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Classroom Management Plan

In this room we dont do easy we make easy happen through hard work and learning. unknown Classroom management is the key to providing a safe environment where authentic learning can take place.

Classroom Goals:
I will develop a safe and caring classroom community. I will foster responsibility, empathy, and independence. I will spark an enthusiasm for learning. I want my students to not only become better learners, but also to become better people. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela

Teacher Goals:
I believe that every child deserves to learn and receive a quality education. I intend to help every child I come in contact with. Every child is different and instruction should be tailored to each specific students needs. I will give every student the opportunity to succeed. Overall, my job is to teach and inspire. A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning. Brad Henry

Classroom Rules:
1. We keep our friends safe. 2. We keep our things safe. 3. We keep ourselves safe. The rules will be posted in our classroom as a reminder. Together we will create a classroom handbook to keep in our class library at all times. The classroom handbook will include which rule they think is the most important.

Behavior Chart:
My classroom management style is to focus on and encourage positive behaviors in hopes to dissuade negative behaviors. We will be using a clip chart to monitor our behavior and choices in the classroom. Everyday students will start off on Ready to Learn and will move up or down depending on their choices. They move their clip down when they break a class rule. They receive one warning and then they are asked to move down to Think About It. They can continue down to Teachers Choice which will result in loss of recess. Finally, they can be moved down to Parent Contact. If they are going above and beyond during the day they can be asked to move their clip up. They can move up to Good Choices, Great Job, and Super Student. Student who land on Super Student more than three times are put on the Hall of Fame for the rest of the week! I believe this is a positive way for students to monitor their own choices and behaviors, as well as give them a behavior goal to strive for.

Classroom Management:
I incorporate a lot of the teachings from Love and Logic into my classroom. There are nine essential skills for Love and Logic. 1. Neutralizing Student Arguing: This includes using phrases such as I respect you too much to argue. Responding with empathy, rather than engaging in an argument keeps conflict from building. 2. Delayed Consequences: This allows teachers to continue teaching and helps maintain a clear understanding that there are consequences for choices. 3. Empathy: How sad This approach does not excuse the behavior, but it is noticing how the other person is feeling. 4. Recovery Process: How sadI let students participate when I can trust them to follow my expectations. Go ahead and cool down, join us when you are ready to follow our class rules. This gives students some control and independence. They decide that they will follow directions. 5. Developing Positive Student/Teacher Relationships: Students work harder for a teacher they respect and if the teacher shows they respect the student back. 6. Setting Limits with Enforceable Statements: A statement that shows youre in control and can enforce the statement. It helps student start thinking about what choice to make, without the teacher bossing them around. 7. Choices to Prevent Power Struggles: I give them choices that I can live with. 8. Quick and Easy Classroom Interventions 9. Guiding Students to Own and Solve Their Own Problems
*A great resource for Love and Logic is Creating Classrooms Where Teachers Love to Teach and Students Love to Learn By: Bob Sornson !

In order to limit tattling, we will have a class Tattling Turtle. We will talk about what tattling is. What is tattling and what is informing? We will have a Tattling Turtle where students can go tell the turtle their tattle. This allows students to feel like their voice is heard without bringing every issue to the teacher. This helps students be able to own and solve their own problems.

Attention Signal:
In my classroom, I use a train whistle to signal that I need the students attention on me for instructions. When the whistle is blown, students should freeze and have their eyes on me.

Students are allowed to go to the bathroom whenever necessarily, unless it is while I am giving instructions. I will have two bottles of hand sanitizer one for the boys and one for the girls. One boy and one girl can be out at a time. If they need to use the bathroom, they put the hand sanitizer bottle on their desk. Once they are back, they should use a squirt of the hand sanitizer and put it back on the front desk. I trust my students to not abuse this privilege. Students who break my trust will lose the privilege of this independence. They will be given stricter rules and procedures.

Procedures and Routines:

Procedures and routines are very important for young learners. There will be a classroom schedule posted in the classroom so students know what to expect. I will model several procedures at the beginning of the year and have students help me model them. I follow the ideas of Harry and Rosemary Wong that every classroom event has a procedure. We will practice different procedures such as walking into class, lining up, turning in homework, transitions, or even sharpening a pencil. Well-defined and consistent routines allow students to become independent and take responsibility. I want my students to be selfstarters. In an effective classroom students should not only know what they are doing, they should also know why and how. Harry Wong
Resource:The First Days of School By: Harry K. Wong

Morning Procedure:
My morning procedure is consistent daily. Students should come into class each morning and move their magnet. I will have two magnets boards with a magnet with the students name. Students are responsible to move their magnet from the At Home board to the At School magnet board. They are to then turn in their homework or any papers in the homework basket and hang up their backpacks. They should come straight to their desks and start on their morning work. Once the second bell has rung; they will begin centers.

Parent Involvement:
I welcome any and all parent involvement in the classroom. I want every parent to feel like they are a part of their childs education. I can always use help in the classroom, but there are other ways to help also. I wanted to include some helpful tips to get involved! 1. Read EVERYDAY! You can read to your child or have your child read to youEither wayREAD! 2. Create a consistent after school routine. Help you child study and complete their homework. 3. Be Positive! Always speak positively about school and learning. 4. Encourage! Give your child the opportunity to excel in all areas of their academics. 5. Be sure that your child is getting plenty of rest each night and is ready for school each day. 6. Teach your child to be responsible for their actions and to take pride in all they do. 7. Stay INVOLVED! Make it a point to ask your child about their day. 8. CommunicatePlease know you can contact me with any questions of concerns. At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a childs success is the positive involvement of parents. Jane D. Hull

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