In College I Have Been On The Dean

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In college I have been on the Deans List and was part of a sports team that received Academic All-American

status. People are naturally attracted to me and I have an outgoing personality. I am an extrovert. I can go into any room and come out with at least one new friend. I am good at networking and have gotten to know a lot of people over the years in my work through different organizations. I am not afraid of public speaking nor am I afraid to speak my mind. I am good at telling people what to do and I am good at listening and open to other peoples ideas, opinions, and suggestions. I am hard-working, trustworthy, and caring. People entrust me with positions of power because they know I will succeed. The only thing I need to work on is being a bit more humble. I have served both the Muslim and non-Muslim communities greatly. I have dedicated so much of my time to service because I want to follow in the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad pbuh. He served his community greatly. During my service I volunteered with Webb Foundation. We taught refugees, spent time with the elderly, raised money for various charities, and did interfaith and intra-faith dialogues. I went from being just a student volunteer to youth leader to teachers assistant to intern. I served as an honorary senate page for State Senator Anthony Munoz through CIOGC at Illinois Muslim Action Day in Springfield, IL. I also volunteered at the Muslim Interscholastic Tournament at the Chicago regional level and at the National level. I went from competitor to competition head to head of the competitions. I have volunteered with the Muslim Womens Alliance. I helped pack and deliver food to the needy. Once, this included packing over two days and doing deliveries from one afternoon to through the night into the next morning. This reminded me of Umar al Khattab, RA. He would go around the city when he was a Caliph to provide food for the

poor. I am also the treasurer of Benedictine Universit ys Muslim Students Association. I have worked over the years to balance school and extracurricular activities well and to improve my leadership abilities. I am not the best nor am I perfect at being a leader but every day I try to improve myself so I can have progress. I want to be a doctor, which to me isnt about anything but serving people. I love seeing the look on peoples faces when someone does something to help them; being a doctor I will hopefully get to see that every day. My childhood dream has to become a member of Doctors without Borders and God willing I become a doctor and get to go to places and provide my services to those less fortunate than me. I have based my life with service as the centerpiece and I will keep on keeping service there till the day I die.

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