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Candidate: Irene Navarro Lesson Title: A Class Exhibit That Rocks! Lesson D ration! 1"# $eeks S!"#e$t %atter! 'cience Lesson Content Des$ri&tion! 't &ents $ill be creatin( a rock exhibit an& broch re) As a class* the+ $ill ,artici,ate in creatin( a - se - on their rock .in&in(s) Drivin( / estion! 0o$ can $e* as (eolo(ists* create a rock exhibit to sho$case the in.or-ation $e &iscover abo t the &i..erent rocks $e .in&1 Content Standard: 4) " The ,ro,erties o. rocks an& -inerals re.lect the ,rocesses that .or-e& the-) As a basis .or n&erstan&in( this conce,t! a2 't &ents kno$ ho$ to &i..erentiate a-on( i(neo s* se&i-entar+* an& -eta-or,hic rocks b+ re.errin( to their ,ro,erties an& -etho&s o. .or-ation 3the rock c+cle2) b2 't &ents kno$ ho$ to i&enti.+ co--on rock".or-in( -inerals 3incl &in( 4 art5* calcite* .el&s,ar* -ica* Co''on Core Standard: 1) to &etails an& exa-,les in a text $hen ex,lainin( $hat the text sa+s ex,licitl+ an& $hen &ra$in( in.erences .ro- the text) 3READIN% 'TANDARD2 6) Con& ct short research ,ro7ects that b il& kno$le&(e thro (h investi(ation o. &i..erent as,ects o. a to,ic) 38RITIN% 'TANDARD2 Lesson O"#e$ti e! All st &ents $ill create a &iora-a that &e,icts $h+ their chosen ani-al can s rvive in their ,artic lar habitat) Assess'ent: For'ati e: " 9bservations "Disc ssions S!''ati e: " Rock Exhibit :resentation ";roch re "Line& :iece o. :a,er <acts 9R 'caven(er 0 nt Activit+ Te$(nolo)*: " Internet Access "Doc -ent Ca-era Date: 04/08/14 Grade Le el: 4th %ra&e


'tart b+ &oin( a %ra.itti Chart activit+ 3this activit+ re4 ires st &ents to ans$er &i..erent 4 estions on chart ,a,er) There are several ,ieces o. lar(e chart ,a,er aro n& the classroo- .or st &ents to ans$er) 't &ents $ill take their $ritin( tensil to $hich 4 estion2 Exa-,le 4 estions! "8here can $e .in& rocks1 "8hat color are rocks1 "8hat is the &i..erence bet$een rocks an& -inerals1 "8h+ &o rocks co-e in &i..erent sha,es an& si5es1 "8here &o rocks co-e .ro-1 "0o$ can +o &escribe rocks1 "8hat=s the coolest rock +o =ve ever seen1 Describe it! Revie$ %ra..iti Chart res,onses 'ho$ &i..erent t+,es o. rocks sin( a &oc -ent ca-era as realia 3i. +o have &i..erent rocks2 or sho$ &i..erent rocks as a ,ict re .ile sin( a %oo(le search) This sho l& ,ro-,t en(a(e-ent an& &isc ssion .ro- the st &ents

Next* sho$ st &ents vi&eo on rocks an& -inerals) Exa-,le vi&eos! htt,s!//$$$)+o t be)co-/$atch1v>6?v@vAAbBh4 3Rock an& ?ineral I&enti.ication Ci&eo2 htt,s!//$$$)+o t be)co-/$atch1v>8a6,1N<nA4s 3?ineral Ci&eo2 htt,s!//$$$)+o t be)co-/$atch1v><11"%E6D8 c 3Ex,lorin( Rocks an& ?ineral Ci&eo2 back to %ra..iti Chart ,osters an& revisit 4 estions a.ter $atchin( vi&eo on rocks an& -inerals 3see i. an+thin( can be a&&e& to the 4 estions2 Tell st &ents that it=s their t rn to be (eolo(ists an& the+ $ill exa-ine a rock the+ .in&) :resent Drivin( / estion! Drivin( / estion! 0o$ can $e* as (eolo(ists* create a rock exhibit to sho$case the in.or-ation $e &iscover abo t the &i..erent rocks $e .in&1 Ans$er &rivin( 4 estion as a class $ith i&eas 3sa+ that there is no ri(ht/$ron( ans$er2

THROUGH 0ave st &ents ,ick a rock/-ineral .ro- the school ,la+(ro n& 9R .ro- ho-e 3- st be assi(ne& as ho-e$ork ,rior to lesson2

Rotatin( 'tations) 0ave st &ents exa-ine their rocks an& rotate in (ro ,s to each station) 0ave st &ents have a line& ,iece o. ,a,er to brin( at each station to take notes) 0ave &i..erent set ,s at each table to exa-ine rock in &i..erent $a+s! EEEE?o&el each station be.ore havin( st &ents rotate to each table) Also* ,rovi&e $ritten instr ctions at each table) "?EA'FRIN% 'TATI9N! st &ents $ill $ei(h their rock an& recor& ho$ - ch it $ei(hs an& the &ia-eter o. the rock 3scale* r lers* an& -eas rin( ta,e nee&e&2 "%E9L9%I'T RE'EARC0 'TATI9N! st &ents $ill (o on class co-, ters or in their science books to rea& in.or-ation on rocks an& -inerals 3co-, ters an& textbooks nee&e&2 "DRA8IN% 'TATI9N! st &ents $ill &ra$ their rock an& se a -a(ni.+in( (lass to see &etails3,rovi&e cra+ons* color ,encils* -a(ni.+in( (lasses2 "0ARD TE'T! st &ents $ill test ho$ har& their rock is sin( vine(ar* streak ,late* an& nail 3i&ea .ro-! htt,!//$$$)-o-toG.eist+ki&s)co-/#01#/0G/$eekl+" $ra," ,"an&"(eolo(+",ro7ect)ht-l2

"E@TRA 'TATI9N'! have st &ents $ork on &ecoratin( their shoebox &is,la+ .or their rock Create a class &isc ssion base& on their rock .in&in(s In&e,en&entl+* have the- ans$er 4 estions ,ertainin( to their rock 3$hich can be later se& .or their broch re .or the exhibit2 E@A?:LE /FE'TI9N'! htt,!//$$$)s-ithsoniane& cation)or(/e& cators/lessonH,lans/-inerals/lesson1H -ain)ht-l2
Where was it found and by whom? Knowing a rock or mineral's natural setting can help identify it. What color is it? Color can be a clue to minerals. Iron, for instance, may give rocks a reddish hue. Is it smooth or rough? If smooth, it's more likely to have been rounded by the action of water over long periods of time. Is it dull or shiny?

A shiny surface may indicate the presence of mica or quart crystals. Does it scratch glass? If so, it is probably made largely of quart . Does wetting it change the color or consistency of the object? !he color may change, or what was thought to be rock may prove to be dirt or clay.

0ave st &ents create their broch re sin( all the .acts the+ .o n& .ro- their rotation) Create a si-,le r bric/checklist .or st &ents to co-,lete this activit+) ?o&el $hat is ex,ecte& on the &oc -ent ca-era)

0ave class brainstor- $a+s that the+ $ant to or(ani5e their class= rock collection into an exhibit) Exa-,le 4 estions! 8hat sho l& ever+ rock &is,la+ have1 8hat &o $e nee& .or the exhibit1 0o$ &o $e -ake o r rocks look ,resentable1 't &ents $ill &esi(n a rock &is,la+ at their &esk) This &is,la+ $ill incl &e! "ROC+ DISPLAY: Their rock on to, o. a shoebox) 9n this shoebox the+ are to &ecorate it an& create a label .or their $ork ",ROCHURE: 't &ents $ill create a broch re that &is,la+s all their .in&in(s abo t rocks I -inerals Exa-,le Label!

A.ter st &ents are rea&+ $ith their exhibits* have the class $alk aro n& each table) 0ave a ti-er set .or rotation to each &esk as $ell) D rin( this ti-e* have st &ents .ill o t on a line& ,iece o. ,a,er* one .act the+ learne& .ro- each exhibit) 3?o&el this on the overhea& be.ore havin( st &ents rotate to each exhibit2 "Alternative! $rite a scaven(er h nt $orksheet .or each exhibit that st &ents $ill .ill o t 3in or&er to kee, the- en(a(e& & rin( the rotations2 ,rior to the rotation activit+) 0ave 4 estions be s,eci.ic in re(ar&s to st &ent na-es an& their rock in.or-ation) "E-a'&le .!estions: At A&rian=s rock exhibit* ho$ bi( $as his rock1 8ho ha& the bi((est rock in the class1 At Nicole=s rock exhibit* $here &i& she .in& her rock1

Extension Activit+! 0ave an ex,ert ( est s,eaker 3,ro.essor* so-eone $ho kno$s abo t rocks* etc)2 visit the class to ans$er 4 estions* as $ell as co-e to see the class= rock exhibit) 9ther so rces! htt,!//$$$)s-ithsoniane& cation)or(/e& cators/lessonH,lans/-inerals/lesson1H-ain)htl Class exhibit can also lea& to another in4 ir+ lesson on $eatherin( an& erosion b+ askin(! 8h+ &o +o think there $ere &i..erent sha,es an& si5es o. rocks at o r exhibit1 38hich is another Co--on Core 'cience 'tan&ar&2

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