that are needed by any employer. Share the report with your cohorts, teachers or with key managers of your organization. Organizations do encourage such queries as part of employment brand equity creation. Once you have completed research on one or two sectors that fascinates you, please select at least five organizations. Collect all possible information about the organizations. For example, it may appear obvious that Infosys is a software company. After, an analysis, you will find lots more information about Infosys. One such insight is how it used cave technology to design its buildings in Hyderabad that consumed lesser energy and likely to be patented by Infosys. Meet people in the organization, interview them. If you find that you can make a good career, please start the process. You are encouraged to go to ( to know about jobs, interviews, tests, internships. Other website that will help you find organizations. It has been observed by researchers that it is not the best people who get the jobs. It is the people who decide to get those jobs get the jobs. Please do visit to get a good understanding on what is job hunting and how to do it. Please do read the book What Color is Your Parachute? For a career in public sector units, please do go through the following websites. 1. 2. 3. 3.

Fresher plan provides information about job opportunities for fresh graduates. Please do take your GATE examination if you are keen on going for some of the best psus.However GATE is for engineering graduates. Some of the sites that may help you to find jobs are as follows, 1. 2. 3. The author requests the readers to use due diligence while going through the information. It is strongly suggested to go through the websites of the organizations and find your suitability. Some thoughts for your analysis. 1. Please examine your specialization in an undergraduate course. Please find what fascinated you; it need not be just your specialization. Introspect. Find a different project that you have done in an undergraduate course. Your projects in MBA course. Your presentations at events in different colleges. Examine all that you can. This is not to make you inflexible, but to have focus. 2. Your personality. To know about your personality traits and relationship to likely career you are going to choose, please do take the test on personality at This website will provide excellent guidance for your career. Once you take the test, personality is analyzed and career is suggested. An example output is provided here to help you. Introvert (22%) intuitive (62%) intuitive Feeling (38%) Perceiving (56) % You have a slight preference for Introversion over Extraversion (22%) You have a distinctive preference of Intuition over Sensing (62%) You have a moderate preference of Feeling over thinking (38%) You have a moderate preference of Perceiving over Judging (56%) Overall, INFPs are effective in occupations involving a lot of intellectual work that is focused on humanities and social science, spirit and soul, inspirational activities, and requiring creativity. Social workers, psychologists, life coaches, addiction rehab counselors, mental and community care staff, children's education, teaching, and also creative script writing are just some of the examples of suitable occupations for INFPs. They also succeed at academia thanks to their intellectual strength. The person who underwent the test was in marketing before realizing that he was in the wrong career. It took fourteen long years to start a career that fascinated him. Therefore, please do spend time, if you are struck in a wrong job, it takes long time to get rid of the job and take the path of your career. However, the suggestions are not by any stretch of imagination are exhaustive. The other types of organizations are in the social sector. Microfinance and nongovernmental organizations do offer excellent opportunities for research and fulfillment. The next step is identifying a set of organizations that may help you to realize your career goals. You may call them as dream companies. Please do pick up your letters from the Deans office

and submit them to organizations which you have chosen. Inform your guide about your contacts. There are two types of organizations. The first type is those who have a specific policy of recruitment of interns or project trainees. They have a plan and they have already specifications for trainees. They generally call for an interview and you may have to undergo all the requirements. Such organizations may not promise a job, but will provide the first opportunity for their own trainees. The second type of organizations is more flexible. They may not have a policy, but are willing to consider. The first type of organizations has specific time limits. You need to approach them with a clear statement of purpose. 3 Questions about dilemma of Project work in organizations Some students come up with questions such as, should we choose private sector organizations, public sector organizations, non-governmental organizations or startups? While trying to have a career in each type of the organizations, you need to find suitability. Some of the public sector units do function more professionally than private, your discretion is requested. Some of the public sector organizations may require you to submit the report to their functional heads and you may be constrained to get the questionnaire administered and submitting the report. I presume that you have obtained letters of confirmation from the organization and you are ready for the next phase. 3.1 Phase II 1. Find out the name & the contact number of the person to whom you have to report. 2. Inform in advance if possible of your arrival. Dress code of plain shirt with shoe, tie and clean shave has to be adhered. Your first interface should project the following traits. 1. Show patience, organizations have to cater to all stakeholders and yours will be lost as the purpose of the organization is value added. This does not mean that you are unimportant; your work comes last in the important things to be done. 2. The project work is an additional responsibility undertaken by the organization; therefore, dont expect organizations or the person in charge to respond to you immediately. Sometime you may have to wait more than 3 hours or even 1 day. This doesnt mean that organization is not in need of you. It only indicates that they have different priorities. However, you will be observed during the entire phase of waiting. 3.2 Things to do Sit in the reception and go through a book on research methodology, Hindu Industrial Survey and printout of the website relating to organization. If you find a newspaper, you can read it. But read them with all pages intact, while sitting posture dont sit like cross legs, crouching position, anxiety, intolerance for delay, constantly going out and talk with your friends through cell phone or talking to the other stranger in the reception or talking with your other friends in low or high voices. All these activities indicate you are not yet become professional. Do not disturb the receptionist by asking questions. However, do not disappear and come after two to three hours. When the manager wants to meet you, you may not be there. You lost a chance to impress people about your character. Please do not fake any attitude, be genuine.

3.3 Phase III In phase III you will be working towards meeting expectations of organizations. The general question is What is the Topic? for project work. Two kinds of situation you will face. Organizations give you a Topic or they will ask you to choose the topic in both the cases, please prepare a list of topics which you will think of completing. If it is marketing have a list of not less than 15 to 20 different topics. Similarly, in HR. For HR topics, please refer to Training Instruments in HRD and OD by Udai Pareek (2005). Please do not use your own questionnaires for your research. You need to use valid and reliable questionnaires. If you design questionnaire you need to prove the validity and reliability of the questionnaires. Another question you will face is What are all the statistical tools you will be using to analyze the data. Please inform them that you can use both parametric and non parametric tests. You will also be using multidimensional scaling techniques wherever appropriate. When a topic is given to you, it will be in business terms for example, of an organization like Pepsi they may like to know various local brands sold in Erode District. You have converted this into Purposive investigation. In order to convert the business problems into researchable topics you have to go for further analysis. Primarily, you should know the different local brands which are competing with Pepsi; eliminate brand that are not direct competition with Pepsi (is Paneer Soda a competitor for Pepsi?) Once you identify various brands through a quick survey of retailers then decide a rough title. This title may undergo change once you decide on the objectives and scope of objectives. You have to think for some time and write down all your ideas in a book that you are carrying remember you are a professional. Write, Correct, Iterate, Incubate, Create this is how you have to go throughout the process. Once a business problem is identified the topic reflecting your research and addressing organizations need. Go to the next Phase of the research. What approach do you think that you are adopting. We are adopting a funnel approach. Start with broad ideas and then focusing on two specific and business problems and issues.

The project report writing to a large extend should reflect your thinking process. The following format is suggested for you (Read various data, understand and then write. Dont reproduce given in the book or in the text.) Title: ______________________________________________ The first title you arrive may not be the final title. You can change as you progress during the project. I think it is appropriate for me to introduce some good examples. If you visit the website, you will see a set of articles written by faculty and students. Let us consider

an article on Women Horlicks. ( ). The product has all the characteristics that are needed for Indian market. However, it failed to meet expectations of the organization. Now with this brief, how you will write the abstract? Women's Horlicks is India's first health drink designed specifically for women's nutritional needs. It targets a hitherto untapped segment as identified by GSKCH (GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare), namely, health conscious urban working women, in metros and minimetros, leading hectic lives balancing career and family. Women's Horlicks seemed to have all the elements necessary for success. And yet, at present, sales appear to be flagging, a seeming contradiction that presents an intriguing case for analysis. I have just reported the contents as given in the website. Please go through the article. You need to submit an abstract for the first review. Types of Projects 1. Case study 2. Inter-organizational study 3. Empirical study While I have given you, what all constitute a project work, there is no elaboration of each of the types. 4 How to write your report This document describes how to organize the project work which is one of the most important components is your MBA course work. There are different expectations for Master's project work and for Doctoral theses. Make no mistake; the difference is not in format, but in the significance and level of impact it creates on the present knowledge levels and contributions; a Doctoral thesis necessarily requires a more difficult problem to be solved, and consequently more substantial contributions. Generally the MBA project report is more focused to satisfy needs of an organization or addressing an area that require an application. There are two issues. The first one is feasible, meaning the project work should be completed within two months and a final report has to be submitted within the time window. The second aspect is its ability to satisfy an organizational need or the conceptual curiosity that you have developed. This answers the question, Should I always do a project in an organization? Not necessarily. However, it is always better to get a project work from an organization as it may lead to your final placement or in future interviews you may use it as a guiding tool for your future employers. It has been observed that some of the HR interviews start with the summer or final project work done by you. However, you may do a concept paper or addressing specific problems, about which there is a discussion later. If you are not able to get a project, please do meet your guide and discuss with him/her to do a project with internal guide. You may have to take permission of your guide and Dr. V. M. Ponniah, Academic Associate and the process will be facilitated by Dr.K.Prabhakar. The project is a formal document whose sole purpose is to prove that you have made a contribution to knowledge or solved an organizations problem. Your project must have two things.

You have identified a problem or question from the organization.

You have solved the problem or answered the question. Or prove it unsolvable.

Your contribution is documented in your project work. 4.1 How you are evaluated? Following are the key areas examiners or interviewers look for in your project work. What is the research question addressed? How well the question is articulated? (Has it been answered before? You can use literature review to talk about how it is answered. If it is answered how you are going to find a novel or different answer or confirm what others have found. Above all is it useful) 2. Did the student provide convincing arguments to support his view? A very clear statement of the question is essential. Thus, please prepare your abstract in an appropriate manner. Your abstract will give you clear direction for you in more specific terms what you are going to do in your project. Ideally the abstract should be submitted during the first review. A good review of the literature is expected from you by perusing at least ten research articles from library online resources. Please do use SRM University website and log on to and find your resources. Then, by making direct reference to your literature review, you must demonstrate that your question (a) has not been previously answered, and (b) is worth having a relic. The project structure with no specific specialization in view is given here. 1. Introduction Introduction -- it is not a description of the contents of each section. You are expected to provide a brief summary of the sector in which the organization operates, organization profile, need for study, objectives of the study, significance of the study. Summarize the question you are planning to answer, your arguments, reasons why it is a question that requires attention. 2. Background Information A brief section giving background information may be necessary, especially if the work is on subjects like behavioral finance, performance management, supply chain management, where more than one functional area is addressed. 3. Review of Literature Please do go through the research papers on the topic you are working. You are expected to read at least 10 research papers in your area and provide a summary. Research Question or Problem Statement While Engineering and science projects tend to refer to a "problem" to be solved where as in management, we talk in terms of a "question" to be answered. The following points will be of use to write your project. 1. A precise statement of the question. This is must for you to give an elevator pitch. Just explain your research work in sixty seconds. You need to be prepared to answer this question. 2. Justification, by reference to literature review, that your question is previously unanswered or answered or requiring further exploration. Please do take help of your guide. 3. Discussion of why it is necessary to answer this question in the organizational context.


1. If you are doing a project in employee engagement, then the question is out of all the Human Resources Issues why you have chosen employee engagement? 5. Describing How You Solved the Problem or Answered the Question (Analysis and Interpretation) This part of the thesis is much more free-form. It may have one or several sections and subsections. But it all has only one purpose: to convince the examiners that you answered the question or solved the problem that you set for yourself. So show what you did that is relevant to answering the question or solving the problem: if there were blind alleys and dead ends, do not include these, unless specifically relevant to the demonstration that you answered the thesis question. You will be addressing the hypotheses. 6. Conclusions 1. Summary of Contributions 2. Future Research Conclusions are not a summary of the project work. They are short, concise statements of the inferences that you have made because of your work. It helps to organize these as short numbered paragraphs, ordered from most to least important. All conclusions should be directly related to the research question. 7. References You are requested to follow APA Style while providing a citation. 8. Appendices The appendix contains material which helps your argument, but may not justify being given in the report. It is a material that provides details. 5 Contents and guidelines for writing 1. Industry Profile Please go through Hindu Industrial Survey 2014 and other websites such as pertaining to the Industry or to the sector, in which the business organization operates. You have to use your discretion carefully; if you are working on automobiles spare parts organizations do touch up on automobile Industry, However, as a rule of thumb 75 to 80 of your industrial profiles should be automobile spare parts industry. Be comprehensive while talking about industry Please find at least ten major companies in your industry and in the international market. Write a brief write up on what happened in the past three years and what is in store for three years from now for the sector. Identify at least three; Indian CEOs and three international CEO and find their views on the industry. Please remember it should be the summary of what analysis you have done prior to starting the project. Organization's Profile Please go through past balance sheets, organizations website, press reports and all other data pertaining to the organization. Use Mckinsey 7s framework to understand the organization and prepare the brief report. Please use the analysis given in structure for the analysis of business proposition and business model offered by the organization. You are encouraged to use the one page strategy ( by Verne Harnish, CEO of Gazelles. It appears difficult, but not impossible if you start your action from day one. You may not get all information available, but try to get as much as possible. This part will help you to


understand your organization in the context of the present business situation. (Do not use this as filler. That is, trying to fill up pages before the deadline for the project work). Keep a log of whatever you are doing every day. It will help you where you are and what you are likely to achieve. 5.2 Need for Study You have to explain what Value added you will be doing for the organization. You are working 35 clear working days for project work. Your effort, understanding and value addition to the organization by answering specific questions will provide a better experience for you. 5.3 Literature Review This part is mandatory. However, it will be a good idea includes information on the project work. Furthermore, dont exceed five pages. If you are doing research on motivation you may include latest research on motivation as literature survey. 5.4 Objectives of study You have to be precise while writing your objectives and should reflect the research you are going to undertake. Restrict yourself not more than 3 objectives. Try to define your objectives, keeping the outcome in mind. What you will achieve at the end of the day. 5.5 Scope of objectives In the process of achieving your objectives you will also be undertaking certain other tasks which are important. You may include them under the scope of objectives. Research Methodology Research Objectives Type of Research Design Data (primary and secondary) Research Instrument (if it is a questionnaire, you have to write what type of questionnaire. However, do not assume always that you need to have questionnaire to start the research. One of the greatest sins you will commit is to think designing a questionnaire to start your research will convent your research putting the cart before the horse.) Always remember that you need not have questionnaire to do research. You have different methods and use them to enrich your thought process. You are urged to appropriate statistical tools for analysis. If you need coaching for statistical tools, please do inform your guide. You should also give your research plan. Sample Design Sample Unit Sample frame Time and Place Type of sampling Sample Size. Determine using methods thought of you in Research Methodology. Never use arbitrary numbers; your sample size must be more than 300 sample units and the project will not be accepted unless you determine sample size using analytical tools. 6. Analysis Please prepare one single table for all your demographic data. Never have graphs for explaining gender and other related data. You should use only one single page to explain all the demographic data. Once the basic analysis is completed go for cross tabulations and finally to statistical tools.


7. Findings Finding are derived from analysis and should reflect your work. Ideally, it should not be more than 2-3 pages. 8. Suggestions & Recommendations 9. Appendices 10. Bibliography Remarks Do not write the history of statistical tools what you have to write is what appropriate tools you have used and reason for using the tools please cross tabulate your data in order to further understanding. From the synopsis of your final report constantly fine tune your project report. It will be a rich experience for you to cherish. Some observations 1. Be enthusiastic to listen, to learn, to talk 2. Be curious 3. Be honest 4. Show your integrity 5. Cultivate your body language 6. Make a statement WHAT YOU SHOULD NOT DO Trying to take breaks while doing a project ( you cannot have holidays during your project work) Trying to miscommunicate with organizations by telling that institute wants a review. We are sending your schedule of project report to all the organizations. You do not have any reviews in between. While talking to the organization personnel do not degrade your institute or teachers by making statements that are likely to impinge on the image. Talking negatively and trying to be certain about everything. No organization or person likes negative talk and people who ask too may question to be certain of everything. Let me give some examples 1) I want marketing project, I am in a financial organization. Do not ask the manager this question. You are going to an organization to know its business and business do not have functional silos. However, ask questions relating to your project, show enthusiasm. Smile, enjoy hard work. 2) If some urgent work is to be done by the organization, do it willingly. For example the office has no power and your manager finds that the electricity bill is not paid, volunteer to do the task. MBA is not managed by arrogance. Never show that this is not my work. You will be surprised to know that there is no work as not your work. The organizations are boundary less organizations. 3) Does not take campus culture to organize. Leave letters, excuses, concessions, etc. Inculcate an organization's culture and come to institute with all ideas to change the way in which you work in an institute. Share experience with your classmates and teachers. It is an opportunity to professionalize with you.


4) Wear your tie and go to the organization. Some organizations have informal environment. They may not insist on your attire. That does not mean that you go with casuals. FAQs 1. Should I do project in an area of my specialization? Though it is not mandatory, it is desirable. It provides you focus. 2. Is it possible to go home during project work? It is the last thing you will do, it will mar you your prospect of your best career. 3. What type of tools I have used in HR Project? Please go through Training Instruments in HRD and OD, Second Edition by Udai Pareek. 4. Please carry the following when you go to the organization. Your recent Photographs Your CV Your ID A writing pad / notebook / pen 4. Is the format suggested for all types of projects? Yes, to a large extend. What these guidelines give you? The guidelines given above talks about the content of your project report. 6. If I get another project, Can I change the project? No, it is not right 7. Take note of your guides email. Do not disturb him or her on the cell phone. He may not know the context of your problem. Give a detailed account of your problem and ask for the correct questions. 8) When you are staying outside Chennai, keep in touch with your other colleagues, exchange thoughts.











titled_________________________________________________________________________ is a bonafide work of Mr. /Ms.. Registration No: _____________ carried out in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration of SRM University under my guidance. This project work is original and not submitted earlier for the award of any degree / diploma or Associateship of any other University / Institution.

Signature of the Guide

Signature of Student

Place: Date:

DEAN SRM University Date:

External Examiner Date


Table of Contents: Table of contents gives an index of major chapters of the project work; the introduction, different chapters with sub sections, bibliography and appendices along with their page numbers in the report. The titles of the chapters generally should provide a sequence of logical order of presentation mode. While the first two chapters provide the setting of the problem, the later chapters concentrate on the analysis carried out based on the objectives of the study. The initial pages such as certificates, acknowledgements, list of tables, list of Figures, bibliography and Appendices are numbered with lower case Roman letters and the Page numbers of all Chapters are given in regular numbers. It is customary to specify the Chapter numbers with Roman Capitals. The total project report ideally should not cross more than 80-120 pages, not including bibliography. One of the issues is trying to have a large number of graphs for every table. Students are requested to avoid this way of filling pages. Please does not show graph for simple yes or no answers or if the table is self explanatory. Introductory Chapters: This chapter provides the context of the problem of study consisting of industry analysis, organizational profile and other information such as review of different studies, objectives and methodology adopted, sample methodology, data sources, tools of analysis, hypothesis formulated for testing and broad limitations of the study. The third and fourth chapters These chapters focus on data analysis, interpretation of results, discussion based on observations made, the results of the hypotheses tested. The fifth chapter A brief summary of discussion on the basis of results and major implications to be listed out. Then the report will spell out for making suggestions for any improvement required in the policies and procedures followed by the enterprise under study. Bibliography: The Bibliography refers to the reference material consulted by the student in connection with the Project Work. Published studies conducted by different authors, Textbooks dealing with the subject of study, Industry Reports, Business Magazines, Government Reports and Websites generally constitute the reference material. Students are expected to give the details of all sources referred for conducting the present study. The presentation of such reference material often referred as Bibliography. It should follow a logical arrangement in alphabetical order. Each reference should give the details regarding the author(s), the title of paper / book, details regarding its year of publication, place of publication, name of the publishers / name of the Journal in case of a research article, etc. The students are expected to follow APA style formatting while documenting bibliography. APPENDICES: Appendices refer to the Annexure enclosed with the report. These enclosures help the reader of the report to refer in case of any clarity required for the type of instrument used by the student in eliciting the information from the respondents. Generally, the appendices contain a copy of the questionnaire administered in the study, published raw data collected and used in the study, etc. If some other studies which are relevant but may hinder continuity to the study are given in the appendix. Appendices should be numbered using Arabic numerals, e.g. Appendix 1, Appendix 2, etc. Appendices, Tables and references appearing in appendices should be numbered and referred to at appropriate places just as in the case of chapters. Appendices shall carry the title of the work reported and the same title shall be made in the contents page also. List of Figures - The list should use exactly the same captions as they appear below the figures in the text. One and a half spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this Head. A


sample of the table of contents is given for reference. The number of pages given is an indication of what is expected of you convey.

Table of Contents Certificate of guide Letter from Organization Acknowledgements Executive Summary List of Tables List of Figures CHAPTER 1 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Industry (Sector) Profile 1.2 Economic Growth during Liberalization Measures 1.3 Growth of ________ Industry during recent decade 1.4 Organizational Profile 1.5 Need for Study 1.6 Literature Review and Gap 1.6 Objectives of the Study 1.7 Limitations of Study Chapter 2 2.1Methodology 2.2 Sample Design 2.3 Tools of Analysis 2.4 Scope and Significance of Study Chapter 3 3.1 Data Analysis 3.2 Hypothesis tested 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1Comparison of Results with Other studies 4.2Suggestions and Recommendations 4.3Significance of Observations 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS: Directions for future research BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES Appendix A: Questionnaire Appendix B: Details of Secondary Data

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The Drivers and Purposes of Performance Measurement in the Public Sector Banks
<Font Size 18> <1.5 line spacing> By Student Name <Font Size 12> <Bold - Capital> Roll No. <Font Size 12> Under the guidance of <Guide Name > A PROJECT REPORT <Font Size 12> <Capital> In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree Of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION <Font Size 12> <Bold - Capital>

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<Font Size 14><Bold - Capital>

Kattankulatur-603203, Tamilnadu
May, 2014

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