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MHRA Executive Meeting Date: February 25, 2014 6:30 PM Place: Hockey Hounds

President: VP of Operations: VP of Administration: Ways and Means: Casino: Bingo: Athletic Director: Equipment/Attire Coordinator: Tiering Coordinator/Referee in Chief: Coaching/External Competitions Director: Scheduler Director: House League Coordinator: Tournament Coordinator: Public Relations Director: Marketing Coordinator: Secretary: Treasurer: Registrar:

Scott Stickel Absent Loralee Eastland Absent Debbie Srubowich Wanda Lovas Josh Hudson Roy Carter Paul Blasetti N/A Guy Lanigan David Yip Michele Claypool, absent Tina Stroh Absent Absent Christine Stock Absent Susy Beaudoin, Michele Claypool -absent Tina Stroh,

Meeting brought to order at 6:31pm. Additions to agenda: Scholarship, Tournament, Education Summer Camp, spring and Summer Ice 1. Approval of Agenda Motion made by Paul Blasetti to accept the February 25th, 2014 minutes with the additions. Motion seconded by Josh Hudson. Motion is passed. 2. Adoption of Minutes January 20, 2014 Motion made by Michele Claypool to accept the January 20, 2014 minutes. Motion seconded by Josh Hudson. Motion is passed.

Scott Stickel contacted the Medicine Hat Optimist Club President in regards to using their club name in the scholarship. They were receptive as long as their club name was included. They may contribute to the scholarship in the future. Motion made by Josh Hudson to change the name to The Medicine Hat Optimist Club Excellence in Ringette Scholarship. Motion seconded by Debbie Srubowich. Motion is passed. Deadline to apply is March 31st, 2014. A committee will be formed to choose recipients so they can be presented at the AGM. 3. U12A Travel to Regina (Loralee Eastland) U12A will travel to Regina for Exhibition not tournament games. No fees have been charged to the team. Just wanted to let MHRA know about plans. 4. Ringette Alberta Long Term Athletic Development Meeting on March 5th, 2014 David Meyer from Ringette Alberta will be hosting this at the Medicine Hat Lodge. Those wanting to attend must register. An email will be sent to coaches encouraging them to attend. 5. AA Program (David Yip) David Yip had a discussion with Ringette Alberta at Alberta winter Games encouraging MHRA to form an AA program. David mentioned low numbers. Athletes can be double carded but they can only play so many AA games (10) if they want to participate in Westerns. Schedule would not interfere with their A team commitments. Athletes that double card cannot affiliate to other teams. David would like to mass email members. Possibly explore interest at AGM in April. Something could also be put to registration form to see if there is interest. Invite girls from other Associations to try out. Helps to prepare them for AA and University play. Hold an information session to communicate regiment to athletes and parents. 6. Provincials U12C families are feeling overwhelmed by all minor official positions to fill. There are still 32 families that need to volunteer. Only two families stepped up to volunteer at last tournament. Motion is made by Paul Blasetti that families with outstanding bingo commitments be offered the opportunity to fill these sports otherwise their checks will be cashed on March 5th, 2014. Motion seconded by Susy Beaudoin. Motion is passed.

7. Bingos Revenues and attendance is down. MHRA should be aware of possible closure in the future. Still have Casinos every 18 months. Other fundraisers include Steak night and Silent Auctions. Another option to offset low bingo revenue is increase fees. 8. Office Position Duties Committee will get together to come up with a job description. Minor hockey started at $17 for the position and it is now at $20 for 20 hours a week.

9. Ringette Alberta Annual General Meeting on May 3rd, 2014 This will be held at the same time as RAB Cup Southern Camp. Executive members (3/4) are needed to attend. 10. Executive Positions Reminder to those stepping down to actively look for someone to take resume position. Josh Hudson is resigning as Athletic Director and would like to be Website coordinator and would like to bring this idea up at AGM. Nomination committee will be formed to seek out and accept email nominations (Scott Stickel, Loralee Eastland and Ryan Klick). Will make contact before AGM to see if people will accept nominations. 11. Spectrum Fundraising Opportunity (Christine Stock) Andrea Schneider (former Ringette parent) is on Spectrum committee. They will be offering four hour stints of 50/50s. Profits will be split with half going to winner and the remainder will be half to Spectrum half to organization. Need 16 volunteers. Wanda Lovas is willing to take this on. 12. Education Summer Camp Gay Dubeau will be running her camp from August 25th-29th. Loralee Eastland will try to get a link for our website. There is a possibility of a day program for younger divisions. 13. Tournament Michele Claypool mentioned that loses of bronze medal games left the ice. Email apology sent. Clarify this at coaches meetings that both teams stay on ice. It is difficult for Open teams to find volunteers as they are older and do not always travel with parents... There was a situation on Sunday. Reminder to Tournaments reps that they need to help for both tournaments. This is hard for some teams when they are away at other tournaments. MHRA should explore holding one tournament in November. Put this idea on a survey. Guy Lanigan will look at getting more ice from the city to facilitate all divisions in one weekend. This could be a discussion at AGM. Michele Claypool will look at a wind-up at the end of March for tournament reps. 14. Spring/Summer ice Guy Lanigan mentioned that there is not a lot of spring ice but will spread it out to teams that need it as best he can. U1o group is doing a fun tournament June 7th at the FLC. Summer ice will begin in June with two divisions (U12 and down/U14 up) with certified coaches.

15. Scott Stickel asked if MHRA paid for Provincials. He will get ahold of Tracy Rose to find out. Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm.

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