Cook Lesson Plan

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Chef Lesson Plan 1. Identifying Information - Chef/Baker - Literacy, math, dramatic play, fine motor - Preschool age 2.

Developmental Domains - Social, Physical, Math 3. A. Behavioral Objectives - The children will engage in a dramatic play experience as a chief. The children will be able to name at least two things that a chief does and tools that they use. B. Standards/Foundations SE.1.16 Follow simple directions with prompts SE.1.17 Initiate turn taking in play. SE.1.81 Work together as a team toward a common goal. M.1.17 Identify which is more (visually, tactilely, or auditorilly). M.2.14 Move objects one at a time from one group or container to another. SS.1.21 Identify other people and their roles. 4. Planning Thought Processes A. -The children will be read books about cooking and baking. -As a group we can make menus and read recipes. -The children will pretend to be a chef at a bakery or restaurant -Introduce new words a and their meanings B. Teach the kids about different community helpers and their roles C. The children will have problems identifying and recognizing some names of items. The children will match the picture with the words (labeling) 5. Materials Prop box with all baking utensils (spatulas, rolling pins, spoons, ladles, sifters, knives, pizza cutters), bake-ware sets (cookie sheets, baking pans, muffin pans) supplies(measuring cups, spoons, bowls, mixers, pot holders, towels), spices (flour, sugar, salt, nutmeg, vanilla and lemon extract, cinnamon), other ingredients (butter, milk, eggs), and the attire(hats, aprons, white shirts or chef coats), recipe books and cards, menus, and order pads. 6. Activity Procedure A. Motivation/Introduction While everyone is sitting together in circle-time tell the children we are learning about community helpers and allow them to name a few. Then bring out some hats and aprons for the children to wear. - Transform the dramatic play area into a restaurant or bakery and let the children make menus and take your order

B. Concept exploration - Have words and pictures that name all the new things - Change the classroom around while children are not present - Name each item and let the children repeat it back - Demonstrate how to use it or what it is used for - Set it out and allow children to play C. Inquiry - Can anyone tell me what a baker does? - What kind of clothes do they wear? - Have you ever been to a bakery or restaurant? D. Closure - What have we found out about bakers? - What did you like best when playing with the props? - To close the center and transition to the next activity, each child will make their own apron and hat. E. Assessment - Each child will be able to name two things that a baker makes. - Each child will name two things that a baker uses. Extension - We can take a field trip to a bakery - We can bake a cake or cookies

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