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firm is engaged in producing 2 products, A and B. Each unit of A requires 2 kg of R/M and 4 hrs of la our for processing !hile each unit of B requires " kg of R/M and " hrs of la our of the same t#pe. $% kg of R/M and &$ hrs of la our are a'aila le per !eek. (ne unit of A sold #ields Rs 4% and that of B Rs. ") as profit. *ormulate this as a +,, to get the est product mi-.

2..he Agriculture Research institute suggested to a farmer to spread out at least 4/%% kgs of a phosphate fertili0er and not less than 12%% kgs of a special nitrogen fertili0er. A and B are t!o mi-tures a'aila le in the market a'aila le at Rs 4% and Rs 24 per 1%% kg ag. A contains phosphate and nitrogen in the ratio 12 4, !hile the ratio is 121 in B. *ormulate an +,, to ad'ise the farmer a out his purchase plan.

". An indi'idual !ishes to in'est Rs )%%%%% o'er the ne-t #ear in t!o t#pes of in'estments2 3n' A #ields )4 !hile 3n' B #ields /4. .Market Research recommends an allocation of at least 2)4 in A and at most )%4 in B. *ormulate an +,, to ad'ise the indi'idual.

4. .op .o#s is planning a ne! Radio and .5 ad campaign. A Radio commercial costs Rs "%%%% !hile a .5 ad costs Rs. 2%%%%% .he total udget for the campaign is Rs 2%,%%,%%%. .he most that can e allotted to an# medium is restricted to /%4 of the total udget. 3t is estimated that the first Radio commercial !ill reach )%%% people, each additional Radio commercial !ill reach onl# 2%%% ne! people. *or .5 the respecti'e figures are4)%%

and "%%%. *ormulate an +,, to sol'e this media selection pro lem.

). A garment compan# manufactures men6s shirts and !omen6s louses for a 7epartmental store !hich accepts the entire production. .he production process includes cutting, se!ing and packing. 8hile a shirt takes 2%, 1% and 12 minutes of the a o'e acti'ities respecti'el# for completion, a louse takes $%, $% and 4 minutes of the same one for completion. .he no of !orkers are 2), ") and ) in the three departments respecti'el#. .he compan# earns Rs /% per shirt and Rs 12% per louse as profit. .he factor# !orks for $ da#s a !eek, / hrs a da#. 7e'elop an +, model to decide on the !eekl# production schedule.

$. Anand ,oultr# farms uses at least /%% kgs of special feed dail#. .he special feed is a mi-ture of corn and so# ean meal !ith the follo!ing compositions. 9orn costs Rs "% per kg and contains &4 and 2 4 of protein and fi er respecti'el# !hile :o# ean meal costs Rs &% per kg and contains $%4 and $4 of protein and fi er respecti'el#. .he dietar# requirements of the special feed ha'e een decided as a minimum of "%4 protein and a ma-imum of )4 of fi er. 7e'elop an +, model to arri'e at the optimum feed mi- .

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