Kaizen - The Art of Continuous (Self) Improvement

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Official Publication of
The Society of Kaizen:
Nuclear Medicine The Art of Continuous (Self) Improvement
Mostpeople live, whetherphysically, intellectually or morally, in a very
CINE (ISSN 0161-5505) is published restricted circle oftheirpotential being. They make use ofa very small portion
monthlyby The Societyof NuclearMed oftheirpossible consciousness, and oftheir soul@ resources in general, much
icine Inc., 136 Madison Avenue, New
York, NY 10016-6760. Second Class like a man who, out ofhis whole bodily organism, shouldget into the habit of
Postagepaid at New York, NY and addi
tional mailing offices. Postmaster,send using and moving only his littlefinger Great emergencies and crises show us
address changes to The Journal of how much greater our vital resources are than we had supposed.
NuclearMedicine,136 MadisonAvenue,
NewYork,NY 10016-6760. —William
be sentto the Editor:H. WilliamStrauss,
MD, The Journal of Nuclear Medicine, On longflights,theairlinessuggestthatpassengers performaerobic
Room 5406 MGH-East, Bldg. 149, 13th
St., Charlestown, MA 02129 (617) 726- exercisesin their seats—place your tray tables in the upright position and lift
5786. Books and monographs covenng your knee to your chin. In additionto decreasingthe incidence of untoward
the use of nuclearmedicineand its allied
disciplines will be reviewed as space is events from prolonged sitting,this is an approach to self-improvementunder
available. Send review copies to the
Editor. unusual circumstances.In the race to get things done everyday,the need to
stick to the agenda ofthe here and now drivesthe need for self-improvement
cerning advertising and permission re to the distant edge ofconsciousness. We lose who we are in what we do.
quests should be sent to the publisher, Rushing from event to event keeps us on time, but rarely allowsthe kind of
The Society of Nuclear Medicine, 136
MadisonAvenue, New York, NY 10016- understandingthat fosters personal growth and leads to fulfillment.
6760 (212) 889-0717. Subscription Waitingis rarely planned or pleasant. With so many things to do, it is a
requests and change of address should
be sent to: Membership Department, stressfulannoyancewhich preventscompletion ofthe appointedtask.
The Society of Nuclear Medicine at the However,it can also be viewedas a time to reconnect and improve— a gift.
address above. Notify the Society of
change of address and telephone num This time is particularlyvaluableto step back and see ifwhat we are doing is
ber at least 30 days before date of issue what we expectedto do—apersonal chi square. The moments spent waiting
by sending both the old and the new
addresses. Advertisements are subject are very useflulfor letting this happen. Serenityand locationmay assist the
to editorial approval and are restricted
to products or services pertinent to process, but in this world of24-hour travel and instant communication,the
nuclear medicine. Advertistingrates are opportunitieswe need come in pieces—likebits ofajigsaw not in large,
available from the publisher. Closing
date is the first of the month preceding expansiveblocks.
the date of issue. Some psychologistsbelievethat the inner selfcommunicates with the
SUBSCRIPTION RATES for 1993 cal consciousmind at a rate of 800 words per minute. Briefmoments can bring
endar year are $120 within the United searing insights.People skilled in the art ofself-communication can think over
States; $130 for Canada and Pan
American countries; $160 elsewhere. the meaning and value oftheir actions wheneverthere is a break in the action.
Student subcriptionsare $70 (with proof The busier we are, the more waiting we do, and the greater the opportunity
of studentstatus). Single copies $10.00;
foreign $11.00; convention issue (May) for contemplation.In additionto the searing insights, contemplationprovides
$12.00; foreign $13.00. Make checks the rudder needed to avoidthe buffeting ofoutside opinions. It is helpful to
payable to The Society of Nuclear
Medicine.SalesofindMdual backcopies know what others think, but it is important to know whether you think they are
of 1991 and 1992 issues of JNM are
availablethrough BookMasters,mc, 144 right. Introspectionallows a comparison ofviews and permits the mid-course
State At. 42, Rd. I 1, Mansfield, OH correctionsto help us get from now to then.
44903, 1-800-247-6553 or (419) 281-
1802. Fax: (419) 281-6883. Now place your tray in the uptight position and lift, two three,
lift two three, lift....
COPYRIGHT©1993 byThe Societyof
Nuclear Medicine, Inc. All rights re
served. No part of this work may be
reproducedor translatedwithoutpermis
sion from the copyright owner. Because H. William Strauss
the copynghton articlespublishedin The Editop Journal ofNuclear Medicine
Journalof NuclearMedicineis heldby the
Society,each author of accepted manu
scriptsmustsigna statementtransfemng
copyright.See Informationfor Authorsfor

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