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Dear Sir or Madam Dear Friends of the DTM


In my long career in motorsport I have experienced a lot of things but the past season in the DTM was, no doubt, one of the highlights. We celebrated the premiere of the new generation of the DTM vehicles, based on a set of new, pioneering Technical Regulations that was achieved in a unique collaborative effort between the manufacturers involved, the German Motorsport authority DMSB plus the ITR as the owner of the rights and marketer of the DTM. Thanks to these Regulations BMW on its return was immediately competitive a positive signal for other interested parties such as our friends from Japan. All three premium brands involved in the DTM Audi, BMW and Mercedes-Benz have won races in 2012. It would have been difcult to imagine a more thrilling season. The battle for the title in the drivers, manufacturers and teams classications was only decided on the last kilometres. Rising attendance rates at the race tracks provided clear proof of the DTMs growing popularity with spectators. Still, at the ITR we continually strive to improve the experience for the motorsport fans. This year, for example, the so-called Drag Reduction System (DRS) and the new option tyres supplied by our partner Hankook will add a further thrill to the on-track action, in other words, there will be even more overtaking manoeuvres. The DTM has been and will continue to be a racing series with a solid base in Germany, but which is very successful with its international orientation. Last year, the decision to cooperate with the Japanese Super GT Series was taken so that the DTMs Technical Regulations will also be used in Japan. A few weeks ago, an agreement was signed with the U.S. GRAND-AM Series as well. It is aimed at launching a racing series according to DTM Regulations in the United States in the midterm. For now, we all look forward to a thrilling 2013 season. It starts at Hockenheim on 5 May. Furthermore, at the Moscow Raceway, a promising premiere in Russia is on the agenda for us. The driver line-ups of the manufacturers reect a few changes. We are eager to see how newcomers such as the former Formula 1 driver Timo Glock at BMW or Formula 3 Champion Daniel Juncadella at Mercedes-Benz will fare or how Jamie Green will be doing in his rst year with his new employer Audi. I wish all of us, also on behalf of my colleagues on the ITRs executive and advisory boards, a fascinating season with spectacular races. Yours sincerely

Hans Werner Aufrecht Chairman, ITR e.V.



Publisher ITR e.V. Press & Public Relations Thomas Straka Blumenstrae 4 D-65189 Wiesbaden Editing, production Speedpool, Hamburg Project management Torben Schrder Final editing David Feist Photographs Audi AG, Alexander Bivol, BMW AG, Dallara, Ferdi Krling Motorsport-Bild GmbH, Friedemann Bock, Daimler AG, Deutsche Post, ITRPresse, Burkhard Kasan, Jiri Krenek/Hoch Zwei, Michael Kunkel/Hoch Zwei, ThomasSuer, Jrgen Tap/Hoch Zwei, Wolfgang Wilhelm

Co-ordination Carina Chowanek, Benjamin Hoffmann Layout Hella Fassauer, Jana Herbst, Robin John Herzer, Soheil Khatnam, Thomas Wildelau Pre-press Julien Gradtke, Anke von Lbken, Kathrin Vo Advertisements G.F. MediaMarketing, Hamburg Phone +49 40 239375-0 E-mail Print Hansmann Verlag Sponholtz Druck, Hemmingen

2013 ITR e.V. All rights reserved.

2nd edition, date of publication: 10 June 2013



Foreword................................................................................ 003 Imprint................................................................................... 004 Media Service......................................................................... 008 DTM Media Facts and Figures 2012........................................ 016 DTM Preview........................................................................ 024 DTM Events............................................................................ 030 DTM Manufacturers................................................................ 042 DTM Entry List........................................................................ 048 DTM Drivers........................................................................... 050 DTM Racing Teams................................................................. 072 DTM Technical........................................................................ 082 DTM Sporting Regulations....................................................... 088 ITR e.V................................................................................... 092 DTM Partners, Digital, Print, ARD Chartshow............................. 096 DTM TV international, national, production................................ 108 DTM History........................................................................... 112 DTM Statistics........................................................................ 140 DTM Results 2012.................................................................. 144 FIA Formula 3 European Championship Preview............... 148 FIA Formula 3 European Championship Regulations/Events....... 150 FIA Formula 3 European Championship Entry List..................... 152 Porsche Carrera Cup Deutschland Preview/Events........... 154 Porsche Carrera Cup Deutschland Entry List............................. 156 Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Preview................................. 158 Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Regulations/Events....................... 160 Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Entry List...................................... 162

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Media Service
ational or international permissions to shoot footn age should be addressed via the media site to _wige MARKETING gmbh. The ITR media team reserves the right to refuse accreditation requests or to revoke them without stating any reasons. There is no legal entitlement to accreditation. Accreditation ofce The accreditation ofce at DTM events is located in close proximity to the race track outside the circuit facilities. The way to the ofce is clearly signposted. Hours of operation will usually be as follows: Friday: 12:0019:00 Saturday: 07:3019:00 Sunday: 07:3013:00 Media centre Working places with free-of-charge internet access as well as lockers are available to you at all DTM events. The opening hours of the media centre are as follows: Friday: 12:0022:00 Saturday: 07:3022:00 Sunday: 07:30 until the last member of the media leaves the media centre Press parking A regular shuttle service is operated between the designated press parking area and the media centre at all DTM events. All holders of media accreditations are authorized to use the shuttle service. Press conferences DTM press conferences at the media centre are held on Saturday after qualifying and on Sunday after the podium ceremony with the three top-placed nishers, the DTM ofcials of the manufacturers and the best-placed nisher of the brand not represented on the podium. On Friday afternoon an additional press conference with one driver per manufacturer is held. In addition, a press conference is held after all rounds of the FIA European Formula 3 Championship.

Media Service
Media site The media site,, provides you with complete information around the DTM. Current press releases, rights-free images of tests and races plus portraits of the racing drivers, heads of sport and ITR board members are available here for downloading and editorial use. The DTM Media Guide, press kits and regulations are available as PDF les as well. Additionally, on race weekends, you will nd current information on the relevant DTM event on the media site. Access to the media database is user name and password protected. Online registration is required to use all the features of the media site. Accreditation Accreditation for all DTM events is exclusively handled online after prior registration at www. using the menu item Accreditation 2013. At the end of the accreditation process you will be asked to print out a form. Please send this form, together with all required documents, to the organiser of the respective DTM round by regular mail. The liability release statement is to be signed on location. The address of the event organiser is stated on the rst page of the form as well as on the following pages. Please observe the closing dates for accreditation requests. The ITR media team will be pleased to assist you in case of any questions. Media accreditation to DTM events includes the right to make any text, audio recordings and pictures in the form of individual or sequential shots (photographs) generated during the event available to third parties for editorial purposes. The use of any photo camera to shoot videos is prohibited without a relevant permission to shoot TV footage. Likewise, any editing of sequential images, serial or sequenced shots to create video footage is prohibited. The individual image must remain clearly recognisable when used. Any use for advertising or commercial purposes is only permitted after prior coordination with ITR e. V. Inquiries concerning

Media Service


Press releases Regular press releases will keep you informed about the DTM. We will be pleased to include you in our press mailing list. Just send a brief e-mail message to stating your full contact details. The press releases are available in German and English. In addition, at all international DTM events, press releases will be provided in the language of the hosting country. Manufacturers media relations The premium automobile manufacturers involved in the DTM, Audi, BMW and Mercedes-Benz, have their own press mailing lists. If you wish to be included in these lists, please contact the motorsport communications departments of the manufacturers. On the media sites, info, and media., the manufacturers offer rights-free pictures for editorial purposes as well. Permissions to shoot footage Please submit all requests for national and international permissions to shoot footage at any DTM event online at using the menu item TV Accreditation. _wige MARKETING gmbh, on behalf of ITR e. V., issues TV accreditations for national and international production teams and TV channels. TV footage can also be obtained from _wige MARKETING gmbh. Admission to pit lane Bearers of media tickets are admitted to the following areas: Paddock Pit lane/hot lane during DTM free practice sessions Starting grid of the DTM and partner series Media centre Press conferences Trackside places (only with valid photographers vest/bib) TV area

Ticket holders are not admitted to the following areas: Pit lane/hot lane during DTM qualifying1 DTM race1 Pit wall2 Track Race control For safety reasons, the number of pit wall tickets is limited for each individual DTM session. The tickets are issued on loan and may be signed out at the ITR media ofce. Photographers In addition to media accreditation, photographers will be issued a photographers vest/bib which is valid for the respective race weekend. The vest/bib must be visibly worn at all times and authorises the wearer to be present in the designated areas (see on-site circuit layout).

Requires additional hot lane ticket and reproof overall. 2Requires additional pit wall ticket; the hot lane may only be swiftly crossed once; this does not require a reproof overall. It is strictly prohibited to stay in the hot lane.


Media Service

Press contacts
ITR e.V. Press & Public Relations ITR e.V. Thomas Straka Blumenstrae 4 D-65189 Wiesbaden Phone +49 611 341177-0 Mobile +49 172 5335555 E-mail Internet Media site Press Organization & Accreditations ITR e.V. Anja Wente Blumenstrae 4 D-65189 Wiesbaden Phone +49 611 341177-11 Mobile +49 172 4595555 E-mail Press Organization & Media Cooperation ITR e.V. Fabian Liboschik Blumenstrae 4 D-65189 Wiesbaden Phone +49 611 341177-14 Mobile +49 172 3474000 E-mail Deutscher Motor Sport Bund e.V. Media and Public Relations Michael Kramp Pro Motion GmbH Am Coloneum 4 D-50829 Kln Phone +49 221 957434-34 Mobile +49 172 6332211 E-mail

DTM manufacturers
AUDI AG Communications Motorsports Head of Communications Motorsports Jrgen Pippig D-85045 Ingolstadt Phone +49 841 8935550 Mobile +49 160 90430634 E-mail Internet Media site Daniel Schuster Communications DTM Phone +49 841 8938009 Mobile +49 151 42134732 E-mail Julia Koop Team Coordination Audi Sport Team Phoenix Phone +49 40 300682-12 Mobile +49 171 9041911 E-mail Volker Paulun Team Coordination Audi Sport Team Rosberg Phone +49 40 300682-16 Mobile +49 179 2999219 E-mail Mark Schneider Team Coordination Audi Sport Team Abt Sportsline Phone +49 40 300682-13 Mobile +49 172 4115378 E-mail Thomas Voigt MediaInfo Phone +49 40 300682-11 Mobile +49 171 6442333 E-mail

Media Service
BMW AG BMW Media and Public Relations Head of Sport Communication Jrg Kottmeier D-80788 Mnchen Phone +49 89 38223401 Mobile +49 170 5666112 E-mail Internet Media site Ingo Lehbrink Phone +49 89 38276003 Mobile +49 176 20340224 E-mail Florian Haasper Phone +49 89 452350911 Mobile +49 177 5637923 E-mail Ann Bradshaw Phone +44 1780 781234 Mobile +44 7713 317006 E-mail Mercedes-Benz Head of DTM Management & Communications Wolfgang Schattling Daimler AG R 104 D-70546 Stuttgart Phone +49 711 1784008 Mobile +49 160 8624864 E-mail Media site Ralf Glaser Phone +49 711 1784010 Mobile +49 151 58612388 E-mail Oliver Kapffenstein Phone +49 711 1784006 Mobile +49 160 8674797 E-mail


DTM organisers
Please obtain your accreditation for the relevant event online at The accreditation period commences six weeks before the event and typically ends two weeks before the event. Accreditation requests submitted after the closing date cannot be considered. 1st round, DTM Hockenheim (5 May) C. Hufstadt Events Cornelia Hufstadt Schtzenstrae 107 D-41239 Mnchengladbach Phone +49 2166 990744 E-mail 2nd round, DTM Brands Hatch (19 May) MotorSport Vision and PalmerSport Brands Hatch Kevin Ritson Fawkham, Longeld GB-Kent DA3 8NG Phone +44 14 74875316 E-mail Internet 3rd round, DTM Spielberg (2 June) Christian Reiter BRO.MOTION e.U. Mrtelsdorf 216 A-5580 Tamsweg Phone +43 650 6472467 E-mail Internet 4th round, DTM Lausitzring (16 June) Carolin Schneider EuroSpeedway Verwaltungs GmbH Lausitzallee 1 D-01998 Klettwitz Phone +49 35754 31311 E-mail Internet


Media Service
10th round, DTM Finale Hockenheim (20 October) ADAC Wrttemberg e.V. Company Communications Melanie Hauptvogel/Reimund Elbe Am Neckartor 2 D-70190 Stuttgart Phone +49 711 2800163 E-mail Internet

5th round, DTM Norisring (14 July) IKmedia GmbH Oliver Schielein Wendelsteiner Strae 2a (from 01/06) 91126 Schwabach Phone +49 9122 6313400 E-mail Internet 6th round, DTM Moscow Raceway (04 August) Moscow Raceway Tatiana Mahina 12 bld. 5, Teterinskiy side street, Moscow Russia 109004 Phone +7 915 1203014 E-mail Internet 7th round, DTM Nrburgring (18 August) Pro Motion GmbH Michael Kramp Am Coloneum 4 D-50829 Kln Phone +49 221 95743484 E-mail Internet 8th round, DTM Oschersleben (15 September) Motorsport Arena Oschersleben GmbH Marcel Orban Motopark Allee 2022 D-39387 Oschersleben Phone +49 3949 920-525 E-mail Internet 9th round, DTM Zandvoort (29 September) Ren de Boer P.O. Box 11 01 D-47612 Kevelaer Phone +49 2832 971894 E-mail Internet

DTM partners
ADAC e.V. Head of ADAC Motorsports Press Kay-Oliver Langendorff Hansastr. 19 D-80686 Mnchen Phone +49 89 76766936 Mobile +49 171 5555936 E-mail Internet ARAL AG Press & PR Detlef Brandenburg Wittener Strae 45 D-44789 Bochum Phone +49 234 3152664 Mobile +49 172 4510079 E-mail Bosch Engineering GmbH Product press Bosch Engineering, Motorsports Annett Fischer Robert-Bosch-Allee 1 D-74232 Abstatt Phone +49 7062 911-79137 E-mail Internet

Media Service
DEKRA e.V. Corporate Communications Friedhelm Schwicker Handwerkstrae 15 D-70565 Stuttgart Phone +49 711 7861 2419 E-mail Internet Deutsche DHL Corporate Communications Press Ofce Alexander Edenhofer Charles-de-Gaulle-Strae 20 D-53113 Bonn Phone +49 228 1829924 E-mail Internet Hankook Tire Europe GmbH Hankook Tire Europe GmbH Director Public Relations Europe Felix Kinzer Siemensstrae 5a D-63263 Neu-Isenburg Phone +49 6102 8149-170 E-mail Internet Media site Public Relations Europe Susanne Baun Phone +49 6102 8149-172 E-mail kfzteile24 GmbH Marketing Florian Schulte Storkower Str. 175 D-10369 Berlin Phone +49 30 4050400 E-mail Internet


Erstes Deutsches Fernsehen ARD Sport Coordination Swantje Lemenkhler Arnulfstrae 42 D-80335 Mnchen Phone +49 89 59003780 E-mail Internet

Permissions to shoot TV footage

_wige MARKETING gmbh Nicole Bongartz Am Coloneum 2 D-50829 Kln Phone +49 221 78877533 E-mail Internet

Sound bites and radio broadcasts

kahlert media Gnter Kahlert Klosterstrae 6 D-73230 Kirchheim Phone +49 7021 724644 E-mail Internet

Live radio coverage

EarMediaGroup Oliver Fenderl Theresienstrae 148a D-80333 Mnchen Phone +49 89 7677619990 E-mail Internet


Media Service
Porsche Carrera Cup Oliver Hilger Head of Motorsport Communications Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG P.O. Box 40 06 40 D-70432 Stuttgart Phone +49 711 91126509 Mobile +49 170 9113915 E-mail Internet Media site Porsche Carrera Cup Deutschland Dr. Anne Schildmacher 9pm media Speicherwinkel 4 D-30938 Burgwedel Phone +49 5139 9570567 Mobile +49 170 3436286 E-mail Internet Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Volkswagen Motorsport GmbH Head of Marketing & Communications Stefan Moser Ikarusallee 7a D-30179 Hannover Phone +49 511 67494-825 Mobile +49 152 22859259 E-mail Internet Media site Communications Scirocco R-Cup Ingo Roersch Phone +49 511 67494-833 Mobile +49 172 1499157 E-mail

Editorial team,

ksmedia Patrik Koziolek, Thorsten Schlottmann Zollstockgrtel 63 D-50969 Kln Phone +49 221 9912888 E-mail Internet

Editorial team,

BYLAUTERBACH GmbH Sebastian Egelhoff Betastrae 10e D-85774 Unterfhring Phone +49 89 255515-358 Mobile +49 172 8485928 E-mail Internet

DTM print products

Adrenalin Verlag GmbH Christof Rosenfeld Bernhard-Nocht-Strae 99 D-20359 Hamburg Phone +49 40 30068271 E-mail

DTM partner series

FIA Formula 3 European Championship Anja Wente Press Ofcer Blumenstrae 4 D-65189 Wiesbaden Phone +49 611 3411770 E-mail Media site

Media Service


Internet adresses
Racing series, FIA Formel-3-Europameisterschaft........................ ......................................... Porsche Carrera Cup Deutschland............................ Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup.................................

Martin Tomczyk........................ Christian Pascal Dirk Werner.......................... Robert Marco Wittmann..........

Brands Hatch................................. Hockenheim................... Lausitzring............................... Moscow Raceway........ Norisring................................... Zandvoort.......................


Manufacturers Mercedes-Benz...................................................... ....................

DTM partners ARAL............................................... Bosch........................................... Deutsche Post.................... Hankook........................

DTM racing teams

ABT Sportsline HWA AG.................................... Phoenix Racing GmbH....... RSC Mcke Motorsport........................................ Team Rosberg

Das Erste..................................

DTM drivers
Filipe Mattias Augusto Timo Jamie Green............. Joey Daniel Roberto Merhi...................... Miguel Molina.................... Edoardo Gary Paffett......................... Andy Mike Timo Scheider................. Bruno Spengler............... Adrien

_wige MEDIA AG ............................. Adrenalin Verlag GmbH........................................ .................................. BYLAUTERBACH GmbH..... EarMediaGroup kahlert ks Speedpool............................ wm GmbH.................................


DTM Media Facts and Figures 2012

TV international, races live/re-live

Reached countries/territories Total 148 136 114 83 109 Reached broadcast stations Total 151

11 races


10 races


10 races


11 races


10 races


10 races


Source: _wige MARKETING gmbH.

TV international, races live/re-live

Broadcasts Total 2,034 2,626:42.41 1,533 Broadcast time Total ( 3,176:50.15



11 races


10 races


10 races


11 races


10 races


10 races


Source: _wige MARKETING gmbH.

DTM Media Facts and Figures 2012


TV international, highlights
Reached countries/territories Total 209 220 232 228 Reached broadcast stations Total 290


11 races


10 races


10 races


11 races


10 races


10 races


Source: _wige MARKETING gmbH.

TV international, highlights
Broadcasts Total 12,464 10,810 12,763 Broadcast time Total ( 2,107:14.34 2,230:25.16 1,995:14.04

11 races


10 races


10 races


11 races


10 races


10 races


Source: _wige MARKETING gmbH.


DTM Media Facts and Figures 2012

TV international
Reached countries/territories Total 213 221 232 Reached broadcast stations Total 283 297 270

11 races


10 races


10 races


11 races


10 races


10 races


Source: _wige MARKETING gmbH.

TV international
Broadcasts Total 18,183 14,479 16,886 5,881:19.01 Broadcast time Total ( 6,997:40.01 7,377:05.28

11 races


10 races


10 races


11 races


10 races


10 races


Source: _wige MARKETING gmbH.

DTM Media Facts and Figures 2012


TV national (D), races live

Viewing rate Average per race (in millions) 1.40 1.20 1.28 Market share Average per race (in %) 11.0 10.8 10.4

11 races


10 races


10 races


11 races


10 races


10 races


Source: IFM Sports GmbH.

TV national (D)
Viewing rate Total (in millions, cumulative, Mnchen excluded) 480.72 447.05 467.64 Broadcast time Total (, Mnchen excluded) 89:56.10 69:42.33 70:51.26

11 races


10 races


10 races


11 races


10 races


10 races


Source: IFM Sports GmbH.


DTM Media Facts and Figures 2012

TV national (D), weekend report (Quickreport)

Viewing rate Total (in millions, cumulative, Mnchen excluded) 163.26 133.26 132.30 Broadcast time Total (, Mnchen excluded) 42:57.34 42:35.15 43:16.21

11 races


10 races


10 races


11 races


10 races


10 races


Source: IFM Sports GmbH.

On-site attendance
Spectators Total 773,500 685,500 630,500 62,318 63,050 Spectators Average per race 77,350

11 races


10 races


10 races


11 races


10 races


10 races


Sources: Organisers, ITR e.V.

DTM Media Facts and Figures 2012


Print national (D)

Run Total 1,513,856,031 1,338,306,908 1,202,636,762 4,781 Clippings Total 5,184 5,048

11 races


10 races


10 races


11 races


10 races


10 races


Source: Kantar Media GmbH.

Print national (D)

Run weekend report races Total (Mnchen excluded) 549,955,308 544,403,330 534,705,813 2,178 2,174 Clippings weekend report races Total (Mnchen excluded) 2,462

11 races


10 races


10 races


11 races


10 races


10 races


Source: Kantar Media GmbH.


DTM Media Facts and Figures 2012

Internet (ofcial homepage)

Page impressions Total 42,623,660 39,223,583 34,263,925 7,297,928 Visits Total 9,049,289 8,575,266

11 races


10 races


10 races


11 races


10 races


10 races


Source: ks media.

Internet (ofcial channel)

Film impressions Total 5,855,222 553,700 4,105,200 3,423,000 598,800 Visits Total 669,977

11 races


10 races


10 races


11 races


10 races


10 races


Source: _wige CREATION/ByLauterbach GmbH.

Season summary 2012

Spielberg Norisring Nrburgring Zandvoort Oschersleben Valencia Hockenheim General Average1 Total Mnchen2

Presentation Hockenheim Lausitzring Brands Hatch

TV national (D)3 14.15 04:54.42 05:37.14 12:18.15 06:02.17 05:37.04 06:04.01 05:40.00 06:10.26 06:03.52 07:05.09 21.74 21.70 18.03 38.17 27.00 32.61 33.67 175.54 46.76 467.64 70:51.26 19.18 08:06.25

Viewing rate (cumulative, in millions)




Broadcast time (




Viewing rate races livebroadcast, ARD (in millions) 1.02 1.49 1.46 1.17 1.35 1.07 1.19 1.10






Market share races livebroadcast, ARD (in %) 10.0 27,000 41,597,339 226 179 204 248 232 219 205 37,075,846 55,546,302 48,328,046 54,571,673 48,126,391 51,441,810 48,500 135,000 89,000 37,000 71,000 24,000 128,000 10.7 12.2 9.7 9.4 9.8 10.4 9.7



10.4 77,350 773,500

7.7 45,000

On-site attendence4

Weekend total



Print national (D)5 65,420,388 613,471,837 116,825,228 1,168,252,275 34,384,487 353 2,281 485 4,845 203









January 3,730,819 713,872 698,937 150,921 113,501 51,629 372,124 378,496 619,361 48,192 834,570 858,778 929,896 4,295,339 4,700,447 5,204,597 2,964,614 644,745 440,616 53,962








September 3,424,296 738,989 468,946 43,592

October 4,393,266 893,463 1,669,661 50,804

November 1,977,340 639,236 256,318 24,854

December 1,761,225 673,147 176,660 28,843

Average6 3,268,632 714,606 487,935 55,831

Total 39,223,583 8,575,266 5,855,222 669,977

Internet www.dtm.com7

Page impressions








Internet www.dtm.tv8

Film impressions








TV international9 297 Broadcasts total 151 Races live/re-live total 290 Highlights, broadcasts total 16,886 Broadcast time total ( 2,034 Live broadcast time total ( 12,763 Highlight broadcast time total ( 7,377:05.28 3,176:50.15 1,995:14.04

DTM Media Facts and Figures 2012

Reached countries/territories

232 Reached broadcast stations

Races live/re-live, reached countries/territories

148 Races live/re-live, reached broadcast stations

Highlights, reached countries/territories

232 Highlights, reached broadcast stations


Per race. 2No classication round. 3Source: IFM Sports GmbH. 4Sources: Veranstalter, ITR e.V. 5Source: Kantar Media GmbH. 6Per month. 7Source: ks media. 8_wige CREATION/ByLauterbach GmbH. 9Source: _wige MARKETING gmbh.


DTM Preview

Innovation The DRS puts the rear wing into a diagonal position and thus facilitates overtaking manoeuvres

New challenges for the DTM aces

Following the successful debut of the new technical regulations and the just as successful BMW comeback, last year, DTM is going to start into the 2013 season with many well-known factors but some interesting innovations, too

he most important innovation for the forthcoming DTM season certainly is the Drag Reduction System, DRS. This technology was extensively tested in the off season and is used for the rst time in touring-car racing, in the 2013 DTM season. The adjustable rear wing allows the driver to increase the top speed of his car, thus making overtaking easier. The use of the DRS is allowed solely in the races, apart for the rst and nal three laps and the rst three laps following a

DTM Preview


Doers Jens Marquardt, Toto Wolff and Dr Wolfgang Ullrich are responsible as Heads of Motorsport of the BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Audi brands

safety-car period. To be able to use the DRS, the interval between a driver and the one ahead must amount to less than two seconds, on the home straight. In the following lap, the DRS may be activated once by pressing the respective button. Also new: the option tyre provided by DTMs tyre partner Hankook. With its softer compound, it differs signicantly from the standard tyre and allows for lap times that are about 1 to 1.5 seconds faster. This advantage, however, lasts only for a certain period of time. Afterwards, the grip level decreases massively, resulting in clearly slower lap times. Every driver has to use the option tyre that can easily be identied due to a yellow stripe on its side once per race. Choosing the point in time for doing so is up to the respective team and driver but on the rst and nal three laps, executing one of the two obligatory tyre changes is prohibited. The tyre choice for the start of the race is free but the driver has to make his binding decision regarding the use of the option or the standard tyres on Saturday after the qualifying session. Another innovation is the permission to use a fresh set of tyres for the fourth and nal qualifying phase (Q4). The time schedule for the DTM weekends in the new season was signicantly changed. With immediate effect, teams and drivers have got just one

practice session for nding the perfect set-up for both qualifying and race. This means that the need for working quickly and efciently is even bigger than it used to be and so, surprises are possible if the one or the other fails to nd the necessary set-up, in the limited period of time. Apropos efcient work: between the qualifying session that usually will start on Saturday at 14:40hrs CEST (13:40hrs BST) and the race on Sunday that will start as early as at 13:30hrs CEST, in the future the parc-ferm conditions are in force and only certain, strictly limited and dened in advance maintenance works may be executed on the r acing cars. Should additional measures be necessary, they have to be announced at the DMSB and at the same time, they result in penalties such as a start out of the pit lane. Audi signed Britons Jamie Green as prominent new driver, in the off-season. For his ninth DTM season, the winner of eight DTM races switched to the brand with the four rings. In the past years, Green delivered in particularly great style at Nurembergs Norisring at Audis home circuit were Audi celebrated their last win in the traditionrich DTM race back in 2002. Together with the two former DTM Champions Mattias Ekstrm and Timo Scheider as well as Adrien Tambay, Green will race for Audi Sport Team Abt Sportsline. Audi Sport Team Rosberg will enter just as it was the case in 2012 two cars for Filipe Albuquerque and Edoardo Mortara, with Mike Rockenfeller and

Big name Timo Glock switched from Formula 1 into the DTM, joining his new employer BMW


DTM Preview
The hunted Bruno Spengler surprisingly won the DTM title in 2012

Miguel Molina racing for Audi Sport Team Phoenix. The racing car for the 2013 season was enhanced in every detail and is called Audi RS 5 DTM. In addition, Dieter Gass was appointed as Audi Sports new Head of DTM. Following the successful comeback year in DTM, when BMW secured the drivers, team and manufacturers titles, the Munich based manufacturer even strengthened its line-up for the title-defence campaign. Timo Glock left Formula 1 for good and switched to DTM to contest the 2013 season for BMW the brand he started his motor-racing career with and he rejoined later, in Formula 1, for a period of time as test and reserve driver. In addition, previous DTM test driver Marco Wittmann was granted a race seat for 2013. Both newcomers will drive for the also new BMW Team MTEK that is based in Garching, not far from Munich. The BMW Team Schnitzer colours will once again be represented by reigning champion Bruno Spengler as well as Dirk Werner. Former DTM Champion Martin Tomczyk again will race for BMW Team RMG and was teamed up with three-time World Touring Car Champion Andy Priaulx, for 2013. Meanwhile, Brazilian Augusto Farfus and US-American Joey Hand will drive for the Belgian BMW Team RBM. All the drivers will contest the season with BMW M3 DTM vehicles. The Mercedes-Benz squad also was subjected to restructuring measures. Under the direction of Toto Wolff, the new head of Mercedes-Benz Motorsport, Wolfgang Schattling and Gerhard Ungar now are responsible for the DTM project. Within the frame

Boss Hans Werner Aufrecht, Chairman of the Management Board of ITR e. V., is pleased with the booming DTM

of the concentrating the forces, the line-up of the Stuttgart based manufacturer was reduced from eight to six DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coups. When it comes to the line-up, Mercedes-Benz opted for a mix of experience and young drivers. With 19DTM race wins, Gary Paffett is the most successful driver on the 2013 DTM grid. Meanwhile, all his ve fellow Mercedes-Benz drivers together havent got half as much DTM starts under their belts as Gary Paffett (92). The Britons HWA team-mates

DTM Preview


are Christian Vietoris who is going to contest his third DTM season as well as Robert Wickens and Roberto Merhi who both are about to enter their second season on the grid of the most popular international touring-car series. And Berlins Team RSC Mcke Motorsport will be represented by Daniel Juncadella and Pascal Wehrlein who both advanced from Formula 3 to DTM, this year. As usual, the DTM calendar comprises 10 races. Six of the DTM events will be held in Germany:

t raditionally, the Hockenheimring Baden-Wrttemberg is the venue of both the season kick-off and the season nale. And with the races at the Lausitzring, Nurembergs Norisring, the Nrburgring and the etropolis Motorsport Arena Oschersleben, DTM makes stops in the north, east, south and west of the country. When it comes to the abroad races, the tradition-rich British circuit of Brands Hatch, Austrias Red Bull Ring located at Spielberg and the Dutch Circuit Park Zandvoort


DTM Preview

Tough choice At the pit stops the teams can choose between two types of tyres as of this season

have been constants on the DTM calendar for many years. And in addition, the touring-car series will make its maiden appearance in Russia: in early August, the Moscow Raceway will stage the sixth round of the 2013 DTM season. The ofcial DTM partner series that will accompany DTM at most of the events are the FIA Formula 3 European Championship, the Porsche Carrera Cup and the Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup. And there are additional single-seater and touringcar series that will make guest appearances in the DTM support programme. The spectacular DTM action once again will be covered by the series

German TV partner ARD. On every race weekend, both the qualifying session and the race will be covered live by ARD at full length. In addition, more than 90 TV stations will cover the DTM action live or as highlight shows in a total of 259 countries or territories. Numerous print and online media from all over the world also cover DTM on a regular basis. A comprehensive online presence at the ofcial website,, including all the videos, a mobile offer for all the popular smart phones as well as the ofcial Facebook site complete the media presence of the most popular international touring-car series.


auf gutem Kurs

Der Schaeffler Audi RS 5 DTM
Mike Rockenfeller und Timo Scheider sind unsere Markenbotschafter in der DTM-Saison 2013. Wir wnschen Audi und Team Phoenix einen perfekten Start auf dem Hockenheimring.


DTM Events

2013 Schedule
35 May DTM Hockenheim Hockenheimring Baden-Wrttemberg 1719 May DTM Brands Hatch Brands Hatch Circuit 31 May2 June DTM Spielberg Red Bull Ring 1416 June DTM Lausitzring Lausitzring 1214 July DTM Norisring Norisring, Nrnberg 24 August DTM Moscow Raceway Moscow Raceway 1618 August DTM Nrburgring Nrburgring 1315 September DTM Oschersleben etropolis Motorsport Arena Oschersleben 2729 September DTM Zandvoort Circuit Park Zandvoort 1820 October DTM Hockenheim Hockenheimring Baden-Wrttemberg

Internet Phone +49 180 5 723000 (0.14/min from the German landline. Maximum mobile-call price 0.42/min. The rates in foreign countries can differ.)

DTM Events


01 DTM Hockenheim
35 May 2013

Sporting organiser ADAC Nordbaden e.V. Steinhuserstrae 15 D-76135 Karlsruhe Phone +49 721 81040 E-mail Internet Circuit/event organiser Hockenheim-Ring GmbH Am Motodrom D-68766 Hockenheim Phone +49 6205 9500 E-mail Internet Hotels Stadtverwaltung Hockenheim Rathausstrae 1 D-68766 Hockenheim Phone +49 6205 210 E-mail Internet

Circuit length 4.574 km Distance 42 laps = 192.108 km DTM lap record1 Paul Di Resta (Mercedes-Benz) 1m 33.576s (26 October 2008) Pole position 2012 Mattias Ekstrm (Audi) 1m 34.680s All winners since 2000 2000 Bernd Schneider (Mercedes-Benz) Bernd Schneider (Mercedes-Benz) 2001 Bernd Schneider (Mercedes-Benz) 2002 Laurent Aiello (Abt-Audi) 2003 Bernd Schneider (Mercedes-Benz) 2004 Gary Paffett (Mercedes-Benz) 2005 Jean Alesi (Mercedes-Benz) 2006 Bernd Schneider (Mercedes-Benz) 2007 Mattias Ekstrm (Audi) 2008 Mattias Ekstrm (Audi) 2009 Tom Kristensen (Audi) 2010 Gary Paffett (Mercedes-Benz) 2011 Bruno Spengler (Mercedes-Benz) 2012 Gary Paffett (Mercedes-Benz)

Fastest lap driven in a DTM race.


DTM Events

02 DTM Brands Hatch

1719 May 2013

Event organiser/sporting organiser MotorSport Vision and PalmerSport Fawkham, Longfield GB-Kent DA3 8NG Phone +44 1474 872331 Internet Circuit Brands Hatch Circuit Fawkham, Longfield GB-Kent DA3 8NG Phone +44 1474 872331 Internet Circuit length 1.929 km Distance 98 laps = 189.042 km DTM lap record1 Miguel Molina (Audi) 41.896s (5 September 2010) Pole position 2012 Gary Paffett (Mercedes-Benz) 41.266s All winners 2006 Mattias Ekstrm (Audi) 2007 Bernd Schneider (Mercedes-Benz) 2008 Timo Scheider (Audi) 2009 Paul Di Resta (Mercedes-Benz) 2010 Paul Di Resta (Mercedes-Benz) 2011 Martin Tomczyk (Audi) 2012 Gary Paffett (Mercedes-Benz) Hotels Sevenoaks Tourist Information Centre Buckhurst Lane GB-Kent TN13 1LQ Phone +44 1732 450305 E-mail Internet

Fastest lap driven in a DTM race.

DTM Events


03 DTM Spielberg
31 May2 June 2013

Event organiser/sporting organiser Projekt Spielberg GmbH & Co KG Red-Bull-Ring-Strae 1 A-8724 Spielberg bei Knittelfeld Phone +43 3577 202 0 E-mail Internet Circuit Projekt Spielberg GmbH & Co KG Red-Bull-Ring-Strae 1 A-8724 Spielberg bei Knittelfeld Phone +43 3577 2020 E-mail Internet Hotels Tourismusverband Aichfeld Marktpassage 1B A-8724 Spielberg bei Knittelfeld Phone +43 3512 75230 E-mail Internet

Circuit length 4.326 km Distance 47 laps = 203.322 km DTM lap record1 Bruno Spengler (Mercedes-Benz) 1m 26.298s (5 June 2011) Pole position 2012 Edoardo Mortara (Audi) 1m 26.171s All winners 2001 Bernd Schneider (Mercedes-Benz) 2002 Marcel Fssler (Mercedes-Benz) 2003 Marcel Fssler (Mercedes-Benz) 2011 Martin Tomczyk (Audi) 2012 Edoardo Mortara (Audi)

Fastest lap driven in a DTM race.


DTM Events

04 DTM Lausitzring
1416 June 2013

Event organiser/sporting organiser EuroSpeedway Verwaltungs GmbH Lausitzallee 1 D-01998 Klettwitz Phone +49 35754 31000 E-mail Internet Circuit EuroSpeedway Verwaltungs GmbH Lausitzallee 1 D-01998 Klettwitz Phone +49 35754 31000 E-mail Internet Hotels Tourismusverband Lausitzer Seenland e.V. Schlossergasse 1 D-02977 Hoyerswerda Phone +49 3571 456810 E-mail Internet

Circuit length 3.478 km Distance 52 laps = 180.856 km DTM lap record1 Paul Di Resta (Mercedes-Benz) 1m 18.938s (18 May 2008) Pole position 2012 Bruno Spengler (BMW) 1m 18.777s All winners since 2000 2000 Both races were not started 2001 Peter Dumbreck (Mercedes-Benz) 2002 Bernd Schneider (Mercedes-Benz) 2003 Bernd Schneider (Mercedes-Benz) 2004 Mattias Ekstrm (Audi) 2005 Gary Paffett (Mercedes-Benz) Mattias Ekstrm (Audi) 2006 Bernd Schneider (Mercedes-Benz) 2007 Mika Hkkinen (Mercedes-Benz) 2008 Paul Di Resta (Mercedes-Benz) 2009 Gary Paffett (Mercedes-Benz) 2010 Bruno Spengler (Mercedes-Benz) 2011 Martin Tomczyk (Audi) 2012 Bruno Spengler (BMW)

Fastest lap driven in a DTM race.

DTM Events


05 DTM Norisring
1214 July 2013

Event organiser/sporting organiser Motorsport Club Nrnberg e.V. (MCN) im ADAC Beuthener Strae 41 D-90471 Nrnberg Phone +49 911 597051 E-mail Internet Circuit Norisring Motorsport Club Nrnberg e.V. (MCN) Beuthener Strae/Steintribne D-90471 Nrnberg Phone +49 911 869382 E-mail Internet Hotels Congress- und Tourismus-Zentrale Nrnberg Verkehrsverein Nrnberg e.V. Frauentorgraben 3/IV D-90443 Nrnberg Phone +49 911 23360 E-mail Internet

Circuit length 2.300 km Distance 83 laps = 190.900 km DTM lap record Bruno Spengler (Mercedes-Benz) 48.446s (29 June 2008)

Pole position 2012 Gary Paffett (Mercedes-Benz) 49.139s All winners since 2000 2000 Joachim Winkelhock (Opel) Bernd Schneider (Mercedes-Benz) 2001 Uwe Alzen (Mercedes-Benz) 2002 Laurent Aiello (Abt-Audi) 2003 Christijan Albers (Mercedes-Benz) 2004 Gary Paffett (Mercedes-Benz) 2005 Gary Paffett (Mercedes-Benz) 2006 Bruno Spengler (Mercedes-Benz) 2007 Bruno Spengler (Mercedes-Benz) 2008 Jamie Green (Mercedes-Benz) 2009 Jamie Green (Mercedes-Benz) 2010 Jamie Green (Mercedes-Benz) 2011 Bruno Spengler (Mercedes-Benz) 2012 Jamie Green (Mercedes-Benz)

Fastest lap driven in a DTM race.


DTM Events

06 DTM Moscow Raceway

24 August 2013

Event organiser/sporting organiser Moscow Raceway Sergey Krylov 12 bld. 5, Teterinskiy side street, Moscow Russia 109004 Phone +7 964 6405080 E-mail Internet Circuit Moscow Raceway 39 Sheludkovo village, Volokolamsky district, Moscow region Russia Phone +7 495 7753831 E-mail Hotels Intourist travel agency 150, Prospect Mira, Cosmos Hotel, Moscow Russia, 129366 Phone +7 495 9564153 E-mail Internet

Circuit length 2.555 km Distance 74 laps = 189.070 km DTM lap record The DTM stages a race at Moscow Raceway forthefirst time.

Pole position 2012 All winners

Fastest lap driven in a DTM race.

DTM Events


07 DTM Nrburgring
1618 August 2013

Event organiser/sporting organiser ADAC Saarland e.V. Sportabteilung Am Staden 9 D-66121 Saarbrcken Phone +49 681 68700-31 bis 33 E-mail Internet Circuit Nrburgring Betriebsgesellschaft mbH Otto-Flimm-Strae D-53520 Nrburg Phone +49 2691 3020 E-mail Internet Hotels Tourismusverein Hocheifel Nrburgring e.V. Kirchstrae 15 D-53518 Adenau Phone +49 2691 30516 E-mail

Circuit length 3.629 km Distance 49 laps = 177.821 km DTM lap record Bruno Spengler (Mercedes-Benz) 1m 24.372s (8 August 2010)

Pole position 2012 Bruno Spengler (BMW) 1m 24.284s All winners seit 2002 2002 Uwe Alzen (Mercedes-Benz) 2003 Christijan Albers (Mercedes-Benz) Laurent Aiello (Abt-Audi) 2004 Gary Paffett (Mercedes-Benz) 2005 Mattias Ekstrm (Audi) 2006 Bruno Spengler (Mercedes-Benz) 2007 Martin Tomczyk (Audi) 2008 Bernd Schneider (Mercedes-Benz) 2009 Martin Tomczyk (Audi) 2010 Bruno Spengler (Mercedes-Benz) 2011 Mattias Ekstrm (Audi) 2012 Bruno Spengler (BMW)

Fastest lap driven in a DTM race.


DTM Events

08 DTM Oschersleben
1315 September 2013

Event organiser/sporting organiser Motorsport Arena Oschersleben GmbH Motopark Allee 2022 D-39387 Oschersleben Phone +49 3949 9200 E-mail Internet Circuit etropolis Motorsport Arena Oschersleben Motopark Allee 2022 D-39387 Oschersleben Phone +49 3949 9200 E-mail Internet Hotels Tourist-Information Oschersleben Hornhuser Strae 5 D-39387 Oschersleben (Bode) Phone +49 3949 912205 E-mail Internet

Circuit length 3.696 km Distance 51 laps = 188.496 km DTM lap record1 Roberto Merhi (Mercedes-Benz) 1m 22.752s (16 September 2012) Pole position 2012 Bruno Spengler (BMW) 1m 20.916s All winners since 2000 2000 Manuel Reuter (Opel) Manuel Reuter (Opel) Uwe Alzen (Opel) Bernd Schneider (Mercedes-Benz) 2001 Marcel Fssler (Mercedes-Benz) 2004 Tom Kristensen (Audi) 2005 Gary Paffett (Mercedes-Benz) 2006 Tom Kristensen (Audi) 2007 Gary Paffett (Mercedes-Benz) 2008 Timo Scheider (Audi) 2009 Timo Scheider (Audi) 2010 Paul Di Resta (Mercedes-Benz) 2011 Mattias Ekstrm (Audi) 2012 Bruno Spengler (BMW)

Fastest lap driven in a DTM race.

DTM Events


09 DTM Zandvoort
2729 September 2013

Event organiser/sporting organisers NAV B.V. Burgemeester van Alphenstraat 108 NL-2041 KP Zandvoort Phone +31 23 5740740 E-mail Internet Motorsportclub Langenfeld e.V. im ADAC Hardt 76 40764 Langenfeld Phone +49 2173 929211 E-mail Circuit Circuit Park Zandvoort Burgemeester van Alphenstraat 108 NL-2041 KP Zandvoort Phone +31 23 5740740 E-mail Internet Hotels VVV Zandvoort Bakkerstraat 2/b NL-2042 HK Zandvoort Phone +31 23 5717947 E-mail Internet

Circuit length 4.307 km Distance 44 laps = 189.508 km DTM lap record1 Timo Scheider (Audi) 1m 32.967s (22 August 2010) Pole position 2012 Timo Scheider (Audi) 1m 32.365s All winners 2001 Uwe Alzen (Mercedes-Benz) 2002 Mattias Ekstrm (Abt-Audi) 2003 Christijan Albers (Mercedes-Benz) 2004 Mattias Ekstrm (Audi) 2005 Gary Paffett (Mercedes-Benz) 2006 Tom Kristensen (Audi) 2007 Martin Tomczyk (Audi) 2008 Mattias Ekstrm (Audi) 2009 Gary Paffett (Mercedes-Benz) 2010 Gary Paffett (Mercedes-Benz) 2011 Mike Rockenfeller (Audi) 2012 Edoardo Mortara (Audi)

Fastest lap driven in a DTM race.


DTM Events

10 DTM Finale Hockenheim

1820 October 2013

Sporting organiser ADAC Wrttemberg e.V. Am Neckartor 2 D-70190 Stuttgart Phone +49 711 2800139 Telefax +49 711 2800123 E-mail Internet Circuit/event organiser Hockenheim-Ring GmbH Am Motodrom D-68766 Hockenheim Phone +49 6205 9500 Telefax +49 6205 950299 E-mail Internet Hotels Stadtverwaltung Hockenheim Rathausstrae 1 D-68766 Hockenheim Phone +49 6205 210 Telefax +49 6205 21260 E-mail Internet

Circuit length 4.574 km Distance 42 laps = 192.108 km DTM lap record1 Paul Di Resta (Mercedes-Benz) 1m 33.576s (26 October 2008) Pole position 2012 Augusto Farfus (BMW) 1m 34.140s All winners since 2000 2000 Uwe Alzen (Opel) Uwe Alzen (Opel) 2001 Bernd Maylnder (Mercedes-Benz) 2002 Bernd Schneider (Mercedes-Benz) 2003 Jean Alesi (Mercedes-Benz) 2004 Bernd Schneider (Mercedes-Benz) 2005 Bernd Schneider (Mercedes-Benz) 2006 Bruno Spengler (Mercedes-Benz) 2007 Jamie Green (Mercedes-Benz) 2008 Timo Scheider (Audi) 2009 Gary Paffett (Mercedes-Benz) 2010 Paul Di Resta (Mercedes-Benz) 2011 Jamie Green (Mercedes-Benz) 2012 Bruno Spengler (BMW)

Fastest lap driven in a DTM race.


DTM Manufacturers

Title hunt with the RS 5 DTM

Five DTM titles for Audi, three for Mercedes-Benz, one for BMW this is the tally of the most popular international touring car racing series since AUDI AGs return with a factory-backed commitment in 2004. The brand with the four rings is aiming to extend this advantage in the 2013 season. As of the 2012 season nale, the technology of the DTM vehicles has been frozen by the regulations. Consequently, a further technical development was only possible within limits. Therefore, the DTM squad of Audi Sport concentrated on exploring the more than 4,000 assembly components of the race touring car that was newly developed for the 2012 season for optimisation potential. Our engineers looked at every possibility for improvement, no matter how small, explains Head of Audi Motorsport Dr Wolfgang Ullrich. With the new model designation Audi RS 5 DTM Audi has created a direct reference to the companys successful production models. Eight Audi RS 5 DTM cars in total are on the 2013 DTM grid. They are being elded by the three proven Audi Sport Teams Abt Sportsline, Phoenix and Rosberg. Mattias Ekstrms new team-mate in Audi Sport Team Abt Sportsline and only new signing at Audi is the Briton Jamie Green the 30-year-old is currently regarded as one of the quickest and best DTM race drivers. The other driver pairings have almost remained unchanged since the 2012 season. Timo Scheider and Adrien Tambay are competing in Audi Sport Team Abt, Miguel Molina and Mike Rockenfeller for Audi Sport Team Phoenix, Filipe Albuquerque and Edoardo Mortara for Audi Sport Team Rosberg.

DTM Manufacturers


Audi in the DTM1

1984 1986 1990 1991 1992 2000 2001 2002 2003 Audi 80 43th place (Hagen Arlt) Audi 200 quattro 40th place (Freddy Kottulinsky) Audi V8 quattro 1st place (Hans-Joachim Stuck) Audi V8 quattro 1st place (Frank Biela) Audi V8 quattro 15th place (Frank Biela) Abt-Audi TT-R 16th place (Laurent Aiello) Abt-Audi TT-R 5th place (Laurent Aiello) Abt-Audi TT-R 1st place (Laurent Aiello) Abt-Audi TT-R 4th place (Mattias Ekstrm) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Audi A4 DTM 1st place (Mattias Ekstrm) Audi A4 DTM 2nd place (Mattias Ekstrm) Audi A4 DTM 3rd place (Tom Kristensen) Audi A4 DTM 1st place (Mattias Ekstrm) Audi A4 DTM 1st place (Timo Scheider) Audi A4 DTM 1st place (Timo Scheider) Audi A4 DTM 4th place (Timo Scheider) Audi A4 DTM 1st place (Martin Tomczyk) Audi A5 DTM 4th place (Mike Rockenfeller)

Best place of a driver in the overall classication. Factory commitments are highlighted.


DTM Manufacturers

From the hunter to the hunted

2012, the year in which BMW Motorsport made its comeback to the DTM, was a special one for several reasons. Even the boldest optimists had not expected such a triumph. After a 20-year DTM absence BMW won all the titles against the highclass and experienced competition. That BMW would continue its success story in the DTM after title wins in 1984, 1987 and 1989 already became apparent at an early stage of the season. With Bruno Spenglers victory in the second race at the Lausitzring BMW Motorsport came full circle: after two decades following the last victory in the DTM up to then, a BMW driver was again at the very top of the podium. Both Spengler and 20 years earlier Roberto Ravaglia were driving for BMW Team Schnitzer. This close connection between the past and present ran like a thread through the entire season. Spenglers second victory at the Nrburgring crowned the festivities held on BMW Ms 40th anniversary. The successful comeback of BMW Motorsport ended in a brilliant nale at Hockenheim at which Spengler secured his rst DTM title on clinching the fourth victory of the season. BMW Team Schnitzer triumphed in the teams classication. That BMW Motorsport was able to decide the manufacturers classication in its favour as well was the icing on the cake of a fabulous season. In total, the BMW drivers achieved ve victories and ve pole positions. Augusto Farfus received the accolade of being the best rookie of the season. In 2013, BMW Motorsport is competing with a larger squad. In addition to BMW Team Schnitzer, BMW Team RBM and BMW Team RMG, BMW Team MTEK headed by Team Director Ernest Knoors will be elding two further BMW M3 DTM cars. In terms of personnel, Timo Glock and Marco Wittmann will augment the successful six-some from last year. Test and development driver is the Belgian Maxim Martin.

DTM Manufacturers


BMW in the DTM1

1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 BMW 635 CSi 1st place (Volker Strycek) BMW 635 CSi 3rd place (Harald Grohs) BMW 635 CSi 3rd place (Kurt Knig) BMW M3 1st place (Eric van de Poele) BMW M3 4th place (Markus Oestreich) BMW M3 1st place (Roberto Ravaglia) 1990 1991 1992 1993 2012 BMW M3 Sport Evolution 2nd place (Johnny Cecotto) BMW M3 Sport Evolution 4th place (Johnny Cecotto) BMW M3 Sport Evolution 4th place (Johnny Cecotto) BMW M3 Sport Evolution 14th place (Harald Becker) BMW M3 DTM 1st place (Bruno Spengler)

Best place of a driver in the overall classication. Factory commitments are highlighted.


DTM Manufacturers

With new forces on title win mission

In 2013 the brand with the star is putting a smaller, albeit more powerful DTM race squad with the experienced HWA and Mcke Motorsport teams on the grid. The driver line-up is fully geared to the promotion of talent, which has been a tradition at Mercedes-Benz for many decades. The average age is merely 23 years. Spearheading the squad and Team HWA is last years overall runner-up and 2005 Champion Gary Paffett. This season, the experienced Briton is embarking on the title hunt for Mercedes-Benz for the tenth time. With 19 victories under his belt, he is the DTMs most victorious active driver. Again on board at HWA is the German Christian Vietoris, who is contesting his third DTM season in 2013. The Canadian Robert Wickens made his DTM debut with Mcke Motorsport last year. In his second season he drives in the HWA team. The fourth driver in the HWA line-up is the Spaniard Roberto Merhi, who like Vietoris and Wickens is part of the Mercedes-Benz DTM Junior Team. The Spaniard Daniel Juncadella and the merely 18-year-old German Pascal Wehrlein are members of the Junior Team as well and are contesting their rst season in the DTM in Team Mcke Motorsport. There, they are supported by the former DTM driver Ralf Schumacher, who in his new management role assists the talents with advice based on his experience of more than two decades in motorsport. Mercedes-Benz commences the 2013 season not only with a newly formed and rejuvenated driver squad but also with a re-organised DTM management team. Since 21 January 2013 the Austrian Toto Wolff has been the new man holding down the responsibility for the brands motorsport activities. Gerhard Ungar is responsible for sport and technology. DTM management plus marketing, sponsoring and media fall within the scope of Wolfgang Schattlings role.

DTM Manufacturers


Mercedes-Benz in the DTM1

1984 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 2000

Mercedes 380 SLC 60th place (Jrg Leininger) Mercedes 190E 2.3-16 2nd place (Volker Weidler) Mercedes 190E 2.3-16 9th place (Jrg van Ommen) Mercedes 190E 2.3-16 2nd place (Roland Asch) Mercedes 190E 2.5-16 Evo 4th place (Kurt Thiim) Mercedes 190E 2.5-16 Evo 2 3rd place (Kurt Thiim) Mercedes 190E 2.5-16 Evo 2 2nd place (Klaus Ludwig) Mercedes 190E 2.5-16 Evo 2 1st place (Klaus Ludwig) AMG Mercedes 190E 4th place (Klaus Ludwig) AMG Mercedes C-Class 1st place (Klaus Ludwig) AMG Mercedes C-Class 1st place (Bernd Schneider) AMG Mercedes C-Class 2nd place ITC (Bernd Schneider) AMG Mercedes CLK 1st place (Bernd Schneider)

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

AMG Mercedes CLK 1st place (Bernd Schneider) AMG Mercedes CLK 2nd place (Bernd Schneider) AMG Mercedes CLK 1st place (Bernd Schneider) AMG Mercedes C-Class 2nd place (Gary Paffett) AMG Mercedes C-Class 1st place (Gary Paffett) AMG Mercedes C-Class 1st place (Bernd Schneider) AMG Mercedes C-Class 2nd place (Bruno Spengler) AMG Mercedes C-Class 2nd place (Paul Di Resta) AMG Mercedes C-Class 2nd place (Gary Paffett) AMG Mercedes C-Class 1st place (Paul Di Resta) AMG Mercedes C-Class 3rd place (Bruno Spengler) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup 2nd place (Gary Paffett)

Best place of a driver in the overall classication. Factory commitments are highlighted.


DTM Entry List

Entrant Driver BMW Team Schnitzer Bruno Spengler (CDN) BMW Team Schnitzer Dirk Werner (D) EURONICS Mercedes AMG Gary Paffett (GB) THOMAS SABO Mercedes AMG Roberto Merhi (E) Audi Sport Team Rosberg Edoardo Mortara (I) Audi Sport Team Rosberg Filipe Albuquerque (P) BMW Team RBM Augusto Farfus (BR) BMW Team RBM Joey Hand (USA) Mercedes AMG Christian Vietoris (D) STIHL Mercedes AMG Robert Wickens (CDN) Audi Sport Team Abt Sportsline Mattias Ekstrm (S) Audi Sport Team Abt Sportsline Jamie Green (GB) BMW Team RMG Martin Tomczyk (D) BMW Team RMG Andy Priaulx (GB) stern Mercedes AMG Daniel Juncadella (E) Mercedes AMG Pascal Wehrlein (D) Audi Sport Team Phoenix Mike Rockenfeller (D) Audi Sport Team Phoenix Miguel Molina (E) BMW Team MTEK Marco Wittmann (D) BMW Team MTEK Timo Glock (D) Audi Sport Team Abt Timo Scheider (D) Audi Sport Team Abt Adrien Tambay (F) Team/City Place of residence Schnitzer/Freilassing (D) Oberwil (CH) Schnitzer/Freilassing (D) Wrzburg (D) HWA/Affalterbach (D) Newmarket (GB) HWA/Affalterbach (D) Ludwigsburg (D) Rosberg/Neustadt an der Weinstrae (D) Geneva (CH) Rosberg/Neustadt an der Weinstrae (D) Coimbra (P) RBM/Mechelen (B) Monaco (MC) RBM/Mechelen (B) Wilton (USA) HWA/Affalterbach (D) Gnnersdorf (D) HWA/Affalterbach (D) Stuttgart (D) Abt Sportsline/Kempten (D) Salenstein (CH) Abt Sportsline/Kempten (D) Monaco (MC) Reinhold/Niederzissen (D) Rosenheim (D) Reinhold/Niederzissen (D) Guernsey (GB) Mcke/Berlin (D) Barcelona (E) Mcke/Berlin (D) Worndorf (D) Phoenix/Meuspath (D) Landschlacht (CH) Phoenix/Meuspath (D) Lloret de Mar (E) MTEK/Garching (D) Markt Erlbach (D) MTEK/Garching (D) Gottlieben (CH) Abt Sportsline/Kempten (D) Lochau (A) Abt Sportsline/Kempten (D) Lochau (A) Car BMW M3 DTM BMW M3 DTM DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup Audi RS 5 DTM Audi RS 5 DTM BMW M3 DTM BMW M3 DTM DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup Audi RS 5 DTM Audi RS 5 DTM BMW M3 DTM BMW M3 DTM DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup Audi RS 5 DTM Audi RS 5 DTM BMW M3 DTM BMW M3 DTM Audi RS 5 DTM Audi RS 5 DTM

No Code 1 SPE 2 WER 3 PAF 4 MER 5 MOR 6 ALB 7 FAR 8 HAN 9 VIE 10 WIC 11 EKS 12 GRE 15 TOM 16 PRI 17 JUN 18 WEH 19 ROC 20 MOL 21 WIT 22 GLO 23 TSC 24 TAM


DTM Drivers

1 Bruno Spengler (CDN)

BMW Bank M3 DTM BMW Team Schnitzer

Born 23 August 1983 in Schiltigheim (F) Place of residence Oberwil (CH) Status Single Hobbies Cycling, golf, music, tennis Internet

DTM races 83 since 2005 Best DTM race result 13 wins Best DTM starting position 14 pole positions

19932000 Kart 2001 9th place Formula Renault Eurocup 2002 1st place North American Formula Renault, 2nd place German Formula Renault 2003 10th place Formula 3 Euro Series 2004 11th place Formula 3 Euro Series 2005 16th place DTM (Mercedes-Benz) 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2nd place DTM (Mercedes-Benz) 2nd place DTM (Mercedes-Benz) 5th place DTM (Mercedes-Benz) 4th place DTM (Mercedes-Benz) 3rd place DTM (Mercedes-Benz) 3rd place DTM (Mercedes-Benz) 1st place DTM (BMW)

DTM Drivers


2 Dirk Werner (D)

Born 25 May 1981 in Hanover (D) Place of residence Wrzburg (D) Status Married, two sons Hobbies Family, music Internet


DTM races 10 since 2012 Best DTM race result 4th place Best DTM starting position 3rd place

19911996 Kart 1997 Winner ADAC race driver academy 1998 3rd place BMW ADAC Formula Junior Cup 2000 2nd place Formula Knig 2001 4th place Ford Puma Cup 2002 1st place Ford Puma Cup 2003 1st place Renault Clio V6 Trophy 2004 3rd place Porsche Supercup 2005 22nd place Porsche Carrera Cup 2006 1st place Porsche Carrera Cup, 1st place 24 hour race Silverstone, 3rd place 24 hour race Daytona (GT class) 2007 1st place Grand Am Series, 1st place 24 hour race Dubai, 1st place 24 hour race Silverstone 2009 1st place Porsche Cup, 1st place Grand Am Series 2010 1st place ILMC Finale Zhuhai (GT2 class) 2011 3rd place American Le Mans Series (GT class) 2012 9th place DTM (BMW)


DTM Drivers

3 Gary Paffett (GB)


Born 24 March 1981 in Bromley (GB) Place of residence Newmarket (GB) Status Married, three sons Hobbies Computer games, football, golf, karting, squash Internet

DTM races 92 since 2003 Best DTM race result 19 wins Best DTM starting position 10 pole positions

19951996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Kart Formula Vauxhall Junior 1st place Formula Vauxhall Junior 1st place Formula Vauxhall 1st place British Formula 3 (Scholarship class) 6th place German Formula 3 1st place German Formula 3 11th place DTM (Mercedes-Benz) 2nd place DTM (Mercedes-Benz) 1st place DTM (Mercedes-Benz) Formula 1 test driver 2007 9th place DTM (Mercedes-Benz), Formula 1 test driver 2008 9th place DTM (Mercedes-Benz), Formula 1 test driver 2009 2nd place DTM (Mercedes-Benz), Formula 1 test driver 2010 2nd place DTM (Mercedes-Benz), Formula 1 test driver 2011 7th place DTM (Mercedes-Benz), Formula 1 test driver 2012 2nd place DTM (Mercedes-Benz), Formula 1 test driver

DTM Drivers


4 Roberto Merhi (E)


Born 22 March 1991 in Castelln de la Plana (E) Place of residence Ludwigsburg (D) Status Single Hobbies karting, music, running, skiing, table tennis Internet

DTM races 10 since 2012 Best DTM race result 11th place Best DTM starting position 14th place

20012005 Kart 2006 11th place Spanish Formula 3, 3rd place Italian Formula Renault (winter series) 2007 4th place Italian Formula Renault, 17th place Spanish Formula 3, 18th place European Formula Renault 2008 2nd place Formula Renault 2.0 WEC, 4th place Formula Renault Eurocup, 13th place Spanish Formula 3 2009 7th place Formula 3 Euro Series, British Formula 3 2010 5th place Formula 3 Euro Series, 6th place GP3 series 2011 1st place Formula 3 Euro Series, 1st place Formula 3 Trophy 2012 21st place DTM (Mercedes-Benz)


DTM Drivers

5 Edoardo Mortara (I)

Born 12 January 1987 in Geneva (CH) Place of residence Geneva (CH) Status Engaged Hobbies Sports Internet

Playboy Audi RS 5 DTM Audi Sport Team Rosberg

DTM races 20 since 2011 Best DTM race result 2 wins Best DTM starting position 1 pole position

19992005 Kart 2006 4th place Italian Formula Renault 2007 8th place Formula 3 Euro Series, 10th place Formula 3 Grand Prix Macau 2008 2nd place Formula 3 Euro Series, 2nd place Formula 3 Grand Prix Macau 2009 1st place Formula 3 Grand Prix Macau, 14th place GP2 series, 11th place Asian GP2 series 2010 1st place Formula 3 Euro Series, 1st place Formula 3 Grand Prix Macau 2011 9th place DTM (Audi) 2012 5th place DTM (Audi) 2013 1st place 24 hour race Daytona (GT class)

DTM Drivers


6 Filipe Albuquerque (P)

Born 13 June 1985 in Coimbra (P) Place of residence Coimbra (P) Status Single Hobbies Athletic sport, cinema Internet

Audi Financial Services RS 5 DTM Audi Sport Team Rosberg

DTM races 20 since 2011 Best DTM race result 2nd place Best DTM starting position 2nd place

19942004 Kart 2005 3rd place German Formula Renault 2.0, 5th place Formula Renault Eurocup, 6th place Spanish Formula 3 2006 1st place Formula Renault 2.0 NEC, 1st place Formula Renault Eurocup 2007 4th place Formula Renault 3.5, GP2 series, Formula 1 test driver 2008 21st place Formula Renault 3.5, A1GP Series 2009 18th place Italian GT championship, A1GP Series, 1st place ROC Ibria 2010 2nd place Italian GT championship, 1st place Drivers Championship Race of Champions 2011 12th place DTM (Audi) 2012 11th place DTM (Audi) 2013 1st place 24 hour race Daytona (GT class)


DTM Drivers

7 Augusto Farfus (BR)

Born 3 September 1983 in Curitiba (BR) Place of residence Monaco (MC) Status Married, one daughter Hobbies Cooking, photography Internet


DTM races 10 since 2012 Best DTM race result 1 win Best DTM starting position 2 pole positions

1991 19921999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Motocross Kart 12th place Formula Renault Eurocup 1st place Formula Renault Eurocup 9th place F3000 Euro Series 1st place F3000 Euro Series 6th place European Touring Car Championship 2005 4th place World Touring Car Championship 2006 3rd place World Touring Car Championship 2007 4th place World Touring Car Championship 2008 6th place World Touring Car Championship 2009 3rd place World Touring Car Championship 2010 7th place World Touring Car Championship, 1st place 24 hour race Nrburgring 2011 1st place 24 hour race Dubai, 2nd place 24 hour race Nrburgring 2012 7th place DTM (BMW)

DTM Drivers


8 Joey Hand (USA)


Born 10 February 1979 in Sacramento (USA) Place of residence Wilton (USA) Status Married, one daughter, one son Hobbies Family, shing, karting Internet

DTM races 10 since 2012 Best DTM race result 8th place Best DTM starting position 5th place

19951997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Kart 4th place Formula Mazda Pro Series 1st place Formula Mazda Pro Series 6th place Formula Palmer Audi (winter series), Winner Team USA Scholarship 3rd place Toyota Atlantic Championship 12th place Toyota Atlantic Championship, Winner Gilles Villeneuve Award 7th place Toyota Atlantic Championship 8th place Grand Am Series 5th place Grand Am Series 6th place American Le Mans Series (GT2 class) 2007 17th place American Le Mans Series (GT2 class) 2008 13th place Grand Am Series 2009 20th place American Le Mans Series (GT2 class) 2010 7th place American Le Mans Series (GT class) 2011 1st place American Le Mans Series (GT class), 1st place 12 hour race Sebring (GT class), 1st place 24 hour race Daytona 2012 20th place DTM (BMW), 1st place 12 hour race Sebring (GT class), 7th place American Le Mans Series (GT class)


DTM Drivers

9 Christian Vietoris (D)

Mercedes AMG C-Coup Mercedes AMG

Born 1 April 1989 in Gerolstein (D) Place of residence Gnnersdorf (D) Status Single Hobbies Climbing, tness, karting, traveling Internet

DTM races 20 since 2011 Best DTM race result 4th place Best DTM starting position 2nd place

20002004 Kart 2005 17th place Formula BMW ADAC 2006 1st place German Formula BMW, 1st place Formula BMW World Final, A1GP Series 2007 5th place ATS Formula 3 Cup, A1GP Series 2008 6th place Formula 3 Euro Series 2009 2nd place Formula 3 Euro Series, 10th place Asian GP2 series 2010 9th place GP2 series 2011 14th place DTM (Mercedes-Benz), 7th place GP2 series 2012 12th place DTM (Mercedes-Benz)

DTM Drivers


10 Robert Wickens (CDN)

STIHL Mercedes AMG C-Coup STIHL Mercedes AMG

Born 13 March 1989 in Guelph (CDN) Place of residence Stuttgart (D) Status Single Hobbies Golf, hockey, karting, mountainbiking, squash, tennis Internet

DTM races 10 since 2012 Best DTM race result 7th place Best DTM starting position 9th place

19992005 Kart 2005 3rd place American Formula BMW, 6th place Formula BMW World Final 2006 1st place American Formula BMW, 8th place Formula BMW World Final, 28th place German Formula BMW, 36th place Formula Renault Eurocup 2007 3rd place Atlantic Championship, 25th place Formula Renault 3.5, A1GP Series 2008 12th place Formula Renault 3.5, 15th place Formula 3 Euro Series, A1GP Series 2009 2nd place Formula 2, 14th place Atlantic Championship, 16th place British Formula 3, 22nd place Formula 3 Euro Series 2010 2nd place GP3 series 2011 1st place Formula Renault 3.5, Formula 1 test driver 2012 16th place DTM (Mercedes-Benz)


DTM Drivers


Mattias Ekstrm (S)

Red Bull Audi RS 5 DTM Audi Sport Team Abt Sportsline

Born 14 July 1978 in Falun (S) Place of residence Salenstein (CH) Status Single, one daughter, one son Hobbies Cross-country skiing, cycling, tennis Internet

DTM races 124 since 2001 Best DTM race result 17 wins Best DTM starting position 19 pole positions

19931995 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Kart 2nd place Swedish Renault 5 Cup 1st place Swedish Renault 5 Cup 2nd place Swedish Touring Car Championship 8th place Swedish Touring Car Championship 1st place Swedish Touring Car Championship 3rd place Swedish Touring Car Championship 8th place DTM (Audi), 6th place 24 hour race Nrburgring 3rd place DTM (Audi) 4th place DTM (Audi) 1st place DTM (Audi) 2nd place DTM (Audi), 1st place Nations Cup Race of Champions 2006 8th place DTM (Audi), 1st place Drivers Championship Race of Champions 2007 1st place DTM (Audi), 1st place Drivers Championship Race of Champions 2008 3rd place DTM (Audi) 2009 5th place DTM (Audi), 1st place Drivers Championship Race of Champions 2010 5th place DTM (Audi) 2011 2nd place DTM (Audi), 1st place 24 hour race Spa-Francorchamps 2012 6th place DTM (Audi)

DTM Drivers


12 Jamie Green (GB)

Born 14 June 1982 in Leicester (GB) Place of residence Monaco (MC) Status Married, two sons Hobbies Competitive shooting, football, golf Internet

Red Bull Audi RS 5 DTM Audi Sport Team Abt Sportsline

DTM races 83 since 2005 Best DTM race result 8 wins Best DTM starting position 6 pole positions

19962000 Kart 2001 7th place British Formula Renault (winter series) 2002 2nd place British Formula Renault 2003 2nd place British Formula 3, 20th place Formula 3 Euro Series 2004 1st place Formula 3 Euro Series 2005 6th place DTM (Mercedes-Benz) 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 5th place DTM (Mercedes-Benz) 4th place DTM (Mercedes-Benz) 4th place DTM (Mercedes-Benz) 7th place DTM (Mercedes-Benz) 6th place DTM (Mercedes-Benz) 5th place DTM (Mercedes-Benz) 3rd place DTM (Mercedes-Benz)


DTM Drivers

15 Martin Tomczyk (D)

Born 7 December 1981 in Rosenheim (D) Place of residence Rosenheim (D) Status Married, one daughter Hobbies Fitness, model making, video games Internet

BMW M Performance Zubehr M3 DTM BMW Team RMG

DTM races 122 since 2001 Best DTM race result 7 wins Best DTM starting position 8 pole positions

19941997 Kart 1998 2nd place ADAC Formula Junior 1999 1st place Portugese Formula BMW, 4th place BMW Formula ADAC 2000 12th place German Formula 3 2001 13th place DTM (Audi) 2002 10th place DTM (Audi) 2003 15th place DTM (Audi) 2004 5th place DTM (Audi) 2005 13th place DTM (Audi) 2006 4th place DTM (Audi) 2007 3rd place DTM (Audi), ADAC Motorsportler des Jahres 2008 7th place DTM (Audi) 2009 6th place DTM (Audi) 2010 8th place DTM (Audi) 2011 1st place DTM (Audi) 2012 8th place DTM (BMW)

DTM Drivers


16 Andy Priaulx (GB)

Born 8 August 1973 in Guernsey (GB) Place of residence Guernsey (GB) Status Married, one daughter, one son Hobbies Family, tness, shing Internet

Crowne Plaza Hotels BMW M3 DTM BMW Team RMG

DTM races 10 since 2012 Best DTM race result 6th place Best DTM starting position 6th place

1984 Kart 19851989 Motocross 1990 1st place Motocross 250 cc Championship 19911994 Hillclimbing 1995 1st place RAC MSA British Hillclimbing Championship 1996 British Formula Renault 1997 British Formula 3 1998 7th place Renault Spider Cup, 2nd place Formula Palmer Audi (winter series) 1999 1st place Renault Spider Cup 2000 9th place British Formula 3 2001 6th place British Formula 3, 2nd place F3 Super Prix in Korea 2002 5th place British Touring Car Championship 2003 3rd place European Touring Car Championship, 1st place BMW Sports Trophy 2004 1st place European Touring Car Championship 2005 1st place World Touring Car Championship, 1st place 24 hour race Nrburgring 20062007 1st place World Touring Car Championship 20082010 4th place World Touring Car Championship 2011 1st place 12 hour race Sebring (GT class) 2012 13th place DTM (BMW)


DTM Drivers

17 Daniel Juncadella (E)

Born 7 May 1991 in Barcelona (E) Place of residence Barcelona (E) Status Single Hobbies Music, tennis Internet

stern Mercedes AMG C-Coup stern Mercedes AMG

DTM races Best DTM race result Best DTM starting position

20052006 Kart 2007 2nd place Formula Master Junior, 23th place German Formula BMW 2008 4th place European Formula BMW, 12th place American Formula BMW 2009 2nd place European Formula BMW 2010 8th place Formula 3 Euro Series, 14th place GP3 series 2011 3rd place Formula 3 Euro Series, 3rd place Formula 3 Trophy 2012 1st place Formula 3 Euro Series, 1st place European Formula 3 Championship

DTM Drivers


18 Pascal Wehrlein (D)

Mercedes AMG C-Coup Mercedes AMG

Born 18 October 1994 in Sigmaringen (D) Place of residence Worndorf (D) Status Single Hobbies Football, snowboarding, table tennis Internet

DTM races Best DTM race result Best DTM starting position

20052009 2010 2011 2012 Kart 6th place ADAC Formula Masters 1st place ADAC Formula Masters 2nd place Formula 3 Euro Series, 4th place European Formula 3 Championship


DTM Drivers

19 Mike Rockenfeller (D)

Born 31 October 1983 in Neuwied (D) Place of residence Landschlacht (CH) Status Single Hobbies Boating, cycling Internet

Schaefer Audi RS 5 DTM Audi Sport Team Phoenix

DTM races 61 since 2007 Best DTM race result 1 win Best DTM starting position 1 pole position

19952000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Kart 4th place Formula Knig 10th place Porsche Carrera Cup 2nd place Porsche Carrera Cup 1st place Porsche Carrera Cup 1st place FIA GT (GT2 class), 1st place 24 hour race Le Mans (GT2 class), 1st place 24 hour race Spa-Francorchamps (GT2 class) 2006 1st place 24 hour race Nrburgring, 5th place Grand Am Series, 8th place American Le Mans Series (GT2 class) 2007 12th place DTM (Audi) 2008 11th place DTM (Audi), 1st place Le Mans Series, 4th place 24 hour race Le Mans 2009 3rd place 12 hour race Sebring, 14th place DTM (Audi) 2010 7th place DTM (Audi), 1st place 24 hour race Le Mans, 1st place 24 hour race Daytona 2011 6th place DTM (Audi) 2012 4th place DTM (Audi), 3rd place 24 hour race Le Mans

DTM Drivers


20 Miguel Molina (E)

Born 17 February 1989 in Barcelona (E) Place of residence Lloret de Mar (E) Status Single Hobbies Slotcars Internet

Audi RS 5 DTM Audi Sport Team Phoenix

DTM races 31 since 2010 Best DTM race result 3rd place Best DTM starting position 2 pole positions

19992004 Kart 2005 28th place Formula Renault Eurocup 2006 6th place Spanish Formula 3, 32nd place Formula Renault 3.5 2007 7th place Formula Renault 3.5 2008 4th place Formula Renault 3.5 2009 8th place Formula Renault 3.5, 19th place Formula Superleague 2010 10th place DTM (Audi) 2011 11th place DTM (Audi) 2012 18th place DTM (Audi)


DTM Drivers

21 Marco Wittmann (D)

Born 24 November 1989 in Frth (D) Place of residence Markt Erlbach (D) Status Single Hobbies Cars, tness, motorsports, skiing Internet

Ice-Watch BMW M3 DTM BMW Team MTEK

DTM races Best DTM race result Best DTM starting position

19962007 Kart 2007 5th place German Formula BMW, 2nd place Formula BMW World Final 2008 2nd place European Formula BMW 2009 16th place Formula 3 Euro Series 2010 2nd place Formula 3 Euro Series 2011 2nd place Formula 3 Euro Series, 2nd place Formula 3 Trophy 2012 DTM test driver (BMW)

DTM Drivers


22 Timo Glock (D)

Born 18 March 1982 in Lindenfels (D) Place of residence Gottlieben (CH) Status Single, one son Hobbies Chess, cycling, tennis Internet


DTM races Best DTM race result Best DTM starting position

1996 Motocross 19981999 Kart 2000 1st place Formula BMW ADAC Formula Junior Cup 2001 1st place German Formula BMW 2002 3rd place German Formula 3 2003 5th place Formula 3 Euro Series 2004 19th place Formula 1 World Championship 2005 8th place Champ Car 2006 4th place GP2 series 2007 1st place GP2 series, Formula 1 test driver 2008 10th place Formula 1 World Championship 2009 10th place Formula 1 World Championship 2010 25th place Formula 1 World Championship 2011 25th place Formula 1 World Championship 2012 20th place Formula 1 World Championship


DTM Drivers

23 Timo Scheider (D)

AUTO TEST Audi RS 5 DTM Audi Sport Team Abt

Born 10 November 1978 in Lahnstein (D) Place of residence Lochau (A) Status Single, one son Hobbies Cooking, karting, snowboarding, supermoto Internet

DTM races 129 since 2000 Best DTM race result 6 wins Best DTM starting position 10 pole positions

19891994 Kart 1995 1st place German Formula Renault 1800 1996 4th place German Formula Renault 2000 1997 2nd place German Formula 3 1998 8th place German Formula 3 1999 6th place German Formula 3 2000 12th place DTM (Opel) 2001 19th place DTM (Opel) 2002 8th place DTM (Opel) 2003 8th place DTM (Opel), 1st place 24 hour race Nrburgring 2004 8th place DTM (Opel) 2005 2nd place FIA GT (GT1 class), 1st place 24 hour race Spa-Francorchamps, A1GP Series 2006 10th place DTM (Audi), 1st place 24 hour race Spa-Francorchamps (GT2 class) 2007 7th place DTM (Audi) 2008 1st place DTM (Audi), ADAC Motorsportler des Jahres 2009 1st place DTM (Audi) 2010 4th place DTM (Audi), 3rd place 24 hour race Le Mans (GT2 class) 2011 4th place DTM (Audi), 5th place 24 hour race Nrburgring, 1st place 24 hour race Spa-Francorchamps 2012 14th place DTM (Audi)

DTM Drivers


24 Adrien Tambay (F)

Born 25 February 1991 in Paris (F) Place of residence Lochau (CH) Status Single Hobbies Cycling, running, squash Internet

Audi ultra RS 5 DTM Audi Sport Team Abt

DTM races 10 since 2012 Best DTM race result 2nd place Best DTM starting position 4th place

20012006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Kart 4th place German Formula BMW 3rd place European Formula BMW Formula 3 Euro Series 6th place Auto GP Series, 20th place GP3 series 2011 4th place Auto GP Series, 27th place Formula Renault 3.5 2012 10th place DTM (Audi)


DTM Racing Teams

Audi Sport Team Abt Sportsline: the success team

Abt Sportsline GmbH is the worlds leading tuner of vehicles of the Volkswagen Group and one of the most successful German racing teams. Since 1996 Abt Sportsline has been active in touring car sport always with Audi. The rst major success was the STW title win in 1999. Since 2000 the squad has been competing in the DTM, since 2004 under a contract with AUDI AG as Audi Sport Team Abt Sports line. Five times they took the DTM drivers title, three times the teams classication. 39 of Audis 63DTM victories achieved by 2012 are credited to the Allgu-based squad. Since last year the team has been fully concentrating on the DTM and in 2013 is elding a total of four RS 5 DTM cars for Audi.

Abt Sportsline GmbH Daimlerstrae 2 D-87438 Kempten Phone +49 831 57140-0 Fax +49 831 57140-37

Drivers Mattias Ekstrm, Jamie Green Timo Scheider, Adrien Tambay Car Audi RS 5 DTM Team Director Hans-Jrgen Abt Head of Motorsport Albert Deuring Team Manager Michael Seifert Technical Director DTM Jacky Eeckelaert Race engineers Florian Modlinger (Ekstrm) Alexander Stehlig (Green) Markus Michelberger (Scheider) Franco Chiocchetti (Tambay) Team history 1995 3rd place ADAC Formula Junior 1996 4th place STW (1st place Privateers Cup), 1st place ADAC Formula Junior 1997 10th place STW (1st place Privateers Cup) 1999 1st place STW 2000 16th place DTM (9th place Teams Championship) 2001 5th place DTM (4th place Teams Championship) 2002 1st place DTM (2nd place Teams Championship) 2003 4th place DTM (3rd place Teams Championship), 2nd place 24 hour race Nrburgring 2004 1st place DTM (1st place Teams Championship), 2nd place SEAT Leon Supercopa, 4th place 24 hour race Nrburgring 2005 2nd place DTM (2nd place Teams Championship), 5th place SEAT Leon Supercopa 2006 3rd place DTM (3rd place Teams Championship) 2007 1st place DTM (1st place Teams Championship) 2008 1st place DTM (2nd place Teams Championship) 2009 1st place DTM (2nd place Teams Championship), 1st place ADAC GT Masters, 2nd place 24 hour race Nrburgring (1st place GT3 class), 1st place ADAC Formula Masters 2010 4th place DTM (3rd place Teams Championship), 1st place ADAC GT Masters (Teams Championship) 2011 2nd place DTM (1st place Teams Championship) 2012 6th place DTM (5th place Teams Championship)

Hans-Jrgen Abt

Teams classications Audi Sport Team Abt (Scheider, Tambay) Audi Sport Team Abt Sportsline (Ekstrm, Green) Team members 55 Founded 1991 Partners Akrapovic , Audi ultra, AUTO TEST, Red Bull, Tag Heuer

DTM Racing Teams


BMW Team MTEK: re-launch with full thrust

Motorsport Track Engineering Knoors this is what the abbreviation MTEK stands for. The fourth and newest team of BMW in the DTM is led into the 2013 season by Ernest Knoors a great honour for the man who worked in Formula 1 for many years and celebrated successes with BMW Motorsport back then. But apart from the honour, the huge challenge is omnipresent as well. Its been a battle against the clock but now were looking forward to the ten races with feverish anticipation, says Knoors. The two drivers are new too. Timo Glock comes from Formula 1 while Marco Wittmann has been promoted from a BMW Motorsport test and development driver to a regular driver.

BMW Team MTEK Schleiheimer Strae 102 D-85748 Garching Phone +49 89 890555-900 Fax +49 89 890555-911

Drivers Timo Glock, Marco Wittmann Car BMW M3 DTM Team Director Ernest Knoors Team Manager Ernest Knoors Technical Director Ernest Knoors Race engineers Mark Hutcheson (Glock) Andrea Landi (Wittmann) Teams classication BMW Team MTEK (Glock, Wittmann) Team members 26 Founded 2012 Partners Ice-Watch, Deutsche Post AG Team history 2013 First season in motorsport

Ernest Knoors


DTM Racing Teams

BMW Team RBM: strong premiere

BMW Team RBM entered the DTM in 2012 with plenty of premature praise. After all, the Belgian racing team headed by its boss Bart Mampaey had won the European Touring Car Championship between 2004 and 2007 and the World Touring Car Championship three times with Andy Priaulx. In 2012 the team entered new territory in the DTM. Right in the second race at the Lausitzring Augusto Farfus started from the front row of the grid and nished third on the podium. Towards the end of the season the Brazilian crowned his brilliant debut season with two pole positions and victory at Valencia. In 2013 Farfus is again driving for BMW Team RBM. The American Joey Hand is his new team-mate.

BMW Team RBM Walschaertsstraat 2A B-2800 Mechelen Phone +32 1542 3000 Fax +32 1542 110

Drivers Augusto Farfus, Joey Hand Car BMW M3 DTM Team Director Bart Mampaey Team Manager Bart Mampaey Technical Director Bart Mampaey Race engineers Marc Giannone (Farfus) Ruggero Aprilletti (Hand) Teams classication BMW Team RBM (Farfus, Hand) Bart Mampaey Team members 26 Founded 1995 Partner Castrol EDGE Team history 1997 1st place 24 hour race Spa-Francorchamps (group N) 1998 1st place 24 hour race Spa-Francorchamps 1999 4th place 24 hour race Spa-Francorchamps 2002 6th place European Touring Car Championship 2003 3rd place European Touring Car Championship 2004 1st place European Touring Car Championship 2005 1st place World Touring Car Championship 2006 1st place World Touring Car Championship 2007 1st place World Touring Car Championship 2008 4th place World Touring Car Championship 2009 4th place World Touring Car Championship 2010 4th place World Touring Car Championship 2012 7th place DTM (6th place Teams Championship)

DTM Racing Teams


BMW Team RMG: ready for the second year

Despite the fact that BMW Team RMG 2012 was contesting its rst ever season in motorsport it quickly got its bearings in the DTM and did the number 1 emblazoned on the BMW M3 DTM car driven by Martin Tomczyk credit. After ten races, the tally reected three podium places and a fastest race lap. Those who know the racing team were not surprised, after all, Team Director Stefan Reinhold banked on expertise and experience at the highest level for lling all the jobs in his team. His employees come from GT racing, the World Rally Championship and Formula 1. In 2013 BMW Team RMG is starting into the season again with Martin Tomczyk. His new team-mate is Andy Priaulx.

BMW Team RMG Brohltalstrae D-56651 Niederzissen Phone +49 2636 8088-229 Fax +49 2636 8088-222

Drivers Andy Priaulx, Martin Tomczyk Car BMW M3 DTM Team Director Stefan Reinhold Team Manager Stefan Reinhold Technical Director Stefan Reinhold Race engineers Simon Cayzer (Priaulx) Olaf Bulgrin (Tomczyk) Teams classication BMW Team RMG (Priaulx, Tomczyk) Stefan Reinhold Team members 26 Founded 2010 Partners BMW M Performance Zubehr, Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts Team history 2012 8th place DTM (8th place Teams Championship)


DTM Racing Teams

BMW Team Schnitzer: the Champions

BMW Team Schnitzer is a true specialist for premieres in the DTM. In 1989 the squad based in Freilassing made its debut in the old DTM and with Roberto Ravaglia at the wheel of the BMW M3 immediately celebrated the title win. In 2012 the story repeated itself: together with BMW Motorsport Charly Lamm and his crew returned. But even the most loyal fans of the Upper-Bavarian squad would not have thought it possible that the season, after four victories and three pole positions, would end in the drivers and teams title wins. In 2013 BMW Team Schnitzer is again competing with last years Champion Bruno Spengler, and with Dirk Werner.

BMW Team Schnitzer Grlitzer Strae 2a D-83395 Freilassing Phone +49 8654 495-110 Fax +49 8654 663-18

Drivers Bruno Spengler, Dirk Werner Car BMW M3 DTM Team Director Charly Lamm Team Manager Charly Lamm Technical Director Charly Lamm Race engineers Valentino Conti (Spengler) Albert Lau (Werner) Teams classication BMW Team Schnitzer (Spengler, Werner) Team members 26 Team history 1983 1st place European Touring Car Championship 1985 1st place 24 hour race Spa-Francorchamps 1986 1st place European Touring Car Championship, 1st place 24 hour race Spa-Francorchamps 1987 1st place World Touring Car Championship 1988 1st place European Touring Car Championship, 1st place 24 hour race Spa-Francorchamps 1989 1st place DTM, 1st place 24 hour race Nrburgring, 1st place Italian Touring Car Championship 1990 1st place Italian Touring Car Championship, 1st place 24 hour race Spa-Francorchamps 1991 1st place 24 hour race Nrburgring 1993 1st place British Touring Car Championship 1994 1st place Japanese Touring Car Championship, 1st place ADAC Touring Car Cup 1995 1st place 24 hour race Spa-Francorchamps 1997 3rd place 24 hour race Le Mans, 2nd place FIA GT 1998 1st place STW 1999 1st place 24 hour race Le Mans, 1st place 12 hour race Sebring 2001 1st place American Le Mans Series (GT class) 2002 2nd place European Touring Car Championship 2003 2nd place European Touring Car Championship 2004 2nd place European Touring Car Championship, 1st place 24 hour race Nrburgring 2005 2nd place World Touring Car Championship, 1st place 24 hour race Nrburgring 2006 2nd place World Touring Car Championship 2007 4th place World Touring Car Championship 2008 6th place World Touring Car Championship 2009 3rd place World Touring Car Championship 2010 1st place 24 hour race Nrburgring 2011 2nd place 24 hour race Nrburgring, 2nd place Intercontinental Le Mans Cup (GTE Pro class) 2012 1st place DTM (1st place Teams Championship)

Charly Lamm Founded 1963 Partners BMW Bank, Samsung

DTM Racing Teams


HWA: the best team in DTM history

HWA is the racing department of AMG. It was spun off after DaimlerChrysler AG had acquired the majority of the AMG shares in January 1999. The company is responsible for the technology of all six DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup, thus including the cars of RSC Mcke Motorsport. During the season the teams consistently receive support from HWA in Affalterbach. In total, the HWA squad has won ten drivers titles for Mercedes-Benz: DTM 1992 and 1994 with Klaus Ludwig, DTM and ITC 1995 plus DTM 2000, 2001, 2003 and 2006 with Bernd Schneider and DTM 2005 with Gary Paffett as well as 2010 with Paul Di Resta.

HWA AG Benzstrae 8 D-71563 Affalterbach Phone +49 7144 8717-0 Fax +49 7144 8717-100

Drivers Roberto Merhi, Gary Paffett, Christian Vietoris, Robert Wickens Car DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup Team Director Gerhard Ungar Team Leader Axel Randolph Head of Motor Dietmar Kamczyk Head of Electronics Michael Khner Car chiefs Jonas Vanpachtenbeke (Merhi) Jrgen Eberhart (Paffett) Fabien Jung (Vietoris) Dennis Ngele (Wickens) Teams classications EURONICS/THOMAS SABO Mercedes AMG (Merhi/Paffett) Team history 1988 6th place DTM 1989 4th place DTM 1990 3rd place DTM (3rd place Teams Championship) 1991 2nd place DTM (1st place Teams Championship) 1992 1st place DTM (1st place Teams Championship) 1993 2nd place DTM (2nd place Teams Championship) 1994 1st place DTM (2nd place Teams Championship) 1995 1st place DTM and ITC (1st place DTM Teams Championship) 1996 2nd place ITC 1997 1st place Drivers and Teams Championship FIA GT 1998 1st place Drivers and Teams Championship FIA GT 2000 1st place DTM (1st place Teams Championship) 2001 1st place DTM (1st place Teams Championship) 2002 2nd place DTM (1st place Teams Championship) 2003 1st place DTM (1st place Teams Championship) 2004 2nd place DTM (2nd place Teams Championship) 2005 1st place DTM (1st place Teams Championship) 2006 1st place DTM (1st place Teams Championship) 2007 2nd place DTM (2nd place Teams Championship) 2008 2nd place DTM (1st place Teams Championship) 2009 2nd place DTM (1st place Teams Championship) 2010 1st place DTM (1st place Teams Championship) 2011 3rd place DTM (2nd place Teams Championship) 2012 2nd place DTM (2nd place Teams Championship)

Gerhard Ungar

STIHL/AMG Mercedes (Vietoris, Wickens) Team members 42 Founded 1967



DTM Racing Teams

RSC Mcke Motorsport: the talent incubator from Berlin

Peter Mckes former protgs have achieved successful motorsport careers. Six subsequent Formula 1 drivers Christian Klien, Robert Kubica, Sebastian Vettel, Markus Winkelhock, Sebastien Buemi and Sergio Prez previously raced in various junior classes for his team. The racing team from Berlin-Altglienicke entered the DTM in 2005. In 2006 and 2007 Mcke extended its commitment and elded three cars and then two in each of the two following years. In 2013 the former Formula 1 racer Ralf Schumacher has switched from the DTM cockpit to a role in the teams management. Two DTM rookies Daniel Juncadella and Pascal Wehrlein are taking the wheel.

Mcke Motorsport GmbH Korkedamm 6 D-12524 Berlin Phone +49 30 633130-70 Fax +49 30 633130-82

Drivers Daniel Juncadella, Pascal Wehrlein Car DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup Team Director Peter Mcke Technical Director Michael Weiss Car chiefs Michael Schauer (Juncadella) Sirko Kenawi (Wehrlein) Teams classication stern/AMG Mercedes (Juncadella, Wehrlein) Team members 25 Peter Mcke Founded 1998 Partners AMG, stern Team history 1998 1st place Formula BMW ADAC 2000 5th place German Formula 3 2001 2nd place German Formula 3 2002 7th place German Formula 3 2003 2nd place Formula 3 Euro Seriess, 1st place German Formula BMW, 1st place Formula 3 Masters Zandvoort 2004 1st place German Formula BMW, 7th place Formula 3 Euro Seriess 2005 18th place DTM (10th place Teams Championship), 5th place Formula 3 Euro Series 2006 12th place DTM (7th place Teams Championship), 9th place Formula 3 Euro Series 2007 13th place DTM (8th place Teams Championship), 2nd place Formula 3 Euro Series 2008 14th place DTM (8th place Teams Championship), 4th place Formula 3 Euro Series 2009 12th place DTM (8th place Teams Championship), 2nd place Formula 3 Euro Series 2010 15th place DTM (9th place Teams Championship), 5th place Formula 3 Euro Series 2011 13th place DTM (8th place Teams Championship), 4th place Formula 3 Euro Series, 1st place Formula 3 Masters Zandvoort 2012 15th place DTM (10th place Teams Championship)

DTM Racing Teams


Audi Sport Team Phoenix: big coup in 2011

In 2011 Audi Sport Team Phoenix managed a really big coup with Martin Tomczyk. For the rst time a team with a car that was not of the current generation triumphed in the DTM. In 2012 Audi Sport Team Phoenix again provided the best Audi driver in Mike Rockenfeller. Phoenix Racing was founded in 1999 and has continually been on the grid of the series since 2000 since 2006 as an Audi factory team. The DTM title has been its biggest success so far. In parallel to the DTM commitment, Phoenix Racing contests selected endurance races with the Audi R8 LMS ultra. In 2012 the team won in the endurance races at Bathurst, the Nrburgring and at Spa-Francorchamps.

Phoenix Racing GmbH Gottlieb-Daimler-Strae 28 D-53520 Meuspath Phone +49 2691 91099-0 Fax +49 2691 91099-11

Drivers Miguel Molina, Mike Rockenfeller Car Audi RS 5 DTM Team Director Ernst Moser Team Manager Dirk Theimann Technical Director, Performance Engineer Chris van Rutten Race engineers Laurent Fedacou (Molina) Jrgen Jungklaus (Rockenfeller) Teams classication Audi Sport Team Phoenix (Molina, Rockenfeller) Team members 26 Founded 1999 Partners Akrapovic , Audi RS 5, Schaefer, Tag Heuer Team history 2000 2nd place DTM (2nd place Teams Championship), 1st place 24 hour race Nrburgring 2001 9th place DTM (7th place Teams Championship) 2002 10th place DTM (6th place Teams Championship) 2003 7th place DTM (5th place Teams Championship), 1st place 24 hour race Nrburgring 2004 9th place DTM (6th place Teams Championship) 2005 8th place DTM (6th place Teams Championship) 2006 13th place DTM (8th place Teams Championship), 2nd place 24 hour race Spa-Francorchamps 2007 11th place DTM (7th place Teams Championship), 1st place 24 hour race Spa-Francorchamps 2008 10th place DTM (5th place Teams Championship) 2009 9th place DTM (6th place Teams Championship), 1st place FIA GT3 European Championship, 1st place Belgian GT3 Championship, 3rd place 24 hour race Spa-Francorchamps 2010 7th place DTM (6th place Teams Championship) 2011 1st place DTM (3rd place Teams Championship) 2012 4th place DTM (7th place Teams Championship) 1st place 24 hour race Nrburgring, 1st place 24 hour race Spa-Francorchamps, 1st place 12 hour race Bathurst

Ernst Moser


DTM Racing Teams

Audi Sport Team Rosberg: on the way towards the top

Two victories, a second place and a pole position 2012 was the most successful DTM season of Audi Sport Team Rosberg. For nearly two decades the team formed by the former Formula 1 World Champion Keke Rosberg has been celebrating successes in touring car sport. In the area of junior formula racing it attracted attention as well particularly in 2002 with the title win by Gary Paffett in the German Formula 3 Championship. Since 2006 Team Rosberg as an Audi factory has been exclusively been concentrating on the touring car sector again. In 2012 Team Director Arno Zensen brought in Ossi Oikarinen, a technology director with Formula 1 experience, to back him.

Team Rosberg GmbH Nachtweide 35 D-67433 Neustadt a.d. Weinstrae Phone +49 6321 9140 Fax +49 6321 914205

Drivers Filipe Albuquerque, Edoardo Mortara Car Audi RS 5 DTM Team Director Arno Zensen Team Manager Kimmo Liimatainen Team Coordinator Ramon Hmmerle Technical Director Ossi Oikarinen Race engineers Karl Jennings (Albuquerque) Erich Baumgrtner (Mortara) Arno Zensen Teams classication Audi Sport Team Rosberg (Albuquerque, Mortara) Team history 1995 3rd place DTM (6th place Teams Championship), 14th place ITC 1996 5th place ITC 2000 7th place DTM (7th place Teams Championship) 2001 15th place DTM (8th place Teams Championship), 6th place German Formula 3 2002 12th place DTM (8th place Teams Championship), 1st place German Formula 3, 1st place Formula BMW ADAC 2003 11th place DTM (7th place Teams Championship), 8th place Formula 3 Euro Series 2004 4th place Formula 3 Euro Series 2005 9th place Formula 3 Euro Series 2006 10th place DTM (6th place Teams Championship) 2007 12th place DTM (9th place Teams Championship) 2008 11th place DTM (7th place Teams Championship) 2009 10th place DTM (7th place Teams Championship), 2nd place FIA GT3 European Championship (3rd place Teams Championship) 2010 12th place DTM (8th place Teams Championship) 2011 9th place DTM (6th place Teams Championship) 2012 5th place DTM (4th place Teams Championship), 12th place ADAC GT Masters

Team members 30 Founded 1994 Partners Akrapovic , Audi Financial Services, Playboy, quattro GmbH


DTM Technical

Before after The rear wing of Timo Glocks car pictured left is in the normal position, and right in a diagonal position using DRS

A lot of time-tested features plus a few innovations

The new DTM regulations that were introduced last year apply again in the 2013 season. From a technical perspective most of the parameters have remained unchanged. The innovations though are striking

hat BMW on its return last year won all the DTM titles can be ascribed to the strong performances of the BMW teams and drivers, but the newly introduced Technical Regulations have played a part in this as well. The regulations were drafted on the premises of Safety, Cost Control, Show and Equality of Opportunities. All of these aspects were fully met in the past season. For the 2013 season the Technical Regulations largely remain the same. The drivers continue to rely on the specication safety structures that protect them in case of an accident. In addition to the six crash elements at the sides, front and rear, the combination of a specication monocoque and cage with an integrated safety thank provides even better protection. The seat similar to Formula 1 cars is installed in the carbon bre monocoque that is connected to a roll-over cage made of high-strength steel. In the DTM

other specication components are used in areas that are not relevant to performance. These parts are limited to around 50 items which, in total, account for about ve per cent of all assembly components. The room for development in the areas of aerodynamics, the suspension and the engine thus continues to be large enough to allow clearly unique characteristics. For the 2013 season the fans in particular can look forward to a number of new features. Especially the option tyres from Hankook and the Drag Reduction System (DRS) will add a further thrill, as both innovations offer better overtaking opportunities and allow greater variances in race strategies. Other changes to the regulations are as follows: In the fourth and last qualifying segment new tyres may be used. In addition, the teams after Saturdays qualifying have to determine and announce the tyres they will be using for the race start.

DTM Technical


Key elements of the Technical Regulations

Brakes The carbon bre brakes, brake pads and brake callipers are supplied by the same manufacturer (AP) to all teams. Per vehicle three sets of brake discs for the front and rear wheels may be used during a season. DRS The Drag Reduction System (DRS) is a wing ap that allows a higher top speed to be achieved for a short time. As of the 2013 season this system is to make for better overtaking possibilities. Electronics All DTM vehicles use the same engine control unit from Bosch. Data transmission while the vehicle is running on track is prohibited. Engines In the DTM only V8 engines with a cylinder bank angle of 90 degrees, a maximum displacement of four litres and a maximum of four valves per cylinder are permitted. The intake system must be equipped with two air restrictors each having a maximum diameter of 28 mm. Two weeks before the start of the season three engines for two registered entrants, respectively, are sealed. These engines must be used throughout the season. A DTM engine delivers roughly 500 hp. Fuel Only the fuel prescribed for the respective event (ARAL Ultimate 102) may be used. Gearbox In the DTM only one gearbox-differential unit made by Hewland is permitted.

Handicraft A Mercedes mechanic at work on a DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup

Safety In the cockpit the driver is surrounded by an innovative combination consisting of a standard monocoque and cage. In addition, each vehicle has crash structures on both sides and at the front and rear. The HANS (Head and Neck Support) system has been mandatory since 2002. Tyres The tyres are exclusively supplied by the series partner Hankook. At the front, Ventus 300/680 18 are used, the dimensions for the rear wheels are 320/710 18. Strictly for the race a set of softer option tyres is available that has to be used once. After qualifying the teams have to announce which of the two tyre types they will start the race with. Weight The minimum weight of a DTM car including the driver, suit and helmet is 1,110 kilograms.

Exposed A look inside the exhaust system of the engine of a BMW M3 DTM


DTM Technical

New name, optimized details: the Audi RS 5 DTM

The Audi RS 5 DTM which has been developed at Audi Sport under the internal project name R17 corresponds to the new Technical Regulations of the DTM that came into effect in the 2012 season and that will apply to the Japanese Super GT Championship as of 2014 as well. Those responsible for the project had three prerequisites to meet: the best possible safety of the vehicles, a cost reduction by up to 40 per cent and a spectacular look. The Audi RS 5 DTM appears atter and wider than the A4 DTM with which Audi won ve titles from 2004 to 2011. The chassis underneath the full-carbon body is of a hybrid design. The combination of the carbon bre monocoque and steel cage with front, rear and side crash elements sets standards for a race touring car in terms of safety. Furthermore, the chassis, with a mere weight of not quite 160 kilograms, is one of around 50 assembly components which are identical on all DTM cars. The use of carry-over parts made it possible to achieve a cost reduction of up to 40 per cent while further increasing the safety and attractiveness of the DTM vehicles. The RS 5 DTM is powered by an Audi V8 engine delivering around 340 kW (460 hp). The six-speed gearbox is pneumatically operated by paddle shifters on the steering wheel. Integrated into the safety cell of the Audi RS 5 DTM is a 120-litre safety tank that allows the distance of a DTM race to be completed without a refuelling stop. The possibilities in the area of aerodynamics are limited. Air ow through the body, as was the case with the A4 DTM, and complex additional wings at the rear are no longer allowed. This made the visual reference to the production model more evident while, at the same time, the new DTM vehicles react less sensitively to body contact and deliver better slipstream. Upon the homologation of the vehicle at the level of the last race of the 2012 season the latitude for the engineers was reduced even more. As further development was possible only to a very limited extent the focus was placed on detailed ne-tuning. Therefore, the t of the body parts was optimised in order to avoid gaps and transition areas that would impair the drag coefcient.

DTM Technical


BMW M3 DTM the 2012 Champion

To guarantee equality of opportunity among the manufacturers and to thus ensure both cost control and thrilling racing the DTM Regulations permit any further development of the vehicles after their homologation only within tight constraints. Therefore, the fact that the BMW M3 DTM 2012 immediately proved to be a success model on which BMW Motorsport was able to build in preparation for the 2013 season was all the more important. With great condence in the car that won all three titles in the DTM the year before the engineers primarily focused on the robustness of the BMW M3 DTM. In a series as ercely competitive as the DTM the consequences of a retirement are particularly serious. For this reason, the vehicles have to withstand even rough duels undamaged. The BMW M3 DTM is powered by the BMW P66 engine. In its nal specication it is made up of nearly 800 different components. In total, this equates to around 3,900 single parts. When designing the DTM power-plant, BMW Motorsport made use of the technological know-how of the BMW Group in several respects. The hightech foundry that is an annex to the BMW plant Landshut contributed the major cast parts such as the cylinder head and the crankcase. Machining, coating and the required thermal treatment of the cast parts were accomplished at the relevant special departments in Munich.


DTM Technical

The DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup

Mercedes-Benz is elding six vehicles of the DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup model in the 2013 season. The car was unveiled in September 2011 during the International Motor Show IAA in Frankfurt. Gary Paffett and Jamie Green achieved a one-two victory in the debut race of the new DTM car from Mercedes-Benz at Hockenheim in 2012. In total, the DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup took nine podium places, including three victories, in its rst season. The DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup is the successor of the AMG Mercedes C-Class which, with 85 victories in 159 races, is the most successful vehicle in the DTMs 27-year history. Development, design and construction of the DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup began at HWA AG in June 2010. The assembly of the rst chassis took place in June 2011, followed by the rst car being nished in August and the rst test with Gary Paffett at the Lausitzring in early September. On 1 March 2012 the DTM vehicles of the three participating manufacturers were homologated by the German Motorsport Association (DMSB) and thus the development was in large part frozen. The DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup was designed according to an improved safety concept the centrepiece of which is an innovative safety cell. It includes an optimised carbon bre monocoque plus a roll-over cage made of high-strength steel. For better protection of the driver in an accident, all safety-relevant components such as the re extinguishing system and the tank have been integrated into the carbon bre chassis. Furthermore, each car is equipped with six crash absorbers that provide additional protection to the driver at the front, rear and sides. These carbon bre crash elements (front and rear: 61 cm, sides: 30 cm) progressively reduce the energy that occurs in an impact so that the driver is not exposed to excessive deceleration forces. Simultaneously, other components dissipate the forces being generated in a targeted manner. The DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup is based on the Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coup that celebrated its world debut in summer of 2011. The C-Class Coup completes the top-selling model range of Mercedes-Benz and is available with a selection of seven engines, two diesel and two petrol versions, covering a range between 115 kW (156 hp) and 373 kW (507 hp). The C-Class Coup is produced at the Mercedes-Benz plant Bremen. It is the fourth model marking a premiere at Daimler to be manufactured on a single assembly line together with the saloon car and the T-Model plus the GLK.

DTM Technical


Technical data of the cars

Aerodynamics Specication rear wing: mono-wing with laminated gurney. Inclination adjustable from 0 to 20. Special diffusors, front and rear. Underoor with 30 mm high skid block. Two permissible areas for aps at the vehicles front end Base weight (incl. driver) 1,110 kg Brakes Hydraulic dual-circuit braking system, light alloy brake callipers, ventilated carbon bre brake discs front and rear, brake force distribution continually variable by the driver Chassis Directly connected to the carbon bre monocoque is a roll cage of high-strength steel; CFRP crash elements on the side, front and rear Cubic capacity Max. 4,000 cc Driveline Rear-wheel drive, 4-plate CFRP clutch, sequential 6-speed sport gearbox, adjustable multi-plate limited-slip differential, constant-velocity tripod slip-joint shafts Engine V8 aspirated engine, 90 degree cylinder angle, four valves per cylinder, air restricted to 2 x 28 mm by regulations Engine management Bosch MS 5.1 Fuel tank capacity 118 litres Length/width/height Length: 4,650 mm (excluding rear wing) Width: 1,950 mm Height: 1,150 mm (measured from identical reference plane) Output Approx. 500 hp Steering Servo-assisted rack and pinion steering Suspension Independent suspension front and rear, doublewishbone suspension, pushrod system with spring-damper unit, adjustable gas pressure dampers Torque Approx. 500 Nm Track width Max. 1,950 mm Wheelbase 2,750 mm Wheels/tyres Hankook Ventus, front: 300/680 18, rear: 320/710 18, forged aluminium wheels, front: 12 x 18 inches, rear: 13 x 18 inches, two different rubber compounds: standard tyres and option tyres


DTM Sporting Regulations

Transparent regulations
A thrilling race format ensures that the DTM delivers captivating sport to its fans. A carefully thought-out set of rules provides neutrality and transparency

Key elements of the Sporting Regulations

Accident data logger All current-generation vehicles have to be equipped with an accident data logger. The contenders are required to enable the Technical Stewards to read the standardized data loggers at any time. Classications There are three annual classications in the DTM. The title DTM Champion is awarded to the driver who has achieved the highest points score. The title DTM Team Champion is awarded to the team whose two drivers, in the aggregate, have scored the highest number of points. For the title DTM Manufacturer Champion, the six top drivers of a brand who nished a race in the top ten are counted. DRS The Drag Reduction System (DRS) is a wing ap that allows a higher top speed to be achieved for a short time. As of the 2013 season this system is to make for better overtaking possibilities. The system is activated when, at the start and nish line, the gap to the preceding vehicle is less than two seconds. On the subsequent lap the system may be used once at any optional place on the race track and is automatically deactivated when the driver depresses the brake pedal. On the rst three laps after the start or following a safety car period and on the last three laps before the nish DRS may not be used. Mandatory pit stops Every DTM race includes two mandatory pit stops at which all four tyres have to be changed. Refuelling has no longer been permitted since the 2012 season. Points system Points for places one to ten of a DTM race are awarded according to the 25-1815-12-10-8-6-4-2-1 system. There are no void results or additional points for the pole position or fastest race lap.

Off they go After the standing start every driver looks for the best line

DTM Sporting Regulations


to avoid races being stopped. When the order to deploy the safety car is issued, all marshals wave yellow ags through the end of the safety car period, along with a sign saying SC. The safety car goes out on the track with its lights on and moves in front of the leading car. Overtaking is prohibited.
Innovation As of this season, in addition to the standard, there is also an option tyre from Hankook

Speed limit During the entire event the maximum permissible speed in the pit lane is 80 km/h. Exceptions apply to particularly narrow pit lanes like those at the Norisring, Zandvoort and Brands Hatch (each limited to 60 km/h). Start The DTM uses standing start procedures. The starting grid lines up in offset rows. The start is preceded by a formation lap, which means that the racing cars drive one lap around the circuit in the order of the grid positions before the ofcial race start. On the formation lap the drivers warm up their tyres and brakes to operating temperature. Overtaking is prohibited. Tests The number of test days is limited in the DTM. Even taxi runs, camera runs and functional tests have to be registered with the DMSB. Tyres Every driver, for the entire DTM race weekend, consisting of free practice, qualifying and the race, can only use a specied number of Hankook Ventus slicks and rain tyres. The tyres are allotted to the entrants by the Technical Stewards on the rst day of the event (typically on Friday). A set of softer options tyres, which has to be used once, is available strictly for the race. After qualifying, the teams have to announce which of the two tyre types they want to start the race with.

Qualifying The qualifying format features a multistage mode. The drivers compete for their grid positions in four sessions (Q1 to Q4). In Q1 of the shoot-out all 22 drivers have 16 minutes to complete an optional number of fast qualifying laps. The quickest 16 contenders qualify for session two; the slowest six occupy grid positions 17 to 22. In Q2 the drivers chase for fastest times in eleven minutes. The top ten move up into the third session while the others occupy grid positions eleven to 16. In Q3 the drivers are again given eleven minutes to do their laps. The slowest six occupy grid positions ve to ten and the four quickest drivers qualify for the fourth session the format of which differs from the rst sessions. The top four consecutively compete in single timed runs consisting of an out lap, a time lap and an in lap and start in reverse order of the fastest times set in session three. The times set in the time laps determine grid positions one to four. The quickest driver in this session claims the pole position. Race interruption A DTM race is no longer stopped even in the case of serious incidents. The race is merely interrupted in such a way that the vehicles stop in a row behind the race leader in front of the nish line. The safety car is used to resume the race. It leads the racing cars around the track for one lap; at the end of this lap the race is opened again at the starting line and continued in the normal manner. Safety car The manufacturers competing in the DTM take turns providing the safety car. It is used

Coveted In addition to the trophy for the drivers title, there are trophies for the best team and the best manufacturer to be won


DTM Sporting Regulations

The 2013 qualifying format

22 21 20 19 18 17
7-minute break

Contenders all Duration 16 minutes Laps optional Qualied the quickest 16


11 minutes

15 14 13 12 11

Contenders 16 Duration 11 minutes Laps optional Qualied the quickest 10

8-minute break


11 minutes

09 08 07 06 05

Contenders 10 Duration 11 minutes Laps optional Qualied the quickest 4

8-minute break

1 timed lap

04 03 02 01

Contenders 4 Duration Laps 1 timed lap Pole position the quickest

1 Drivers, in the reverse order of the fastest times posted in session 3, contest single timed runs consisting of an out lap, a time lap and an in lap. They separately start in succession from the pit lane.

Qualifying 4 (Q4)

Qualifying 3 (Q3)

Qualifying 2 (Q2)

Qualifying 1 (Q1)

16 minutes



ITR e.V.

The people behind the DTM

The DTM is the most popular international touring car series. The responsibility for organisation and marketing of the series rests with the ITR e. V. (International Touring Car Races) based in Wiesbaden. The DTM umbrella organisation represents the interests of the car manufacturers involved in the DTM, coordinates the planning, organisation and staging of the DTM events and is responsible for marketing and public relations of the racing series. In conjunction with the German Motorsport Federation (DMSB), the ITR offers the manufacturers involved and the series partners a motorsport platform that is widely recognized and accepted by the general public, with an outstanding cost/ benet ratio. At the same time, it assures that the

Long track record The DTM has been in existence since the 1984 season

DTM represents a reliable entity in the international motorsport business and remains transparent and thrilling for the spectators with a clearly dened set of Technical and Sporting Regulations. The ITR is committed to the philosophy of turning classical racing events into a fun-lled weekend experience for the whole family, which offers more than pure motorsport. The ITR is represented by a ve-member executive board headed by Chairman Hans Werner Aufrecht and by the ITR advisory board comprising the heads of motorsport of the manufacturers involved in the DTM. In addition, the ITR is responsible for marketing the FIA European Formula 3 Championship.

ITR e.V.


Decision makers The ve members of the ITR e.V. executive board are responsible for different areas


ITR e.V.
Hans Werner Aufrecht (Chairman) Hans Werner Aufrecht was President of the old and is Chairman of the new DTM. His name stands for the success story of AMG, for rened, sporty Mercedes cars as well as for six DTM Champions titles. After having sold the majority interest in AMG to Daimler AG in 1999 he founded HWA GmbH as an independent racing department which he converted into a public limited company in 2007. Since then, he has completely retired from day-to-day business and dedicates all his energy to the DTM.

Dr Thomas Betzler (Deputy Chairman) Thomas Betzler has a doctorate in law. Since 1978 he has been working as a lawyer and notary in Wiesbaden and looks back on a racing career as well. From 1968 to 1977 he contested circuit races and in 1970 he was the runner-up in the championship with Renault Alpine. Therefore, specialising in sport law and working with motorsport committees were natural choices. On the ITR board Dr Betzler handles legal and nancial matters. Im committed to the DTM with my heart and soul, he says and concurrently runs a 20-member law rm. Walter Mertes (Board Member for Marketing/Sponsoring) As founder and managing director of wm GmbH, Walter Mertes has been engaged in motorsport sponsoring for over 20 years. Among other things, Mertes and his agency are responsible for marketing racing series, events, teams and drivers. In the DTM, Walter Mertes looks back on such roles as driver, starter and safety steward. Now, as a board member, he is responsible for marketing the series and supporting its partners.

Hans-Jrgen Abt (Executive Board Member, Sport and Special Assignments) Hans-Jrgen Abt is a team director and the managing director of Abt Sportsline GmbH. The company headquartered in the Allgu region of Bavaria has around 160 employees and is the worlds leading tuner for the brands of the Volkswagen Group as well as a development site for high-performance vehicles. The successful tradition of the racing team spans more than half a century. On the board of ITR e.V. Hans-Jrgen Abt, among other things, is responsible for the DTMs marketing activities.

ITR e.V.


Jrgen Pippig (Executive Board Member, Public Relations) Since April 2005 Jrgen Pippig has been in charge of the motorsport communications department of AUDI AG. Prior to assuming this post, the professional journalist, who completed an internship with a Northern German daily paper and calls himself a genuine racer, was working for Porsche. There, he was initially responsible for the customer magazine, Christophorus, and from 1990 for the sports press as well as, from 1996, for the product press department. Since December 2005 Pippig has been responsible for the DTMs public relations activities on the ITR e.V. executive board. Dr Wolfgang Ullrich (Advisory Board Member) With a PhD in engineering sciences, Dr Wolfgang Ullrich possesses a solid background. Before becoming head of motorsport at AUDI AG, the native of Vienna worked in the research and development departments of various companies in the automotive industry. Since November 1993 he has been heading the Audi Sport department of AUDI AG and is thus responsible for the commitment in the DTM and for sports prototype racing. DrWolfgang Ullrich has led the brand with the four rings to all of its eleven Le Mans victories and to ve DTM titles clinched so far. Jens Marquardt (Advisory Board Member) As motorsport director, Jens Marquardt has been responsible for all racing projects of the BMW brand since July 2011. After studying aerospace engineering he turned to automotive engineering right at the beginning of his professional career. From 1996 to 2000 he worked in development projects for Formula 1 and CART engines before assuming responsibility in various roles in Toyotas Formula 1 project. He describes being at the helm of BMW Motorsport as his dream job and the triple title in the 2012 comeback season as motorsport history. Toto Wolff (Advisory Board Member) After a short career as an amateur racer in which he achieved endurance racing victories Toto Wolff founded the invest rm Marchfteen in 1998 and Marchsixteen in 2004, with a focus on strategic investments in medium-sized industrial companies and publicly quoted companies. This included HWA AGs going public. Wolff has been a member of the supervisory board of HWA AG. Since 2013 he has been responsible for the entire factorybacked motorsport commitment of Mercedes-Benz.


DTM Partners

Umbrella organisation for the motorsport community

Sporting competitions require rules and referees who monitor compliance. In German motorsport, the DMSB (Deutscher Motor Sport Bund) performs this role. It issues racing and track licences, trains sport stewards and marshals, denes regulations and thus assures fair, safe and thrilling motorsport. The association also denes itself as a service provider to all those who are involved in motorsport. This is particularly evident in the DTM. The Technical Regulations were dened in long-term and constructive collaboration with the participating car manufacturers and ITR e.V. An outstanding example among a multitude of details are the safety features of the new DTM generation: monocoque and safety cage, crash elements at the front, rear and sides are of an identical design for all DTM cars and ensure superior protection also by international comparison. The DMSB experts were instrumental in developing and subjecting them to extensive crash tests. The success of the cooperation has also been convincing on an international level. As a result of a collaborative relationship between the ITR, the DMSB and the Japanese Automobile Association JAF the popular Japanese Super GT will adopt the DTM Regulations as of 2014. In the United States the racing cars are to be elded in races featuring the style of the most popular international touring car series as of 2015 as well. Protecting the interests of German motor racers at all public and sporting levels is another one of the DMSBs responsibilities. As the national umbrella organisation, the DMSB is a member of the FIA (Fdration Internationale de lAutomobile) and the FIM (Fdration Internationale de Motocyclisme). In Germany, it represents the interests of motor racers as a member of the DOSB (Deutscher Olym pischer Sportbund).

DTM Partners


ADAC a proven partner of the DTM

Here we are. ADACs motto applies to the partnership with the DTM as well. Since 2011 the worlds second-largest automobile club has been involved in the DTM in manifold ways. It is not only a partner but also the sporting organiser of all German DTM races through its local and regional clubs. But ADAC not only stands for top-calibre sport but also for a broad motorsport base. ADAC Motorsport with its regional and local clubs organises around 3,400 events across Germany every year. The current calendar with top-calibre, junior and club sport again features numerous highlights in 2012: ADAC Rallye Deutschland from 22 to 25 August, which as the German round of the FIA World Rally Championship takes place in the media city Cologne for the rst time and is traditionally held around Trier. With seven German entrants the German Grand Prix at the Sachsenring from 12 to 14 July 2013 is the pinnacle event of motorcycle racing. Other highlights are the Int. ADAC Truck Grand Prix, the ADAC 24-hour race and the eight ADAC GT Masters weekends with the 16 races being broadcast live on kabel eins, the ofcial Motocross Team World Championship at Teutschenthal, the Motocross World Championship round at the Lausitzring, the ADAC X Masters Series, the ADAC Rallye Masters with the new ADAC OPEL Rallye Cup and the ADAC Formel Masters plus numerous motorboat races. The promotion of young talent is another high priority. Whether rally, kart or formula, motorcycle circuit or motocross racing: with its more than 18.5 million members ADAC is the ideal place to turn to for any talent. The ADAC Sport Foundation, as well, is active in promoting young racers, and in the eld of safety. In 2004, for example, the ADAC Sport Foundation supported the subsequent three-time Formula 1 World Champion Sebastian Vettel.


DTM Partners

The best of Aral for the DTM and its fans

Since the middle of the 2005 season the DTM has been powered by Aral Ultimate relying on the power of the high-performance fuel supplied by the market leader in the German lling station business. Since Arals entry as exclusive fuel supplier and sponsor, the racing cars competing in the DTM and its partner series have only been using Aral Ultimate petrol. Since 2010 the DTM has even been running with a unique innovation: Aral Ultimate 102 with 102 octanes. The advanced fuel like the crystal-clear Aral Ultimate Diesel fuel developed in a parallel project sets new, pioneering benchmarks in terms of combining performance with environmental protection not only in the engines of the DTM racers. At their lling stations, Aral customers get the same fuel as the DTM stars. Aral Ultimate fuels assure better performance, clean combustion, less fuel consumption and reduced emissions. This has only been possible because the fuel researchers at Aral pursued new approaches and developed completely new fuels, which are currently produced in only one renery and supplied to Aral lling stations via a separate logistics arrangement. Consequently, Arals high-performance fuel meets another wish of the DTM engineers: standard levels of high quality throughout the season. This enables the teams to attune their engines precisely to the fuel, and the drivers have the full potential of their vehicles at their disposal on the track. Thrilling races are thus again guaranteed in 2013. Aral Ultimate wishes all DTM teams and fans a successful 2013 season.

DTM Partners


The DTM drives with engine management from Bosch

As in previous years, Bosch is a DTM partner again in 2013. The successful cooperation between the automotive supplier and the racing series far exceeds a normal sponsoring commitment. The DTM vehicles have complex racing technology from Bosch on board: all the racing cars used in the series are equipped with engine control units and displays from Bosch. Boschs engine control units for racing and engine management software allow individual adjustments to be made of numerous parameters and data analyses of laps driven. This gives the engineers of the race teams the possibility to compare the results of various adjustments for quick and pinpoint performance of engine settings and suspension set-ups. Furthermore, the display instrument in the cockpit that supplies the drivers with key vehicle information during the race is from Bosch as well. The DTM cars also use numerous other Bosch products such as sensors, spark plugs, starters and generators. Not only in the DTM but also at the 24 Hours of LeMans as well as in the Le Mans racing series in Europe and the USA, Bosch technology is successfully at work. Since 2006 vehicles with diesel direct injection from Bosch with their victories have been turning the ideas of many motorists upside down at least with respect to diesel. And when in 2012 an Audi R18 e-tron quattro with diesel hybrid drive won the legendary race at Le Mans for the rst time Bosch technology was on board as well. Bosch equipped the cars with the common rail injection system and the motor generator unit (MGU). The MGU electrically feeds the energy recovered during braking events into a ywheel accumulator and drives the front axle of the racing car using two electric motors during acceleration. Motorsport has a long tradition at Bosch, as automotive technology by Bosch has been helping racers to clinch victories since shortly after 1900.


DTM Partners

DEKRA partner of motorsport

The partnership between the DTM and DEKRA goes back a long way. DEKRA, one of the worlds leading expert organisations, has been part of the grid since 1989 which makes it the epitome of a traditional DTM partner. From the outset, the collaboration has been focused on the safety of the racing vehicles and thus their drivers. As ofcial technical partner of the DTM, DEKRA provides the technical stewards for the racing events whose activities, though, are not limited to trackside scrutineering. DEKRAs experts have always been involved in developing and rening the regulations as well. This particularly applied to the completely revised, forward-thinking set of regulations that came into effect in 2012, which rang in a new era with even more spectacular DTM vehicles. In 2013 the DEKRA logo prominently displayed on the car numbers again visualises DEKRAs commitment as a series sponsor. For Dekra, safety is the top priority in motorsport as well. Solutions that have been found there have repeatedly made their way into automotive engineering and have thus helped to increase safety in the area of personal mobility as well, says Clemens Klinke, Chairman of the Management Board of DEKRA Automobil GmbH and Member of the Management Board of DEKRA SE. With more than 28,000 employees, DEKRA is featured as an innovative and internationally leading service company in the automotive, general industrials and HR sectors.

DTM Partners


Deutsche Post full speed into the new season

Since the beginning of the 2008 season Deutsche Post the German Postal Service has been supporting the DTM as a series partner. Like the popular touring car series, Deutsche Post stands for speed, dynamism, innovation and team spirit. As a modern communication services provider, the company delivers top performance on a daily basis. Every day, postmen and -women assure the safe delivery of over 70 million letters to their intended recipients. In terms of reliability and speed Deutsche Post achieves top marks on an international scale. More than 95 per cent of all domestic letters are delivered within one day. The Germany-wide network of branch ofces and the work of over 80,000 postmen and women across the country give customers the best possible assurance of receiving reliable mail service. This way, Deutsche Post underlines its claim of being the Postal Service for Germany. The company has been active in motorsport for many years. Since 2004 the Deutsche Post SPEED ACADEMY has been assisting young, talented drivers in making their way into professional racing. Every season the candidates ght a remote duel for the Motorsport Talent of the Year title and a total sponsoring budget of 240,000 euros. A professional judging panel consisting of racing and media experts evaluates the sporting and personal performances of the drivers. The experts, for example, include Timo Glock, DTM driver and ex-formula 1 racer, motor sport legend Hans-Joachim Stuck, DTM legend Klaus Ludwig, sports ofcial Hermann Tomczyk and MrFormula 1 Kai Ebel. Through its DTM commitment, Deutsche Post expands its active support of motorsport in Germany.


DTM Partners

Hankook@DTM even more grip for the next lap

Driving emotion has always been the motto of premium tyre manufacturer Hankook. The DTMs exclusive tyre partner now for the third year in addition to the current Ventus Race tyre generation that is perfectly attuned to the spectacular race cars, is bringing an additional option variant to the grid for the 2013 season, marking a premiere in DTM history. With the sizes being identical 300/680 R 18 for the front and 320/710 R 18 for the rear wheels the new Ventus Race Plus slick that can be recognised by its unique sidewall design will enable clearly faster lap times for a dened period of time and thus make for additional spectacular overtaking manoeuvres on the race tracks. Hankooks DTM racing tyres are packed with absolute high-end technology and always provide the drivers with the right, consistently powerful tyres for racing at the highest level. Off the track, as well, quality and performance are always Hankooks top priorities. The company makes above-average investments in research and development. Any driver can personally experience the results in the ultimate Ventus V12 evo, S1 evo road-going tyre models and the high-end agship S1 evo that was completely developed based on DTM racing technology. As one of the manufacturers with the strongest global growth, Hankook develops and produces innovative, tailor-made tyres for passenger cars, SUVs/4x4s, vans, light trucks, motorhomes, trucks and buses in Europe and worldwide. In addition to the premium manufacturers involved in the DTM, Audi, BMW and Mercedes-Benz, the companys customers include many other internationally leading automobile manufacturers.

DTM Partners

103 everything for my car

As of the 2013 season kfzteile24 is a new series partner of the DTM. The cooperation with the most popular international touring car series underlines the claim to which kfzteile24 is committed: to be number one in the online business. As one of the leading full-range online stores in the eld of automotive spare parts and accessories the motto everything for my car is a thread that runs through the entire company and is consistently put into action. The Berlin-based company lives cars. kfzteile24 always puts its central focus on the customer. Due to the comprehensive product range and fast, reliable processing of all customer inquiries up to 6,500 parcels are shipped from the Berlin warehouse daily, with constant attention being paid to consistent top quality of the products and their delivery. A large number of suppliers and OEMs in the automotive industry reward this commitment as well, with some of them having opted for kfzteile24 as the only online store to be supplied by them directly. The company from Berlin is not a total newcomer to motorsport either. In 2012 it became Champion in the ADAC GT Masters with the 24 MS RACING team. Furthermore, Mr Pit Lane, Kai Ebel, has been lending his face to the Berlin-based company as a testimonial for the brand. In addition to the DTM, the company from Berlin has a commitment in the DTMs partner series, the FIA European Formula 3 Championship, this season where Team kfzteile24 Mcke Motorsport is elding four vehicles. kfzteile24 very much looks forward to its rst year as a partner of the most popular international touring car series and wishes all teams, drivers and fans of the DTM a fantastic 2013 season.


DTM Digital

The DTM in bits & bytes

The DTM has long adapted to the digital age. The most popular international touring car series offers its fans added value on a wide range of channels. The ofcial website covers the gamut of fans wishes again in the 14th year of its existence. There are daily news and comprehensive information on the drivers, teams, vehicles and manufacturers. The statistics section is continually updated. Those who would like to experience the DTM on location can book tickets, specifying the exact seat, for all ten races. In addition, the online shop offers a convenient ordering facility for the current range of merchandising products. A practical innovation is the integration of on With that, motorsport fans can now nd all the information including extensive video footage on a central platform and for many of the texts can directly access the corresponding videos. Since 2008 has been airing lms and reports about the DTM that feature a lot of variety. With an online programme guide viewers maintain an overview of all the contents. The programme of covers a wide range of subjects: background reports on the drivers and race reports can be accessed at any time just as well as stories featuring stars and starlets off the race track. is produced by the Munich production company ByLauterbach. Brand new on the worldwide web is the DTMowned YouTube channel ( on which the fans can access exclusive video footage. After just two and a half weeks the mark of 10,000 subscribers was broken. In many countries, qualifying and the race are additionally available by live streaming. Telephones are a thing of the past now smartphones and tablet PCs are in. is being followed by more than 126,000 fans. The ofcial DTM app is available for downloading from iPhone, iPad, Android smartphone and Android tablet stores. The apps highlight is the live area with live timing, live streaming and a live ticker. The digital Event Guide is designed for motorsport enthusiasts who are unable to travel to the race tracks but still want to be comprehensively informed about current events. Right in time for every race, the current issue for the iPad is available for downloading free of charge. At all German DTM rounds DTM News am Sonntag which can be downloaded for free on www.dtm. com, reports about the on-track and behind-thescenes action.

DTM Print


The DTM on paper

For some, they are collectors items while others use them as a source of information in any case, they are pretty to look at. Due to the wide range of available DTM print materials there is something of interest to every big and small fan. Practically a must-have for every DTM race is the DTM Event Guide. This compact programme book contains all the necessary information for the weekend: time schedule, list of entrants, statistics, regulatory explanations plus exciting background stories about drivers, teams, technology and history. Special sections are also dedicated to the ofcial DTM partner series, the Formula 3 Euro Series, the Porsche Carrera Cup and the Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup. For avid readers, there is the DTM Yearbook, which summarises an entire DTM season in text and pictures, including an extensive statistics section, on 112 pages. Hot off the press is the new edition of DTM THE STORY. On 256 pages this ofcial chronicle tells the story of the most popular international touring car series from 1984 to 2012, accompanied by fascinating photographs from all eras. At the same time, it enables readers to take a peek behind the scenes of todays DTM, which offers a unique mix of sport and show. With less text but equally useful are the two DTM print classics. The autograph booklet is exactly the right tool for capturing the coveted signatures of the DTM stars, while the high-gloss calendar with its breath-taking pictures provides an attractive wall-hanging for the homes of DTM fans every year. All the products are published by Adrenalin Verlag and can be purchased online at as well as in the DTM shops at every DTM race track.


ARD Chartshow

German superstar Tim Bendzko sings the ofcial 2013 DTM song Ich steh nicht mehr still

ARD provides live music

In addition to the typical motorsport sound of screeching tyres, roaring engines and rattling power wrenches, DTM fans are treated to the sound of music at most German venues. ARD always invites high-calibre artists to perform on its stage. Live concerts have included performances by Mando Diao, Shne Mannheims and Tim Bendzko, among others. The ARD Chartshow is always staged on Sunday during the pit walk. All fans with a valid paddock tickets are admitted.


Be one with your tyres, and the road will be one with you.

Rather than rest on all our accolades from major automotive magazines, we prefer to focus on how to continually improve the dynamic handling, eco-friendly technology and overall stability of our tyres. Reinventing the wheel is how we see it.


DTM TV international

The DTM on TV tradition, innovation, fascination

The DTM thrill millions of motorsport fans are again experiencing the captivating races this season as closely as if they were personally at the race track watching the events live: online, in keeping with the times, or in the traditional way in front of their TV sets. Year after year, the successful r acing season that features a mix of established DTM stars and hopeful newcomers generates new fans around the world. More than 7,400 hours of coverage reached fans in 232 countries and territories, and provided them with exciting entertainment lastyear. In total, 297 TV channels worldwide aired DTM footage marking an increase of ten per cent versus the previous year. Drama, dynamism and thrill are just three of the reasons why the DTM enjoys continually growing popularity. The brilliant comeback of BMW in 2012 proved yet again that the successful racing series always harbours surprises. Bruno Spengler in the last race at the Hockenheimring prevailed against Gary Paffett and took the coveted trophy to Bavaria. It is events like these that continue to make the DTM a topic of national and international interest. Numbers betting a champion are also reported by _wige MARKETING gmbh, which is responsible for international TV marketing. 16,900 broadcasts covering the extremely thrilling 2012 season reached a total of 3.14 billion TV households. The DTM is available around the world now in a way that is easier than ever and more in keeping with the times: by app, TV or web streaming. In 2013 fans in 259 countries and territories will be in direct touch with the DTM on more than 90TVchannels. The primary task of international TV marketing is to increase the presence on free TV in the global core markets. Sky Sports, for instance, broadcasts the highlights of the most popular international touring car series in Great Britain. Together with FOX Sports in Australia and RDS in Canada 13 million new viewers alone will be reached on three continents. But in Europe the DTM fans can enjoy live pictures of their favourite racing series as well: ORF Sport (Austria), RTL 7 (Netherlands), Auto Plus (Russia) and ESPN (UK) air live coverage of the spectacular races.

DTM TV international


Live coverage is aired in the following countries/territories

Country/territory Channel Country/territory Channel Netherlands............................................................... RTL 7 , SBS Niger..............................................................Supersport, Setanta Nigeria...........................................................Supersport, Setanta Norway......................................................................... Viasat HD Oman..................................................................Al Jazeera Sport Palestine.............................................................Al Jazeera Sport Poland......................................................................... SportKlub Qatar..................................................................Al Jazeera Sport Republic of Chad............................................Supersport, Setanta Republic of Rwanda........................................Supersport, Setanta Republic of Senegal........................................Supersport, Setanta Republic of Sudan.................Al Jazeera Sport, Supersport, Setanta Republic of the Congo.....................................Supersport, Setanta Republic of Zambia.........................................Supersport, Setanta Republic of Zimbabwe.....................................Supersport, Setanta Runion..........................................................Supersport, Setanta Romania....................................................................... Digi Sport Russia...........................................................................Auto Plus So Tom and Prncipe....................................Supersport, Setanta Saudi Arabia........................................................Al Jazeera Sport Serbia......................................................................... Sport Add1 Seychelles......................................................Supersport, Setanta Sierra Leone...................................................Supersport, Setanta Slovenia.......................................................POP TV , Sports Add1 Somalia..........................................................Supersport, Setanta South Africa....................................................Supersport, Setanta Spain............................................... Canal+ Live, TV 3, MarcaTV1 St.Helena.......................................................Supersport, Setanta Sweden........................................................................ Viasat HD Switzerland................................................................... SF1, SRG1 Syria...................................................................Al Jazeera Sport The Gambia....................................................Supersport, Setanta Togolese Republic...........................................Supersport, Setanta Tunisia................................................................Al Jazeera Sport Turkey........................................................... Digitrk1, Sports TV1 Uganda..........................................................Supersport, Setanta Ukraine....................................................1st Automotive Channel United Arab Emirates............................................Al Jazeera Sport United Kingdom............................................................. ESPN UK United Republic of Tanzania.............................Supersport, Setanta United States of America.................................................. Speed2 Western Sahara............................................................... Setanta Yemen.................................................................Al Jazeera Sport

Algeria................................................................Al Jazeera Sport Angola...........................................................Supersport, Setanta Austria...................................................................... ORF Sport+ Bahrain...............................................................Al Jazeera Sport Belgium...................................................... Live!TV, RTL (Moteurs) Benin.............................................................Supersport, Setanta Bosnia......................................................................... Sport Add1 Botswana.......................................................Supersport, Setanta Brazil......................................................................... Bandsports Brunei............................................................................. Setanta Bulgaria................................................................................BTV Burkina Faso..................................................Supersport, Setanta Burundi..........................................................Supersport, Setanta Cameroon......................................................Supersport, Setanta Canada........................................................................... Speed2 Cape Verde.....................................................Supersport, Setanta Central Africa................................................................... Setanta China1.................................. Fujiang TV, Guangdong TV, Jiansu TV, .........................................Shangdong TV, Shanghai Power Sports Comoros........................................................Supersport, Setanta Croatia........................................................................ Sport Add1 Denmark...................................................................... Viasat HD Djibouti..........................................................Supersport, Setanta Egypt..................................................................Al Jazeera Sport Equatorial Guinea............................................Supersport, Setanta Eritrea............................................................Supersport, Setanta Ethiopia..........................................................Supersport, Setanta Finland......................................................................... Viasat HD France..........................................................................MotorsTV Gabon............................................................Supersport, Setanta Germany........................................................................DasErste Ghana............................................................Supersport, Setanta Guinea...........................................................Supersport, Setanta Guinea-Bissau................................................................. Setanta Hungary....................................................................... Digi Sport India1.......................................................................... Ten Sports Iran.....................................................................Al Jazeera Sport Iraq.....................................................................Al Jazeera Sport Israel..............................................................The Sports Channel Italy..............................................................La7, Nuvolari, Odeon Ivory Coast.....................................................Supersport, Setanta Japan...............................................................................Jsports Jordan................................................................Al Jazeera Sport Kenya.............................................................Supersport, Setanta Kingdom of Swaziland.....................................Supersport, Setanta Kuwait.................................................................Al Jazeera Sport Lebanon..............................................................Al Jazeera Sport Lesotho..........................................................Supersport, Setanta Liberia............................................................Supersport, Setanta Libya...................................................................Al Jazeera Sport Macedonia.................................................................. Sport Add1 Madagascar................................................................Supersport Malawi...........................................................Supersport, Setanta Malaysia.............................................................Astro Supersport Mali...............................................................Supersport, Setanta Mauretania.....................................................Supersport, Setanta Mauritius........................................................Supersport, Setanta Mayotte..........................................................Supersport, Setanta Montenegro................................................................. Sport Add1 Morocco..............................................................Al Jazeera Sport Mozambique...................................................Supersport, Setanta Namibia.........................................................Supersport, Setanta

Not conrmed at time of going to press.


DTM TV national

The DTM live and exclusive on Das Erste

All lights switched to green, all remote controls set on one: The thrilling battle for the DTM title win in 2013 is again being presented to the German motorsport fans live and exclusively on Das Erste. With a maximum technical investment, qualifying sessions and races are broadcast live and provide a close-up experience thanks to advanced HD technology. High-speed motorsport, nail-biting overtaking manoeuvres, thrilling moments and strong emotions are programmed. The ARD team around host Claus Lufen welcomes TV viewers at the race weekends on Saturday, starting at 14:30 and on Sunday, starting at 13:15. Commentator Philipp Sohmer and expert Manuel Reuter accompany the races for Das Erste live on the microphone. Were delighted that in the DTM were able to offer the motorsport enthusiasts among our viewers an absolute premium product, says ARD Sport Coordinator Axel Balkausky. The DTM offers precisely the right mix of prominent drivers, superb and thrilling motorsport at fascinating venues with large crowds. First-class pictures, professional expertise and comprehensive information are top priorities of the DTM coverage on Das Erste. Using high-end broadcasting and communications technology, the ARD reporters are in direct contact with the drivers and are able to capture initial emotions right after the race. In-board cameras show viewers the action from the drivers perspective and convey the entire fascination of a DTM race. Interviews with drivers, heads of sport and celebrities plus stories from the private sphere of the people involved in the DTM offer exclusive peeks behind the scenes. The high-calibre artists performing at the ARD Chartshow promise additional entertainment. Further information is available on the internet at

DTM TV production


Flat-out into the new season the _wige group

For more than a decade _wige as the medialisation partner has been contributing to the high visibility of the DTM brand and actively generates international attention for the most popular international touring car series. With its three corporate divisions, VISION, CREATION and LIVE, the _wige group covers a wideranging portfolio of media services for the DTM. In addition to footage production and preparation of editorial content, the company is also responsible for the event technology used at the DTM weekends and global distribution of racing footage to TV channels. Media partners receive live footage via satellite or, directly after the race, as news edits. In addition, the _wige subsidiary BYLAUTERBACH produces a variety of content for In close touch with the DTM: With around 150people, 33 kilometres of cable, up to 50 cameras and numerous production vehicles the _wige team is on location to professionally capture the racing spectacle for millions of viewers. Additionally, the on-board cameras used by _wige let viewers experience the thrilling and dramatic races from the perspective of the drivers. Furthermore, the media rm provides the Fan TV programme that can be received throughout the event complex. The results of these efforts are impressive: The DTM is more desirable than ever. Year after year the racing series records continually growing TV ratings. In 2012 the previous viewing record was surpassed yet again. Internationally, the motorsport highlight reached 3.13 billion TV households on average. 297 channels in 232 territories aired more than 7,400 hours of racing footage for a quarter of a billion people worldwide naturally featuring the typical brilliance of HD quality.


DTM History

Thrilling motorsport with a tradition

The roots of todays DTM go back to 1984. It had its origins in the German Touring Car Championship that was formed more than 25 years ago

he magic three letters DTM once stood for Deutsche Tourenwagen-Meisterschaft (German Touring Car Championship). Today, they are the trademark of the most popular international touring car series. Its history began in the 1984 season with production-derived cars and culminated in a worldwide series for high-tech touring cars in 1996. After a three-season break, the DTM in 2000 celebrated a successful comeback with a trendsetting concept: fascinating technology at reasonable costs. Today, the series is regarded as the pinnacle of touring car racing and is one of Europes major sporting events. The rst DTM race was held at Zolder on 11 March 1984. Arguably, only a few of the people present at the venue back then suspected that they were witnessing the birth of one of the most popular racing series in history not even Volker Strycek who became the rst DTM Champion in 1984 with

German trio Back in the years from 1990 to 1992 Audi, BMW and Mercedes battled for victories and titles as well

Record holder No other driver has thus far won the DTM as many times as the ve-time Champion Bernd Schneider

a self-prepared BMW 635 CSi of the Gubin team. More than 250 DTM events have been held since then. The list of automobile manufacturers that have been involved in the DTM is a long one. Even longer is the list of the stars that shaped the series: Ellen Lohr, Klaus Ludwig, Bernd Schneider, HansJoachim Stuck, Keke Rosberg, Jean Alesi and Mika Hkkinen. They all have remained fans of the DTM even though they are no longer actively involved, and will always be part of DTM history. Meanwhile a completely new driver generation Mattias Ekstrm, Timo Scheider, Martin Tomczyk, Gary Paffett and Bruno Spengler with equally thrilling battles for titles has established itself in the series.

DTM History


The DTM champions


V. Strycek

1985 P. Stureson


K. Thiim

1987 E. v. d. Poele


K. Ludwig

1989 R. Ravaglia

1990 H.-J. Stuck


F. Biela


K. Ludwig


N. Larini


K. Ludwig

1995 B. Schneider


M. Reuter

2000 B. Schneider

2001 B. Schneider


L. Aiello

2003B. Schneider

2004 M. Ekstrm


G. Paffett

2006 B. Schneider

2007 M. Ekstrm

2008 T. Scheider

2009 T. Scheider

2010 P. Di Resta

2011 M. Tomczyk

2012 B. Spengler


DTM History

The inaugural season
In 1984 the present-day DTM celebrated its debut as the German Production Car Championship with productionbased Group A touring cars and a cleverly though-out handicap system. After twelve events Volker Strycek clinched the rst DTM title in a BMW 635 CSi, albeit without scoring a single victory in the new series. Consistency paid off for the new champion as early as in 1984.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 V. Strycek (BMW) O. Manthey (Rover) H. Grohs (BMW) W. Vogt (BMW) K. Knig (BMW) M. Trint (Ford) P. Oberndorfer (Alfa Romeo) J. Fritzsche (Opel) U. Schneider (BMW) L. von Bayern (BMW) 155.0 147.5 147.0 146.5 127.0 114.0 103.5 87.5 83.5 72.5

All races at a glance

Race Zolder Hockenheim Avus Mainz-Finthen Wunstorf Nrburgring Norisring Nrburgring Diepholz Hockenheim Zolder Nrburgring Pole position J. van Ommen (Rover) J. van Ommen (Rover) J. van Ommen (Rover) H. Grohs (BMW) M. Trint (Ford) H. Grohs (BMW) P. Stureson (Volvo) H. Grohs (BMW) H. Grohs (BMW) H. Grohs (BMW) W. Vogt (BMW) P. Stureson (Volvo) Winner H. Grohs (BMW) Winnter disqualied (H. Grohs) O. Manthey (Rover) P. Stureson (Volvo) M. Trint (Ford) O. Manthey (Rover) W. Vogt (BMW) H. Grohs (BMW) H. Grohs (BMW) O. Manthey (Rover) H. Grohs (BMW) P. John (Chevrolet) Fastest lap H. Grohs (BMW) M. Trint (Ford) P. John (Chevrolet) P. Stureson (Volvo) H. Grohs (BMW) H. Grohs (BMW) H. Grohs (BMW) W. Vogt (BMW) H. Grohs (BMW) P. Oberndorfer (Alfa Romeo) W. Vogt (BMW) P.-G. Andersson (Volvo)

DTM History


Start of the turbo era
In 1985 the championship was already open to international participants and the title, this time, went to Sweden: Per Stureson in the Volvo 240 Turbo prevailed against his German rivals. In the following year, turbo engines made their way into worldwide touring car racing but in Germany the handicap rules continued to ensure a proper balance between turbo charged and normally aspirated engines.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P. Stureson (Volvo) O. Manthey (Rover) H. Grohs (BMW) R. Asch (Ford) P. Oberndorfer (Alfa Romeo) H.-F. Peil (Volvo) P.-G. Andersson (Volvo) P. John (Chevrolet) V. Strycek (BMW) W. Vogt (BMW) 117.5 100.0 96.0 94.0 90.0 88.0 86.0 83.5 80.0 79.0

All races at a glance

Race Zolder Wunstorf Avus Mainz-Finthen Erding Diepholz Zolder Siegerland Nrburgring Pole position R. Ravaglia (BMW) P. Stureson (Volvo) H.-F. Peil (Volvo) W. Vogt (BMW) K. Knig (BMW) H.-F. Peil (Volvo) P.-G. Andersson (Volvo) K. Ludwig (Ford) K. Ludwig (Ford) Winner H. Grohs (BMW) P. Stureson (Volvo) K. Niedzwiedz (Ford) W. Vogt (BMW) H.-F. Peil (Volvo) H.-F. Peil (Volvo) K. Ludwig (Ford) K. Ludwig (Ford) K. Ludwig (Ford) Fastest lap R. Ravaglia (BMW) P. John (Chevrolet) R. Asch (Ford) P. Stureson (Volvo) P.-G. Andersson (Volvo) P.-G. Andersson (Volvo) P. John (Chevrolet) P.-G. Andersson (Volvo) P. John (Chevrolet)


DTM History

Kurts comeback
After being forced to take a break due to a lack of sponsors Kurt Thiim celebrated a successful comeback in 1986. The Dane, who would become one of the most popular DTM drivers for many years, clinched the title in his Rover Vitesse straight away. 1986 also marked the beginning of the Star era. Two teams competed in the Mercedes 190E 2.3-16 as the forerunners of Mercedes-Benzs future factory involvement.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 K. Thiim (Rover) V. Weidler (Mercedes) K. Knig (BMW) P. Stureson (Volvo) V. Strycek (BMW) K. Niedzwiedz (Ford) A. Goeser (BMW) P.-G. Andersson (Volvo) M. Reuter (Ford) F. Mller (BMW) 130 113 104 102 89 83 76 75 69 58

All races at a glance

Race Zolder Hockenheim Nrburgring Avus Mainz-Finthen Wunstorf Nrburgring Zolder Nrburgring Pole position H. Grohs (Ford) K. Thiim (Rover) V. Weidler (Mercedes) K. Niedzwiedz (Ford) F. Klammer (Mercedes) K. Niedzwiedz (Ford) K. Niedzwiedz (Ford) J. van Ommen (Mercedes) K. Niedzwiedz (Ford) Winner K. Thiim (Rover) P.-G. Andersson (Volvo) V. Weidler (Mercedes) V. Weidler (Mercedes) K. Niedzwiedz (Ford) K. Thiim (Rover) K. Thiim (Rover) K. Knig (BMW) M. Reuter (Ford) Fastest lap K. Thiim (Rover) H.-F. Peil (Volvo) K. Thiim (Rover) R. Asch (Ford) K. Niedzwiedz (Ford) V. Weidler (Mercedes) V. Weidler (Mercedes) K. Knig (BMW) M. Reuter (Ford)

DTM History


Year of the juniors
In 1987 the Belgian Eric van de Poele took the champions title in his BMW M3. After a thrilling ght between the BMW camp and the Ford team the decision came only in the highly dramatic nale at the Salzburgring at which three young drivers, Eric van de Poele, Manuel Reuter and Marc Hessel, fought for the title.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 E. van de Poele (BMW) M. Reuter (Ford) M. Hessel (BMW) O. Manthey (BMW) H. Grohs (BMW) P. Stureson (Volvo) K. Knig (BMW) A. Goeser (BMW) J. van Ommen (Mercedes) T. von Lwis of Menar (BMW) 127 124 123 113 102 87 82 77 76 71

All races at a glance

Race Hockenheim Zolder Nrburgring Avus Mainz-Finthen Norisring Nrburgring Wunstorf Diepholz Salzburgring Pole position M. Reuter (Ford) E. van de Poele (BMW) M. Reuter (Ford) M. Reuter (Ford) M. Reuter (Ford) H. Grohs (BMW) H. Grohs (BMW) E. van de Poele (BMW) O. Manthey (BMW) A. Hahne (Ford) Winner H. Grohs (BMW) M. Hessel (BMW) M. Reuter (Ford) F. Biela (Ford) M. Reuter (Ford) O. Manthey (BMW) K. Ludwig (Ford) H. Grohs (BMW) F. Giroix (BMW) A. Hahne (Ford) Fastest lap M. Hessel (BMW) E. van de Poele (BMW) B. Schneider (Ford) H. Grohs (BMW) T. von Lwis (BMW) M. Hessel (BMW) F. Giroix (BMW) H. Grohs (BMW) M. Reuter (Ford) M. Reuter (Ford)


DTM History

Ford nishes rst
In 1988 as many as four manufacturers, BMW, Ford, Mercedes-Benz and Opel, started from the DTM grid. Ford was the only brand to continue banking on turbos and brought the title home to Cologne in 1988. However, the championship remained ultra-competitive up to the very end. Before the last race four drivers still had chances of clinching the title. In the end, veteran Klaus Ludwig prevailed.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 K. Ludwig (Ford) R. Asch (Mercedes) A. Hahne (Ford) M. Oestreich (BMW) A. Cudini (Mercedes) J. Cecotto (Mercedes) P. Oberndorfer (BMW) A. Heger (BMW) D. Quester (BMW) H. Grohs (BMW) 258 242 238 237 219 204 180 173 167 162

All races at a glance

Race Pole position Winner K. Ludwig (Ford) K. Ludwig (Ford) C. Danner (BMW) C. Danner (BMW) K. Thiim (BMW) D. Snobeck (Mercedes) A. Hahne (Ford) D. Snobeck (Mercedes) J. Cecotto (Mercedes) J. Cecotto (Mercedes) A. Heger (BMW) A. Heger (BMW) A. Hahne (Ford) A. Hahne (Ford) A. Hahne (Ford) K. Ludwig (Ford) K. Ludwig (Ford) K. Ludwig (Ford) cancelled J. Cecotto (Mercedes) J. Cecotto (Mercedes) A. Hahne (Ford) A. Hahne (Ford) Fastest lap A. Hahne (Ford) A. Hahne (Ford) H. Grohs (BMW) C. Danner (BMW) K. Thiim (BMW) A. Heger (BMW) D. Snobeck (Mercedes) D. Snobeck (Mercedes) J. van Ommen (Mercedes) A. Hahne (Ford) R. Asch (Mercedes) A. Heger (BMW) K. Niedzwiedz (Ford) A. Hahne (Ford) A. Cudini (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Ford) D. Quester (BMW) K. Ludwig (Ford) A. Cudini (Mercedes) F. Schmickler (BMW) K. Knig (BMW) A. Cudini (Mercedes) Zolder A. Hahne (Ford) Hockenheim H. Grohs (BMW) Nrburgring A. Heger (BMW) Brno A. Hahne (Ford) Avus H. Grohs (BMW) Mainz-Finthen K. Ludwig (Ford) Nrburgring A. Hahne (Ford) Norisring K. Ludwig (Ford) Wunstorf K. Ludwig (Ford) Salzburgring A. Cudini (Mercedes) Budapest J. Cecotto (Mercedes) Hockenheim A. Hahne (Ford)

DTM History


BMW strikes back
Two years after winning both the World and European Touring Car Championships the Italian Roberto Ravaglia in 1989 was victorious in the DTM as well. In the BMW M3 elded by the Schnitzer team Ravaglia clinched the title which he called the greatest success of his career. Klaus Ludwig, the reigning champion, surprisingly switched from Ford to Mercedes, winning ve races straight away in his rst year with Mercedes.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 R. Ravaglia (BMW) K. Niedzwiedz (Ford) F. Giroix (BMW) K. Thiim (Mercedes) S. Soper (BMW) M. Reuter (Mercedes) J. Cecotto (BMW) A. Heger (BMW) G. Brancatelli (Ford) R. Asch (Mercedes) 285 274 265 237 233 214 206 175 162 161

All races at a glance

Race Pole position Winner R. Ravaglia (BMW) R. Ravaglia (BMW) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) J. Cecotto (BMW) S. Soper (BMW) S. Soper (BMW) R. Asch (Mercedes) K. Thiim (Mercedes) R. Ravaglia (BMW) K. Niedzwiedz (Ford) A. Fert (Ford) A. Fert (Ford) K. Thiim (Mercedes) A. Fert (Ford) J. Cecotto (BMW) K. Niedzwiedz (Ford) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) K. Niedzwiedz (Ford) K. Niedzwiedz (Ford) Fastest lap R. Ravaglia (BMW) F. Giroix (BMW) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) A. Hahne (Ford) S. Soper (BMW) S. Soper (BMW) S. Soper (BMW) D. Quester (BMW) F. Giroix (BMW) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) K. Thiim (Mercedes) A. Fert (Ford) K. Thiim (Mercedes) K. Niedzwiedz (Ford) K. Niedzwiedz (Ford) J. Cecotto (BMW) G. Brancatelli (Ford) S. Soper (BMW) A. Heger (BMW) S. Soper (BMW) F. Giroix (BMW) S. Soper (BMW) Zolder R. Ravaglia (BMW) Hockenheim K. Ludwig (Mercedes) Nrburgring R. Ravaglia (BMW) Mainz-Finthen A. Heger (BMW) Avus J. Cecotto (BMW) Nrburgring K. Ludwig (Mercedes) Norisring K. Niedzwiedz (Ford) Hockenheim R. Ravaglia (BMW) Diepholz K. Ludwig (Mercedes) Nrburgring K. Ludwig (Mercedes) Hockenheim K. Niedzwiedz (Ford)


DTM History

Stuck wins for Audi
Ford withdrew from the championship in 1990. Instead, Audi joined the series as a newcomer, and the title went to Ingolstadt in the brands rst year. Hans-Joachim Strietzel Stuck, the publics darling, triumphed in the four-wheel-drive Audi V8 quattro. Audi prevailed against their strong rivals not only thanks to the four-wheel-drive advantage: The Audis V8 engine also had more power than the four-cylinder units.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 H.-J. Stuck (Audi) J. Cecotto (BMW) K. Thiim (Mercedes) S. Soper (BMW) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) J. Winkelhock (BMW) J. Lafte (BMW) A. Heger (BMW) F. Giroix (BMW) F. Biela (Mercedes) 189 177 162 152 140 119 107 98 94 80

All races at a glance

Race Pole position Winner K. Thiim (Mercedes) K. Thiim (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) J. Cecotto (BMW) S. Soper (BMW) S. Soper (BMW) H.-J. Stuck (Audi) H.-J. Stuck (Audi) J. Cecotto (BMW) J. Cecotto (BMW) H.-J. Stuck (Audi) H.-J. Stuck (Audi) J. Lafte (BMW) F. Biela (Mercedes) H.-J. Stuck (Audi) R. Ravaglia (BMW) K. Thiim (Mercedes) J. Winkelhock (BMW) E. Pirro (BMW) W. Rhrl (Audi) H.-J. Stuck (Audi) H.-J. Stuck (Audi) Fastest lap H.-J. Stuck (Audi) K. Thiim (Mercedes) J. Cecotto (BMW) J. Winkelhock (BMW) S. Soper (BMW) J. Lafte (BMW) H.-J. Stuck (Audi) H.-J. Stuck (Audi) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) J. Cecotto (BMW) H.-J. Stuck (Audi) J. van Ommen (Mercedes) J. Lafte (BMW) J. Lafte (BMW) W. Rhrl (Audi) A. Heger (BMW) J. Winkelhock (BMW) J. Winkelhock (BMW) E. Pirro (BMW) J. Winkelhock (BMW) E. Pirro (BMW) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) Zolder K. Thiim (Mercedes) Hockenheim K. Ludwig (Mercedes) Nrburgring A. Heger (BMW) Avus H.-J. Stuck (Audi) Mainz-Finthen R. Asch (Mercedes) Wunstorf H.-J. Stuck (Audi) Nrburgring K. Ludwig (Mercedes) Norisring R. Ravaglia (BMW) Diepholz A. Hahne (BMW) Nrburgring A. Hahne (BMW) Hockenheim F. Jelinski (Audi)

DTM History


Title defended
1991 saw Audi as the rst manufacturer in history to successfully defend a DTM title. This time the winner was Frank Biela, who in 1991 completed his rst of by now 18 years with Audi. Mercedes hopes of winning their rst championship with Klaus Ludwig remained intact up to the last race at Hockenheim, but rainy weather at the nale made the Audi four-by-four unbeatable.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F. Biela (Audi) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) H.-J. Stuck (Audi) J. Cecotto (BMW) S. Soper (BMW) A. Cudini (Mercedes) J. Winkelhock (BMW) K. Thiim (Mercedes) R. Asch (Mercedes) F. Jelinski (Audi) 174 166 158 147 133 106 101 97 91 83

All races at a glance

Race Pole position Winner J. Cecotto (BMW) J. Cecotto (BMW) S. Soper (BMW) S. Soper (BMW) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) H.-J. Stuck (Audi) F. Biela (Audi) J. Winkelhock (BMW) J. Cecotto (BMW) K. Thiim (Mercedes) H.-J. Stuck (Audi) H.-J. Stuck (Audi) S. Soper (BMW) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) F. Biela (Audi) H.-J. Stuck (Audi) F. Biela (Audi) F. Biela (Audi) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) S. Soper (BMW) F. Biela (Audi) F. Biela (Audi) Fastest lap J. Winkelhock (BMW) A. Cudini (Mercedes) S. Soper (BMW) S. Soper (BMW) J. Winkelhock (BMW) J. Cecotto (BMW) H. Haupt (Audi) H.-J. Stuck (Audi) J. Winkelhock (BMW) J. Cecotto (BMW) K. Thiim (Mercedes) H.-J. Stuck (Audi) R. Asch (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) R. Asch (Mercedes) J. Lafte (Mercedes) H.-J. Stuck (Audi) B. Schneider (Mercedes) F. Biela (Audi) H.-J. Stuck (Audi) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) A. Heger (BMW) S. Soper (BMW) F. Biela (Audi) Zolder J. Cecotto (BMW) Hockenheim A. Hahne (BMW) Nrburgring K. Thiim (Mercedes) Avus H.-J. Stuck (Audi) Wunstorf J. Cecotto (BMW) Norisring R. Asch (Mercedes) Diepholz J. Lafte (Mercedes) Nrburgring R. Asch (Mercedes) Singen F. Biela (Audi) Hockenheim F. Biela (Audi) Brno (ITR-Cup) R. Asch (Mercedes) Donington (ITR-Cup) F. Biela (Audi)


DTM History

The star shines
1992 was the year of Mercedes. The AMG-Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.5-16 Evo 2 won a total of 16 races. Klaus Ludwig clinched the rst DTM title for the Stuttgart-based brand and was thus the rst driver with two DTM titles under his belt. At Hockenheim in 1992 Ellen Lohr was the rst and so far only woman to win a DTM race.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 K. Ludwig (Mercedes) K. Thiim (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) J. Cecotto (BMW) K. Rosberg (Mercedes) R. Asch (Mercedes) R. Ravaglia (BMW) J. Winkelhock (BMW) S. Soper (BMW) J. van Ommen (Mercedes) 228 192 191 185 147 143 134 110 109 106

All races at a glance

Race Pole position Winner K. Thiim (Mercedes) K. Thiim (Mercedes) F. Biela (Audi) R. Asch (Mercedes) J. van Ommen (Mercedes) K. Rosberg (Mercedes) S. Soper (BMW) B. Schneider (Mercedes) E. Lohr (Mercedes) R. Asch (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) J. Winkelhock (BMW) S. Soper (BMW) J. Cecotto (BMW) J. Cecotto (BMW) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) R. Ravaglia (BMW) R. Ravaglia (BMW) Fastest lap K. Ludwig (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) K. Rosberg (Mercedes) R. Asch (Mercedes) R. Ravaglia (BMW) K. Rosberg (Mercedes) J. Lafte (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) E. Lohr (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) J. Cecotto (BMW) E. Pirro (BMW) K. Rosberg (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) K. Rosberg (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) R. Ravaglia (BMW) J. Winkelhock (BMW) Zolder K. Thiim (Mercedes) Nrburgring K. Thiim (Mercedes) Wunstorf F. Biela (Audi) Avus F. Biela (Audi) Hockenheim K. Ludwig (Mercedes) Nrburgring J. Cecotto (BMW) Norisring R. Asch (Mercedes) Brno K. Thiim (Mercedes) Diepholz K. Ludwig (Mercedes) Singen B. Schneider (Mercedes) Nrburgring K. Rosberg (Mercedes) Hockenheim K. Thiim (Mercedes)

DTM History


First class
1993 was the year in which the new class 1 regulations were introduced, prescribing engines with a maximum displacement of 2.5 litres and a maximum of six cylinders. In addition, very liberal modications to the engine, chassis and aerodynamics were permitted. Alfa Romeo was the rst manu facturer to build a pure-blooded touring car and was duly rewarded: Nicola Larini took the title home to Italy for Alfa Romeo.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) R. Asch (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) C. Danner (Alfa Romeo) K. Thiim (Mercedes) G. Francia (Alfa Romeo) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) J. van Ommen (Mercedes) E. Lohr (Mercedes) 261 204 172 171 161 138 127 121 80 43

All races at a glance

Race Pole position Winner N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) K. Thiim (Mercedes) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) C. Danner (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) R. Asch (Mercedes) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) B. Schneider (Mercedes) R. Asch (Mercedes) R. Asch (Mercedes) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) Fastest lap C. Danner (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) B. Schneider (Mercedes) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) B. Schneider (Mercedes) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) B. Schneider (Mercedes) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) B. Schneider (Mercedes) C. Danner (Alfa Romeo) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) Zolder N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) Hockenheim A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) Nrburgring B. Schneider (Mercedes) Wunstorf N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) Nrburgring J. van Ommen (Mercedes) Norisring K. Thiim (Mercedes) Donington (ITR-Cup) C. Danner (Alfa Romeo) Diepholz B. Schneider (Mercedes) Singen N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) Avus A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) Hockenheim K. Thiim (Mercedes)


DTM History

Mercedes counters
In 1994, Mercedes-Benz again managed an impressive counter attack. The new C-Class competing with conventional rear-wheel drive against Alfa Romeos four-by-fours prevailed in its rst year. Klaus Ludwig secured his third DTM title, which made him the DTM record champion for many years before Bernd Schneider outperformed him in 2003.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 K. Ludwig (Mercedes) J. van Ommen (Mercedes) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) K. Thiim (Mercedes) R. Asch (Mercedes) K. Nissen (Alfa Romeo) M. Reuter (Opel) C. Danner (Alfa Romeo) B. Schneider (Mercedes) 222 175 150 149 141 124 99 89 88 86

All races at a glance

Race Pole position Winner A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) K. Thiim (Mercedes) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) K. Thiim (Mercedes) J. van Ommen (Mercedes) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) K. Nissen (Alfa Romeo) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) M. Reuter (Opel) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) J. van Ommen (Mercedes) J. van Ommen (Mercedes) S. Modena (Alfa Romeo) S. Modena (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) K. Thiim (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) Fastest lap N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) K. Thiim (Mercedes) R. Asch (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) R. Asch (Mercedes) K. Thiim (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) S. Modena (Alfa Romeo) S. Modena (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) M. Reuter (Opel) J. van Ommen (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) Zolder N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) Hockenheim K. Thiim (Mercedes) Nrburgring B. Schneider (Mercedes) Mugello (ITR-Cup) K. Thiim (Mercedes) Nrburgring K. Thiim (Mercedes) Norisring B. Schneider (Mercedes) Donington (ITR-Cup) K. Thiim (Mercedes) Diepholz B. Schneider (Mercedes) Nrburgring J. van Ommen (Mercedes) Avus K. Thiim (Mercedes) Singen S. Modena (Alfa Romeo) Hockenheim K. Thiim (Mercedes)

DTM History


Two titles for one
After staging rounds in the United Kingdom in 1993 and 1994, the DTM became international in 1995 through the parallel inception of the International Touring Car Series (ITC) with races in Italy, Finland, the United Kingdom, Portugal and France. Mercedes driver Bernd Schneider dominated the season and clinched both titles.

Final positions DTM

1 B. Schneider (Mercedes) 2 J. van Ommen (Mercedes) 3 K. Ludwig (Opel) 138 113 80

Final positions ITC

1 B. Schneider (Mercedes) 2 J. Magnussen (Mercedes) 3 D. Franchitti (Mercedes) 155 83 80

All races at a glance

Race Pole position Winner Fastest lap B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) K. Thiim (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) S. Modena (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) S. Modena (Alfa Romeo) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) J. Magnussen (Mercedes) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) K. Thiim (Mercedes) A. Grau (Mercedes) K. Thiim (Mercedes) D. Franchitti (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) K. Thiim (Mercedes) Y. Dalmas (Opel) Hockenheim N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) Avus K. Thiim (Mercedes) K. Thiim (Mercedes) Race cancelled Mugello (ITC) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) D. Franchitti (Mercedes) Helsinki (ITC) M. Bartels (Alfa Romeo) C. Danner (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) Norisring B. Schneider (Mercedes) C. Danner (Alfa Romeo) B. Schneider (Mercedes) Donington (ITC) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) Diepholz M. Bartels (Alfa Romeo) M. Bartels (Alfa Romeo) M. Bartels (Alfa Romeo) Estoril (ITC) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) B. Schneider (Mercedes) J. Magnussen (Mercedes) Nrburgring B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) Singen D. Franchitti (Mercedes) K. Thiim (Mercedes) K. Thiim (Mercedes) Magny-Cours (ITC) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) Hockenheim D. Franchitti (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Opel) K. Ludwig (Opel)


DTM History

Opels breakthrough
In 1996, the DTM was completely replaced by the ITC. Six events took place in Germany, and the remaining races were staged across Europe and even overseas. The title went to Manuel Reuter in the Opel Calibra V6. In view of the sharp rise in costs for Class 1 vehicles and their complex technology Opel and Alfa Romeo announced their withdrawal from the series at the end of the season. This meant the temporary end for the DTM.

Final positions ITC

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M. Reuter (Opel) B. Schneider (Mercedes) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) D. Franchitti (Mercedes) J. Lehto (Opel) G. Fisichella (Alfa Romeo) K. Ludwig (Opel) U. Alzen (Opel) H.-J. Stuck (Opel) J. Magnussen (Mercedes) 218 205 180 171 148 139 130 119 112 97

All races at a glance

Race Pole position Winner M. Reuter (Opel) J. Magnussen (Mercedes) J. van Ommen (Mercedes) M. Reuter (Opel) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) H.-J. Stuck (Opel) H.-J. Stuck (Opel) K. Ludwig (Opel) K. Ludwig (Opel) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Opel) G. Tarquini (Alfa Romeo) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) B. Schneider (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Opel) M. Reuter (Opel) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) D. Franchitti (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) Fastest lap A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) J. Magnussen (Mercedes) D. Franchitti (Mercedes) J. van Ommen (Mercedes) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) D. Franchitti (Mercedes) H.-J. Stuck (Opel) U. Alzen (Opel) U. Alzen (Opel) B. Schneider (Mercedes) A. Wurz (Opel) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) G. Tarquini (Alfa Romeo) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) G. Fisichella (Alfa Romeo) G. Fisichella (Alfa Romeo) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) B. Schneider (Mercedes) U. Alzen (Opel) M. Reuter (Opel) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) G. Fisichella (Alfa Romeo) C. Danner (Alfa Romeo) B. Schneider (Mercedes) Hockenheim (ITC) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) Nrburgring (ITC) J. van Ommen (Mercedes) Estoril (ITC) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) Helsinki (ITC) H.-J. Stuck (Opel) Norisring (ITC) U. Alzen (Opel) Diepholz (ITC) B. Schneider (Mercedes) Silverstone (ITC) K. Ludwig (Opel) Nrburgring (ITC) A. Nannini (Alfa Romeo) Magny-Cours (ITC) A. Larini (Alfa Romeo) Mugello (ITC) N. Larini (Alfa Romeo) Hockenheim (ITC) K. Ludwig (Opel) So Paulo (ITC) C. Danner (Alfa Romeo) Suzuka (ITC) C. Danner (Alfa Romeo)

DTM History


The comeback
In the 2000 season the DTM celebrated a successful comeback. The new DTM with equally spectacular but considerably less costly touring cars was able to pick up exactly where the old DTM had left off. At the end of the season three stars of the old DTM were again running in front: Bernd Schneider, Manuel Reuter and Klaus Ludwig. Schneider, the last champion of the old was also the rst champion of the new DTM.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B. Schneider (Mercedes) M. Reuter (Opel) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) M. Fssler (Mercedes) J. Winkelhock (Opel) U. Alzen (Opel) M. Bartels (Opel) P. Dumbreck (Mercedes) E. Hlary (Opel) M. Tiemann (Mercedes) 221 162 122 116 113 100 87 75 53 53

All races at a glance

Race Pole position Winner B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) M. Reuter (Opel) M. Reuter (Opel) J. Winkelhock (Opel) B. Schneider (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) K. Ludwig (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) Race not started Race not started U. Alzen (Opel) B. Schneider (Mercedes) M. Reuter (Opel) M. Reuter (Opel) U. Alzen (Opel) U. Alzen (Opel) Fastest lap B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) M. Reuter (Opel) C. Menzel (Opel) E. Hlary (Opel) M. Fssler (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) U. Alzen (Opel) J. Winkelhock (Opel) M. Reuter (Opel) B. Schneider (Mercedes) Hockenheim B. Schneider (Mercedes) Oschersleben M. Reuter (Opel) Norisring J. Winkelhock (Opel) Sachsenring K. Ludwig (Mercedes) Nrburgring B. Schneider (Mercedes) EuroSpeedway B. Schneider (Mercedes) Oschersleben B. Schneider (Mercedes) Nrburgring J. Winkelhock (Opel) Hockenheim M. Reuter (Opel)


DTM History

Schneider again
After the successful DTM comeback, Abt-Audi, MercedesBenz and Opel continued their commitment in 2001 with undiminished resolve. In the end, the score showed six different winners in a total of ten races. Mercedes driver Bernd Schneider was the rst driver of the old and the new DTM to successfully defend the DTM title. Abt-Audi celebrated their rst victories with the compact TT-R.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B. Schneider (Mercedes) U. Alzen (Mercedes) P. Dumbreck (Mercedes) M. Fssler (Mercedes) L. Aiello (Abt-Audi) P. Huisman (Mercedes) T. Jger (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Abt-Audi) M. Reuter (Opel) C. Abt (Abt-Audi) 161 101 88 76 75 63 43 38 35 29

All races at a glance

Race Hockenheim Nrburgring Oschersleben Sachsenring Norisring EuroSpeedway Nrburgring A1-Ring Zandvoort Hockenheim Pole position B. Schneider (Mercedes) L. Aiello (Abt-Audi) M. Fssler (Mercedes) P. Dumbreck (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) U. Alzen (Mercedes) L. Aiello (Abt-Audi) B. Schneider (Mercedes) C. Abt (Abt-Audi) M. Bartels (Opel) Winner B. Schneider (Mercedes) L. Aiello (Abt-Audi) M. Fssler (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) U. Alzen (Mercedes) P. Dumbreck (Mercedes) L. Aiello (Abt-Audi) B. Schneider (Mercedes) U. Alzen (Mercedes) B. Maylnder (Mercedes) Fastest lap B. Schneider (Mercedes) M. Tomczyk (Abt-Audi) B. Schneider (Mercedes) C. Abt (Abt-Audi) B. Schneider (Mercedes) L. Aiello (Abt-Audi) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) C. Abt (Abt-Audi) B. Maylnder (Mercedes)

DTM History


TT time
The 2002 season was marked by the thrilling duel between the Frenchman Laurent Aiello in the Abt-Audi TT-R and title defender Bernd Schneider in the new AMG-Mercedes CLKDTM. Clinching four wins in the rst ve races, Laurent Aiello laid the foundation for his future title win. Although Mercedes made a remarkable recovery, Bernd Schneider had to admit a narrow defeat.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 L. Aiello (Abt-Audi) B. Schneider (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Abt-Audi) M. Fssler (Mercedes) J. Alesi (Mercedes) U. Alzen (Mercedes) C. Abt (Abt-Audi) T. Scheider (Opel) A. Menu (Opel) M. Reuter (Opel) 70 64 50 30 24 24 15 10 7 7

All races at a glance

Race Hockenheim Zolder Donington Sachsenring Norisring EuroSpeedway Nrburgring A1-Ring Zandvoort Hockenheim Pole position L. Aiello (Abt-Audi) M. Tomczyk (Abt-Audi) M. Reuter (Opel) L. Aiello (Abt-Audi) M. Ekstrm (Abt-Audi) L. Aiello (Abt-Audi) U. Alzen (Mercedes) L. Aiello (Abt-Audi) M. Fssler (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) Winner L. Aiello (Abt-Audi) L. Aiello (Abt-Audi) J. Alesi (Mercedes) L. Aiello (Abt-Audi) L. Aiello (Abt-Audi) B. Schneider (Mercedes) U. Alzen (Mercedes) M. Fssler (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Abt-Audi) B. Schneider (Mercedes) Fastest lap C. Abt (Abt-Audi) L. Aiello (Abt-Audi) M. Fssler (Mercedes) M. Bartels (Opel) L. Aiello (Abt-Audi) B. Schneider (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Abt-Audi) U. Alzen (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Abt-Audi) L. Aiello (Abt-Audi)


DTM History

Shining stars
Although Mercedes won nine out of ten races the 2003 season was anything but boring. Up to the nale, Bernd Schneider and his team-mate Christijan Albers fought a dramatic duel for the title which Schneider won just by a narrow margin at the last round at Hockenheim. By clinching his fourth drivers title, Schneider made DTM history. His track record has remained unrivalled to date.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B. Schneider (Mercedes) C. Albers (Mercedes) M. Fssler (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Abt-Audi) J. Alesi (Mercedes) L. Aiello (Abt-Audi) P. Dumbreck (Opel) T. Scheider (Opel) A. Menu (Opel) M. Reuter (Opel) 68 64 57 46 42 41 31 12 9 5

All races at a glance

Race Hockenheim Adria Nrburgring EuroSpeedway Norisring Donington Nrburgring A1-Ring Zandvoort Hockenheim Pole position B. Schneider (Mercedes) M. Fssler (Mercedes) M. Fssler (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Abt-Audi) M. Fssler (Mercedes) T. Scheider (Opel) M. Ekstrm (Abt-Audi) Winner B. Schneider (Mercedes) C. Albers (Mercedes) C. Albers (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) C. Albers (Mercedes) J. Alesi (Mercedes) L. Aiello (Abt-Audi) M. Fssler (Mercedes) C. Albers (Mercedes) J. Alesi (Mercedes) Fastest lap B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) A. Menu (Opel) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) P. Dumbreck (Opel) B. Schneider (Mercedes) C. Albers (Mercedes) A. Menu (Opel)

DTM History


Perfect comeback
In the 2004 DTM, Audi managed a successful comeback as a factory team. In the rst year with the new Audi A4 DTM, the squad from Ingolstadt secured the titles in the drivers, manufacturers and teams championships. The season was dominated by the young guns. Audi driver Mattias Ekstrm narrowly prevailed against the two Mercedes drivers Gary Paffett and Christijan Albers.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M. Ekstrm (Audi) G. Paffett (Mercedes) C. Albers (Mercedes) T. Kristensen (Audi) M. Tomczyk (Audi) B. Schneider (Mercedes) J. Alesi (Mercedes) T. Scheider (Opel) M. Fssler (Opel) L. Aiello (Opel) 74 57 50 43 39 36 19 15 13 12

All races at a glance

Race Hockenheim Estoril Adria EuroSpeedway Norisring Shanghai1 Nrburgring Oschersleben Zandvoort Brno Hockenheim Pole position J. Alesi (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Audi) M. Ekstrm (Audi) C. Albers (Mercedes) J. Alesi (Mercedes) G. Paffett (Mercedes) G. Paffett (Mercedes) M. Tomczyk (Audi) M. Ekstrm (Audi) M. Ekstrm (Audi) M. Tomczyk (Audi) Winner G. Paffett (Mercedes) C. Albers (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Audi) M. Ekstrm (Audi) G. Paffett (Mercedes) G. Paffett (Mercedes) G. Paffett (Mercedes) T. Kristensen (Audi) M. Ekstrm (Audi) M. Ekstrm (Audi) B. Schneider (Mercedes) Fastest lap B. Schneider (Mercedes) G. Paffett (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) G. Paffett (Mercedes) T. Kristensen (Audi) C. Albers (Mercedes) M. Reuter (Opel) M. Ekstrm (Audi)

Invitation race.


DTM History

Suspense galore
Seven changes at the top of the standings and a nail-biting duel for the drivers crown the 2005 DTM season was one of the most thrilling in history thanks to a close ght for the title. The two front runners: Mercedes-Benz driver Gary Paffett and Audis Mattias Ekstrm. With a score of 5 : 3 race victories, the title went to Paffett, who switched to Formula 1 as a test driver after the season.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 G. Paffett (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Audi) T. Kristensen (Audi) B. Schneider (Mercedes) M. Hkkinen (Mercedes) J. Green (Mercedes) J. Alesi (Mercedes) H.-H. Frentzen (Opel) C. Abt (Audi) A. McNish (Audi) 84 71 56 32 30 29 22 17 16 13

All races at a glance

Race Hockenheim EuroSpeedway Spa-Francorchamps Brno Oschersleben Norisring Nrburgring Zandvoort EuroSpeedway Istanbul Hockenheim Pole position M. Ekstrm (Audi) G. Paffett (Mercedes) M. Hkkinen (Mercedes) G. Paffett (Mercedes) T. Kristensen (Audi) T. Kristensen (Audi) G. Paffett (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) J. Green (Mercedes) G. Paffett (Mercedes) J. Green (Mercedes) Winner J. Alesi (Mercedes) G. Paffett (Mercedes) M. Hkkinen (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Audi) G. Paffett (Mercedes) G. Paffett (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Audi) G. Paffett (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Audi) G. Paffett (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) Fastest lap J. Green (Mercedes) M. Hkkinen (Mercedes) M. Hkkinen (Mercedes) M. Tomczyk (Audi) M. Ekstrm (Audi) G. Paffett (Mercedes) G. Paffett (Mercedes) G. Paffett (Mercedes) G. Paffett (Mercedes) M. Hkkinen (Mercedes) J. Green (Mercedes)

DTM History


Schneiders high ve
Many great duels one great champion. 2006 was the year in which experience defeated the forward drive of the young guns. The title ght was dominated by record champion Bernd Schneider in the Mercedes-Benz, who became the DTM Champion for the fth time, ahead of Tom Kristensen (Audi) and Bruno Spengler (Mercedes-Benz). For the rst time, the DTM was reduced to the duel between the premium brands Audi and Mercedes-Benz.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Spengler (Mercedes) T. Kristensen (Audi) M. Tomczyk (Audi) J. Green (Mercedes) M. Hkkinen (Mercedes) H.-H. Frentzen (Audi) M. Ekstrm (Audi) J. Alesi (Mercedes) T. Scheider (Audi) 71 63 56 42 31 25 24 21 15 12

All races at a glance

Race Hockenheim EuroSpeedway Oschersleben Brands Hatch Norisring Nrburgring Zandvoort Barcelona Le Mans Hockenheim Pole position J. Green (Mercedes) J. Green (Mercedes) T. Kristensen (Audi) T. Kristensen (Audi) J. Green (Mercedes) B. Spengler (Mercedes) J. Green (Mercedes) M. Tomczyk (Audi) B. Spengler (Mercedes) H.-H. Frentzen (Audi) Winner B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) T. Kristensen (Audi) M. Ekstrm (Audi) B. Spengler (Mercedes) B. Spengler (Mercedes) T. Kristensen (Audi) M. Tomczyk (Audi) B. Spengler (Mercedes) B. Spengler (Mercedes) Fastest lap B. Spengler (Mercedes) B. Spengler (Mercedes) T. Kristensen (Audi) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Spengler (Mercedes) B. Spengler (Mercedes) M. Hkkinen (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) M. Hkkinen (Mercedes) J. Green (Mercedes)


DTM History

He did it again
The 2007 DTM season will be remembered as one of the most thrilling and unusual ones. The prestige duel between Audi and Mercedes-Benz intensied, remained open up to the last lap of the nale and was marked by collisions, controversial decisions and heated emotions. Although MercedesBenz won seven of the ten races, the title went back to Audi for the rst time since 2004 and again to Mattias Ekstrm.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M. Ekstrm (Audi) B. Spengler (Mercedes) M. Tomczyk (Audi) J. Green (Mercedes) P. Di Resta (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) T. Scheider (Audi) M. Hkkinen (Mercedes) G. Paffett (Mercedes) A. Margaritis (Mercedes) 50 47 40 34.5 32 31.5 25 22 20.5 16

All races at a glance

Race Hockenheim Oschersleben EuroSpeedway Brands Hatch Norisring Mugello Zandvoort Nrburgring Barcelona Hockenheim Pole position B. Spengler (Mercedes) M. Hkkinen (Mercedes) B. Spengler (Mercedes) M. Hkkinen (Mercedes) B. Spengler (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Audi) T. Scheider (Audi) M. Tomczyk (Audi) M. Tomczyk (Audi) T. Kristensen (Audi) Winner M. Ekstrm (Audi) G. Paffett (Mercedes) M. Hkkinen (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) B. Spengler (Mercedes) M. Hkkinen (Mercedes) M. Tomczyk (Audi) M. Tomczyk (Audi) J. Green (Mercedes) J. Green (Mercedes) Fastest lap M. Ekstrm (Audi) J. Green (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Audi) M. Tomczyk (Audi) B. Spengler (Mercedes) M. Tomczyk (Audi) J. Green (Mercedes) B. Spengler (Mercedes) B. Spengler (Mercedes) J. Green (Mercedes)

DTM History


Reward at last ...
Eight years or 79 races this is how long Timo Scheider had been waiting for his rst victory in the DTM until Oschersleben in 2008. But that was just the start for the Audi driver: In a thrilling duel he prevailed against his Mercedes-Benz rival Paul Di Resta, who was making a strong showing towards the end of the season, and was celebrated as the 2008 DTM Champion at the Hockenheim nale.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 T. Scheider (Audi) P. Di Resta (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Audi) J. Green (Mercedes) B. Spengler (Mercedes) B. Schneider (Mercedes) M. Tomczyk (Audi) T. Kristensen (Audi) G. Paffett (Mercedes) A. Prmat (Audi) 75 71 56 52 38 34 32 27 13 10

All races at a glance

Race Hockenheim Oschersleben Mugello EuroSpeedway Norisring Zandvoort Nrburgring Brands Hatch Barcelona Le Mans Hockenheim Pole position T. Scheider (Audi) T. Scheider (Audi) T. Scheider (Audi) P. Di Resta (Mercedes) B. Spengler (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Audi) T. Kristensen (Audi) T. Scheider (Audi) B. Schneider (Mercedes) T. Kristensen (Audi) M. Ekstrm (Audi) Winner M. Ekstrm (Audi) T. Scheider (Audi) J. Green (Mercedes) P. Di Resta (Mercedes) J. Green (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Audi) B. Schneider (Mercedes) T. Scheider (Audi) P. Di Resta (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Audi) T. Scheider (Audi) Fastest lap P. Di Resta (Mercedes) T. Scheider (Audi) J. Green (Mercedes) P. Di Resta (Mercedes) B. Spengler (Mercedes) T. Kristensen (Audi) M. Tomczyk (Audi) T. Scheider (Audi) T. Kristensen (Audi) P. Di Resta (Mercedes) P. Di Resta (Mercedes)


DTM History

Repeat offender
Timo Scheider crowned himself champion again in 2009. This makes him the second DTM driver after Bernd Schneider (2000 / 2001 season) to successfully defend his title. Scheiders most persistent rival for the laurels, Gary Paffett (Mercedes-Benz), had to admit defeat despite four wins in the season. With two podium places and one pole position, Oliver Jarvis in the year-old Audi attracted considerable attention.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 T. Scheider (Audi) G. Paffett (Mercedes) P. Di Resta (Mercedes) B. Spengler (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Audi) M. Tomczyk (Audi) J. Green (Mercedes) T. Kristensen (Audi) O. Jarvis (Audi) M. Winkelhock (Audi) 64 59 45 41 41 35 27 21 18 11

All races at a glance

Race Hockenheim EuroSpeedway Norisring Zandvoort Oschersleben Nrburgring Brands Hatch Barcelona Dijon-Prenois Hockenheim Pole position M. Ekstrm (Audi) M. Ekstrm (Audi) T. Scheider (Audi) O. Jarvis (Audi) T. Kristensen (Audi) M. Tomczyk (Audi) P. Di Resta (Mercedes) T. Kristensen (Audi) B. Spengler (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Audi) Winner T. Kristensen (Audi) G. Paffett (Mercedes) J. Green (Mercedes) G. Paffett (Mercedes) T. Scheider (Audi) M. Tomczyk (Audi) P. Di Resta (Mercedes) T. Scheider (Audi) G. Paffett (Mercedes) G. Paffett (Mercedes) Fastest lap M. Ekstrm (Audi) J. Green (Mercedes) K. Legge (Audi) M. Ekstrm (Audi) T. Scheider (Audi) M. Ekstrm (Audi) P. Di Resta (Mercedes) T. Scheider (Audi) P. Di Resta (Mercedes) G. Paffett (Mercedes)

DTM History


The tables have been turned
After three consecutive title wins Audi had little resistance to put up against the Mercedes squad. Just two races before the season ended, it was clear that the new champion would be driving a Mercedes. At the dramatic season nale Paul Di Resta intercepted the stumbling leader of the standings, Bruno S pengler, in the brand-internal ght between three front runners. Gary Paffett won the race, thus moving up to second place overall. The best Audi driver was Timo Scheider in fourth position overall.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P. Di Resta (Mercedes) G. Paffett (Mercedes) B. Spengler (Mercedes) T. Scheider (Audi) M. Ekstrm (Audi) J. Green (Mercedes) M. Rockenfeller (Audi) M. Tomczyk (Audi) O. Jarvis (Audi) M. Molina (Audi) 71 67 66 53 35 32 22 20 18 15

All races at a glance

Race Hockenheim Valencia EuroSpeedway Norisring Nrburgring Zandvoort Brands Hatch Oschersleben Hockenheim Adria Shanghai Pole position G. Paffett (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Audi) P. Di Resta (Mercedes) R. Schumacher (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Audi) T. Scheider (Audi) P. Di Resta (Mercedes) P. Di Resta (Mercedes) T. Scheider (Audi) G. Paffett (Mercedes) P. Di Resta (Mercedes) Winner G. Paffett (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Audi) B. Spengler (Mercedes) J. Green (Mercedes) B. Spengler (Mercedes) G. Paffett (Mercedes) P. Di Resta (Mercedes) P. Di Resta (Mercedes) P. Di Resta (Mercedes) T. Scheider (Audi) G. Paffett (Mercedes) Fastest lap B. Spengler (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Audi) M. Rockenfeller (Audi) R. Schumacher (Mercedes) B. Spengler (Mercedes) T. Scheider (Audi) M. Molina (Audi) T. Scheider (Audi) P. Di Resta (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Audi) D. Coulthard (Mercedes)


DTM History

Tomczyks surprise coup
The eternal talent Martin Tomczyk made believers out of everyone. After his Audi-internal transfer from Abt to Phoenix Racing, the driver who was ranking in third place overall really got going in 2007: thee victories, a total of eight podium places, not a single nish below fth place. And all this in an Audi A4DTM that was not a current specication car. Mercedes trump card, Bruno Spengler, as in the year before, had to settle for position three overall despite a strong rst half of the season.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M. Tomczyk (Audi) M. Ekstrm (Audi) B. Spengler (Mercedes) T. Scheider (Audi) J. Green (Mercedes) M. Rockenfeller (Audi) G. Paffett (Mercedes) R. Schumacher (Mercedes) E. Mortara (Audi) O. Jarvis (Audi) 72 52 51 36 35 31 25 21 21 14

All races at a glance

Race Hockenheim Zandvoort Spielberg Lausitzring Norisring Nrburgring Brands Hatch Oschersleben Valencia Hockenheim Pole position B. Spengler (Mercedes) B. Spengler (Mercedes) M. Tomczyk (Audi) B. Spengler (Mercedes) B. Spengler (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Audi) M. Rockenfeller (Audi) M. Molina (Audi) M. Ekstrm (Audi) M. Molina (Audi) Winner B. Spengler (Mercedes) M. Rockenfeller (Audi) M. Tomczyk (Audi) M. Tomczyk (Audi) B. Spengler (Mercedes) M. Ekstrm (Audi) M. Tomczyk (Audi) M. Ekstrm (Audi) M. Ekstrm (Audi) J. Green (Mercedes) Fastest lap B. Spengler (Mercedes) M. Rockenfeller (Audi) B. Spengler (Mercedes) T. Scheider (Audi) J. Green (Mercedes) D. Coulthard (Mercedes) M. Tomczyk (Audi) M. Ekstrm (Audi) T. Scheider (Audi) J. Green (Mercedes)

DTM History


Successful return
The 2012 DTM season was dominated by BMW. The Munichbased brand returned with a factory-backed commitment after having left it at the end of 1992 season, and successfully so, as BMW won half of the ten races of the season, secured the drivers title with Bruno Spengler plus the team and manufacturers titles. Opening race winner Gary Paffett lost the lead of the standings to Spengler only at the seasons nale. Audi, with Edoardo Mortara, took only two victories.

Final positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bruno Spengler (BMW) Gary Paffett (Mercedes) Jamie Green (Mercedes) Mike Rockenfeller (Audi) Edoardo Mortara (Audi) Mattias Ekstrm (Audi) Augusto Farfus (BMW) Martin Tomczyk (BMW) Dirk Werner (BMW) Adrien Tambay (Audi) 149 145 121 85 82 81 69 69 29 28

All races at a glance

Race Hockenheim Lausitzring Brands Hatch Spielberg Norisring Nrburgring Zandvoort Oschersleben Valencia Hockenheim Pole position M. Ekstrm (Audi) B. Spengler (BMW) G. Paffett (Mercedes) E. Mortara (Audi) G. Paffett (Mercedes) B. Spengler (BMW) T. Scheider (Audi) B. Spengler (BMW) A. Farfus (BMW) A. Farfus (BMW) Winner G. Paffett (Mercedes) B. Spengler (BMW) G. Paffett (Mercedes) E. Mortara (Audi) J. Green (Mercedes) B. Spengler (BMW) E. Mortara (Audi) B. Spengler (BMW) A. Farfus (BMW) B. Spengler (BMW) Fastest lap J. Green (Mercedes) J. Green (Mercedes) M. Tomczyk (BMW) T. Scheider (Audi) J. Green (Mercedes) B. Spengler (BMW) G. Paffett (Mercedes) R. Merhi (Mercedes) B. Spengler (BMW) G. Paffett (Mercedes)


DTM Statistics
Winfried Vogt.....................................................2 Volker Weidler....................................................2 Per-Gunnar Andersson.......................................1 Peter Dumbreck.................................................1 Augusto Farfus...............................................1 Marc Hessel......................................................1 Peter John.........................................................1 Kurt Knig.........................................................1 Jacques Lafte..................................................1 Ellen Lohr..........................................................1 Bernd Maylnder...............................................1 Kris Nissen........................................................1 Emanuele Pirro..................................................1 Mike Rockenfeller...........................................1 Walter Rhrl......................................................1 Keke Rosberg....................................................1 Gabriele Tarquini................................................1 Manfred Trint.....................................................1 Pole positions Bernd Schneider..............................................25 Mattias Ekstrm...........................................19 Klaus Ludwig...................................................16 Kurt Thiim........................................................16 Bruno Spengler.............................................14 Harald Grohs...................................................10 Nicola Larini....................................................10 Gary Paffett...................................................10 Timo Scheider...............................................10 Tom Kristensen..................................................9 Armin Hahne.....................................................8 Martin Tomczyk..............................................8 Manuel Reuter...................................................7 Jrg van Ommen...............................................7 Laurent Aiello.....................................................6 Paul Di Resta.....................................................6 Jamie Green....................................................6 Klaus Niedzwiedz...............................................6 Roland Asch......................................................5 Frank Biela........................................................5 Johnny Cecotto..................................................5 Marcel Fssler...................................................5 Roberto Ravaglia................................................5 Alessandro Nannini............................................4 Hans-Joachim Stuck..........................................4 Uwe Alzen.........................................................3

Race wins Bernd Schneider..............................................43 Klaus Ludwig...................................................36 Gary Paffett...................................................19 Kurt Thiim........................................................19 Nicola Larini....................................................18 Mattias Ekstrm...........................................17 Johnny Cecotto................................................14 Alessandro Nannini..........................................14 Bruno Spengler.............................................13 Hans-Joachim Stuck........................................13 Manuel Reuter.................................................11 Steve Soper.....................................................10 Frank Biela........................................................9 Jamie Green....................................................8 Laurent Aiello.....................................................7 Harald Grohs.....................................................7 Armin Hahne.....................................................7 Martin Tomczyk..............................................7 Uwe Alzen.........................................................6 Roland Asch......................................................6 Paul Di Resta.....................................................6 Klaus Niedzwiedz...............................................6 Roberto Ravaglia................................................6 Timo Scheider.................................................6 Christijan Albers.................................................5 Christian Danner................................................5 Jrg van Ommen...............................................5 Jean Alesi..........................................................4 Tom Kristensen..................................................4 Olaf Manthey.....................................................4 Joachim Winkelhock..........................................4 Marcel Fssler...................................................3 Alain Fert.........................................................3 Mika Hkkinen...................................................3 Michael Bartels..................................................2 Dario Franchitti..................................................2 Fabien Giroix.....................................................2 Altfrid Heger......................................................2 Jan Magnussen.................................................2 Stefano Modena................................................2 Edoardo Mortara.............................................2 Heinz-Friedrich Peil............................................2 Dany Snobeck...................................................2 Per Stureson......................................................2

Results drivers

Statistics incl. ITR Gold Cup races, ITC and 2004 Shanghai invitation race, current DTM entrants are highlighted. A start at a qualication race (2001 and 2002) counts as participation in a race.

DTM Statistics
Michael Bartels..................................................3 Christian Danner................................................3 Mika Hkkinen...................................................3 Altfrid Heger......................................................3 Per Stureson......................................................3 Jean Alesi..........................................................2 Augusto Farfus...............................................2 Dario Franchitti..................................................2 Miguel Molina.................................................2 Heinz-Friedrich Peil............................................2 Eric van de Poele...............................................2 Winfried Vogt.....................................................2 Joachim Winkelhock..........................................2 Christian Abt......................................................1 Christijan Albers.................................................1 Per-Gunnar Andersson.......................................1 Alain Cudini.......................................................1 Peter Dumbreck.................................................1 Heinz-Harald Frentzen........................................1 Oliver Jarvis.......................................................1 Frank Jelinski....................................................1 Franz Klammer..................................................1 Kurt Knig.........................................................1 Jacques Lafte..................................................1 Olaf Manthey.....................................................1 Stefano Modena................................................1 Edoardo Mortara.............................................1 Mike Rockenfeller...........................................1 Keke Rosberg....................................................1 Ralf Schumacher...............................................1 Manfred Trint.....................................................1 Volker Weidler....................................................1 Fastest laps Bernd Schneider..............................................60 Nicola Larini....................................................22 Klaus Ludwig...................................................16 Bruno Spengler.............................................14 Jamie Green..................................................13 Kurt Thiim........................................................13 Mattias Ekstrm...........................................12 Alessandro Nannini..........................................12 Steve Soper.....................................................10 Gary Paffett.....................................................9 Timo Scheider.................................................9 Hans-Joachim Stuck..........................................9


Joachim Winkelhock..........................................9 Roland Asch......................................................8 Harald Grohs.....................................................8 Manuel Reuter...................................................8 Paul Di Resta.....................................................7 Martin Tomczyk..............................................7 Johnny Cecotto..................................................6 Armin Hahne.....................................................6 Uwe Alzen.........................................................5 Mika Hkkinen...................................................5 Altfrid Heger......................................................5 Jacques Lafte..................................................5 Klaus Niedzwiedz...............................................5 Laurent Aiello.....................................................4 Per-Gunnar Andersson.......................................4 Alain Cudini.......................................................4 Christian Danner................................................4 Fabien Giroix.....................................................4 Peter John.........................................................4 Tom Kristensen..................................................4 Stefano Modena................................................4 Roberto Ravaglia................................................4 Keke Rosberg....................................................4 Jrg van Ommen...............................................4 Christian Abt......................................................3 Giancarlo Fisichella............................................3 Dario Franchitti..................................................3 Emanuele Pirro..................................................3 Christijan Albers.................................................2 Frank Biela........................................................2 David Coulthard.................................................2 Marcel Fssler...................................................2 Marc Hessel......................................................2 Jan Magnussen.................................................2 Alain Menu........................................................2 Dieter Quester...................................................2 Mike Rockenfeller...........................................2 Dany Snobeck...................................................2 Per Stureson......................................................2 Winfried Vogt.....................................................2 Volker Weidler....................................................2 Michael Bartels..................................................1 Gianfranco Brancatelli........................................1 Yannick Dalmas.................................................1 Peter Dumbreck.................................................1 Alain Fert.........................................................1


DTM Statistics
Peter Oberndorfer.......................................449.5 Uwe Alzen..................................................448.0 Fabien Giroix..............................................430.0 Armin Hahne..............................................427.0 Volker Strycek.............................................424.5 Martin Tomczyk.......................................390.0 Timo Scheider..........................................373.0 Jamie Green.............................................361.5 Per Stureson...............................................350.5 Dario Franchitti...........................................325.0 Markus Oestreich........................................321.0 Dieter Quester............................................314.0 Marcel Fssler............................................304.0 Ellen Lohr...................................................296.0 Dany Snobeck............................................290.0 Jacques Lafte...........................................243.0 Stefano Modena.........................................241.0 Winfried Vogt..............................................232.5 Jan Magnussen..........................................229.0 Kris Nissen.................................................226.0 Laurent Aiello..............................................224.0 Paul Di Resta..............................................219.0 Tom Kristensen...........................................214.0 JJ Lehto.....................................................210.0 Franz Klammer...........................................208.5 Giancarlo Fisichella.....................................206.0 Peter Dumbreck..........................................200.0 Keke Rosberg.............................................198.0 Giorgio Francia...........................................197.0 Michael Bartels...........................................182.0 Anton Goeser..............................................179.0 Sigi Mller jr...............................................178.0 Frank Schmickler........................................172.0 Gianfranco Brancatelli.................................162.0 Per-Gunnar Andersson................................161.0 Mike Rockenfeller....................................159.0 Frank Jelinski.............................................155.0 Eric van de Poele........................................154.0 Marc Hessel...............................................146.0 Alexander Grau...........................................145.0 Peter John..................................................140.0 Christijan Albers..........................................138.0 Emanuele Pirro...........................................132.0 Walter Mertes.............................................130.5 Volker Weidler.............................................129.0 Heinz-Friedrich Peil.....................................128.0

Alexander Grau..................................................1 Hubert Haupt.....................................................1 Eric Hlary.........................................................1 Kurt Knig.........................................................1 Katherine Legge................................................1 Ellen Lohr..........................................................1 Bernd Maylnder...............................................1 Christian Menzel................................................1 Roberto Merhi.................................................1 Miguel Molina.................................................1 Peter Oberndorfer..............................................1 Heinz-Friedrich Peil1 Walter Rhrl......................................................1 Frank Schmickler...............................................1 Ralf Schumacher...............................................1 Gabriele Tarquini................................................1 Manfred Trint.....................................................1 Eric van de Poele...............................................1 Thomas von Lwis.............................................1 Alexander Wurz..................................................1 Points (extract) Klaus Ludwig...........................................1,792.5 Bernd Schneider......................................1,770.5 Kurt Thiim................................................1,405.0 Roland Asch............................................1,141.0 Manuel Reuter.........................................1,107.0 Jrg van Ommen.....................................1,045.5 Johnny Cecotto...........................................959.0 Steve Soper................................................744.0 Frank Biela.................................................652.0 Nicola Larini...............................................636.0 Mattias Ekstrm......................................615.0 Christian Danner.........................................570.0 Olaf Manthey..............................................563.5 Harald Grohs..............................................558.0 Joachim Winkelhock...................................555.0 Klaus Niedzwiedz........................................531.0 Hans-Joachim Stuck...................................520.5 Alesandro Nannini.......................................511.0 Altfrid Heger...............................................506.0 Alain Cudini................................................495.0 Roberto Ravaglia.........................................490.0 Kurt Knig..................................................486.5 Gary Paffett..............................................474.5 Bruno Spengler........................................460.0

DTM Statistics
Jean Alesi...................................................122.0 Manfred Trint..............................................114.5 Fritz Mller.................................................110.0


Results makes

Race wins Mercedes-Benz.............................................168 Audi................................................................63 BMW...............................................................54 Alfa Romeo......................................................41 Ford................................................................30 Opel................................................................20 Rover................................................................6 Volvo.................................................................5 Chevrolet...........................................................1 Pole positions Mercedes-Benz.............................................114

Audi................................................................67 BMW...............................................................35 Ford................................................................22 Alfa Romeo......................................................20 Opel................................................................11 Volvo.................................................................6 Rover................................................................4 Fastest laps Mercedes-Benz.............................................172 BMW...............................................................66 Audi................................................................52 Alfa Romeo......................................................46 Ford................................................................22 Opel................................................................19 Volvo.................................................................7 Chevrolet...........................................................4 Rover................................................................2

Figures, facts, records

Events 279, Races 392 Races without classication 3: Salzburg 1988 (heat 1+2), Avus 1995 (heat 2) Cancelled races 2: EuroSpeedway 2000 (heat 1+2) Largest grid 44 starters: Hockenheim 1988 Race with the smallest number of classied cars 9: Hockenheim II 2010 Tightest nish 0.089s: Klaus Ludwig/Uwe Alzen, Norisring 1996 Largest gap between 1st and 2nd 51.96s: Winfried Vogt, Mainz-Finthen 1985 Biggest success of one manufacturer Place 16: Mercedes, Hockenheim 2001 and Barcelona 2007. Audi, Valencia 2011 Largest winning streak (drivers).4: Klaus Ludwig 1989, Nicola Larini 1993, Alessandro Nannini 1996 Largest winning streak (manufacturer) 8: Mercedes 1995 Most consecutive poles (drivers) 3: Jrg van Ommen 1984, Harald Grohs 1984, Klaus Ludwig 1988, Bernd Schneider 2000, Bernd Schneider 2003, Jamie Green 2005/2006, Timo Scheider 2008, Mattias Ekstrm 2008/2009 Most consecutive poles (manufacturers) 8: Mercedes 2002/2003, Audi 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 Successful title defences (drivers) 2: Bernd Schneider 2000/2001, Timo Scheider 2008/2009 Successful title defences (manufacturers) 5 . : Audi 1990/1991, Mercedes 2000/2001, Mercedes 2005/2006, Audi 2007/2008/2009 Multiple DTM Champions 4: (Bernd Schneider 5 titles; Klaus Ludwig 3 titles; M attiasEkstrm and Timo Scheider 2 titles each) Drivers having scored points 256


DTM Results 2012

01 DTM Hockenheim
29 April 2012
40 Laps of 4.574 km = 182.960 km 1 Paffett (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup 1h 04m 37.615s 2 Green (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 4.709s 3 Ekstrm (S) Audi A5 DTM + 19.434s 4 Vietoris (D) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 25.774s 5 Rockenfeller (D) Audi A5 DTM + 27.834s 6 Priaulx (GB) BMW M3 DTM + 28.435s 7 Schumacher (D) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 39.948s 8 Coulthard (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 43.306s 9 Molina (E) Audi A5 DTM + 46.079s 10 Albuquerque (P) Audi A5 DTM + 46.614s 11 Mortara (I) Audi A5 DTM + 47.253s 12 Wolff (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 51.971s 13 Hand (USA) BMW M3 DTM + 1m 08.628s 14 Wickens (CDN) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 1m 09.027s 15 Farfus (BR) BMW M3 DTM + 1m 09.556s 16 Frey (CH) Audi A5 DTM + 1m 16.123s 17 Werner (D) BMW M3 DTM - 1 lap 18 Merhi (E) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup - 2 laps Scheider (D) Audi A5 DTM Collision Tomczyk (D) BMW M3 DTM Collision Tambay (F) Audi A5 DTM Collision Spengler (CDN) BMW M3 DTM Collision Starters 22 Classied 18 Spectators 142,000 Pole position Ekstrm, 1m 34.680s Fastest lap Green, 1m 34.901s

03 DTM Brands Hatch

20 May 2012
97 Laps of 1.929 km = 187.113 km 1 Paffett (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup 1h 10m 01.585s 2 Spengler (CDN) BMW M3 DTM + 5.065s 3 Rockenfeller (D) Audi A5 DTM + 5.579s 4 Tomczyk (D) BMW M3 DTM + 5.997s 5 Ekstrm (S) Audi A5 DTM + 22.416s 6 Vietoris (D) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 23.195s 7 Molina (E) Audi A5 DTM + 23.689s 8 Green (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 24.284s 9 Mortara (I) Audi A5 DTM + 25.779s 10 Albuquerque (P) Audi A5 DTM + 29.582s 11 Farfus (BR) BMW M3 DTM + 30.302s 12 Tambay (F) Audi A5 DTM + 33.015s 13 Hand (USA) BMW M3 DTM + 35.977s 14 Wickens (CDN) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 36.340s 15 Coulthard (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup - 1 lap 16 Werner (D) BMW M3 DTM - 1 lap 17 Merhi (E) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup - 1 lap 18 Frey (CH) Audi A5 DTM - 1 lap 19 Schumacher (D) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup - 1 lap 20 Wolff (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup - 16 laps Scheider (D) Audi A5 DTM Engine Priaulx (GB) BMW M3 DTM Front splitter Starters 22 Classied 20 Spectators 27,000 Pole position Paffett, 41.266s Fastest lap Tomczyk, 42.138s

02 DTM Lausitzring
6 May 2012
52 Laps of 3.478 km = 180.856 km 1 Spengler (CDN) BMW M3 DTM 1h 09m 45.795s 2 Paffett (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 1.019s 3 Farfus (BR) BMW M3 DTM + 7.069s 4 Green (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 7.676s 5 Ekstrm (S) Audi A5 DTM + 21.362s 6 Scheider (D) Audi A5 DTM + 22.607s 7 Tomczyk (D) BMW M3 DTM + 25.446s 8 Mortara (I) Audi A5 DTM + 32.202s 9 Albuquerque (P) Audi A5 DTM + 32.658s 10 Schumacher (D) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 35.513s 11 Vietoris (D) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 45.699s 12 Coulthard (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 46.355s 13 Rockenfeller (D) Audi A5 DTM + 47.667s 14 Hand (USA) BMW M3 DTM + 48.034s 15 Molina (E) Audi A5 DTM + 48.836s 16 Merhi (E) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 56.454s 17 Priaulx (GB) BMW M3 DTM + 58.984s 18 Tambay (F) Audi A5 DTM + 1m 04.646s 19 Werner (D) BMW M3 DTM + 1m 05.201s 20 Frey (CH) Audi A5 DTM + 1m 08.570s 21 Wolff (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup - 1 lap 22 Wickens (CDN) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup - 5 laps Starters 22 Classied 22 Spectators 72,000 Pole position Spengler, 1m 18.777s Fastest lap Green, 1m 19.025s

04 DTM Spielberg
3 June 2012
47 Laps of 4.326 km = 203.322 km 1 Mortara (I) Audi A5 DTM 1h 12m 30.277s 2 Tomczyk (D) BMW M3 DTM + 1.068s 3 Paffett (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 2.142s 4 Ekstrm (S) Audi A5 DTM + 2.769s 5 Green (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 5.406s 6 Scheider (D) Audi A5 DTM + 35.351s 7 Rockenfeller (D) Audi A5 DTM + 37.260s 8 Albuquerque (P) Audi A5 DTM + 38.062s 9 Hand (USA) BMW M3 DTM + 39.419s 10 Farfus (BR) BMW M3 DTM + 39.904s 11 Schumacher (D) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 43.567s 12 Merhi (E) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 50.339s 13 Wickens (CDN) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 1m 05.670s 14 Wolff (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 1m 06.161s 15 Frey (CH) Audi A5 DTM + 1m 06.988s Spengler (CDN) BMW M3 DTM Collision consequences Coulthard (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup Brake balance Molina (E) Audi A5 DTM Collision consequences Priaulx (GB) BMW M3 DTM Collision Werner (D) BMW M3 DTM Collision Tambay (F) Audi A5 DTM Collision Vietoris (D) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup Collision Starters 22 Classied 15 Spectators 48,500 Pole position Mortara, 1m 26.171s Fastest lap Scheider, 1m 27.027s

DTM Results 2012


05 DTM Norisring
1 July 2012
78 Laps of 2.300 km = 179.400 km 1 Green (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup 1h 15m 00.005s 2 Tomczyk (D) BMW M3 DTM + 0.687s 3 Spengler (CDN) BMW M3 DTM + 2.335s 4 Paffett (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 14.666s 5 Coulthard (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 36.861s 6 Rockenfeller (D) Audi A5 DTM + 37.062s 7 Priaulx (GB) BMW M3 DTM + 44.529s 8 Vietoris (D) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 46.236s 9 Wickens (CDN) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 49.254s 10 Werner (D) BMW M3 DTM + 49.301s 11 Albuquerque (P) Audi A5 DTM - 1 lap 12 Molina (E) Audi A5 DTM - 1 lap 13 Merhi (E) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup - 1 lap 14 Hand (USA) BMW M3 DTM - 1 lap 15 Tambay (F) Audi A5 DTM - 2 laps 16 Scheider (D) Audi A5 DTM - 2 laps 17 Frey (CH) Audi A5 DTM - 3 laps Schumacher (D) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup Electronic Mortara (I) Audi A5 DTM Collision consequences Wolff (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup Front axle Farfus (BR) BMW M3 DTM Collision consequences Ekstrm (S) Audi A5 DTM Collision Starters 22 Classied 17 Spectators 135,000 Pole position Paffett, 49.139s Fastest lap Green, 54.451s Note Rain. Due to a second formation lap the race was initially shortened from 82 to 81 laps and due to expiry of the maximum time of 75 minutes ended prematurely after 78 laps.

07 DTM Zandvoort
26 August 2012
43 Laps of 4.307 km = 185.201 km 1 Mortara (I) Audi A5 DTM 1h 16m 17.679s 2 Rockenfeller (D) Audi A5 DTM + 1.513s 3 Ekstrm (S) Audi A5 DTM + 8.417s 4 Green (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 13.283s 5 Tambay (F) Audi A5 DTM + 21.313s 6 Spengler (CDN) BMW M3 DTM + 26.397s 7 Paffett (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 33.791s 8 Werner (D) BMW M3 DTM + 33.923s 9 Farfus (BR) BMW M3 DTM + 34.706s 10 Schumacher (D) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 36.380s 11 Merhi (E) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 36.771s 12 Wolff (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 43.135s 13 Priaulx (GB) BMW M3 DTM + 53.127s 14 Hand (USA) BMW M3 DTM - 1 lap 15 Albuquerque (P) Audi A5 DTM - 9 laps Tomczyk (D) BMW M3 DTM Collision Coulthard (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup Collision Scheider (D) Audi A5 DTM Collision Vietoris (D) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup Collision Molina (E) Audi A5 DTM Collision Wickens (CDN) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup Collision Frey (CH) Audi A5 DTM Collision Starters 22 Classied 15 Spectators 37,000 Pole position Scheider, 1m 32.365s Fastest lap Paffett, 1m 34.054s

08 DTM Oschersleben
16 September 2012
51 Laps of 3.696 km = 188.496 km 1 Spengler (CDN) BMW M3 DTM 1h 12m 09.607s 2 Paffett (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 0.629s 3 Green (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 15.512s 4 Werner (D) BMW M3 DTM + 22.311s 5 Farfus (BR) BMW M3 DTM + 24.423s 6 Rockenfeller (D) Audi A5 DTM + 26.940s 7 Wickens (CDN) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 33.737s 8 Ekstrm (S) Audi A5 DTM + 34.631s 9 Albuquerque (P) Audi A5 DTM + 42.943s 10 Scheider (D) Audi A5 DTM + 44.852s 11 Hand (USA) BMW M3 DTM + 46.140s 12 Vietoris (D) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 55.296s 13 Schumacher (D) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 1m 14.587s 14 Merhi (E) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 1m 15.545s 15 Molina (E) Audi A5 DTM - 1 lap 16 Tambay (F) Audi A5 DTM - 4 laps 17 Priaulx (GB) BMW M3 DTM - 12 laps Tomczyk (D) BMW M3 DTM Air cooler Wolff (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup Collision Frey (CH) Audi A5 DTM Collision Mortara (I) Audi A5 DTM Collision consequences Coulthard (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup Collision Starters 22 Classied 17 Spectators 71,000 Pole position Spengler, 1m 20.916s Fastest lap Merhi, 1m 22.752s

06 DTM Nrburgring
19 August 2012
49 Laps of 3.629 km = 177.821 km 1 Spengler (CDN) BMW M3 DTM 1h 11m 12.847s 2 Mortara (I) Audi A5 DTM + 6.703s 3 Tomczyk (D) BMW M3 DTM + 10.802s 4 Green (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 22.019s 5 Rockenfeller (D) Audi A5 DTM + 23.054s 6 Paffett (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 23.765s 7 Wickens (CDN) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 25.041s 8 Albuquerque (P) Audi A5 DTM + 29.601s 9 Scheider (D) Audi A5 DTM + 30.422s 10 Farfus (BR) BMW M3 DTM + 33.686s 11 Ekstrm (S) Audi A5 DTM + 35.436s 12 Werner (D) BMW M3 DTM + 40.828s 13 Schumacher (D) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 42.526s 14 Frey (CH) Audi A5 DTM + 43.105s 15 Molina (E) Audi A5 DTM + 46.558s 16 Vietoris (D) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 53.240s 17 Wolff (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 1m 09.036s 18 Hand (USA) BMW M3 DTM + 1m 12.214s 19 Priaulx (GB) BMW M3 DTM + 1m 25.739s 20 Coulthard (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup - 1 lap Tambay (F) Audi A5 DTM Collision consequences Merhi (E) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup Collision Starters 22 Classied 20 Spectators 89,000 Pole position Spengler, 1m 24.284s Fastest lap Spengler, 1m 25.185s


DTM Results 2012

09 DTM Valencia
30 September 2012
46 Laps of 4.005 km = 184.230 km 1 Farfus (BR) BMW M3 DTM 1h 06m 22.522s 2 Tambay (F) Audi A5 DTM + 8.406s 3 Ekstrm (S) Audi A5 DTM + 8.967s 4 Albuquerque (P) Audi A5 DTM + 23.067s 5 Rockenfeller (D) Audi A5 DTM + 28.066s 6 Spengler (CDN) BMW M3 DTM + 39.831s 7 Frey (CH) Audi A5 DTM + 48.318s 8 Priaulx (GB) BMW M3 DTM + 49.562s 9 Werner (D) BMW M3 DTM + 58.327s 10 Green (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 1m 10.596s 11 Coulthard (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 1m 12.228s 12 Vietoris (D) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 1m 20.388s 13 Wolff (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup - 1 lap 14 Schumacher (D) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup - 1 lap 15 Hand (USA) BMW M3 DTM - 4 laps 16 Mortara (I) Audi A5 DTM - 8 laps Scheider (D) Audi A5 DTM Power train Paffett (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup Collision Molina (E) Audi A5 DTM Brakes Wickens (CDN) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup Accident Merhi (E) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup Collision Tomczyk (D) BMW M3 DTM Collision Starters 22 Classied 16 Spectators 24,000 Pole position Farfus, 1m 26.446s Fastest lap Spengler, 1m 27.116s

10 DTM Finale Hockenheim

21 October 2012
42 Laps of 4.574 km = 192.108 km 1 Spengler (CDN) BMW M3 DTM 1h 07m 59.069s 2 Paffett (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 2.214s 3 Farfus (BR) BMW M3 DTM + 11.954s 4 Green (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 23.479s 5 Werner (D) BMW M3 DTM + 25.384s 6 Mortara (I) Audi A5 DTM + 41.701s 7 Priaulx (GB) BMW M3 DTM + 42.265s 8 Hand (USA) BMW M3 DTM + 42.843s 9 Schumacher (D) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 43.878s 10 Vietoris (D) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 45.138s 11 Albuquerque (P) Audi A5 DTM + 58.232s 12 Scheider (D) Audi A5 DTM + 1m 14.020s 13 Wolff (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup + 1m 35.931s 14 Tomczyk (D) BMW M3 DTM - 1 lap 15 Merhi (E) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup - 1 lap 16 Frey (CH) Audi A5 DTM - 1 lap Molina (E) Audi A5 DTM Accident Coulthard (GB) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup Collision Wickens (CDN) DTM Mercedes AMG C-Coup Collision Ekstrm (S) Audi A5 DTM Wheel Rockenfeller (D) Audi A5 DTM Collision Tambay (F) Audi A5 DTM Suspension Starters 22 Classied 16 Spectators 128,000 Pole position Farfus, 1m 34.140s Fastest lap Paffett, 1m 35.402s

DTM Mnchen
14/15 July 2012
Farfus Spengler Scheider Tambay Molina Ekstrm Schumacher Green Paffett Vietoris Hand Werner Quarter-nal Manufacturer teams relay (Saturday) Semi-nal Scheider Tambay Scheider Tambay Schumacher Green Schumacher Green Paffett Vietoris Hand Werner Quarter-nal Paffett Single competition (Sunday) Coulthard Tomczyk Ekstrm Green Rockenfeller Farfus Spengler Semi-nal Paffett Ekstrm Ekstrm Final Final

Spectators 45,000 Winner

Schumacher Green


Ekstrm Green Green Spengler

DTM Results 2012



Brands Hatch


Final classication 2012 1 Bruno Spengler (CDN) 2 Gary Paffett (GB) 3 Jamie Green (GB) 4 Mike Rockenfeller (D) 5 Edoardo Mortara (I) 6 Mattias Ekstrm (S) 7 Augusto Farfus (BR) 8 Martin Tomczyk (D) 9 Dirk Werner (D) 10 Adrien Tambay (F) 11 Filipe Albuquerque (P) 12 Christian Vietoris (D) 13 Andy Priaulx (GB) 14 Timo Scheider (D) 15 David Coulthard (GB) 16 Robert Wickens (CDN) 17 Ralf Schumacher (D) 18 Miguel Molina (E) 19 Rahel Frey (CH) 20 Joey Hand (USA) 21 Roberto Merhi (E) 22 Susie Wolff (GB)

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 149 NC 25 18 NC 15 25 8 25 8 25 145 25 18 25 15 12 8 6 18 NC 18 121 18 12 4 10 25 12 12 15 1 12 85 10 0 15 6 8 10 18 8 10 NC 82 0 4 2 25 NC 18 25 NC 0 8 81 15 10 10 12 NC 0 15 4 15 NC 69 0 15 0 1 NC 1 2 10 25 15 69 NC 6 12 18 18 15 NC NC NC 0 29 0 0 0 NC 1 0 4 12 2 10 28 NC 0 0 NC 0 NC 10 0 18 NC 26 1 2 1 4 0 4 0 2 12 0 25 12 0 8 NC 4 0 NC 0 0 1 24 8 0 NC NC 6 0 0 0 4 6 19 NC 8 NC 8 0 2 NC 1 NC 0 14 4 0 0 NC 10 0 NC NC 0 NC 14 0 0 0 0 2 6 NC 6 NC NC 10 6 1 0 0 NC 0 1 0 0 2 8 2 0 6 NC 0 0 NC 0 NC NC 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 NC NC 6 0 6 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 NC 0 0 NC 0 0 0 0 0 0 NC 0 0 NC 0 0

Legend: 0= race nish without points; NC=not classied; Points awarded for top ten: 25-18-15-12-10-8-6-4-2-1 Teams classication Pl Team 1 BMW Team Schnitzer 2 HWA 3 HWA 4 Team Rosberg 5 Abt Sportsline 6 BMW Team RBM 7 Phoenix Racing 8 BMW Team RMG 9 Abt Sportsline 10 Mcke Motorsport Victories Drivers Spengler 4; Mortara 2; Paffett 2; Farfus 1; Green 1 Manufacturers BMW 5; Mercedes 3; Audi 2 Teams Schnitzer 4; HWA 3; Rosberg 2; RBM 1 Fastest laps Drivers Green 3; Paffett2; Spengler 2; Merhi 1; Scheider 1; Tomczyk 1 Manufacturers Mercedes 6; BMW 3; Audi 1 Teams HWA 5; Schnitzer 2; Abt 1; Persson 1; RMG 1 Driver Spengler/Werner Paffett/Vietoris Green/Schumacher Albuquerque/Mortara Ekstrm/Scheider Farfus/Priaulx Molina/Rockenfeller Hand/Tomczyk Frey/Tambay Coulthard/Wickens Pole positions Drivers Spengler3; Farfus 2; Paffett 2; Ekstrm 1; Mortara 1; Scheider 1 Manufacturers BMW 5; Audi 3; Mercedes 2 Teams Schnitzer 3; Abt 2; HWA 2; RBM 2; Rosberg 1 Points 178 170 131 108 100 93 93 75 34 26

Leading laps Drivers Spengler 179; Paffett 138; Mortara 58; Farfus 44; Tomczyk 34; Green 25; Rockenfeller 23; Schumacher 20; Scheider 8; Werner 6; Ekstrm 4; Molina 3; Merhi 2; Hand 1 Manufacturers BMW 264; Mercedes-Benz 185; Audi 96 Teams Schnitzer 185; HWA 183; Rosberg 58; RBM 44; RMG 35; Phoenix 26; Abt 12; Persson 2



Points total







FIA Formula 3 European Championship Preview

European Union
From this year, the FIA Formula3 European Championship is the leading junior category in international single-seater racing

he FIAs aim is to re-launch the European championship as a stand-alone series so as to place Formula 3 at the very core of the training process of up-and-coming young drivers. Events together with leading international race series allow the talents of Formula 3 to present themselves at a high level. The calendar for the 2013 season includes ten events in six European countries. With meetings in Austria, France, G ermany,

Great Britain, Italy and The Netherlands, the FIA Formula3 European Championship lives up to its international ambition. Eight current or former Formula 1 race and test tracks Monza (I), Silverstone (GB), Hockenheim (D), Brands Hatch (GB), Red Bull Ring (A), Nrburgring (D), Zandvoort (NL) and Paul Ricard (F) are on the calendar, while the Norisring in Nuremberg is a street circuit steeped in tradition where Formula 3 has raced regularly for over

FIA Formula 3 European Championship Preview

40 years. On seven weekends, the FIA Formula 3 European Championship is racing together with the DTM. Moreover, there are joint events with the FIA World Touring Car Championship, the FIA World Endurance Championship and the GT Tour (French GT series). For decades, Formula 3 has been the ideal stepping stone into motorsports premier category, Formula 1. Here, up-and-coming talents not only acquire valuable experience in racing, but also learn how to deal with technical matters. As, unlike many other categories, Formula 3 does not use spec chassis or engines, drivers can develop the cars within the limits of the technical regulations together with the engineers and technicians. Formula 1 World Champions Sebastian Vettel, Jenson Button, Lewis Hamilton, Michael Schumacher, Mika Hkkinen, Jacques Villeneuve, Damon Hill, Alain Prost, Nigel Mansell, Nelson Piquet and Ayrton Senna, to name but a few examples from the last three decades, all moved up through the ranks of Formula 3 into the sports top class. However, the career path after Formula 3 does not exclusively lead to Formula 1. For instance, Jamie Green, Roberto Merhi and Daniel Juncadella all continued their careers in the DTM after winning the Formula 3 Euro Series title. Paul Di Resta also moved up into the touring car league as a Formula 3 champion, then went on to win the DTM title as well after four years and eventually made it into Formula 1. Other drivers who shone in Formula 3 are currently making a name for themselves in endurance racing like Benot Trluyer, Marcel Fssler and Andr Lotterer, 2-time victors in the Le Mans 24 Hours (2011, 2012) who won the drivers title in the 2012 FIA World Endurance Championship. Every race weekend of the FIA Formula 3 European Championship starts on Friday with a free practice session of almost two hours, interrupted by a ve minutes break. Two qualifying sessions of 20 minutes each are also scheduled on Friday, again with a ve minutes break in between. The fastest time of every driver in rst qualifying determines the starting grid positions for race1, the second-fastest lap time in rst qualifying determines the starting grid position for race 2. The


starting grid positions for race 3 are based on the fastest lap times in second qualifying. The races are run over a distance of approximately 100kilometres or a maximum duration of 35 minutes. Every race weekend also includes an autograph session with all drivers. The FIA Formula 3 European Championship has a particularly high-quality drivers eld for the 2013 season. Twelve teams from ve countries are running a total of 30 drivers from 15 different nations. Drivers are competing for the FIA Formula 3 European Championship title. The 2013 FIA Formula 3 European Champion can look forward to a test session with a Formula 1 car of the Scuderia Ferrari.

Reinforcement With Michela Cerruti (l.) and Tatiana Caldern, the starting grid also features two girl racers


FIA Formula 3 European Championship Regulations/Events

Rules of the game

The regulations of the FIA European Formula 3 Championship make for thrilling sport and reasonable costs

Technical regulations
Chassis In the current season, all teams are relying on the know-how of experienced Italian chassis manufacturer, Dallara. Cars of the 2012 generation are being used, which are homologated for Formula 3 until 2015. With a stepped underoor, crash boxes at the front and the rear and two roll-hoops, the cars are extremely safe. Prior to the rst use, they also have to pass the stringent FIA crash tests. Nevertheless, drivers should not overdo it: even after an accident with considerable damage to the equipment, changing a chassis during the event is not permitted. The minimum weight of the car is 550 kg (including driver in full race gear and all liquids except fuel). The vehicle width, including tyres, may not exceed 1,850 mm, the wheel base may not be less than 2,000 mm. Engine Admitted are four-cylinder engines with a maximum capacity of 2,000 cc. At least 2,500units of the basic version of the engine have to be built per year. Block and cylinder head must be identical with the production engine. Turbo charging is prohibited. An air restrictor with a diameter of 26 mm limits the power output. Refuelling The rubber safety tanks are lled exclusively with 102 octane fuel. Both in practice sessions and in races, refuelling is prohibited. Transmission For shifting gears, a longitudinally placed sequential six-speed gearbox is used. A reverse gear is mandatory, traction control is forbidden. Tyres The race cars in the FIA Formula 3 European Championship are equipped exclusively with Hankook tyres (180/550 R13 front, 240/570 R13 rear).

Robust The Formula 3 chassis have to pass strict crash tests

FIA Formula 3 European Championship Regulations/Events


Sporting regulations
Classications The Formula 3 European Championship drivers title will be awarded to the driver with the highest number of points. The team title will be awarded to the competitor which has scored the highest number of points. Team championship points are being awarded to those drivers (maximum two per team) who have been nominated by their teams prior to every event. Engines A driver has to use the same engine on two subsequent racing weekends. In case of an engine change within this time frame, the driver will be dropped ten places on the starting grid for the next race in which he takes part. Points In each of the three races, 25-18-15-1210-8-6-4-2-1 points are awarded to the ten bestplaced drivers. Guest drivers who have not been registered for the entire season are not eligible to score points. In case a race is stopped before the leading driver has completed at least 75 percent of the planned race distance, half points are being awarded. No points are awarded if the race is stopped with less than two laps having been completed. Test days Between December 22nd of the previous year and the nale of the 2013 season, ofcial test days took place at Barcelona on March 8th and 9th and at Monza on March 18th and 19th. Atwo-day mid-season test will take place at a yet-to-be-named racetrack. Moreover, teams are allowed to complete private test sessions with a maximum of six days. The race weekend Friday starts with a free practice session of almost two hours, including a ve minutes break. On Friday, there are also two qualifying sessions of 20 minutes each, also separated by a ve minutes break. The fastest time of the rst qualifying session determines the starting grid position for race 1, the second-fastest time of the rst qualifying session determines the starting grid position for race 2. The fastest time of the
Equality of opportunity All the FIA Formula 3 European Championship drivers contest the season on Hankook tyres

second qualifying session determines the starting grid position for race 3. The distance of each of the three races is approximately 100 kilometres or a maximum duration of 35 minutes. Tyres The number of Hankook tyres per driver per racing weekend is limited. In free practice, one set of used tyres and two sets of new tyres can be used. For the qualifying sessions and the races, every driver has three sets of new tyres at his disposal. The number of rain tyres is limited to three sets per racing weekend. Schedule 2324 March 1314 April 0405 May 1819 May 0102 June 1314 July 1718 August 2829 September 1920 October 2627 October Monza (I) Silverstone (GB) Hockenheim (D) Brands Hatch (GB) Spielberg (A) Norisring (D) Nrburgring (D) Zandvoort (NL) Hockenheim (D) Paul Ricard (F)

No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

FIA Formula 3 European Championship Entry List

Bewerber Driver Prema Powerteam Raffaele Marciello (I) Prema Powerteam Alex Lynn (GB) Carlin Harry Tincknell (GB) Carlin Jordan King (GB) kfzteile24 Mcke Motorsport Michael Lewis (USA) kfzteile24 Mcke Motorsport Felix Rosenqvist (S) ma-con Sven Mller (D) ma-con Andr Rudersdorf (D) URD Rennsport Lucas Wolf (D) Jo Zeller Racing Sandro Zeller (CH) Fortec Motorsports Flix Serralls (USA) Fortec Motorsports Luis Felipe Derani (BR) ThreeBond with T-Sport TBA ThreeBond with T-Sport Richard Goddard (GB) Double R Racing Tatiana Caldern (CO) Double R Racing Antonio Giovinazzi (I) Van Amersfoort Racing Dennis van de Laar (NL) Van Amersfoort Racing Mns Grenhagen (S) Eurointernational Tom Blomqvist (GB) Romeo Ferraris Gary Thompson (J) Romeo Ferraris Michela Cerruti (I) Prema Powerteam Lucas Auer (A) Prema Powerteam Eddie Cheever (I) Carlin Nicholas Lati (CDN) Carlin Jann Mardenborough (GB) kfzteile24 Mcke Motorsport Mitchell Gilbert (AUS) kfzteile24 Mcke Motorsport Roy Nissany (IL) Fortec Motorsports Josh Hill (GB) Fortec Motorsports William Buller (GB) Double R Racing Sean Gelael (RI) City Place of residence Grisignano di Zocco (I) Maranello (I) Grisignano di Zocco (I) Essex (GB) Farnham (GB) Sidmouth (GB) Farnham (GB) Leamington Spa (GB) Berlin (D) Laguna Beach (USA) Berlin (D) Malm (S) Unterspreewald (D) Bingen (D) Unterspreewald (D) Limburg (D) Heimsheim (D) Mrlenbach-Bonsweiher (D) Oetwil am See (CH) Oetwil am See (CH) Daventry (GB) Northampton (GB) Daventry (GB) So Paulo (BR) Brackley (GB) TBA Brackley (GB) Brackley (GB) Woking (GB) Madrid (E) Woking (GB) Eastbourne (GB) Huizen (NL) Zandvoort (NL) Huizen (NL) Djursholm (S) San Pietro Mosezzo (I) Saffron Walden (GB) Opera (I) Dublin (IRL) Opera (I) Milan (I) Grisignano di Zocco (I) Kufstein (A) Grisignano di Zocco (I) Rome (I) Farnham (GB) Toronto (CDN) Farnham (GB) Ely (GB) Berlin (D) London (GB) Berlin (D) Herzliya (IL) Daventry (GB) Kingston (GB) Daventry (GB) Scarva (GB) Woking (GB) Eastbourne (GB) Chassis Engine Dallara F312 Mercedes Dallara F312 Mercedes Dallara F312 Volkswagen Dallara F312 Volkswagen Dallara F312 Mercedes Dallara F312 Mercedes Dallara F312 Volkswagen Dallara F312 Volkswagen Dallara F312 Mercedes Dallara F312 Mercedes Dallara F312 Mercedes Dallara F312 Mercedes Dallara F312 ThreeBond Nissan Dallara F312 ThreeBond Nissan Dallara F312 Mercedes Dallara F312 Mercedes Dallara F312 Volkswagen Dallara F312 Volkswagen Dallara F312 Mercedes Dallara F313 Mercedes Dallara F313 Mercedes Dallara F312 Mercedes Dallara F312 Mercedes Dallara F312 Volkswagen Dallara F312 Volkswagen Dallara F312 Mercedes Dallara F312 Mercedes Dallara F312 Mercedes Dallara F312 Mercedes Dallara F312 Mercedes

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Porsche Carrera Cup Deutschland Preview/Events

34 drivers ensure captivating racing action

There is hardly another racing series that enjoys such popularity with the drivers as well as the spectators

eaturing a large eld of 34 drivers the Porsche Carrera Cup Deutschland will again ensure captivating racing action with numerous overtaking manoeuvres and position battles this season. The racing series presents itself to its fans eight times at the race weekends of the DTM and once at the legendary 24-hour race on the

Successor wanted Last years champion, Ren Rast, is not competing again in 2013

Starting over Sean Edwards (front), the overall runner-up in 2012, is reaching for the crown again this year

Porsche Carrera Cup Deutschland Preview/Events

rburgring N Nordschleife. And success will pay off: In 2013 Porsche distributes total prize money in the amount of 530,000 euros to drivers and teams. Two rounds are held per weekend a sprint race covering a distance of around 60 kilometres on Saturday and a race of around 80 kilometres on Sunday. The national series stands for sheer motorsport with a GT racing car based on the legendary Porsche 911 and is acclaimed as an excellent talent incubator. On launching the Porsche Juniors Programme in the 1997 Carrera Cup Porsche initiated a targeted effort of promoting young talent. The Porsche Juniors have turned into sought-after professionals: Le Mans winners, ALMS champions, GT and touring car specialists. In 2013 the Spaniard Alex Riberas Bou (19 years old) and the American Connor de Phillippi (20) as Porsche Juniors are given their big opportunity of driving their motorsport career forwards. All drivers compete in identical Porsche 911 GT3 Cup cars from the model years 2010 to 2013. The vehicle is based on the road-approved lightweightdesign 911 GT3 RS sports car. As in the production counterpart, its 3.8-litre boxer engine delivers 450hp (331 kW) at 7.500 rpm. Power is transmitted to the rear wheels by a sequential six-speed gearbox. With a weight of around 1,200 kilograms the power-to-weight ratio is about 2.7 kg/hp. Toe, camber and ride height plus the rear wing angle may be adjusted to the race tracks within the scope of the regulations. All GT3 Cup cars use identical racing tyres from Michelin (a maximum of three sets of slicks per weekend and vehicle). The fuel is identical for all teams as well. Those who are unable to watch the races of one of the worlds most tradition-steeped one-make cups live at the race tracks are comprehensively informed on television and the internet. After each race weekend n-tv airs the 30-minute programme PS Porsche Carrera Cup at 18:30 on Monday. During the week following a race Sport1 analyses the sporting action in a 30-minute programme and carries re-live reports of a large part of the races. On the ofcial Porsche website (www.porsche. com) all races are exclusively broadcast live in high quality in the German and English language.


Full house The Porsche Carrera Cup Deutschland has traditionally been enjoying a large number of participants

Schedule 0305 May 1719 May 31 May02 June 1416 June 1214 July 1618 August 1315 September 2729 September 1820 October Hockenheim (D) Nrburgring (D) (24 hour race) Spielberg (A) Lausitzring (D) Norisring (D) Nrburgring (D) Oschersleben (D) Zandvoort (NL) Hockenheim (D)

No 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 1 6 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 2 15 16 17 2 19 21 2 22 1 23 1 24 1 25 1 26 1 29 1 32 1 33 34 35 2 44 2 55 2 66 1 75 2 77 1 88 99

Porsche Carrera Cup Deutschland Entry List

Entrant Driver Team Deutsche Post by Project 1 Sean Edwards (GB) Team Deutsche Post by Project 1 Sean Johnston (USA) Team Deutsche Post by Project 1 Jeffrey Schmidt (CH) Land - Motorsport TBA FE Racing by Land - Motorsport Jaap van Lagen (NL) FE Racing by Land - Motorsport Wolf Nathan (NL) Land - Motorsport Luca Stolz (D) Konrad Motorsport Christian Engelhart (D) Konrad Motorsport Felipe Fernndez Laser (D) Aust Motorsport Norbert Siedler (A) Aust Motorsport Elia Erhart (D) FRCH Racing by Lukas Motorsport Robert Lukas (PL) FRCH Racing by Lukas Motorsport Connor de Phillippi (USA) FRCH Racing by Lukas Motorsport Florian Scholze (D) Team ZaWotec Racing Marko Klein (A) Team ZaWotec Racing Sascha Halek (A) Team Bleekemolen Bas Schothorst (NL) Team Bleekemolen Pieter Schothorst (NL) Team GT 3 Kasko Georg Engelhardt (D) Team GT 3 Kasko Daniel Allemann (CH) Team GT 3 Kasko Heiner Wackerbauer (D) Highspeed Racing Thomas Langer (D) Highspeed Racing Christof Langer (D) Konrad Motorsport Rolf Ineichen (CH) MRS GT-Racing Andrii Lebed (UA) MRS GT-Racing Bill Barazetti (D) Logiplus MRS-Racing Philipp Eng (A) Logiplus MRS-Racing Kyle Marcelli (CDN) Attempto Racing powered by Motorvision Alex Riberas (E) Attempto Racing powered by Motorvision Fabien Thuner (CH) Attempto Racing powered by Motorvision Chris Bauer (D) Team 75 Motorsport GmbH Florian Spengler (D) Attempto Racing Dominic Jst (D) Attempto Racing Nicki Thiim (DK) Attempto Racing Kvin Estre (F) City Place of residence Lohne (D) Monte Carlo (MC) Lohne (D) Mount Shasta (USA) Lohne (D) Liestal (CH) Niederdreisbach (D) TBA Duiven (NL) Ede (NL) Duiven (NL) Elst (NL) Niederdreisbach (D) Brachbach (D) Verl (D) Ksching (D) Verl (D) Uelzen (D) Rietberg (D) Wildschnau (A) Rietberg (D) Rttenbach (D) Bielsko Biala (PL) Bystra (PL) Bielsko Biala (PL) San Clemente (USA) Bielsko Biala (PL) Leipzig (D) Frstenfeld (A) Voitsberg (A) Frstenfeld (A) Seyring (A) Amsterdam (NL) Amsterdam (NL) Amsterdam (NL) Amsterdam (NL) Gaiach (D) Forchheim (D) Gaiach (D) Breitenbach (CH) Gaiach (D) Altfraunhofen (D) Abstatt (D) Heilbronn (D) Abstatt (D) Kirchheim (D) Verl (D) Sursee (CH) Lonsee-Luizhausen (D) Kiev (UA) Lonsee-Luizhausen (D) Esslingen (D) Lonsee-Luizhausen (D) Wals (A) Lonsee-Luizhausen (D) Ontario (CDN) Langenhagen (D) Barcelona (E) Langenhagen (D) Founex (CH) Langenhagen (D) Munich (D) Bruchmhlbach Miesau (D) Ellwangen (D) Langenhagen (D) Absteinach (D) Langenhagen (D) Hanover (D) Langenhagen (D) Langenfeld (D) Car Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Driver B classication. 2 Driver Rookie classication.

Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Porsche 911 GT3 Cup

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Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Preview

Talent incubator The Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup primarily provides an opportunity to young drivers

Legends in a duel with juniors

Ever since its inception in 2010 the Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup has become rmly established in the motorsport scene. The one-make with natural gas power thrills spectators with a mix of juniors and racing legends
motorsport legends and prominent guest entrants shows on the track. And the drivers can even oor the pedal with a clear conscience. Due to its innovative natural gas engine the Scirocco that delivers up to 285 hp emits less CO2. As the new supplier of the eco-conscious fuel the worlds largest natural gas company, Gazprom has been on board as of the beginning of the new season. Absolute equality of opportunities as the overriding maxim this applies to both the Scirocco R-Cup and its predecessors in Volkswagens long one-make cup tradition. Merely the steering wheel and seating positions are variable. The only other adjustments permitted are the front anti-roll bar settings and the tyre ination pressure. In addition, the vehicles may be swapped between events. The concept has been well received. To start a career in touring car racing, talents between the

hen the Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup racers line up on the grid even seasoned DTM stars start hunting for the best places along the pit wall or in front of the monitors. Clearly, within just a short period of time the eco-conscious one-make cup has evolved into one of the fans big favourites during the race weekend because of the captivating racing action which the mix of talents,

Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Preview

ages of 17 and 24 have the opportunity to compete with identical material. The only things that count are performance and the learning curve, not the budget. A feature that guarantees spectacular overtaking manoeuvres is the so-called push-topass function. A red button on the steering wheel causes a short-term increase of boost pressure and thus raises the output of the two-litre engine by 50 hp. Action at the push of a button, proverbially speaking. The challenge of the competition attracts big names back into the cockpit as well. The racers who have already agreed to line up on the grid in 2013 are the Formula 1 stars Johnny Herbert, Mika Salo and Marc Surer, the World Rally Champions Juha Kankkunen and Markku Aln, the vetime Le Mans winners Emanuele Pirro and Frank Biela as well as the DTM stars Nicola Larini, Laurent Aiello, Eric van de Poele, Kurt Thiim and Klaus Niedzwiedz. The DTM Allstars will be competing against the other great racers in a team classication of their own. Consequently, there will be a duel of two vs. two per weekend. And the end of the season will show whether the DTM Allstars are the front runners. In 2013 nine rounds of the season at six events are on the calendar. Besides the two highlights at Hockenheim, where the opener and the nale are traditionally held, the round at the Norisring in the middle of July is a real treat for drivers and fans. For the race at Spielberg the series goes to Austria. After visiting the tradition-steeped Nrburgring the penultimate round at Oschersleben, due to its proximity to the Volkswagen plant in Wolfsburg, is a home round.


Rally star The four-time World Rally Champion Juha Kankkunen competes in the Legends classication

Every year 70,000 spectators on average watch each DTM event and the races of the partner series live on location. In Germany the Scirocco R-Cup is broadcast on n-tv plus SPORT1 and SPORT1+ where the Volkswagen Cup has been enjoying consistently increasing popularity in recent years. Fans also have the opportunity to watch the races by live streaming at com/livestream. The weekend of the Scirocco R-Cup starts with a free practice session on Friday afternoon and then continues with a half-hour qualifying on Saturday. The race starts as the nal event on Saturdays schedule which is good, as immediately after the podium ceremony the winners and losers meet for the joint Legends party at the Volkswagen Hospitality: The conclusion at night is no less spectacular than the racing action on the track.

Quick Finn From the pinnacle category to the R-Cup: the former Formula 1 driver Mika Salo

Racing car The Cup Scirocco delivers 235 hp. Plus an additional 50 hp with the push-to-pass system


Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Regulations/Events

Extracts from the regulations

Entrants Male and female Junior drivers born between 1989 and 1996 are admitted. There are no age restrictions for Pro drivers. The entry fee per season is 50,000 euros per driver in the Junior and 75,000 euros in the Pro Cup and covers preparation, maintenance and elding of the vehicle plus racing overall, team clothing, admission to the Volkswagen Hospitality and support by instructors and technical crews. The successful completion of an evaluation course and the qualication course are prerequisites for admission to the Junior Cup. Guest entrants Guest entrants and participants in the Legends Cup receive no prize money. Registered entrants move up in the points standings. Point system The 20 best drivers of each race receive points for the drivers classication. Points are awarded according to the 60-48-4034-32-30-28-26-24-22-20-18-16-14-12-108-6-4-2 system. For the rst two races half of the points are awarded in order to reduce the advantage which the experienced drivers have over the rookies. Practice Per event a free practice of at least 30minutes and a 30-minute qualifying session are scheduled. After the free practice and qualifying sessions a complete data log from the group of the top ve drivers is determined by the drawing of lots. Upon request, this data log is made available to all Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup drivers for comparison. Push-to-pass The number of push-to-pass uses per race is published in advance for each weekend. In addition, the following rules apply: Grid row 46: + 1 x push-to-pass Grid row 79: + 2 x push-to-pass Grid row 1012: + 3 x push- to-pass Grid row 1316: + 4 x push-to-pass Grid row 1719: + 5 x push-to-pass Races The races feature standing starts and cover a distance of about 50 kilometres. Technology The drivers are not allowed to make any changes to the vehicles. Only the steering wheel and seating positions, the front anti-roll bars and the tyre ination pressure are adjustable. Tyres Per race and driver a maximum of six Dunlop slicks are permitted. The number of Dunlop rain tyres is not specied. Weight The minimum weight of the vehicle is 1,210 kilogrammes, the minimum weight including the driver plus his/her gear is 1,290 kilogrammes. Schedule 0304 May 31 May02 June 1213 July 1618 August 1315 September 1819 October Hockenheim (D) Spielberg (A)1 Norisring (D) Nrburgring (D)1 Oschersleben (D)1 Hockenheim (D)

Technical Data, Scirocco R (Cup Version)

Bodywork Unitized body design, FIA-conformant roll-over cage, R-Line exterior package, front splitter and rear wing, CFRP bonnet, polycarbonate windows

Braking system Ventilated six-piston xed-calliper disc brakes, front ( 362 mm), single-piston sliding-calliper disc brakes, rear ( 282 mm), racing ABS

Two races per weekend, respectively.

Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Regulations/Events

Cockpit Volkswagen airbag sport steering wheel, OMP racing seat with head protector, six-point seat belt safety harness, safety net (drivers side), re extinguishing system, Aim-Memotec data logging system Dimensions Length/width/height 4,256/1,810/ 1,380 mm, track width: 1,571 mm, front, 1,567mm, rear, wheelbase: 2,578 mm, fuel tank capacity: 22 kg natural gas Driveline Front-wheel drive, standard six-speed DSG double-clutch gearbox, paddle shifters on the steering wheel, modied nal drive and software, differential lock Dry weight 1,210 kg Tyres Dunlop 235/640/18 (slicks and wets) Engine Four-in-line turbo charged spark ignition engine with natural gas multi-point injection, intercooler, four valves per cylinder. Displacement: Wheels ATS light alloy wheels, size 9 x 18


1,984 cc. Power output: approx. 173 kW (235 hp) at 6,000 rpm. Torque: approx. 275 Nm at 3,000 rpm. Engine control unit: Bosch MS4. Push-topass system: electronic boost pressure control unit, limited duration and frequency of use, additional output: approx. 37 kW (50 hp). Exhaust system: modied exhaust gas ow, racing catalytic converter Steering Electro-mechanically assisted rack and pinion steering Suspension Front: McPherson struts with wishbones. Rear: multilink suspension with H&R springs, one-way adjustable. Anti-roll bars: adjustable H&R anti-roll bars, front and rear

Volkswagen Motorsport Director Jost Capito Technical Race Manager Scirocco R-Cup Hans Top Chief Instructor Scirocco R-Cup Fabian Plentz Head of Marketing & Communications Stefan Moser Press Spokesman Scirocco R-Cup Ingo Roersch Project Manager Scirocco R-Cup Florian Pauleit Series partners Aral, ATS, Autostadt, BTBremsentechnik, Castrol, Deutsche Post Volkswagen Motorsport GmbH Ikarusallee 7a D-30179 Hannover Phone +49 511 67494-0 E-mail Internet SpeedAcademy, Dunlop, Gazprom, H&R, memotec, Motorsport Total, Scania, SSI Schfer, Volkswagen RGmbH, Volkswagen Service, ZFFriedrichshafen AG

o N 2 J 3 J 4 J 5 J 6 J 7 J 8 P 9 J 10 J 11 J 12 J 14 J 15 J 16 J 17 P 18 P 19 P 20 P 21 P

Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Entry List

Entrant Driver Abt Sportsline Manuel Fahnauer (D) Abt Sportsline Jordan Lee Pepper (ZA) Abt Sportsline Kenneth Krp (D) Abt Sportsline Yann Ehrlacher (F) Abt Sportsline Ross Wylie (GB) Abt Sportsline Patrick Eisemann (D) Abt Sportsline Lukas Schreier (D) Abt Sportsline Matthias Burle (D) Abt Sportsline Michele Di Martino (D) Abt Sportsline Luca Rettenbacher (A) Abt Sportsline Ambalavanar Sandeep Kumar (IND) Abt Sportsline Mikaela hlin-Kottulinsky (S) Abt Sportsline Victor Bouveng (S) Abt Sportsline Nicolai Moller Madsen (DK) Abt Sportsline Kasper H. Jensen (DK) Abt Sportsline Vladimir Udalenkov (RUS) Abt Sportsline Michelle Gatting (DK) Abt Sportsline Kelvin van der Linde (ZA) Abt Sportsline Dennis Trebing (USA) City Place of residence Kempten (D) Nattheim/Fleinheim (D) Kempten (D) Gauteng (ZA) Kempten (D) Guending (D) Kempten (D) Seppois-Le-Bas (F) Kempten (D) Thronhill (GB) Kempten (D) Denkendorf (D) Kempten (D) Donauwrth (D) Kempten (D) Deiningen (D) Kempten (D) Eitorf (D) Kempten (D) Eugendorf (A) Kempten (D) Chennai (IND) Kempten (D) Hammar (S) Kempten (D) Knivsta (S) Kempten (D) Krgrdstoften (DK) Kempten (D) Hinnerup (DK) Kempten (D) St. Petersburg (RUS) Kempten (D) Holte (DK) Kempten (D) Dainfern (ZA) Kempten (D) Cape Coral (USA) Car Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup

J = Junior Cup, P = Pro Cup.

ITR e. V. Press & Public Relations Blumenstrae 4 D-65189 Wiesbaden Phone +49 611 341177-0 Fax +49 611 341177-7

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