HRM Assignment 4

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1. What should be the format and final form of the store managers job description?
There is no standard format as to what should be included in the job description of store manager but most job descriptions cover the following sections Job identification Job summary Responsibilities and Duties Authority of incumbent Standards of performance Working conditions Job specification

2. Is it practical to specify standards and procedures in the body of the job description, or should these be kept separate?
Not all the standards and procedures are important to mention in the body of job description except the ones that are relevant and important for the applicants to know i.e. Performance and Competency standards. Note: It depends upon the type of job under discussion as to what sort of standards to include.

3. How should Jennifer go about collecting the information required for the standards, procedures and job description?
First of all Jennifer should conduct a complete job analysis for the job of store manager and she should also check out existing policies and procedures of the company in place, then she should use one or more of the following methods for collecting information about Standards, Procedures and Job description for the job of Store Manager. The Interview Questionnaire Observation Participant Diary/ Logs

In addition to these basic methods Jennifer Carter can also use these Quantitative techniques as well for measuring job description of store manager Position analysis questionnaire Department of labor procedures Functional job analysis

4. What, in your opinion should the store managers job description look like and contain?
The Sore managers job description should look like and contain the following things.

Kamran Yousaf Sandhu

Carter Cleaning Center Store Manager

Job Description

Human Resource Management 2009

Title Department(s) Reports to 2025 Store Manager Cleaning President (Jennifer Carter)

Job summary
The store manager is responsible for directing all store activities in such a a! that "ualit! or# is produced$ customer relations and sales are ma%imi&ed and profitabilit! is maintained through effective control of labor suppl! and energ! costs

Summary of essential job functions

'n accomplishing the general aim the store manager(s duties and responsibilities are )ualit! control Store appearance and cleanliness Customer relations *oo##eeping and cash management Cost control and productivit! +amage control Pricing 'nventor! control Spotting and cleaning Machine maintenance Purchasing ,mplo!ee safet! -a&ardous aste removal -umane resource administration Pest control

Knowledge s!ills and abilities

(The #no ledge$ s#ills and attitudes re"uired for satisfactor! .ob performance)

The incumbent must have proficient #no ledge in the follo ing areas/ Cusomer service 0ccounts pa!able accounts receivables Store and motel management and administration

The incumbent must demonstrate the follo ing s#ills/ e%cellent customer service and interpersonal s#ills effective verbal and listening communications s#ills effective ritten communications s#ills decision ma#ing s#ills time management s#ills anal!tical and problem solving s#ills

"ersonal #ttributes
The incumbent must also demonstrate the follo ing personal attributes/ be honest and trust orth! possess cultural a arenes and senstivit!

The Store Manager ould normall! attain the re"uired #no ledge$ s#ills and attitudes through related in e%perience in a retail setting1 ,"uivalencies ill be considered1

Continuing Case: Carter Cleaning Center (The Job Description)

Page 2

Human Resource Management 2009

Disclaimer The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of or# being performed b! people assigned to this classification1 The! are not to be construed as an e%haustive list of all responsibilities$ duties$ and s#ills re"uired of personnel so classified1 0ll personnel ma! be re"uired to perform duties outside of their normal responsibilities from time to time$ as needed1 #dditional information $R use only Job code 2eneric title Pa! grade Management3 (4es56o) ,56, status 7ast revised

Continuing Case: Carter Cleaning Center (The Job Description)

Page 3

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