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---ACCESS GRANTED: The Saro Mercenary Guild is a collection of various xeno species from all across the Eastern Fringe. The original founders were joined together by a mutual desire for survival from the horrors of the galaxy and the resulting union allowed them to not only survive but thrive. !eing primarily made up of dissident human colonists and "onox warriors the Guild holds much power over a variety of criminal activities from pirating to smuggling even assassination and espionage. "egardless of the wor# they are brutal in their effectiveness and are completely loyal to their employer $within the boundaries of their contract of course%. Their services are in high demand as pirates rebels and other unscrupulous characters see# to pounce upon the spoils available in a galaxy that #nows only war. !ut what sets them apart from other mercenary organi&ations is their strict adherence to a code of conduct. Saro Mercs are professionals and will only do what is re'uired to fulfill the terms of the contract even if it means abandoning their former employer on the battlefield after the terms of their agreement are fulfilled. (nstead of being unhinged or violent #illing machines a Saro Merc is calm and courteous preferring to discuss matters instead of resorting to physical violence. This however does not mean that they are wea# willed or easily intimidated as many coc#y would)be employers have found out when they tried to betray them instead of paying or threatened the personal safety of a Merc or his s'uad. Such surprising explosions of violence usually leave the attac#er dumbfounded and completely at the mercy of these silent warriors. The *"+),-.s first contacted the Guild during the assault on the strongly held (mperial world of !arraxsis. The world had secretly been infiltrated by Genestealers and every asset the *"+),-.s had at their disposal was being used to locate and destroy #ey targets to wea#en the grip of the cultists and hopefully destroy the infestation before it could spread to the entire populous. Their mission was proceeding as planned but the sheer scope of the Genestealer cult.s infiltration was proving too much for the ,-.s to handle. The head of this beast the broods /atriarch needed to be cut off. 0et with so many targets needing to be eliminated simultaneously there simply were not enough resources to mount a successful assault. 1ith other Tau forces being unable to approach the world in without alerting the populace 2ar.shi called for the advice of Master Shaper 3atar 2uco. 2uco being a 4root well connected in the mercenary world was able to contact a Guild representative and arrange for support5 offering them full salvage rites on whatever they came across. The Guild agreed and sent a thirty)man s'uad of their finest infiltrators. !eing highly s#illed and expertly e'uipped the Saro Mercs were able to coordinate with the *"+),-.s and eliminate the bul# of the infestation in one fell swoop. Following that event the Guild and the *"+),-.s have wor#ed together on several occasions. !ecause of their involvement in the mercenary world Shas.El 2ar.shi has

developed a friendly relationship with a high ran#ing officer in the Guilds military structure 6ctavian Thorne. The leaders blunt and pragmatic outloo# meshing well with 2ar.shi.s attitude. This has proved invaluable in the *"+),-.s hunt for the /rojector technology as Guild assets often assist the !lood 7uills in their search. 1hile normal *"+ regulations re'uire any cadre hiring mercenaries to get it cleared through the about two thirds of the *"+),-.s involvement with the Guild has yet to be reported.

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