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MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K

Military Dichotomy K
Military Dichotomy K.....................................................................................................................................................1 MILITARY/ !LI"# DI"$!T!MY 1%" &$#LL.......................................................................................................2 MILITARY/ !LI"# DI"$!T!MY 1%" &$#LL.......................................................................................................' MILITARY/ !LI"# DI"$!T!MY 1%" &$#LL.......................................................................................................( MILITARY/ !LI"# DI"$!T!MY 1%" &$#LL.......................................................................................................) WIT$DRAW !LI"# LI%K&......................................................................................................................................* With+ra, -olice li./s.....................................................................................................................................................0 WIT$DRAW MILITARY LI%K&.................................................................................................................................1 WIT$DRAW MILITARY LI%K&.................................................................................................................................2 WIT$DRAW MILITARY LI%K&...............................................................................................................................10 DI"$!T!MY LI%K....................................................................................................................................................11 DI"$!T!MY LI%K....................................................................................................................................................12 DI"$!T!MY LI%K....................................................................................................................................................1' 3A%D4 LI%K&..............................................................................................................................................................1( 3A%D/!R4 LI%K&.......................................................................................................................................................1) IM A"T #5T#%&I!%&..............................................................................................................................................1* Im-act e6te.sio.s .........................................................................................................................................................10 IM A"T #5T#%&I!%&..............................................................................................................................................11 ALT#R%ATI7# #5T#%&I!%&.................................................................................................................................12 DI&"!8R&# K#Y.......................................................................................................................................................20 DI&"!8R&# K#Y.......................................................................................................................................................21 KRITIK T8R%& "A&#................................................................................................................................................22 KRITIK T8R%& "A&#................................................................................................................................................2' KRITIK T8R%& "A&#................................................................................................................................................2( A29 +isti.ctio. bet,ee. -olice a.+ military /ey..........................................................................................................2)

MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K


A) Link: The Affirmatives PLAN TEXT re-enacts the dichotomy of military and police, ass min! the t"o terms to #e distinct$this framin! lens o#sc res the common core of ncate!ori%a#le violence and renders resistance to this ne" strate!y and techni& e of ' stifyin! "ar and m rder (raska )**+ : eter ;. Kras/a. ro<essor a.+ &e.ior Research =ello,> "olle?e o< @Astice a.+ &trate?y> #aster.
Ke.tAc/y 8.iBersity> 8&A. 3MilitariCatio. a.+ olici.?DIts ReleBa.ce to 21st "e.tAry olice.4 December 1'> 2000. olici.? :2000E9 -am0*)B1F-am0*). htt-9//-olici.?.o6<or+GoAr.als.or?/c?i/co.te.t/<All/-am0*)B1H;1). MRE
This ,or/ the blArri.? +isti.ctio.s bet,ee. the -olice a.+ military i.stitAtio.s a.+ bet,ee. ,ar a.+ la, e.<orceme.t. I. this article> the aAthor asserts that A.+ersta.+i.? this blAr> a.+ the associate+ or?a.iCi.? co.ce-ts militariCatio. a.+ militarism> are esse.tial <or accArately a.alyCi.? the cha.?i.? .atAre o< secArity> a.+ the actiBity o< -olici.?> i. the lateFmo+er. era o< the 21st ce.tAry. &im-licity is com<orti.?.

Mo+er.ityIs basic +ichotomies sAch as <act/BalAe> -riBate/-Ablic> a.+ sim-li<y oAr thi./i.? a.+ lAll As i.tellectAal olice aca+emics i. the 8.ite+ &tates> ,ith a <e, e6ce-tio.s> haBe bee. JAite com<ortable ,ith the military/-olice +ichotomy. The 8& military ha.+les secArity throA?h the threat a.+ -ractice o< ,ar. The ciBilia. -olice ha.+le secArity throA?h the e.<orceme.t o< <e+eral a.+ local la,s. Most assAme that stA+yi.? the -olice a.+ military is a mAtAally e6clAsiBe A.+erta/i.?. Ta/i.? this +ichotomy <or ?ra.te+ is A.+ersta.+able ?iBe. that the clear +emarcatio. bet,ee. the -olice a.+ military has bee. a -reemi.e.t <eatAre o< the mo+er. .atio.Fstate :Gi++e.s> 121)E. The <ailAre o< a ? to clearly +emarcate the t,o is AsAally see. as a. i.+icator o< re-ressiBe.ess a.+ lac/ o< +emocracy. My research a.+ ,riti.? has bee. challe.?i.? this +ichotomy si.ce the late
1210s. Its ce.tral thesis has remai.e+ stea+<ast> a.+ may be Bie,e+ at this -oi.t i. history as a. obBioAs -oi.t to the / obserBa.t9 ,e haBe bee. ,it.esses to a little .otice+ bAt .o.etheless mome.toAs historical cha.?ethe +isti.ctio.s bet,ee. military/-olice > ,ar/la, e.<orceme.t> a.+ secArity are ra-i+ly blArri.?. !Ber the -ast 1) years> I haBe researche+ a.+ trace+ the eBolAtio. o< t,o i.terrelate+ tre.+s that embo+y this blAr9 the militariCatio. o< 8& -olice a.+ crime co.trol> a.+ the -oliceF iCatio. o< the 8& military. #m-irical i.+icators o< these co.Ber?i.? tre.+s i.clA+e the <ollo,i.?9the si?.i<ica.t erosio. o< the 1101 osse "omitatAs Act by the 8.ite+ &tates> ,hich -reBioAs to the early 1210s -rohibite+ the military i.BolBeme.t i. secArity or -olice matters> e6ce-t A.+er the most e6treme circAmsta.ces> lea+i.? to a. A.-rece+e.te+ leBel o< 8& arme+ <orcesI i.BolBeme.t i. secArity mattersK the a+Be.t o< a. A.-rece+e.te+ coo-eratiBe relatio.shi-

bet,ee. the 8& military a.+ 8& ciBilia. -olice at both the hi?hest a.+ lo,est leBel o< or?a.iCatio.> i.clA+i.? tech.olo?y tra.s<ers> massiBe military ,ea-o.s tra.s<ers> i.<ormatio. shari.? bet,ee. the military a.+ -olice tar?ete+ at +omestic secArity> a close relatio.shi- i. both +rA? co.trol a.+ terrorism co.trol e<<orts> a.+ a hi?h leBel o< crossFtrai.i.? i. the area o< s-ecial ,ea-o.s a.+ tactics team :&WATE a.+ coA.terFciBil +istArba.ce> coA.teri.sAr?> a.+ a.titerrorism e6ercisesK the stee- ?ro,th a.+ .ormaliCatio. o< -olice s-ecial o-eratio.s A.its :e.?. &WAT teamsE that are mo+elle+ a<ter :.ot i+e.tical toE elite military s-ecial o-eratio.s ?roA-s K a ?ro,i.? by the -olice a.+ other se?me.ts o< the GAstice system to rely o. the military/,ar mo+el <or <ormAlati.? crime/+rA?/terrorism co.trol ratio.ale a.+ o-eratio.sK a.+ a re+e<i.i.? o< crimi.ality to Li.sAr?>M a.+ crime co.trol to Llo,Fi.te.sity co.<lictMDreJAiri.? coA.terF i.sAr? measAres carrie+ oAt by both the 8& military a.+ ciBilia. -olice . This article sAbmits that A.+ersta.+i.? this
blAr> a.+ the associate+ or?a.iCi.? co.ce-ts militariCatio. a.+ militarism> are esse.tial <or accArately a.alyCi.? the cha.?i.? .atAre o< secArity> a.+ the actiBity o< -olici.?> i. the lateFmo+er. era o< the 21st ce.tAry. olice lea+ers> i. -articAlar> ,ill haBe to be i.creasi.?ly co?.iCa.t a.+ ,ary o< the im-licatio.s a.+ -ote.tial co.seJAe.ces o< this co.Ber?e.ce> a.+ the atte.+a.t social <orces o< militarism a.+ militariCatio.. The aim o< this article> the.> is to e6-ose a.+ se.sitiCe the rea+er to ,hat ,e mi?ht call a martial theoretical orie.tatio..

The i+ea here is to em-loy this orie.tatio. as a ty-e o< co.ce-tAal le.s> or i.ter-retiBe co.strAct> ,hich ,he. -eere+ throA?h> ,ill hel- As assess a.+ accArately ma/e o< cArre.t tre.+s i. the -olice i.stitAtio.> the actiBity o< -olici.?> crime co.trol> a.+ ,ar<are. The co.ce-ts i. ,hich I haBe ce.tere+ the bAl/ o< my ,or/ are LmilitariCatio.M a.+ Lmilitarism.M Des-ite these termsI -eGoratiBe <or some> they are most o<te. Ase+ i. aca+eme as ri?oroAs or?a.iCi.? co.ce-ts that hel- As to thi./ more clearly aboAt the i.<lAe.ce ,ar a.+ the military mo+el haBe o. +i<<ere.t as-ects o< society. Assessi.? ,hether a ciBilia. -olice <orce> <or e6am-le> is becomi.? LmilitariCe+M shoAl+ .ot be
Bie,e+ as a. a.ti-olice or a. a.timilitary -ArsAit.

MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K


,) -mpacts: This ne" ncate!ori%a#le violence c lminates in .infinite "ars/ of !enocidal violence 0 T rns case 1 schinski, )**2 :$ayley> ro<essor o< &ociolo?y a.+ A.thro-olo?y at !hio 8.iBersity> 3Desti.y #<<ects9
MilitariCatio.> &tate o,er> a.+ A.itiBe " i. Kashmir 7alley.4 A.thro-olo?ical NAarterly BolAme 12> issAe '> Accesse+ roGect MAse> Writte. 2002> accesse+ 1 @A.e 2010E &&
The -ostFcol+ ,ar era has bee. heral+e+ as the a?e o< triAm-ha.t .eoFliberalism> mar/e+ by ?lobal shi<ts to -riBatiCatio.> +ere?Alatio.> a.+ <ree mar/et orie.tatio. that are <reJAe.tly assAme+ to bri.? aboAt a more eJAitable a.+ GAst ,orl+ or+er. These e6-a.sio.s o< .eoliberal

mar/et eco.omies haBe bee. tie+ to the emer?e.ce o< .e, <orms o< i.eJAality> +isFe.<ra.chiseme.t> a.+ Biole.ce> ,ith secArity states i.creasi.?ly Asi.? i.terli./e+ strate?ies o< militariCatio. a.+ -e.aliCatio. to e6ercise coerciBe co.trol oBer mar/e+ se?me.ts o< their -o-Alatio.s. &Ach tech.iJAes o< ?oBer.a.ce may be i.itially -ose+ throA?h le?al -roBisio. as states o< emer?e.cyDtem-orary a.+ measAres <or ma.a?i.? a. Ar?e.t or -roblemDbAt they li.?er i.+e<i.itely as i.<i.ite ,ars> ,ars ,ithoAt e.+> ,ith cri--li.? co.seJAe.ces <or local -eo-le. The -olitical -hiloso-her Gior?io A?ambe.> i. his +iscAssio.s o< soBerei?.ty a.+ the e6ce-tio.> i+e.ti<ies sAch -ara+o6ical state -ractices as Ole?al ciBil ,arsO that allo, <or the elimi.atio. o< -olitical e.emies as ,ell as e.tire se?me.ts o< the -o-Alatio. that ca..ot be i.te?rate+ easily the -olitical system :200)92E. I. this article> I e6ami.e the
o.?oi.? le?al ciBil ,ar i. Kashmir 7alley i. I.+ia i. or+er to +emo.strate ho, the militariCatio. o< eBery+ay li<e allo,s <or the elimi.atio. o< those se?me.ts o< the -o-Alatio. i+e.ti<ie+ as Othreats to or+erO a.+ i.carcerate+> literally a.+ <i?AratiBely> as -riso.ers o< the state. These -rocesses o< e6clAsio. cast Kashmiris as e.emies e6isti.? simAlta.eoAsly a.+ oAtsi+e o< the -olitical commA.ity ,ith a.+ sAs-ect loyalties> motiBatio.s> a.+ i.cli.atio.s . The sAs-e.sio. o< ri?hts to this mar/e+ cate?ory o< the

citiCe.ry is le?itimiCe+Dle?ally> -olitically> a.+ cAltArallyDthroA?h the totaliCi.? lo?ic o< i.+e<i.ite ,ar<are that is bAilt A-o. <ear o< i.<iltratio. a.+ terrorism a.+ sA--orte+ by the machi.ery o< -erma.e.t ,ar. P#.+ a?e *22Q This a.alysis bAil+s o. rece.t a.thro-olo?ical e6ami.atio.s o< ho, +ee-lyFe.tre.che+ -atter.s o< militariCatio. -ro+Ace real social sA<<eri.? <or -articAlar local commA.ities ,hile simAlta.eoAsly bei.? obscAre+ a.+ re.+ere+ i.Bisible throA?h -o-Alar rhetoric o< -rotecti.? secArity> -romoti.? i.terests> a.+ mai.tai.i.? la, a.+ or+er. MilitariCatio. may be +e<i.e+ as Othe co.tra+ictory a.+ social -rocess i. ,hich ciBil society or?a.iCes itsel< <or the -ro+Actio. o< Biole.ceO :Geyer 1212902E. As "atheri.e LAtC :2001E has +emo.strate+> militariCatio.> ,hich a ra.?e o< +iscArsiBe a.+ material -rocesses throA?h ,hich societies -re-are <or ,ar> has become -erBasiBe i. the liBes o< co.tem-orary secArity states> s-i..i.? oAt throA?h mAlti-le relate+ +omai.sD-olitical> eco.omic> GAri+ical> <amilialDto i.tersect ,ith e6isti.? social i.eJAalities a.+ cAltAral te.sio.s> thereby im-acti.? combata.ts as ,ell as .o.combata.ts ,ho are .ot other,ise caA?ht A- i. military e.+eaBors a.+ -re-are+.ess These -ersiste.t -atter.s o< militariCatio. are -re+icate+ o.> a.+ GAsti<ie+ throA?h>
i+eolo?ical lo?ics o< or+er a.+ +isor+er> a.+ i.sAr? a.+ coA.terFi.sAr?> that e<<ectiBely sha-e the co.toArs o< i+e.tity a.+ history Oi. ,ays that ?lori<y a.+ le?itimate military actio.O :LAtC 2002902'E. I. a rece.t reBie, article> $A?h GAsterso. :200091*)E calls <or a.thro-olo?ical e6ami.atio.s o< militarism:sE i. relatio. to .atio.alism> late mo+er. ca-italism> me+ia cAltAre> a.+ the state by the ,ays i. ,hich these i.terli./e+ -rocesses rema/e commA.ities> -Ablic cAltAres> a.+ i.+iBi+Aal sAbGectiBities i. BarioAs local social ,orl+s. &Ach stA+ies she+ li?ht o. -rocesses throA?h ,hich secArity states +i<<ere.tially strActAre the socioeco.omic co.+itio.s o< eBery+ay li<e <or BarioAs cate?ories o< ciBilia. a.+ .o.FciBilia. -o-Alatio.s> lea+i.? to the se+ime.tatio. o< i.eJAalities throA?h +e-riBatio.> +is-ossessio.> a.+ +eath. atter.s o< ,ar emer?i.? i. -articAlar local ,orl+s are tie+ to lar?er tra.s<ormatio.s i. -oliticalFmilitary eco.omies o< Biole.ce o-erati.? o. a ?lobal scale :LAtC a.+ %o.i.i 2000902E. The e6-a.sio. o< .eoliberal mar/et ca-italism si.ce Worl+

War II has <e+ the ?ro,th o< -erma.e.t ,ar eco.omies ,hile also creati.? lar?e sAr-lAs -o-Alatio.s that are -eri-heral to the ,or/i.?s o< ca-italist eco.omies. O&tate armies> mAltilateral arme+ <orces :I=!R> the 8.ite+ %atio.sE> -riBate armies> militariCe+ -olice> a.+ -arasitical militias haBe come to ,a?e a systematic <orm o< Ilo, i.te.sity ,ar<are>I o<te. a? sti?matiCe+ -o-Alatio.s IoAtsi+e the ?ri+sI o< ?lobal ca-italist actiBity a.+ sA-er<lAoAs to labor> P#.+ a?e *2'Q ca-ital> a.+ co.sAm-tio. mar/etsO :LAtC a.+ %o.i.i 2000901E. These i.terli./e+ -rocesses o< .eoliberalism a.+ -riBatiCatio.> eth.ic a.+ racial +iscrimi.atio.> a.+ Gi.?oism a.+ militarism haBe le+ to the -roli<eratio. o< i.<i.ite a.+ i.+e<i.ite ,ars that co.soli+ate collectiBely ima?i.e+ commA.ities at the same time that they Biole.tly e6clA+e certai. cate?ories o< -eo-le <rom -artici-atio. i. the li<e o< the .atio.. As 7ictoria &a.<or+ ar?Aes> secArity states are base+> .ot o. the oAt,ar+ly <ocAse+ +e< o< territory> bAt rather o. a secArity i+eolo?y that O is ?roA.+e+ i. the recoArse o< coercio. a.+ has .o room <or the -artici-atio. or o< ciBil societyO :200'9'2(F'2)E. ThroA?h sAch i+eolo?ical ,or/> secArity states erase the
eBery+ay realities o< Biole.ce a.+ -o,er their sha+o, a.+ se.sitiBe -eri-heries i. the .ame o< i.te?rity a.+ cohesio. a.+ i. the

3ontin ed ne4t pa!e55


MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K


This state -ractice o< carBi.? oAt +i<<ere.tial -atter.s o< citiCe.shi- throA?h the ,a?i.? o< -er-etAal ,ar<are lea+s to a blArri.? o< boA.+aries bet,ee. Ocrimes o< ,arO a.+ Ocrimes o< -eace>O -ro+Aci.? a co.ti.AAm o< Biole.ce that scales <rom the roAti.e Biole.ce o< eBery+ay social s-aces> sAch as emer? rooms> coArt rooms> -riso.s> +ete.tio. ce.ters> a.+ schools> to the s-ectacAlar Biole.ce o< hot> sAch as bor+er clashes> eth.ic co.<licts> a.+ <ro.tiers i. the ?lobal ,ar o. terror :&che-erF$A?hes 2002> 2001E. These sites o< e6clAsio. a.+ co.ce.tratio. -roBi+e <or the a.+ co.<i.eme.t o< those <orms o< -olitical li<e that haBe bee. stri--e+ o< ri?hts> cast a OCo.e o< social :;iehl 200)E> a.+ sAbGecte+ to the brAtal Biole.ce o< the state. &Ach co.ce-tAal tools As to moBe -ast +isti.ctio.s bet,ee. O the e6ce-tio.O a.+ Othe rAleO a.+ e6ami.e -atter.s o< militariCatio. that +e<i.e <orms o< social sA<<eri.? <or commA.ities liBi.? i. BarioAs +omai.s o< threat a.+ Ole?itimateO +estrActio.9 mar?i.aliCe+ -easa.ts cast as i.+i?e.oAs rebels i. the !a6aca a.+ "hia-as re?io.s o<
i.terest o< ,artime -ro<it. co.tem-orary Me6ico :&te-he. 2000EK Lati.o commA.ities cast as +rA? rA..ers a.+ ille?al immi?ra.ts alo.? the 8&FMe6ica. bor+er :%a?e.?ast 2002EK <orei?. .atio.als cast as e.emy combata.ts i. 8& military -riso.s i. the War o. Terror :=el+ma. 200)EK "atholic .atio.alist ,ome. cast as -aramilitary i.sAr?e.ts i. the -riso.s o< ;el<ast :Aret6a?a 1220EK ;lac/ yoAth cast as crimi.als i. -ostFA-arthei+ &oAth A<rica :"omaro<< a.+ "omaro<< 200*EK a.+ Aerto Rica. me. cast as ?a.? members i. the barrios o< #ast $arlem :;oAr?ois 2002E.

"om-aratiBe eth.o?ra-hies o< the -olitical a.+ GAri+ical P#.+ a?e *2(Q co.+itio.s that similarly +elimit -ossibilities o< li<e i. these a.+ other heaBily militariCe+ lea+s to a better A.+ersta.+i.? o< Oho, +omi.a.t re-rese.tatio.s o< the +a.?eroAs> the sAbBersiBe> the ,orthless> the mar?> a.+ the become li./e+ to ma/i.? -articAlar ?roA-s o< -eo-le sAsce-tible to Biole.ce abAses that allo, them to be treate+ ,ith less tha. hAma. res-ect a.+ +i?.ityO :&te-he. 2000912'E.

3) Alternative: Liftin! the veil that cloaks this dichotomy and reco!ni%in! the common core of this violence is the only hope for com#atin! violence and reima!inin! alternative voca# laries of resistance 1 schinski, )**2 :$ayley> ro<essor o< &ociolo?y a.+ A.thro-olo?y at !hio 8.iBersity> 3Desti.y #<<ects9
MilitariCatio.> &tate o,er> a.+ A.itiBe " i. Kashmir 7alley.4 A.thro-olo?ical NAarterly BolAme 12> issAe '> Accesse+ roGect MAse> Writte. 2002> accesse+ 1 @A.e 2010E && This a.alysis o< the I.+ia. stateIs -ro+Actio. o< a hi?hly militariCe+ site o< -A.itiBe throA?h the le?al sAs-e.sio. o< the GAri+ical or+er mAst be ,ithi. the co.te6t o< the co.siste.t set o< e6clAsio.s a.+ e6ce-tio.s that characteriCe late mo+er. secArity P#.+ a?e 012Q re?imes. I. a rece.t article> ABery Gor+o. :200*9)2E ar?Aes that -erma.e.t ,ar a.+ -erma.e.t haBe become i.creasi.?ly roAti.e mea.s by ,hich secArity states rele?ate -ote.tially a.?ry> rebellioAs> a.+ +ema.+i.? -o-Alatio.s O to a remote a.+ close+ -lace ,here they are ciBilly +isable+ a.+ socially +ea+.O "iti.? RAth Wilso. GilmoreIs +e<i.itio. o< as the O ri?oroAsly coor+i.ate+ a.+ or?a.iCe+ setti.? asi+e o< -eo-le a.+ resoArces >O Gor+o. ar?Aes that the -olitical eco.omy o< the secArity state is <A.+ame.tally <ocAse+ o. the -erma.e.t o< certai. Oca-tiBe -o-Alatio.sO that are i.+elibly mar/e+ as threats to the .eoliberal or+er. A--roache+ as similarlyFco.stitAte+ social <acts> militariCatio. a.+ -e.aliCatio. ,or/ ha.+ i. ha.+ to -ro+Ace -atter.s o< ca-tiBity i. ,hich a -articAlar societyIs O rAbbish -eo-leOD those .ot <Ally hAma. a.+ better o<< +ea+Dare sAbGecte+ to the ,aste +is-osal strate?ies o< co.trol a.+ sArBeilla.ce i. ,hat Loic WacJAa.t :2001E has terme+ Oco.ce.tratio. cam-s <or the +is-ossesse+ O9 the sA-erFma6 -riso.> the i.terro?atio. <acility> the ,ar -riso.> the re<A?ee cam-. These similarly co.stitAte+ lo?ics o< -A.itiBe that -ro+Ace real -atter.s o< social a.+ social +eath .ot haBe co.seJAe.ce <or commA.ities tar?ete+ as e.emies o< the stateK it im-acts all members o< the society by +ra,i.? the e.tire -olitical bo+y o< ri?htsFbeari.? citiCe.s the <iel+ o< state Biole.ce. The liberal +iscoArse o< O the ri?ht to li<eO that co.stitAtes the <oA.+atio. o< the rAle o< la, -riBile?es the same .otio. o< GAstice that is mAtAally imbricate+ ,ith the Biole.ce that resi+es JAietly> almost <ArtiBely> at the heart o< the secArity state. A<ter all> states see/i.? to -rotect the i.te?rity o< their bor+ers throA?h military Biole.ce a? resista.ce moBeme.ts> <actio.s> a.+ -olitical rebellio.s Ase this same co.ce-t o< ri?hts to +isti.?Aish bet,ee. those liBes that are ,orthless> e6-e.+able> a.+ +is-osable> a.+ those that are ,orth liBi.?. This is ho, em-ires> throA?h the militariCatio. o< all +omai.s o< social li<e> im-riso.> .ot the blA+?eo.e+ a.+ brAtaliCe+ -eo-les occA-yi.? the mar?i.s o< state li<e> bAt all state sAbGects> a.+ state rAlers as ,ell. Li<ti.? the Beils o< coercio. a.+ a.+ -ersAasio. that mas/ this reality <rom society at lar?e to reBeal the star/ Biole.ce o< the state may seem to leaBe <e, o-tio.s <or citiCe.s co.cer.e+ aboAt acts o< +ehAma.iCatio. -er-etrate+ i. their .ames> bAt it is also .ecessary> <or it o-e.s As-ace <or the ,or/ o< collectiBe ima?i.atio.> -rom-ti.? +reams o< P#.+ a?e 01'Q esca-e <rom this carceral co.+itio.> -ro+Ace+ by ,ea-o.ry as ,ell as -ersAasio.> that co.stitAtes O the o< absolAte -o,erO :Ghosh 200)9'1E. (

MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K


6inally, disco rse is ni& ely key in this conte4t of violence (7A8(A, *9 : eter ;.> ro<essor a.+ &e.ior Research =ello, at "olle?e o< @Astice a.+ &trate?y at #aster.
Ke.tAc/y 8.iBersity> 3"rime "o.trol as War<are> MilitariCi.? the America. " @Astice &ystem9 The "ha.?i.? Roles o< the Arme+ =orces a.+ the olice> a?e 1(> 1)E &&
&omeo.e steals a bi/eK a.other sells a hot ?A. to a +eli.JAe.tK someo.e else bashes the hea+ o< a riBal a car +oorK a.other /ills his e6F,i<e a<ter stal/i.? her <or mo.thsK a.+ yet a.other i?.ores sa<ety re?Alatio.s at a <actory> resAlti.? i. a. em-loyeeIs +eath . There ca. be .o

+oAbt that crime is a -roblem. It is also a -roblem easily e6a??erate+> bAt eBe. i< it is .ot that ba+ statistically> most America.s still ,a.t a co.certe+ reactio.. $o, +o ,e or?a.iCe oAr res-o.seR #ricso.Is JAotatio. aboBe obserBes that ,e haBe relie+ heaBily o. military i+eolo?y a.+ -ractice> yet this <act has bee. almost com-letely i?.ore+ by crime a.+ GAstice aca+emics. I< the la.?Aa?e ,e Ase to characteriCe oAr to la, brea/i.? is a.y i.+icatio.> this is a serioAs oBersi?ht. We <i?ht crime> co.+Act a ,ar o. crime a.+ a ,ar o. +rA?s> crac/ +o,.> rai+ -riBate resi+e.ces <or co.traSba.+> co.+Act street s,ee-s> haBe Cero tolera.ce <or la, brea/ers> +etai. -eo-le i. boot cam-s> a.+ eBe. e6ecAte the e.emy :+eath -e.altyE. Is this la.?Aa?e mere me+iaF+riBe. rhetoric mea.t i. a <i?AratiBe se.seR The la.?Aa?e ,e Ase to <rame oAr solAtio.s to the crime -roblem matters. Martial la.?Aa?eD ,hile .ot .ecessarily bei.? the caAse o< a. a??ressiBe> militariCe+ reactio.Dca.<y societyIs MoreoBer> a.+ most im-orta.tly> the la.?Aa?e ,e em-loy serBes as a ?oo+ i.+icator o< the BalAes a.+ belie<s ,e Ase to strActAre oAr crime co.trol actio.s a.+ -olicies. The -Ar-ose o< this cha-ter> there<ore> is to e6ami.e the role o< militaristic la.?Aa?e i. crime co.trol e<<orts a.+ -roBi+e a mAch .ee+e+ A-+ate o. the t,o ce.tral or?a.iCi.? co.ce-ts Ase+ throA?hoAt this boo/DmilitariCatio. a.+ militarism. $i?hli?hts o< the cha-ter i.clA+e the +eBelo-me.t o< the co.ce-t Ohi?hFmo+er. militariCatio.>O the role o< the ,ar meta-hor i. crime cam-ai?.s i. 8.&. history> a.+ a. e6am-le o< the -o,er o< la.?Aa?e throA?h e6ami.i.? military a.alystsI re<rami.? o< the crime -roblem as o.e o< Oi.sAr?e.cyO reJAiri.? OcoA.teri.sAr?e.cyO measAres.

MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K


The military "ill pick p "here the police are left off$they only deal "ith one component of the dichotomy, allo"in! martial po"er to contin e nder a different ! ise (raska )**+ : eter ;. Kras/a. ro<essor a.+ &e.ior Research =ello,> "olle?e o< @Astice a.+ &trate?y> #aster.
Ke.tAc/y 8.iBersity> 8&A. 3MilitariCatio. a.+ olici.?DIts ReleBa.ce to 21st "e.tAry olice.4 December 1'> 2000. olici.? :2000E9 -am0*)B1F-am0*).
olice a+mi.istrators Asi.? &WAT teams to a??ressiBely -atrol hots-ots a.+ co.+Act i.Besti?atory +rA? rai+s Bie,e+ this as ,holly co.siste.t ,ith Wilso. a.+ Kelli.?Is Bisio.. These -olice a?e.cies are i.te?rati.? a militaryFmo+el a--roachDoccA-y> sA--ress throA?h <orce> a.+ restore the a<<ecte+ territoryD,ith seco.+ stra.+ " i+eolo?y> ,hich em-hasiCes ta/i.? bac/ the .ei?hborhoo+> creati.? a climate o< or+er> a.+ a??ressiBely e.<orci.? mi.or la, a.+ or+er i.<ractio.sK all i. a. e<<ort to cAltiBate healthier commA.ities. "o.siste.t ,ith the JAote <rom the chie< o< -olice aboBe> militariCe+ -olice A.its a.+ tactics +o the ,ee+i.?> thereby

-roBi+i.? the o--ortA.ity <or other -ro?rams to see+ the commA.ity. :This o< coArse is similar to the tact ta/e. by the 8& military i. the IraJ co.<lictE. 7ie,i.? these +eBelo-me.ts throA?h the o< militarism a.+ militariCatio. +emo.strates
that +es-ite e<<orts to +o a,ay ,ith the militaryF-ro< a--roach o< the mi+F1200s> the s-ecter o< the military mo+el still haA.ts the real ,orl+ o< co.tem-orary -olici.?.
Militarism is obBioAsly a. e.+Ari.? a.+ <le6ible -rese.ce that ca. a+a-t to cha.?i.? <orces. We shoAl+ also .ote the remar/able ability o< -olice -ractitio.ers to ma.eABer throA?h the te.sio.s a.+ -ressAres o< i.<lAe.ces. It is .ot A.commo. <or them to haBe to amal?amate seemi.?ly co.tra+ictory messa?es so that their realF,orl+ thi./i.? a.+ -ractice e6hibit a oliceFiciCi.? the America. military That the 8& military is cArre.tly o-erati.? more as a -olice <orce tha. a military o.e shoAl+ be obBioAs to those <amiliar ,ith the -osti.Basio. co.<licts i. IraJ a.+ A<?ha.ista.. The bAl/ o< its secArity ,or/ i.BolBes roAti.e -atrol o-eratio.s> hoAseFtoFhoAse searches :i.clA+i.? .oF/.oc/ co.traba.+ rai+sE> a.+ arresti.? la, brea/ers . Its LrAles o< e.?a?eme.tM :Ase o< <orce -oliciesE are more similar to -olice ,or/ tha. they are <or leBel o< cohere.ce a.+ harmo.y that ma/es to them. ,ar<are. &erioAs JAestio.s haBe bee. raise+ aboAt the e6te.t to ,hich military sol+iers trai.e+ <or ,ar<are are ca-able o< e<<ectiBely e.<orci.? +omestic -eace i. a <orei?. la.+.

Police and military share the same practices, technolo!y, data processin!, and ideolo!ies5 The military "ill fill in "here the police are removed :er%o!, )*9* &er?io $erCo?> De-artme.t o< &ociolo?y a.+ A.thro-olo?y> 8.iBersity o< $ai<a. 3MilitariCatio.
a.+ +emilitariCatio. -rocesses i. the Israeli a.+ America. -olice <orces9 !r? a.+ social as-ects.4 !.li.e -Ablicatio.9 00 May 20109 htt-9//+6.+oi.or?/10.1010/10('2(*'.2001.22*(1*1. MR +Ari.? the <irst hal< o< the 20th ce.tAry America. -olice +e-artme.ts te.+e+ to a+o-t a military or? strActAre a.+ -atter. o< ,or/ +Ae to a ?ra+Aal -rocess ,ithi. them o< -ro<essio.aliCatio. a.+ co.seJAe.tly militariCatio.. I. the 12*0s this a--roach starte+ to +ra, criticism> lea+i.? to a +ema.+ <or the +eBelo-me.t o< a more IciBilia.I rather tha. ImilitaryI mo+el o< -olici.?. ara+o6ically> a re.e,e+ tre.+ o< militF ariCatio. ,as simAlta.eoAsly ta/i.? -lace i. the -olice +e-artme.ts. "ha.?es i. more rece.t years sA??est a similar +emilitariCatio. tre.+ i. the Israeli -olice> bri.?i.? aboAt a I-olici.?
reBolAtio.I. This stA+y a.alyCes the or? a.+ social characteristics a.+ soArces o< these t,o co.secAtiBe tre.+s i. these t,o +i<<ere.t -olici.? mo+els a.+ coA.tries. olice +e-artme.ts throA?hoAt the mo+er. ,orl+ te.+ to share a. esse.tially military

or? strActAre a.+ -atter. o< ,or/. Amo.?

Wal/er> 1222E.

the <eatAres that are sel<FeBi+e.t a.+ alrea+y <rom ty-ical -olice ,or/ :;> 1210E are a ce.traliCe+ or? strActAre> a hierarchical chai. o< comma.+> aAthoritatiBe lea+ershi-> A.i<orm oAt,ar+ a--eara.ce> to-F+o,. commA.icatio. by mea.s o< or+ers a.+ +irectiBes a.+ +o,.FA- actio. re-orti.?> a.+ co.trol oBer ra./Fa.+F<ile by comma.+ers throA?h stro.? +isci-li.e :;> 122)K ;or+Aa a.+ Reiss> 12**K Rober? a.+ KAy/e.+all> 122'K

This military i.<lAe.ce o. -olice or?a.iCatio. is har+ly sAr-risi.?. =irst> stemmi.? <rom a commo. social .ecessity o< or?a.iCe+ -hysical +e< a.+ o<< i. lar?e ?eo?ra-hical a.+ social s-aces> these t,o i.stitAtio.s are the aAthoriCe+ i. mo+er. Wester. +emoF cracies to Ase -hysical <orce :i.clA+i.? ,ea-o.sE a? -eo-le i. the .ame o< the state. The military AsAally a--ly <orce a? oAtsi+e e.emies> ,ho mAst be .eAtraliCe+ by a??ressiBe mea.s.
The -olice <orce Ase it a?> ciBilia.s ,ho sometimes are sAs-ecte+ o< crimes or -Ablic +istArba.ces a.+ mAst accor+i.?ly be arreste+ a.+ i.Besti?ate+> ,ithi. GA+icial

> this +ichotomy has .ot bee. al,ays clearFcAt9 the army is sometimes calle+ to assist the -olice i. secArity a.+ -Ablic +istArba.ce <A.ctio.s> a.+ the -olice sometimes assist the army i. -aramilitary <A.ctio.s :$ills> 122)E. &eco.+> the im-orta.ce o< the military as a
-rocess restrai.ts F sAch as the Ase o< mi.imal <orce F ,hich -rotect their ri?hts :DA.lo-> 1222E. $o,eBer mo+el a.+ a soArce o< a?e.ts> i+eas> a.+ ,or/ -atter.s <or bAreaAcratic i.stitAtio.s i. ?e.eral :see Weber> 12*1E> a.+ -articAlarly <or mo+er. GAstice systems :see =oAcaAlt> 1200K

the a--licatio. o< military a.+ -atter.s to -olice ,or/ is as ol+ as its o,. history.1 This social -he.ome.o. ,hereby -olice <orces :li/e other hierarchF ically mo+ele+ or?a.iCatio.sE assAme attribAtes that are characteristic o< the arme+ <orces may be +e<i.e+ ?e.erally as militariCatio. o< the -olice. I. this stA+y> militariCatio. re<ers to a broa+ social -he.ome.o. ,hereby a -art o< the -o-Alatio. :i. this case -olice <orcesE becomes socially> or?>>
Rothma.> 1201E> is comF reco?.iCe+. I. the latter> a.+/or i+eolo?ically +e-e.+e.t o.> or co.trolle+ by the military itsel< or by military> AsAally ,ithoAt +irect military -artici-atio. or i.itiatiBe :see #.loe> 121091'2E. I. ma.y cases>

this -he.ome.o. is .ot e6-resse+ solely by the> sA-er<icial a+o-tio. o< military or? or a+mi.istratiBe -ri.F ci-lesK it is base+ o. the i.ter.aliCatio. o< a. i+eolo?y o< militarism> the BalAe a.+ belie< system -roBi+i.? the co.ce-tAal a.+ i+eolo?ical ratio.ale sA--orti.? militariCatio.. This i+eolo?ical messa?e em-hasiCes military BalAes sAch as -hysical <orce> a??ressiBe.ess> or+er> +isci-li.e> a.+ sel<Fsacri<ice as a--ro-riate a.+ +esirable <or the resolAtio. o< -roblems> <or e6am-le> -olice -roblems. It ?lori<ies military mea.s sAch as military -o,er> so-histicate+ eJAi-me.t> a.+ a+Ba.ce+ tech.olo?y <or the achieBeme.t o< ?oals :;e. #lieCer> 1221K $a??erty a.+ #ricso.> 1222K Kras/aK 122(K 122*K Kras/a a.+ Ka--eler> 1220E.2 *

MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K


!olic" li#$%

;overnment interchan!es military and police to foster tr st from the p #lic "hile increasin! control over a re!ion$leads to collapse of democracy5 1 nlap *9 "olo.el "harles @r. 3The Thic/ Gree. Li.e9 The Gro,i.? I.BolBeme.t o< Military =orces i.
Domestic La, #.<orceme.t.4 MilitariCi.? the America. " @Astice &ystem. '(. MR What ,e haBe see. i. the last t,e.ty years is a ?ro,i.? to loo/ to the arme+ <orces to -er<orm tas/s that are esse.tially la, e.<orceme.t. To ma.y America.s the Ase o< the military <or these -Ar-oses is o< little co.cer.. The arme+ <orces co.siste.tly lea+ -Ablic -olls as the most trAste+ i.stitAtio. i. America. society > to--i.? eBe. or?a.iCe+ reli?io. a.+ the &A-reme "oArt. MoreoBer> as @oh. $ille.> the. a. a.alyst <or the $erita?e =oA.+atio.> -At it i. 122*9 OWhy +o -oliticia.s ,a.t to Ase the military <or -olice +AtiesR To ta/e a+Ba.ta?e o< o.e o< the <e, -arts o< the <e+eral ? that actAally ,or/s.O29Notwithstanding the seeming acquiescence of the public, this growing trend bears further analysis. I. trAth> there are <e, i.sta.ces i. mo+er. times ,here the military e<<ectiBely co.+Acte+ a -oliceFli/e secArity missio. co.siste.t ,ith both the mai.te.a.ce o< a. aAthe.tic combat ca-a bility a.+ +emocratic BalAes. That sai+> the
issAes ,ith re?ar+ to Asi.? the arme+ <orces <or la, e.<orceme.t ca. Ase<Ally be +iBi+e+ -ractical -roblems a.+ -hiloso-hical

<ilitary sed in police capacity ' stifies la#elin! common prisoners as terrorist e4tremists $this rhetoric spills over to ' dicial systems$leads to perpet al military conflict, death, and on civil li#erties5 :orn#er!er )*9* @acob G. $or.ber?er. =oA.+er a.+ -resi+e.t o< The =AtAre o< =ree+om =oA.+atio.. 3Whe.
the Military &erBes as olice.4 =ebrAary (> 2010. htt-9//,,,.<<<.or?/comme.t/ MR.
;Ash re<Ase+ those co.+itio.s a.+ em-hasiCe+ that his +ema.+ <or bi. La+e. ,as The A<?ha. ? re<Ase+. At that -oi.t> the 8.ite+ &tates attac/e+ A<?ha.ista.. ThAs> that i.BolBe+ the 8.&. military i. t,o se-arate actio.s9 a ,ar a? the A<?ha. ? <or re<Asi.? to com-ly ,ith ;AshMs e6tra+itio. +ema.+ a.+ a -olice actio. to a--rehe.+ !sama bi. La+e.. The actio. a? the A<?ha. ? co.stitAte+ ,ar> li/e Worl+ Wars I a.+ II. It ,as a co.<lict bet,ee. t,o .atio. states. "learly it ,as a. ille?al ,ar> ?iBe. that it ,as ,a?e+ ,ithoAt the co.? +eclaratio. o< ,ar reJAire+ by the "o.stitAtio. bAt it ,as a ?e.Ai.e ,ar .o.etheless. %ot so> ho,eBer> ,ith res-ect to the military actio. i.te.+e+ to a--rehe.+ bi. La+e. . Li/e oAr e6am-les re?ar+i.? RamCi YoAse<> Al "a-o.e> a.+ the Lati. America. +rA? ?a.?s> that actio. remai.e+ a -olice actio.> o.e i. ,hich the military ,as bei.? Ase+ i. a <orei?. coA.try to em-loy its oBer,helmi.? <orce to bri.? a sAs-ecte+ to GAstice . The -roblem arose ,he.

the 8.&. ? ma+e .o attem-t to +isti.?Aish bet,ee. le?itimate -riso.ers o< ,ar a.+ sAs-ecte+ terrorist crimi.als. I.stea+> it co.<late+ the t,o a.+ the. +e<aAlte+ ma/i.? all them D A<?ha. sol+iers a.+ alFNae+a members ali/e as 3ille?al e.emy combata.ts.4 At the same time> o< coArse> ,as the massiBe ,arFo.Fterrorism -ro-a?a.+a that the ;Ash a+mi.istratio. issAe+ a<ter the 2/11 attac/s. I. the <earFla+e. o< -ost 2/11> <e+eral o<<icials embar/e+ o. a bi? hy-e cam-ai?. i. ,hich they co.Bi.ce+ -eo-le that this -articAlar o<< ,as either a o<< :,hich is -recisely ,hy they i.+icte+ a.+ -rosecAte+ 2/11 coFco.s-irator MoAssasoAi i. <e+eral coArtE or a. act o< ,ar> at the o-tio. o< 8.&. o<<icials. At the same time > by co.<lati.? the -riso.ers o< ,ar ta/e. ca-tiBe i. the ,ar a? A<?ha.ista. ,ith sAs-ecte+ members o< alFNae+a ta/e. ca-tiBe> 8.&. o<<icials sAccee+e+ i. co.<Asi.? the se-arate issAes o< ,ar a.+ GAstice i. -eo-leMs mi.+s. ThAs> ,e haBe the horribly mA++le+ sitAatio. to+ay> o.e i. ,hich some -eo-le are
sayi.? that some sAs-ecte+ terrorists shoAl+ be treate+ as +e<e.+a.ts> ,hile others are sayi.? they shoAl+ be treate+ as ille?al ,arriors> ,hile others are sayi.? that the ? shoAl+ co.ti.Ae to haBe the o-tio. o< treati.? them either ,ay. erha-s the most biCarre sA??estio. came <rom those ,ho sai+ that the Detroit bomb sAs-ect shoAl+ haBe bee. tAr.e+ oBer to the military <or tortAre a.+ the. retAr.e+ to the @Astice De-artme.t <or -rosecAtio. i. <e+eral coArt. We .o, also haBe a ,ar-e+ +AalFtrac/ GA+icial system ,ith res-ect to

sAs-ecte+ terrorists. !.e trac/ i.BolBes -rosecAtio. i. the <e+eral GA+icial system establishe+ by the "o.stitAtio.> ,here -eo-le are -resAme+ i..oce.t a.+ the ;ill o< Ri?hts a--lies. The other trac/ i.BolBes -rosecAtio. i. a. alter.atiBe> com-eti.? military system establishe+ by the e.ta?o.> o.e i. ,hich -eo-le are -resAme+ ?Ailty o< terrorism> sAbGecte+ to tortAre a.+ abAse> a.+ trie+ i. /a.?aroo -rocee+i.?s ,here the ;ill o< Ri?hts +oes .ot a--ly.

MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K


=8 police in forei!n co ntries have adopted military means of a!!ression a!ainst crimes$ allo"s !overnment to interchan!e the forces: the police "ill take over "here the military has left off :er%o!, )*9*5 &er?io $erCo?> De-artme.t o< &ociolo?y a.+ A.thro-olo?y> 8.iBersity o< $ai<a. 3MilitariCatio.
a.+ +emilitariCatio. -rocesses i. the Israeli a.+ America. -olice <orces9 !r? a.+ social as-ects.4 !.li.e -Ablicatio.9 00 May 20109 htt-9//+6.+oi.or?/10.1010/10('2(*'.2001.22*(1*1. MR DeBelo-me.ts i. the 8&> as the +omi.a.t -olitical> eco.omic> cAltAral> a.+ eBe. military -o,er> ty-ically i.<lAe.ce -olicies a.+ -ractices i. other coA.triesK this a--lies to the -olice <iel+ also :$a??erty a.+ #ricso.> 12229 2'(E.
MoreoBer> the sco-e> the e6-erie.ce> the absolAte a.+ relatiBe .Amber o< +i<<ere.t -olice <orces a.+ -ro?rams> a.+ the ra.?e a.+ +e-th o< -erti.e.t research a.+ scholarly ,or/> clearly -lace the America. -olice reality a.+ at the <ore<ro.t o< the -olici.? <iel+ . Ge.erally> rece.t America. -oliF ci.? Be.tAres haBe bee. characteriCe+ i. both rhetoric a.+ i. -ractice as moBi.? a,ay <rom a -aramilitary> -ro< mo+el o< -olici.? to a lessFmilitary a.+ more so-histicate+ /i.+ o< -ro<essio.alism. This .e, a--roach F commA.ity -olici.? F reali?.s -olice tas/s> re+e< a.+ broa+e.s -olice roles> a.+ see/s a ,i+er ma.+ate to allo, more mea.F i.?<Al i.teractio. ,ith citiCe.s :=rie+ma..> 12229 1)2E. &till> ,hile -erha-s -re+omi.a.t> this tre.+ is .ot the o.e. A simAlF ta.eoAs seco.+ary tre.+ e6ists> to,ar+s a. eBe. more militariCe+ mo+el o< -olici.? tha. be<ore> <or ha.+li.? serioAs crimes a.+ -Ablic or+er +istArba.ces. I. it> the AsAally clear limits bet,ee. military a.+ -olice <orces are cArre.tly becomi.? co.sta.tly less +isti.ct . The seco.+ mo+el> serBi.? as the mai. <ocAs o< this stA+y> is the A.itary a.+ Bery militariCe+ a.+ ce.traliCe+ Israel olice :I% E. This mo+el e6em-li<ies a. attem-t to shi<t <rom a hi?hly JAasiFmilitary mo+el> ,ith a shar- combatFsecArity i.cli.atio.> to a ?e.eral +emilitariCatio. i. the -olice> sA??esti.? a. a--are.t I-olici.? reBolAtio.I i. Israel. The chie< -Ar-ose o< this stA+y is to +escribe these +emilitariCaF tio. tre.+s i. the I% > ,ith the America. tre.+s ta/e. as the re<ere.ce. They are a.alyCe+ ,ithi. the <rame o< social -rocesses e6-erie.ce+ by the societies i. ,hich these -olice <orces o-erate. TR#%D& I% AM#RI"A% !LI"I%G The militaristic character o< -olice ,or/ ,as less -romi.e.t -rior to Worl+ War I. DAri.? that -erio+> -olice <orces a+o-te+ military ,or/ -atter.s ,ithoAt -arallel i.ter.aliCatio. o< the i+eolo?ical messF a?es o< militarism. This ,as a -erio+ i. ,hich a si?.i<ica.t -art o< -olice ,or/ co.ce.trate+ o. -roBi+i.? social/-Ablic serBices to the local comF mA.ity> i. the <rame o< broa+ local -olitical co.trol oBer the -olice actiBities :Kelli.? a.+ Moore> 1211K Weise.hor.> 122)9(2'E. $o,eBer> the -ro6imity amo.? -olice o<<icers> citiCe.s> a.+ local -oliticia.s o<te. le+ to local corrA-tio. a.+ e6cessiBe -olitical i.terBe.tio. : ea/ a.+ Gle.sor> 122*K Wal/er> 1222E. I.<lAe.ce+ by the -ro?ressiBe moBeme.t a.+ by the ?ro,i.? America. em-hasis o.

bAreaAcracy i. bAsi.ess a.+ i.+Astry> at the start o< the 20th ce.tAry the -olice as a. i.stitAtio. A.+er,e.t a ?ra+Aal -rocess o< -ro<essio.aliCatio.. It aime+ at tra.s<ormi.? the -olice a. e<<ectiBe a.+ -ro< bo+y <ree o< -olitical i.<lAe.ces a.+ local corrA-tio.> he.ce ?reater militariCatio.. These -rocesses ,ere re<lecte+ i. the a+o-F tio. a.+ im-leme.tatio. o< esse.tially military or? a.+ a+mi.istratiBe a.+ i. the +issemi.atio. o< the i+eolo?ical messa?es o< militarism amo.? -olice o<<icers. Accor+i.? to the .e,ly +e<i.e+ I-ro<essio.alI -olice ?oals> la, e.<orceme.t became the e6clAsiBe a.+ mai. s-ecialiCatio. area o< the -olice> to be <ormAF late+ i. terms o< the JAasiFmilitary meta-hor> O,ar a? crimeI :rather tha. a cam-ai?. or a strA??le a? itE by a??ressiBe military mea.s. The .e, ima?e o< the -olice ,as characteriCe+ by a.+ tech.olo?ical so-histicatio.> i.+e-e.+e.ce <rom a.+ -olitical i.terBe.tio.> ti?ht +isci-li.e accor+i.? to a clear hierarchical scale o< -o,ers> obe+ie.ce to or+ers a.+ +irectiBes> co.trol o< -olice actiBities> a.+ strActAral +iBisio. hi?hlyFs-ecialiCe+ A.its :;> 122)K =o?elso.> 1200K Kloc/ars> 121)K Ma,by> 1220E.' This militariCatio. tre.+ starte+ comi.? A.+er <ire i. the 12*0s.

MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K


=8 military acts in a police capacity in Af!hanistan5 This allo"s !overnment to act o tside enforcement la"s >aters *+ To.y Waters. The aAthor> most rece.tly> o< Whe. Killi.? is a "rime :Ly..e> 2000E> a.+ a
"o.tribAti.? #+itor at "Arre.t I.telli?e.ce. 3Di<<ere.tiati.? ;et,ee. olice A.+ Military Actio..4 (F)F10. htt-9//,,,.cArre.ti.telli?<eatAres/2010/(/)/+i<<ere.tiati.?Fbet,ee.F-oliceFa.+FmilitaryFactio..html. MR.
#ric Ra.+ol-hIs article OAl Nae+a9 Whe. A.y Attac/ Will Do>O :The A?e.+a> March 2'> 2010E im-licitly raises the JAestio. aboAt +i<<ere.ces bet,ee. -olice a.+ military actio.. This is a. im-orta.t +isti.ctio. to +ra,> bAt is rarely +ealt ,ith i. +iscAssio.s aboAt the ,ars i. A<?ha.ista. or IraJ. Most im-orta.tly> Ra.+ol-h -oi.ts oAt that mAch o< the America. i. A<?ha.ista. :a.+ -resAmably IraJE is aboAt the .ee+ o< America. citiCe.s to O<eel sa<e>O rather tha. a .ee+ to combat the actAal threats -rese.te+ by Al Nae+a > etc.> -er se. ;oth the military a.+ -olice see/ to ma/e their home coA.tries <eel sa<e> albeit i. Bery +i<<ere.t ,ays. The -olice +o it by e.<orci.? a -reFe6isti.? set o< la,s Asi.? -reFe6isti.? le?al strActAres emer?i.? <rom a ciBilia. le?islatiBe -rocess. The military +oes .ot .ecessarily .ee+ to act ,ithi. these boA.+aries> a.+ is Ase+ i. sitAatio.s ,here the stre.?th o< the ? to a+mi.ister ciBilia. rAle is e<<ectiBely challe.?e+. =eeli.? sa<e> thoA?h> is a. emotio.> albeit a. im-orta.t o.e ,ith serioAs co.seJAe.ces> as America. -olicy si.ce 2001 +emo.strates. The -olicy -roblem raise+ i. Ra.+ol-hMs essay really is9 ho, +o yoA ma.a?e the emotio.s o< yoAr -Ablic :,ith res-ect to <earER %otably> ma/i.? a citiCe.ry <eel sa<e is .ot .ecessarily

the same as tryi.? to +isable +ece.traliCe+ terror .et,or/s :,hose +isrA-tiBe Biole.ce ?e.erates -a.icE. I. the case o< Al Nae+a> the America. is that Asi.? the military to attac/ OthemO else,here is ,hat ma/es As <eel sa<e> a.+ that it so im-orta.t that it ca. be +o.e oAtsi+e the rAle o< la,. ;oth the ;Ash a.+ !bama a+mi.istratio.s ?e.erally <aBor the Ase o< the military <or +eali.? ,ith Al Nae+a a.+ its .et,or/s. Im-licitly this mea.s that they co.clA+e+ that ciBilia. a.+ +i-lomatic cha..els ,ere +ama?e+ by the attac/s> alo.? ,ith the 8& ? ca-acity to res-o.+ Military Biole.ce also has the a+Ba.ta?e o< satis<yi.? a <ear<Al America. -AblicIs +ema.+ to 3+o somethi.?4> ,hich trAm-e+ the Ase o< -olice aAthority a.chore+ i. the rAle o< la,. Whe. it
comes to ta/i.? a-art the lo.?Fterm threat o< a +ece.traliCe+ terror .et,or/ <ocAse+ o. s-ora+ic attac/s> -erha-s the -olice a.+ coArts are better> as Ra.+ol-h ,rites. Is this the most e<<ectiBe lo.?Fterm res-o.seR A<ter all> Al Nae+a> ,hile i.<licti.? some +ama?e a.+ a lot o< <ear> has .eBer really -ose+ a. e6iste.tial threat to the 8.ite+ &tates i. -articAlar> #Aro-e> or a.y other coA.try or re?io. o< a--reciable siCe. %eBertheless> both the ;Ash a.+ !bama a+mi.istratio.s are relActa.t to Ase the -o,er

o< -olice a.+ coArts to assAa?e sAch <ears> -resAmably becaAse trials +o .ot haBe the same imme+iate cathartic e<<ect amo.? the America. -o-Alatio. as +o +ro.e attac/s a.+ other =lash Gor+o.Fstyle ,iCar+ry. This is too ba+> becaAse trials are cathartic <or <ear<Al -Ablics i. ,ays that ,ars hal< ,ay aroA.+ the ,orl+ are .ot . I.+ee+> i< the ?oal
is to assAa?e America. <ears a.+ calm ,aters abroa+> e6-osi.? the ri+icAloAs.ess o< terrorist i+eolo?ies ,ith its A.+er,ear bombers> shoe bombers> tee.a?e blac/ ,i+o,s> etc.> i. o-e. coArt calms <ears more e<<ectiBely as +ro.e attac/s co.+Acte+ <rom La.?ley. It also has the a+Ba.ta?e o< ma/i.? the -er-etrators loo/ ri+icAloAs to the they see/ to im-ress. Trials o< sAch characters are ,hy America.s are .o lo.?er <ear<Al o< the i.cohere.t i+eolo?ies o< Timothy Mc7ei?h> #ric RA+ol-h> the D" s.i-er> the 8.abomber> or eBe. Tacarias MoAsa,i. !r> as #ric Ra.+ol-h sAmmariCe+ it9 OitIs also Bital that ,e e.coAra?e a little s/e-ticism> as a. a.ti+ote to the hysteria that Al Nae+aMs ra.+om acts -roBo/e.O

Police se same infrastr ct re as military to fi!ht terrorism$the t"o forces are interchan!ea#le :er%o!, )*9* &er?io $erCo?> De-artme.t o< &ociolo?y a.+ A.thro-olo?y> 8.iBersity o< $ai<a. 3MilitariCatio.
a.+ +emilitariCatio. -rocesses i. the Israeli a.+ America. -olice <orces9 !r? a.+ social as-ects.4 !.li.e -Ablicatio.9 00 May 20109 htt-9//+6.+oi.or?/10.1010/10('2(*'.2001.22*(1*1. MR MilitariCatio. o< America. -olici.? is AsAally associate+ ,ith -roclamaF tio.s o< allFoAt ,ar a? crime K i. Israel>
militariCatio. ,as i.<lAe.ce+ by the .ecessity <or e<<ectiBe -olice +e-loyme.t to +eal ,ith -erma.e.t -roblems o< secArity a.+ -Ablic or+er. As alrea+y .ote+> these -roblems haBe co.sta.tly ta/e. -riority oBer other areas> i.clA+i.? social

-roblems sAch as crime> see. as -ertai.i.? to the microFsocial leBel a.+ there<ore less im-orta.t
:Gamso. a.+ YAchtma.> 12009 202F20'K $o+> 122*K I% > 12)*E. This e6traor+i.arily heaBy bAr+e. too/ its toll o. e<<ectiBe a.+ e<<icie.t -olici.? i. the area o< -olice <A.ctio.s9 ma.y resoArces ,ere allocate+ to bAil+i.? A- e<<ectiBe -ro< A.its ,hose missio. ,as to -reBe.t terrorism a.+ mi.imiCe ris/s a.+ haCar+s <or -Ablic or+er . %ote that the tra+itio.F ally lo, -riority assi?.e+ to crime -roblems ,as .ot base+ o. i+eoF lo?ical DAe to the secArity sitAatio.> mAch o< the social stress li./e+ to crime i. the ,ester. ,orl+ ,as .ot see. as a maGor -robF lem i. Israel> either o. the or o. the -olice leBel> at least .ot 1 I. 1222 a .e, system to ma/e the -olice comma.+ers more accoA.table to their commA.ity a.+ to achieBi.? their obGectiBes ,as im-leme.te+K it ,as base+ o. the "!M &TAT metho+ Ase+ by %e, Yor/ "ity olice. The I.s-ectorFGe.eral hol+s biF,ee/ly meeti.?s ,ith a s-eci<ic area comma.+er. $e sets oAt a.+ ma-s statistical i.<ormatio. to -i.-oi.t areas a.+ -atter.s o< crime that haBe to be a++resse+ A.til the 1200s :RahaB> 1221K &ha+mi> 1221E. MoreoBer> i. the early years o< the state> a ?reat -art o< the -o-Alatio.> both @e,ish a.+ Arab> ,as or?a.iCe+ i. local commA.ities> es-ecially i. rAral areas. #Be.ts relate+ to crime ,ere treate+ i.<ormally ,ithi. these commA.ities> i< -ossible ,ithoAtFa. a--roach to the -olice :WeisbAr+ etal.> 1220911(F11)E .

MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K


=8 police in forei!n co ntries have adopted military means of a!!ression a!ainst crimes$ allo"s !overnment to interchan!e the forces5 :er%o!, )*9*. &er?io $erCo?> De-artme.t o< &ociolo?y a.+ A.thro-olo?y> 8.iBersity o< $ai<a. 3MilitariCatio.
a.+ +emilitariCatio. -rocesses i. the Israeli a.+ America. -olice <orces9 !r? a.+ social as-ects.4 !.li.e -Ablicatio.9 00 May 20109 htt-9//+6.+oi.or?/10.1010/10('2(*'.2001.22*(1*1. MR DeBelo-me.ts i. the 8&> as the +omi.a.t -olitical> eco.omic> cAltAral> a.+ eBe. military -o,er> ty-ically i.<lAe.ce -olicies a.+ -ractices i. other coA.triesK this a--lies to the -olice <iel+ also :$a??erty a.+ #ricso.> 12229 2'(E.
MoreoBer> the sco-e> the e6-erie.ce> the absolAte a.+ relatiBe .Amber o< +i<<ere.t -olice <orces a.+ -ro?rams> a.+ the ra.?e a.+ +e-th o< -erti.e.t research a.+ scholarly ,or/> clearly -lace the America. -olice reality a.+ at the <ore<ro.t o< the -olici.? <iel+ . Ge.erally> rece.t America. -oliF ci.? Be.tAres haBe bee. characteriCe+ i. both rhetoric a.+ i. -ractice as moBi.? a,ay <rom a -aramilitary> -ro< mo+el o< -olici.? to a lessFmilitary a.+ more so-histicate+ /i.+ o< -ro<essio.alism. This .e, a--roach F commA.ity -olici.? F reali?.s -olice tas/s> re+e< a.+ broa+e.s -olice roles> a.+ see/s a ,i+er ma.+ate to allo, more mea.F i.?<Al i.teractio. ,ith citiCe.s :=rie+ma..> 12229 1)2E. &till> ,hile -erha-s -re+omi.a.t> this tre.+ is .ot the o.e. A simAlF ta.eoAs seco.+ary tre.+ e6ists> to,ar+s a. eBe. more militariCe+ mo+el o< -olici.? tha. be<ore> <or ha.+li.? serioAs crimes a.+ -Ablic or+er +istArba.ces. I. it> the AsAally clear limits bet,ee. military a.+ -olice <orces are cArre.tly becomi.? co.sta.tly less +isti.ct . The seco.+ mo+el> serBi.? as the mai. <ocAs o< this stA+y> is the A.itary a.+ Bery militariCe+ a.+ ce.traliCe+ Israel olice :I% E. This mo+el e6em-li<ies a. attem-t to shi<t <rom a hi?hly JAasiFmilitary mo+el> ,ith a shar- combatFsecArity i.cli.atio.> to a ?e.eral +emilitariCatio. i. the -olice> sA??esti.? a. a--are.t I-olici.? reBolAtio.I i. Israel. The chie< -Ar-ose o< this stA+y is to +escribe these +emilitariCaF tio. tre.+s i. the I% > ,ith the America. tre.+s ta/e. as the re<ere.ce. They are a.alyCe+ ,ithi. the <rame o< social -rocesses e6-erie.ce+ by the societies i. ,hich these -olice <orces o-erate. TR#%D& I% AM#RI"A% !LI"I%G The militaristic character o< -olice ,or/ ,as less -romi.e.t -rior to Worl+ War I. DAri.? that -erio+> -olice <orces a+o-te+ military ,or/ -atter.s ,ithoAt -arallel i.ter.aliCatio. o< the i+eolo?ical messF a?es o< militarism. This ,as a -erio+ i. ,hich a si?.i<ica.t -art o< -olice ,or/ co.ce.trate+ o. -roBi+i.? social/-Ablic serBices to the local comF mA.ity> i. the <rame o< broa+ local -olitical co.trol oBer the -olice actiBities :Kelli.? a.+ Moore> 1211K Weise.hor.> 122)9(2'E. $o,eBer> the -ro6imity amo.? -olice o<<icers> citiCe.s> a.+ local -oliticia.s o<te. le+ to local corrA-tio. a.+ e6cessiBe -olitical i.terBe.tio. : ea/ a.+ Gle.sor> 122*K Wal/er> 1222E. I.<lAe.ce+ by the -ro?ressiBe moBeme.t a.+ by the ?ro,i.? America. em-hasis o.

bAreaAcracy i. bAsi.ess a.+ i.+Astry> at the start o< the 20th ce.tAry the -olice as a. i.stitAtio. A.+er,e.t a ?ra+Aal -rocess o< -ro<essio.aliCatio.. It aime+ at tra.s<ormi.? the -olice a. e<<ectiBe a.+ -ro< bo+y <ree o< -olitical i.<lAe.ces a.+ local corrA-tio.> he.ce ?reater militariCatio.. These -rocesses ,ere re<lecte+ i. the a+o-F tio. a.+ im-leme.tatio. o< esse.tially military or? a.+ a+mi.istratiBe a.+ i. the +issemi.atio. o< the i+eolo?ical messa?es o< militarism amo.? -olice o<<icers. Accor+i.? to the .e,ly +e<i.e+ I-ro<essio.alI -olice ?oals> la, e.<orceme.t became the e6clAsiBe a.+ mai. s-ecialiCatio. area o< the -olice> to be <ormAF late+ i. terms o< the JAasiFmilitary meta-hor> O,ar a? crimeI :rather tha. a cam-ai?. or a strA??le a? itE by a??ressiBe military mea.s. The .e, ima?e o< the -olice ,as characteriCe+ by a.+ tech.olo?ical so-histicatio.> i.+e-e.+e.ce <rom a.+ -olitical i.terBe.tio.> ti?ht +isci-li.e accor+i.? to a clear hierarchical scale o< -o,ers> obe+ie.ce to or+ers a.+ +irectiBes> co.trol o< -olice actiBities> a.+ strActAral +iBisio. hi?hlyFs-ecialiCe+ A.its :;> 122)K =o?elso.> 1200K Kloc/ars> 121)K Ma,by> 1220E.'


MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K

The Affirmatives definitions of <ilitari%ation are inherently "ron!? the police military dichotomy that has o#f scated the #l rrin! #et"een police and military and created the s #se& ent harms (7A8(A *9 : eter ;.> ro<essor a.+ &e.ior Research =ello, at "olle?e o< @Astice a.+ &trate?y at #aster.
Ke.tAc/y 8.iBersity> 3"rime "o.trol as War<are> MilitariCi.? the America. " @Astice &ystem9 The "ha.?i.? Roles o< the Arme+ =orces a.+ the olice> a?e 1) F 10 E &&> ,ar has bee. co.ceiBe+ o< as stateFsa.ctio.e+ armies attem-ti.? to ta/e oBer each otherIs territories Asi.? lethal Biole.ce. MilitariCatio. ,as merely the -re-aratio. <or this actiBity. Militarism is a cAltAral -atter. o< belie<s a.+ BalAes sA--orti.? ,ar a.+ militariCatio. that comes to +omi.ate a society :e.?.> %aCi Germa.y E These early co.ce-tio.s a.+ their brAtish co..otatio.s hel- e6-lai. ,hy sociolo?y> +es-ite the ce.tral -lace ,ar a.+ militariCatio. haBe -laye+ throA?hoAt 8.&. history> has esche,e+ them i. theoriCi.? society. They re<er to crA+e> hi?hly Biole.t> a.+
a.tiJAate+ state actiBity better le<t to ,ar historia.s a.+ -olitical scie.tists.2 With co.tem-orary theories o< social co.trol em-hasiCi.? a +ecli.e i. state -hysical Biole11ce a.+ a. asce.+a.ce o< so<ter co.trolsDthose roote+ i. mA.+a.e re?Alatio.s> i+eolo?y> a.+ sArBeilla.ce co.trols> <or e6am-leD resArrecti.? or?a.iCi.? co.ce-ts sAch as OmilitariCatio.O may eBe. seem mis-lace+ i. this Ohi?hFmo+er.O society.

$o,eBer> scholars haBe be?A. to +eBelo- a more cArre.t a.+ .Aa.ce+ A.+ersta.+i.? o< martial co.ce-ts a.+ a. a--reciatio. <or the ce.tral role these -he.ome.a -lay i. the ma/eA- o< co.tem-orary society.' I.+ee+> it is the lac/ o< atte.tio. -ai+ to the i.<lAe.ce o< the military a.+ the military mo+el that has le<t or?a.iCi.? co.ce-ts sAch as OmilitarismO a.+ OmilitariCatio.O A.+eBelo-e+> eBe. thoA?h their i.<lAe.ce thriBes. @Ast as the me+ical <iel+ a.+ the la, i.stitAtio. haBe tra.s<orme+ stri/i.?ly as they haBe mo+er.iCe+> so has militarism a.+ the -rocesses o< militariCatio.> -articAlarly si.ce the a+Be.t o< .Aclear ,ea-o.s> a.+ .o, i. the -ostF"ol+ War era. The .atAre o< the stateIs Ase o< Biole.ce a.+ the mai.te.a.ce o< its secArity haBe .ot aBoi+e+ the same hi?hFmo+er. +eBelo-me.ts i. oAr me+ical or le?al systems. I.+ee+> mAch o< ,hat ,e to be Ohi?hFmo+er.O has its ori?i.s i. the military com-le6. A. a.tece+e.t to e6ami.i.? the militariCatio. o< GAstice> there<ore> is the A-+ati.? o< martial co.ce-ts. MilitariCatio.> <or i.sta.ce> ca. be +e<i.e+ i. its broa+est terms as the social -rocess i. ,hich society or?a.iCes itsel< <or the -ro+Actio. o< Biole.ce or the threat thereo<. As cha-ter ( so +emo.strates>
tech.olo?y a.+ i.<ormatio. haBe become a ce.tral as-ect> i< .ot the -re+omi.a.t <eatAre> o< this -ro+Actio. -rocess. Militarism is merely militariCatio.Is sA--orti.? i+eolo?y. It is a set o< belie<s a.+ BalAes that stress the Ase o< <orce a.+ +omi.atio. as a--ro-riate mea.s to solBe -roblems a.+ ?ai. -olitical -o,er. It ?lori<ies military -o,er> har+,are> a.+ tech.olo?y as its -rimary -roblemFsolBi.? tools. What ,e

thi./ o< as O,arO is less releBa.t i. to+ayIs militariCatio.. I. the scramble to +e<i.e a .e, -ostF"ol+ War missio.> OsecArity s-ecialistsODa. amal?am o< military thi./Fta./ a.alysts> +e< i.+Astry e6-erts> military aca+emicia.s> a.+ e.ta?o. o<<icialsDhaBe ?iBe. A- o. the threatO as their basis o< le?itimacy. I. its -lace they haBe co.strActe+ a .e, .arratiBe GAsti<yi.? the militaryIs -reemi.e.ce relyi.? .ot o. the .otio. o< ,ar bAt rather o. sAch terms as Olo,Fi.te.sity co.<lictO :LI"E> Oo-eratio.s other tha. ,arO :!!TWE> a.+ the O?ray area -he.ome.o.O :GA E. LI"> !!TW> a.+ GA re<er to +i<<icAlties <aci.? ? .ot rea+ily solBable by ,ar bAt still sA--ose+ly reJAiri.? some sort o< military #6am-les aboA.+ i. a ra-i+ly cha.?i.? ?eo-olitical terrorism> .o.? -aramilitary <orces> i.<ormatio. systems secArity> <ami.e> +estrActio.> ciBil> eth.ic> immi?ratio. -roblems> a.+ .atAral +isaster relie<. A. im-orta.t +eBelo-me.t> there<ore> i. oAr hi?hFmo+er. society> is the re<rami.? o< certai. social -roblems as to +irect military i.terBe.tio.. Ta.?ible i.+ices o< this sort o< hi?hFmo+er. militariCatio. a.+ militarism are <oA.+ throA?hoAt this boo/. A sAmmary ,oAl+ i.clA+e9 A blArri.? o< a.+ secArity <A.ctio.s lea+i.? to a tar?eti.? o< ciBilia. -o-Alatio.s> OsecArityO threats> a.+ a <ocAs o. a??re?ate -o-Alatio.s as -ote.tial Oi.sAr?e.tsO. A. aBoi+a.ce o< oBert or lethal Biole.ce> ,ith a ?reater em-hasis -lace+ o. i.<ormatio. ?atheri.? a.+ -rocessi.?> sArBeilla.ce ,or/> a.+ lessFtha.Flethal tech.olo?ies. A. i+eolo?y a.+ theoretical <rame,or/ o< militarism that stresses that e<<ectiBe -roblem solBi.? reJAires state <orce> tech.olo?y> armame.t> i.telli?e.ce ?atheri.?> a??ressiBe sA--ressio. e<<orts> a.+ other assorte+ actiBities comme.sArate ,ith mo+er. military thi./i.? a.+ o-eratio.s. " GAstice -ractices ?Ai+e+ by the i+eolo?ical <rame,or/ o< militarism> sAch as the Ase o< s-ecialFo-eratio.s -aramilitary teams i. -olici.? a.+ correctio.s> -olici.? actiBities that em-hasiCe military tactics sAch as +rA?> ?A.> a.+ ?a.? sA--ressio.> a.+ -A.ishme.t mo+els base+ o. the military boot cam-. The -Archasi.?> loa.i.?> +o.atio.> a.+ Ase o< actAal material -ro+Acts that ca. be characteriCe+ as militaristic> i.clA+i.? a ra.?e o< military armame.ts> tra.s-ortatio. +eBices> sArBeilla.ce eJAi-me.t> a.+ militaryFstyle ?arb. A ra-i+ly +eBelo-i.? collaboratio.> at the hi?hest leBel o< the ? a.+ cor-orate ,orl+s> bet,ee. the +e< i.+Astry a.+ the crime co.trol i.+Astry. The Ase o< military la.?Aa?e ,ithi. -olitical a.+ -o-Alar cAltAre to characteriCe the social -roblems o< +rA?s> crime> a.+ social +isor+er


MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K

Police and military share the same practices, technolo!y, data processin!, and ideolo!ies5 Their dichotomy allo"s !overnment to se military for police "ork and vice versa5 :er%o!, )*9*. &er?io $erCo?> De-artme.t o< &ociolo?y a.+ A.thro-olo?y> 8.iBersity o< $ai<a. 3MilitariCatio.
a.+ +emilitariCatio. -rocesses i. the Israeli a.+ America. -olice <orces9 !r? a.+ social as-ects.4 !.li.e -Ablicatio.9 00 May 20109 htt-9//+6.+oi.or?/10.1010/10('2(*'.2001.22*(1*1. MR +Ari.? the <irst hal< o< the 20th ce.tAry America. -olice +e-artme.ts te.+e+ to a+o-t a military or? strActAre a.+ -atter. o< ,or/ +Ae to a ?ra+Aal -rocess ,ithi. them o< -ro<essio.aliCatio. a.+ co.seJAe.tly militariCatio.. I. the 12*0s this a--roach starte+ to +ra, criticism> lea+i.? to a +ema.+ <or the +eBelo-me.t o< a more IciBilia.I rather tha. ImilitaryI mo+el o< -olici.?. ara+o6ically> a re.e,e+ tre.+ o< militF ariCatio. ,as simAlta.eoAsly ta/i.? -lace i. the -olice +e-artme.ts. "ha.?es i. more rece.t years sA??est a similar +emilitariCatio. tre.+ i. the Israeli -olice> bri.?i.? aboAt a I-olici.?
reBolAtio.I. This stA+y a.alyCes the or? a.+ social characteristics a.+ soArces o< these t,o co.secAtiBe tre.+s i. these t,o +i<<ere.t -olici.? mo+els a.+ coA.tries. olice +e-artme.ts throA?hoAt the mo+er. ,orl+ te.+ to share a. esse.tially military or? strActAre a.+ -atter. o< ,or/. Amo.? the <eatAres that are sel<FeBi+e.t a.+ alrea+y <rom ty-ical -olice ,or/ :;> 1210E are a ce.traliCe+ or? strActAre> a hierarchical chai. o< comma.+> aAthoritatiBe lea+ershi-> A.i<orm oAt,ar+ a--eara.ce> to-F+o,. commA.icatio. by mea.s o< or+ers a.+ +irectiBes a.+ +o,.FA- actio. re-orti.?> a.+ co.trol oBer ra./Fa.+F<ile by comma.+ers throA?h stro.? +isci-li.e :;> 122)K ;or+Aa a.+ Reiss> 12**K Rober? a.+ KAy/e.+all> 122'K Wal/er> 1222E.

This military i.<lAe.ce o. -olice or?a.iCatio. is har+ly sAr-risi.?. =irst> stemmi.? <rom a commo. social .ecessity o< or?a.iCe+ -hysical +e< a.+ o<< i. lar?e ?eo?ra-hical a.+ social s-aces> these t,o i.stitAtio.s are the aAthoriCe+ i. mo+er. Wester. +emoF cracies to Ase -hysical <orce :i.clA+i.? ,ea-o.sE a? -eo-le i. the .ame o< the state. The military AsAally a--ly <orce a? oAtsi+e e.emies> ,ho mAst be .eAtraliCe+ by a??ressiBe
mea.s. The -olice <orce Ase it a?> ciBilia.s ,ho sometimes are sAs-ecte+ o< crimes or -Ablic +istArba.ces a.+ mAst accor+i.?ly be arreste+ a.+ i.Besti?ate+> ,ithi. GA+icial -rocess restrai.ts F sAch as the Ase o< mi.imal <orce F ,hich -rotect their ri?hts :DA.lo-> 1222E. $o,eBer > this +ichotomy has .ot bee. al,ays clearFcAt9 the army is sometimes calle+

to assist the -olice i. secArity a.+ -Ablic +istArba.ce <A.ctio.s> a.+ the -olice sometimes assist the army i. -aramilitary <A.ctio.s :$ills> 122)E. &eco.+> the im-orta.ce o< the military as a mo+el a.+ a soArce o< a?e.ts> i+eas> a.+ ,or/
-atter.s <or bAreaAcratic i.stitAtio.s i. ?e.eral :see Weber> 12*1E> a.+ -articAlarly <or mo+er. GAstice systems :see =oAcaAlt> 1200K Rothma.> 1201E> is comF reco?.iCe+. I. the latter> the a--licatio. o< military a.+ -atter.s to -olice ,or/ is

as ol+ as its o,. history.1 This social -he.ome.o. ,hereby -olice <orces :li/e other hierarchF ically mo+ele+ or?a.iCatio.sE assAme attribAtes that are characteristic o< the arme+ <orces may be +e<i.e+ ?e.erally as militariCatio. o< the -olice. I. this stA+y> militariCatio. re<ers to a broa+ social -he.ome.o. ,hereby a -art o< the -o-Alatio. :i. this
case -olice <orcesE becomes socially> or?>> a.+/or i+eolo?ically +e-e.+e.t o.> or co.trolle+ by the military itsel< or by military> AsAally ,ithoAt +irect military -artici-atio. or i.itiatiBe :see #.loe> 121091'2E. I. ma.y cases> this -he.ome.o. is

.ot e6-resse+ solely by the> sA-er<icial a+o-tio. o< military or? or a+mi.istratiBe -ri.F ci-lesK it is base+ o. the i.ter.aliCatio. o< a. i+eolo?y o< militarism> the BalAe a.+ belie< system -roBi+i.? the co.ce-tAal a.+ i+eolo?ical ratio.ale sA--orti.? militariCatio.. This i+eolo?ical messa?e em-hasiCes military BalAes sAch as -hysical <orce> a??ressiBe.ess> or+er> +isci-li.e> a.+ sel<Fsacri<ice as a--ro-riate a.+ +esirable <or the resolAtio. o< -roblems> <or e6am-le> -olice -roblems. It ?lori<ies military mea.s sAch as military -o,er> so-histicate+ eJAi-me.t> a.+ a+Ba.ce+ tech.olo?y <or the achieBeme.t o< ?oals :;e. #lieCer> 1221K $a??erty a.+ #ricso.> 1222K Kras/aK
122(K 122*K Kras/a a.+ Ka--eler> 1220E.2


MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K

3rossin! of police and military ' stifies loss of li#erties and social diso#edience and c ltivates into perpet al "arfare and violence$creates a veil <ansfield *@ %ic/ Ma.s<iel+> Associate ro<essor i. "ritical a.+ "AltAral &tA+ies at MacJAarie 8.iBersity i.
&y+.ey. $e is the aAthor o< Masochism9 The Art o< o,er a.+ &AbGectiBity9 Theories o< the &el< =rom =reA+ to $ara,ay. 3War a.+ Its !ther9 ;et,ee. ;ataille a.+ Derri+a.4 200*. htt-9//mAse.GhA.e+A/GoAr.als/theoryUa.+UeBe.t/B002/2.(ma.s<iel+.html. MR.
ReaAthorisi.? the atriot Act o. March 2> 200*> resi+e.t Geor?e W ;Ash sai+ that this Ola, allo,s oAr i.telli?e.ce a.+ la, e.<orceme.t o<<icials . . . to co.ti.Ae to Ase tools a? terrorists that they Ase+ a? FF that they Ase a? +rA? +ealers a.+ other crimi.alsO1. The

+i<<ere.ce bet,ee. hostility a.+ social +isobe+ie.ce colla-ses i. the <ace o< the +e-loyme.t o< commo. tech.iJAes a.+ eBe. a?e.cies to <i?ht both. This loss o< +i<<ere.ce resorts to a lo?ic o< +is-lace+ GAsti<icatio.. What ,as acce-table as -olici.? becomes by sim-le tra.slatio. GAsti<ie+ as ,ar<are. Deali.? ,ith the e.emy becomes a mere e6te.sio. o< -olice ,or/. I. retAr.> the +omestic street is militariCe+. This sli--a?e allo,s both ,ar a.+ -olici.? to be GAsti<ie+ as mere a.alo?ies to o.e a.other9 ho, ca. yoA co.test the ,ar a? terror ,he. it is really GAst a Bersio. o< the -olice ,or/ that ma/es yoA <eel sa<e i. yoAr homeR A.+ i.Bersely> ho, ca. yoA -ossibly +oAbt the le?itimacy o< -olici.? ,he. it is really a Bersio. o< the ,ar <oA?ht a? those ,ho +es-ise liberty a.+ threate. i..oce.ceR It is a trAism to say that each ,ar re+e< the .atAre o< ,ar itsel<> +Ae to cha.?es
i. arms tech.olo?y> military or?a.isatio. or ?eoFstrate?ic history. The lo.? ,ar o< terror is .o e6ce-tio.> bAt ,hat is most .e, aboAt it> a.+ ,hat ma/es it most <it its a?e> is that it -romises the erasAre o< the +i<<ere.ce bet,ee. ,ar a.+ -eace> a.+ co.comita.tly bet,ee. ,ar a.+ ciBil society9 terrorists a.+ crimi.als s,a- i+e.tity> emer?e a.y,here at a.y time a.+ are im-Ate+ to share a hostility to the ,hole Wester. ,ay o< li<e. This rhetorical sli--a?e> ho,eBer> co.<irms ,hat ma.y theorists o< ,ar haBe bee. -ro-osi.? i. +i<<ere.t ,ays

<or a lo.? time. We ,ill .o lo.?er haBe ,ar a.+ -eace i. the <AtAre> bAt eBer more com-le6 e.ta.?leme.ts o< o.e i. the other> ,here social -olicy> +i-lomatic ma.i-Alatio. a.+ military strate?y e6cha.?e characteristics> co.triBi.? e.emies at home> re-rese.ti.? -olitical a.ta?o.ists abroa+ as crimi.als> a.+ abolishi.? .ot the i+ea o< a military <ro.tier> bAt o< ,ar<are itsel< as sim-ly a matter o< literal or -ossible arme+ co.<lict. I. the <AtAre>
the JAestio. ,ill be .ot OWhy +i+ ,e choose ,ar i.stea+ o< -eaceRO bAt OWhat co.<i?Aratio. o< the -eaceF,ar com-le6 embroils As .o,R O DiscAssi.? ,hat is .e, aboAt the O.e, ,ars>O $er<rie+ MA./ler ar?Aes that i. the ,ars that haBe +eBelo-e+ i. the +ecolo.ise+ ,orl+9 Omilitary <orce a.+ or?a.ise+ crime ?o i.creasi.?ly to?ether.O2$e ?oes o.9 OThe .e, ,ars /.o, .o +isti.ctio. bet,ee. combata.ts a.+ .o.F combata.ts> .or are they <oA?ht <or a.y +e<i.ite ?oals or -Ar-osesK they i.BolBe .o tem-oral or s-atial limits o. the Ase o< Biole.ce.O'I. the lo, i.te.sity> asymmetrical co.<licts MA./ler sees as ty-ical o< co.tem-orary ,ar> ,ar is ,ithoAt limits> a.+ has .o i+e.ti<iable oAtsi+e> either i. s-ace or time. The i.Berse o< this ar?Ame.t is Marti. &ha,Is i+e.ti<icatio. o< o.e o< the /ey attribAtes o< Othe .e, Wester. ,ay o< ,arO9 OThe /ey A.+ersta.+i.?> there<ore> is that ,ar<i?hti.? mAst be carrie+ o. simAlta.eoAsly ,ith I.ormalI eco.omics> -olitics a.+ social li<e i. the West. It is im-eratiBe it +oes.ot im-act .e?atiBely o. these.O(Wester. -Ablics tolerate a ,ar that ca. be coFor+i.ate+ seamlessly ,ith -eace. This is .ot a. alie.atio. o< ,ar <rom social li<e> bAt its absolAte coFor+i.atio. ,ith it. It is .ot here a JAestio. o< ,ar bei.?

/e-t hi++e. behi.+ a scree. o< -eace<Al social a+Ba.ceme.t <rom o.e +ay to the .e6t. I.stea+> ,ar A.+er this +is-e.satio. becomes com-letely com-atible ,ith ,hat ,e A.+ersta.+ as -eace. I. the e.+> this is ,hat allo,s the com-lete satAratio. o< society by ,ar9 the ability to re-rese.t the .ormal A.<ol+i.? o< social li<e as relatiBely A.+istArbe+.


MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K

The se of the "ord .and/ means yo are defendin! each as independent P tman, )**A :William $> ro<essor o< Le?al &tA+ies at "e.tral %e, Me6ico "ommA.ity "olle?e> Le?al
A.alysis a.+ Writi.?> - 2*(E &-eci<ic Wor+s9 roblem Areas9 &ome ,or+s are misAse+. YoA ca. aBoi+ -roblems o< misAse by <ollo,i.? some basic
rAles. 1E A<<ect/#<<ect Affect is a Berb mea.i.? 3to i.<lAe.ce.4 Effect is either a Berb or .oA.. As a Berb> it mea.s 3to bri.? aboAt or caAse4K as a .oA.> it mea.s 3resAlt.4 =or e6am-le9 3$is actio.s ,ill .ot affect :.ot effectE the oAtcome o< the case.4 The mea.i.? o< affect is 3to i.<lAe.ce.4 3$e trie+ to effect :.ot affectE a. a?reeme.t.4 $ere> the mea.i.? o< effect is 3to bri.? aboAt.4 2E A.+/!r Whe. the ,or+ and is Ase+ i. re?ar+ to a list o< ,or+s> all the items liste+ are i.clA+e+ a.+ reJAire+. =or e6am-le9 3The case la, reJAires the -lai.ti<< to -roBe +Aty> breach o< +Aty> -ro6imate caAse> and +ama?es.4 The Ase o< and mea.s that all <oAr eleme.ts mAst be

-roBe+. All the liste+ items are i.clA+e+ i. the reJAireme.t.


MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K

8ayin! .andBor/ still creates a dichotomy <erino et al, 92A+ :;arbara D.> ro< o< AccoA.ti.? at the 8.iBersity o< %orth Te6as> 3$istorical A.alysis A
Dia?.ostic Tool <or #Be.ts &tA+ies4> The AccoA.ti.? ReBie, 7ol L5II> Is (> !ctober> @&torE
The classi<icatio. criteria are tha. a. eBe.t occArre+ that 3si?.i<ica.tly a<<ecte+ mar/et assessme.t o< its -robability o< e.actme.t a.+/or the stri.? o< its accoA.ti.? reJAireme.ts.4 ThAs> a +ate ,as 3<aBorable4 i< a. eBe.t occArre+ that 3i.crease+ the ActMs assesses -robability o< e.actme.t a.+/or accoA.ti.? stri.?e.cy4 a.+ A.<aBorable i< a. eBe.t occArre+ that 3+ecrease+ the ActMs assesse+ -robability o< e.actme.t a.+/or accoA.ti.? stri.?e.cy4 The test -erio+ also i.clA+es a (0 +ay co.trol -erio+ ,ith a co.trol +ate bei.? a +ate o. ,hich there ,as .o re-ort i. the W&@ co.cer.i.? secArities le?islatio.. "ho,Ms classi<icatory criteria i?.ore the role that com-romise -lays i. le?islatiBe -rocess i. the 8&. This omissio. a--ears to co.<oA.+ his <aBorable/A.<aBorable classi<icatio.s. The -roblem rests ,ith the a.+/or

cate?oriCatio.. A +ecrease i. stri.? o< a co.troBersial -roBisio. o<te. re<lects com-romise ,hich i.creases the -robability that some <orm o< le?islatio. ,ill -ass. The a.+/or +ichotomy -reclA+es sAch a -ossibility K "ho,Ms criteria
ma.+ate a +irect relatio. bet,ee. stri.? a.+ -robability o< -assa?e> ,hereas com-romise ,oAl+ sA??est that the relatio.shi- mi?ht be i.Berse. While +ecrease+ com-lia.ce costs mi?ht resAlt i. i.crease+ stoc/ mar/et -rices> i< the com-romise ma+e the -robability o< -assa?e more li/ely> this ,oAl+ be e6-ecte+ to resAlt i. +ecrease+ stoc/ mar/et -rices. The oBerall e<<ect is i.+etermi.ate> bAt historical a.alysis +oes As to e6ami.e a. eBe.t a.+ to ma/e a. i.<orme+ GA+?me.t aboAt the .et im-acts it mi?ht haBe ha+ o. stoc/ mar/et -rices. We e6ami.e "ho,Ms o.e 3A.<aBorable -erio+> base+ o. the +ecrease+ stri.? o< the accoA.ti.? -roBisio.s o< the ''M Act> to hi?hli?ht the com-le6 .atAre o< the classi<icatory -roblem.


MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K

The military creates a system of Ctheri%ation and destr ction, ! aranteein! no val e to life and destr ction of the immediate re!ion 3C<1, )**2 :"ommittee !--ose+ to Militarism a.+ the Dra<t> 3AboAt Militarism4>
htt-9//,,,.com+s+.or?/militarism.htm last e+ite+ o. 0(/'0/2002> accesse+ */21/2010E && Militarism is a BalAe system that stresses the sA-eriority o< some -eo-le oBer others. 8.+er militarism> the -eo-le +eeme+ i.<erior are +ehAma.iCe+ as e.emies ,ho mAst be oBer-o,ere+ by a.y mea.s .ecessary. Those ,ho +eem themselBes sA-erior are -ermitte+ to ta/e ,hateBer they ,a.t <rom others D la.+> <ree+om> .atAral resoArces> cAltAres> liBes D by <orce. Militarism +eri+es coo-eratio.> eJAality a.+ .o.Biole.ce> a.+ i.stea+ e.<orces strict hierarchical relatio.shi-s. $ierarchical systems create a , at the to- a.+ re.+er all others losers> so i. a +es-erate attem-t .ot to be a loser> each i.+iBi+Aal or ?roA- strA??les to /ee- others +o,.. As lo.? as it is -ossible to see someo.e else as i.<erior> eBe. those BictimiCe+ by the hierarchy belieBe it is be.e<icial a.+ co.ti.Ae to e.+orse it. This same BalAe system creates racism> se6ism> homo-hobia a.+ other ty-es o< +iscrimi.atio.. It is .ot sAr-risi.? that these ty-es o< +iscrimi.atory behaBior are i. military systems. The arti<icial creatio. a.+ +ehAma.iCatio. o< a. Oe.emyO is Ase+ to ma.A<actAre hatre+ o< certai. ?roA-s o< -eo-le a.+ <Ael ,ars. The system is so -o,er<Al that it +oes .ot sto- ,ith the e.emy9 ,ithi. the military itsel<> ,ome.> eth.ic mi.orities> ?ays> lesbia.s a.+ others are treate+ as i.<erior +Ae to their reli?io.> la.?Aa?e> .atio.ality or other i+e.tities.

This process of deval ation o t"ei!hs any possi#le scenario for n clear "ar or e4tinction? it also sets the sta!e for those impacts to occ r ,er #e, 922+ :DaBi+> ro<<essor o< commA.icatio.s at &oAth "aroli.a &tate 8.iBersity> O%a.otech.olo?ical
rolo.?eBity9 The Do,. &i+e>O %a.otech.olo?y Ma?aCi.e> 7ol. '> Iss. )> htt-9//,,,<acAlty/berAbe/-rolo.?.htmE &&
AssAmi.? ,e are able to -re+ict ,ho or ,hat are o-timiCe+ hAma.s> this e.tire resAlta.t ,orl+Bie, smac/s o< eA?e.ics a.+ %aCi racial scie.ce. This ,oAl+ i.BolBe BalAi.? -eo-le as mea.s. MoreoBer> there ,oAl+ al,ays be a sA-erhAma. more sA-er tha.

the cArre.t> hAma.s ,oAl+ .eBer be able to esca-e their treatme.t as mea.s to a. al,ays <Arther a.+ +ista.t e.+. This mea.sFe.+s +is-Ate is at the core o< Mo.ta?A a.+ Matso.Is treatise o. the +ehAma.iCatio. o< hAma.ity. They ,ar.9 Oits +estrActiBe toll is alrea+y ?reater tha. that o< a.y ,ar> -la?Ae> <ami.e> or .atAral calamity o. recor+ FF a.+ its -ote.tial +a.?er to the JAality o< li<e a.+ the <abric o< ciBiliCe+ society is beyo.+ calcAlatio.. =or that reaso. this sic/.ess o< the soAl mi?ht ,ell be calle+ the =i<th $orse ma. o< the A-ocaly-se.... ;ehi.+ the ?e.oci+e o< the holocaAst lay a +ehAma.iCe+ thoA?htK be.eath the me.tici+e o< +eBia.ts a.+ +issi+e.ts... i. the cAc/ooIs .e6t o< America> lies a +ehAma.iCe+ ima?e o< ma.... :Mo.ta?A V Matso.> 121'> -. 6iF6iiE. While it may .eBer be -ossible to JAa.ti<y the im-act +ehAma.iCi.? ethics may haBe ha+ o. hAma.ity > it is sa<e to co.clA+e the <oA.+atio.s o< hAma..ess o<<er ?reat o--ortA.ities ,hich ,oAl+ be <ore?o.e. Whe. ,e calcAlate the actAal losses a.+ the BirtAal be.e<its> ,e a--roach a .early i.estimable BalAe ?reater tha. a.y tools ,hich ,e ca. cArre.tly Ase to measAre it. DehAma.iCatio. is .Aclear ,ar> a-ocaly-se> a.+ ?e.oci+e. Whe. -eo-le become thi.?s> they become +is-e.sable. Whe. -eo-le are +is-e.sable> a.y a.+ eBery atrocity ca. be GAsti<ie+. !.ce GAsti<ie+> they seem to be i.eBitable <or eBery e-och has eBil a.+ +ehAma.iCatio. is eBilIs most -o,er<Al ,ea-o..


MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K

Im!act ")t"#%io#%
This paramilitarism is a ne" and ni& e form of violence: no" "e have a military in search of pro#lems to solve, ens rin! perpet al violence (7A8(A, *9 : eter ;.> ro<essor a.+ &e.ior Research =ello, at "olle?e o< @Astice a.+ &trate?y at #aster.
Ke.tAc/y 8.iBersity> 3"rime "o.trol as War<are> MilitariCi.? the America. " @Astice &ystem9 The "ha.?i.? Roles o< the Arme+ =orces a.+ the olice> -a?e 22E && The most i+eolo?ically com-atible a.+ thAs most -o-Alar battle <ro.t <or the .e, military has bee. social -roblems to actAal secArity strate?ies a.+ tactics> sAch as Arba. Biole.ce> ille?al +rA?s> a.+ ille?al immi?ratio.. %ot sAr-risi.?ly> these .e, military tar?ets are toAte+ by secArity s-ecialists as emer?i.? tre.+s .ecessitati.? the militaryIs i.BolBeme.t. "learly these -roblems e6iste+ -reBioAs to the e.+ o< the "ol+ WarK he.ce> ,hat ,e haBe are .ot -roblems i. search o< a solAtio. bAt a solAtio. i. search o< -roblems. Klare calls the militaryIs e.croachme.t ciBilia. a<<airs the national security syndrome: Othe to e6-a.+ the +e<i.itio. o< secArity to reJAire eBerF?reater co.trol oBer li<e.O10 The im-etAs <or this sy.+rome stems <rom the co.strActio. o< certai. +i<<icAlties as so Othreate.i.?O that the o-tio. le<t is resorti.? to military -o,er. "olo.el i.ter-rets this +eBelo-me.t i. the -ostF"ol+ War as a ty-e o< O-ostmo+er. militarism>O characteriCe+ by 3a ?ro,i.?

,illi.?.ess o< a. i.creasi.?ly militarilyF.aiBe society to char?e those i. A.i<orm ,ith res-o.sibilities that a +emocracy oA?ht to leaBe to ciBilia.s. It is a -ro+Act o< AmericaIs +ee- <rAstratio. a.+ +is?Ast ,ith electe+ ? i.ability to ,or/ e<<ectiBely> or to eBe. labor ho.estly. . . . #mbattle+ -oliticia.s are eBer more <reJAe.tly tAr.i.? to the military <or JAic/F<i6es9 "a.It sto- +rA?sR "all i. the %aBy. =#MA oBer,helme+R De-loy the Airbor.e. "rime oAt o< co.trolR At GAar+sme. o. the streets. TroAble+ yoAthsR Mari.e role mo+els a.+ military boot cam-s.4

The Neopraetorianism of the affirmative neccestates a state of sec riti%ation of crimes? a person stealin! a #ike is no lon!er committin! a crime, # t rather creatin! a threat a!ainst national sec rity that m st #e destroyed thro !h a militaristic mindset (7A8(A, *9 : eter ;.> ro<essor a.+ &e.ior Research =ello, at "olle?e o< @Astice a.+ &trate?y at #aster.
Ke.tAc/y 8.iBersity> 3"rime "o.trol as War<are> MilitariCi.? the America. " @Astice &ystem9 The "ha.?i.? Roles o< the Arme+ =orces a.+ the olice> -a?e 22E && MoreoBer> ,ithi. the ra./s o< military o<<icials> e-itomiCe+ i. a -olitical <i?Are sAch as Ge.eral "oli. o,ell> is a ?ro,i.? O.eo-raetoria. cAltAre>O +e<i.e+ as a +esire to re<ashio. a +eteriorati.? society i. the ima?e o< mili tary society :e.?.> or+erly> +isci-li.e+> e<<icie.t> res-ect<AlE. %eo-raetoria.Fism arises ,he. the arme+ <orces -erceiBe themselBes .ot as -rotectors o< ,hat is ri?ht i. ciBil society bAt also as the sel<Fa--oi.te+ a.+> im-orta.tly> A.electe+ ma/ers a.+ im-leme.ters o< the same. O%eo-raetoria.ism is mar/e+ by the militaryIs <la,e+ .otio. o< its o,. cAltAral sA-eriority a.+ its seemi.? i.ability to ?ras- the merits o< ciBil society.O12 =rom O-ostmo+er. militarism>O the militaryIs O.eo-raetoria.ism>O a.+ a rA++erless military establishme.t has arise. a. i.creme.tal re<rami.? o< la, brea/i.? as a Osocial threatO GAsti<yi.? the em-loyme.t o< the arme+ <orces. The la.?Aa?e Ase+ i. LI"> GA > a.+ !!TW is +esi?.e+ i. -art to reco.ce-tAaliCe la, brea/i.? a.+ social +isor+er as secArityO is sAes. I. a -ecAliar a--licatio. o< ,hat has .ormally bee. a le<tist i.ter-reta tio. o< crime> secArity s-ecialists -romoti.? these are politicizing crime a.+ social +isor+er by re+e<i.i.? them as a ty-e o< i.sAr?> so as to le?itimate a OcoA.teri.sAr?e.cyO a--roach.


MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K

The martial violence at play internationally is modeled domestically$s ch state force leads to tyranny, violence, h man ri!hts a# ses, and "ar5 (raska )**+ : eter ;. Kras/a. ro<essor a.+ &e.ior Research =ello,> "olle?e o< @Astice a.+ &trate?y> #aster.
Ke.tAc/y 8.iBersity> 8&A. 3MilitariCatio. a.+ olici.?DIts ReleBa.ce to 21st "e.tAry olice.4 December 1'> 2000. olici.? :2000E9 -am0*)B1F-am0*). htt-9//-olici.?.o6<or+GoAr.als.or?/c?i/co.te.t/<All/-am0*)B1H;1). MRE As ma.y secArity a.alysts -re+icte+ :a.+ some stro.?ly a+Bocate+ <orE> the li.e bet,ee. ,ar a.+ la, e.<orceme.t e<<orts has blArre+ I. co.+Acti.? o-eratio.s /.o,. i. military circles as Llo,Fi.te.sity co.<lict>M +isti.ctio.s bet,ee. -olice a.+
military mea. little. What is less /.o,. is the lo.? historyD-re+ati.? the terrorist eBe.t o< 2/11Do< the 8& militaryIs missio. o< cree-i.? <A.ctio.s Bie,e+ as the -ArBie, o< -olice> 2001E. #lse,here I haBe +ocAme.te+ the history o< the 8& militaryIs

hi?h leBel o< i.BolBeme.t> both abroa+ a.+ +omestically> i. +rA? co.trol e<<orts be?i..i.? i. the mi+FtoFlate 1210s
:Kras/a> 122'E. This ,as a. A.-rece+e.te+ shi<t i. the role a.+ <A.ctio. o< the 8& militaryDa. attem-t to ma/e the military more Lsocially Ase<AlM by e.?a?i.? i. +rA? co.trol e<<orts. Military o<<icials i.itially resiste+ this cha.?e A.til it ,as clear that the -ostF"ol+ War era ,oAl+ -roBi+e <e, GAsti<icatio.s <or co.ti.Ae+ <A.+i.?. ;y 11 &e-tember 2001> the.> the sta?e ,as thoroA?hly -re-are+ <or a ra-i+ acceleratio. o< the militaryF-olice blAr. The missio. s-ri.t o< the 8& military la,Fe.<orceme.t <A.ctio.s i.BolBe+ e.tirely .e, leBels o< coo-eratio. a.+ collaboratio. bet,ee. ciBilia. -olice a.+ the arme+ <orces> a.+ the military has become a ce.tral -layer i. a host o< homela.+ secArity a.+ ,arFo.Fterror i.itiatiBes. With little obGectio. or +iscAssio.> the 8& "o.?ress -asse+ le?islatio. that establishe+ the military as a ce.tral <eatAre o< homela.+ secArity /.o,. as %orthcom. Its most co.troBersial role> besi+es establishi.? close a.+ trai.i.? ties ,ith ciBilia. -olice> is a sArBeilla.ce a.+ i.<ormatio. -ro?ram that is cArre.tly the lar?est <e+eral +omestic sArBeilla.ce i.itiatiBe oAtsi+e o< the =e+eral ;AreaA o< I.Besti?atio. : i.cAs> 200)E. The -Ar-ose o< this article is to Ase the co.ce-ts o< militarism a.+ militariCatio. to illAmi.ate a.+ ma/e more accArate theoretical o< some +isJAieti.? tre.+s i. co.tem-orary -olice a.+ -olici.?. ;e<ore I co.clA+e ,ith some < obserBatio.s> I ,a.t to co.ce+e A-<ro.t that the -ositiBe BirtAes the military mo+el bri.?s to the -olici.? table haBe .ot bee. +iscAsse+. As I haBe ,ritte. else,here9The +ebate o. -aramilitary -olici.? i. the ;ritish literatAre illAstrates clearly that .ormatiBe co.cer.s -lay a ce.tral role i. assessi.? its +esirability :@e<<erso.> 1220K> 1222E. This issAe i.BolBes heart<elt belie<s> BalAes> a.+ morals. To ma.y -eo-le> eBe. amo.? aca+emics> the military mo+el re-rese.ts co.strai.t> +isci-li.e> ho.or> co.trol> com-ete.ce> a.+ a ty-e o< -atriotism. To others it sta.+s <or tyra..y> state Biole.ce> hAma. ri?hts abAses> ,ar> a.+ a. i+eolo?y ,hich sees social -roblems as bei.? bestFha.+le+ throA?h state <orce :Kras/a a.+ "Abellis> 12209*20E. lease .ote that my a.alysis +oes leaBe room <or the military mo+el i. -olici.? :e.?. the ori? a.+ esse.tial reactiBe <A.ctio. o< &WAT teamsE. This is A.aBoi+able ?iBe. that the <oA.+atio. o< -olice a.+ military -o,er is the sameDthe ability to threate. a.+ Ase <orce> lethal i< .ecessary> to accom-lish &tate obGectiBes . It ,oAl+ be <oolish to ta/e a. eitherFor -ositio.. $o,eBer> the caAtio.ary to.e is GAsti<ie+ i< ,e /ee- i. mi.+ the im-orta.ce o< ,hat has bee. a.+ shoAl+ be a ce.tral o< +emocratic -olici.?9 striBe to /ee- the -olice as <ar le<t o. the militariCatio. co.ti.AAm as -ossible. Whether these t,o co.Ber?i.? tre.+s oAtli.e+D the militariCatio. o< -olice a.+ the -oliceFiCatio. o< the militaryDare alarmi.? to the rea+er or e.coAra?i.?> they are real. We are i. the mi+st

o< a historic tra.s<ormatio.Do.e that both -olice -ractitio.ers a.+ aca+emics shoAl+ ac/.o,le+?e a.+ remai. co?.iCa.t o<. Attem-ti.? to co.trol the crime -roblem by roAti.ely co.+Acti.? -olice s-ecial o-eratio.s rai+s o. -eo-leIs -riBate resi+e.ces is stro.? eBi+e.ce that the 8& -olice> a.+ crime co.trol e<<orts i. ?e.eral> haBe moBe+ si?.i<ica.tly +o,. the militariCatio. co.ti.AAm. MoreoBer> the .ormaliCatio. o< 8s roAti.e -olice ,or/> the -atrol <A.ctio.> a.+ i. soFcalle+ Lor+er e.<orceme.t cam-ai?.s>M -oi.ts to a. e.+Ari.? militariCatio. .ot li/ely to rece+e a.ytime i. the .ear <AtAre. !< coArse> these +eBelo-me.ts ,ere occArri.? -reBioAs to the 2/11 tra?e+y. T,o rece.t
,ars> a.+ the secArity crisis i. IraJ> si?.al the +a,. o< a .e, era o< serioAs arme+ co.<lict. The eerie stability -roBi+e+ by the "ol+ War a.+ the s-ecter o< the War has Ba.ishe+. The o.F?oi.? ,ar o. terrorism is accelerati.? +ramatically the blArri.? +isti.ctio. bet,ee. the -olice a.+ military> bet,ee. a.+ secArity> a.+ bet,ee. ,ar a.+ la, e.<orceme.t. A.y broa+Fbase+ aca+emic a.alysis that relies heaBily o. these +emarcatio.s ,ill soo. seem mis-lace+ a.+ obsolete. I. the mi+st o< this -er-etAal ,arF<ooti.?> I thi./ it is also -laAsible to assAme that ? o<<icials e.trAste+ to /ee- As secAre <rom terrorism> ,ill more rea+ily ?raBitate to,ar+ the i+eolo?y o< militarismDboth <or a.+ secArity threatsD,he. -roblemFsolBi.? a.+ a+mi.isteri.? GAstice.


MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K

6inally, only o r alternative opens p a space for meanin!f l resistance$"e m st challen!e the ass mptions of their disco rse to open p a space for alternative forms of politics to emer!e C"en> ro< W La.caster> 922D :DaBi+> MatArity a.+ Mo+er.ityE
We ca. s/etch the =oAcaAlt accoA.t o< the actiBity o< critiJAe by comi.? to ?ri-s ,ith the o--ositio. he +ra,s bet,ee. Li+ealM critiJAe a.+ LrealM tra.s<ormatio.. =oAcaAlt sA??ests that the actiBity o< critiJAe Lis .ot a matter o< sayi.? that thi.?s are .ot ri?ht as they areM bAt rather Lo< -oi.ti.? oAt o. ,hat /i.+s o< assAm-tio.s> ,hat /i.+s o< <amiliar> A.challe.?e+> mo+es o< thoA?ht the -ractices ,e acce-t rest.M This +isti.ctio. is -erha-s sli?htly +isi.?e.AoAs> yet =oAcaAltMs -oi.t is i.telli?ible i< ,e reco?.ise his co.cer. to +isclose the e-istemolo?ical ?rammar ,hich i.<orms oAr social -ractices as the starti.? -oi.t o< critiJAe. This emer?es i. his reco?.itio. that Lcriticism :a.+ ra+ical criticismE is absolAtely i.+is-e.sable <or a.y tra.s<ormatio.. A

tra.s<ormatio. that remai.s ,ithi. the same mo+e o< thoA?ht> a tra.s<ormatio. that is a ,ay o< a+GAsti.? the same thoA?ht more closely to the reality o< thi.?s ca. merely be a sA-er<icial tra.s<ormatio.. The ?e.ealo?ical thrAst o<
this critical actiBity is Lto sho, that thi.?s are .ot as sel<FeBi+e.t as o.e belieBe+> to see that ,hat is acce-te+ as sel<FeBi+e.ce is .o lo.?er acce-te+ as sAchM <or Las soo. as o.e ca. .o lo.?er thi./ thi.?s as o.e <ormerly thoA?ht them> tra.s<ormatio. becomes both Bery Ar?e.t> Bery +i<<icAlt> a.+ JAite -ossible. The Ar? o< tra.s<ormatio. +eriBes <rom the co.testatio. o< thoA?ht :a.+ the social -ractices i. ,hich it is embe++e+E as the <orm o< oAr aAto.omy> althoA?h this Ar? is ?iBe. its s-eci<ic character <or mo+er. cAltAre by the reco?.itio. that the ?rammar o< this thoA?ht ties As the tech.ical matri6 o< bio-olitics. The Ls-eci<icityM o< i.tellectAal -ractice a.+ this

accoA.t o< the actiBity o< critiJAe come to?ether i. the re<Asal to le?itimate a A.iBersal +etermi.atio. o< L,hat is ri?htM i. <aBoAr o< the -er-etAal -roblematisatio. o< the -rese.t. It is .ot a JAestio.> <or =oAcaAlt> o< i.Bo/i.? a +etermi.atio. o< who ,e are as a basis <or critiJAe bAt o< locati.? what ,e are .o, as the basis <or a re-osi.? o< the JAestio. L,ho are ,eRM The role o< the i.tellectAal is thAs .ot the s-ea/ o. behal< o< others :the +is-ossesse+> the +o,.tro++e.E bAt to create the s-ace ,ithi. ,hich their strA??les become Bisible sAch that these others ca. s-ea/ <or themselBes.

A veiled military occ pation is the "orst form of violence and destroys all remnants of a c lt re$re'ectin! the occ pation mentality is the pre-re& isite to resistance 8hapira et5 Al )*9* :Am.o. &ha-ira> ro<essor o< Reli?ioAs $istory at Ariel 8.iBersity> ,ritte. alo.? ,ith Dr.
YoAsse< %asser> &hei/h Maher Assa<> AAthors <rom The "e.ter <or "o.<lict ResolAtio. a.+ Reco.ciliatio.> 3Reli?io. a.+ the GAsti<icatio. o< Biole.ce4> ,,,.rhr.or?.il/-+</e.?lish'.-+<> Accesse+ *//22/2010> -Ablishe+ 2010E && !ccA-atio. is o.e o< the most hi+eoAs <orms o< Biole.ce. It i.clA+es the occA-atio. o< la.+> cAltAre> i+e.tity> a.+ tra+itio.s. Military occA-atio. is a -rocess seiCi.? la.+> either i. -art or e.tirelyK -ractice+ by the army o< a state a? a.other +Ari.? i.Basio. or ,ar a.+ sometimes eBe. i. the -ostF ,ar -erio+. It re-rese.ts o.e o< the most a.cie.t a.+ eBi+e.t <orms o< colo.ialism a.+ the most a?itati.? <actor o< Biole.ce a.+ bloo+y co.<licts. The Islamic +octri.e> ho,eBer> -rohibits a??ressio. i. all its <orms. Allah says9 O$el- ye o.e a.other i. ri?hteoAs.ess a.+ -iety> bAt hel- ye .ot o.e a.other i. si. a.+ ra.corO :&Arat AlFMai+ah> Berse 2E. !ccA-atio. is a hei.oAs crime that -Ashes me. to ma+.ess> +eliriAm> a.+ ?ossi-. eo-le ,ho are A.+er occA-atio. say mea.i.?less thi.?s a.+ behaBe +i<<ere.tly to e6-ress their obGectio. to i.Basio. a.+ its i.hAma.e a.+ immoral e<<ects . The $oly Kora. +emo.strates that +riBi.? -eo-le
oAt o< their la.+s a.+ .atio.s is a -rohibite+ <orm o< a??ressio. a.+ is Bie,e+ as o<<e.siBe. Allah says9 OA<ter this it is ye> the same -eo-le> ,ho slay amo.? yoArselBes> a.+ ba.ish a -arty o< yoA <rom their homesK assist :their e.emiesE a? them> i. ?Ailt a.+ tra.s?ressio.K a.+ i< they come to yoA as ca-tiBes> ye ra.som them> thoA?h it ,as .ot la,<Al <or yoA to ba.ish them. The. is it a -art o< the ;oo/ that ye belieBe i.> a.+ +o ye reGect the restR ;At ,hat is the re,ar+ <or those amo.? yoA ,ho behaBe li/e this> bAt +is?race i. this li<eRO :&Arat AlF ;aJara> Berse 1)E. %o o.e ca. acce-t occA-atio.> <or it mea.s the e6ti.ctio. o< hAma. ciBiliCatio. o< the occA-ie+

-eo-le. &Abmitti.? to occA-atio. is .ot acce-table. $istory -roBi+es As ,ith .AmeroAs e6am-les o< ho, those e6-ose+ to occA-atio.> rAshe+ to +e<e.+ themselBes> their la.+> a.+ ciBiliCatio. ,ith all metho+s a.+ resoArces -ossible. The ri?hts o< <ree+om> i.+e-e.+e.ce> a.+ sel<F+etermi.atio. are amo.? the ri?hts sa.ctio.e+ by all .atio.s. The sA--ort -roBi+e+ by other .atio.s to a.y occA-yi.? <orce is a. actio. o< +ra,i.? a Beil oBer occA-atio. a.+ o--ressio..


MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K

1isco rse is vital in the conte4t of militarism L t% )*9* :"atheri.e LAtC> America. A.thro-olo?ist 8.iBersity o< %orth "aroli.a> "ha-el $ill. 3Ma/i.? War at
$ome i. the 8.ite+ &tates9 MilitariCatio. a.+ the "Arre.t "risis.4 @store. %e, &eries> 7ol. 10(> %o. ' :&e-.> 2002E> --. 02'F0'). Accesse+9 21/0*/2010 209'1. htt-9//,,,.Gstor.or?/stable/')*02)0 MRE ;y militariCatio.> I mea. Othe co.tra+ictory a.+ social -rocF ess i. ,hich ciBil society or?a.iCes itsel< <or the -ro+AcF tio. o< Biole.ceO :Geyer 1212902E. This -rocess i.BolBes a.<icatio. o< the labor a.+ resoArces allocate+ to military -Ar-oses> i.clA+i.? the sha-i.? o< other i.stitAF tio.s i. sy.chro.y ,ith military ?oals . MilitariCatio. is simAlta.eoAsly a +iscArsiBe -rocess> i.BolBi.? a shi<t i. ?e.eral societal belie<s a.+ BalAes i. ,ays .ecessary to le?itimate the Ase o< <orce> the or?a.iCatio. o< lar?e sta.+F i.? armies a.+ their lea+ers> a.+ the hi?her ta6es or tribAte Ase+ to -ay <or them. MilitariCatio. is i.timately co..ecte+ .ot to the obBioAs i.crease i. the siCe o< armies a.+ resAr?e.ce o< milita.t .atio.alisms a.+ milita.t <A.+aF me.talisms bAt also to the less Bisible +e<ormatio. o< hAF ma. -ote.tials the hierarchies o< race> class> ?e.+er> a.+ se6Aality> a.+ to the sha-i.? o< histories i. ,ays that ?lori<y a.+ le?itimate military actio. :;er.stei. 1222K Li.e.thal a.+ #.?elhar+t 122*E. While it is o<te. calle+ by sAch .ames as Omilitary stre.?th>O or <rame+ as a tool to +e<e.+ <ree+om> militariCatio. is a -rocess that hel-e+ s-a,. the Biole.ce o< &e-tember 11 a.+ the Biole.t o<
!ctober 09 To A.+ersta.+ militariCatio.> so ma.y mAst ho-e> is to -At some im-e+ime.t i. its +ea+ly -ath. While militariCatio. has bee. sha-e+ ,ithi. i..AF merable states> cor-oratio.s> a.+ localities> the 8.ite+ &tates is .o, the lar?est ,ells-ri.? <or this ?lobal


1isc rsive performances constr ct reality$"e m st criti& e these practices to eliminate the social norms they entrench and resist domination ,a!sha" )**E PDirector o< the "o.<lict Ma.a?eme.t Research GroA- at the 8.iBersity o< &oAth AAstralia> 200'
PDale> 3La.?Aa?e> o,er a.+ Me+iatio.>4 a-er -rese.te+ at the Associatio. <or "o.<lict Ma.a?eme.t 200' "o.<ere.ce> @A.e 1)F11 i. MelboAr.e> AAstralia> htt-9//,,,;AG&$AW. D=Q oststrActAralists see/ to A.+ersta.+ ho, -o,er a.+ i+eolo?y ,or/ throA?h systems o< +iscoArse a.+ ho, ,or+s a.+ their mea.i.? -lay a -art i. sha-i.? attitA+es a.+ behaBioArs> or L-er<orma.cesM > <or e6am-le o< race> class a.+ ?e.+er. =rom this -ers-ectiBe ,or+s carry i.te.tio.ality a.+ ca. serBe to harass> +is-ara?e a.+ mar?i.alise -eo-le <rom relatiBely -o,erless ?roA-s sAch as ,ome. a.+ chil+re.> -eo-le <rom cAltArally a.+ li.?Aistically +iBerse bac/?roA.+s> i.+i?e.oAs -eo-le> lesbia.s a.+ ?ay me.. $artma.> a social ,or/ aca+emic> stresses that -ractitio.ers ca. .eBer +iscoA.t the -o,er o< la.?Aa?e :as +iscoArseE to i.<lict irre-arable harm. To JAote9 i.+ee+> ,e> alo.? ,ith the -eo-le ,ho are o--resse+ mAst co.ti.Ae to challe.?e the +omi.a.t +iscoArses that attem-t to mar?i.alise ?roA-s o. the basis o< sAch cate?ories as coloAr> se6> a?e or se6Aal orie.tatio. :$artma.> 12219 20)E. I. my rece.t research ,or/ ,ith ,ome. ,ho haBe
bee. sAbGecte+ to +omestic Biole.ce :;a?sha, V "hA.?> 2000K ;a?sha,> "hA.?> "oAch> LilbAr.> V Wa+ham> 2000E a.+ ,ith a+olesce.ts i.BolBe+ i. co.<lict i. schools :;a?sha,> 1221K Ri?by V ;a?sha,> 2001E the maGority o< sAbGects sArBeye+ a.+ i.terBie,e+ re-orte+ that Berbal abAse ca. be <ar more +ama?i.? to their sel<Festeem i. the lo.?Fterm tha. other <orms i< abAse> i.clA+i.? -hysical abAse> -osi.? a challe.?e to the -reBaili.? Lstic/s a.+ sto.esM myth. I. <act i< o.e Bie,s the Lstic/s a.+ sto.esM -lay?roA.+ taA.t i. its e.tirety> there is a hi.t that it may i.BolBe +e<e.siBe -ostAri.? a.+ that ,or+s may i. <act be more hArt<Al tha. the <irst t,o o< the rhyme sA??ests9 &tic/s a.+ ,ill brea/ my ;At .ames ,ill .eBer hArt me. Whe. IM+ +ea+ a.+ i. my ?raBe> Thi./ o< the .ames yoA calle+ me> 12*290*E. This is ,hy I chose to <ocAs o. Berbal abAse <or my hD thesis at the 8.iBersity o< MelboAr.e. My thesis to-ic is 7erbal abAse a.+ a+olesce.t ?e.+ere+ i+e.tities F I am i.Besti?ati.? the role a.+ <A.ctio. Berbal abAse -lays i. the social co.strActio. o< mascAli.ity a.+ <emi.i.ity i. t,o &oAth AAstralia. schools. =rom the i.terBie,s I haBe co.+Acte+ ,ith year 2 stA+e.ts :1'F1) yearsE oBer the -ast t,o years it is clear that la.?Aa?e a.+ +iscoArse -lays a -o,er<Al role i. +e<i.i.? their ?e.+ere+ i+e.tities. Alo.? ,ith the -artici-a.ts i. -rior research stA+ies> they also re-ort that -ro<essio.als -ay <ar more serioAs atte.tio. to -hysical abAse tha. they +o to Berbal abAse> i. s-ite o< emer?i.? eBi+e.ce that the latter is -ote.tially more harm<Al> es-ecially i. the lo.?er term. La.?Aa?e as DiscoArse a.+ DiscoArse A.alysis I. the early

1200Ms> Michel =oAcaAlt reco.ceiBe+ la.?Aa?e as +iscoArse the -ro+Acer o< mea.i.?> .ot the re<lector o< reality
:=oAcaAlt> 1202E. $e Bie,s +iscoArse9 as a social a.+ -olitical e.tity> the mea.s by ,hich ,hat ,e /.o, o< the ,orl+ ca. be create+ :rather tha. sim-ly re-rese.te+E :Mc$oAl V Grace> 122'91'E. A L+iscoArseM <rom =oAcaAltMs -ers-ectiBe is ,hateBer co.strai.s or e.ables ,riti.?> s-ea/i.? a.+ thi./i.? ,ithi. s-eci<ic historical limits. ThAs <or =oAcaAlt> +iscoArse a.alysis became

a -o,er<Al strate?y <or cha.?e. =rom =oAcaAltMs -ers-ectiBe +iscoArse a.alysis shoAl+ e6ami.e ho, access to <orms o< la.?Aa?e a.+ ho, ,ays o< Asi.? la.?Aa?e haBe become L.ormalM a.+ +omi.a.t throA?h com-le6 historical -rocesses. $e hi?hli?hte+ that i. a.y ?iBe. historical -erio+ ,e ca. s-ea/ or thi./ aboAt a ?iBe. social -ractice :<or e6am-le ma+.ess> +omestic Biole.ce> chil+ abAse or se6AalityE i. certai. s-eci<ic ,ays a.+ .ot others. A +iscoArse ca. there<ore be +e<i.e+ as the -ro+Actio. a.+ i.ter-retatio.s o< sets o< relate+ Attera.ces X ,hich e<<ect a.+ sAstai. the +i<<ere.t cate?oriCatio.s a.+ -ositio.s P<or e6am-leQ o< ,ome. a.+ me. :;lac/ V "o,ar+> 12219111E.


MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K

7epresentations predetermine o r possi#ilities for interactin! "ith the "orld, o r kritik m st come first Anand *+ PDibyesh A.a.+ hD :;ristolE> MA :$AllE> ;A $o.oArs :&t &te-he.Ms "olle?e> DelhiE> Rea+er i. Relatio.s "e.tre <or the &tA+y o< Democracy> Westmi.ster 8.iBersity> Lo.+o.> Geo-olitical e6otica9 Tibet i. ,ester. ima?i.atio. -. 12F1* 2000Q
W!RLD !LITI"& A& T$# !LITI"& != IMAGI%ATI!% &ocial a.+ cAltAral i+e.tities by their Bery .atAre haBe al,ays bee. +iscArsiBely co.strActe+. What is .e, a.+ -ecAliar to mo+er.ity is the +esire a.+ ability to co.strAct a boA.+e+ i+e.tity base+ o. a <i6e+ a.+ aAto.omoAs i+ea o< sel<. This has bee. -arallele+ by the -o,er o< re-rese.tatio.s to co.strAct i+e.tity a.+ by hi?hly A.eJAal access to +iscArsiBe a.+ resoArces at a ?lobal leBel. -ractices <ee+ the +omi.a.t /.o,le+?e re?imes a.+ strActAres a.+ sha-e the Bery i+e.tities they see/ to re-rese.t . The bestF/.o,.
e6am-le o< this is the co.strAct o< !rie.talism> ,hich re<lects the close co..ectio. bet,ee. -articAlar mo+es o< cAltAral re-rese.tatio.s> a.thro-olo?y> a.+ #Aro-ea. im-erialism :see &ai+ 1201E. I. the -rocess it also creates the cate?ories o< 3!rie.talYY a.+ 3!cci+e.tal4 -eo-le. Re-rese.tatio. a.+ "ritical IR Withi. IR> it is im-orta.t to loo/ at Wester. cAltAral

Re-rese.tatio.s -o-Alate the ,orl+ ,ith s-eci<ic sAbGect -ositio.s ,ithi. ,hich co.cretiCe+ i.+iBi+Aals are the. i.ter-ellate+ :sec Wcl+cs T222E. I+e.tity claims o< BarioAs .o.FWester. commA.ities thAs o-erate ,ithi. -o,er relatio.s -At i. -lace by the West. This +oes .ot +e.y .o.FWester.ers their a?>
re-rese.tatio.s o< .o.FWester. -eo-le. This is so <or BarioAs reaso.s.

<or there is al,ays s-ace <or resista.ce a.+ accommo+atio.. ;At it em-hasiCes +i<<ere.tial access to the creatio. a.+ mol+i.? o< +iscArsiBe :both material a.+ .o.materialE resoArces. It o<<ers ,ays o< challe.?i.? a.+ +e.atAraliCi.? mo+es o< re-rese.tatio. that

abet +omi.atio. by 3ma/i.? it acce-table a.+ cohere.t ,ithi. the +omi.a.t ethos that co.strActs +omestic selBes a.+ e6otic !thers4 :&ha-iro 1211> 122F2'E. Reco?.itio. o< the -ro+ActiBe +ime.sio. o< re-rese.tatio. im-lies that the Bery basis o< ,orl+ -oliticsDi+e.tityDis challe.?e+. The reco?.itio. o< the salie.ce o< Wester. re-rese.tatio.s o< the .o.FWest i. ,orl+ -olitics also JAestio.s the Bie, o< stA+ies as a social 3scie.ce4 that has little to +o ,ith cAltAre> morality> society> a.+ the li/e. It the im-orta.ce o< cAltAre as a <actor i. mol+i.?> sAstai.i.?> a.+ JAestio.i.? -olitical -ractices. It reco?.iCes ,orl+ -olitics as a -rocess o< cAltAral i.teractio.s i. ,hich
the i+e.tities o< actors :i.clA+i.? their BalAes a.+ Bisio.sE arc .ot ?iBe. -rior to or a-art <rom these i.teractio.s. I.stea+> they are sha-e+ a.+ co.stitAte+ i. the com-le6es o< social -ractices that ma/e A- ,orl+ -olitics. Rather tha. +e.yi.? the im-orta.ce o< actors i. e.acti.? a.+ resha-i.? the social -ractices i. ,hich they are embe++e+> it <ocAses oAr atte.tio. also o. the social co.strActio. o< actors. ThAs> re-rese.tatio. is a. a.+ im-orta.t as-ect o< ?lobal -olitical li<e a.+ there<ore a critical a.+ le?itimate area o< i.JAiry. 3A ,hole ra.?e o< a.alyses i. IR haBe ta/e. this P&ai+IsQ i+ea A- a.+ ma--e+ the +i<<ere.t ,ays i. ,hich the West co.strActs the .o.F,ester. ,orl+4 :Di/e. a.+ LaAstse. 2.001> 0*1E.This comme.t is sAr-risi.? ?iBe. that IR> i.clA+i.? critical IR> ,ith <e, e6ce-tio.s :see ;is,as 2001K Doty 122*bK GAstcrso. 1222E has more or less i?.ore+ the JAestio.s raise+ by !rie.talism critiJAe. The JAestio. o< re-rese.tatio. has historically bee. e6clA+e+ <rom the aca+emic stA+y o< relatio.s a.+ the 3-rice that relatio.s scholarshi- -ays <or its i.atte.tio. to the issAe o< re-rese.tatio. is -er-etAatio. o< the +omi.a.t mo+es o< ma/i.? mea.i.? a.+ +e<erral o< its res-o.sibility a.+ com-licity i. +omi.a.t re-rese.tatio.s4 :Doty 122*b> 101E. The <ocAs o. re-rese.tatio. ,ithi. critical IR has bee. o. the

the i.scri-tio. o< other.ess ,as li./e+ to America. <orei?. -olicy a.+ the e.<rami.? o< America. i+e.tity9 At o.e time or a.other> #Aro-ea. a.+ America. +iscoArse has i.scribe+ ,ome.> the ,or/i.? class. #aster. #Aro-ea.s> @e,s> blac/s> crimi.als> colore+s> mAlattos> A<rica.s> +rA? a++icts> Arabs> the> Asia.s> the !rie.t> the Thir+ Worl+> terrorists> a.+ others throA?h tro-es that haBe ,ritte. their i+e.tity as i.<erior> o<te. i. terms o< their bei.? a mob or hor+e :sometimes
co.stitAtiBe <A.ctio. o< re-rese.tatio. i. ?e.erati.? a.+ sAstai.i.? -articAlar -olicy re?imes Zsec Dory 122*bE a.+ o. the i+e.tity -olitics o< the re-rese.tee =or i.sta.ce> "am-bell ar?Aes that

-assiBe a.+ sometimes threate.i.?E that is ,ithoAt cAltAre> +eBoi+ o< morals> i.<ecte+ ,ith +isease> lac/i.? i. i.+Astry> o< achieBeme.t> -ro.e to be A.rAly> i.s-ire+ by emotio.> ?iBe. to -assio.> i.+ebte+ to tra+itio.> or . . . . :iyy1b> 1yE I. Wel+es :1222E as ,ell as Wel+es et al. :1222E> re-rese.tatio. is a.alyCe+ as a ce.tral co.ce-t o< relatio.s a.+ <orei?. -olicy. As i. "am-bell> it is the <orei?. -olicy re?ime sAstai.e+ by -articAlar -ractices a.+ the i+e.tity o< the re-reFse.ter :the 8.ite+ &tatesE that is A.+er i.Besti?atio.. Doty :122'> 122*a> 122*bE -roBi+es e<<ectiBe a.alysis o< re-rese.tatio. as <orei?. -olitical -ractice. &imilarly> %eAma.. stA+ies the 3Ase o< Lthe $astM as the other4 :1222K em-hasis a++e+E as a ?e.eral -ractice i. the i+e.ti<y <ormatio. o< #Aro-eK Klei. %AT! 3as a set o< Zre-rese.tatio.alQ -ractice by ,hich the West has

,hateBer 3,e4 are .ot

the &oBiet ,as co.strActe+ as a +a.?eroAs !ther i. or+er to -ro+Ace a. i+eolo?ical ratio.ale <or the 8.&. secArity stateFI. all these stA+ies o< Wester. re-rese.tatio. o< the !ther> the <ocAs is o. either its ratio.aliCi.? role i. some <orei?. -olicy re?ime or o. its -ro+ActiBe e<<ect o. +omi.a.t i+e.tity +iscoArses ,ithi. the West. These ,or/s haBe .ot +ealt ,ith the -oetics a.+ -olitics o< Wester. re-rese.tatio.s o< the .o.FWest <rom the Ba.ta?e -oi.t o< the latter. The <ocAs has
co.stitAte+ itsel< as a -olitical a.+ cAltAral i+e.tity4 :1220> '1'EK a.+ Dalby :1211E a.alyCes ho,
remai.e+ lar?ely o. a critiJAe o< Wester. -ractices> .ot o. its -ro+ActiBe a.+ restrictiBe im-act o. the .o.FWest. This is at best a. ste- i. the ri?ht +irectio.. While reco?.iCi.? the si?.i<ica.ce o< re-rese.tatio. o< the !ther <or the re-rese.tee ,e mAst i+e.ti<y a.+ a.alyCe the im-act o. the i+e.tity o< the re-rese.te+. "ha-ters (F* <ocAs o. the -ro+ActiBe +ime.sio. o< re-rese.tatio.s BisFaFBis the re-rese.te+ throA?h the em-irical stA+y o< the i+e.tity o< Tibet a.+ Tibeta.s. My em-hasis is o. the ,ays i. ,hich -articAlar e.coA.ters bet,ee. the West a.+ the .o.FWest haBe sha-e+ the latter. Re-rese.tatio.s sA--ort .ot -articAlar -olitics o< the re-rese.tor to,ar+ the re-rese.te+ bAt> si?.i<ica.tly> they co.strAct the Bery i+e.tities o< the actors i.BolBe+> es-ecially the !ther. Re-rese.tatio.s are -ro+ActiBely li./e+ ,ith i+e.tity +iscoArses o< all /i.+s. The i+ea that re-rese.tatio. +ra,s A-o. a -re?iBe. i+e.tity is tAr.e+ o. its hea+> <or it is i+e.tity that is <ashio.e+ oAt o< -articAlariCe+ re-rese.tatio.s. I. the case o< #6otica Tibet> the.> +iscoArses are .ot re<lectiBe o<> bAt actAally -ro+ActiBe o<> Tibeta. i+e.tity. Withi. critical 1R> the -aAcity o< serioAs o< the 3ho,>4 3,hy>4 a.+ 3,hat im-act4 JAestio.s o< Wester. re-rese.tatio.s o</o. .o.FWcstcr. commA.ities sho,s that the tas/ o< -roBi.cialiCi.? the

They +o .ot ar?Ae that the material ,orl+ +oes .ot e6ist bAt that it acJAires mea.i.? throA?h the me+iatio. o< la.?Aa?e a.+ +iscArsiBe systems. ThoA?h sAch a +iscArsiBe a--roach characteriCes the ,or/ o< ma.y scholars> .o o.e has bee. more -romi.e.t tha. =oAcaAlt :1200>
West has GAst be?A.. TheoriCi.? Re-rese.tatio. " theories :$all 1220b> 1)F0(E are best sAite+ <or a co.te6tAaliCe+ A.+ersta.+i.? o< social a.+ -olitical co.ce-ts li/e re-rese.tatio. a.+ i+e.tity.

1201> 1210> 121(> 121*E i. sha-i.? it. =oAcaAlt is co.cer.e+ ,ith the -ro+Actio. o< /.o,le+?e a.+ mea.i.? .ot throA?h la.?Aa?e bAt throA?h +iscoArse. DiscArsiBe -ractices haBe their o,.

DiscArsiBe -ractices are characterise+ by the +elimitatio. o< a <iel+ o< obGects> the +e<i.itio. o< a le?itimate -ers-ectiBe <or the a?e.t o< /.o,le+?e> a.+ the <i6i.? o< .orms <or the elaboratio. o< co.ce-ts a.+ theories. ThAs> each +iscArsiBe -ractice im-lies a -lay o< -rescri-tio.s that +esi?.ate its e6clAsio.s a.+ choices. :=oAcaAlt 125*> 122E =oAcaAltMs re<ormAlatio. o< +iscoArse also calls <or
i.clAsio.ary a.+ e6clAsio.ary as-ects.
reco?.itio. o< the e6-licit li./a?e bet,ee. /.o,le+?e> trAth> a.+ -o,er. I+e.ti<icatio. o< the /.o,le+?eF-o,er :-oABoir/saBoirE .e6As reBeals the li./a?e o< trAth claims ,ith systems o< -o,er9 TrAth is.Mt oAtsi+e -o,er> or lac/i.? o< -o,er9 co.trary to a myth ,hose history a.+ <A.ctio.s ,oAl+ re-ay <Arther stA+y> trAth is.Mt the re,ar+ o< <ree s-irits> the chil+ o< -rotracte+ solitA+e> .or the -riBile?e o< those ,ho haBe sAccee+e+ i. liberati.?

TrAth is a thi.? o< the ,orl+9 it is -ro+Ace+ by BirtAe o< mAlti-le <orms o< co.strai.t. Z=oAcaAlt 1210> T21E The reco?.itio. o< the co.strActe+ character o< trAth <acilitates a critical -olitical -ositio.i.?. %othi.? is sacrosa.ct. $o,eBer> this +ocs .ot A.+ermi.e the im-act o< trAth claims o. the liBes o< -eo-le. All /.o,le+?e> o.ce a--lie+ i. the 3real4 ,orl+> has real e<<ects a.+ i. that becomes trAe.1[ This =oAcaAl+ia. i+e.ti<icatio. a.+ e6-loratio. o< the li./ bet,ee. -o,er> /.o,le+?e> a.+ trAth is ra+ical i. its im-licatio.. It shi<ts the terrai. o< i.JAiry <rom the
themselBes. JAestio. 3What is trAthR4 to the JAestio. $o, +o +iscArsiBe -ractices co.stitAte trAth claimsR4 I. terms o< re-rese.tatio.> ,e may see the im-licatio. as a shi<t i. the <ocAs <rom some core reality be.eath/behi.+ re-rese.tatio.s to

The JAestio. is .o lo.?er ,hether a re-rese.tatio. is trAe or <alse bAt ,hat +iscArsiBe -ractices o-erate to re.+er it trAe or <alse. It is .ot aboAt ho, re-rese.tatio.s re<lect some sAbGects bAt> more crAcially> ho, sAbGectiBity itsel< is co.strActe+ ,ithi. +iscArsiBe -ractices> ho, re?imes are -ro+ActiBe o< sAbGectiBity. DiscoArses the. are 3-ractices ,hich <orm the obGects o< ,hich they s-ea/4 :=oAcaAlt @202.> (2E. A+o-ti.? this a--roach to
the mo+alities o< their <A.ctio.i.?.


MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K

Tibeta. i+e.tity> the -erti.e.t JAestio. shi<ts <rom 3$o, <ar +o re-rese.tatio.s :both Wester. a.+ sel<FE o< Tibeta.s re<lect their i+e.tityR4 to 3$o, +o re?imes a<<ect the +iscArsiBe -ro+Actio. o< Tibeta..essR4 This hel-s As loo/ at Tibcta..ess as a -oliticiCe+ i+e.ti<icatio. -rocess> i.stea+ o< some -re?iBe.> esse.tialCe+> <i6e+ obGect.


Police "ill take p military approaches and vice versa <orales, )*9* :=ra./> =oA.+er o< the "am-ai?. to DemilitariCe the olice> 3The MilitariCatio. o< the olice4>
htt-9//,,,.coBertactio..or?/co.te.t/Bie,/2)/0)/> Last e+ite+ o. @A.e 22> 2010E && $istorical i.sta.ces o< collaboratio. bet,ee. the -olice a.+ the military reBeal .ot the as-ects o< sAch Otra.s<ers>O bAt -olitical a.+ i+eolo?ical as ,ell . The cArre.t %Y D &treet "rime> alo.? ,ith the <ormer "iBic
A<<airs i. hila+el-hia> actiBe i. the tar?eti.? o< -olitical MAmia AbAF@amal <or his s-irite+ a.+ i.<orme+ +e< o< M!7# :see si+ebarE> ?re, oAt o< the a.tiFra+ical Ore+ sJAa+sO o< the si6ties. These -olice A.its> la+e. ,ith the most +e+icate+ a.+ brAtal ,hite sA-remacists> a+a-te+> oBer time a.+ cha.?i.? circAmsta.ces> their hatre+ o< ra+icals to a hatre+ o< O+rA??ies a.+ -er-etrators.O

This cha.?e ,ith the broa+er crimi.aliCatio. o< -rotest> the boom i. +rA? bAsts> a.+ the i+eolo?ical a.+ -ractical +ehAma.iCatio. o< certai. -eo-le> es-ecially ;lac/s :as i. the -romotio. o< boo/s li/e The ;ell "ArBe> the moBe to O,or/<areO .eoFslaBery> the +e-ictio. o< ;lac/ a.+ Lati.o yoAth as bor. a Biole.t OA.+erclass>O etc.E. ThAs> by the 1210s> Othe -olice ,ere co.<ro.te+ ,ith char?es o< brAtality i. the treatme.t o< ;lac/s> bAt .ot i. a co.te6t o< racial or -olitical -rotest.O10 !r?a.iCatio.s li/e the &treet "rime a.+ %arcotics 8.its are the s-earhea+ o< -oliticiCe+ -olice +e-artme.ts a.+ carry o. the strate?ies o< yester+ayIs Ore+ sJAa+O ,ar o. ra+icals. I. a++itio.> these -olice A.its haBe become> a.+ remai.> the chie< be.e<iciaries o< ?e.eroAs military lar?esse. ThroA?hoAt the seBe.ties> the La,
#.<orceme.t Assista.ce A+mi.istratio. <acilitate+ these military Otra.s<ersO throA?h the creatio. o< e.tities li/e &-ecial Wea-o.s a.+ Tactics :&WATE A.its ,hich ,ere mo+ele+ o. the 8.&. militaryIs &-ecial =orces. I. the 1200s> the %Y DIs ;AreaA o< &-ecial &erBices :;!&&E <A.ctio.e+ i. this role. It Obore a +isti.ctio. a/i. to that o< the Gree. ;erets.O11 &eei.? themselBes i. a O,ar <or sArBiBal>O ;!&& tar?ete+ the ;lac/ a.+ Lati.o liberatio. moBeme.ts i. %Y" as O-art o< a tra+eFo<< to a--ease eleme.ts i. the -olice that threate.e+ sel<Fhel- a.+ Bi?ila.tism A.less -A.itiBe coArtroom measAres ,ere ta/e. a? the ?hetto milita.tsO12 $ar+li.e -olice <actio.s li/e the La, #.<orceme.t GroA- orchestrate+ a 12*1 mob attac/ o. a ;roo/ly. coArtroom +ema.+i.? the remoBal o< the GA+?e heari.? a case i.BolBi.? three members o< the ;lac/ a.ther arty. Whe. Mayor GiAlia.i tol+ a rally o< -olice o<<icers o. the ste-s o< "ity $all some years a?o +Ari.? the Di./i.s a+mi.istratio.> OI loBe the %e, Yor/ "ity olice De-artme.t>O ;lac/ a.+ Lati.o -oliticia.s ,ere roA?he+ A-. I. December 1220> t,o <ormer %Y D A.+ercoBer +etectiBes tol+ the story o< o.e o< the most secretiBe A.its ,ithi. the olice De-artme.t. The> ,hich <A.ctio.e+ as a O;lac/ Des/O be?i..i.? i. the mi+F1210s> Oaime+ at i.Besti?ati.? +issi+e.t ;lac/ ?roA-s a.+ their lea+ers.O The ,or/e+ oAt o< the rotectiBe Research> ,hich ,as i. the Ablic &ecArity &ectio. o< the %Y DIs I.telli?e.ce DiBisio.> hea+e+ at the time by De-Aty "hie< Robert ;Ar/e. ;lac/ ?roA-s that ,ere tar?ete+ i.clA+e+ the atrice LAmAmba "oalitio. a.+ the December 12th "oalitio.> the. /.o,. as the %e, Yor/ 1. O$istorically> the +e-artme.tIs -olitical sArBeilla.ce has hel+ some o< the %Y DIs most closely ?Aar+e+ secrets. It ,as .ic/.ame+ the Re+ &JAa+> becaAse it ha+ i.Besti?ate+ sA--ose+ "ommA.ists a.+ -olitical actiBists i. the Mc"arthy era. I. the 12*0s> the> /.o,. as the ;AreaA o< &-ecial I.Besti?atio.s> tAr.e+ its atte.tio. to Malcolm 5 a.+ later to the ;lac/ a.thers....O These A.its ,ere> a.+ co.ti.Ae to be> oAt<itte+ ,ith the latest i. sArBeilla.ce :OstealthOE a.+ ,ea-o.s tech.olo?y.20 The rece.t A-sAr?e i. -o-Alar

resista.ce to li/e the Diallo shooti.? has s-a,.e+ mAch +ebate o. the -roblem o< a rA.a,ay militariCe+ -olice. &oo. a<ter the shooti.?> %Y" olice " $o,ar+ &a<ir or+ere+ the comma.+er o< the &treet "rime to haBe +aily +iscAssio.s ,ith his o<<icers aboAt the Ase o< <irearms. atric/ #. Kelleher> <irst +e-Aty> sai+ at a .e,s co.<ere.ce that O ,hat ,e are +oi.? is ta/i.? a close loo/ at oAr trai.i.? -roce+Ares a.+ ,ays -olice o<<icers commA.icate amo.? each other i. e.<orceme.t sitAatio.s.O21 Mayor GiAlia.i> <or his -art> Oset asi+e \1) millio. <or se.sitiBity trai.i.? <or o<<icers.22 The
Mayor a.+ his olice " -o--e+ $arlemIs '2.+ reci.ct o.e rece.t mor.i.? toAti.? their ,alletFsiCe+ -olite.ess cAe car+s. OThe -olice o<<icers liste.e+ -olitely> i. a ,ay that members o< -aramilitary or?a.iCatio.s are obli?e+ to liste.. O2' !.e o<te. hears o< the .ee+ to Ose.sitiCeO the -olice> -resAmably by ma/i.? them <eel at home i. the ?hetto. DiscAssio. o< issAes re?ar+i.? -olice trai.i.? AsAally assAme some <orm o< hAma.istic behaBior mo+i<icatio.. The assAm-tio. is that the <e, ba+ a--les .ee+ to rea+ a ma.Aal or t,o a.+ tal/ to a coA.selor. I. <act> the -olice haBe bee. trai.e+ to /ill. The role -sychiatric behaBior

mo+i<icatio. is -layi.? is to assist i. the brai.,ashi.? reJAire+ to create a /iller throA?h co.+itio.i.?> cAltiBati.? i. the o<<icer a .ear i.sti.ctAal reactio. to a -ro?ramme+ stimAlAs> a.+ a Oma.A<actAre+ co.tem-tO <or the O-er-.O
Ro. $am-to.> a retire+ -olice o<<icer a.+ e6ecAtiBe +irector o< the ;lac/ olice Associatio.> tol+ Am.esty i. 1211 that Oi. a trai.i.? Bi+eo> eBery -ortraye+ is ;lac/.O2(


MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K


The <ilitary and Police perform the e4act same tasks 0 they are interchan!ea#le and the aff impacts "ill therefore contin e 3o"per, )*** :Thomas> @.> "o.tribAtor to the olice NAarterly> %e, Yor/ "ity olice> 3The Myth o< the
3Military Mo+el4 o< Lea+ershi- i. La, #.<orceme.t4> olice NAarterly> 7ol. ' %o. '> htt-9//,,,.-olice<AtArists.or?/-+</TheUMythUo<UtheUMilitaryUMo+elUo<Lea+ershi-Ui.ULa,U#.<orceme.t.-+<> &e-tember 2000> Accesse+ */22/10E && olice or?a.iCatio. a.+ military or?a.iCatio. attem-t to accom-lish Bery similar e.+s. ;oth i.BolBe the a--licatio. o< ? sa.ctio.e+ <orce> i. the Altimate> i. the <orm o< a combi.e+ Ase o< me. a.+ mateF rials or?a.iCe+ a.+ strActAre+ to solBe a myria+ o< -roblems co.cer.i.? co.<licts,itha.+resista.cetothat?,ill.;othAse a Bariety o< mea.s other tha. +irect <orce to accom-lish their res-ectiBe misF sio.s ,hile mai.tai.i.? co.ti.AAm o< <orce o-tio.s as a last resort. ;oth em-loy a ,i+e assortme.t o< s-ecialists a.+ A.its a? mAlti-le o--oF .e.ts simAlta.eoAsly. ;oth e.?a?e i. o-eratio.s sAch as -eace/ee-i.?> hAma.itaria. relie<> a.+ li<e saBi.?> as ,ell as the +irect a.+ <orcible i.terF Be.tio. i. the a<<airs o< others. ;oth mAst +eal e<<ectiBely ,ith the ciBilia. -o-Alatio.s i. a.+ aroA.+ their areas o< o-eratio. a.+ solBe -roblems to sAccee+. A.+ both are co.strai.e+ i. their e<<orts by a--lie+ RAles o< #.?a?eme.t that limit the amoA.t o< <orce they ca. a--ly at a -arF ticAlar time a.+ -lace base+ o. the totality o< e6isti.? a.+ -olitiF cal circAmsta.ces as -erceiBe+ a.+ +etermi.e+ by ciBilia. +ecisio. ma/ers a.+ the la,.

(ritik takes o t solvency: The i!norance of the com#ination of the military creates inefficiencies in their d ties? military p t in the place of police officers needlessly kill and destroy citi%ens, "hile police p t in the military position e4ercise too m ch restraint in dan!ero s sit ations5 1 nlap, )**9 :"olo.el "harles @. @r.> De-Aty @A+?e A+Bocate Ge.eral at the 8.ite+ &tates Air<orce> 3The Gree.
Li.e4> MilitariCi.? the America. " @Astice &ystem9 The "ha.?i.? Roles o< the Arme+ =orces a.+ the olice> #+ite+ by eter ;. Kras/a> -a?es '(F')E && What ,e haBe see. i. the last t,e.ty years is a ?ro,i.? to loo/ to the arme+ <orces to -er<orm tas/s that are esse.tially la, e.<orceme.t. To ma.y America.s the Ase o< the military <or these -Ar-oses is o< little co.cer.. The arme+ <orces co.siste.tly lea+ -Ablic -olls as the most trAste+ i.stitAtio. i. America. society> to--i.? eBe. or?a.iCe+ reli?io. a.+ the &A-reme "oArt. MoreoBer> as @oh. $ille.> the. a. a.alyst <or the $erita?e =oA.+atio.> -At it i. 122*9 OWhy +o -oliticia.s ,a.t to Ase the military <or -olice +AtiesR To ta/e a+Ba.ta?e o< o.e o< the <e, -arts o< the <e+eral ? that actAally ,or/s.O22 %ot,ithsta.+i.? the seemi.? acJAiesce.ce o< the -Ablic> this ?ro,i.? tre.+ bears <Arther a.alysis . I. trAth> there are <e, i.sta.ces i. mo+er. times ,here the military e<<ectiBely co.+Acte+ a -oliceF li/e secArity missio. co.siste.t ,ith both the mai.te.a.ce o< a. aAthe.tic combat ca-aSbility a.+ +emocratic BalAes. That sai+> the issAes ,ith re?ar+ to Asi.? the arme+ <orces <or la, e.<orceme.t ca. Ase<Ally be +iBi+e+ -ractical -roblems a.+ -hiloso-hical !.e o< the reaso.s that ma.y military lea+ers haBe lo.? resiste+ em-loyi.? their troo-s as -olice <orces relates to the -ractical co.cer. that +oi.? so +imi.ishes combat -ro,ess. Des-ite ,hat the casAal obserBer may thi./> there are sAr-risi.?ly <e, bet,ee. la, e.<orceme.t a.+ military
missio.s. #6ami.i.? the bor+er shooti.? -roBi+es a. illAstratio.. There the Mari.e "or-s i.siste+ that the -atrol acte+ i. accor+a.ce ,ith the O@T=F* rAles o< e.?a?eme.t ,hich i.clA+e the ri?ht o< sel<F+e<'0 ThoA?h resolAtio. o< the s-eci<ic <acts o< that case is beyo.+ the sco-e o< this article> it is easy to see ho, a +ichotomy mi?ht arise . Military <orces o-erati.? i. a +omestic sitAatio.>

,here the rAles o< e.?a?eme.t limit the Ase o< <orce to Osel<F+e<e.seO sitAatio.s> mi?ht still haBe a. i.ter-retatio. o< the sco-e o< the term that +i<<ers <rom that o< local -olice <orces. 8.+er military -ractice> <orce may be Ase+ i. sel<F+e< to O+ecisiBely coA.ter the hostile act or hostile i.te.t a.+ to e.sAre the co.ti.Ae+ sa<ety o< 8.&. <orces.O MoreoBer> A.+er certai. co.+itio.s> e.?a?eme.t is -ermitte+ OA.til hostile <orce .o lo.?er -rese.ts a. immi.e.t threat.O'1 $o,eBer> state la,> .ot military +octri.e> ?oBer.s ,he. military <orces are acti.? +omestically a? ciBilia.
sAs-ects oAtsi+e o< a <e+eral e.claBe. Accor+i.?ly> the le?al aAthority to Ase +ea+ly <orce i. sAch sitAatio.s may be aBailable to a.y citiCe. :as o--ose+ to la, e.<orceme.t o<<icerE i. a -arSticAlar GAris+ictio..'2 ThAs> state le?al reJAireme.ts that ma.+ate actio.s sAch as Oretreat to the ,allO be<ore the Ase o< +ea+ly <orce is -ermitte+ are A./.o,. i. military -ractice a.+ to be ,ell A.+erstoo+ by troo-s i. the <iel+.''

I.+ee+> Asi.? military <orces <or tas/s that are esse.tially la, e.<orceme.t reJAires a <A.+ame.tal cha.?e i. orie.tatio.. To -At it blA.tly> i. its most basic iteratio.> military trai.i.? is aime+ at /illi.? -eo-le a.+ brea/i.? thi.?s. "o.seJAe.tly> military +octri.e has <orces moBi.? o. a tar?et by <ire a.+ ma.eABer ,ith a Bie, to,ar+ +estroyi.? that tar?et. olice <orces> o. the other ha.+> ta/e a. e.tirely +i<<ere.t a--roach. They haBe to e6ercise the stA+ie+ restrai.t that a GA+icial -rocess reJAiresK they ?ather eBi+e.ce a.+ arrest OsAs-ects.O Where the military sees Oe.emiesO o< the 8.ite+ &tates> a -olice a?> -ro-erly orie.te+> sees OcitiCe.sO sAs-ecte+ o< crimes bAt i..oce.t A.til -roBe. ?Ailty i. a coArt o< la,. These are t,o +i<<ere.t Bie,s o< the ,orl+. 2'

MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K


C#amas ne" disc rsive strate!y demonstrates ho" the !overnment #l rs distinction #et"een police and military in order to commit r#an "arfare a!ainst civilians (o ri )**2 @im KoAri. La, #.<orceme.t 3!bama blArs li.e bet,ee. military a.+ -olice.4 December
2> 2002. htt-9//,,,*1(FLa,F#.<]y2002m12+2F!bamaFblArsFli.eFbet,ee.F militaryFa.+F-olice. MR.
Whe. the !bama a+mi.istratio. a..oA.ce+ that e.emy combata.ts a.+ terrorists ,ill be ?iBe. Mira.+a War.i.?s ,he. they are ca-tAre+> ma.y America.s ,o.+ere+ ho, that ,oAl+ im-roBe oAr ,ar<i?hti.? i. A<?ha.ista.> IraJ or other terrorist haBe.s. $o,eBer> A-o. e6ami.i.? this latest +irectiBe by resi+e.t ;arac/ !bama> -erha-s there is a. Alterior motiBe <or his +irectiBe. ;lArri.? the bet,ee. la, e.<orceme.t a.+ the military a--ears to be the ?oal soA?ht by !bama a.+ the -ro?ressiBes. More <e+eral co.trol o<

local la, e.<orceme.t ,hile at the same time crossFtrai.i.? sol+iers to -er<orm the -olice <A.ctio. ,ithi. the 8.&.
I. a rece.t re-ort release+ to the 8& "o.?ress> a.alysts assesse+ ,hat they terme+ 3-re-are+.ess tests4 bet,ee. the 8.&. military a.+ ? a?e.cies at the <e+eral> state a.+ local leBels. 8.&. %orther. "omma.+ :%!RT$"!ME e6ercises to test -re-are+.ess to -er<orm its homela.+ +e< a.+ ciBil sA--ort missio.s. The AccoA.tability !<<ice ,as as/e+ to assess the e6te.t to ,hich %!RT$"!M is co.siste.t ,ith De-artme.t o< De< ? <or trai.i.? a.+ e6ercise reJAireme.t i.BolBi.? i.tera? -art.ers a.+ states i. its e6ercises. %!RT$"!MMs e6ercise -ro?ram is ?e.erally co.siste.t ,ith the reJAireme.ts o< D!DMs @oi.t Trai.i.? &ystem> bAt its e6ercise re-orti.? is &i.ce the comma.+ ,as establishe+ i. 2002> %!RT$"!M has co.+Acte+ 1' lar?eFscale e6ercises a.+ ?e.erally com-lete+ e6ercise sAmmary re-orts ,ithi. the reJAire+ time <rame. $o,eBer> those re-orts +i+ .ot co.siste.tly i.clA+e certai. i.<ormatio.> sAch as areas .ee+i.? im-roBeme.t> becaAse %!RT$"!M lac/s ?Ai+a.ce that s-eci<ies e6ercise re-ortsM co.te.t a.+ <ormat> -ote.tially im-acti.? its ability to meet sta.+ar+s <or -la..i.? a.+ e6ecAtio. o< Goi.t e6ercises> a.+ to com-are a.+ share e6ercise resAlts oBer time ,ith i.tera? -art.ers a.+ states. 3While the ratio.ale <or Asi.? the 8& military +omestically ha+ bee. +ebate+ <or years> resi+e.t ;arac/ !bama a--ears i.te.t o. Asi.? oAr military at least A.til he ca. create his -romise+ I"iBilia. &ecArity =orceI ,hich he sai+ ,oAl+ be as bi? a.+ -o,er<Al as the military>4 sai+ -olitical strate?ist Mi/e ;a/er. 3The <act that the military D i. this i.sta.ce

%!RT$"!M D is bei.? trai.e+ to o-erate ,ith oAr bor+ers shoAl+ be setti.? o<< alarms throA?hoAt this .atio.. ;At itMs bei.? i?.ore+ eBe. by those ,ho -ro<ess to be co.serBatiBes>4 he sai+. %i.etee. <e+eral a?e.cies a.+ or?a.iCatio.s
a.+ 10 states a.+ the District o< "olAmbia haBe -artici-ate+ i. o.e or more o< the seBe. lar?eFscale e6ercises that %!RT$"!M has co.+Acte+ si.ce &e-tember 200). $o,eBer> %!RT$"!M <aces challe.?es i. i.BolBi.? states i. the -la..i.?> co.+Act> a.+ assessme.t o< its e6ercises> sAch as a+a-ti.? its e6ercise system a.+ -ractices to i.BolBe other <e+eral> state> local> a.+ tribal a?e.cies that +o .ot haBe the same -ractices or leBel o< -la..i.? resoArces. ,ith ho, %!RT$"!M i.BolBes states i. e6ercises are occArri.? i. -art becaAse %!RT$"!M o<<icials lac/ e6-erie.ce +eali.? ,ith states a.+ +o .ot haBe a co.siste.t -rocess <or i.clA+i.? states i. e6ercises. WithoAt sAch a -rocess> %!RT$"!M i.creases the ris/ that its e6ercises ,ill .ot -roBi+e be.e<its <or all -artici-a.ts> im-act the seamless e6ercise o< all leBels o< ?> a.+ -ote.tially a<<ect %!RT$"!MMs ability to -roBi+e ciBil sA--ort ca-abilities. OIt is A- to the resi+e.ts o< i.+iBi+Aal states to tell their ?oBer.ors they +o .ot ,a.t the <e+eral ? i.trA+i.? o. la, e.<orceme.t a.+ -Ablic sa<ety issAes>O sai+ <ormer %Y D +etectiBe a.+ Mari.e i.telli?e.ce o<<icer &i+ =ra.ces. OThis is es-ecially trAe i< their ?oBer.ors share the same -olitical -hiloso-hy as the resi+e.t a.+ his i. Washi.?to.>O he a++e+. %!RT$"!M has a systematic lesso.s lear.e+ a.+ correctiBe actio. -ro?ram to im-roBe -re-are+.ess> bAt ?a-s remai. ,ith collecti.? a.+ shari.? lesso.s ,ith a? a.+ state -art.ers a.+ ma.a?i.? correctiBe actio.s. Access to the system %!RT$"!M Ases <or ma.a?i.? e6ercise obserBatio.s is limite+ <or .o.FD!D -artici-a.ts> a.+ D!D belieBes that the $omela.+ &ecArity De-artme.tIs system is .ot a+eJAately -rotecte+ <rom A.aAthoriCe+ Asers. %!RT$"!MMs miti?atio. ste-s haBe .ot resolBe+ the issAes. I. a++itio.> aboAt 20 -erce.t o< the correctiBe actio.s trac/e+ by %!RT$"!M ,ere bei.? close+ -rematArely +Ae to ?a-s i. oBersi?ht. "losi.? issAes -rematArely i.creases the ris/ that issAes ,ill reoccAr a.+ limits the /.o,le+?e ?ai.e+ a.+ BalAe o< the e6ercise. The AccoA.tability !<<ice is ma/i.? recomme.+atio.s to D!D to +irect %!RT$"!M to co.siste.tly i.BolBe the states i. -la..i.?> e6ecAti.?> a.+ assessi.? e6ercises a.+ im-roBe oBersi?ht o< correctiBe actio.s. The GA! is also recomme.+i.? that D!D +e<i.e ,he. %!RT$"!M shoAl+ Ase -la..i.? a.+ +ocAme.tatio. reJAireme.ts. D!D a?ree+ or -artially a?ree+ ,ith the recomme.+atio.s a.+ cite+ o.?oi.? a.+ <AtAre e<<orts to satis<y the recomme.+atio.sM i.te.t. D!D +i+ .ot <Ally a++ress a recomme.+atio. o. trai.i.? to %!RT$"!M sta<< o. s-eci<ic state emer? ma.a?eme.t strActAres. GA! belieBes sAch trai.i.? ,oAl+ be.e<it %!RT$"!M -erso..el i. a+Ba.ce o< a crisis a.+ <or e6ercise -la..i.?. The <irst actiBeF+Aty +e+icate+ to sA--orti.? 8& ciBilia. aAthorities i. the eBe.t o< a .Aclear> biolo?ical or chemical attac/ is ,ra--i.? A- three +ays o< i.te.siBe trai.i.? i. tactics to be Ase+ ,ithi. the co.ti.e.tal 8.ite+ &tates> accor+i.? to Arme+ =orces ress &erBice re-rese.tatiBe Do..a Miles. Ms. Miles re-orte+ to .e,s re-orters> blo??ers a.+ GoAr.alists that troo-s <rom the 'r+ I.<a.try DiBisio.Ms 1st ;ri?a+e "ombat Team are at the %aBal <acility locate+ i. I.+ia. $ea+> Maryla.+ ?etti.? ha.+sFo. trai.i.? i. s/ills they ,oAl+ +e-e.+ o. to -roBi+e sA--ort +Ari.? a chemical> biolo?ical> ra+iolo?ical> .Aclear or hi?hFyiel+ e6-losiBe> /.o,. here as a ";R%#. $o,eBer> .ot eBeryo.e is ha--y aboAt this latest military +eBelo-me.t comi.? so close to the tra.sitio. <rom the ;Ash White $oAse to the !bama A+mi.istratio.. &ome obserBers belieBe this -la. is -art o< a +eal bet,ee. resi+e.t !bama a.+ the cArre.t &ecretary o< De< ,ho remai.e+ i. his cArre.t -ositio. eBe. a<ter the ;AshF!bama tra.sitio.. 3While !bama a.+ his team are ma/i.? it soA.+ as i< they ,ill Ase the military i. a .o.FcombatiBe roll> -art o< the trai.i.? bei.? co.+Acte+ is i. Arba. ,ar<are>4 claims Mi/e ;a/er. 3!bama a--ears obliBioAs to osse "omitatAs a.+ to the 8& "o.stitAtio. ,he. it comes to Asi.? the military a? ciBilia.s ,ithi. 8& bor+ers>4 he a++e+. While the military e6-erts i. !bamaIs -oc/et a--ear e6cite+ aboAt this Ase o< sol+iers ,ithi. the bor+ers o< the 8.ite+ &tates> ma.y military a.+ -olice comma.+ers a.+ o<<icers are less e.thAsiastic. 3I ca..ot A.+ersta.+ ,hy the <e+eral ? is so i.te.t o. Asi.? sAch military <orce ,ithi. oAr bor+ers. It remi.+s me o< the ; DaBi+ia.

massacre i. Waco> Te6as ,he. the <e+s Ase+ e6cessiBe +ea+ly <orce a? me.> ,ome. a.+ chil+re.. A.+ they Ase+ that +ea+ly -hysical <orce base+ o. <alse i.<ormatio.>4 ,ar.s <ormer Det. =ra.ces. 3While IIBe serBe+ i. the military a.+
co.ti.Ae as a reserBist> as a P%e, @erseyQ co- IIm troAble+ aboAt the Ase o< <e+eral troo-s comi.? oAr commA.ities +Ari.? a.y emer?e.cies>4 sai+ DetectiBe LieAte.a.t &te-ha. Ro+?ers


MGW 2010 Gothbret/Thomas Lab K lab

Military Dichotomy K

A,- di%ti#ctio# ."t ""# !olic" a#d military $"y

6lipshield$"e cant ndo the militari%ation of policin!: Empirically, demilitari%in! policin! is ineffective$militaristic practices #ecome ha#its too hard to #reak5 :er%o!, )*9*5 &er?io $erCo?> De-artme.t o< &ociolo?y a.+ A.thro-olo?y> 8.iBersity o< $ai<a. 3MilitariCatio.
a.+ +emilitariCatio. -rocesses i. the Israeli a.+ America. -olice <orces9 !r? a.+ social as-ects.4 !.li.e -Ablicatio.9 00 May 20109 htt-9//+6.+oi.or?/10.1010/10('2(*'.2001.22*(1*1. MR That both the America. a.+ Israeli -olice <orces are cArre.tly A.+erF ?oi.? a -rocess o< attem-te+ +emilitariCatio. is JAite eBi+e.t. This tre.+> ,hich is sA--orte+ by their -olice a+mi.istratio.s a.+ ma.y social scie.tists> seems to co.stitAte a .atAral +eBelo-me.t> base+ o. broa+ social -rocesses i. both societies> to,ar+s +ece.traliCatio.> liberaliCatio.> im-roBe+ relatio.shi-s ,ith the -Ablic> a.+ cAstomer orie.tatio.. $o,eBer> these <actors +o .ot assAre the sAccess<Al i.stiF tAtio.aliCatio. o< the cha.?e or its -ersiste.ce i. the lo.? term. At the be?i..i.? o< the 21st ce.tAry it is still too early to assess its im-act. As i. the America. sitAatio. :Gree.e a.+ Mastro<s/i> 1221K $A.ter a.+ ;ar/er> 122'K Rose.baAm> 122(K Wal/er> 1222E> ma.y -ro?rams o< commA.ity -olici.? i. Israel may still be -erceiBe+ as a.tiF crime> a.tiF+rA? e<<orts. I. some -olice statio.s a.+ re?io.s there is little more tha. rhetoric> ,hile +emilitariCatio. e<<orts are still a--lie+ as a ,ay o< a--eari.? to be -ro?ressiBe a.+ i..oBatiBe ,ithoAt actAal o< militariCe+ -olici.?. A maGor obstacle to real cha.?e commo. to both coA.tries seems to be the -olice or? cAltAre. olice o<<icers o. eBery -olice leBel are habitAate+ to act a.+ to thi./ accor+i.? to militaristic a.+ <i.+ it +i<<icAlt to a+o-t IciBilia.I thoA?ht a.+ ,or/ -atter.s. These <actors may lea+ them to o--ose a.+ eBe. to sabota?e the -rocess :La.+strom a.+ &aBa?e> 1222K ea/ a.+ Gle.sor> 122*K &haleB a.+ YeheC/eally> 1220K &/ol.ic/ a.+ ;ayley> 121*E. Willi.?.ess to cha.?e is there<ore a <A.+ame.tal reJAireF me.t <or +emilitariCatio. im-leme.tatio.9 -olice a?e.cies mAst mo+i<y their or? cAltAre. &ome obstacles seem to be more -articAlar to Israel. =or e6am-le> there is a lac/ o< local coo-eratiBe te.+e.cies o.esE i. Israeli society that coAl+ <acilitate actiBe -artici-atio. i. comF mA.ity -olici.?. A-art <rom reli?ioAs @e,ish commA.ities> some Arab commA.ities> coo-eratiBe a.+ collectiBist Billa?es> a.+ eBe. i+eolo?ical settleme.ts i.Fthe territories> there is Bery little o<
commA.ity i. IsraelF:Gimshi> 1222K WeisbAr+ et ah> 12209110F111E.2 This obBioAsly raises the JAestio. o< ho, may the Israeli hi?h -olice comma.+ estabF lish commA.ity -olici.? i< o.e ca..ot clearly i+e.ti<y commA.ities there. A. a.s,er is ?iBe. by ; :1221E9 commA.ity -olici.? :li/e or? a.+ a+mi.istratiBe +ece.traliCatio.> a.+ ciBilia.iCatio. o< -olice -ositio.sE is GAst Ia.otherI arti<icial a--licatio. o< IAmerica. solAtio.s to America. -roblemsI i. Israel> a/i. to others a--lie+ i. Israeli society i. ?e.eral> a.+ i. its system i. -articAlar. MoreoBer> Israeli me+ia coBera?e o< eBe.tAal ImA.ici-al -olice <orcesI has alrea+y create+ a <ear o< -olitical i.BolBeme.t a.+ Ase o< the -olice by local -oliticia.s :YeheC/eally a.+ &haleB> 122*9 '*E. A. -articAlar obstacle to Israel is the <act that +es-ite the a<oreme.tio.e+ or? cha.?es> the I% co.ti.Aes to ,or/ as -olice> sAbor+i.ate+ to ce.tral ? a.+ acti.? accor+i.? to broa+> rather tha. local olice -olicy is still +eterF mi.e+ by the Mi.istry o< &ecArity

a.+ o-eratio.aliCatio. is still the res-o.sibility o< the I.s-ectorFGe.eral :Gilboa> 1221K &ha+mi> 1221E. As a resAlt> the military character o< the -olice is li/ely to -reBail as lo.? as seBere -roblems o< secArity a.+ -Ablic or+er e6ist. I. co.clAsio.> co.ti.Ae+ mo.itori.? ,ill be reJAire+ to assess +emilitarF iCatio. tre.+s i. both coA.tries o. the leBel. I< these +eBelo-me.ts to,ar+s +emilitariCatio. i. the -olice rest o. broa+ social cha.?es> ,hat may be sai+ aboAt the seco.+ary tre.+ o< re.e,e+ militariCatio. i. the 8&R "om-are+ ,ith the earlier tre.+> this cha.?e seems to be more ,orryi.?. Kras/a :1222921'E raises some -ossible co.seJAe.ces9 +oes it actAally re<lect a tre.+ to,ar+s a .e, <orm o< totalitaria.ismR !r is it -erha-s a. a+Ba.ce to,ar+s .e, <orms o< tech.olo?ical a.+ i.telli?e.ce sArBeilla.ce> es-ecially o< tar?ete+ threatsIR What is more clear is that the blArri.? o< limits bet,ee. the military a.+ the -olice <orce has al,ays bee.

+isa+Ba.ta?eoAs 2 The same may be sai+ o< some yoA.? America. cities that haBe ?ro,. ra-i+ly i. rece.t years a.+ also o< hi?hly +isi.te?rate+ -oor .ei?hborhoo+s> ,here or?a.iCe+ commA.ity li<e is AsAally .o.Fe6iste.t : ea/ a.+ Gle.sor> 122*K Wal/er> 1222<or the -Ablic ,hom the latter is sA--ose+ to serBe. As DA.lo- :12229 220E co.clA+e+> IA military or?a.iCatio. a+e-t at +estroyi.? tar?ets a.+ A.+ermi.i.? e.emy comma.+ a.+ co.trol strActAres is .ot .ecesF sarily the best or?a.iCatio. to +o sAch ,or/ i. a +emocracyO.


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