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Gas Agency Manegment

Table of Contents Page No.

1. Introduction 2. Design and Implementation 3. Data structure 4. Coding . Desing !orms ". #e$uirements
%. Conclusion &. 'ibliograp()

2 3 9 12

14 1


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Gas Agency Manegment

*bout +,
T(e s)stem s(o-s us t(e -or. of t(e gas agenc). It pro/ides t(e connection of ne- gas refill. *nd it also exc(anges t(e full refill instead of empt) refill. !or t(at it (as t(e customer all information. It can also pro/ide different tools related to t(e gas department. 0i.e regulators1 (otplate1 lig(ters1 tubes etc. !or t(at it (as to pro/ide some information. T(e existing s)stem is -or. li.e t(at. It pro/ides some information as a -ritten data. It collect customer1 stoc.1 information. T(e information is /er) useful for t(e s)stem to -or. on it. T(e customer information (a/ing suc( information li.e customer name1 customer address1 p(one no or t(e ot(er connect no and it also gi/e one id as a customer id. ') t(at t(e data can enter. In t(at -e refer t(at customer (a/e (o- man) refill1 -(en it issue1 etc. T(e ot(er information is stoc. information in -(ic( -e (a/e t(e information of t(e stoc. related item. ') t(at -e can .no- (o- man) t(ings -e (a/e2 3o- man) gi/en21 etc. T(e stoc. is also /er) important. T(e last information t(at -e collect is t(e In t(at -e collect t(e information of t(e statements. T(at customer name1 -(en it orders for anot(er refill1 etc. *fter t(at -e (a/e to ma.e some reports. T(e reports are also main feature. In t(at reports -e consider t(e all information and all t(at data. T(e) are too important. In t(e report t(e balance is also consider. ,o t(e reports are generall) main concept in -(ic( -e include t(e entire agenc)4s -or.


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Gas Agency Manegment

Intiduction5isual 'asic ".6

Visual Basic is much more than a complier. It is a complete application development environment that, when used as intended to fully exploit the object oriented nature of C to create professional !indows application. In order to ta"e advanta#e of these features, an understandin# of C pro#rammin# lan#ua#e and 7icrosoft !oundation Class 87!C9 hierarchy is needed. $his class hierarchy encapsulates the user interface portion of the !indows %&I, and ma"es it si#nificantly easier to create !indows application in an object oriented way. $his hierarchy is available and compatible with all versions of !indows. 5isual basics come in t(ree categories: $he visual basic learnin# edition $he visual basic professional edition $he visual basic enterprise edition $he visual basic learnin# edition is the introductory edition that lets you easily create windows applications. It comes with all the tools we need to build mainstream windows applications' most of the examples and the applications wor" in the learnin# edition. $he visual basics professional edition is for computer professional is for computer professional and includes advanced features such as tools to develop %ctive( and internet controls. Visual basics and web re)uire the professional edition. $he #raphical user interface name su##ests uses illustrations for text which enables users to interact with an application. $his feature ma"es it easier to comparison thin#s in )uic"er and easier way. Codin# in *+I environment is )uite or transient to traditional, linear pro#rammin# method where the user use us #uided throu#h a linear path of execution and is limited to small set of operation. In *+I environment the no. of options open for the user is much #reater allowin# more freedom to the user and
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developer. -eature such as easier comprehension, user friendliness, faster application development and may other aspects such as introduction to active.( technolo#y and internet features ma"e visual basic an interestin# tool to wor" with. Visual basic is developin# form basic pro#rammin# lan#ua#e. In 1/012s 3icrosoft started developin# 453 based interpreted basics for the earlier microprocessor based computers. In 1/62 3icrosoft2s 7.basic is revolutioni8ed basic and was le#itimi8ed as a serious development lan#ua#e for the 39.:59 environment later on 3icrosoft2s co.operation created and enhanced version of Basic called the Visual basic for the windows. Visual Basic ;.1 for the windows re)uires at least 3icrosoft windows./<=/6=>$=3e, &rocessor? . 3inimum Intel.61@6; 3icroprocessor 4%3? . 3inimum of 1; 3B % complete installation of the most powerful version of the visual basic ;.1 enterprise edition re)uires more than 2<3B of hard.:is" space. !ith Visual Basic we can create the followin# type of the application. 1. 2. ,. @. <. ;. 0. 6. /. 11. 11. 9tandard Axe %ctive.( Axe, %ctive.( :BB %ctive.( control %ctive.( document Axe, %ctive.( document :BB VB application wi8ard VB wi8ard mana#er :ata project :C$3B application II9.%pplication %dd In classes VB enterprise edition control


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,tandard ;xe: < 9tandard Axe project is a typical application. 3ost of the application in this std. exe project is of user interactive. *cti/e<= ;xe1 *cti/e<= D00: $his type of the project is available with the professional addition %ctive.( components are 5BA automation servers. %ctive.( components are basic code buildin# components they don2t have a visible interface and that can add special functionality to our applications *cti/e<= control: < $his types of the project also a feature of the professional addition. !e can develop our own active.( control. %ctive.( control such as text box or command button control is the basic element of the user interface. If the active.( controls that comes with the visual' basic don2t provide the functionality user need then we can build our own customer controls *cti/e<= document ;xe1 *cti/e<= document D00: < $he active.( documents are in essence visual basic applications that can run the environment of the container that supports hyper lin"in#. 5' application -i>ard: < $he application wi8ard the user throu#h the steps of settin# of the s"eleton of a new application. .modifyin# the s"eleton code created by the wi8ard is just as difficult as developin# our own application from the scratch, if not more. 5' -i>ard manager: < $he wi8ard mana#er lets us build our own wi8ard. It is a se)uence of the windows that collect information from the user after the user fields out all the windows the wi8ard proceeds to build an application, install software, or carry out an automatic operation for the end use. Data pro?ect: $his is a feature of the enterprise edition and it doesn2t corresponds to new project type it2s identical to the standard exe project type but it automatically adds the control that are used in accessin# databases to the tool box. It also adds the database active.x desi#ners to the project explorer window. D3T70 application: < VB ;.1 allows user to build a :C$3B pa#es that can be displayed in the browsers window on the client computer. Aven with the
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visual basic2s tools we can desi#n :C$3B pa#es without a basic understandin# :C$3B. II,<*pplication:< VB ;.1 allows to build applications they are run on the web server and interact with clients over the internet with the II9 *dd in classes: < !e can create our own add I>9 for the visual basics I:A. %dd I>9 is special commands we can add to the visual basic menu. $o do so select this type of the project. $his topic is advanced 5' enterprise edition control: < It simply carets a new slandered exe projects and loads all the tools of the enterprise addition of the visual basic. 3icrosoft provides an efficient C library called 7icrosoft !oundation 0ibrar) that sits on top of any of the !indows %&I2s. It #reatly reduces the amount of code that must be written to create a !indows pro#ram. It also provides all the advanta#es normally found in C pro#rammin#, such as inheritance and encapsulation. 7!C is a lar#e and extensive C class hierarchy that ma"es !indows application that ma"es !indows application development si#nificantly easier. $he advanta#e of usin# 7!C and C@@ as opposed to directly accessin# the !indows %&I from a C pro#ram is the 3-C already contains and encapsulates all the Dboiler plateE code that all !indows pro#ram written in C must contain. $he hierarchy contains thousands and thousands of lines of correct, optimi8ed and robust !indows code. 3any of the member functions that we call invo"e code that would have ta"e wee"s to write. In this way 7!C tremendously accelerates the project development cycle.


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Gas Agency Manegment

*bout 7,< *ccess


% database mana#ement, or :B39, #ives the user access to their data and helps them transform the data into information. 9uch database mana#ement systems include dBase, paradox, I39, and 39. %ccess. $hese systems allow users to create, update and extract information from their database. % database is a structured collection of data. :ata refers to the characteristics of people, thin#s and events. 39. %ccess stores each data item in its own fields. In 39. %ccess, the fields relatin# to a particular person, thin# or event are bundled to#ether to form a sin#le complete unit of data, called a record Fit can also be referred to as raw or an occurrenceG. Aach record is made up of a number of fields. >o two fields in a record can have the same field name. :urin# an 39. %ccess :atabase desi#n project, the analysis of your business needs identifies all the fields or attributes of interest. If your business needs chan#e over time, you define any additional fields or chan#e the definition of existin# fields. 7,< *ccess Tables 39. %ccess stores records relatin# to each other in a table. :ifferent tables are created for the various #roups of information. 4elated tables are #rouped to#ether to form a database. *d/antages of #D'7, 4edundancy can be avoided Inconsistency can be eliminated :ata can be 9hared 9tandards can be enforced 9ecurity restrictions ca be applied Inte#rity can be maintained
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Conflictin# re)uirements can be balance :ata independence can be achieved.

Disad/antages of D'7, % si#nificant disadvanta#e of the :B39 system is cost. In addition to the cost of purchasin# of developin# the software, the hardware has to be up#raded to allow for the extensive pro#rams and the wor"space re)uired for their execution and stora#e. !hile centrali8ation reduces duplication, the lac" of duplication re)uires that the database be ade)uately bac"ed up so that in case of failure the data can be recovered. !eatures of 7,< *CC;,, 8#D'7,G 39. %CCA99 is the leadin# database mana#ement system F:B39G because it is the only :atabase that meets the uncompromisin# re)uirements of today2s most demandin# information systems. -rom complex decision support systems F:99G to the most ri#orous online transaction processin# F5B$&G application, even application that re)uire simultaneous :99 and 5B$& access to the same critical data, 39. %ccess leads the industry in both performance and capability.39. %CCA99 is a truly portable, distributed, and open :B39 that delivers unmatched performance, continuous operation and support for every database. 39. %CCA99 4:B39 is hi#h performance fault tolerant :B39 which is specially desi#ned for online transactions processin# and for handlin# lar#e database application. 39. %CCA99 with transactions processin# option offers two features which contribute to very hi#h level of transaction processin# throu#hput.


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Page /

Gas Agency Manegment

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Page 11

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Forms and Coding


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Gas Agency Manegment


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Gas Agency Manegment


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Gas Agency Manegment

F1G&rivate 9ub Command1HClic"FG If F$ext1.$ext I J*as %#encyJ %nd $ext2.$ext I J&4A3JG $hen +nload 3e -orm2.9how Alse 3s#Box FJplease enter a correct username and passwordJG And If And 9ub &rivate 9ub Command2HClic"FG And And 9ub

F2G &rivate 9ub Command1HClic"FG -orm@.9how And 9ub &rivate 9ub Command2HClic"FG -orm1.9how And 9ub F,G &rivate 9ub Command1HClic"FG +nload 3e -orm,.9how And 9ub &rivate 9ub Command2HClic"FG +nload 3e -orm<.9how And 9ub &rivate 9ub Command,HClic"FG
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Gas Agency Manegment

+nload 3e -orm;.9how And 9ub &rivate 9ub Command@HClic"FG +nload 3e -orm0.9how And 9ub F@G &rivate 9ub Command1HClic"FG :ata1.4ecordset.:elete :ata1.4efresh And 9ub &rivate 9ub Command2HClic"FG -orm@.9how And 9ub &rivate 9ub Command<HClic"FG K:ata1.4ecordset.+pdate 3s#Box FJ4ecord 9avedJG And 9ub &rivate 9ub Command;HClic"FG :ata1.4ecordset.%dd>ew And 9ub &rivate 9ub Command0HClic"FG :ata1.4ecordset.Adit And 9ub &rivate 9ub $ext11HLey&ressFLey%scii %s Inte#erG If Ley%scii M @< 5r Ley%scii N 0< $hen
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If Ley%scii MN 1, $hen 3s#Box Jonly use numaric valueJ And If And If And 9ub &rivate 9ub $ext1<HLey&ressFLey%scii %s Inte#erG If Ley%scii M @< 5r Ley%scii N 0< $hen If Ley%scii MN 1, $hen 3s#Box Jonly use numaric valueJ And If And If And 9ub &rivate 9ub $ext6HLey&ressFLey%scii %s Inte#erG If Ley%scii M @< 5r Ley%scii N 0< $hen If Ley%scii MN 1, $hen 3s#Box Jonly use numaric valueJ And If And If And 9ub &rivate 9ub $ext/HLey&ressFLey%scii %s Inte#erG If Ley%scii M @< 5r Ley%scii N 0< $hen If Ley%scii MN 1, $hen 3s#Box Jonly use numaric valueJ And If And If And 9ub F<G &rivate 9ub Command1HClic"FG -orm6.9how And 9ub
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&rivate 9ub Command2HClic"FG -orm/.9how And 9ub &rivate 9ub Command<HClic"FG -orm@.9how And 9ub F;G :im i %s Inte#er &rivate 9ub Command1HClic"FG :ata1.4ecordset.3ove-irst -or i I 1 $o 11111 If $ext1.$ext MN Babel11.Caption $hen :ata1.4ecordset.3ove>ext If :ata1.4ecordset.A5- I $rue $hen 3s#Box J record not foundJ And If Alse Axit -or And If >ext i And 9ub &rivate 9ub Command2HClic"FG :ata2.4ecordset.%dd>ew Babel11.Caption I $ext1.$ext Babel12.Caption I $ext,.$ext Babel1,.Caption I $ext6.$ext Babel1@.Caption I $ext/.$ext Babel1<.Caption I $ext2.$ext Babel16.Caption I $ext@.$ext Babel1;.Caption I $ext<.$ext
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Babel10.Caption I $ext;.$ext And 9ub &rivate 9ub Command,HClic"FG -orm@.9how And 9ub F0G &rivate 9ub Command@HClic"FG :ata1.4ecordset.%dd>ew And 9ub &rivate 9ub Command<HClic"FG -orm@.9how And 9ub F6G &rivate 9ub Command1HClic"FG -orm@.9how And 9ub &rivate 9ub Babel2HClic"FG :ata4eport2.9how And 9ub &rivate 9ub Babel,HClic"FG :ata4eport1.9how And 9ub F6G


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Gas Agency Manegment

Cence here we conclued that our project the VB.>A$ lan#ua#e is used to desi#n form.we are wor"ed on the *as %#ency 3ana#ement &roject. $here are many *as %#ency 3ana#ement 9oftwares present in the world. *enerally the *as 3ana#ement project is based on the previous old platforms, li"e C , -oxpro, Botus, etc.but there are many disadvata#es wherever used i.e.very old and low speed in advanced technolo#y world. It is necessary to chan#e this project. Cence our project is based on the VB.>et because it is advaced software. It is easy to understand and wor" than any other software. In this project the database mana#ement playe very important role. !e have cerated *as %#ency mana#ement project without rerational database mana#ement system. !e have used 39.%ccess as a data base.

!uture ,cope
$he project has met the standards re)uired to wor" at 5nline 4ecruitment system. If the business lo#ic remains same the project can be ported to any other institute with minor chan#es in the wor"in# procedure of the project. $he project can be used as an availability to develop a project for a different company with different business lo#ic wherein the commonalties in certain areas remain the same at any business level. By usin# the common features in future development the development time as well as the cost of development can be decreased considerably.


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Gas Agency Manegment

Processor #am Cac(e 3ard dis.



Intel &entium or more 2<;3B or more <12 LB 21 *B hard dis" recommended for primary partition.

Bperating s)stem !rontend ,oft-are 'ac.end ,oft-are
: %ll editions? !indow2111 or later of windows : Visual 9tudio 211< standard edition : 39. %ccess


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Gas Agency Manegment

1. ,oft-are ;ngineering < 4o#er &ressman 2. 5' Programming < 9teven Col8ner 3. 7,DN 266


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