Portfolio 1

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8achelor of Sclence| !"#$%&'($ *+((",#+ -$.$' /0+1'#(+$2 | Maryvllle, Mlssourl May 2014
Ma[or: Merchandlslng of Apparel, 1exLlles, and lurnlshlngs | Mlnor: 8uslness 3.4S]4.0
! Cardlnal key Ponor SocleLy
! kappa Cmlcron nu Ponor SocleLy

Sa|es Assoc|ate | Waterco|ors n|gh Iash|on | kansas C|ty, MC Ian. 2010 - resent
! 8ulld relaLlonshlps wlLh Lhe nlche markeL for formal wear, leadlng Lo lncreased dally sales resulLs
! ueslgn dlsplays and dress mannequlns feaLurlng currenL Lrends Lo aLLracL cusLomer Lrafflc
! Served as fashlon coordlnaLor for yearly llalr lashlon Shows

!"#$%&" ()*+,,+$-. | Northwest M|ssour| State Un|vers|ty | Maryv|||e, MC Ian. 2012 - resent
! CusLomlze Lours Lo educaLe poLenLlal sLudenLs and Lhelr famllles on hlsLory, LradlLlons, and culLure
of Lhe unlverslLy by creaLlng a unlque and memorable Lour experlence LhaL exceeds expecLaLlons
! ConLrlbuLe Lo norLhwesL's lncreaslng enrollmenL raLe and longevlLy of Lhe unlverslLy

!+/%, 0%1.%,%&"+"23% 4&"%.& | r.b.c. |nc, | Ch|cago, IL May 2013 - Aug. 2013
! ueveloped relaLlonshlps wlLh prospecLlve buyers for Lhe cloLhlng llne ParL uenlm by asklng
open-ended quesLlons Lo deLermlne whlch feaLures Lo focus on
! romoLed Lhe company Lhrough soclal medla such as lacebook, 1wlLLer, lnsLagram and lnLeresL
lncreaslng Lhe followlng by 70 percenL
! rofesslonally represenLed r.b.c. lnc, for Lhe cloLhlng llne kersh aL Lhe MAClC Lrade show ln Las vegas

!+/%, +&$ 5+&+6%)%&" 4&"%.& | 8uck|e | kansas C|ty, MC May 2012 - Aug. 2012
! Alded manager ln revlewlng appllcaLlons, and schedullng and conducLlng Leam selecLlon lnLervlews
! 8evlewed dally progress wlLh LeammaLes aL Lhe end of every shlfL and provlded consLrucLlve feedback
ln order Lo help Lhelr dally averages sales Lo reach over $93
! ALLended weekly manager meeLlngs Lo dlscuss new sLraLegles and promoLlons

A|pha S|gma A|pha Sept. 2010 - resent
728% 9.%,2$%&" -: 9#*/28 0%/+"2-&,;21, +&$ 0%8.#2")%&"
! lanned Lhemes, decoraLlons, aLLlre, speakers and
acLlvlLles for Lhe Lhree day anhellenlc
8ecrulLmenL process
! lmplemenLed new successful sLraLegles and
processes for Lhe selecLlon process of poLenLlal
new members
728% 9.%,2$%&" -: 5%)*%.,;21 <$#8+"2-&
! Culded new members Lhrough 10-week
program of Lhe 8 Core values and 4 Alms
of Alpha Slgma Alpha
! ueveloped a pledge class of new members LhaL
meL all requlremenLs Lo become an lnlLlaLed
member of Alpha Slgma Alpha

St. Iude Up t|| Dawn Apr|| 2011 - resent
9.-$#8"2-& =;+2. > <&"%."+2&)%&" ? @-62,"28, =;+2.
! Crganlzed an all nlghL evenL SLay up for Cood" wlLh acLlvlLles and games LhaL ralsed over $10,000 for SL. !ude
Chlldren 8esearch PosplLal
! lndependenLly delegaLed Lask Lo LoglsLlcs and LnLerLalnmenL Chalr Lo ensure collaboraLlon wlLh sLudenL body



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