Alcohol Policy

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C-Store Mart is committed to the responsible service of alcoholic beverages. In accordance to this commitment, all employees are required to follow the procedures listed below: 1) No employee will serve an alcoholic beverage to anyone under the age of 21. 2) ll employees will carefully chec! all Identifications of anyone who appears to be under "# $your establishments policy) years of age. a) cceptable documentation id valid %e&as driver's license with a photo or a photo I( issued by the state of %e&as. $%hese are the only legally defensible forms of I(, but your establishment may have a more e&tensive policy). b) %he employee will carefully chec! the identification to determine its authenticity. %he manager should be informed if there appearance of forgery or tampering $or your establishments policy). c) In the absence of authentic identification, or in case of doubt, the )mployee will refuse service of alcoholic beverages to the customer. ") No employee will serve an alcoholic beverage to anyone who is not a member, a temporary member, or a guest of a member or temporary member. $(iscuss the private club*s policies and procedures as it relates to payments.) +) No employee will serve an alcoholic beverage to anyone who is into&icated. ,) No employee will serve alcoholic beverages to anyone to the point of into&ification. -) It is the employee's responsibility to notify a manager when a customer shows signs of into&ification or is requesting alcoholic beverages above the limits of responsible beverage service. $.our establishment's policy can be inserted here). /) ny into&icated customer wishing to leave the establishment will be urged to use an alternated transportation provided be the establishment. $%his can be a cab service, designated driver, etc. .ou may also want to list incentives for the designated driver, such as free non0alcoholic beverages, free appeti1ers, a discount on a meal or non0alcoholic beverages.) 2) ll employees are obligated to inform law enforcement authorities when intervention attempts fail. 3) No employee will drin! alcoholic beverages while wor!ing. $.our establishment's policy can be inserted here as long as it deals with serving while being into&icated 0 which is illegal). 1#) Insert your establishment*s policy for measuring drin!s, intervals for serving drin!s, drin!ing on0premise at an off0premise establishment, number of drin!s served at a time, etc. 11) ll employees who serve4sell alcoholic beverages will successfully complete a %e&as lcoholic 5everage 6ommission certified 7eller47erver training course when beginning employment. %he sale4service of alcoholic beverages should not be a routine8 It is one of the few legal products you can sell that could put you in 9ail.

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