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MineSight in the Foreground

Tip of the Month

Multi-Runs and Format Statements in P61001.DAT
If you have procedures P60301.DAT and P61001.DAT in any of your Multi-Runs, we strongly recommend that you check their output (P60301.DAT) and input (P61001.DAT) format statements. Prior to the 2005 Update, the output format in the procedure used to export model items to ASCII (P60301.DAT, which runs program M603V1) was changed to allow 10 spaces for each item. This means that if you were to export all of the 20 available items, the output will exceed the 200 free field column width. Subsequent programs used to load this data to a model, such as P61001.DAT (which runs M610v2), will require a format statement in

order to run properly. If you have Multi-Runs that contain either of these procedures, you should check them to make sure the format statements are correct and data is being properly loaded.

Mintec Directory
Mintec Contacts
Accounting/Billing Diane Hanna Aida Molina Myrna Azares Consulting/Projects Fred Fest Contracts and Proposals Friendly Operator Hotel/Travel Arrangements Newsletter Editor Training Seminars/ Short Courses/ On-Site Training Training E-mail Shirley Deslauriers Ida Cole Maria Contreras Deb St. Aubin Robert Ashbaugh Rick Rochon

How to Reach Us
Telephone Numbers
Tucson Office (Main) Chile Office 56-2-231-3591 (520) 795-3891 Calgary Office (403) 256-4988 Vancouver Office (604) 681-4547 Peru Office 51-1-434-2382 South Africa Office 27-11-804-0620

Toll-free Tech Support Telephone Numbers

Brazil: Canada: Chile: Mexico: Peru: South Africa: USA: 0800.871.4181 1.800.548.6337 123.0020.2154 001.800.548.6337 **** 0800-996052 1.800.533.6337

Tucson Office (Main) Fax: (520) 325-2568

3544 East Fort Lowell Rd. Tucson, AZ 85716-1705 USA

Chile Technical Support E-mail: or Tel: 56.2.365.1924; 1925; 1926 Tucson Technical Support E-mail: Tel: (520) 326-1860 Fax: (520) 326-1008 Staffed Technical Support Hours Mon - Fri: 6a.m. - 6p.m. (Arizona) Extended Hours: Mon - Fri: 5a.m. - 9p.m. Sat - Sun: 8a.m. - 9p.m.

E-mail: Website:


****News: We were forced to disconnect the Peru 800 number as of December 30, 2005. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you need to reach us, please feel free to call and request that we call you back. Mintec, Inc. can still be reached by E-mail at and, or through our website, Aviso: Debido ha circunstancias ajenas a nuestra voluntad, nos vemos obligados a desconectar el nmero 800 de Per, a partir del 30 de diciembre del 2005. Favor tenga a disculpar cualquier inconveniencia. Si le es necesario comunicarse con nosotros, por favor llame a nuestra oficina central de Tucson, Arizona o de Lima, Per y pida que nosotros le devolvamos la llamada. Mintec siempre esta disponible por correo electrnico, y o en la red

June 2006

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