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FAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.2 By mogg13-42 thaei@yahoo.


This guide may only be hosted at IGN FAQs. Posting permission will not be granted to any other site. I ask anyone who finds this file anywhere other than IGN to please let me know.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Wakthrough Episode 000 Valhalla Episode 001 A World Without Cocoon Episode 002 Unseen Intruder Episode 03A A Prophecy of Hope Episode 03B Oathbrand Episode 004 Skyborne Paradise Episode 005 Time Marches On Episode 006 Promised Eternity
Post Game Walkthrough Optional Areas


02 03 10 15 22 28 41 44


Unlockables Trophies XMB Themes Game List Paradox Endings Quiz Mastery

69 71

72 77

Boss Battle - Chaos Bahamut HP Stagger CP 24,000 999% --Weakness Strengths Item Drop -------

After a series of lengthy intro sequences, you'll eventually find yourself at odds with Chaos Bahamut. For this battle, Odin will be on hand to help.

While the game suggests that you use Lightningstrike, the Snipe ability proves to be much more effective since it only consumes 1 ATB segment, allowing for a total of 6 hits at 400+ HP worth of damage each. Personally I would recommend alternating between the two attacks as you see fit; looks better that way. Once near death, Bahamut will start using Umbral Vise so be prepared to heal with Ullr's Shield. Said ability also grants Protect and Shell by the way. Keep the pressure on and you'll eventually trigger a Cinematic Action sequence. Press the buttons shown onscreen correctly to top things off with a finisher.

Boss Battle - Chaos Bahamut HP Stagger CP 24,000 999% --Weakness Strengths Item Drop -------

Well he's back and you get a tamed monster this time with Noel in tow. War Benediction casts Haste so start with that, then just attack with either Graviton Mines or Focused Bolts.

As for Bahamut, he still has Inferno as well as Umbral Vise. Keep an eye out for the latter and heal with War Benediction the moment it hits. He also gets a new Pulsar Burst attack but it only does minor damage and isnt really a threat. Wear the dragon down until he gets mad and uses Megaflare. The battle should end right there. A winner is you.

New Bodhum 003 AF Treasures (1x) New Bodhum Map (3x) Potion (2x) Gysahl Green (2x) Phoenix Down (1x) 300 Gil (1x) Iron Bangle (1x) Librascope Adornments Aqua Ribbon Golden Flower Lebreaus Olive Tattoo Summery Parasol Monsters (COM) Gorgonopsid (COM) Meonekton (COM) Sarracenia (RAV) Nekton (RAV) Spiceacilian (RAV) Tabasco Toad (MED) Exoray (SEN) Pulsework Soldier Fragments Gogmagog Frag. Alpha Heart Prism Gogmagog Frag. Beta Graviton Core Alpha

As Serah, exit the bedroom to encounter your first live trigger event. Your choices in these events will affect Serah's thoughts on that particular moment. Continue out to town to answer yet another live trigger followed by some cutsecenes. After which you'll enter an event battle where Serah and Noel get to fight as a party for the very first time.

Your preset paradigms are Double Trouble (COM/COM), Slash and Burn (COM/RAV), Misdirection (COM/SEN), Twin Shields (SEN/SEN). Feel free to experiment with each one if you like then kill off the bugs. Back at the village, exterminate all the hostiles. The first these battles start with a Paradigm Shift tutorial which you can skip if you've played the first game and are still familiar with how things work. With the monsters gone, you get to leave the village and check out the impact site. The 'Early Riser' trophy will be yours too.

Head past the gate towards the bridge where the Mog Clock tutorial plays. This new feature will determine how random enemy encounters in the game will play out. That's right, random encounters are back but unlike most early Final Fantasy titles where players are taken straight into battle, FF13-2 warns you of any hostile presence by turning the minimap red. At this point, the Mog Clock appears under your lead character and its up to you to take advantage of it. The Mog Clock is the divided into to 2 segments. One green, one yellow and the hand will gradually move from one segement to the other. Green means that the enemy is immobile and you can easily initiate a preemptive strike by attacking the enemy first. Yellow signifies that the enemy is prepared and battle will be initiated the moment contact is made. Successfully initiate 100 preemptive strikes to receive the 'Quick Draw' trophy. If you wish to flee from a battle for whatever reason, just get out of the encounter circle and move quickly put some distance between yourself and the enemy. That said, engage the Pulsework Soldier before continuing along the bridge.

Past the pair of ledges is a treasure sphere with '3 POTIONS'. Talk to Noel for a live trigger; your choice here will be the topic for discussion. Continue up the path afterwards. The nearby treasure sphere contains a 'MAP OF NEW BODHUM'. There should be a very brief event with Gadot just past here. Once you have control again, chat with Gadot for a bit then head southwest to a treasure with a 'LIBRASCOPE' before turning around northeast then straight to meet Yuj. Go ahead and tell him something about Serah's outfit. Collect the 'PHOENIX DOWN' and proceed to where Maqui is for one more live trigger event. This one lets you ask Maqui for his opinion on the origin of some things. Go around towards the middle path for your first real boss battle of the game.

Boss Battle - Gogmagog HP Stagger CP 4,200 120% 300 Weakness Strengths Item Drop ----Phoenix Down, Power Wristband

Start off by shifting to Slash and Burn (RAV/COM) and build up the chain gauge until Gogmagog staggers. Shift to Twin Shields (SEN/SEN) to defend against his Swipe attack. This creature fires two shots of Ruin before using Swipe so keep an eye out for this pattern to avoid being caught off guard.

Once staggered, shift back to Double Trouble (COM/COM) and pile on the damage. Heal with Potions when needed.

New Bodhum 003 AF Meteorite Impact Site In addition to the battle spoils, you'll also be rewarded with the 'GOGMAGOG FRAGMENT ALPHA' as well as 500 extra CP. In all, there are 160 fragments in the game, and you have to find every last one of them to unlock the secret ending. The Fragments tab will also be added to the main menu as well. Onward to the impact site where 2 treasure spheres with 300 GIL and 2 GYSAHL GREENS await. Grab them before heading off to look at the meteorite.

New Bodhum 003 AF NORA House The Party Paradigm and Crystarium tabs are now accessible in the main menu. The former lets you combine the current available roles into custom paradigm decks for use during battle. While the latter lets you develop your character's basic attributes and learn new abilities by expending Crystogen Points (CP). The CP cost for each available node will increase the further along you get within the Crystarium grid, and not every ability in a particular role will be made available to all characters. Meaning, some abilities are character-specific and cannot be used by anyone else. Feel free to check out these new features. Claim your reward from the nearby live trigger cube as well. The type of loot you get depends on your choices during live trigger events, make good choices and you reap good rewards. Your choices dont affect the overall flow of the story in any way however, so dont worry about it too much. Also, be sure to have a chat with Lebreau before you leave the house for a live trigger event. Talk to the rest of NORA if you want then go meet with Noel outside.

New Bodhum 003 AF Town Square Our moogle friend can actually track a few things around here so lets have a look around. For starters, head south from the NORA house and Mog should get all shiny. Noel also alerts you of this, so follow Mog to where the pair of cats are and talk to them. The cat will flee but Mog should be able to keep up.

Talk to the cat first for some cutscenes followed by a live trigger. Answer that one then Speak to Noel this time for the next live trigger. With that done turn back west then go north towards a house and examine the vegetable there for one more live trigger sequence. Next, talk to lot of kids nearby and yes, theres another live trigger coming up so lets get it over with. One of kids, Rhett, runs off afterwards; well track him down later. For now, go check the palm tree by the beach to find LIGHTNINGS KNIFE. And you might want to chat with Lebreau as well; she does have plenty of things to say. Now, theres a woman named Nell sitting just to the right of the said tree. Talk to her and agree to help find her medical kit. You can only accept a maximum of 2 quests at a given time. Some of these quests reward you Fragments so do take the time to complete them whenever possible.

Nells medical kit is a spot you cant reach right now so lets go after that rascal Rhett instead. Hell lead you on a merry chase around the Winding Way so just keep following him until he gives up. Speak to him and pick choice X for the first live trigger then pick Triangle for the next one. The options will keep popping up until you pick the right answer so it wont hurt to experiment with the responses a bit. Anyway, the kid should hand over SNOWS NECKLACE once you get him to own up. Next its Noels turn to interrogate you, tell him something and follow him. Talk to him one more time and he should ask about Snow. Pick Triangle and well lol! Return to the Town Square for a cutscene, then head to the Nora House bedroom and check the mirror. Giants Atefact acquired. Collect your reward from the cube, leave and head for the Meteorite Impact Site. At the Winding Way, take the eastmost path north towards the Tidal Shallows. Notice that the water in this area has receded so you can now loot the pair of treasure spheres for an IRON BANGLE and a PHOENIX DOWN. With those two items in hand, jump back over to the exact same spot where you battled Gogmagog the first time and he should pop right up again for round 2.

Boss Battle - Gogmagog HP Stagger CP 4,200 120% 300 Weakness Strengths Item Drop --Resists Magic, Physical attacks Phoenix Down, Iron Bangle

Hes not all that different from round 1 except this time he gets to use Causality Barrier, which allows him to resist both physical and magic damage until stagger takes hold. Use Dualcasting (RAV/RAV) or Slash and Burn (RAV/COM) to fill the chain gauge quickly. The Former works better for this purpose of course.

As expected, he also still uses Swipe and its all hell ever do from behind that little barrier. Defend with Twin Shields (SEN/SEN) just like before. Once staggered, the barrier disappears so quickly shift to Double Trouble (COM/COM) for a beat down. GOGMAGOG FRAGMENT BETA acquired. Youll also receive 1000 extra CP.

New Bodhum 003 AF Meteorite Impact Site Climb onto the Chocobo which will cost you a Gysahl Green. Now, from where you mounted the bird follow a straight path southwest back to the Winding Way and you should reach a wider area at far end of the path. Sniff the section directly across from the empty treasure sphere to find Nells Medical Kit. Rush back to the Town Square to claim your reward - HEART PRISM FRAGMENT and 50 CP. Also, explore the rest of the map to 100%. This is a requirement for a quest later on

Head back to the impact site and examine the time gate to proceed. Watch the cutscenes, After which youll get to use another one of the games new feature, the Historia Crux for the first time. Read through the primer carefully before continuing to the Bresha Ruins.

Treasures (8x) Mana Droplet (8x) Power Droplet (2x) Capsule (2x) Gysahl Green (2x) Potion (1x) 350 Gil (1x) 400 Gil (1x) Black Belt (1x) Leaving Gate Seal (1x) Librascope (1x) Phoenix Down (1x) Rune Bracelet (1x) Star Pendant (1x) Wild Artefact

Adornments Chocobo Figurine Fragment Crystal Lucky Clover Orange Newsboy Cap

Monsters (COM) Hoplite (COM) Uridimmu (RAV) Albino Lobo (RAV) Garchimacera (RAV) Gremlin (SEN) Pulsework Knight (SYN) Amanojaku (SYN) Notsugo (SYN) Svarog (SAB) Dendrobium (MED) Cait Sith

Fragments Unio Mystica Ghast Fragment Delicate Crystal Atlas Fragment Graviton Core Beta Ars Symphonica Vita Lyrica Anima Miseria

Boss Battle Paradox Alpha HP Stagger CP 4,920 200% 100 Weakness Strengths Item Drop --Half damage vs. all elements Phoenix Down, Magicians Mark

A boss battle right off the bat how very unkind. You cant really do much against this thing right now so just focus on defending with Twin Shields. Though if really wish to attack then use Slash and Burn (RAV/COM) or Dualcasting (RAV/RAV). Just dont forget to shift to Twin Shields (SEN/SEN) as soon as you see the arm coming in to hit you. One more thing, this boss also wounds your party with every attack said ailment permanently reduces your max HP throughout the duration of the battle, and the only way to cure it is to defeat the enemy or by using the proper item.

Anyway just live through the arms onslaught for a bit until a cinematic action sequence occurs. Do it right to block and gain free Bravery and Faith. After that, survive again until the next CA sequence. Perfect that one as well to inflict stagger. At this point, shift to any offensive paradigm and fight back until the final CA sequence comes up. That should finish off the blasted thing. If you achieve a Perfect cinematic action rating, you should get a bonus Silver Gear among the battle spoils.

Bresha Ruins 005 AF Time Traveler trophy acquired. Youll be carted off to jail for fighting a machine gone haywire. How nice! Thanks army! Well I guess it doesnt matter now so just follow the soldiers until they stop then talk to the squad captain (guy in red) to proceed. Once in prison, speak to Noel once then the guard twice for some live triggers. After discussing the elevator, Alyssa arrives to explain things and youll be free to go. When you regain control after some cutscenes, grill Alyssa for some answers. Then talk to her again to get your ACADEMY COMMUNICATOR and a MAP OF THE BRESHA RUINS. From here, continue west past the first intersection then head south at the next one. Climb the staircase at the end to find a LEAVING GATE SEAL key item at the southwest corner. Proceed to the opposite end of the hallway next for 400 GIL. Turn around north a bit down the staircase and go east through a corridor to the far right. The treasure sphere contains 350 GIL. A bit further up is a is a BLACK BELT tucked into a corner off to the left. Next, check out the northeast section and youll meet Chocolina, the traveling merchant. I would suggest picking up new weapons for your characters before continuing north deeper into the ruins.

Bresha Ruins 005 AF Echoes of the Past The treasure sphere up ahead has 2 POTIONS. Move along to trigger an event battle which will in turn unlock the Paradigm Pack as well as give the Cait Sith and Zwerg Scandroid monster crystals. To include a monster ally in battle, place them in an empty slot within the Paradigm Pack submenu. This is found in the Party Paradigms tab. Also, now that you have access to triple paradigms, you might want to try tuning some of the entries in your deck. Tuning primarily affects the behavior of your AI-controlled allies in battle when a particular paradigm is in use. There are 3 different tune styles available in the game Normal means AI allies move in the same way as they did in FF13; Cross makes all party members focus on a single target aiming to kill it as quickly as possible; and Wide specializes in the use of area of effect abilities to hit multiple targets at once.

I recommend customizing your deck to include Relentless Assault (COM/RAV/RAV); Aggression (COM/COM/RAV); or Tridisaster (RAV/RAV/RAV). That said, keep going and a section of the ruins will collapse, giving you access to another portion of the ruins. If you run into Gremlins in this area, kill them to get their crystal. Next, head over to the northwest corner of the area where Mog gets all shiny. Talk to the soldier facing the suspicious wall then have your moogle friend fix the problem. Check the object that appears to get a WILD ARTEFACT. Nearby is another guard named Chester who offers you a quest. Go ahead and take it if you want. Note: Now that you have the Moogle Hunt ability, trek all the way back to your cell and press R1 to find some PERSONAL NOTES which is a requirement for a later quest. Theres a hidden treasure sphere with a LIBRASCOPE above Alyssas location as well.

Wild Artefacts are used to open crystal gates which in turn grant access to a different timeline. There are 10 of such gates in the game waiting to be unlocked with the exact number of Wild Artefacts. Anyway, go examine the time gate for a live trigger then head west to continue exploring the ruins. There is an

army captain walking around not too far down this path. Turns out hes looking for a pair of capsules. Go ahead and accept his quest.

Follow the upper path around to the right to find a treasure sphere containing a CAPSULE at the bottom. Return to the intersection and head down then take a right at the next one for another treasure sphere with 8 MANA DROPLETS. Next stop is the gate at the opposite side; examine it for a live trigger sequence. Further west is a hidden treasure containing a RUNE BRACELET. Use Mogs Moogle Hunt ability to make it appear. From here, continue north then east when you can. Keep going until Mog detects something. This hidden treasure sphere houses another CAPSULE. Next, turn around and head straight up when the path widens. Atlas awaits some ways further down around the corner. But first you must respond to a live trigger then push on to claim 2 GYSAHL GREENS and a PHOENIX DOWN from the pair of spheres along the way. Atlas is right there but we wont be fighting him yet. Instead, backtrack a bit to the left and enter the tunnel. Follow this path all the way to a treasure sphere with an ORANGE NEWSBOY CAP. From here, head west and there should be a hidden treasure near the end of the narrow corridor. Grab a STAR PENDANT from it. Continue further into the room for a live trigger. After that, make your way over to the destination marker at the far right side of the area. Youll then be sucked into a Temporal Rift where you must solve the given puzzle to get out. This rift has 3 stages where you must collect all the crystals before leaving through the portal at the end to reach the next stage. The tiles will vanish as soon as you walk past them so do plan your routes carefully. Theyre all pretty easy though so it shouldnt be much of a problem. Youll then be rewarded with the DELICATE CRYSTAL FRAGMENT and 200 CP for your efforts in the temporal rift. Back in the Bresha Ruins, examine the now functional machine. Watch the cutscenes then make your way back out of the tunnel to engage Atlas. It is far weaker now than it was some time ago so you can actually win now.

Boss Battle Atlas (Weakened) HP Stagger CP 15,600 200% 500 Weakness Strengths Item Drop --Half damage vs. Phys, Mag attacks Potent Bolt, Silver Bangle

Atlas has a very limited arsenal consisting only of some punches and a Roar attack that inflicts Curse on your entire party. But the size alone should tell you that this thing can dish out some pretty serious damage, so having a Sentinel in the party helps.

For offense, alternate between paradigms with multiple Ravagers Tridisaster (RAV/RAV/RAV); Relentless Assault (COM/RAV/RAV) to quickly fill your opponents stagger gauge. If youre a more cautious player, then Mystic Tower (RAV/RAV/SEN) or Thaumaturgy (RAV/RAV/MED) are good options to attack with. Atlas only receives half damage from both physical and magic attacks until you stagger him. Once staggered, the boss slumps and starts receiving normal damage so shift to a paradigm with multiple Commandos and attack. Aggression (COM/COM/RAV) works perfectly. Also, if you get cursed by Atlass Roar, just have Cait Sith remove it with Esuna. One more thing, use Potions if the damage becomes too much for just one Medic to deal with. You will engage in a good deal of cinematic action sequences as soon as Atlas is defeated. The reward for getting a perfect rating in this one is a Fragment Crystal. Achieve a 5-star rating in this battle and you get the Scarlet Medal trophy. The ATLAS FRAGMENT will be yours after some events; it also comes with 2500 extra CP.

Bresha Ruins 005 AF Lamentable Rest Examine the epitaph up ahead for some cutscenes. When you regain control, turn around back to the Lamentable Rest. There should be a live trigger cube at the northeast corner so open that up first. Then have Mog reveal the hidden object nearby. Take the ECLIPSE ARTEFACT over to the marked section at Echoes of the Past. Once again, ask Mog to show that object with R1. Now that you have the REUNION ARTEFACT, continue southeast until you reach the time gate; this one activates with the Eclipse Artefact and leads to Yaschas Massif 010AF. But before proceeding to the new timeline, revisit Bresha Ruins and use the Reunion Artefact to unlock the remaining gate. That one leads to Sunleth Waterscape 300AF.

After opening that last gate, head over to the Yaschas Massif timeline for the first half of the next episode. Its up to you which timeline you wish to visit first. Ill just start with 010AF.

Yaschas Massif 010 AF Pass of Paddra Treasures (10x) Power Chips (08x) Mana Bolt (08x) Mana Silver (03x) Remedy (01x) 540 Gil (01x) 500 Gil (01x) Gysahl Greens (01x) Metal Armband (01x) Pearl Necklace (01x) Scars Gate Seal (01x) Serenity Sachet (01x) Tablet of Paddra (01x) Unicorn Horn (01x) Warding Talismn Adornments Blue Butterfly Carbuncle Figurine White Chocobo Chick Monsters (COM) Feral Behemoth (COM) Gandayaks (COM) Mandrake (COM) Uridimmu (SYN) Gahongas (MED) Spiranthes Fragments Aloeidai Fragment Pathos Jewel Miserys Bead Amurs Sphere Innocence's Sacred Spr

Future Espier trophy acquired. For starters, speak to the man up front to get the YASCHAS MASSIF MAP then talk to him a second time for a live trigger event. Theres a hidden sphere just a bit north of your starting point; reveal it with R1 to get a METAL ARMBAND. You can proceed by heading east down a cliff. Dont miss the 500 GIL treasure by the edge Once at the bottom, go east, north then west into darkness.

In this area, stay within range of the searchlight beams to stay completely safe from prowling monsters, but wandering around in the dark could score you plenty of loot including 900 GIL, 8 MANA BOLTS, 8 MANA SILVERS, TABLET OF PADDRA. Also lurking in the dark are Feral Behemoths; they drop Behemoth Fangs, a requirement for a quest in this timeline. These things have a lot of health and are pretty strong so avoiding them is a good idea at this point, but if you really want kill one right now, I would recommend changing your games difficulty to easy. Though I doubt that would help any. Keep heading north and youll eventually run into your stalker, Chocolina. Take a look at her stuff if you like. Past this point is a SCARS GATE SEAL (this is the reset button for Bresha Ruins 005AF). Further down the path are a 2 more treasure spheres with GYSAHL GREEN and 540 GIL. Near the exit is a large slab of rock; look behind it to find a hidden treasure with a PEARL NECKLACE. Once outside, buy some Wound Potions from Chocolina and include Tortoise (SEN/SEN/SEN) in your paradigm deck (the Pulsework Knights in the Bresha Ruins carry the Sentinel role so hopefully you managed to get one such monster crystal while you were there. Talk to the marked researcher to initiate the next boss battle.

Boss Battle Aloeidai HP Stagger CP 52990 150% --Weakness Strengths Item Drop --Resist Physical and Magic attacks ---

Aloeidai will cast Deprotectga and Deshellga right off the bat so Cait Sith should start with Esuna immediately. For offense, try to keep a Sentinel in the party at all times as this saves you from having to change paradigms whenever Alo does Swipe. Use Mystic Tower (RAV/RAV/SEN) and Offensive Screen (COM/COM/SEN) to fill the stagger gauge. And if you need to heal, use Potions to help Cait Sith out since Cures alone may not be enough.

Once staggered, chew through as much of Aloeidais health as you can until he recovers from stagger. At this point, Alo will use Causality Barrier which allows him to resist both physical and magic attacks; inflict stagger and the shield will go away. Lastly, once you see Aloeidai prepare his Landshatter attack, shift to Tortoise (SEN/SEN/SEN) to significantly reduce damage from it. Its a brutal multi-hit move that targets your entire party so defending with more than one Sentinel is a must.

Yaschas Massif 010 AF Paddrean Archeopolis You will receive the ALEOIDAI FRAGMENT and 3500 extra CP for all that trouble. Explore the area for a bit first before heading after Hope. Start by heading southwest up a couple of inclines for a pair of spheres containing 3 REMEDIES and a CARBUNCLE FIGURINE. After that, turn back around to where Hope went.

But before you continue to the destination marker, look to the left at the foot of the staircase. Theres a hidden sphere with a SERENITY SACHET for you to find. Talk to the guard at the top of the stairs to proceed. Next, rush over to the northeast corner of this massive area to collect a GYSAHL GREEN from the hidden treasure sphere. Off to the southeast corner is a WARDING TALISMAN. Go chat with Hope now; theres plenty of catching up to do after all. After the fourth live trigger, follow Hope to the next floor and talk to him for some rather lengthy cutscenes. The HOLLOW ARTEFACT will be yours soon after. Before you run off looking for the time gate, speak to Hope again for one more live trigger event. The time gate is at the far eastern end of the Pass of Paddra; the area will be marked as always so it wont be hard to find. That gate opens with the Hollow Artefact and leads to the Oerba 200AF timeline. You should get your live trigger as soon as you leave for the new timeline as well. On a side note, you might want to pick up the Saboteur role for Serah and level it up to 9 so that you learn Poison. That spell proves highly effective on the monsters youre about to encounter.

Oerba 200 AF Village Proper Treasures (10x) Power Bolt (03x) Ceith Tear (02x) Gysahl Greens (01x) 600 Gil (01x) 550 Gil (01x) Hypnocrown (01x) Librascope (01x) Magicians Mark (01x) Map of Oerba (01x) Power Wristband (01x) Visions Gate Seal Adornments Whimsical Headdress Yellow Propeller Monsters (COM) Frag Leech (COM) Lucidon (RAV) Zwerg Scandroid (SYN) Clione (SAB) Chelicerata Fragments Giant Egg Times Stardust Times Shell Times Coral Graviton Core Gamma

Cross the bridge until Mog detects something then press R1 to reveal a temporal rift. In order to escape this one, you must connect the crystals of the same shape and color to form the pattern shown at the beginning of the stage. To link the crystals, simply stand on an occupied tile, hold X and walk over to its twin. Take note that the crystals will shift colors constantly so pay close attention to them as you go. You only have to solve one puzzle here so it should be pretty quick. Youll get the TIMES STARDUST FRAGMENT and 300 CP for resolving that anomaly. Further down the bridge is are 2 GYSAHL GREENS, then take a quick left at the fork to claim a POWER WRISTBAND. From here, continue southeast off a ledge before going around Bhaktis place (or Vanilles whoever you prefer). At this point, you can either head east down the slope or go around to the front of the house. Pick the latter and go inside. You can collect a MAP OF OERBA from the treasure sphere at the lower level, while a VISIONS GATE SEAL is waiting to be claimed at the top floor. That seal is your reset button for the Yaschas Massif 010AF timeline.

Chocolina has also set up shop some ways northwest of this house so you can go check out her new wares if you want. Go around the nearby house to score a MAGICIANS MARK. Next, check the strange wall encompassing the edge of the area and use Mogs powers to reveal another temporal rift. Youll encounter more of the crystal-bonding puzzle spanning 2 stages. Clear this to get the TIMES SHELL FRAGMENT and 300 CP. Thats 2 rifts down, 1 more to go. Continue up the incline to your left and loot the sphere next to the tree root for 550 GIL. After that, go right down the stairs where Mog gets all shiny. Press R1 to reveal temporal rift #3. This one involves 3 stages of even more complex crystal-bonding puzzles. Solve them and be rewarded with the TIMES CORAL FRAGMENT and 300 CP.

Follow the stairs down and keep going; youll eventually come across a loot of 3 CIETHS TEAR. From this point, head east where youll find a hidden treasure sphere next to a tree on the ledge overlooking the time gate. It contains a HYPNOCROWN. Head north from the nearest gate to a section of the Ashensands and collect the LIBRASCOPE. Next, push westward into the Schoolhouse where a sphere with 600 GIL is waiting upstairs. Climb up further to the rooftop and take a look at the marked object.

Boss Battle Caius Ballad HP Stagger CP 34,500 300% --Weakness Strengths Item Drop --Half damage vs. Phys, Mag attacks ---

Recommended Paradigm Setup: Paradigm Pack Cait Sith (MED), Behemoth (COM) Pulsework Soldier/Knight (SEN). Paradigm Deck Thaumaturgy (RAV/RAV/MED), Cerberus (COM/COM/COM), Matador (RAV/SAB/SEN), Offensive Screen (COM/COM/SEN). On top of being a strong opponent, Caius can also cast a wide variety of buffs on himself and debuffs on your party, making him one heck of a tough customer. Begin the battle with Matador and keep spamming Poison until it takes effect; Caius is also susceptible to Deprotect so make it stick too if possible. Once your debuffs are in place try to inflict stagger by alternating between Offensive Screen and Thaumaturgy to fill the gauge up faster. Once staggered, shift to Cerberus and pile on the damage. As for healing, have your leader help out with Potions if youre short on Medics, but if you have more than one member with the said role than all the better since its essential that you keep the party healthy as much as possible.

Oerba 200 AF Deserted Schoolhouse Grab the ARTEFACT OF ORIGINS then respond to the live trigger. Jump down to the lower level through the hole afterwards. The treasure sphere here has 10 POWER BOLTS. As for the time gate, its in the Village Proper, near the Ashensand beachfront. Chocobos are now available for transportation here too. Youll also receive your live trigger reward after going through the time gate. Next stop, parallel world Yaschas Massif.

Yaschas Massif 01X AF Treasures (1x) 600 Gil (1x) Enc. Gate Seal (1x) Unicorn Horn Adornments Academics Hat Red Silk Hat Monsters (COM) Narasimha (COM) Gandayaks (COM) Mandrake (COM) Uridimmu (SYN) Gahongas (MED) Spiranthes Fragments Orb of Clotho Mirror of Atropos Sword of Lachesis Gorgyra Fragment

Youre still in year 010 AF, but with this being a parallel reality where the eclipse didnt happen, expect a number of things to be different. First up, pay Hope a visit to see whats changed. Hop up a series of ledges to where Noel is and speak to him for a live trigger. Off to the right is the ENCOUNTERS GATE SEAL (your reset button for Oerba 200 AF); dont miss it. Proceed to the Academy base at Paddrean Archeopolis where Hope is waiting. But before that, be sure to talk to Noel after you run into Yeul for live trigger. Chocolina will be at the Archeopolis too but she will be selling the same wares she had in the parallel timeline. Still, you may want to have a look and buy something if you didnt get anything before. Go talk to Hope once youre done shopping and lengthy events follow. Try to leave then talk to Hope for a live trigger. Theres a live trigger reward cube to the left of the table so open that up before you go. Next, climb up the catwalk to the left of the tent; the hidden treasure at the top contains 600 GIL. Nearby is a marked area so look around carefully for a near-invisible object that is the MYSTERIOUS ARTEFACT. Once back at the Pass of Paddra, secure a Chocobo and head for the Feral Behemoths lair (the dark area with searchlights in Yaschas Massif 010 AF), and look for a high ledge to the north that the Chocobo can

reach to find a UNICORN HORN. Also near the treasure sphere is a woman whos got a quest for you. Next, head for the time gate at the west edge of the map and use a Wild Artefact on it. This unlocks the Augusta Tower 300 AF timeline.

Once opened, return to Yachas Massif 01X AF from the Historia Crux, heading to the other time gate at the very bottom of the Pass of Paddra. Use the Mysterious Artefact on it and step into The Void Beyond.

The Void Beyond ??? AF Not much to do here. Claim a map of this place from the treasure sphere at the bottom then go ahead and check out the spacetime distortion nearby. Enter it to get out of here. Back at the Historia Crux, there is a new but locked location that leads to Serendipity, but since you cant access it, head over to Sunleth Waterscape 300 AF instead.

Sunleth Waterscape 300 AF Treasures (9x) Vitality Droplet (8x) Mana Chip (1x) 625 Gil (1x) 960 Gil (1x) Ember Ring (1x) Frost Ring (1x) Librascope (1x) Silver Bangle (1x) Spark Ring (1x) Wild Artefact (1x) Zephyr Ring Adornments Blue Flower Chocobo Figurine Crystal Heart Pumpkin Head Monsters (COM) Miniflan (RAV) Ceratoraptor (RAV) Flanbanero (SEN) Calautidon (SEN) Flandit (SYN) Fachan (SYN) Sahagin Prince (SYN) Oannes (SAB) Ceratosaur (SAB) Unsaganashi Fragments Extraordinary Egg Mutantomato Fragment

Past Gazer trophy acquired. Well, an upset Serah just ran off. Go after her and youll eventually come across a none too happy giant tomato monster and Snow. Boss Battle Royal Ripeness HP Stagger CP 102,160 200% 300 Weakness Strengths Item Drop Wind Absorb Fire Potent Crystal, Martyrs Badge

For starters, youll get a chance to set up your paradigms if you havent already done so then go engage the monster when youre ready. Ripeness will receive constant healing from his smaller minions throughout the fight and unfortunately, there really isnt anything you can do to prevent this except pile on the damage faster than they can be healed. That said, your opponent opens things up with Belch which damages and poisons everybody so quickly put in Medics to cast Esuna, then put in a Saboteur to spam Deprotect and Deshell until they stick. After that, shift to Tridisaster (RAV/RAV/RAV) and work on inflicting stagger. Once staggered, shift to Cerberus (COM/COM/COM) and try to chew off as much health as you can before the tomato recovers. Snow soon jumps in for some Cinematic Action. Do this right to get free Protect for your entire party. When Ripeness is low on health, shift to any paradigm with a Sentinel or better yet Tortoise (SEN/SEN/SEN) to defend against Quivering Wrath, which is a multi-hit wounding attack that hits your entire crew. A perfect cinematic action sequence at the end of the battle scores you a Crystal Heart.

Sunleth Waterscape 300 AF With the battle and cutscenes over, engage in a live trigger with Snow before you proceed. He will also give you a map of the Waterscape if you talk to him again. At the Undergrown Path, head south over to the vine that Mog points you to and use it to swing over the gap, past the Assembly Area towards the Forest Crossroads. Off to the northwest of this area is a time gate; the other gate is at the north end of the Undergrown Path. Anyway, go southeast at the crossroads to find Chocolina. She has a few new accessories in stock so have a look if you want. Just past your stalker is another fork, which is blocked by a group of small tomato flans. Press R1 to get them to move and proceed. You will be in the Overgrown Forest now. Pick up 9 VITALITY DROPLETS from the treasure sphere up front then turn left to a vine. Follow this path to an Artefact at the end. Defeat the Miniflans to get it. Watch the events and respond to the live trigger then nab the contents of the nearby cube. Theres a vine here that you can use to swing across and proceed, but dont go yet. Instead, hop along a series of platforms until you reach a seemingly empty area. Above you is a fragment that you wont be able to get without Moogle Toss, so return to the vine that you ignored earlier and continue.

You can ride Chocobos again so get one and head over to the Forest Crossroads. Once there, head southwest to get yourself an even bigger ride. The party soon encounters several loots some distance away and decides to throw the moogle to retrieve them. Go ahead and take the Moogle Throw tutorial and practice with the 3 treasure spheres. They contain a LIBRASCOPE, a SILVER BANGLE and 8 MANA CHIPS. After that, the good monster should amble along slowly so look west and you should spot a WILD ARTEFACT off in the distance. Throw Mog to retrieve it. Theres another treasure sphere floating around to the right just before the Artefact. That one has a SPARK RING. Jump off the monster when it finally stops. Chocolina is here again but since you looked at her wares not too long ago, just leave her alone. Throw Mog to get 7 VITALITY CHIPS from the treasure sphere. Next, explore the area until the moogle becomes shiny; press R1 to reveal a hidden vine, but leave it for now and continue south where youll discover a time gate at the Bow Isle. The sphere in this area contains a ZEPHYR RING. Theres another section of the Waterscape off to the southwest that is unexplored, so navigate around the trunks and branches to reach the bottom where an EMBER RING awaits. At the opposite side is the COMBAT ARTEFACT defended by a bunch of Miniflans. Now, return to the hidden vine you ignored previously and swing across to the other side. The loot here is a FROST RING. By the way, about the floating fragment from earlier, you might want to go back and retrieve it now that you can throw the moogle. Its an EXTRAORDINARY EGG FRAGMENT. Also, with 2 Artefacts in hand, you can either go to the Coliseum (Bow Isle gate, opens with Combat Artefact) or the Archylte Steppe (Base of the Crystal gate, opens with Thundering Artefact). Lets stop by the Coliseum first since the visit there would be quite short with lots of freebies too.

Coliseum ??? AF Head to the center of the arena and watch some cutscenes, after which youll score an easy fragment, the WHITE HOLE GEM. Keep throwing the moogle until you get all the loot 6 POWER CHIPS, 7 POWER SLIVERS, 9 POWER DROPLETS, and 8 POWER BOLTS. Theres a hidden one next to the gate containing the Coliseum map. Return to Sunleth Waterscape and access the Base of the Crystal time gate to reach the Archylte Steppe.

Archylte Steppe ??? AF Treasures (9x) Vitality Sliver (8x) Mana Bolt (8x) Mana Chip (8x) Mana Droplet (8x) Power Sliver (6x) Vitality Droplet (3x) Gysahl Green (3x) Potion (2x) Fractured Horn (2x) Remedy (1x) 600 Gil (1x) 700 Gil (1x) Grimoire Hat (1x) Guardian Egg (1x) Phoenix Down (1x) Single Horn (1x) Unicorn Horn Adornments Dragon Hide Backpack Mogs Clock Woolly Sheep Figurine Monsters (COM) Cactuar (COM) Cactuaroni (COM) Chichu (COM) Chocobo (COM) Flangonzola (COM) Goblin/Moblin (COM) Reaver (COM) Red Chocobo (RAV) Blue Chocobo (RAV) Buccaboo (RAV) Buccaboo Ace (RAV) Cloudburst (RAV) Debris (SEN) Gancanagh (SEN) Gancanagh Ace (SAB) Barbed Specter (SAB) Chelicerata (MED) Caterchipillar (MED) Flowring Cactuar Fragments Goblin Fragment Forest Crystal Amber Crystal Woolly Stone Black Hole Gem Crimson Crystal Azure Crystal Violet Crystal Invincibility Fragment Ochu Fragment Long Gui Fragment Yomi Fragment

You begin this timeline at the Plains of Eternity. Start by going northwest and snag 2 REMEDIES as well as 3 POTIONS. Further west is the Nomad Camp where you can score 8 MANA DROPLETS. Exploring the area nets a GRIMOIRE HAT and 600 GIL. Pay Tipur a visit at the top level of the settlement and he should give you a map of the Steppe. Talk to him again and accept his quest.

Now make your way around to the area marked with a yellow !. The Goblins youre looking for should pop right up when you get there. Sweep up the monsters and youll be rewarded with the GOBLIN FRAGMENT and some CP. After that, look around and you should see a red cactuar on the plain; take a look at it to be teleported back to the Nomad Settlement. Youll get the CRIMSON CRYSTAL FRAGMENT too. Go talk to Tipur again for your next task. This time its Myta who has a quest for you. Shes just down the stairs from where Tipur was. Your goal is to gather wool from 3 big sheep grazing on the plain. Just examine them and you should get what you need. Get some Thick Wool, Rough Wool, and Fluffy Wool; take them back to Myta to get your WOOLLY STONE FRAGMENT reward.

Head to Tipurs place and talk to one of the hunters there for a primer on how to operate the weather control device. There are 4 possible weathers and new monsters may appear during a specific weather. Feel free to mess with the machine for a bit and see what you get. To proceed with the story however, you must make the weather sunny (left and right levers must be down) and the Fearyl will appear at the east edge of the steppe. A Long Gui will be blocking the path though so change the weather again to stormy (left lever down, right lever up) to make the giant creature go away.

Boss Battle Faeryl HP Stagger CP 108,120 150% --Weakness Strengths Item Drop Ice, Lightning Absorb Fire, Water Potent Orb

For paradigms, I recommend Relentless Assault (COM/RAV/RAV); Salvation (MED/MED/MED); Combat Clinic (MED/MED/SEN); Tortoise (SEN/SEN/SEN); and Cerberus (COM/COM/COM). Faeryl starts by preparing for Megaton Charge, and it takes about one complete attack cycle before the monster unleashes it. So hit him with Relentless Assault then quickly shift to Tortoise to defend against the incredibly brutal Megaton Charge. Shift to Salvation or Combat Clinic as soon as that ends to heal. After that, its back to Relentless Assault until the dragon staggers and build on the gauge a bit before shifting to Cerberus where you get to pile on the damage until he recovers. The entire cycle repeats as soon as stagger wears off so react accordingly until Faeryl bites the dust.

Archylte Steppe ??? AF Plains of Eternity Youll be rewarded with the BLACK HOLE GEM + 3500 CP for all that trouble. Theres a live trigger reward cube nearby as well; dont miss it. That will be all for this area so return to the Historia Crux and head to the Sunleth Waterscape 300 AF to see what Snow is up to.

Boss Battle Mutantomato HP Stagger CP 102,160 250% 300 Weakness Strengths Item Drop Wind Absorb Fire, Phys, Mag damage Potent Orb, Mutant Extract

Use the usual offensive paradigms of Relentless Assault (RAV/RAV/COM) and Tridisaster (RAV/RAV/RAV) to inflict stagger. The flan uses Pouty Pudding which grants it Haste, Bravery, and Faith. Since you cant remove these with Dispel, put in a Saboteur and counter by spamming Deprotect and Deshell until both stick instead. Once staggered, shift to Cerberus (COM/COM/COM) and beat it down.

Mutantomato also uses Belch which poisons your party, plus its attacks also cause wounding damage. Heal and defend with Combat Clinic as needed.

Sunleth Waterscape 300 AF Assembly Area After receiving the MUTANTOMATO FRAGMENT, turn around and collect the MYSTERIOUS ARTEFACT by throwing the moogle. This activates the time gate at the Forest Crossroads. Lets pay another visit to the Void Beyond.

The Void Beyond ??? AF Watch the events then loot the place afterwards. Minor freebies include: 6 POTENT CHIPS and 800 GIL. While off to the southwest is a floating crate with the PREDICTIONS GATE SEAL (reset button for Coliseum ??? AF), and to the northwest is the THE CALM GATE SEAL (reset button for Archylte Steppe ??? AF). Youll have to throw the moogle to retrieve both of the seals. Once you have everything, examine the spacetime distortion to leave. Two new locations are now accessible at the Historia Crux. Academia 400 AF and Serendipity ??? AF. The former lets you proceed with the story which can be done later; head to Serendipity first to be sidetracked.

Serendipity ??? AF Treasures (1x) Casino Ticket (1x) The Fall Gate Seal Adornments N/A Monsters N/A Fragments Chocochick Down Chaos Crystal Setzers Dice Lucky Coin Priceless Gift

Begin by collecting a CASINO TICKET from the nearby treasure sphere then speak to the woman by the entrance to get your map and another ticket. The tent at the bottom left leads to Mystic. She grants you different fragment skills based on the amount of fragments you currently have in your possession. You can turn these skills on or off from the Fragment Skills tab in the main menu. For the moment, youll get the skills Mogs Manifestation and Haggler from her. Below is a list of all the available fragment skills and how to unlock them. Fragment Skill Mogs Manifestation Haggler Monster Collector Anti-grav Jump Bargain Hunter Encounter Master Effect Find loot or special monsters with an upgraded Moogle Throw abiliy. Sell items to Chocolina at a 10% higher price. Increases monster capture rate by 20% Hold O button to slow descent when jumping. Decreases shop items cost by 25% Increase or decrease frequency of random enemy encounters at will. Doubles CP gained after battle. Increases frequency of random enemy encounters. Allows you to unlock paradox endings. Allows camera control during game cutscenes. Allows Mog to return faster when thrown. Unlock Automatically unlocked on first visit with Mystic. Automatically unlocked on first visit with Mystic. Collect all fragments at Vile Peaks 010 AF and 200 AF. Unlocked after completing Episode 05: Time Marches On. Unlocked after completing Episode 05: Time Marches On. Collect all fragments in all Yaschas Massif timelines + Bresha Ruins 100 AF. Collect all fragments in all Yaschas Massif and Bresha Ruins timelines. Complete the Paradox Professor quest. Beat the game once. Collect all fragments in New Bodhum 003 AF, Bresha Ruins 005 AF, Yaschas Massif 010 and 01X AF, Oerba 200 AF, S. Waterscape 300 AF Collect all fragments in all Oerba timelines, including the one from the 200 AF paradox ending. Collect all fragments within the Great Mog Wisdom and Academic Reward categories. Collect all 160 fragments.

Rolling CP Battlemania Paradox Scope Eyes of the Goddess

Mobile Mog

Fiend Killer Clock Master

Instantly kills low-level monsters Speeds up the whole game.

The floating treasure crate outside Mystics tentcontains THE FALL GATE SEAL (reset button for Yaschas Massif 01X AF). The northmost attraction is the Chocobo races. Just put a Chocobo in your party and register at the top left counter to participate in the races. Wait until you get something better than a yellow Chocobo before you try this though. While here, go talk to the chicobo off to the west of the area to get the CHOCOCHICK DOWN FRAGMENT. You can also exchange your casino tickets for coins at the top right counter. One ticket is worth 100 coins. Finally, the eastmost building at the Temptation Plaza is the casino, where my arch nemesis the slot machine resides.

Academia 400 AF Central Bridge Treasures (1x) Farewell Gate Seal (1x) Guardian Amulet (1x) Kaiser Knuckles (1x) Phoenix Blood (1x) Phoenix Down Adornments Crystal Petal Mark of the LCie Monsters (RAV) Koboldroid Yin (RAV) Fencer Fragments Zenobia Fragment Graviton Core Delta A.R. Paradox Professor

Threat Facer trophy acquired. Well that sure is a nice welcome wasnt it? Nice going Serah Anyway, fight off the invading Ghouls then head east on the bridge. Operate the panel there to change the escalators direction so that it goes up (red to blue). Go up and continue north for an event. You can kill off more of the Ghouls and save the civilians if you want as well. After that scene, examine another terminal up ahead to get your map and a primer on how to get around the citys lockdown status. Just around the corner is Chocolina carting some new wears for you to check out. A crate with the FAREWELLS GATE SEAL (reset button for Sunleth Waterscape 300 AF) is also nearby. Another noteworthy person is Miss Horizon. Talk to her for a quest which requires you to explore all of the games maps to 100%. In total, there are 13 maps to be explored; talk to her every time you complete some to get CP and eventually a fragment. Time to head for the destination marker now; push east past the trio of Koboldroid Yin and continue through the now disabled barrier. From here, go south then east to the next barricade defended by a Fencer. Kill it to remove the obstacle and claim a MARK OF THE LCIE from the treasure sphere beyond it. Climb the stairs and eliminate the group of monsters for an event. After which an old friend leaves you with more monsters to fight. Take them out and go east down several flights of stairs towards Grand Avenue; continue west through hordes of enemies until you run into Caius again. There will be more talking followed by more enemies. Deal with them like usual and proceed further west down the escalator. This should take you back to Central Bridge, which Caius soon destroys. To the south is a pair of KAISER KNUCKLES so dont miss it. With that in hand, turn around and head north then west across the smashed bridge. Once you get past it, make a beeline for the control terminal to the north. Use it to turn the escalator blue and go up.

Academia 400 AF New Town As soon as you enter this area, the path forks theres a giant monster blocking the way up north so go south instead. Further down is red escalator which you need to repeatedly jump on to get down. At bottom, head west then north to the control panel and use it turn the red escalator some ways behind you blue. Off to the corner by the terminal is a hidden treasure sphere with a PHOENIX BLOOD. Now, take that escalator up and collect the PHOENIX DOWN. Next to this is an orange barricade that also happens to be one of the games best grinding spots.

To start grinding all you need to do is stand next to the orange barricade and wait for the Mog Clock to turn red, defeat the enemy then repeat for as long as you want. You may want to consider taping down the attack/confirm button (X or O depending on PS3 region) for this so that you can sit back and watch your CP/Gil pile up without you having to do anything. Once youre satisfied and ready to proceed with the story, turn around back up the escalator and toward the destination marker for an event battle. Defeat the enemies and a boss battle ensues.

Boss Battle Zenobia HP Stagger CP 209,920 300% --Weakness Strengths Item Drop --Half damage vs. Physical attacks. ---

Zenobia starts the battle with Defensive Stance, which surrounds him with a bunch of tentacles that block all sorts of damage. So your first priority would be to eliminate the tentacles. These only have a little over 9000 HP each and are weak to everything; it wont take all that long to get rid of them unless you happen to have very puny characters. Anyway, once the tentacles are gone, Zenobia will start receiving normal damage from magic attacks. Physical attacks are still halved though so just use magic. Have a Saboteur stick Poison, Deprotect and Deshell then use Tridisaster (RAV/RAV/RAV) to inflict stagger. Throw everything you got at him until the tentacles are redeployed. The Vaballathuses can cast Ruinga and Cura by the way so take them out quickly and finish off Zenobia.

Academia 400 AF New Town A Perfect cinematic action rating earns you a Crystal Petal adornment for your monsters. Now, take the TOWER ARTEFACT you just got and use to unlock the gate leading to Augusta Tower 200 AF. At the top of the stairs near the destination marker is a treasure sphere with 1050 GIL. Now that you have the Mogs Manifestation fragment skill, we can revisit some of the previous timelines to capture a few special monster allies. Be sure to turn the skill on first though. Monster Chichu Nanochu Rangda Cactuarina Timeline ??? AF Archylte Steppe ??? AF Archylte Steppe 003 AF New Bodhum 003 AF New Bodhum How to Capture Throw Mog at the patch of red flowers north of Nomad Camp At the Clearwater Marshes area, stand on the west edge of the trench and throw Mog at the tree on the ledge. Stand on Beachfront pier and toss Mog out to sea. At the Meteorite Impact Site, stand on the crater and throw your moogle friend high up onto any ledge to capture this monster. While riding the big lumbering creature, look off to the sides for a pair of flans. Toss the moogle at the flans to capture them.


300 AF S. Waterscape

Augusta Tower 200 AF Treasures (8x) Vitality Orbs (8x) Mana Engines (8x) Vitality Engines (2x) P. Casino Ticket (2x) Remedy (1x) Bloodguard (1x) Librascope (1x) Magistral Crest (1x) Phoenix Blood (1x) Silence Gate Seal (1x) Snipers Eye (1x) T. Conductr Beret (1x) Twist Headband Adornments Sky Blue Newsboy Cap Light Bulb Monsters (COM) Dragoon (COM) Orion (COM) Thermadon (COM) Vespid Soldier (RAV) Grand Behemoth (RAV) Zwerg Metro (SYN) Luminous Puma (MED) Flanitor Fragments Idea Circuit Enigma Codex Difference Engine Proto FalCie Adam

Not long after you arrive in this timeline, youll find yourself being the cause of another lockdown. To get around this, check all the computers in the room until you find one that lets you access the Academy Datenet. You should be free to leave the room after the brief event, so explore the new area, making sure to stick close to people so that you pick up on the numbers that theyre saying. To the north end of the catwalk just outside the room are 2 REMEDIES. Across from this spot off to the distance is a

LIBRASCOPE; throw Mog there to collect it. Continue south for 1500 GIL. The numbers that you need are 9261. Keep that code in mind and turn around into the nearest room. Mess with terminals in here as well until you find another one that grants Datanet access. Pick 9261 as your response to the live trigger. Youll get the Tower Map after some cutscenes. With all areas now open, head back to the room that you first arrived in and exit east. From here, go north to collect a WILD ARTEFACT then turn around south to the destination marker. Check the terminal here only to realize youre stuck until you find the necessary access key. Your next stop is this same tower in the 300 AF timeline, and heres how to get there: At this point you should have already unlocked the Yaschas Massif 01X AF timeline, so go there and use a Wild Artefact to open the crystal time gate at the west edge of the Pass of Paddra. This will unlock Augusta Tower 300 AF in the Historia Crux.

Augusta Tower 300 AF Treasures (9x) Mana Slivers (8x) Vitality Bolts (6x) Vitality Slivers (2x) Potions (1x) 800 Gil (1x) Librascope (1x) Phoenix Down Adornments N/A Monsters (COM) Dragoon (COM) Flanborg (COM) Orion (SYN) Thexteron (MED) Flanitor Fragments Entropy Board

Floor 12 Your goal in this timeline is to find terminals that you can operate to change the orientation of the tower so you can proceed. For starters, check the panel in this room; this rotates the structure and reveals an exit. Outside across the catwalk to the north is a treasure sphere with 800 GIL. Examine the terminal to the south. This rotates the tower and reveals a room that you can enter, then exit towards the outer ring. Off in the distance across the gap is 9 MANA SLIVERS. Turn around the other way towards another terminal. Mess with it twice so that the rotation grants access to the innermost ring and the lift which takes you to Floor 14. Floor 14 Step off the lift and claim 2 POTIONS from the treasure sphere on the catwalk to the far north; throw the moogle to get it. Continue further west and you should run into Chocolina again. She has some new accessories on sale so you might want to take a look. Behind her is a panel you can operate to turn the west room, Check it twice and enter the room for 8 VITALITY BOLTS, then exit south into the next room and examine the terminal there twice so that you get to exit east. On the catwalk outside is a hidden treasure sphere with 6 VITALITY SLIVERS. From here, push southeast to the next control panel and continue up to Floor 15. Floor 15 On this floor, start by turning around to the inner ring where you can throw Mog southeast to retrieve a PHOENIX DOWN. Continue further around the catwalk, then throw Mog north near the end for a LIBRASCOPE. After that, backtrack to the control panel and press it thrice to turn the structure allowing you to cross over to the northwest edge of the outer ring, Check the panel there twice, enter the room and examine the computer for a live trigger. The code you need is 1237172, in case you didnt pay attention to the electronic voice giving numbers as you were traversing around the tower. You will receive the ENTROPY BOARD FRAGMENT, 500 CP and ACCESS KEY 50 for all that trouble.

Augusta Tower 200 AF Floor 50 Examine the terminal that you were stuck at previously. Now that youre across, go speak to Alyssa. Chocolina has also set up shop in the room behind her by the way. Exit south from Chocolinas room to find a TWIST HEADBAND outside. Travel further around the outermost ring and operate the panel at the end to rotate the room. This allows you to exit towards the central ring. Anyway, after that scene with Alyssa, go north from where she was and retrieve the TRAIN CONDUCTOR BERET then

examine the control panel in the middle so you can get on the lift that is the innermost ring. Do talk to Alyssa again for a live trigger then speak to her one more time afterwards to activate the lift. You will have to engage in a 3-round event battle before reaching Floor 51.

Floor 51 In this floor youll be faced with several rooms and several terminals. But for starters, exit the lift southeast and throw Mog at the floating crate to claim a SILENCE GATE SEAL (reset button for Augusta Tower 300 AF). At one end of the catwalk youre on is a BLOODGUARD. There is a Flanitor enemy here too, so try to capture one if havent done so yet. Its a pretty good Medic monster. That said, lets go mess with the control panels now: press panel 1 once, panel 3 once, and panel 4 thrice.

With that, the target room is now accessible but do explore the rest of the area for map completion. In the target room, examine the computer to get ACCESS KEY 52. Next, check the terminal in this room thrice then proceed south out onto the catwalk to collect a PLATINUM CASINO TICKET. Theres a PHOENIX DOWN and SNIPERS EYE at the far west edge of this floor as well; throw Mog to get it. Once youre ready, head for the lift at the middle of this area and continue to the next floor.

Floor 52 Exit the lift and throw Mog north to snag 1450 GIL. Further around the central ring are 8 VITALITY ORBS. Off to the far southwest end of the room is another PLATINUM CASINO TICKET; again, you must throw Mog to get it. Now, enter the southwest room and check the panel once. This rotates the room so you can exit to a catwalk where a MAGISTRAL CREST resides. Next stop is the west room which must be turned twice to gain access to another isolated catwalk with 8 MANA ENGINES. Press the panel next to the loot twice; this turns the northwest room. Then return to the west room and mess with the panel there twice. With this arrangement, you can now access the target room to the northeast. Off to the far north end of the floor is a treasure sphere with 8 VITALITY ENGINES and another one with 2000 GIL, while the last one has a PHOENIX BLOOD. Once you have all the loot, check the computer in the target room to get the TOP FLOOR ACCESS KEY then use the lift at the center of the room to get to the top floor. You will be engaging a Greater Behemoth on the elevator. Stick it with debuffs to take it down quicker, and depending on how tough your characters are, you might want to consider putting in a Sentinel. At the top floor, nab the 3 POTIONS and check in with your ever-faithful stalker Chocolina. You might want to pick up a Sargatanas for Noel and a Rune Feather for Serah; both weapons speed up your ATB gauge recharge rate and offer good boosts to both strength and magic. After that, climb the stairs for quite a bit of cutscenes and then a boss battle. Youll be fighting Adam for 2 rounds so be ready.

Boss Battle Proto FalCie Adam HP Stagger CP 74,250 / 212,160 200% --Weakness Strengths Item Drop ----Phoenix Down

For round 1, Adam and the Manipulators will specialize in magic, be ready to buff accordingly. Adam kicks things off with Manadrive Overload which grants Faith to the entire opposing party and sticks yours with Imperil and/or Curse. Kill off the Manipulators first as they cast level 3 elemental spells. They dont have all that much HP though so getting rid of them should be easy. In any case, spam Deprotect and Deshell until either one sticks then shift to an offensive paradigm and stagger him. For round 2, Adam gets a big boost in HP and will now specialize in physical damage. Again, be prepared to buff accordingly if you have access to any such spells. This time, he starts with Kinetic Booster, giving himself and his limbs Bravery. Adam also has Shellga, Protectga, and Ruinga. Like before, kill off the Manipulators and stick the main body with Deprotect and Deshell. Countermeasures (SAB/SAB/SEN) works well for this, as it can make debuffs stick faster while your party stays somewhat defended.

Use Relentless Assault (RAV/RAV/COM) to inflict stagger then shift to Cerberus (COM/COM/COM) to pile on the damage if you need to. Finally, finish him off with the cinematic action sequence. A 5 star rating in this battle gives you the Cerulean Medal trophy. While a Perfect CA rating gives a CRYSTAL APPLE. Also if you manage to perfect all CA sequences up to this point, you will get the Trigger Finger trophy as well. The boss still isnt dead but fortunately you get to have a choice this time. The correct choice is to Scream at Hope by the way. You can fight Adam again if you want; LT just pops up again afterwards.

Augusta Tower 200 AF AI Nucleus PROTO FALCIE ADAM FRAGMENT + 6000 CP acquired. Theres live trigger reward cube nearby as well. Check the computer for a brief event then use the Artefact of Rebirth to unlock the time gate. Back at the Historia Crux, proceed to Academia 4XX AF.

Academia 4XX AF Treasures (8x) Power Engines (8x) Power Orbs (3x) Casino Tickets (1x) 2000 Gil (1x) Auric Amulet (1x) Facts Gate Seal (1x) Guardian Amulet (1x) Gold Casino Ticket (1x) Gold Gear (1x) Maladarous Fruit (1x) Watchman Amulet (1x) Wild Artefact Adornments Crystal Star Monsters N/A Fragments A.R. Monster Professor Quiz Rank: Private Quiz Rank: Sergeant Quiz Rank: Lieutenant Quiz Rank: Colonel Quiz Rank: General Stoic Virtue Epicurean Song Lyceum Knowledge Academia Wisdom

Nice place they got here. Well you have a lot of exploring to do, so begin by heading west then north up the stairs to find 3 CASINO TICKETS. Turn back around to the eastern section this time, take the escalator up then proceed northeast into the Alley. From here, keep going northeast before climbing the small set of stairs when you see them. Follow this around to the right for 8 POWER ORBS, while at the top of the stairs at the other side sits a GUARDIAN AMULET. At this point, navigate to the southeast and nab the WATCHMAN AMULET. Just around the corner above that last treasure is a floating object so have Mog reveal it to collect the WILD ARTEFACT. Backtrack north now and throw Mog at the sign post by the stairs just to the left of an opened treasure sphere to get a MALADOROUS FRUIT.

Go up that staircase then down the blue escalator and take a quick left in Grand Avenues Southern Block. There, navigate north where youll run into Chocolina. The building to her left houses a GOLD GEAR. You can now go east to the Grand Avenue Square, where youll find a Brain Blast quiz game terminal at the upper section of the area. You can try that if you want. Otherwise, make your back to Grand Avenue and climb the staircase at the center of the area to find an AURIC AMULET. Off to west side of the city now. In New Town, youll find another quiz terminal to the north as well as 8 POWER ENGINES next to the stairs leading up to the terminal. From that last loot, go south then east on the street to collect 2000 GIL. That should be all for the freebies in this city, so trek all the way north to the Central Bridge and stop by the large open area off to the right. Examine the gate there for a scene.

Head for the Academy now and claim a GOLD CASINO TICKET just to the left of the entrance. In the Academy, talk to Doctor M and take up the Monster Professor quest. Show him your Bestiary once youve collected data on every single monster in the game. Next to Dr. M is a floating crate containing a FACTS GATE SEAL (reset button for Augusta Tower 200 AF).

Youll also find a near-invisible Captain Cryptic to the northeast of the lobby. Use Mog to make him solid; Talk to him for an event and play his confounding quiz game if you like. Captain Cryptic holds 5 of the 11 fragments that can be found in this timeline, so you have to win his quiz game if you want them. Enter the Research Facility and talk to Hope to proceed with the story.

Note: Theres a rare monster that we can capture in the Research Facility. Turn on the Mogs Manifestation fragment skill and throw your moogle friend at the giant green sphere in front of you. He will either return with 1 Gil or our target, the Silver Chocobo so just throw until you get it. When you regain control after the initial cutscene, talk to Hope twice more for a live trigger then go collect your reward from the cube that appears at the other side of the room. While the treasure sphere at the lower level contains a PLATINUM CASINO TICKET. Throw Mog down there to retrieve it.

Next, talk to Alyssa twice and shell brief you on your new objective. In total, there are 7 Graviton Cores waiting to be found, but you only need to recover 5 of them to advance the story. The remaining 2 are only accessible post-game. Anyway, keep talking to Alyssa until the ! disappears then go outside and chat with the receptionist at the front desk for details on the locations of the ores.

Graviton Core Alpha New Bodhum 003 AF Tidal Shallows Jump on the small brown platform just to the left of the wandering Chocobo then use Moogle Hunt to find this fragment.

Graviton Core Beta Bresha Ruins 005 AF Echoes of the Past The first thing you need to do is secure a Chocobo then ride it east past the central time gate to the stone staircase leading down. Jump off the right side of this staircase onto the grass below. At the opposite of the treasure sphere is this fragment. Again, use Moogle Hunt to uncover it.

Graviton Core Gamma Oerba 200 AF Village Proper Get a Chocobo and ride it down along the path at the right side. You should see a rooftop directly across from you so have the bird fly over there. Use Moogle Hunt to uncover this fragment. The said rooftop belongs to the structure where Chocolina has set up shop.

Graviton Core Delta Academia 400 AF New Town From the gate at the very top of the area, go south, west the south to Chocolinas shop. From there, hop down the red escalator to the north. The fragment awaits at the bottom.

Academia 400 AF New Town With fragment in hand, go back up the red escalator and descend the blue one to Chocolinas left, then the other blue one after it. At the bottom, continue south all the way to a crystal gate. Use a Wild Artefact there to unlock Yaschas Massif 100 AF.

Yaschas Massif 100 AF Treasures Reminiscence G. Seal Adornments N/A Monsters (COM) Crawler (SEN) Bunkerbeast (SAB) Ahriman (SAB) Clematis (SAB) Deathgaze (SAB) Pitterpatter (MED) Green Chocobo Fragments Graviton Core Epsilon Schwertleite's Flower Helwige's Nightshade Siegrune's Spiritbloom Rossweisse Skyblossom Book of Shambala Book of Valhalla

This visit will be brief as we are only here for the fragment. You start out at the Paddrean Archopolis, where you can grab a red chocobo to mount. These red variants will consume your Gysahl Greens for as long as youre on them, and will throw you off once you run out of greens. So if you do ride one, make sure to get straight to the point and avoid messing around. That said push southwest to Chocolinas shop where you can replenish your supply of Chocobo feeds. Stand on the bridge nearby and toss Mog down to the floating crate below to collect a REMINISCENCE GATE SEAL (reset button for this timeline). Go find another bird and continue southwest towards the section with the searchlights. Mog gets all shiny here indicating the presence of a fragment so press R1 to claim GRAVITON CORE EPSILON. That will be all for this timeline so report back to Hope at the Research Facility.

Academia 4XX AF Give all 5 Graviton Cores in your possession to Alyssa. Watch the cutscenes and use the VAGABOND ARTEFACT to unlock the now working time gate outside. Talk to Noel by the door then leave the Academy. Back at the city, grab the chocobo and ride it south then east up the stairs; turn east again then south to reach the time gate. Go through and Episode 5 begins.

The Void Beyond ??? AF Treasures (1x) Librascope Adornments Caius Sword NORA Symbol Afro Monsters (SYN) Clione (SAB) Chelicerata Fragments Etros Sorrow Pulses Resolution Lindzeis Desire Mwynns Tenderness Bhunivelzes Sleep

Sooth Seeker trophy acquired. Serah will be all alone here and theres only one way for you to go, so follow the path until you see Yeul. Talk to her for a scene then a live trigger. Youll get the ETROS SORROW FRAGMENT soon after. Just follow her around for dialogues and live triggers. The second LT leaves you with the PULSES RESOLUTION FRAGMENT. Check behind you for a reward cube; theres a LIBRASCOPE nearby as well. Follow Yeul again for the LINDZEIS DESIRE FRAGMENT. The fourth time you talk to her gives you the MWYNNS TENDERNESS FRAGMENT, and the fifth time the BHUNIVELZES SLEEP FRAGMENT. Climb the staircase and press R1 to uncover the semi-invisible Chocolina. Finally, go talk to Yeul one more time for a cutscene and a boss battle.

Boss Battle Caius Ballad HP Stagger CP 12,000 200% --Weakness Strengths Item Drop --Half dmg vs. Phy and Mag attacks ---

You only have two characters in your party for this battle, but Caius HP is a bit on the low side as well so its not so bad. Plus, hes also susceptible to most debuffs which can speed up the killing process plenty. Your default paradigm should be Stumbling Block (SAB/SEN) and have Serah stick various debuffs particularly Poison, Deshell and Deprotect on Caius. Also, try to put in a Sentinel monster that has access to Mediguard so that it can stay healthy while acting as cannon fodder for Caius attacks. Caius can also use Chain Break which resets the chain gauge back to nothing, so just stick to Double Trouble (COM/COM) as your main offensive paradigm, as inflicting stagger on this man is a lost cause/

New Bodhum ??? AF A confused Serah finds herself back home in her ideal world. Start out by talking to all the NORA members for some live triggers then head to the NORA House for some scenes. When you regain control, claim your LT reward from the cube at Beachfront before heading to the pier to talk to her. A live trigger eventually plays. Say yes: you get a paradox ending and the TRANSCRIPT: FATE AND FREEDOM FRAGMENT. Say no and the game continues as normal. To proceed with the story, make your way to where the meteor impact site was and talk to that someone. After the scene collect the VANILLES FRUIT and FANGS CROWN fragments from the crates.

A Dying World 700 AF Treasures (8x) Power Essences (1x) 1500 Gil (1x) Obsidian Choker (1x) Promises G. Seal (1x) White Cape Adornments Crystal Rose Monsters COM) Garganzola (COM) Golden Chocobo (COM) Metallicactuar (RAV) Apotamkin (SEN) Metal Gigantaur (SAB) Pantopoda (MED) Cactuarama Fragments Gog. Fragment Gamma Omega Brand Chaos Brand Ultima Brand

Begin by heading west until you ruin into Noel and a dead Behemoth, then follow him to where a Caius is for some events. After that, Mog reappears and you can use moogle hunt again. Continue further south into the Farseers Settlement and secure your map from the hidden treasure sphere. Off to the right is Chocolina; moogle hunt her so that she turns solid and look at her stuff. There are plenty of new weapons for you to pick up if you have the components for them. When youre ready, head south and press R1 next to Noel so that he becomes solid to proceed. Talk to Yeul for the next scene. The house next to her has a freebie too. Noel gets to fight Caius alone soon after. Theres not much strategy here since you only have one character, and Caius has not changed at all except he only has 5,000 HP this time. Beat him down and get a move on. Noel is in front of a monument to the north, but head south first to pick up a few loot. You can secure 1500 GIL from the sphere off to the right. Theres a floating crate with the PROMISES GATE SEAL behind the ruined houses near the beginning of the area as well so go get it if you havent already. Further south behind a piece of wall to the right are 8 POWER ESSENCES. Once you have everything, go to the shrine for a scene. Youll find yourself at The Border area after that. Keep going north and youll eventually find a treasure sphere at the base of a tree. This one has 8 VITALITY ESSENCES. Moving on, go check in with Chocolina if you want before following Noel for the final scene and a boss battle.

Boss Battle - Gogmagog HP Stagger CP 146,400 200% 300 Weakness Strengths Item Drop ----Potent Orb

Youre back to being a party of 3 again. Start things off with the Countermeasures (SAB/SAB/SEN) paradigm and stick the monster with the usual debuffs. One thing worth noting about this version of Gogmagog is that it purposely casts various debuffs on itself then uses a spell that passes all of that to your party. But depending on how strong your characters are, this boss will be dead even before it finishes with debuffing. Gog can also use Absolution to restore a good chunk of its health. Anyway, spam Deprotect, Deshell and Imperil until they stick then shift to an offensive paradigm to inflict stagger and kill it for the last time.

A Dying World 700 AF The Sandy Highlands GOGMAGOG FRAGMENT GAMMA and 15000 CP acquired. Collect your reward from the LT cube. Now, the game tells you to return to the Farseer monument, but before you do that, proceed to the far west edge of the area and jump off to the Dead Sands. There, head south then follow the narrow gorge northwest when you see it. At the end is an OBSIDIAN CHOKER. Note: After getting the choker, proceed south along the western edge of the map. At the end of the path, theres a hidden treasure crate containing the Golden Chocobo.

That should be all for the area so trace your steps back to the Farseers Settlement where the monument is at. Examine it for a brief scene after which youll get your moogle friend back. Talk to him to find out what he knows then enter the spacetime distortion to reach New Bodhum 700 AF.

New Bodhum 700 AF Treasures (1x) Phoenix Blood Adornments N/A Monsters (RAV) Apotamkin (RAV) Pleuston (SAB) Pantopoda Fragments Cartesian Board Laplacian Board Hopes Message Noel's Message

Walk west into the village and once you can run again, return to the starting point of this area to the east and use moogle hunt to reveal a crate. Throw Mog at it to retrieve the CARTESAN BOARD FRAGMENT. Theres a hidden PHOENIX BLOOD by the village entrance as well.

Now, check the spacetime distortion at the Town Square for an event with her. When thats over, Mog will now be able retrieve those shiny-ringed treasures with his upgraded moogle hunt ability. Going straight from the pier leads to a hidden ARTEFACT OF THE ARK, and directly west is an invisible Chocolina. You can have look at her stuff if you want but its all old news. Below her off to the southwest is another hidden crate housing the LAPLACIAN BOARD FRAGMENT. Youll have to throw Mog to collect it though. If you head just a bit southeast from Chocolinas shop, youll find the third fragment, HOPES MESSAGE. Once you have everything, leave through the time gate using the Artefact of the Ark. The Academia 500 AF timeline will be unlocked at the Historia Crux.

Academia 500 AF Treasures (1x) F. Battle G. Seal (1x) Phoenix Down (1x) Sisters Gate Seal Adornments N/A Monsters (COM) Apkallu (COM) Managarmr (COM) Proto-Behemoth (COM) Yeoman (SEN) Tezcatlipoca (SEN) Xolotl (SYN) Miquiztli (SAB) Bamapama (SAB) Mimi (SAB) Schrodinger Fragments Amethyst and Luvulite Paradox Scope

Promise Keeper trophy acquired. Begin by picking up the DETERMINATIONS GATE SEAL (reset button for Dying World 700 AF) nearby then go north and east at the fork for a PHOENIX DOWN. Return, continue up to the cactuar stone and examine it. These stones will act as checkpoints in case you fall to your death. Chocolina is selling a good load of new wears too so go see if you find something you like. There will be consecutive boss battles just ahead; powering up your monsters might be a good idea, given that Chocolina is now selling level 4 monster materials. At the next bit, head over to the circular platform off to the west. Next, wait for the L-block to turn your way and cross it around to the north. Check the cactuar stone there before continuing east to a treasure sphere with your map. Go back west, head north, then northeast along the L-block to the destination marker for a scene followed by a boss battle.

Boss Battle Pacos Amethyst & Pacos Luvulite HP Stagger CP 250,400 200% --Weakness Strengths Item Drop Fire (P.A.); Ice (P.L.) Abs Ice (P.A.); Abs Fire (P.L) Scarletite, Platinum Ingot

Here we have 2 nearly identical monsters with opposing elemental vulnerabilities and affinities. So take advantage of their weakness by putting in a trio of Ravagers, being careful not to cast any spells that get absorbed. But first, have a Saboteur stick Deprotect and Deshell before letting loose with a barrage of magic to inflict stagger. Once staggered, shift to Aggression (COM/COM/RAV) or Cerberus (COM/COM/COM) to chew off as much HP as you can. Its also a good idea to tune your offensive paradigms to cross so that your characters focus on one target at a time. As for the enemy pair, they both use Comet which is an area-of-effect spell, as well as an elemental crush skill that deals physical damage. You can have a Synergist cast Protect and Shell on everyone to counter these, but theyre not all that dangerous as long as you heal from time to time. But the main thing that makes these Pacos annoying is that they can Split, reviving their dead comrade with the same amount of HP as the living one. So if you kill one, be sure to hurry up and kill the other as well.

Academia 500 AF Getting a 5-star rating against the Pacos scores you the Obsidian Medal trophy. AMETHYST AND LUVULITE FRAGMENT + 8000 CP acquired. For this part of the maze, you begin at the very center of the map. Begin by going south then follow the east L-block to the next platform. From here, continue east and touch the cactuar stone on the next platform for a checkpoint. Now, wait for the staircase in front of you to turn your way the climb it. Up next is an L-block; cross it as soon as it connects to the northeast platform where you can activate another cactuar stone. Push forward and examine the red cube at the end to turn it blue. This will change the pattern of the blocks so go back up to the last cactuar stone and turn west, following the L-block to the next platform and proceed to the destination marker where another checkpoint awaits. Activate the stone then check the blue cube here to turn it red. After another pattern change, step onto the T-block in front of you and wait for it to connect to the west platform before hopping off. Turn the red cube blue. Now, step on the T-block out front and hop off once it connects to the east platform. The crate here has the SISTERS GATE SEAL (reset button for New Bodhum 700 AF). From here, climb the staircase east. Activate your checkpoint, ignore the green cube and cross the L-block northwest instead. On the Tblock, hop off once it bridges to the west platform. From here, continue west to another T-block and hop off when it connects to the west L-block which leads to a cactuar stone. Touch the blue cube here to turn it red. After that pattern shift, go northeast, hop on the T-block, get off on the north platform, and turn left up some stairs. At the top, cross when the L-block connects to another staircase to the north. From this point, just follow the path the rest of the way to the destination marker for a cutscene. After that, grab the FINAL BATTLE GATE SEAL (reset button for Academia 500 AF) then activate the checkpoint. Chocolina is here too so you might want to do some last minute shopping before the final battle. Also, do add the following paradigms to your deck: Tortoise (SEN/SEN/SEN); Salvation (MED/MED/MED) or Combat Clinic (MED/MED/SEN); Perseverance (SAB/MED/MED); Cerberus (COM/COM/COM); Relentless Assault (COM/RAV/RAV); and Countermeasures (SAB/SAB/SEN). If youre into buffing, then I would suggest Protection (SEN/SYN/MED) or Recuperation (SYN/MED/MED), with the Synergist having access to both Protectga and Shellga. For monster allies, use Chichu (COM), Flanitor (MED) and Pulse Knight (SEN). If you didnt get Chichu, then the Dragoon is also a good Commando alternative.

Boss Battle Chaos Bahamut HP Stagger CP 79,930 999% --Weakness Strengths Item Drop --Half damage vs. everything. ---

Chaos Bahamut has improved plenty from when he first faced off with Lightning early in the game. He still has the usual skills plus some new ones, and most of them are rather painful, so it might be a good idea to buff with a Synergist. Make Noel your leader and manually cast Protectga + Shellga (he should have access to both of these skills if you leveled his Synergist role enough). Recuperation and Protection are good paradigms for this purpose. Once buffed, shift to Countermeasures and spam Deprotect until it sticks, before finally shifting to Cerberus. Bahamuts stagger % is ridiculous so attempting to inflict stagger on him is pointless.

As for Bahamut, he can switch between close and long range attack mode with Metamorphosis. From up close, he will swipe at you, and use Inferno or Ignis (this is by far his deadliest attack). From afar, he has Oblierating Breath and Megaflare. And while the latter doesnt do much actual damage, it is a very potent wounding attack. Use the Salvation or Combat Clinic paradigms for healing.

Boss Battle Caius Ballad HP Stagger CP 38, 830 300% 300 Weakness Strengths Item Drop --Half damage vs. phys, magic attacks. ---

Caius kicks things off with Eye of Bahamut which inflicts a multitude of debuffs (Curse, Deprotect, Deshell, Poison, and Daze) on one character. You can counter this by putting up Veil or Veilga. Otherwise, just Esuna whoever is affected. Again, use Countermeasure to stick the usual debuffs particularly Deprotect, Deshell, and Poison. Shift to Cerberus for the kill. His HP is on the low side to begin with so winning this round wont take long at all. Heal with Salvation or Combat Clinic as needed.

Boss Battle Caius Ballad HP Stagger CP 52,950 200% --Weakness Strengths Item Drop --Half damage vs. phys, magic attacks. ---

He gets more health this time and starts with buffing himself before following through with Ultima. Use Tortoise to defend against this the shift to Countermeasure to stick debuffs when its over. Spam Deprotect, Deshell, and most of all, Poison until they stick. Caius has Regen on so you have to poison

him to cancel out its effects. With everything in place, use Relentless Assault to inflict stagger and defeat him. He should come right back to life so just kill him again. For attacks, Caius also has Pulsar Burst, Giga Graviton, and Inferno. These three are not deadly so long as you dont let their damage pile up. Meaning, do heal from time to time. Inferno is a wounding attack by the way, but I dont think that matters much.

Boss Battle Jet Bahamut HP Stagger CP 1,059,000 300% --Weakness Strengths Item Drop -------

This dragon trio sure looks intimidating. For starters, kill off Garnet and Bahamut first focusing on one target at a time; cross-tuned offensive paradigms work best. Garnet and Amber have 140,530 each, with Garnet as Commando/Ravager and Amber the Saboteur. For this reason, you might want to buff with Protectga, Shellga, and Veilga first. Make Noel your leader and manually cast them (he gets access to all 3 spells if you leveled his Synergist role enough). Both Recuperation and Protection are good paradigms to buff with. Use Relentless Assault to stagger and Cerberus to kill.

Once Garnet and Amber are dead, you can finally target Jet Bahamut. He starts off with Break Curse which inflicts Curse, Daze, and Poison on your entire party. Hopefully the buffs you casted earlier are still active, if not then have your Medics Esuna everyone. Next, shift to Countermeasure and stick Deprotect and Deshell; if Poison and Imperil also stick then all the better. Inflict stagger with Relentless Assault and build up the chain gauge before shifting to Cerberus. Stay healthy with Combat Clinic. Once Jets HP is low, hell use Judgment Blade, which is pretty nasty so defend with Tortoise. Earning a 5-star rating in this battle scores you the Chronosaver trophy. A cinematic action sequence follows. Regardless of your decision here, the outcome remains the same.

Post Game Spoils After the ending credits, you will get the PARADOX SCOPE FRAGMENT, HOPE GATE SEAL (reset button for Valhalla ??? AF), and the Epic Finisher trophy. Visit Mystic at Serendipity to get the Paradox Scope fragment skill, which allows you to access the different paradox endings. The Valhalla timeline will also be unlocked at the Historia Crux.

Post Game Walkthrough

While these areas are completely optional, they do carry a big bulk of the quests that give fragments which are necessary to unlock the secret ending. Plus, these areas are home to certain monsters that cannot be found in the mandatory timelines. So do the time to explore these areas if possible. Bresha Ruins 100 AF Treasures (01x) Chrysalis Arc (01x) Disaster GS (01x) Eternity GS (01x) Elixir Adornments N/A Monsters (COM) Don Tonberry (COM) Munchkin (RAV) Munchkin Boss (RAV) Tempest (SYN) Purple Chocobo Fragments Palladium Ring Osmium Ring Ruthenium Ring Rhodium Ring Adamantite Ring Kalavinka Fragment

You begin this timeline at the Lamentable Rest, where you can talk to the guy in heavy armor for a lowdown on things if you like. Otherwise, head west and talk to Pat for the Palladium Ring Fragment quest. Now for the materials, enter the tunnel further west next to Chocolina. You can also buy some gysahl greens from her to replenish your reserves and grab a red chocobo for faster travel. Anyway, follow the tunnel all the way to the first intersection where the WEAPON MATERIAL is at. Its a hidden treasure by the way so use moogle hunt to reveal it then take it back to Pat.

Next stop is the lower left sector of Echoes of the Past, at the area some ways southwest of Chocolinas shop (a chocobo will be nearby as well). Talk to the Professor here for the Osmium Ring Fragment quest. To find his assistant, enter the tunnel behind you and follow it until you reach a fork, from which you need to go east; moogle hunt the man to make him solid, then talk to him to get the MONSTER ANALYSIS REPORT. Take it back to the Professor to get your reward.

Next, go straight east to claim an ETERNITY GATE SEAL; proceed further right to find Walter, who gives the Ruthenium Ring Fragment quest. Raymond is just nearby so go talk to him. The correct live trigger choices are Square, X, and Triangle. The treasure sphere behind Raymond contains a CHRYSALIS ARC while the hidden one across from it has an ELIXIR.

Now, return to the Lamentable Rest and speak to Ronan there for the Rhodium Ring Fragment quest. To find the device he needs, head to Bresha Ruins 300 AF Lamentable Rest and check the ground directly across from the chocobo where you can retrieve the OLD DEVICE. Take it back to Ronan at Bresha Ruins 100 AF to complete this quest.

For the fifth fragment, grab a Chocobo and head into the western tunnels. Follow the path to the intersection, turn right then south into the room where Atlas control device is. The hidden treasure crate here holds the DISASTER GATE SEAL. Speak to Porter who is right next to the control device for the Adamantite Ring Fragment quest. Youll need to do quite a bit of exploring to get this done, as the pair of passwords required are scattered across different timelines. Your hunt for the first password begins at Yaschas Massif 100 AF. Head to Hopes command center at the Paddrean Archeopolis and speak with Uma to get the THORNES INFORMATION item. With that in hand, travel to Yaschas Massif 110 AF, to the southeast edge of the Pass of Paddra, where you will find a man that you can moogle hunt and talk to. Tell him that his name is Thorne when the LT pops up.

For the second password, head to Bresha Ruins 300 AF and talk to the Government Agent next to the Atlas control device (its in the room some ways southeast of Chocolinas shop). When he lets you through, check the device and solve the 3 temporal rift puzzles there to get the CONTROL DEVICE PASSWORD 2. Take both passwords back to Porter to claim your reward.

The prompt for the Kalavinka Fragment quest pops up soon after, so take it and head for the Lamentable Rest to engage the monster. But first, you might want to equip lightning-resistant accessories to defend against Kalavinkas magic attacks. As for the battle, Saboteurs can try to stick the usual debuffs such as Deprotect and Deshell, while Synergists cast Shell. You can also use the Tortoise paradigm to drastically reduce damage from Hellstorm Bolt. Heal with Combat Clinic as needed. Aside from the fragment and CP, youll also receive a TOILET PAPER COUPON (a useless item) at the end of the battle, kupo...

Bresha Ruins 300 AF Treasures (01x) Labyrinth GS (01x) Wild Artefact Adornments N/A Monsters (COM) Munchkin (COM) Tonberry (RAV) Circuitron (RAV) Munchkin Boss (SYN) Purple Chocobo Fragments Platinum Ring Mythril Ring Iridium Ring Ctrl Device Password 2

Here we have some snowy ruins and 4 fragments waiting to be picked up. Begin by getting yourself a Chocobo. Take note that your ride is a red variant, which means it will shamelessly feed on your gysahl green reserves until you decide to get off so it will be best to move quickly. That said, jump off the railing to your right and collect the LABYRINTH GATE SEAL at the bottom. Ditch the chocobo afterwards and go south then north along the west path. Talk to Jonah for the Platinum Ring Fragment quest.

The RECORDING DEVICE is in the tunnel at the northwest-most edge of the map. Once you reach that specific room in the tunnel, Mogs bobble will light up so look around nearby for the item. Next, head for the lower central tunnel. Go in and follow the path, ignoring the first intersection then take a right at the next. Talk to Thurston for the Mythril Ring Fragment quest. Exit the tunnel and go straight east. The soldier walking around next to the pile of rubble at the end of the path is the Commander.

Take the COMMANDERS REPORT back to Thurston to get your reward. For the third fragment, head to the Lamentable Rest (its at the upper east edge of the map). There, use moogle hunt to reveal the shadowy figure named Lex and accept the Iridium Ring Fragment quest. Now, hitch a ride on the Chocobo, head west and when the path forks, take the lower one going further west. Continue south into the tunnel, moving along until you see a man in green, named Brant. Talk to him to initiate a series of live triggers where you need to try and make him laugh. The correct choices are Square, X, and O. Take the item back to Lex to complete the quest. A WILD ARTEFACT appears where he used to be. You can use that one on the nearby time gate, which in turn leads to Yaschas Massif 110 AF.

For the final fragment, you must first take up the Adamantite Ring quest from Porter at Bresha Ruins 100 AF, then return to this timeline and talk to the Government Agent next to the Atlas control device (its in the room some ways southeast of Chocolinas shop). When he lets you through, check the device and solve the temporal rift puzzles there to get the Control Device Password 2 Fragment.

Oerba 300 AF Treasures (01x) Flight Gate Seal (01x) H.T.W. Gate Seal Adornments Sahagin Hide Backpack Monsters (RAV) Bloodfang Bass (RAV) Pink Lily (SAB) Breshan Bass (MED) White Chocobo Fragments Sparkling Runestone Dewy Bloodstone Spinning Moonstone Lovely Starstone Bubbly Stone Astonishing Limestone Thrilling Milestone Scorching Firestone Mossy Rosetta Stone

This timeline is a temporal rift haven, which by the way is a pain. From your starting point at the Village Proper, walk up the bridge a bit and throw Mog at the floating crate some ways off to your right for the HOW THINGS WERE GATE SEAL. Move along past the first spacetime distortion that you see and stand next to the wall on the right, before tossing Mog down to the floating crate below; it holds the FLIGHT GATE SEAL. After that, turn around and go all the way back south past the time gate and into the spacetime distortion.

This rift involves a 3-stage connect the crystals puzzle which when solved gives the Sparkling Runestone Fragment. Climb the nearby staircase up and around to the next spacetime distortion. Here we get another connect the crystals rift but this time it has five stages. Complete it for the Thrilling Milestone Fragment. Turn left, jump over the wall and continue north towards the third anomaly.

Youll encounter more of the same puzzle variant, so clear all 4 stages for the Dewy Bloodstone Fragment. The next distortion is just further from where you are now, and in it is 2 stages of Hands of time puzzle with the reward being the Spinning Moonstone Fragment. Now, make your way down a series of inclines, where you can moogle hunt the rift at the bottom. Solve another 2-stage clock puzzle and get the Lovely Startstone Fragment. Continue east then a bit south for the next one.

This rift involves 2 stages of disappearing floors puzzle, and is quite compared to the 5 other rifts youve covered in this timeline so far. Your reward will be the Astonishing Limestone Fragment. Head northwest to the Ashensands and moogle hunt another distortion. Complete 3 stages of vanishing floors puzzle for the Bubbly Stone Fragment. Next, head west to grab a chocobo and push southeast, following the far right path down then west towards the rift next to the time gate.

Get through this short clock puzzle for seventh target, the Scorching Firestone Fragment. Push south now towards the ninth and final rift for this timeline Solve 5 stages of connect the crystals for the Mossy Rosetta Stone Fragment. Use a Wild Artefact at the time gate to the north to unlock Oerba 400 AF.

Oerba 400 AF Treasures (03x) P. Casino Ticket (01x) Hometown GS (01x) Wild Chorus Adornments Monsters (RAV) Gremlin (RAV) Grenade (RAV) Zaghnal (SAB) Forked Cat Fragments Graviton Core Zeta Dishonest Mille-feuille Bittersweet Chiffon Tremulous Muffin Farewell Madeleine Selfish Pancake Pink Parfait Beloved Cinnamon Teatime Mont Blanc

One more trip to yet another temporal rift haven... You once again start off at the Village Proper where heading east then south down the road leads to a crate with 2 CASINO TICKETS. After that, turn around, grab the chocobo and make your way around to the Ashensands at the northwest sector of the map, where you can moogle hunt for the hidden Graviton Core Zeta. Proceed southeast side of the map for a hidden PLATINUM CASINO TICKET treasure. Further southeast is a WILD CHORUS.

Turn back and climb the staircase when you see it. Throw Mog to reach the treasure crate behind the tree; it holds the HOMETOWN GATE SEAL. Make your way to Bhaktis house and moogle hunt the rift. Clear all 6 connect the crystal puzzles for the Dishonest Mille-feuille Fragment.

Enter the labyrinth directly across the house next. In here, we get more of the same problem, but this time there will be 5 stages instead of 6. Finish this and be rewarded with the Bittersweet Chiffon Fragment. From there, go south up the steel staircase, going around to the third anomaly. This one is short; only 2 stages of vanishing floors. Get it done for the Tremulous Muffin Fragment. ump back up onto the road to your left and head north then west to the fourth rift. Clear all 3 stages of the floors puzzle for the Farewell Madeleine Fragment.

Next, head west then north downstairs before going east at the very bottom. The fifth anomaly has 4 stages of crystal connecting involved. Your reward for this is the Selfish Pancake Fragment. Continue down to the beach next for your objective. In this rift is a 6-stage Hands of Time puzzle. Get it over with for an event, after which youll get the Pink Parfait Fragment.

Moving on to the next labyrinth off to the northeast. Solve 3 more clock puzzles for the Beloved Cinnamon Fragment. For the last labyrinth, use moogle hunt at the Deserted Schoolhouse rooftop. Clear the final set of clock puzzles for the Teatime Mont Blanc Fragment.

Sunleth Waterscape 400 AF Treasures (01x) Thundrstruck GS Adornments N/A Monsters (COM) Seeping Brie (SEN) Flandit (SAB) Illuyankas (SAB) Unsaganashi Fragments Lapis Lazuli Cosmo Aura Heliodor Ore Carnelian Celestine Miniflan Fragment Graviton Core Eta

You begin this timeline at the Bow Isle area. Run up the path until you see a group of flans. It appears that 5 members of their group are missing, and your goal is to help locate them with Mogs moogle hint ability. The first errant flan is not far ahead; reveal it with R1 for the Lapis Lazuli Fragment.

Turn around and navigate the tree branches southeast to the Isle of Arboreal Embrace where you can approach a small group of white flans. Mogs bobble should light up around here so uncover the second flan for the Cosmo Aura Fragment. Next, make your way back to Bow Isle and use the vine to swing over to the Hidden Woodland Area. Youll find some blue flans here and the missing one is mixed in among them. Moogle Hunt it to get the Heliodor Ore Fragment.

Turn around north now, using the vine to reach Warpwood and keep going until you can ride on the massive animal again. Let it amble all the way over to the Forest Crossroads where you can get off. Jump across some platforms before climbing on the tree branch to your left when you see it, then take an immediate leap off to the right. Use moogle hunt here to claim the Carnelian Fragment. Now for the last flan, go the other way toward the Lush Woodland Path where Chocolina has set up shop. Look at her wares if you like. Otherwise, proceed past her and jump off down to the Overgrown Forest, Just climb to the top of the trunk that you landed on and use moogle hunt for the Celestine Fragment.

Well you just saved the little buggers and now youre going to have to defeat them. Turn around, dashing to the destination marker at the Assembly Area. Cast your best area of effect elemental spell to get rid of all 5 Miniflans at once. Watch the events and be rewarded with the Miniflan Fragment, 2500 CP and the THUNDERSTRUCK GATE SEAL (reset button for this timeline) Now, make your way

back to the Assembly area and you should find a near-invisible floating object on the blue part of the ground. This is the Graviton Core Eta. Grab it and exit back to the Historia Crux.

The Vile Peaks 010 AF Treasures (08x) Mana Orb (02x) P. Casino Ticket (01x) Entite Ring (01x) Hero's Amulet (01x) Royal Amulet (01x) Saint's Amulet (01x) Zealot's Amulet Adornments Black Chocobo Figurine Brown Bushy Mustache Tattoo Monsters (COM) Dreadnought (COM) Shaguma (COM) Yaksha (RAV) Bomb (RAV) Cryohedron (SAB) Black Chocobo (MED) Haguma Fragments Baxter's Last Light Ray's Last Light Twilight Fragment Alpha Sarges Last Light

To access this timeline, use a Wild Artefact on the time gate next to Chocolina in Academia 4XX AF. Your starting point this time is at Another Mans Treasure. Make your way south then moogle hunt Baxter so you can talk to him and take up the Rays Last Light Fragment quest. Youll also receive the Baxters Last Light Fragment from Baxter. Now, turn south and follow the straightforward path all the way around until you see the blue quest marker. Well you just found Ray so talk to him for the Twilight Fragment Alpha quest as well as the Ray's Last Light Fragment.

Return to the nearby intersection and head north, collect the ROYAL ARMLET and 8 MANA ORBS further ahead. Examine the shadowy thing next for a scene, followed by a battle against Twilight Odin. Cast Protect on your party to defend against Odins rather brutal hits, then put in a Sabotuer and try to stick the usual debuffs on him, particularly Imperil, so that he becomes weak to the other 3 elements besides Lightning. Always make sure to have a Sentinel around then work on staggering him with Delta Attack (COM/RAV/SEN) or Mystic Tower (RAV/RAV/SEN).

Youll receive Twilight Fragment Alpha after the battle. The next objective is to locate Sergeant Blitz so head west, grab the ENTITE RING, SAINTS AMULET, and ZEALOTS AMULET on your way to the quest marker where the sergeant is. Reveal him with moogle hunt; youll get the Sarges Last Light Fragment at the end of all the dialogue. Moving on, pick up the hidden PLATINUM CASINO TICKET. There are 2 of these; exit through the time gate and return to Vile Peaks 200 AF.

The Vile Peaks 200 AF Treasures (08x) Vitality Bolts (01x) Afterimage GS (01x) Phoenix Down (01x) Return Gate Seal (01x) Unicorn Horn Adornments N/A Monsters (COM) Twilight Odin (RAV) Koboldroid Yang (RAV) Vespid (SEN) Lancer (SAB) Garuda (SAB) Viking Fragments Torreno's Last Light Falcon's Last Light Thunder's Last Light Falcons Compass Twilight Fragment Beta Father's Song B. Squad Mission Report Words of Light

This timeline begins at the Dismal Dunescape. Mog should sense something too so turn around and collect the hidden UNICORN HORN. After that, continue south; moogle hunt the soldier (Terreno) off to the left so that you can talk to him and take up the Blitz Squadron Mission Report quest. Hell give you a map of the area and the Torrenos Last Light Fragment after some dialogue. Well that was easy. Now, you must locate all 6 of the Blitz Squadron survivors to complete Torrenos quest, and to do this, you must travel between 2 separate timelines this and Vile Peaks 10 AF. Anyway, push west then south past the tunnel to find a soldier named Falcon. Talk to him and hell run off; follow him until he stops, then speak to him again to get the Falcon's Last Light Fragment.

With that in hand, keep heading west and follow the path all the way to the end for a hidden treasure sphere with 8 VITALITY BOLTS. Theres a PHOENIX DOWN to be picked up along the way as well. Go back up now and speak to Corporal Thunder for the Thunder's Last Light Fragment. He also gives the Twilight Fragment Beta quest. Now, well just have to find Falcon at the Dismal Dunescape.

When he asks about the Corporals callsign, say Thunder . Falcon will also hand over the Falcons Compass Fragment. Leave for the Historia Crux and go to Vile Peaks 010 AF. Upon returning from your visit to 10 AF Vile Peaks, head south from Dismal Dunescape, and follow the path all the way around to the northwest section of the map, where youll run into Twilight Odin again.

He hasnt changed a bit from when you saw him last. Cast Protect on your party to defend against Odins rather brutal hits, then put in a Saboteur and try to stick the usual debuffs on him, particularly Imperil, so that he becomes weak to the other 3 elements besides Lightning. Always make sure to have a Sentinel around then work on staggering him with Delta Attack (COM/RAV/SEN) or Mystic Tower (RAV/RAV/SEN). Youll be rewarded with Twilight Odins monster crystal after the battle. Plus the Twilight Fragment Beta is yours as well. Watch the events after which you get to claim both RETURN GATE SEAL and AFTERIMAGE GATE SEAL. Also, now that youve found all the members of Blitz Squadron, its time to go see Torreno again for the Blitz Squadron Mission Report Fragment.

But first, backtrack a bit from where you fought Odin to find someone that you can moogle hunt and talk to. Hear him out to get the Fathers Song Fragment. Just after you get your reward from Torreno at the Dismal Dunescape, youll find another hidden person nearby. Examine her, watch the events and youll eventually receive the Words of Light Fragment.

Yaschas Massif 100 AF Treasures (01x) Blessed Blade (01x) Reminiscence GS (01x) Wild Artefact Adornments N/A Monsters (COM) Crawler (SEN) Bunkerbeast (SAB) Ahriman (SAB) Clematis (SAB) Deathgaze (SAB) Pitterpatter (MED) Green Chocobo Fragments Helmwige's Nightshade Siegrune's Spiritbloom Schwertleite's Flower Book of Valhalla Roseweisse Skyblossom Book of Shambala Graviton Core Epsilon

Youve been here before for the mandatory Graviton Core, so unless you did some exploring then, youll have 6 fragments left to collect in this timeline. For this guide, Ill assume that the area is mostly unexplored so Ill be covering all of the 6 quests. I suggest picking up all the loot as you go along (most of them are required for the quests) to minimize the need for backtracking later. Start by heading to the command center (where Hope was at) and check the side of the conference table to find a hidden crate with a BULB OF HOPE. Next, proceed to the northern sector of Paddrean Archeopolis and speak to the Ruby of Grief for the Helmwige's Nightshade Fragment quest.

The Picture Frame that youre looking for is in a hidden crate at the easternmost edge of the Pass of Paddra; you can retrieve that later. Just head west for now and check between the crates instead of going north. The loot here is a SEALED TABLET; throw Mog to retrieve it. Turn toward the south incline now, go up and look to the right then toss Mog again for the REMINISCENCE GATE SEAL. Continue onward past Chocolina, looking at the rocks to your right for a COMM DEVICE. Proceed further southeast to collect the PICTURE FRAME and take it back to Kari at the Archeopolis. Return to the Pass of Paddra and talk to Ruby of Grief not far from where the picture frame was for the Siegrune's Spiritbloom Fragment quest. Give Lambert the Bulb of Hope to complete this one.

Still at the Pass of Paddra, continue down along right path to the next Ruby of Grief. This one is Sarina and she has the Schwertleite's Flower Fragment quest for you. Once again, you should already have the Comm Device in your possession so hand it over for another fragment and some CP.

The fourth fragment is at the top-center sector of the Pass of Paddra. This Ruby of Grief was once a Researcher named Palmer and he gives you the Roseweisse Skyblossom Fragment quest. Hand over the Sealed Tablet that you retrieved earlier to claim your rewards from him and move on.

A spacetime distortion will appear at the Paddrean Archeopolis, so go there and access the Temporal Rift where youll encounter a Hands of Time puzzle. To fix the anomaly, you must erase all the crystal numbers from the clock face. Just so you know, this one can be quite difficult and the puzzles appear to be random as well. Get past 3 stages of this puzzle and you will be rewarded with the Book of Shambala Fragment and a Wild Artefact. For the final fragment, head back to bottom-right edge of the Pass of Paddra (this is just past where Sarinas Ruby of Grief was). At the end of the path is another spacetime distortion with a 4-stage Hands of Time puzzle. Clear this to get the Book of Valhalla Fragment. As for the nearby time gate, it leads to Sunleth Waterscape 400 AF. Use a Wild Artefact to open it.

Yaschas Massif 110 AF Treasures (01x) Maleficence GS Adornments N/A Monsters (COM) Chunerpeton (SYN) Imp (SYN) Yakshini (SAB) Kanna Kamuy (MED) Green Chocobo Fragments Gerhilde's Blossom Waltraute's Flower Ortlinde's Bloom Book of Avalon Ugallu Ctrl Device Password 1

There are 6 fragments to be picked up in this timeline starting with the Ruby of Grief at the northern section of the Paddrean Archeopolis. This orb was once a woman named Marie, and she gives the Gerhilde's Blossom Fragment quest. Now to locate her missing sister, head to the Pass of Paddra where you must proceed southwest. Mogs bobble will light up about halfway down so moogle hunt Millie and talk to her. Shell then hand over a piece of WEDDING JEWELRY. Take that back to Marie.

Next, make your way up the incline at the southwest edge of the Archeopolis to collect the MALEFICENCE GATE SEAL. Just nearby is Ruby of Grief, Abraham and you can take up the Waltraute's Flower Fragment quest from him. The Service Manual required for this mission is in a hidden crate just outside Hopes command center. Next, take the item to the Engineer at the Pass Paddra.

To find him, grab a chocobo and take a left at the fork past Chocolinas shop and have the bird jump on the ledge where the man is. The correct answer for the live trigger prompt is Triangle (the manual). Take the notes back to Abraham to complete this quest. The third red orb named Annaud is at the southmost edge of the Paddrean Archeopolis. He gives the Ortlinde's Bloom Fragment quest.

As a security officer, Annaud wants you to find any evidence of terrorist action so head over to the centeral section of the Pass of Paddra and collect the TERRORIST MARK. Take that back to Annaud for your reward. Next stop is the southwest section of the Pass of Paddra where a spacetime distortion has appeared. Clear the lone clock puzzle in there to proceed. Watch the scenes, after which youll receive the Book of Avalon Fragment. Now, in order to make Paddra Nsu Yeuls orb to appear, you must obtain the Book of Shambala fragment from Yaschas Massif 100 AF.

The target Ugallu is waiting at the northwest ssector of the Pass of Paddra. Kill it to get the Ugallu Fragment. As for the sixth and last fragment, you must first accept the Adamantite Ring quest from Porter at Bresha Ruins 100 AF, then travel to Yaschas Massif 100 AF and head to Hopes command center at the Paddrean Archeopolis. There, speak with Uma to get the THORNES INFORMATION item. With that in hand, travel back to Yaschas Massif 110 AF, to the southeast edge of the Pass of Paddra, where you will find a man that you can moogle hunt and talk to. Tell him that his name is Thorne when the LT pops up. He will then give you the Control Device Password 1 Fragment.

Trophies You must complete each condition to be rewarded with the allotted trophy. In total, there are 32 trophies in this game -- 19 bronze, 6 silver, 6 gold, and 1 platinum.

Platinum Trophy Icon Type Name Master of Time Unlock Obtained all trophies.

Bronze Trophies Icon Type Name Early Riser Unlock Begin Episode 001: A World Without Cocoon.

Time Traveler

Begin Episode 002: Unseen Intruder

Future Espier

Begin Episode 03A: Prophecy of Hope

Past Gazer

Begin Episode 03B: Oathbrand

Threat Facer

Begin Episode 004: Skyborne Paradise

Sooth Seeker

Begin Episode 005: Time Marches On

Promise Keeper

Begin Episode 006: Promised Eternity

Cerulean Medal

Get 5-star rank vs. Proto FalCie Adam in Episode 04.


Spend 100,000 Gil at Chocolinas shop.

Clock Stopper

Pull off 100 consecutive preemptive strikes.

No Retreat

Win 50 battles without using Retry.

Obsidian Medal

Get 5-star rank vs. Pacos pair in Episode 06.

Quick Draw

Perform 50 preemptive strikes.

Saddle Sore

Travel 10,000 steps on a Chocobo.

Scarlet Medal

Get 5-star rank vs. Weakened Atlas in Episode 02.


Amassed a total of 10,000 casino coins.


Staggered 50 enemies.


Perform a total of 1,000 paradigm shifts.

Wild Thing

Perform 100 Feral Link attacks.

Silver Trophies Icon Type Name Anomalous Unlock Viewed all 8 paradox endings.

Big Game Hunter

Defeat Ochu, Long Gui, Immortal, and Yomi.

Budding Hunter

Defeat a total of 100 enemies.


Complete one fragment category.

Supreme Being

Get to level 99 in all 6 roles for one character.

Trigger Finger

Obtain 5 cinematic bonus rewards.

Gold Trophies Icon Type Name Epic Finisher Unlock Beat the game once.

Beast Tamer

Tame Don Tonberry in Bresha Ruins 100 AF.


Get 5-star rank vs final boss in Episode 06.


Collect all 160 fragments in the game.

Fair Fighter

Defeat Raspatil in Oerba 400 AF on Normal mode.

Giants Fist

Deal 99,999 damage in a single attack.

Trophy Notes About the Big Game Hunter trophy, all 4 of the target monsters are in the Archylte Steppe and only appear during a specific weather condition Ochu (rainy), Long Gui (sunny), Immortal (cloudy), and Yomi (stormy).

XMB Themes Just like in FF13, you can also unlock special character themes for your PS3 by obtaining specific trophies during gameplay. These themes can then be installed via the "Extras" tab in the game's title screen. XMB Theme Alternate Lightning Lightning Farron Mog Noel Kreiss Serah Farron Unlock Obtain the Master of Time trophy. Have a Final Fantasy XIII save file. Obtain the Fair Fighter trophy. Obtain the Chronosavior trophy. Obtain the Defragmented trophy.

Game List
Paradox Endings There are 8 possible paradox endings, which is a good thing, given how disappointing the canon ending is. To unlock these endings, you must perform time reversals in certain timelines, and redo specific tasks while the Paradox Scope fragment skill is activated. The said skill can be obtained by visiting Mystic at Serendipity after completing the game once.

Paradox Ending 1 A Giant Mistake To unlock this ending, return to Bresha Ruins 005 AF and defeat Atlas while hes at full power. Meaning, you cannot weaken him like you did the first time you fought him. Hes not all that different from his weakened form, except he has more HP and far stronger. His deadliest attacks are Ground Smash, where he brings his fists down on your party, and also inflicts wound damage; next is his Roar attack, which deals multi-hit damage and inflicts Curse. Defend against these with Tortoise (SEN/SEN/SEN).

Buff with Protection (SEN/SYN/MED) until Protect and Shell are in place, then put in a Saboteur to stick Deprotect and Deshell. For offense, use Tridisaster (RAV/RAV/RAV) and Relentless Assault (RAV/RAV/COM). Atlas has a 900% stagger point, so breaking through his defenses will take a while, but if you do, shift to Cerberus (COM/COM/COM) to chew off as much health as possible. Use Combat Clinic (MED/MED/SEN) or Salvation (MED/MED/MED) for healing. View this ending to be rewarded with the Transcript: A Giant Mistake fragment along with 11,000 CP.

Paradox Ending 2 Mischievous Mogs Marvelous Plan with Flan To unlock this ending, simply return to Sunleth Waterscape 300 AF and defeat Royal Ripeness with the Paradox Scope fragment skill activated. The flan has also powered up somehow but its not that different from the Ripeness that you first encountered. Plus this paradox ending is pretty funny.

View this ending to be rewarded with the Transcript: Mogs Marvelous Plan with Flan fragment and 10,000 CP.

Paradox Ending 3 Vanilles Truth To unlock this ending, head to Oerba 200 AF and defeat Caius with the Paradox Scope skill activated.

View this ending to be rewarded with the Transcript: Vanilles Truth fragment and 10,000 CP.

Paradox Ending 4 Test Subjects To unlock this ending, return to where you fought Proto FalCie Adam in Augusta Tower 200 AF, and fight the same persistent monster again with the Paradox Scope skill activated. Not to worry though, for this is not a seemingly endless battle like before, so you only need to kill him once.

View this ending to be rewarded with the Transcript: Test Subjects fragment and 10,000 CP.

Paradox Ending 5 Beneath a Timeless Sky To unlock this ending, head to the Void Beyond. To get there, replay the Academia 4XX AF timeline until the point where you give the Graviton Cores to Alyssa. Handing those over will unlock the gate leading to The Void Beyond. Activate the Paradox Scope skill and defeat Caius on his encounter with Serah.

Youre up against a far stronger Caius this time, and since you only have 2 characters Serah and a monster; make sure that the latter is a Sentinel (preferably a Pulse Knight) so that it will be the one to absorb most of Caius attacks while being able to heal with Mediguard. Start off with the Building Block (SYN/SEN) paradigm, buffing with Protect and Shell, then shift to Stumbling Block (SAB/SEN) to stick the usual debuffs, especially Poison on Caius. Attack with your offensive paradigm of choice; just remember to always have a Sentinel at hand. Heal with Lifeguard (MED/SEN) or Potions as needed. View this ending to be rewarded with the Transcript: Beneath a Timeless Sky fragment + 10,000 CP.

Paradox Ending 6 Fate and Freedom This is by far the easiest paradox ending to get. In Episode 5 at some point during your visit to New Bodhum ??? AF, you will have to speak with a fake Lightning on the pier. Say Yes when the live trigger appears and thats it.

View this ending to be rewarded with the Transcript: Fate and Freedom fragment and 1,500 CP.

Paradox Ending 7 Heir to Chaos To unlock this ending, replay the Academia 4XX AF timeline until the point where you give the Graviton Cores to Alyssa. Handing those over will unlock the gate leading to The Void Beyond. Now, keep playing until you get to the A Dying World 700 AF timeline, and turn the Paradox Scope skill on before Noels one-on-one battle with Caius then defeat him.

View this ending to be rewarded with the Transcript: Heir to Chaos fragment along with 10,000 CP.

Paradox Ending 8 The Future is Hope This is my favorite out of all the paradox endings. To unlock this ending, replay the Academia 4XX AF timeline with Paradox Scope activated, until the point where you give the Graviton Cores to Alyssa. A cutscene will play once you hand over all 5 cores; do not skip this cutscene then during the live trigger event, refuse the Artefact that she gives you.

View this ending to be rewarded with the Transcript: The Future is Hope fragment and 3,000 CP.

Quiz Mastery Quiz mastery involves winning out in several quiz mini games including Captain Cryptics Confounding Quiz and Brain Blast. Becoming a quiz master ultimately grants you 9 of the 11 fragments in Academia 4XX AF which is required for unlocking the games secret ending. Captain Cryptics Confounding Quiz You first meet Captain Cryptic in the Academy building lobby, but will move to a different location within Academia whenever you answer his quiz wrong or correctly. Take note that he will be hidden so use moogle hunt to reveal him. First, Ill list all of the possible questions plus answers for Captain Cryptics confounding quiz game, followed by all of his 9 possible hiding spots.

New Town Near southwest Brain Blast terminal; standing by a sign post next to a Chocobo.

New Town At the southwest section; in the alley going south in the middle of the lower street.

New Town In corner at southeast edge of the lower street from southwest Brain Blast terminal.

Grand Avenue In the building directly south of the Brain Blast Terminal.

Grand Avenue Next to the store with a shoe poster. This is to the south of Chocolinas shop.

Grand Avenue Upper-middle section of the avenue; next to a staircase with big green billboard.

Grand Avenue Inside the Palace of Dreams fast food restaurant, northeast of the city.

Now for the quiz answers, the game randomly picks 15 out of all the available questions, and getting a certain number of consecutive answers earns you a fragment, as detailed below. Fragment Quiz Rank: Private Quiz Rank: Sergeant Quiz Rank: Lieutenant Quiz Rank: Colonel Quiz Rank: General Condition Get one correct answer. Get 2 consecutive correct Get 3 consecutive correct Get 4 consecutive correct Get 5 consecutive correct

answers. answers. answers. answers.

Question A long gui born during the catastrophe would be how old in 400 AF? After the fall of Cocoon, a new era began. What does AF stand for? Alyssa was with a friend during the Purge. What was her friends name? Behemoth meat was a rare treat in Noels era. How was it cooked? Besides military personnel, what group of people was exempt from the Purge? Duplicates are a 3D portrayal of what? During the War of Transgression, what kind of sword was used by the legendary knight? Everyone wants a piece of this monster, whether it be a fragment, shell, or a speck of ash! From the central pathway of Academia, if you cross the bridge west of Chocolina, what will you see on the sign in front of you? Goblin Maddog is Gran Pulses boxing champion. What phrase is used by his fans when cheering him on? How does a hedge frog return home to lay its eggs? How many blades are on the windmill in Oerba? How many consecutive slot machine wins were achieved in the memorable Double Lucky Seven incident? How many lights are there above the gate of the mysterious fighting arena linked to Sunleth? How many toes does a sheep have? In 360 AF, what revolutionary idea solved Academias power shortage issue? In 4XX AF, a man was blacklisted for hanging around the Academy headquarters. Why was he there?

Answer A few hundred years After the Fall Nena Stein Roasted Sanctum employees People A sword of crystal Bomb A tree Goblinhancement Attach themselves to other animals. 3 7 6 3 Typhoon energy He was in love with Alyssa.

In 7 AF, Bom-Bites became a favourite snack of residents of Palumpolum. What was the unique characteristic of this dessert? In Gran Pulse mythology, who is referred to as the false demon? In New Bodhum, what group of people frequently use the path along the shore? In order to tell duplicates apart from humans, how are they programmed to greet people? In Palumpolums aerial road race GP, which airbike was criticised and called names such as the flying white pig and the defective snowman? In Pulses well-known nursery rhyme Elbow Grease, what is the old man in the fourth verse mistaken for? In the hit TV show Viking, the main character is a superhero. What is his weakness? In the Steppe, how do the smaller sheep act towards the bigger sheep? Kids love Chocobo Biscuits! What flavour is the new black biscuit? Kids love to ride the Cocoon liner. Which car is their favourite? Lebreau is younger than Gadot. Gadot is older than Yuj. Leabreau is older than Maqui. Whos the oldest? Many online shops were available on Cocoon. Which is the oldest store that handles ore? Many online shops were available on Cocoon. Which specialised in medicine and health products? Many online shops were available on Cocoon. Which specialised in outdoor gear? Many online shops were available on Cocoon. Which specialised in monster materials? Noel once said, Never give up, for the goddess Etro watches always, and helps those... Finish the quote. Of all the airbikes, which was built for safety? Of the Farseers legends, which has not been passed down for generations? On what floor did Serah and Noel get trapped in Augusta Tower? One of the Academy researchers in Yaschas Massif is a dog lover or a cat lover depending on the era. In which year was she a cat lover? Serah has two stuffed animals in her room. One is a Carbuncle. Whats the other? Some Cieth defend themselves using their large tentacles. What is the best way to defeat them? The Parthenocissus sunlethus is the vine commonly seen in Sunleth. What unique characteristics do these vines have? The chemical linoanin is found in gysahl greens. What diet-friendly effect does it have? The falCie responsible for shedding light on Cocoon was the falCie Phoenix. Which falCie was responsible for purifying the water? The kids of New Bodum love dares. One popular dare requires doing into the woods late at night to retrieve an object. What is the object? The Oracle Drive is a piece of technology left by the ancient falCie. How did the Academy refer to this device before it was given its official name? The Professor Yang series started off as an educational publication, but is now a popular hologram novel with over a hundred volumes. What was the title of the first volume? The remains of what facility can be found in Oerba? The silver lobo is seen in many circus troupes. What is the one act it cannot perform? They say the long gui eat their own weight in food. How many shaolong guis equal one long gui? What anthem can be heard at any sporting event since the fall of Cocoon?

Feels like balloons popping in your mouth Lindzei Surfers Welcome Big Mog A goblin Heavy downpour They linger near them. Chocolate The Carbuncle Gadot The Motherlode Unicorn Mart B&W Outfitters Creature Comforts Who help themselves Aerial Cradle They had the power to turn people into lCie. 51st Floor 10 AF Chocobo chick Get rid of the tentacles first. Their fruit shine. Burns fat. FalCie Leviathan Rats Tail Sensory perception device Mystical Creatures for the Clueless School Sawing someone in half. Approximately 1.5 A Requiem of Rebirth

What are the names of the Shiva sisters? What can be found on the logo of Woolly Sheep Soda? What can withstand heavy winds, lightning, or even a hole through its body? What cannot be found in Academia? What colour is the cactuar image drawn in the centre of the hunter camp in the Steppe? What colour is the flower Yeul has in her hand in 200 AF? What design in engraved in Caius sword? What do the hunters manipulate in order to control the weather? What does Lightnings Eidolon, Odin, transform into in gestalt mode? What does Mog remember about his upbringing? What does Mog want to do with his savings? What does Sazhs Eidolon, Bryhildr, transform into in gestalt mode? What emotion does the cactuars expression convey? What energy source was discovered on the sea bed of New Bodhum in 300AF? What fact surrounding the goddess Etro is not recorded in any documents? What happened to Fangs lCie brand as it stopped its progression? What identification number is imprinted on the wall of the route near the cemetery in Bresha ruins? What is growing in New Bodhum's garden? What is needed to keep the new Cocoon afloat? What is the borgbear incapable of doing? What is the desert area of Oerba called? What is the line frequently spoken by Mana in the movie Love Trumps Gil? What is the main cause of bullying among the flan? What is the meaning behind the winter flower, the Silver Petal? What is the move developed by Mattheus, the best wrestler in Academias prowrestling league, that is based on the movement of the Yaksha? What is the name of the exciting underwater sport that requires a ball? What is the name of the Gran Pulse paradise created from nothing but a poets dreams? What is the ochu incapable of doing? What is the relationship of the NORA members? What is the tonberry incapable of doing? What is used in the creation of various signs in Academia? What item became popular among the Academy scientists in 10 AF due to the discovery of the Oracle Drive? What legendary creature was found in a block of ice on Gran Pulse? What looks like a flower but stings like a bee? What monster can easily be spotted in the dark? What quirky stuffed animal is a must-have for young females? What shape is the archway of the building in which the mystic in Serendipity resides? What shape is the crystal that Lightning uses to summon her Eidolon? What store is found behind the row of vending machines in Academia? What unusual event occurred in Sunleth 400 AF? What was Alyssa looking for in the Bresha Ruins? What was the biggest concern for Snow when he proposed to Serah? What was the design found on elixir cans that portrayed the incredible journey of the legendary lCie? What was the most memorable role played by Jeff Roni, an actor rumoured to be carrying on a steamy love affair with actress Terra Branford? What was the name of the jet used by Lieutenant Colonel Yaag Rosch to fight Lightning and the other lCie?

Styria and Nix Sheep Goblin Chieftain Flan Schools Red White Eye Wind A white horse It was full of freedom. He doesnt know yet. A four-wheeler None Ether hydrate She has a moogle servant. It looked burnt. E000 Vegetables Graviton core Summoning Eidolons The Ashensand Can I buy your love? Difference in elasticity Always remember War Dance Blitzball Serendipity Use its wings to fly. Childhood friends Intimidating foes with its horns. Holography Lightnings feathery belt Valigarmanda Triffid Flanitor Breshan Bass The letter A A rose A shoe store Flans went missing A friends grave Lightning wasnt a big fan of his. White background with pictures of the lCie. King Mechamania Proudclad

What was the rank of PSICOMs special ops leader Yaag Rosch when he was killed in action? When creating a duplicate, why is it illegal to save the data of the original person? When did Snow propose to Serah? When Hope became a lCie, his brand appeared on his left hand. How did he hide it? When Noel first met Serah, he immediately knew she was Lightnings sister for several reasons. Which is not one of those reasons? When Sazh became a lCie, where did his brand appear? When Serah lived with Lightning, they had matching accessories. On what body part did they adorn the jewelry? Where did Sazh purchase a chocobo chick for Dajh? Which celebrated movie introduced the gunblade, a now-popular toy among kids? Which club dominated the 5-6 AF season of Cocoons Premium League thanks to its harsh training conditions and hunger for victory? Which endangered monster species is known for its unique eyes? Which enormous falCie causes the eclipse? Which model is popular among collectors? Which of the following can made of ice, water, or wind? Which of the following can fly? Which of the following can swim? Which of the following cannot be found in New Bodhum? Which of the following has a shell? Which of the following is not green? Which of the following is not red? Which of the following was created using AMP technology? Which of these four monsters weighs the least? Which strong-minded NORA member do the residents of New Bodhum believe is the leader of the organisation? Who did Serah and Noel think was responsible for hacking into the Augusta Tower security system? Who is the fashion guru of New Bodhum? Who is the rock star on the poster seen in NORA house and all over Academia?

Lieutenant Colonel Privacy act When Serah became a lCie. He wrapped a yellow bandanna around it. Mog told him. His chest Right arm Eurides Market. The Sorceress Knight New Bodhum FC Catoblepas FalCie Fenrir 1/350 scale The Palamecia A ring Wyvern Hedge frog Active volcanoes Adamantoise Bandersnatch Tonberry Watera gear Tonberry Lebreau Proto FalCie Adam Yuj INFOMA

Brain Blast Terminals There are 4 of these terminals (displayed as dark pink icons on the map) in Academia and answering each of the terminals 10 questions grants you a fragment, as detailed below. Fragment Stoic Virtue Epicurean Song Lyceum Knowledge Academia Wisdom Terminal Location Entrance Grand Avenue Square New Town (Southwest) New Town (North)

Entrance Terminal Question During the Sanctum rule, the film Free Will was banned due to a scene filled with what kind of questionable content? Answer Becoming a Cieth by will.

How does Sazh refer to Lighting? In Academia 4XX AF, what years fashion came back in style? In the cop drama Cactuar Files, what is the first line of the opening song? In the hologram show Tonberrys Revenge, what is the first line of the ending song? In the popular holo-comic Bombtanian, what is the secret phrase used by the main character and his friends? In the proverb, One ??? is better than a million lCie, meaning one should take on a single task before taking on many. What goes in the blank? In the song Tiny Lulu, to which city did the little girls friend move away? Lebreau is skilled in cooking and fighting. How does she train to be such a great warrior? Many chocobos participate in the chocobo races. Which of the following does not exist? Many flan make up the enormous Royal Ripeness. Which does not make up part of this creature? Sazh is best-known for his abilities as a pilot, but what was his former occupation? The Eden Literary Award is handed out only to those who make a positive impact on society. Rodrick won this award for which novel? The extreme anti-Academy terrorists perform what action to get their point across? The game Holostation has become a must-have for the female population of Academia. Why has it led to a declining birthrate? The investigations around the mountain ranges of Gran Pulse revealed which childrens story to be true? The lCie incident that occurred before Cocoon fell is sometimes referred to as Cocoons Dusk, but is more commonly referred to by the media as what? The weather controlling device in the Archylte Steppe cant do which of the following? The Yellow Bird is a story about a chocobo living on Gran Pulse. What is the name of the heroine? There is a certain stuffed animal sold only in Nautilus. What is the name of the creature that possesses a gem on its forehead? What act performed by the comedian Fl-Fl-Flan got him booted off of every TV station? What coat pattern does Serahs cat Snow have? What colour are Serahs eyes? What colour were the orbs that appeared in Yaschas Massif 100 AF when a group of Academy staff members disappeared? What company became famous for their sales copy Its moogle oclock, its time to enjoy moogle bread? What did Serah get Lightning for her birthday? What disparity, only noticeable by outsiders transferring in, was revealed in the tell-all book written by a disgruntled former Academy employee? What do you call an incompetent person who climbs the corporate ladder? What does Noel do best? What does PSICOM stand for? What does Serah do for a living? What flan is the same colour as a rust pudding? What hobby became popular among the feeble elderly who moved from Cocoon to Gran Pulse?

Lightning 10 AF A five finger discount will result in a thousand needles. Im coming for you; Im getting my revenge Sacrifice yourself to save others. Crystal Bodhum She works out using kitchen utensils. Thunder Chicken Elderly Train conductor Secrets of the Crystals Bombing invaluable ruins. You can make a virtual boyfriend. LCie Extermination Mountain Sunset Make it snow. Coco Carbuncle Wanna touch my shaolong gui? Calico Bluish Red Stiltzkins Bakery A knife Treatment of subsidiary organization graduates. A cactuar Hunt Public Safety Intelligence Command Teacher Ferruginous Pudding Gardening

What is a newly hatched chocobo called? What is Hopes surname? What is Hopes unparalleled attack? What is Lightnings unparalleled attack? What is one way Serah and Noel use Mog to retrieve treasure thats out of reach? What is Sazhs unparalleled attack? What is the bow used by hunters in the Steppe to protect themselves from wild animals? What is the famous line spoken by the famous actor who made it big in the show Wild Rose? What is the name of Maquis shop? What is the name of the book of photographs shot by photographer Mitch Rockfit during his numerous visits to New Bodhum? What is the name of the grand city built by the Academy? What is the name of the movie about the friendship of a boy and his bot? What is the name of the natural phenomenon also known as Titans Curtain that occurs in the colder regions? What is the name of the tower built by the Academy in 13 AF? What is the tallest mountain on Gran Pulse? What is Vanilles unparalleled attack? What sport is gaining popularity among the adventurous young residents living in the Steppe? What vehicle is the most popular among 10-year-old boys everywhere? What was the name of the gambler who won the most number of coins at the slot machines in a single day at the casino Serendipity? What was the name of the popular game show where eliminated contestants would get pushed off the stage? What was the official name of the stadium sold by Edens sports team due to financial trouble? What was the one famous dessert pastry chefs couldnt make because they couldnt get their hands on the creature? What was the war that broke out between Cocoon and Gran Pulse? When Snow and Serah got engaged, what did they buy together to show their love for one another? When Storm Motors was in danger of getting bought out, which corporation swooped in to save the day? Where is the one place Chocolina doesnt open up shop? Where on Serahs head is her side ponytail? Which creature moves with such grace and beauty that a dance was created mimicking its motion? Which Eidolon is used by Vanille? Which is not one of the Academy guidelines for preserving the nature of Gran Pulse? Which legendary flan has a pink tail? Which monster dons colorful garb? Which of the following are not found in Oerba? Which of the following has not been observed in Sunleth? Which of the following is not a nickname for the jet used by the former Sanctum army? Which of the following is the Academy not responsible for? Who has scored the most points and is known as the king of Cocoons Premium League? Who is not a part of Team NORA? Who is the brother of the childrens favourite superhero Ultima Ace? Who is the mathematician behind Harts last theorem, the biggest breakthrough in mathematics since the birth of Cocoon?

Chocobo chick Estheim Last Resort Army of One They throw Mog at it. Cold Blood Wild Chorus Youre from the rebel army! Lenoras Garage Meowllow Days Academia They Boy and his Bot Northern Lights Augusta Tower Mount Fairne Death Ding dong ditch Ciconia Velocycle Gabbiani To the Underworld Potion Stadium Caramelized Shaolong Gui War of Transgression Necklaces Blue Unicorn Inc Serendipity By her left ear Stikini Hecantocheir Nonviolence against monsters Flan Princess Apotamkin People Gold ore Orion Running Serendipity Cazzaro The King Mueller Cid Ultimabro Smith Hartford

Why cant Mog help Serah and Noel in Serendipity?

Mog is playing off on his own.

Grand Avenue Square Question An academy scientist wrote a thesis proving some monsters are rattled by what certain human action? Before the crystal pillar appeared, in what state was Cocoon? Being oblivious to small, everyday occurences is called a 'Tonberry's what'? Fireworks were created by a Bodhum resident who used explosives for work. What was his occupation? How does a Tonberry carry its knife? How does Hope's Eidolon, Alexander, make his exit? Hyperion is the fastest competitor in the chocobo races. Which of the following did he recently beat in a race? In 0AF, monster figurines became popular on Cocoon. Which monsters were the most popular? In 1AF, an old flanbanero flower was discovered in crystal. The color was a cross between crystal and a flanbanero. What was the color? In 2AF, an air shuttle became available in the Yashas Massif. What are the condensation trails of the shuttles that were named after the shooting stars called? n 20AF, which region was crawling with bounty hunters due to the growing number of monsters in the area? In Noels world, the earth was barren and there was little sign of life. What did his people use to build their homes? In Sunleth Waterscape 400AF, which monster showed intelligence by traveling in packs? In the film MI: Sahagin, what does the hero use to get past the security system without alerting his enemies? In what region of Gran Pulse can the ruins of Paddra be found? Jones is an infamous treasure hunter who always seems to engulf his discoveries in flames and fail in his excursions. What kind of weapon does he wield? Kaltz produced a line of shoes that allowed people to walk on water. Although the product was recalled several times, the current product is flawless. What is the name of the product? Mixing soda water and what prompts sweating and is great for ones metabolism? Noels clothes are tailored to withstand a severe lifestyle. How is this done? Answer Tsking at it. Floating in midair due to the fal'Cie's powers. Stealthy walk. Miner It carries in its left hand. Breathes fire and flies off. An airbike. Triffid and Mandrake Muddy violet

Comet trails Bresha Ruins Scraps Flan Deceptisol Yaschas Massif Flamethrower

Floaters Flanbanero Juice Multiple threads are embroidered through his clothes. A prisoner won the race and he and his group were pardoned. Its eyes are bloodshot. Cactuarina doll. Fireworks festival Hips Over his right shoulder Potions

Of all the chocobo race urban legends, which one is said to possibly be true? Of all the chocobo toys sold in Nautilus, there are rare ones called Happy Chocobos. What creepy characteristic makes it different from other toys? Of the many cactuar dolls, which is deemed the cutest by customers? On Cocoon, what Bodhum event was known to grant everyones wishes? On what body part does Lightning don her white feathers? On what part of his body Odin wear his cape? Since the massive relocation to Gran Pulse, a world much less peaceful than Cocoon, which item has considerably risen in sales?

Stage actor John Barker is a less-than-handsome man who is always late for rehearsals. What flimsy excuse does he use as the reason for his tardiness? The airline providing flights between Cocoon and Gran Pulse came up with a special offer that proved disastrous because of its name. What did they call it? The annual Gysahl Cup that presents the winner with more gysahl greens than it can eat in a lifetime was held every year except for one. Why wasnt it held in 394 AF? The ATB gauge fills up during battle. What does ATB stand for? The Caldana root of the Steppe is an invaluable plant for which reason? The cost of the most expensive fireworks used at Bodhums fireworks show is equal to the population on Cocoon at its highest. How much is that? The Tonberry parent became a social phenomenon in 300 AF. What kind of parents does the phrase refer to? Two sisters work in Serendipity as casino staff. How does the younger sister describe her older sibling? What caffeine-filled snack was popular among the Academy scientists of 10 AF? What color is Snows hair? What does Noel have equipped on his left hand? What does Snows Eidolon, Shiva, transform into in gestalt mode? What does Vanille lovingly call her Eidolon, Hecatoncheir? What does Yuj think of Serahs outfit that seemed to be appear out of nowhere? What facility was created on ancient Pulse by the falCie to protect the people from intruders? What happens to Fangs Eidolon, Bahamut, in gestalt mode? What is Noels weapon of choice? What is the best university on Cocoon? What is the creature shown on the giant roulette wheel in central area of Serendipity? What is the defensive paradigm thats useful when the partys HP is low? What is the first line of the duet Nautlius Yearning a song about the city that never sleeps? What liquid used in perfumes can be extracted from noctilucale and crawlers? What move was invented by Cocoons 13th boxing champion? What refreshment do the chocobo race contestants drink before they race? What role is Serah capable of? What title was awarded to the winner of New Bodhums swimming competition? What was Lightnings rank when she was in the Guardian Corps of Bodhum? What was the name of the mission to drive out the inhabitants of Bodhum when a Pulse falcie was discovered? What was the PSICOM weapon used in the battle at the Hanging Edge? What weapon did the Sanctum army bestow upon their skilled soldiers? What weapon does Mog transform into for Serahs use? When Cocoon residents relocated to Gran Pulse, what dish became widely popular as a way to diminish the natural smell of Pulse ingredients? Where are the Eidolons said to be from? Which Academy team was ordered to investigate the disturbance in the Vile Peaks in 10 AF? Which creature has large eyes? Which creature has sharp claws? Which creature has the longest legs? Which creature has white fangs?

An ochu was flirting with me. Smile and say Purge.

Lack of gysahl greens. Active Time Battle They contain salt that can be extracted. Approximately 20,000,000 gil. Those who wield knives when talking to teachers. Shy Bobblicious Blonde Black armlet Bike Hecaton Stylin The Ark It flies with Fang on its back. Two swords Eden Central Carbuncle Solidarity The neon lights shine brightly. Fragrant oil Goblin Roll Chocobo XS Commando Speedy Sahagin Sergeant The Purge Manasvin Warmech Blazefire Saber Bowsword Curry Valhalla Blitz Squadron Neochu Silver Lobo Shaolong Gui Ahriman

Which event was the most popular in Nautilus Park? Which is not an arthropod creature that appears from the Void Beyond? Which monster is not found on the slot machine reels in Serendipity? Which of the following is coarse? Which of the following is the highest wool quality? Which of the following will not be sold at Chocobos Fashions, which is scheduled to open next year? Which role allows you to heal yourself and your allies instead of attacking the enemy? Which role allows you to strengthen your allies by infusing their attacks with elemental power? Why do people visit the small cottage on the icy terrain of Rudka? With the falCie no longer in power, the delivery system came to a halt. How was the Palumpolum able to resume commercial activity so quickly?

The hologram dance parade. Meonekton Flan Scalebeats back Fluffy wool Hermes Shoes Medic Synergist To see the rainbowcoloured moustache of a local. Abundance of goods

New Town (Southwest) Question 4D fireworks are used at ceremonies. Besides sight and hearing, what other sense does it stimulate? After the annual singing competition, people shower each other with an alcoholic beverage to celebrate the new year. What is the name of this beverage created using chocobos favourite vegetable? Around 150 AF, what accessory inspired by Cocoons pillar was worn by people everywhere as a symbol of friendship? Around 20 AF, higher-ups of the provisional government and the Academy butted heads, leading to the disappearance of a key person. How did they refer to this period? s Serah and Noel appeared in the past time and time again, what research project received lots of funding and donations? As the people were released from falCie rule, many strove to find a new god. What is the design of the god worshipped by those left on Cocoon based on? As the population on Gran Pulse increased, what business took off? Answer Smell

Mimett Cocoon charm bracelet

The Dark War Moogle Throw Simulator Crystal pillar Private military companies When Serah had trouble swinging her sword. Flames of rebirth They improved their scholarship programs. Coat They duplicate An oath of autonomy. Academia Reshuffling staff Academy job Student poetry reading Grace

During their journey, when did Mog decide he needed to go on a diet? Every few centuries, the light emitted by the falCie Phoenix will flicker, causing a moment of darkness. What is this phenomenon called? How did the Academy revamp their program in order to provide more opportunities for the less fortunate? How did the chocobo breed Wild Broom get its name? How do flan reproduce? n 2 AF, what did the civilians create to signify their independence from the falCie? In 320 AF, what city was voted the best place to live by Academy scientists? In 400 AF Academia, the term paradigm shift is used by office workers everywhere. What does it refer to? In Academias popular womens magazine, what is the number one attribute to look for in a man? In Sazanbar Cape, one of the famous tourist spots in New Bodhum, what contest is held that is painful to watch? In the Chocobo of the Year contest that determines the best chocobo in the world, the chocobos are ranked based on speed and what else?

In the story Three Little Mirochus, what did the youngest use to build his house? Many people gather at Yaschas Massif to watch the sunrise. What is a necessary item to have in your possession when walking along the dangerous monster-infested path at night? Marion, the main character of the show Black Gloves, has split personality disorder. He has two occupations: a cold-blooded assassin and what else? Mythril Hearts Co. Is famous for their mythril accessories. Which creepy-yetfashionable accessory is the most popular? Raucous cheese looks vile and has a pungent smell unlike anything else. What is it made from? Subject Zero was the first experimental subject to undergo the duplicate creation process. Because they didnt have the technology to create synthetic flesh at the time, which of the following was used as a test subject? The baghorn is an instrument used in Nautilus parade. Why is this instrument so hard to make? he Cocoon Firefly discovered on Pulse does not exist on Cocoon. How did it get its name? The communication game Choco-Bomb is a favourite among the students of Academia. What was the original name of the game as it underwent development? The Flying Tortoise was Bodhums most famous hotel that was booked till the end of time. What was the attraction that made the resort so popular? he hunter of the Steppe love their flan. What part of the flan must be removed in order to ensure no poison is left in the creature? The most common variety of Cactuar is used for cooking. What color is it? The National Weather Service controlled Cocoons weather and what? The Sabbath is an event where people gather to watch monsters dance and frolic. Which is the best dancer of them all? The Sanctum army tried to create a bioweapon using a Mu, but realized enemy soldiers wouldnt take it seriously for which reason? The skyscrapers observation deck in Academia was built on a floor based on the incident of 100 AF. What floor is it on? The women of Academia are raving about a new powder foundation called Adam. What is the main ingredient of this product? Those with big appetites go to the restaurant Edenwalker for which dish? What dish can only be made in Sunleth from ingredients found in that region? What incredible new species of cactuar did Professor Oga Wan discover during his years of research? What is the common name for the Helix Breshantha, a conch shell found only in the Bresha region? What is the energy drink made from gysahl greens? What is the hit song of the Bombtanians, Cocoons all-violin band known for their melancholy sound? What is the main ingredient of exquisite maple honey, a sugary sweet condiment said to be developed from crystals? What is the main ingredient of phantom honey, a condiment with a rather pungent smell? What is the main reason for the seldomly occurring vehicular accidents in Academia? What is the name of the beverage created using the water from Sunleth Waterscape? What is the relationship between the two runners who placed first in the 106th Eden Marathon thanks to their unbreakable bond? What is the title of the dark fantasy show based on this world?

Stone Something that emits light. Hairdresser Oneiric Bangle Behemoth milk A Behemoth bioweapon The intricate carvings require too much work. To remember Cocoon

On the Choco-Brink An aerial hot tub Liver Green Seasons Succubus They were too adorable. 132nd Floor Adamantoise fang The BBQ Sheep Challenge Patrollers weed salad The long-necked cactuar Soilentoise Kweh! Beautiful Ballad Sunleth tree sap Ochu flower honey Human error. Sunleths legend Rivals Highway to the Chaos Zone

What monster toy can only be purchased in the Steppe? What multi-colored artificial forest is registered as a Sanctum heritage site? What natural material is used to build the solid outer shell of the new Cocoon? What New Bodhum specialty uses fresh seafood? What new breed of flan look young throughout their entire lives but grow in size as they age? What new service is provided by the Chocobo Delivery Service? What part of the weapon does Mogs bobble become? What phrase became popular thanks to the popular anime The Mog Team? What silver coloured invaluable ore used to be found in Haerii? What takes place at the annual Gran Pulse festival La Prettina, an event that celebrates the coming of spring? What vehicle does Hecatoncheir transform into in gestalt mode? What was the name of the act performed by the comedic duo Thousand Giggles in Acadedmia 300 AF? What was the name of the scandal involving the provisional government and blank documents? When a woman calls someone a chocobo feather man, what does she mean? When someone with a pure heart rides a chocobo, heavenly music rings in their ears. The sound comes from which part of the chocobo? Where is hoax herb, a plant not readily spotted by hikers, generally found? Which boomerang brand is the most popular among those who hunt for sport? Which extravagant bottle of alcohol, known as PN, is popular among celebrities for its rich, deep flavor? Which of the following has never been weighed? Which stupidly strong alcoholic beverage known to taste like death is popular among the elderly? While the transportation system was being redeveloped, how were goods delivered to and from Cocoon? Who is known as the worlds best weaponsmith that designs and creates the finest swords known to man? Who is the chairman of Academias amateur wrestling league, who was once and still claims to be one of the smallest but best wrestlers in the world? Who is the cute mascot of the popular game show Cue This? Who was the first female prime minister to represent the Sanctum? Who was the girl that won the 41st Junior Sports Hunting Championship with a perfect score? Why does the owner of Curious refuse to sell the pair of shoes on display in the front window?

Cactuar Bi-frost forest Adamantoise shell Sahagin Jerky Ginormiflan Surprise deliveries The decorative jewel Hasta la vista, kupo! Platinum People throw flan at one another. Magitek Armor Count Cactuar Blank sheet incident Someone who wont commit. Chest feathers Yaschas Massif Airwing Pinot Noel Cocoon Cieth Killer Military jets Masamune Masked Microchu Cuebat Ivory Marilia Elle Larskin Theyre both made for the right foot.

New Town (North) Question According to the philosopher Denrith, humans are merely an intellectual version of a certain monster, with the ability of looking innocent on the outside, but being conniving on the inside. Which monster was he referring to? After the fall of Cocoon, the public became more and more aware of the truth behind the falCie and their actions. What part of the truth was fudged in history textbooks? round 100 AF, a TV show based on the battle of the lCie was in production, but got cancelled at the last minute. What was the name of the show? Around 100 AF, which test was proved invalid and superfluous by the Academy? Around 400 AF, the ??? Male became a popular phrase. What goes in the blank? Answer Cactuar The intent of the falCie. Dont Mess with the Fro Role-based personality test Armoured

BBQ Bens is famous for their cheap, but delicious behemoth meat. Rumour has it they have close ties with certain government officials. How are they able to serve meat at such a reasonable price? Before Cocoons aerial railway, people rode the trains that ran along the ground. What was the name of Cocoons old terminal? Chocobo riding used to be mandatory at all private schools. However, it was cancelled indefinitely due to what kind of complaint from the parents? During the festival of the Day of Rebirth, which food stand gets the most business from children? How do people refer to the day of Cocoons fall? How does Hope refer to Lightning? How does Hopes time capsule work? In the childrens song Chelseas Bubbles, she is able to blow a bubble as high as the biggest, roundest thing one can see. How high was she able to blow her bubble? In the popular childrens show Cocoon Five, what is the name of the five heroes ultimate attack? Spells can be sealed into cards and sent as gifts. Which spell makes for a popular birthday card? Stem is the new recreational drug of choice among the young and quickly becoming a social issue. The ingredient can be easily found in Sunleth Waterscape. What is it? The chocobos first used by Chocobo Delivery Services were based on the colours of nature. What colors were they? The Lumeritz singing competition began 100 years after the first paradox. What year was that? The monster movie The Imp was a big hit among a niche crowd that raved about its cuteness. What did half of the movie consist of? The New Bodhum urban legend about a man with a knife is based on who? The popular DJ DK sports thick sideburns and a mohawk. What is the name of this hairstyle? What accessory is considered to grant wishes, but is seldom used because of its smell? What accessory is recommended for those who want to boost their physical attack power? What advertising media was widely seen in Palumpolum as a result of energy conservation? What coarse substance is known as a fast-acting cold reliever? What companys business has been booming due to the numerous deliveries required between Cocoon and Gran Pulse? What determines the altitude of flights from Cocoon to Gran Pulse? What does one call cooked behemoth meat thats hung out to dry for three days? What does the cactuar sign seen at amusement parks imply? What happens to a lCie once they complete their focus? What happens to a l'Cie that's unable to complete their focus? What is a baby moogle called? What is someone who sits at home all day generally called? What is the acronym for the Academia Central Broadcasting Station? What is the behemoth king incapable of doing? What is the best act of the circus troupe the Circus Raiders, a group of acrobats who use airbikes for dangerous stunts? What is the famous painting by Geraint, the artist representing the new wave style of post-Cocoon?

They get leftover beasts from research labs. Nautilus and Bodhum The chocobo smell would rub off on the students. Microchu Mousse The Day of Rebirth Light It slows down time within the device. To the skies of Cocoon. Cocoons Final Attack Cure

Dried Habanero leaves Green and yellow. 103 AF Dancing Imps Tonberry Chocobo hair Chocobo feather Power Wristband Blimps Microchu baby teeth Chocobo Delivery Service The arms length of falCie Titan Cured meat Emergency exits They turn to crystal They turn to Ceith A moogling Bear ACBS Shooting a thousand needles from its body. Chicken race Cosmos

What is the full name of Professor Garnett, the editor-in-chief of the modern history textbook of 400 AF? What is the name of the dish composed of flan flesh filled with silver lobo meat? What is the name of the elevator connecting Gran Pulse with Cocoon? What is the name of the phenomenon that occurs on Gran Pulse due to the winds carrying away the sand? What is the Orobon incapable of doing? What is the surname of the Sanctum representative Cid, former commander of the Cavalry? What meat is used in the popular hunters dish, Chefs Grudge? What mythology-based movie won the Tantalus Award for Best Film in 328 AF? What popular game do the kids play on the shores of New Bodhum? What project is being criticized by reformist groups for pushing Academia to become a closed city? What topic is most touched upon in the modern history textbook of 400 AF? What type of flan was discovered in 150 AF and has since been popular among couples? What was Dajhs ability as a lCie? What was the name of New Bodhums soccer team, one of the few teams that participated in the first season on Gran Pulse in 4 5 AF? What was the name of the device used by Sanctums elite soldiers that allowed one to control gravity? What was the name of the military squad led by Cid Raines? What was the name of the parade that was once held in Nautilus? What was the name of the weapon used to shoot Cocoons garbage into outer space? What was the reason Volcano Day was established? What was the task of the government-operated PSICOM? What was the title of the bestselling book of 10 AF about a young girl and her transformation into a Cieth? What water sport requires athletes to wear floats on their legs as they fight over a flag? When Serah became a lCie, she hid her brand with a bandage. Where on her body did the brand appear? When Snow became a lCie, where did the brand appear? When soldiers say, Youre a real ochu! what do they mean? When the Academy discovered the crystal pillar was in bad condition, what solution did they come up with to try and secure living space? Where is the ideal place to raise a chocobo chick? Where was Proto FalCie Adam created? Which activity is based on the architecture of Academia and immensely popular among the teens? Which architect designed the congress hall founded in the capital city of Eden? What invaluable ore is sought after by miners everywhere? Which monster wields the Centurion Blade? Which movie portraying a couple torn apart by the Purge won the Tantalus Award for Best Film? Which of the following did not occur directly after the publication of Woolrichs novel Humans Belong to the FalCie? Which of the following is not programmed into the sunglasses of the Serendipity card dealers?

Micah Garnett Flan falCie Gran Elevator The Shimmering Sands phenomenon. Exploding into a pile of dust. Raines Cooked tonberry tail. From Etro with Love Hopscotch Elimination of foreign trade Paradox Fetching Flan Sensing power of Pulse origin. The Enterprise Grav-con unit Rapid Response Team Pompa Sancta Megajunk cannon The eruption of Heavens Mountains. Protecting Cocoon from Pulse The Dark Brand Waterstrike Left upper arm Left arm I can count on you. Build a new Cocoon. Humid Plains Augusta Tower Free fall Augustio Camille Uraninite Immortal My Gran Pulse Lover It became a bestseller X-ray vision

Which regiment was Lightning assigned to when she in the military? Who is the distinguished economist who said, Humans are merely animals that earn gil? Who used to live in Oerba? Whose life revolves around collecting data on monsters?

Bodhum Security Regiment Gilmay Erskine Fang Dr. M

Many thanks to Mr. Stephen Ng and everyone at IGN for making this FAQ possible. Square Enix for creating another great installment for a great series. All the websites and message boards I consulted writing the listings for this guide.

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