What's It Called in English?

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Sample Text relating to Question 3 Extract: Reward Pre-lntermediate Student's Book by Simon Greenall, Heinemann ELT, 1994, pages

58 and 59, plus tapescript for Listening exercise 2

What's it called in English?

Describing things when you don't know the word VOCABULARY AND SPEAKiNG 1 Choose five or six of the words in the box and think of something you can describe with each one.
cloth cotton leather light oblong oval soft square curved glass hard heax'y high long low metal narrow nylon paper plastic round rubber short stone wide wood wool"

LISTENING 1 Look at the objects in the pictures. Think of words to describe what they look like, what they're made of, what shape they are etc. fessl Listen to people describing five of the objects in the pictures, which they don't know the English word for. Write the name of the object each speaker describes. Speaker 1. Speaker 4 . Speaker 2. Speaker 5 Speaker 3.

cotton: a shirt oval: egg 2 Work in pairs. Tell your partner one of the things you chose. He/she must guess the word to describe it. A: Shirt. B: Cotton? A: That's right. 3 Work in pairs. Decide which questions the words in the vocabulary box go with. ~ What does it. feel like? - What shape is it? - What's it made of? - What size is it?

4 Look at some words you can use to describe something if you don't know the English word.
liquid machine powder stuff tiling tool

Think of things you can describe with these words. toothpaste.- stuff' 5 Match the objects in the pictures with their names in the box below.
wallet vacuum cleaner glue towel matches string sun-tan lotion soap tin opener sponge bag sweater hairdryer camera window cleaner shoe polish wine glass pad of paper

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3 Read these descriptions of some more objects in the pictures. Decide which object each one describes. a b c d e f g h It's a thing you svear to keep warm, It's for polishing shoes, It's a machine to dry your luiir with, You use it to take pictures wild. It's stuff to dean windows with, It's for carrying shopping in. It's for drinking wine out of, It's .something 10 write on.

SOUNDS 1 Say these words aloud. Make sure you pronounce the underlined consonant groups carefully. practical transport newspaper cardboard toothpaste dishwasher calculator ^3 Now listen and check. 2 EH Listen and notice the words the speaker links. 4 It's for opening tins. 5 It's something to write on. 6 To open, pull it: out.

FUNCTIONS Describing things when you don't know the word It's a thing you ti-var to keep mttrtn, It's for polishing shoes. It's for carrying shafting in. H's a machine to dry your hair with. You use it to takepictures with. Its stuff to dean windows with. It sfor lirinktng wine out of. ft'si something to write on. You can use to + Infinitive to describe the purpose of something. )'WM n$e a cassette player to play cassettes. You can also roe'{to be) for + -ing to describe the purpose of something, A cassette player isfur playing cassettes.

1 Is it heas'y? 2 An egg is oval. 3 A fridge is cold inside.

Now say the sentences aloud.

1 Work in pairs, There are several ways to refer to something if you don't know the English word. You can describe it, draw it or mime it. You can also point if you can see one. Look at the objects in the pictures. Which is the best way to refer to them? / think f would draw a trine glass. 2 Work in groups of three or four. You're going to play What's it called in English? Here are the rules.

1 Complete these sentences with in, out of, with and on. 1 2 3 i 5 6 A chair is a thing to sit . A. mug is for drinking . A frying pan is for cooking things . A towel is for drying yourself An oven is for cooking tilings . A plant pot is a tiling for pulling plants .

What's it called in English?

AIM: for one person in each group to refer to a word by describing it, drawing it, miming it or pointing to it. The first group to guess all the words is the winner. 1 One student from each group comes to the teacher who gives them a word. They 0iust describe it, draw it, mime it or point to it. They I mustn't say the word! 2 The student who guesses the word correctly goes to the teacher and tells him/her what the word is. If it is correct, the teacher gives him/her another word. 3 The student acts out the word, and the game continues until a group has guessed all the words, The first group to finish is the winner.

2 Look at the five pictures of objects which have not yet been described. Write sentences describing them using as many expressions from this lesson as possible. 3 Describe the purpose of these things. 1 2 3 i 5 a sleeping hag an envelope washing-up powder a dishwasher a. fridge

6 7 8 9 10

a pen a knife a tea pot a telephone a typewriter

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Tapescript Lesson 25 Listening exercise 2

SPEAKER 1 Well, it's... it's that stuff you need to put two different pieces together. For instance, two pieces of paper. You can put that stuff on one bit of paper and stick the other paper on top of it, for example. Or, you can do that with leather as well, if your shoe gets broken, or you can do that with wood, and things like that. SPEAKER 2 It's a piece of material. Dm... it's a square and it's soft and you use it to... after a bath for drying yourself when you are wet. SPEAKER 3 It looks like little pieces of wood, very thin little pieces all in a box and, er... at the tip there's a... they are either black or red and it's something you use to light a fire or anything like that. SPEAKER 4 Er... I want... you put it on when it's hot and you buy it in a bottle, a plastic bottle and you put it on your body and it protects you from the sun. SPEAKER 5 It's a machine for cleaning. You have a tube and it, er... it sucks the dust. It's a machine for cleaning the carpet or the floor.

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