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Alejandro Paz Parra.

Professor of the Department of Electronics and Computer Science at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Cali, Colombia.
Ph.D. Candidate in Universidad del alle. Cali. Colombia.
"artha Cecilia Ama#a Enciso $
Professor of the Electric and Electronics En%ineerin% School
&esearcher of the &esearch 'roup in Ener%# Conversion C()E&'*A at Universidad del alle. Cali. Colombia.
Javier (la#a (choa
Professor of the +ndustrial En%ineerin% and Statistics School
&esearcher of the &esearch 'roup in Applied Statistics +),E&+& at Universidad del alle. Cali. Colombia.
Jairo Arcesio Palacios Pe-aranda.
Professor of the Electric and Electronics En%ineerin% School
&esearcher of the &esearch 'roup in Ener%# Conversion C()E&'*A at Universidad del alle. Cali. Colombia.
Abstract -- In present paper the short-circuit fault inter-turn
on the stator of an induction motor is analyzed by two online
diagnosis methods. The analysis trends to extend the
application of the recently proposed diagnosis technique of
multiple reference frames. An eccentricity indicator is
proposed to improve the application of the Par!s "ector
Approach and a comparison between fault indicators obtained
by each one of the techniques is done. A tri-phase #hp squirrel
cage induction motor especially modified to establish different
fault levels is used for validation purposes.
Index Terms$A% machines& 'tators& (ault diagnosis.
+. +).&(DUC.+()
/EC.&+C machiner# is the main mechanic po0er
source in modern industr#1 induction motors 2+"3
represent up than 456 of the electrical motors in
productive processes. .here are four parts of the +" structure
susceptible to failure, stator, rotor, bearin%s and other
miscellaneous components li7e electric po0er suppl# or the
coolin% fan. As sho0n in ,i%. 8, stator faults are one of the
most common fault in modern industr# processes drived b#
induction motors. Stator faults can be classified into t0o
%roups accordin% to the point of occurrence9 :indin%s or iron
core faults. "ain causes of stator core iron dama%e are
overheatin%, vibrations, circulatin% current heatin% or poor
coolin%, 0hile 0indin% faults are associated 0ith insulation
loss. :indin% faults are most common than stator core ones
(ig. ). +nduction motor faults distribution b# zone.
++. ()/+)E D+A')(S.+C .EC>)+?UES ,(& S.A.(&
+nstead of visual inspection techni@ues, a hi%h volta%e test
for insulation monitorin% as defined b# +EEE S.D AB C =555
;A< and +EEE S.D 88=D =55A ;E< is usuall# applied. Even
under periodical inspections, most of the electric faults 2F563
remain undetected and evolves @uic7l# to a catastrophic
condition in the time interval bet0een visual or electric
inspections, and tests are unable to establish a fault probabilit#
or to pro%ram the neGt direct inspection of the 0indin% ;F<.
Some statisticall# based studies are used but sometimes the#
are no sufficient. (nline test for condition monitorin% of the
insulation becomes necessar# as an alternative to reduce the
fault probabilit# on the time interval 0hen the motor condition
remains unobserved. .0o reco%nized and useful online
techni@ues are based on the anal#sis of the Par7Hs ector of the
current and the instantaneous electric po0er in time or
fre@uenc# domain as defined ahead ;I<9
Sponsor9 Administrative department of science, technolo%# and
innovation in Colombia D C(/C+E)C+AS.
Stator ,ault Dia%nosis on S@uirrel Ca%e
+nduction "otors b# ESA and EPA
978-1-4799-1007-6/13/$31.00 2013 IEEE

A. Electric power spectral analysis ESA

ESA is a techni@ue based in the fast ,ourier decomposition
of the instantaneous electric po0er %iven b# E@. 283.

p(t) = :
(t) + :
(t) + :
(t) 283

:here9 v
, v
, v
, i
, i
, i
are the instantaneous values for
volta%es and currents of phases a, b and c respectivel#.

,re@uenc# harmonics of electric po0er are located at t0ice
of the fre@uenc# defined for the motor current si%nature
anal#sis ;J<. +nstantaneous electric po0er spectral anal#sis is a
useful dia%nosis techni@ue even under unbalanced or
misali%nment mechanical load conditions ;4<D;85<.

B. Parks vector approach (PVA)
Par7Hs vector approach is a techni@ue introduced b#
Antonio JoNo "ar@ues Cardoso in 8448 ;88<, and later
eGtended to multiple faults dia%nosis on induction motors. .his
techni@ue combines the information from the three phase
currents in t0o e@uivalent currents in the reference frame
obtained from Par7Hs transformation. E@.=. ,or the
transformation is presented in ;8=<D;8B<9


:here9 i
and i
are the instantaneous values of electric
current in direct and @uadrature aGis respectivel#. E@. B. +s the
eGpression for Par7Hs e@uivalent electric current module is9

| = |i
+ ]i
| = _i
+ i
:hen the motor operates under s#mmetrical condition, the
three currents form a balanced s#stem. >ence, aGes d and @
currents can be eGpressed as in E@. A9
I sin(
I sin[
t -

+n the 'aussian plane representation, the Par7Hs ector is
%iven b# E@.E9
= i

.he i
vector describes a perfect circumference 0hen the
currents are ade@uatel# balanced in ma%nitude and phase, as
sho0n in ,i%. =. +n a fault# condition, unbalanced currents
circulate and the shape of the i
vector becomes distorted and
the perfect circumference becomes in an ellipse as sho0n in
,i%. B.

(ig. ) CompleG vector representation of the ip current in p.u. for health# motor.

(ig. * CompleG vector representation of the ip current in p.u. for unhealth#
C. Extended Parks Vector Approach (EPVA)

EGtended Par7Hs ector Approach 2EPA3 uses the spectral
anal#sis of the module of the Par7Os vector ;8B<. Under
as#mmetrical conditions caused b# unbalanced po0er suppl#
or stator 0indin% faults the ma%nitude of the Par7Os vector
chan%es from a constant value to a harmonicall# variable value
0ith t0o main spectral components9 A constant component or
DC value, and one ,ourier harmonicall# variable value at
t0ice of suppl# fre@uenc# =fs, 0hich is associated 0ith the
ne%ative se@uence current from the unbalanced current s#stem
as sho0n in ,i%. A.

(ig. +. Spectral harmonic components of the Par7Hs vector in time domain
2up3 and fre@uenc# domain 2do0n3 under fault# condition.
(ther spectral components associated 0ith stator and rotor
slots are least si%nificant in the spectral anal#sis or could be
minimized 0ith ade@uate statistical techni@ues to reduce
influence of electroma%netic noise as defined b# ;8A< C;8E<.
+++. EPPE&+"E).A/ ASSE"Q/R
.he techni@ues described 0ere eGperimentall# verified in a
three phase B>p )E"A Q, ==5, A poles, 8IA5 &P",
induction motor. .he motor 0indin% 0as modified to allo0 the
possibilit# for ma7e eGternal short circuit bet0een =, E, 85 and
8A turns of the same coil. As sho0n in ,i%. E.

olta%es and currents 0ere re%istered in fault# and health#
conditions. ,ault levels 0ere introduced under no load, E56
load and rated load operation. .he load condition 0as
emulated 0ith a DC %enerator used as electric bra7e coupled to
the motor, as sho0n in ,i%. F. A limitin% resistance 2&
3 of 5.8A
(hms is used to avoid permanent dama%e to the stator 0indin%
caused b# the hi%h intensit# of the failure current.

(ig. ,. Connection board of the motor under test.

(ig. -. /aborator# assemblies for fault emulation.
+. &ESU/.S
A. Electric power spectral analysis ESA

,or the motor under test the electric po0er harmonic
components used for anal#sis are9 5, 8=5, =A5 and BF5 >z
respectivel#. .hese components are located at t0ice of the
fre@uenc# defined in "CSA. .he amplitude of the electric
po0er harmonics is eGpressed in decibels obtained trou%h E@.
= 1uIog[

is the harmonic electric po0er in :atts.
is the motor rated apparent electric po0er defined b# E@. I9

= SI

is the rated line volta%e 2==53 and +
is rated line
current 2J.AA3 of the induction motor.

&esults of the comparative anal#sis for main po0er
components under no load condition for health# and fault# 28A
turns short circuited3 are sho0n in fi%. I. .hereHs a relation
bet0een a po0er spectral =fs component and the electric short
circuit fault. +n ,i%. J the =fs component evolution in function
of the fault level is detailed1 the use of this component as fault
indicator becomes plausible.

(ig. .. Comparative anal#sis of ESA 2dQ3 applied to electric po0er. >ealth#
motor 2blue31 "otor 0ith 8A turns short circuited 2red3.

(ig. /. Evolution of ESA =,s2dQ3 component in function of the number of
short circuited turns.
A severit# factor can be associated to the amplitude in dQ of
the =
component in electric po0er spectrum and the number
of short circuited turns as sho0n in ,i%. J. A =
hi%her than =5dQHs could be used as fault indicator.

B. Parks vector approach

E@. J. Defines the Par7Hs vector eGpressed in p.u.9

(p. u. ) =

:here +
is the par7Os vector module and +
is the rated
current 2J.AA3 of the motor.

.he Par7Hs compleG vector representation in health#
condition for the motor under test is sho0n in ,i%.4. :hen
different fault levels are induced the compleG vector
representation becomes elliptical, as sho0n in ,i%. 85. An
evolution 0ith fault level is noticeable as defined b# Cardoso
et al ;8=<.

(ig. 0. Par7Hs vector representation 2p.u.3 in 'aussian plane for health# 2up3
and ,ault# 2do0n3 condition.

(ig. )1. Par7Hs vector representation 2p.u.3 in 'aussian plane for fault#
condition. .he fault level is %iven b#9 Qlue D = turns, %reen E turns, ma%enta 85
turns and red 8A turns shortDcircuited.
+n time domain the ma%nitude of compleG Par7Os vector for
the motor under test under >ealth# conditions is represented in
,i%. 88. Some small variations lo0er than 5.5Ep.u. :ere
found. .ime domain variation of the amplitude of the Par7Hs
vector in fault# condition is sho0n in ,i%. 8=. .he chan%es in
amplitude 0ith the fault level becomes noticeable over than E
short circuited turns. )ovel techni@ues applied to identif#
variations in the shape of the 'aussian representation of the
Par7Hs ector are presented b# ;8E< but the authors consider
them computationall# eGpensive.

A %eometrical anal#sis allo0s us to propose t0o ne0
indicators easier to compute. .here are t0o 0a#s to measure
chan%es in the ellipse shape %enerated b# the fault# condition1
the first one is the eccentricit# of an ellipse defined in anal#tic
%eometr# b# E@. 49
1 -[
:here b and a are the len%ths of minor and ma#or aGis of
the ellipse and e
is the eccentricit# factor. +n the Par7Os vector
approach is e@uivalent to the minimum and maGimum values
of the amplitude of the Par7Os e@uivalent current +

(ig. )). Par7Hs vector amplitude representation 2p.u.3 in time domain for
health# condition.

(ig. )*. Par7Hs vector amplitude representation 2p.u.3 in time domain for
,ault# conditions. .he fault level is %iven b#9 Qlue D = turns, %reen E turns,
ma%enta 85 turns and red 8A turns shortDcircuited.
.he second relation D sho0n in E@. 85. D +s the ratio bet0een
the maGimum and minimum values of the Par7Os e@uivalent
electric current1 in terms of anal#tic %eometr# the e@uivalent
relation bet0een the ma#or and minor aGis of the ellipse.

:here b and a are the len%ths of minor and ma#or aGis of
the ellipse and e
is the second eccentricit# factor.

+n .able 8, these eccentricit# factors are presented for
different fault conditions. Either e
or e
can be used as fault
indicators up than E short circuited turns.

Table ) Eccentricit# indicators calculated for the motor under test for different
fault conditions.
n Ip2media3 Ip2max3 Ip2min3 e) e*
5 5.JIA 5.4EI 5.J55 5.EA4 8.84I
= 5.JIA 5.4EE 5.J54 5.EB8 8.8J5
E 5.JJB 5.4BB 5.JA= 5.AB5 8.85J
85 5.4B4 8.5JI 5.I4F 5.FJ8 8.BFF
8A 8.584 8.8JI 5.JBB 5.I8= 8.A=E

C. Extended Parks vector approach

.he fre@uenc# domain representation of the Par7Hs vector
amplitude in health# conditions is sho0n in ,i%. 8B. .hereHs a
hi%hli%hted zero fre@uenc# component and a ne%li%ible
harmonic components. .he evolution of the hi%h harmonic
components is sho0n in ,i%. 8A. .he zero fre@uenc#
components are absent. +tHs clearl# noticeable that there are
three fre@uenc# components in F5, 8=5 and =A5>z. .he
evolution of the =
component as a percenta%e of the main
Par7Os vector component is used as severit# factor as sho0n in
,i%. 8E ;8=<.

(ig.)#. ,ourier spectral anal#sis of the Par7Hs vector amplitude.

(ig. )+. Par7Hs vector amplitude 2p.u.3 in fre@uenc# domain. .he fault level is
%iven b#9 Qlue D = turns, %reen E turns, ma%enta 85 turns and red 8A turns

(ig. ),. Severit# factor for stator interDturn shortDcircuit fault s. number of
short circuited turns.
. D+SCUS+()
Severit# factor associated 0ith the spectral anal#sis of
electric po0er has the same relevance than the proposed b#
Cardoso et al in EPA techni@ue, but the =
component of the
amplitude of Par7Hs vector seems to be a better indicator of
incipient faults, because sho0s a risin% tendenc# even in the
earl# sta%es of the failure. .he application of the EPA
anal#sis techni@ue results actuall# reliable even in the case that
shortDcircuited turns is one of the most difficult failures to
detect. ;F<

+n terms of computational cost both of the methods involves
arithmetic simple calculations but includes a ,,. module
necessar# to obtain the fault indicators. .he ,,. module
increases the computational cost of the application.

Par7Hs vector approach is limited to the anal#sis of the shape
of the compleG representation in the 'aussian plane, 0hich can
be solved 0ith the use of modern di%ital si%nal processin%
techni@ues but the# increases the computational cost and
reduces the area of application1 ho0ever, if the shape anal#sis
is replaced b# an eccentricit# anal#sis trou%h a simple
comparison bet0een maGimum a minimum values of the
amplitude of Par7Hs vector amplitude in time domain, the
computational cost is reduced and the usabilit# of the
techni@ue increases.
.he relationship bet0een proposed indicators of eccentricit#
and unbalance volta%es should be anal#zed deeper to validate
its practical use as a dia%nostic tool.
+. C()C/US+()S
.he =
component, defined b# man# authors, sho0s its
utilit# for dia%nostic purposes of stator electric faults. +t
becomes a reliable indicator of the ESA, PA and EPA

.he t0o eccentricit# factors proposed reduce the
re@uirements of computational resources in the application of
the PA techni@ue. .he# can be calculated 0ith least
computational resources and avoid the re@uirements for di%ital
si%nal process oriented to pattern reco%nition in the %raphical
representation of the Par7Os vector in the 'aussian plane.

++. ACS)(:/ED'"E).

.he authors %ratefull# ac7no0led%e the contributions of the
administrative department of science, technolo%# and
innovation in Colombia D C(/C+E)C+AS, for the
development of this research project
+++. &E,E&E)CES
;8< "otor &eliabilit# :or7in% 'roup +EEE +ndustr# Applications Societ#.
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