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Call To Action!!!!!!!


Why should we be concerned with technology?

It's often troubling to watch our society filed with creative thinkers and problem solvers struggle to demonstrate or conduct thoughts ideas or beliefs because their lack of interpersonal skills. There is no doubt that our generation and the generations to follow have the capacity to become some of the worlds greatest thinkers, yet demonstrate a lack of ability to share and connect ideas. Society needs to be aware of time spent using technology, and limit technology as a facilitator and tool rather than a means of escape and detachment.

How Much Time Do You Spend Using Technology?

Technology Communication Mediums

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Email Text messaging Social Media (facebook, twitter, myspace etc..) Cell phones Skype Facetime

What do we loose when communicating using technology?

The dialogue I have created represents a small portion of communication errors that develop when using technology to communicate.

Men and women interprate text messaging different.

Without cues and expressions communication is open to many different interpretations.

Hypothetical Scenario: Script: Premise Its a Friday night in Marquette. The town is buzzing with students, _____________ and his friend ____________are planning on going over to a friends house to have a few drinks. Through an exchange of text messages ____________and ___________interpret text messages differently leading to an argument. Could this conflict have been avoided with face to face communication? (F) Whats up (M) Not much just chillin (M)What are you doing tonight? (F) Im going to go to that kegger on 3rd street. Want to come? (M) Sure, who are you going with?

(F) A couple friends

(M) Cool, Ill talk to you later Later that night around 11pm ___________ has not heard from ____________ all day and proceeds to party with her friends. ____________ texts ______________ (F) I wish you were here! (M) Ill be there in a little bit. 2 Hours Later. (F) Where are you? WTF Tommy, I thought you were coming? (M) Whatever..just call me when you leave. (F) Dont get pissed off Tommy, you said you were coming and just ditched me. (M) Ok. STOP Conversation!!.The sender can easily make threats he or she wouldnt have otherwise said if they had talked in person. Aggression and impatient are often the result of technology.

I encourage everyone to expand their communication mediums. Rather than texting a page of non-sense, sit down and talk to someone. Prompt small-talk Learn how to read verbal and non-verbal cues. Practice, Practice, Practice. Remember conversation isnt learned. Maintaining eye contact and fluid conversation without pauses will benefit you tremendously socially. Finally, dig you face out of your cellphone or computer before your life passes you by.

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