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Project Design Summary for Sustainable Agriculture Education for Women in Nigeria

Strategic objective: Improved household incomes in Northern Nigeria Relevant IRs and sub-IRs for this project (with corresponding Results Framework numbers): Improved access to agricultural education for women (IR 2.1) Increased understanding of alternative agricultural methods (IR 3) PART ONE

Project component/activity cluster: Mobilization Partner with schools and reach out to local govt. and community leaders. Rationale: In order to build support from the community, the local government and prominent community members need to be involved in spreading the message of our organization. Community leaders are usually also religious leaders, who will be instrumental in influencing opinions about womens involvement in agriculture. Target Audience: Schools (admin, teachers, trainers), local govt officials, community leaders and members.
Timing of activities (year/quarter): First 3 months of project, for establishment and building of


Frequency of activities: Daily community engagement; Monthly check-in with upper-level leaders;

Monthly hosted activity in community

Duration of activities: 2-3 hrs per meeting w/ each community leader, school, etc. Implementing entity: Our Organization and local govt. Additional comments: Mobilizing community leaders will allow us to reach scale more efficiently as it will reduce the time and cost of conducting outreach to individual community members.

Project component/activity cluster: Organizational Capacity Development Training our staff and community leaders together to become agricultural education trainers.

Rationale: The training of our staff and the local community trainers will take place simultaneously so that the U financially efficient and will build trust between the U.S. trainers and local community trainers. Target Audience: Teachers in the local communities and our new staff hires.
Timing of activities (year/quarter): Following completion of the first mobilization campaign. (month #4) Frequency of activities: 5 days/week

Duration of activities: Several hours per day for approximately one month

Implementing entity: Our organization

Additional comments: Local community members that are trained in providing agricultural education will be ab

Project component/activity cluster: Individual Capacity Development This consists of the actual agricultural training of female community members. Rationale: Improving womens access to agricultural education will allow them to engage in sustainable farming to boost their incomes. The local community trainers are key facilitators of the trainings. Target Audience: Northern Nigerian women living in rural areas
Timing of activities (year/quarter): Following completion of org. capacity building (month #5) Frequency of activities: 5 days/week

Duration of activities: 3 hours/day for two months Implementing entity: Our organizations trainers and local community trainers Additional comments: Individual women who complete the agriculture education trainings can also recruit others and help our project achieve scale.

Project component/activity cluster: Supply Improvement/Demand Generation Increasing demand for agricultural education through forums about the benefit of women in agriculture Rationale: To raise community awareness about the importance and benefit of women in agriculture Target Audience: Women (age 15+), community
Timing of activities (year/quarter): First 3 months during mobilization component Frequency of activities: Weekly hosted forum in different communities (depending on area)

Duration of activities: 1 hour Implementing entity: Our organization together with community leaders

Project component/activity cluster: Knowledge Generation Adopting materials (training practices, guides, etc) to educate women in enhanced agricultural

production practices Rationale: Our assumption is that women do not have access to educational materials for enhanced agricultural practices. Target Audience: Women (age 15+)
Timing of activities (year/quarter): Ongoing seasonal education Frequency of activities: Daily education/hands-on training, with monthly focus changing according to

season using adopted materials

Duration of activities: 3 hours/day, 6 days/week. Implementing entity: Our Organization. Additional comments: We will utilize positive deviants in the community that are knowledgeable about enhanced agricultural practices to increase the trainings effectiveness. Project component/activity cluster: Material Assistance Providing incentive to encourage women to become educated in enhanced agricultural techniques as well as incentive for teachers/trainers to participate in the project. Rationale: Offering an incentive will help increase a demand and if the service is of high quality, the demand will be sustained even after an incentive is no longer offered. Target Audience: Household members and teachers/trainers
Timing of activities (year/quarter): First year incentive for participants; all three years incentive for


Frequency of activities: Every time women participate in educational activities for a week;

teachers/trainers receive a stipend once a month Duration of activities: Distributed at the end of every weeks participation. Implementing entity: Our Organization.

PART TWO Scale Plan

Initially, the project will run in only one community with one partner school. Scale will

be achieved through the creation of an association of certified agricultural trainers that will introduce the trainings into new areas.
Sustainability Plan

We will maintain an enabling environment by keeping local government officials and community leaders and members informed of the benefits of our project. We will maintain behavioral change by consistently ensuring that participants are benefiting from our service through formative assessments of participants ability to implement sustainable agricultural techniques that generate additional income for their households. The benefits of local womens adoption of sustainable agriculture will not expire, as once learned these techniques can be implemented as long as environmental conditions remain relatively stable. The main thing that we will leave behind is the association of agricultural trainers that will be able to train women in additional communities for a small fee. This will allow our organization to phase over the training responsibilities to the local community, while phasing out both the subsidy that the participating women were receiving and the stipend that teachers were receiving from the organization.

Exit Plan

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