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Badilla, A.S.,Jardinico, H.F. F., Moronio, H.R., & Nillasca, H.M.P. Abstract Various researches have been conducted regarding men ex-inmates and only few studies have been reported about women. Thus, a qualitative study was derived to probe the lived experiences of women ex-offenders particularly the challenges that they faced after their incarceration. This study delves on the psychological as well as the social aspect of the participants to know their resilience. The result shows that women ex-offenders imprisonment was triggered by poverty and influence of peers. lso, this study reveals that the participants incarceration led them to suffer its after effects such as discrimination, unemployment, and fear. !owever, it led them to avoid recidivism. "urthermore, the participants developed resiliency by means of learning from their experiences, accepting their accountabilities, lowering their expectations, and looking on the brighter side of their experiences. #astly, their support system includes their family and faith$religion which served as the primary source of their emotional, financial and moral support. INTRODUCTION The removal of a persons li er!" is a serio#s ma!!er $Haflin%, &'(&) and i! happens *hen a person is incarcera!ed. The prison environmen! ma" e ps"cholo%icall" !ra#ma!ic for e+, offenders $Hane", &'('). -ncarcera!ion can ca#se ne%a!ive ps"cholo%ical chan%es li.e diminished sense of self,*or!h, diffic#l!ies in re,es!a lishin% heal!h" famil" rela!ionships, pro lems in findin% %ainf#l emplo"men! and pos!,!ra#ma!ic s!ress disorders *hich can affec! all areas of a *omans life / rela!ionships, career, and recover" from addic!ion $0avis, &'('). This co#ld also have an effec! in an e+,offenders social life s#ch as emplo"men!, ho#sin% and discrimina!ion $1rasha*, &''2). 3hen !he %eneral p# lic !hin.s a o#! 4ails, !"picall" *ha! comes !o mind is a pic!#re of an all,male pop#la!ion, *i!h mos! inma!es covered in !a!!oos and i! is rare for *omen !o e seen

inside !he 4ail. The reason mi%h! e eca#se onl" fe* *omen are incarcera!ed as compared !o men. This ecomes !he in!eres! of !he researchers, par!ic#larl" on ho* *omen ad4#s! af!er !heir incarcera!ion. F#r!hermore, af!er ein% released from incarcera!ion, all e+,offenders seem !o en!er in!o !he 5second *all6. The" have !o a!!le !he invisi le *alls shaped " social s!i%ma, fear and dis!r#s! from !he socie!". Social s!i%ma is one of !he common pro lems *hich e+,offenders are facin% !oda". This is one of !he reasons *h" !he" find i! hard !o chan%e !hemselves for !he e!!er eca#se of !he la els ein% imposed on !hem. -n o!her *ords, social s!i%ma imposed on !he e+, offenders impedes !heir *illin%ness !o chan%e for !he e!!er $7lar., &'(&). Moreover, *omen af!er incarcera!ion mi%h! enco#n!er differen! pro lems !han male e+, offenders eca#se in mos! correc!ional ins!i!#!ions, *omen are offered fe*er pro%rams !han men $7ovin%!on, &''8). Accordin% !o Bindel $&''2), for some *omen, life af!er !heir release from 4ail is #n eara le. -! co#ld e a ni%h!mare eca#se !he" rarel" have an" s#ppor! from %overnmen! a%encies, have of!en los! con!ac! *i!h or een diso*ned " !heir families, and in man" cases, have los! !heir children, ho#sin%, and friendship ne!*or. d#rin% !heir imprisonmen!. The los! of s#ppor! from si%nifican! people in !heir lives, !he social s!i%ma and !he lac. of ins!i!#!ional pro%rams !ha! prepare *omen for rein!e%ra!ion in !he socie!", are !he challen%es !ha! are ein% faced " !he *omen af!er incarcera!ion. 3i!h !hese diffic#l!ies, !he 9#es!ions are 5Ho* do *omen respond !o i!:6 and 50o !he" ecome resilien! or no!:6 Man" s!#dies have alread" een cond#c!ed a o#! !he lived e+periences of men af!er imprisonmen! #! onl" fe* e+plored a o#! *omen. This s!#d" emer%ed o#! of !he researchers c#riosi!" a o#! !he lived e+periences of *omen e+,offenders. Therefore, !his s!#d" e+plored !he

pos!,imprisonmen! life of *omen e+,offenders in !he Philippines par!ic#larl" in Pala*an and see ho* !he" rein!e%ra!e *i!h !he socie!". ;i!era!#res are s#rro#nded " differen! rein!e%ra!ion iss#es of e+,offenders. The

follo*in% li!era!#res elo* sho* !he arriers and !he helpin% fac!ors for rein!e%ra!ion of e+, offenders !o !he socie!". Barriers for Rei te!ratio to Societ" <+,offenders face several arriers d#rin% reen!r" from 4ail !o socie!" $=os.i &Ban!le", &'(>) and i!s s#ccess depends #pon !heir !rainin% and emplo"men! $Mac0onald, &''8). Ho*ever, Pi9#ero $&'(') s#%%es!ed !ha! s#ccessf#l comm#ni!" reen!r" ma" depend on !he a!!i!#des and conse9#en! reac!ions !ha! prisoners enco#n!er af!er release. The prison environmen! ma" e ps"cholo%icall" !ra#ma!ic and ca#se emo!ional dis!ancin%. The adap!a!ion !o

imprisonmen! is almos! al*a"s diffic#l! and, a! !imes, crea!es ha i!s of ! and ac!in% !ha! can e d"sf#nc!ional in periods of pos!,prison ad4#s!men! $Hane", &''(). There are h#ndreds of !ho#sands of people released from prison ann#all" and man" of !hem are fo#nd !o have s# s!ance a #se, economic, heal!h and famil" pro lems !ha! need !o e addressed for !hem !o ecome prod#c!ive, la*,a idin% mem ers of !he socie!". Be"ond rapidl" risin% ra!es of imprisonmen!, offenders leave prison onl" !o e s# 4ec!ed !o vario#s con!in#in% res!ric!ions, some las!in% for life $Pa%er, &''?). Unemployment The mos! common challen%e !ha! *omen e+,offenders face are #nemplo"men! and discrimina!ion $1rasha*, &''@). The i%%es! arrier for e+,offenders findin% a 4o is !heir applica!ion from an e+,offender, mos!

criminal record. T"picall", *hen assessin% a 4o


emplo"ers ma4or concern is !he !"pe of crime !he" commi!!ed. This *as follo*ed " !he lac. of *or. e+perience and poor rep#!a!ion $M#rra", &'((). Accordin% !o a s!#d", !here is a possi ili!" !ha! a o#! @'A of emplo"ers *o#ld pro a l" no! hire an individ#al *i!h a criminal record $Bapan!a, &'((). Berman $&''@) s#%%es!s !ha! #nemplo"men! af!er incarcera!ion is ca#sed " ein% economicall" disadvan!a%ed, havin% lo* ed#ca!ional a!!ainmen!, limi!ed 4o s.ills and sporadic emplo"men! his!ories. Bein% an e+,inma!e per se red#ces !he chance of findin% a 4o $AlvareC & ;o#reiro, &'(&). <mplo"ers of!en do no! *an! !o %ive e+,offenders a second chance. Non,accep!ance has .illed !he onl" hope !ha! !hese e+,offenders have !o rein!e%ra!e in!o !he socie!" $Sin%apore Prison Service, &''8). 3hen i! comes !o findin% emplo"men!, emplo"ers in mos! s!a!es re4ec! 4o s !o people *ho *ere arres!ed #! never convic!ed of an" crime. -n addi!ion, emplo"ers in mos! s!a!es can den" 4o s or fire an"one *i!h a criminal record, re%ardless of individ#al his!or", circ#ms!ance, or #siness necessi!". Also, some 8' A of *omen had chronic heal!h condi!ions af!er !heir release !h#s failin% !hem !o *or. $Mac0onald, &''8). Discrimination F#r!hermore, e+,offenders e+perience social s!i%ma, fear, and dis!r#s! from !he socie!" $Berman, &''@) and o#r socie!" vie* !hem ne%a!ivel" *hich !heir rein!e%ra!ion in!o socie!" ver" diffic#l! $=enemore & Roldan, &''@). B" simpl" carr"in% !he 5e+,inma!e6 as a la el, !he" are alread" e+cl#ded in !he socie!" $Disher & Travis, &''>). Mos! e+,inma!es sa" !heir lives have een !ransformed in!o hell " !he socie!" af!er !he" *ere released $Bhachi, &'(&). -n a compila!ion of in!ervie* of e+,offenders, Mar%are! An!onio, an e+,inma!e *ho spen! (& "ears inside !he prison saidE
- live *i!h m" sis!er and - can clearl" see !ha! she is no! comfor!a le *hen - am *i!h her children. She does no! *an! !o leave !hem in m" care. Fes, - sinned #! - *as 4#s! a naGve "o#n% %irl. - .no* !ha! *ha! - did *as *ron%, #! af!er spendin% (& "ears of m" life 4

ehind ars, - !hin. - have paid for m" sins. - served m" sen!ence, #! socie!" has decided !o sen!ence me for life.

Social s!i%ma imposed !o !he e+,inma!es hinders !heir *illin%ness !o chan%e for !he e!!er eca#se of !he ne%a!ive impression of people !o*ards !hem $7lar., &'(&). The socie!" !rea!s e+, offenders #nfairl" eca#se !he" feel !he" sho#ld compensa!e for !heir *ron%doin% $Haflin%, &'(&). The socie!" pla"s a si%nifican! role in !he rein!e%ra!ion of !he e+,offenders. <+,offenders, no ma!!er *ha! mis! !he" made, are s!ill par! of #s and are asse!s !o !he socie!". Ho*ever, despi!e !he *illin%ness of !he e+,offenders !o s!ar! from %ro#nd Cero, some people sh#n a*a" and discrimina!e !hem $Finn, &''8). Lack of Social Support -ncarcera!ion can ca#se ne%a!ive ps"cholo%ical chan%es li.e diminished sense of self, *or!h and personal val#e *hich ma.e i! diffic#l! !o re,es!a lish heal!h" rela!ionships $0avis, &'('). 0#e !o !his, !he e+,offenders face !he challen%e of re#ni!in% *i!h !heir famil" andHor close friends $Mar!ineC, &''8). Accordin% !o Pa!ricia IJBrien $&''(), no! all families are s#ppor!ive !o *omen e+,offenders. Some are afraid of havin% !he former inma!e in !heir home especiall" if domes!ic violence, a #se, dr#% offenses, or o!her violen! ac!s *ere !he reasons *h" !he individ#al *as imprisoned in !he firs! place. Moreover, a s!#d" " IBriel $&''&) s#%%es!s si+ $@) arriers !o s#ccessf#l rein!e%ra!ion in!o socie!"E $() Rees!a lishin% a home and famil" life, incl#din% re%ainin% le%al and ph"sical c#s!od" of childrenK $&) findin% afforda le ho#sin% and mee!in% o!her asic needsK $>) sec#rin% emplo"men! !ha! pa"s a s#fficien! incomeK $?) decisions a o#! con!in#in% prior in!ima!e rela!ionships, *hich ma" have een e+ploi!a!ive, se+#all" or ph"sicall" a #siveK $L) crea!in% a

ne* rela!ional *e of connec!ions !ha! reinforces non,criminal a!!i!#des and ehaviorsK and $@) ne%o!ia!in% !he s!i%ma!iCed percep!ion of *omen e+,prisoners " !he %eneral p# lic. 1iven !he over*helmin% pro lems !ha! e+,offenders face, i! is no s#rprise !ha! recidivism ra!es are so hi%h. The cos!s for socie!", o!h financiall" and in !erms of p# lic safe!", are enormo#s $B#sh, &''?). S#ccessf#l comm#ni!" reen!r" and !he criminolo%ical impac! of incarcera!ion ma" depend in par! on !he a!!i!#des and conse9#en! reac!ions !ha! prisoners enco#n!er af!er release $Pi9#ero, &'('). #e$%i ! Factors for Rei te!ratio i to Societ" A s#ccessf#l ps"chosocial ad4#s!men! re9#ires a friendl" environmen! $;a# & Tin, &''@). -! is also infl#enced " accessi le reso#rces for copin% s#ch as ph"sical, social, ps"cholo%ical and c#l!#ral reso#rces $<c.enrode (88(). 3omen, compared !o men are less e9#ipped !o rein!e%ra!ion $IJBriel, &'''&). For !hem, i! is !he s#ppor!ive in!erpersonal rela!ionships *hich are vi!al for !heir s#ccessf#l rein!e%ra!ion $7o ina,&''8). Famil" mem ers are #s#all" !he

primar" so#rce of o!h economic and emo!ional s#ppor! of *omen e+,offenders $Bindel, &''2) and are also an impor!an! par! of helpin% prisoners avoid s# s!ance a #se and o!her iss#es !ha! of!en led !o !heir imprisonmen! $Mac0onald, &''8). -! *as seen !ha! individ#als *ho main!ain a s!ron% famil" s#ppor! s"s!em !hro#%ho#! !heir incarcera!ion !end !o have e!!er pos! release o#!comes and lo*er recidivism ra!es $Mar!ineC, &''8). -! *as also proven !ha! famil" !rea!men! d#rin% incarcera!ion improves !he inma!esJ o#!come af!er release from prison $Fo#n%, &''@). -n addi!ion, !he e+,offenders fai!h and pra"er pla"s an impor!an! aspec! of !heir rein!e%ra!ion in!o socie!" $Mar!ineC, &''8). Accordin% !o Proc!or $&''8), reli%ion can provide emo!ional s#ppor!, a l#eprin! !o chan%e, and can also reinforce inma!es ne* direc!ion. Reli%io#s

par!icipa!ion and spiri!#ali!" *ere hi%hli%h!ed " inma!es as a mechanism for movin% a*a" from criminali!", as man" dr#% and alcohol pro%rams and fai!h, ased ini!ia!ives *i!hin prisons place emphasis on spiri!#al %ro*!h !o avoid criminal ac!ivi!ies. ;as!l", one of !he mos! cri!ical iss#es in de!erminin% *he!her an e+,prisoner can s#ccessf#ll" reen!er socie!" is !heir !rainin% and emplo"men!. 3omen face da#n!in% challen%es *hen i! comes !o f#lfillin% !heir asic needs once !he" leave prison, incl#din% findin% a 4o and some*here !o live $Spie%el & 1ra#, &'('). The pro%rams offered in prison affec! !heir rese!!lemen! in !he comm#ni!" $Beri a#m, &''8). -n some cases, prisons of!en fail !o provide an" !"pe of 4o !rainin% !o prisoners, *hich means !he" leave prison *i!ho#! an" *a" !o earn a livin% $Mac0onald, &''8).In !he o!her hand, accordin% Piper =erman $&'('), !here are correc!ional s"s!em !ha! provides some pro%rams on ho* !o live a s#ccessf#l life o#!side !he prison #! ver" li!!le of i! are of prac!ical val#e. Several campai%ns and pro%rams are no* ein% r#n " differen! co#n!ries !o s#ppor! *omen e+,offenders. Ine of !hese is !he campai%n in A#s!ralia for *omen *ho *ere released from prisons *hich *as officiall" la#nched " Men!al Heal!h Minis!er Helen Mor!on las! Ma", &'(&. This campai%n is called !he 5Fello* Ri on Pro4ec!6. This aims !o en%a%e !he comm#ni!" in accep!in% former *omen prisoners and !heir families " %ivin% !hem a second chance !o s#cceed in life, helpin% !hem %ain emplo"men! and #ild a s#ppor!ive comm#ni!" aro#nd !hem $;e*is, &'(&). Ano!her pro4ec! !ha! s#ppor!s *omen e+,offenders is !he 3omens ;eis#re and Performance Pro4ec! a! !he 1rand Dalle" -ns!i!#!e for 3omen " S#san Arai. This e+plores !he impor!ance of #ildin% rela!ionships !o rid%e !he chasm e!*een *omen and !heir comm#ni!". This also discovers ideas of a#!onom", freedom, ris., hope, iden!i!" and difference, po*er and

a%enc" !hro#%h *omens en%a%emen! in !he performance of spo.en *ord, poe!r", son%s, and dr#mmin%. -n addi!ion, in Ne* For. 7i!" a #ni9#e pro%ram, Pro4ec! 1reen Hope, has helped !ho#sands of *omen " * !o heal !heir addic!ions and " %ivin% !hem !he !ools !he" need !o reclaim !heir lives. MET#ODS Research Design This s!#d" e+plored !he phenomenolo%" of *omen e+,offenders !hro#%h !he #se of 0escrip!ive Me!hod. The 0escrip!ive Me!hod of research *as #sed !o descri e !he responden!sJ e+periences !hro#%h %a!herin% of an in,dep!h #nders!andin% of !heir c#rren! condi!ions af!er released from 4ail. As M#ali!a!ive Research, !he da!a *as ori%ina!ed from in!ervie* !ranscrip!s and o serva!ion no!es !ha! con!e+!#all" laden, s# 4ec!ive, and richl" de!ailed da!a $Ardales, &''2) in *hich !he researchers had anal"Ced !he %a!hered da!a !horo#%hl". Also, -ndi%eno#s Me!hod *as #!iliCed specificall" !he patanung-tanong at pakikipagwentuhan $Sevilla, (882). Research Participants The researchers #sed !he P#rposive Samplin% *here !he par!icipan!s *ere selec!ed accordin% !o !he p#rpose of !he researchers and no! all of !he individ#als in !he pop#la!ion are %iven an e9#al chance !o e incl#ded in !he sample $Ardales, &''2). Par!icipan!s of !his s!#d" *ere iden!ified !hro#%h !he #se of Sno* allin% Techni9#e. The firs! par!icipan! *as iden!ified !hro#%h !he lis! %iven " !he 7i!" Jail personnel. Af!er !he firs! in!ervie*, !he par!icipan! referred o!her possi le par!icipan!s for !he s!#d". Thro#%h !his process, five e+,offenders *ere %a!hered and *illin%l" shared !heir e+periences. Their a%e ran%es from &' !o @' "ears old. The" had een de!ained $re%ardless of !heir case) for a! leas! one $() "ear a! P#er!o Princesa 7i!" Jail. Research Instrument

A semi,s!r#c!#red in!ervie* %#ide *as #!iliCed. To valida!e !his ins!r#men!, a pilo! s!#d" *as cond#c!ed !o a *oman *ho is c#rren!l" de!ained in !he 7i!" Jail. The firs! par! of !his in!ervie* %#ide la"s o#! !he s#pplemen!ar" profile so as !o roaden par!icipan!Js con!e+!. The second par! deal! *i!h !heir lived e+periences af!er !he" have een released from 4ail. Follo*,#p 9#es!ions had een prepared for f#r!her informa!ion and clarifica!ions. A#dio / recordin% device *as #sed in each in!ervie* in sec#rin% !heir ver a!im acco#n!s. This device *as #sed af!er sec#rin% !he par!icipan!s permission. Data Gathering Procedure The researchers convinced and clearl" e+plained !o !he par!icipan!s !he confiden!iali!" and !he p#rpose of !he research. -n!ervie*s *ere cond#c!ed in !heir preferred placeK in !heir ho#se and place of *or.. -! *as done in !he form of kwentuhan *here !he par!icipan! shared her s!ories !o !he %ro#p of researchers. Data Analysis Thematic analysis *as #!iliCed. 0a!a *as !ranscri ed, coded and anal"Ced. Af!er several readin% and re,readin%, ver a!im acco#n!s *ere com ined and ca!alo%#ed rela!ed pa!!erns in!o !hemes and s# ,!hemes $Flic., =ardorff, & S!ein.e, &''?). Themes !ha! emer%ed from !he informan!sJ s!ories are pieced !o%e!her !o form a comprehensive pic!#re of !heir collec!ive e+perience. From !his process, !he s!or" line developed *as #sed " !he researcher in *ri!in% !he e+periences of *omen e+,offenders. RESULTS Preci%itati ! Factors for I carceratio The ma4ori!" of *omen commi! crimes for similar reasons !ha! *omen are no! na!#rall" criminals. Based on !he res#l!s, i! *as revealed !ha! *omen are driven !o commi! crime " fac!ors s#ch as ein% concerned a o#! !he needs of !heir famil" and ein% con!rolled " someone. Here is some of !he precipi!a!in% for par!icipan!s !o commi! crime.

Family Welfare To provide financial s#ppor! for her famil" is !he main concern of Nen% *hich led her !o commi! !he crime. Nen% narra!ed !ha! she sho#ldered all responsi ili!ies for !he famil" af!er her h#s and lef! her for ano!her *oman. As a 5 al#!6 vendor she finds i! diffic#l! !o provide for her !hree children. She s!a!ed !ha! !he" had no permanen! shel!er !ha! led !hem !o !ransfer from one place !o ano!her. This par!icipan! admi!!ed !ha! she commi!!ed !he crime for !he sa.e of her children. Accordin% !o herE
Ginawa ko yun para may makain kasi kamiPero ako na din yung bumuhay kaya ako pumasok sa mga ano [referring to the syndicate of shoplifters] $Nen%)

This !ranscrip! sho*s !ha! as a *oman, !he par!icipan!s concern is !o provide food for her famil" *hich led her !o resor! in an #nla*f#l *a"s in order !o s#rvive. Nen% admi!!ed !he alle%a!ions of s!ealin% i!ems from !he #.a",#.a" for !he sa.e of her children. In !he o!her hand, ;ia admi!!ed !ha! she ecame accessor" !o !he crime of her h#s and. She !olera!ed her h#s andJs #nla*f#l ac! of dr#% p#shin% in order !o send !heir children !o school. ;ia did no! den" !he crime she did and accompanied her h#s and inside !he 4ail. She elieves !ha!:
!t saka" pag ginawa mo yun para sa pamilya mo" maiintindihan ka ng #iyos$ $;ia)

Transcrip! sho*s !ha! for mo!her, her children *ere !he cen!ers of her life. ;ia and Nen% elieved !ha! !heir mo!ives of providin% !he needs of !heir children can e #sed as an e+c#se for !heir #nla*f#l ac!s.

Wrong companion 3hen she !ransferred from Manila !o P#er!o Princesa %iven !ha! no .no*n rela!ives here, i! led her !o choose !he *ron% compan" of friends *hom also infl#enced -sa" !o involve in s# s!ance a #se. -sa"s dr#% a #se iss#e is !he same *i!h 1in% and Reenas case *ho admi!!ed !ha! !he" *ere o!h ca#%h! !o%e!her *i!h !heir friends *hile havin% 5po!6 session. Ho*ever, 1in% denied !ha! she commi!!ed !he crime. Accordin% !o her, she *as doin% !he la#ndr" *hen !he policemen raid her friendJs ho#se and arres!ed her. In !he o!her hand, Reena admi!!ed !ha! she

#sed !o e a s# s!ance a #ser #! denied of ein% a dr#% p#sher. These !hree par!icipan!s claimed !ha! !he" *ere involved in s# s!ance a #se onl" eca#se !he" have een enco#ra%ed " !heir friends as Nen% s!a!ed !ha!E
!no lang un$$ hmm$$ napasama lang ako sa mga sindikato$ $Nen%)

This !ranscrip! sho*s !ha! some *omen claimed !ha! !he" #n*illin%l" did !heir crimes. The par!icipan!s admi!!ed !ha! !he" commi!!ed crime d#e !o !he limi!ed op!ions and accordin% !o !hem i! *as 4#s! kapit sa patalim$ Moreover, i! *as o served !ha! !hose *ho commi!!ed crime for !he sa.e of !heir families have a posi!ive o#!loo. in life compared !o !hose *ho *ere 4#s! acc#sed of !he crime. Added !o !ha!, !he rela!ionship of !hese *omen par!icipan!s in !heir n#clear famil" remains impor!an! so#rce of s#ppor! and ps"cholo%ical s!ren%!h. After Effects of I carceratio -! is .no*n !ha! *omen face da#n!in% challen%es *hen i! comes !o f#lfillin% !heir asic needs once !he" leave !he 4ail. The" s!r#%%led on iss#es li.e findin% a 4o and some*here !o live #pon !heir released from 4ail. This s!#d" revealed !ha! *omens incarcera!ion affec!ed !hem " e+periencin% !he social s!i%ma and fear *hich helps !hem !o avoid !he recidivism. Social Stigma Rein!e%ra!ion !o !heir respec!ive comm#ni!ies has een !he challen%e faced " *omen par!icipan!s af!er !heir incarcera!ion. The" claimed !ha! !he" fel! discrimina!ed, pre4#diced, and s!ereo!"ped. The" heard direc! cri!icisms from !heir nei%h ors. 1in% narra!ed !ha! she had a mild s!ro.e d#rin% her period of incarcera!ion !ha! led her !o p#! in a ho#se arres!, #! she also claimed !o e ac9#i!!ed from !he case filed a%ains! her. Bein% placed in a ho#se arres! ca#sed her ne%a!ive feed ac.s from her nei%h ors. 1in% complained !ha! she heard o!her people do# !ed her release from 4ail sa"in% !ha! she *as released eca#se of her heal!h condi!ion and no! " ein% ac9#i!!ed, she s!a!edE
%aririnig ko po na sabi nila &an galing yan sa loob$ &an nalabas lang yan kasi house arrest lang yan $1in%)

This !ranscrip! sho*s ne%a!ive feed ac. from !he people *i!hin !he par!icipan!s comm#ni!". -! el#cida!ed !he .ind of cri!icisms !ha! had een e+perienced " !he par!icipan!s as an effec! of

!heir incarcera!ion. Reena added !ha!E

'o" parang akala nila eh mamamatay tao ka" yung ganun$ $Reena)

This acco#n! e+hi i! !he s!i%ma s#ffered " !he *omen *ho *ere de!ained in 4ail. The !ho#%h! !ha! all incarcera!ed individ#als *ere %#il!" of heino#s crime $i.e. .illed someone) %rea!l" ca#sed social s!i%ma amon% !hese *omen par!icipan!s. This !ho#%h! led 1in% and Reena !o feel insi%nifican!, isola!ed, and #nfairl" !rea!ed. -! impedes !heir s#ccessf#l rein!e%ra!ion in !he socie!". Reena narra!ed !ha! her self,es!eem *as affec!ed and as a res#l! she had self,pi!". She said !ha!E
5%akakapangliit" nakakapangliit" yunnakakapangliit $Reena)

-! is sho*n in !his ver a!im acco#n! !ha! some par!icipan!s *ere discrimina!ed in a form of avoidance eca#se people seem !o e aloof !o !hem. As ;ia s!a!ed !ha! she heard people ! a o#! her pas! incarcera!ion #! ins!ead of ! i! ne%a!ivel", she 4#s! ini!ia!es !o open a o#! !he iss#e. B#! she confessed !ha! some!imes she feels !ha! people seems !o e #neas" *hen she is aro#nd and !old her !ha! i! is eca#se of her incarcera!ion. These ins!ances res#l!ed !o social e+cl#sion as ;ia s!a!edE
Parang medyo aftraid sila ganun$$ takot sila parang ganun$$ $;ia)

Ano!her par!icipan! admi!!ed !ha! she e+perienced discrimina!ion. Accordin% !o -sa", she some!imes perceive !ha! people seems !o e dis!an! !o her d#e !o her incarcera!ion. She also s!a!ed !ha! her children did no! .no* !ha! she *as imprisoned for one "ear. 7#rren!l", she is residin% !o%e!her *i!h her h#s and *ho also came from 4ail. She added !ha! her h#s ands famil" accep!ed her since some her h#s andJs rela!ives also e+perienced !he 4ail life.
'k naman" yun nga lang" mapapansin na parang minsan merong naiilang sayo$$ $-sa")

Based on !he !ranscrip!s, i! is sho*n !ha! s!i%ma!iCa!ion is !he hardes! par! !ha! is #s#all" e+perienced " !he par!icipan!s af!er !heir release s#ch as rein!e%ra!ion !o !he socie!" mos! especiall" in la or mar.e!. -! reveals !ha! !heir la el imposed on !hem as an e+,offender is one of !he common pro lems !ha! hindered !hese *omen !o immedia!el" rein!e%ra!e in !he socie!". Moreover, social s!i%ma is ver" eviden! *hen !he" e+perienced diffic#l!" in findin% a

decen! 4o . Accordin% !o -sa", she had a hard !ime in findin% a 4o af!er her release. She narra!ed !ha! #pon her release she roamed aro#nd !he ci!" and !ried !o appl" in differen! 4o openin% s#ch as a la#ndr" *oman. She pres#med !ha! !he reason for her adversi!" in for a decen! *or. *as her 4ail de!en!ion. She fel! !he ne%a!ive la els associa!ed !o people *ho served !ime in 4ail as she s!a!edE
&ung syempre ung nahirapan kang pumasok sa trabaho na desente$ &ung dayo ano lang ito kasi eh" (ob-(ob lang naman ito eh$ )imula na nakalabas ako" nagapply ako ng trabaho$$ akala ko matatanggap na ako$$ pero siguro alam nila na ano ako$$ tinanggihan ako$ $-sa")

The !ranscrip! reveals !ha! incarcera!ion affec!ed !he par!icipan!s oppor!#ni!" for emplo"men!. Ho*ever, !his iss#e of oppor!#ni!" for emplo"men! ma" no! incarcera!ion. -ns!ead, !heir s.ills and a ili!ies can also e solel" ca#sed " !heir e a si%nifican! fac!or for !heir

emplo"men! *hich ma" e+plain *h" par!icipan!s end #p * in menial 4o s. 3omens 4ail records hampered !heir social rein!e%ra!ion. Their incarcera!ion led some of !hese *omen !o e+perience social discrimina!ion $ o!h real and pres#med) and fear of ein% arres!ed a%ain. B#! i! *as o served !ha! !hose par!icipan!s *ho e+pec!ed !o e ne%a!ivel" !rea!ed af!er !heir de!en!ion had easil" coped #p as compared !o !hose par!icipan!s *ho hoped !o e !rea!ed nicel" af!er !heir 4ail life. Une plaina!le Fear 1in% said !ha! she #sed !o e friendl" efore her 4ail life and fre9#en!l" han%s o#! *i!h her barkadas *ho also infl#enced her !o en%a%e in!o differen! vices s#ch as and %am lin%. She p#! her f#ll confidence on her friends and in !heir friendship ho*ever d#rin% !he co#rse of her de!en!ion, her friends did no! care !o visi! even ones. 7onse9#en!l", she developed ne%a!ive impression a o#! friendship. She feared !o e associa!ed *i!h !hem once more. Par!icipan!s a%reed !o !hin. !ha! !he" had fair,*ea!her friends. The" descri ed i! as friend *ho is presen! d#rin% %ood !imes #! no! availa le in !imes of challen%es and ad !imes. Th#s, !he" repor!ed i! as !he so#rce of !heir in!ense fear !o min%le *i!h !heir former peer %ro#p. 3omen said !ha! !heir 4ail e+periences made !hem realiCed !ha! !he" need !o choose people *hom !he" *ill p#! !heir !r#s!. ;ia admi!!ed !ha! she %ave consen! on her h#s and !o sell prohi i!ed dr#%s. Al!ho#%h she

*as ac9#i!!ed from her case, her h#s and is s!ill in 4ail. ;ia reco#n!ed !ha! she and her h#s and *ere arres!ed " !he policemen *hile crossin% !he s!ree!. Af!er her release, !ha! par!ic#lar inciden! made her apprehensive *hen she is o#!side her home eca#se of !he fear !ha! people mi%h! misin!erpre! her ac!s and e arres!ed a%ain. As ;ia s!a!edE
'o" kasi pag sa labas ka kasi baka mamaya pag naglalakad-lakad ka bigla kang damputin ng pulis yung parang ano ka$

and she added !ha!E

!y mahirap talaga" naku$ )yempre yung ultimo magtawid ka ng kalsada takot ka$ $;ia)

This !ranscrip! revealed !ha! !he par!icipan! had developed fear of ein% ca#%h! and arres!ed a%ain in #ne+pec!ed si!#a!ions. The par!icipan!s presence of policemen. ;ia recalled !ha! she ecame sociall" *i!hdra*n #pon her release #! !hro#%h !he help of her mo!her,in,la*, she *as a le !o %o !hro#%h !he process of rein!e%ra!ion. 7#rren!l", she is ren!in% a s!all a! !he mar.e!. She prefers !o personall" !al. a o#! her pas! e+periences !han hearin% c#rio#s people ! ehind her ac.. She never denied !he fac! a o#! her incarcera!ion. -n spi!e of ecomin% ver" open a o#! her 4ail e+perience, she is s!ill fearf#l of !he ne%a!ive reac!ions of her nei%h ors. She s!a!edE
kahit hanggang ngayon nga pagdating ng alas siete ng gabi yung sa palengke bilis-bilis din ako mag-uwi kasi baka mamaya ba isipin nila san ito galing siguro ganito ganun yung parang nasa isip ko$$ kahit na-ac*uit na ako kung baga$$ $;ia)

ecame s#spicio#s and paranoid a o#! !he

This ver a!im acco#n! sho*ed !he apprehensions of !he par!icipan! on ho* she *ill e eval#a!ed " !hose people aro#nd her. Bein% overl" concerned on o!her peoples 4#d%men! seemin%l" affec!s her ehaviorall" and !his is ver" eviden! !hro#%h !he manifes!a!ion of her an+ie!". A"oidance of Recidi"ism The par!icipan!s develop ver" pessimis!ic vie*s !o*ards ein% incarcera!ed even !ho#%h all of !hem admi!!ed !ha! !he" received %ood !rea!men! *hile in 4ail. -! *as no!iced !ha! *omen are afraid of %e!!in% ac. in 4ail. Ine of !he par!icipan!s s!a!edE
+aya parang iniisip ko nakatatak lagi sa isip ko naku ayoko bumalik ulit sa ganyan$ !yoko ng ganyan kasi baka mamaya maframe-up ako o maano na namang mangyari sa akin$ $;ia) 14

This s!a!emen! s#%%es!s !ha! *omen p#! some effor! !o avoid recidivism. Avoidance is manifes!ed !o !hese *omen " ein% aloof *i!h o!her people, and .eepin% a*a" from s#spicio#s places and si!#a!ions. The" are afraid !o e involved *i!h an" .ind of crime and e p#! in 4ail once more. The par!icipan!s realiCed !heir mis! !h#s, resis! !he !emp!a!ion. Ine of !hem claimed !ha!E
)a mga kaibigan ko" sa mga dati kong kagrupo kapag niyayaya ako" sinasabi ko sa kanila$$ ayaw ko nang bumalik$$ ayaw ko nang magkamali uli,%eng-

-n !his s!a!emen! i! can e no!iced !ha! par!icipan! in!en!ionall" re4ec!s !he !emp!a!ion eca#se !he" alread" made a choice. The" choose no! !o repea! !heir croo.ed ac!s and decisions. Their 4ail e+periences help !hem reco%niCe !he essence of !r#e friendship and of a real friend. Simple ac9#ain!anceship is %iven !o !heir former peer %ro#p. 3omen par!icipan!s preven! !heir former peer %ro#p !o %e! closer on !hem #nli.e efore. Accordin% !o -sa"E
&ung ano lang yung tama lang yung sakto lang$$ &ung pagmakita ko hi lang ganyan pero mas maganda yung hindi ako nakikisubaybay$$ $-sa")

This !ranscrip! sho*s !ha! !ho#%h !he par!icipan! is s!ill ac9#ain!ed !o her former peer %ro#p, !he evidence of self / con!rol is presen!. De&e$o%'e t of Resi$ie ce Resilience is !he process of adap!in% *ell in !he face of si%nifican! so#rces of s!ress $APA, &'(>). Here, !he par!icipan!s so#rce of s!ress is !heir incarcera!ion as *ell as i!s ne%a!ive effec!s s#ch as discrimina!ion, #nemplo"men!, fear, chan%es in social life, e!c. Their *a" of ein% resilien! varies from each o!her. Here are !he follo*in% s!eps of !he par!icipan!s in developin% !heir resilienceE Learning from # periences The resilience of *omen e+,offenders *as developed *hen !he" s!ar! !o reco%niCe !he enefi! of !heir si!#a!ion !h#s, !he" learned from !heir e+periences. The" seem !o re%ard incarcera!ion as a !rainin% %ro#nd for !hem !o e a le !o face !he o#!side *orld. Some of !hem claimed !ha! !he" have ac9#ired *isdom !ha! onl" !he prison co#ld %ive !hem. The par!icipan!s


learnin% made a chan%e in !heir elief, a!!i!#de and lifes!"le. -! chan%ed !heir eliefs, percep!ion, ehaviors and o!her aspec!s of !heir lives.
+asi pinatatag ako ng kulungan eh$ .along taon ako dun$ /indi ko na naramdaman kung anu yung pwede nilang sabihin kasi pag nasa kulungan ka lahat ng klase ng ugali ng tao makakasalamuha mo$ +aya pag labas parang balewala na$ $Reena)

Based on !he !ranscrip!, Reenas incarcera!ion made her a !o#%h *oman. -n her ei%h! $2) "ears of imprisonmen!, she has alread" enco#n!ered differen! .inds of people. Beca#se of !his .ind of e+perience, she *as a le !o e fle+i le, !o ad4#s! and !o deal *i!h differen! .inds of people. 0#rin% !heir incarcera!ion, !he" learn !o s!ren%!hen !heir fai!h. Some of !he par!icipan!s said !ha! !he" chan%ed !heir reli%io#s elief !h#s, chan%in% !heir reli%io#s affilia!ion. The" claimed !ha! !he" learned !he val#e of readin% i le and rel"in% on 1od. The" also learned !o 4oin and develop commi!men! !o minis!ries and reli%io#s ac!ivi!ies.
!ng natutunan ko unang-una alam mo dyan ako nakakilala ng Panginoon #iyos sa loob eh$ %ung nasa labas ako pag sabing bible study galit ako$ !yoko ng bible study$$istorbo lang yan$ %ung nakulong ako hinahanap-hanap ko yun$ &ung pala yung kailangan$ +umapit ka sa #iyos para hindi ka nya iiwan$ $1in%)

This s!a!emen! sho*s !ha! 1in%s fai!h prior !o her incarcera!ion is almos! no!hin%. She even re%arded i le s!#d" as a *as!e of !ime #! !hen her incarcera!ion made her realiCe ho* impor!an! i! is. She claimed !ha! *hen she *as in prison, she #sed !o search for i le s!#d" *hich she 4#s! disre%ards efore.
&un lang" marami akong natutunan sa loob na hindi ko natutunan dito sa labas$ &ung naging malawak yung pananaw ko sa buhay$ $Reena)

Accordin% !o Reena, she learned a lo! of !hin%s d#rin% her incarcera!ion *hich roadened her perspec!ive in life. -n addi!ion !o *ha! !he" have learned is fear *hich #s#all" has a ne%a!ive implica!ion on individ#als #! in !his s!#d", some of !he par!icipan!s developed a .ind of fear !ha! has a posi!ive effec! !o !hem.
0alaki yung nagbago sa akin" kung dati wala akong takot gumawa ng mga mali" kung baga taliwas talaga yung mga paniniwala ko dati$ Parang 16

namumuhay ako ng walang takot$ )o ngayon natutunan ko na 1wag ganun$$Nen%)

This ver a!im acco#n! disclosed !ha! ein% fearless is no! al*a"s a %ood !hin%. Some!imes, i! can ma.e #s immoral. Prior !o her incarcera!ion, she does no! fear an"!hin% or an" od" and !his .ind of a!!i!#de made i! easier for her !o commi! a crime. -ncarcera!ion per se !a#%h! Nen% !o have fear in doin% *ron%. -! seems !ha! her e+perience inside !he prison made her !o e afraid of %oin% ac. !o her old s!"le of life. Moreover, !he val#e of respec! is also learned " !he par!icipan!s inside !he 4ail. Respec! can e defined as a posi!ive feelin% of es!eem, re%ard and considera!ion for a person or en!i!" $Meena.shi, &'(&)
&ung respeto naman hindi naman hinihingi" tayo yung nagpapakita$ +ahit walong taon ako sa loob" sa kulungan" kahit naman papano karapat dapat naman ako irespeto diba2 +ahit sabihin mo na con3icted ako o ano$ $Reena)

-n !his s!a!emen!, par!icipan! is !r"in% !o poin! o#! !ha! respec! co#ld e %ained " an"one *he!her convic!ed or no!. A person *ho *an!s !o e respec!ed sho#ld ehave as someone *ho is *or!h" of i!. ;as!l", ano!her par!icipan! also learned !o val#e her famil"s opinion and advises. Reena narra!ed !ha!E
'k naman" ok naman ngayon kasi ahhh$$ may paki alam na ako sa kung anong sinasabi nila" [pertaining to her family]

This !ranscrip! clearl" sho*s !ha! !he par!icipan! reco%niCed !he val#e of famil"s opinion. Posi!ive eval#a!ion of !he famil"s presence !oo. place and s!ar!ed !o consider s#%%es!ions from !hem. Accepting their Accounta!ilities Ano!her fac!or *hich helps !he par!icipan!s !o e resilien! af!er !heir incarcera!ion is !heir accep!ance of !he conse9#ences of !heir #nla*f#l ehavior. ;ia narra!ed !ha!E
+aya lang syempre lumabag ka$$kailangan mo mag bayad$

and she addedE


#iyos ko nabatid nyo na talagang nagbago na ako$ +ung baga talaga talagang ano sabi ko talagang pinagbayaran ko na din siguro kung ano mang kasalanan meron yung asawa ko o ako$$yun namang wag sanang maulit pa sa hindi ko na ginawa$ &un siguro ang hindi ko matanggap sabi kong ganun$ )ige lang" ganun lang

The aforemen!ioned s!a!emen!s clearl" sho* !ha! !he par!icipan! accep!ed her misdeed and !his "ields !o !he accep!ance of i!s conse9#ences. -n !he case of !he *omen par!icipan!s, accep!ance of !he p#nishmen! is easier if !he acc#sa!ion is !r#e. The"*led%e !ha! in ever" offense !here is a correspondin% p#nishmen! and !he offender sho#ld accep! i!s conse9#ence and e responsi le for i!. -n addi!ion, par!icipan!s also accep!ed !he fac! !ha! !he" *ill receive ne%a!ive reac!ions and #nfavora le !rea!men!s from people *i!hin !heir comm#ni!" #pon !heir released. Th#s, ins!ead of den"in% !ha! !he" *ere convic!ed, !he" 4#s! vol#n!aril" div#l%e i!. ;ia narra!ed !ha!E
'o$$ayoko naman yung okay-okay$ 0insan pag may pupunta sa pwesto namin ako nagkukwento na ako galing (ail$$ganun$$sinasabi ko yung totoo$ !t least kung tanggap mo ako"salamat$ +ung hindi e di anong magagawa ko diba2 'h ganun$

she f#r!her added !ha!E

'o kasi hindi talaga ako nahihiya kasi ano pang gagawin ko eh talaga namang doon ako galing diba2

Nen% also shared !ha!E

+asi ako na ito eh" bumalik na yung dating ako ayun$ +aya kahit ano man yung sabihin nila" hindi ako yung nagpapaapekto sa kanila$ $Nen%)

;ia and Nen% are no! ashamed of ein% an e+,offender simpl" eca#se !he" accep! !hemselves re%ardless of ho* o!her people feels and !hin.s a o#! !hem. Lo$ering their # pectations F#r!hermore, lo*erin% !heir posi!ive e+pec!a!ions is ano!her con!ri #!in% fac!or in !he developmen! of resilience amon% !he *omen e+, offenders. <+pec!a!ions are someones prospec!s and an!icipa!ion a o#! !he f#!#re. Too m#ch of i! leads !o fr#s!ra!ion. <n!*ined *i!h e+pec!a!ion is hope. Their e+pec!a!ions are ne%a!ive in na!#re #! !hese helped !hem !o avoid


disappoin!men!s and fr#s!ra!ions. Ine of !he par!icipan!s said !ha! she did no! e+pec! !o re%ain !he !r#s! of o!her people. -sa" narra!ed !ha!E
)yempre rason yun eh$$ galing kang kulungan walang magtitiwala sayo$$

ano!her added !ha!E

)iguro tingin ko$$normal namang pag-usapan kasi$ $;ia)

These s!a!emen!s e+plici!l" sho* !ha! !he ne%a!ive reac!ion of people *i!hin !he comm#ni!" on e+ / offenders li.e !hem is 4#s! normal. Ano!her par!icipan! did no! e+pec! for posi!ive commen!s.
'o""yung maglilihim ka tapos pag nakatalikod akala mo ok lang pag nakaharap tapos pag nakatalikod 1ay ganito pala yan$$ay naku ganito$$$4 $;ia)

-n !his !ranscrip!, !he par!icipan! e+pec!ed !o receive ne%a!ive feed ac.s from people aro#nd her. Al!ho#%h she does no! direc!l" hear i!, i! seems !ha! she is alread" a*are a o#! !he a!!i!#de of o!her people !o*ards e+,offender. In !he o!her hand, ano!her par!icipan! did no! e+pec! an" help from her famil". Nen% repor!ed her !ho#%h!E
5nisip ko na parang tinalikuran na nila ako$$na parang kinalimutan na nila ako$ $Nen%)

This ver a!im acco#n! sho*s !he ne%a!ive !ho#%h! of !he par!icipan! a o#! !he possi le reac!ion of her famil". She e+pec!ed !o e forsa.en and diso*ned " her famil". ;as!l", -sa" did no! e+pec! o!hers *ill efriend her. She said !ha!E
/indi naman$ %atural lang naman siguro sa kanila yun kasi galing ka ng kulungan$ .alang lalapit sayo diba2 $-sa")

This narra!ive sho*s !ha! Filipino *omen e+ / offenders perceived i! normal !ha! people *o#ld avoid !hem eca#se !he" *ere 4ailed. Looking at the %righter Side Ano!her s!ra!e%" !ha! helps !he par!icipan!s !o e resilien! is " a! !he ri%h!er side of !heir e+periences. This a!!i!#de made !hem feel for!#na!e despi!e of !heir misfor!#nes. -ns!ead of d*ellin% *i!h !heir painf#l e+periences, !he" 4#s! foc#s on !he posi!ive !hin%s *hich happened !o !hem af!er !heir incarcera!ion.

%ung 6th year college sya ,referring to her daughter-" nag-e7am siya ng ci3il ser3ice$$sabi ko nga kung anong malas sa magulang siyang swerte sa anak diba2 $;ia)

She also addedE

'o$$kahit na sa pag may meeting yung anak ko yung gumaraduate na anak namin$$ay yun papa mo2 %andun pa po sa (ail$ &un mama mo2 +alalabas lang po$$pero hindi po ako nahihiya dahil kahit ganun po eh napagtapos naman ho kami$$kung baga sa #ean pa nila mismo sinabi$ &ung parang na touch ako diba2 $;ia)

This ver a!im sho*s !ha! !he par!icipan! s!ill feels for!#na!e despi!e of ein% incarcera!ed ca#sed " her da#%h!ers achievemen!. -! seems !ha! her incarcera!ion for almos! five $L) "ears *as alread" recompensed " s#ch even!. She also feels %ra!ef#l for receivin% respec! and honor from her. The fac! !ha! her children *ere no! ashamed a o#! her si!#a!ion her feel relieved and l#c.". Also, one of !he par!icipan!s foc#sed on !he love and !r#s! !ha! she re%ained from si%nifican! people in her life.
0asaya ako$$sobrang saya na may natira pa pala na tutulong sayo$ /indi ko ine7pect na babalik yung pagmamahal at yung tiwala nila sa akin$ $Nen%)

Beca#se of her incarcera!ion, Nen% e+pec!ed !ha! she *ill e forsa.en " her famil" #! she *as s!ill helped, loved and !r#s!ed " !hem and !his made her happ" despi!e her si!#a!ion. S(%%ort S"ste' S#ppor! s"s!em is a %rea! help !o e+,prisoners in !heir !ransi!ion process. -! is mainl" composed of !heir famil" andH or rela!ives and !heir reli%ion or fai!h. 3i!h !he s!ron% s#ppor! of !hese s"s!ems, !he" *ill e a le !o cope *i!h !he challen%es !he" *ill face af!er !heir incarcera!ion. Family & Relati"es The par!icipan!s famil" mem ers pla"ed a %rea! role in !heir rein!e%ra!ion process. All of !hem *ere accep!ed and s#ppor!ed " !heir families.
+ahit ano mangyari nandyan pa rin sila$$ang pinakamagandang kaibigan talaga ang pamilya$ ,Ging-

This ver a!im acco#n! sho*s !ha! 1in% re%arded her famil" as dependa le eca#se of !heir #ncondi!ional love and s#ppor!.

Faith Ano!her so#rce of !he par!icipan!s s#ppor! is !heir fai!h in 1od *hich *as s!ren%!hened d#rin% !heir incarcera!ion " reli%io#s %ro#ps and pro%rams.
)tep ng problema2 +asi malaki naman yung tiwala ko sa taas kasi )iya lang naman makakasabi kung makakalabas ka o hindi eh$ $-sa")

-! *as eviden! !ha! -sa" seems !o e calm *hen faced *i!h pro lems .no*in% !ha! she has a 1od *ho .no*s ever"!hin%. Th#s, she !r#s!s in 1od in diffic#l! si!#a!ions. DISCUSSIONS Bein% financiall" #ns!a le ca#sed !hese *omens incarcera!ion. The" claimed !ha! !he *elfare of !heir famil" mo!iva!es !hem !o do #nla*f#l ac!s. -! corro ora!es *i!h !he findin%s of previo#s s!#d" s!a!in% !ha! *omenJs mos! common pa!h*a" !o crime is ased on pover!" $Bloom, Bar ara, I*en and 7arin%!on, &''2). Accordin% !o 3ri%h! and Se"more $&''8), paren!s are ap! !o have een livin% in pover!" efore !heir incarcera!ion and have een #na le !o provide asic ma!erial so#rces. Br#ce $&''?) e+plain !ha! chronic pover!" for *omen and children led !hem !o en%a%e in #nla*f#l ac!ivi!ies This sho*s !ha! as a *oman, s#rvival of !heir famil"s iolo%ical needs is more impor!an! !han !heir o*n moral and social o li%a!ion. For !hese e+,offender mo!hers, !he" hi%hl" val#ed !heir famil" especiall" !heir children. Th#s, !he" !end !o ra!ionaliCe !heir #nla*f#l ac!s " !heir mo!ives of providin% !heir famil"s needs. As a res#l!, !hose *ho commi!!ed crime for !he sa.e of !heir families have a posi!ive o#!loo. in life as compared !o !hose *ho *ere 4#s! acc#sed. F#r!hermore, mos! of !he *omen e+perienced social s!i%ma af!er !heir release !ha! affec!s !heir self, es!eem. This s!i%ma made rein!e%ra!ion !o socie!" ver" diffic#l! for !hem. Accordin% !o I rien $&''() *omen e+i!in% from 4ail #s#all" e+perience s!i%ma dependin% on !he !"pe of crime commi!!ed. The" have een la elled ne%a!ivel" as individ#al *ho is no! *or!h" of !r#s! eca#se !he" lac.s credi ili!". As a res#l!, i! hinders !hem in findin% a decen! 4o emplo"men!. Raphaels $&''2) s!#d" a%reed *i!h i! lessen ne%a!ive effec! of social s!i%ma.

eca#se accordin% !o

Bapa!a $&'(() criminal records of !hese *omen pla"s a ma4or fac!or in considera!ion for " s!a!in% !ha! incarcera!ion affec!s emplo"men! and earnin% of !he e+,offenders. -! is no!iced !ha! a lo*er e+pec!a!ion proceeds

Avoidance of recidivism is !he main concern of !hese *omen e+,offenders and !he" manifes!ed i! " .eepin% !hemselves apar! from people *ho led !hem !o e involved in crime. The par!icipan!s preferred !o live a ne* life *i!h !heir famil" *ho #ncondi!ionall" love and care for !hem. Accordin% !o Bindel $&''2), famil" mem ers are #s#all" !he primar" so#rce of o!h economic and emo!ional s#ppor! of *omen e+,offenders and are also an impor!an! par! of helpin% e+,offenders avoid s# s!ance a #se and o!her iss#es !ha! of!en led !o !heir imprisonmen! $Mac0onald, &''8). The anal"sis of o#r da!a revealed a pa!!ern of ho* !he par!icipan!s *ere a le !o cope *i!h !he challen%es af!er !heir release in 4ail. The" ecame resilien! " means of learnin% from !heir e+periences, accep!in% !heir acco#n!a ili!ies, lo*erin% !heir e+pec!a!ions, a! !he ri%h!er side and havin% ini!ial s!eps *hich served as !heir s!eppin% s!one in rein!e%ra!in% *i!h !he socie!". S# se9#en! !o !heir release from 4ail is a need for !hem !o rein!e%ra!e in !he socie!". Ho*ever 1eor%ia S!a!e Pardon and Parole $&''') admi!s !ha! prison does no! !each !hem ho* !o deal s#ccessf#ll" *i!h socie!". If!en *i!h ver" li!!le prepara!ion for *ha! !he o#!side *orld e+pec!s of !hem $I0riscoll, &'(').-n con!ras! *i!h !his, o#r par!icipan!s said !ha! !he prison served as a !rainin% %ro#nd for !hem !o face !he socie!" a%ain. The" claimed !ha! !heir e+periences d#rin% !heir incarcera!ion prepared !hem !o deal *i!h !he challen%es o#!side !he prison. Also 7haveC $&''') s!a!ed !ha! e+,offenders !end !o have hi%h e+pec!a!ions a o#! !he o#!side *orld as !he" co#n! !heir da"s !o release. B#! par!icipan!s of s!#d" claim !ha! !he lo*ered !heir e+pec!a!ions a o#! !he life af!er prison. <ven efore !heir release, !he" have alread" an!icipa!ed !ha! !he" *ill e discrimina!ed and pre4#diced " o!her people. -n fac!, some of !he par!icipan!s e+pec!ed !ha! !he" *ill e forsa.en " !heir families. This .ind of e+pec!a!ions someho* helped !he par!icipan!s !o preven! fr#s!ra!ions. Also, !his led !hem !o e prepared for *ha!ever circ#ms!ance !he" ma" face , ei!her posi!ive or ne%a!ive. S#ppor! s"s!ems *ere indeed a %rea! help !o e+,offenders in !heir !ransi!ion process $NsanCe, &''N). Accordin% !o 3illiam Mac0onald $&''8), prisoners *ho have s#ppor!ive famil" mem ers !end !o have an easier rein!e%ra!ion process. This *as eviden! *i!h o#r par!icipan!s *ho considered !heir families as !he primar" so#rce of emo!ional, financial and moral help.


CONCLUSIONS This research e+plored !he lived e+periences of Filipino *omen e+,offenders in !he con!e+! of Philippine c#l!#re. 3es!ern li!era!#res overl" provide !opics a o#! e+ / offenders #! mos!l" foc#sed on men and ver" li!!le a o#! *omen. Th#s, !his paper con!ri #!es on !he #nchar!ed area of resilience of *omen e+ / offenders. Also, in !he developmen! of *omen e+, offenders resilience, i! *as no!iced !ha! c#l!#re pla"ed si%nifican!l". 0a!a revealed !ha! all par!icipan!s ecame resilien! af!er !heir incarcera!ion. This implies !ha! Filipino *omans *a"s of copin% *ere effec!ive. Ho*ever, ecomin% resilien! of !hese *omen can also e a!!ri #!ed !o !heir 4ail s!a!#s *he!her !he" are convic!ed or de!ainee. -n !his case, !he reason for ein% resilien! of !he par!icipan!s co#ld e eca#se !he" *ere 4#s! de!ainees and no! een convic!ed in !he crime *hich !he" are acc#sed of. The researcher*led%es !his limi!a!ion *hich ma" affec! !he res#l! of !he findin%s of !his paper. F#r!hermore i! is also o served !ha! !he Filipino *omen e+,offenders perceived incarcera!ion differen!l" from o!her race. These *omen e+,offenders re%arded !heir incarcera!ion posi!ivel" for considerin% !heir 4ail e+perience as a !rainin% %ro#nd in facin% man" diffic#l! challen%es in life. Moreover, par!icipan!s !end !o avoid recidivism !hro#%h !he help of !heir famil". ;as!l", fai!h also pla"ed a ma4or role in !heir copin% and !heir lo* e+pec!a!ions helped !hem in !he rein!e%ra!ion process. IMPLICATION FOR FUTURE RESEARC# This s!#d" recommends f#!#re researchers !o e+plore !he lived e+periences of *omen e+, convic!s incl#din% !heir si!#a!ions d#rin% incarcera!ion eca#se !his s!#d" onl" involved *omen e+,de!ainees and no! e+,convic!s. Also, f#!#re researchers ma" consider !he par!icipan!sJ profile s#ch as ed#ca!ional ac.%ro#nd, a%e, crimes commi!!ed and len%!h of incarcera!ion *hich co#ld affec! !heir developmen! of resilience. -ncl#din% !he par!icipan!s e+periences *hile in 4ail can e essen!ial in descri in% !heir copin% processes. Refere ces
Flick, U., Kardorff, E. v., & Stei ke, !. "2004#. Sa&e '()licatio * $td.+ %ompanion to &ualitative 'esearch. $o do %


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