Kinematic Constraints and Links

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2.1 2.2 2.3 Introduction

Kinematic Constraints and Kinematic Pairs

Degree of Freedom Kinematic Pairs

2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 Lower Pair Higher Pair Wrapping Pair

2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9

Classification of Links Grblers Criterion Difference between Machine and Mechanism Summary Key Words Answers to SAQs

In the first unit, you have studied about link, mechanism, machine, kinematic quantities, different types of motion and planar mechanism. You will study about degree of freedom, kinematic pairs and classification of links in this unit. A moving body has to be assigned coordinates according to the axes assigned. The motion of the bodies is constrained according to the requirement in a mechanism. The links which are the basic elements of the mechanism are connected to form kinematic pairs which are of different types. The links may further be connected to several links in order to impart motion and they are classified accordingly. Objectives After studying this unit, you should be able to determine degrees of freedom for a link and kinematic pair, describe kinematic pair and determine motion, and distinguish and categorise different type of links.


The degree of freedom of a body is equal to the number of independent coordinates required to specify the movement. For a cricket ball when it is in air, six independent coordinates are required to define its motion. Three independent displacement coordinates along the three axes (x, y, z) and three independent coordinates for rotations about these axes are required to describe its motion in space. Therefore, degrees of freedom for this ball is equal to six. If this cricket ball moves on the ground, this movement can be described by two axes in the plane. Two independent displacement coordinates (x, y) and one independent coordinate for rotation about vertical axis are required, to account for linear displacement in x, y directions and rotation . When the body has a plane surface to slide on a plane, the rotation about x and y-axes shall be eliminated but it can rotate about an axis perpendicular to the plane, i.e. z-axis. At the same time, while executing plane motion, this body undergoes displacement which


Basic Concepts

can be resolved along x and y axis. The rotation about z-axis and components of displacement along x and y axes are independent of each other. Therefore, a sliding body on a plane surface has three degrees of freedom. The plane surface imposes constraints on the sliding body. This means application of constraints on the motion of body reduces degrees of freedom. These were the examples of unconstrained or partially constrained bodies. If a cylinder rolls without sliding along a straight guided path, the degree of freedom is equal to one only because rotation in case of pure rolling is dependent on linear motion. This is a case of completely constrained motion. The angle of rotation =

x r
z y x x

where, r is radius of cylinder and x is linear displacement.

z z

x o

Figure 2.1 : Degree of Freedom


Figure 2.2 : Completely Constrained Motion

Define completely constrained, partially constrained and unconstrained motion. Also cite two examples for each type of motion.


In a mechanism, bodies or links are connected such that each of them moves with respect to another. The behaviour of the mechanism depends on the nature of the connections of the links and the type of relative motion they permit. These connections are known as 28

kinematic pairs. Hence kinematic pair is defined as a joint of two links having relative motion between them. Broadly, kinematic pairs can be classified as : (a) (b) (c) Lower pair, Higher pair, and Wrapping pair.

Kinematic Constraints and Kinematic Pairs

2.3.1 Lower Pair

When connection between two elements is through the area of contact, i.e. there is surface contact between the two links, the pair is called lower pair. Examples are motion of slider in the cylinder, motion between crank pin and connecting rod at big end. Revolute or Turning Pair (Hinged Joint) A revolute pair is shown in Figure 2.3. It is seen that this pair allows only a relative rotation between elements 1 and 2, which can be expressed by a single coordinate . Thus, a revolute pair has a single degree of freedom.

Figure 2.3 : Revolute or Turning Pair

Prismatic or Sliding Pair As shown in Figure 2.4, a prismatic pair allows only a relative translation between elements 1 and 2, which can be expressed by a single coordinate s, and it has one degree of freedom.

Figure 2.4 : Prismatic or Sliding Pair

Screw Pair As shown in Figure 2.5, a screw pair allows rotation as well as translation but these two movements are related to each other. Therefore, screw pair has one degree of freedom because the relative movement between 1 and 2 can be expressed by a


Basic Concepts

single coordinate or s. These two coordinates are related by the following relation :

s = 2 L
where, L is lead of the screw.

2 S

Figure 2.5 : Screw Pair

Cylindrical Pair As shown in Figure 2.6, a cylindrical pair allows both rotation and translation parallel to the axis of rotation between elements 1 and 2. These relative movements can be expressed by two independent coordinates or s because they are not related with each other. Degrees of freedom in this case are equal to two.

S 1 2

Figure 2.6 : Cylindrical Pair

Spherical Pair A ball and socket joint, as shown in Figure 2.7, forms a spherical pair. Any rotation of element 2 relative to 1 can be resolved in the three components. Therefore, the complete description of motion requires three independent coordinates. Two of these coordinates and are required to specify the position of axis OA and the third coordinate describes the rotation about the axis of OA. This pair has three degrees of freedom.

1 o o

Figure 2.7 : Spherical Pair


Planar Pair

A planar pair is shown in Figure 2.8. The relative motion between 1 and 2 can be described by x and y coordinates in x-y plane. The x and y coordinates describe relative translation and describes relative rotation about z-axis. This pair has three degrees of freedom.

Kinematic Constraints and Kinematic Pairs

Figure 2.8 : Planar Pair

2.3.2 Higher Pair

A higher pair is a kinematic pair in which connection between two elements is only a point or line contact. The cam and follower arrangement shown in Figure 2.9 is an example of this pair. The contact between cam and flat faced follower is through a line. Other examples are ball bearings, roller bearings, gears, etc. A cylinder rolling on a flat surface has a line contact while a spherical ball moving on a flat surface has a point contact.



Rotating with Shaft

Figure 2.9 : Higher Pair

2.3.3 Wrapping Pair

Wrapping pairs comprise belts, chains and such other devices. Belt comes from one side of the pulley and moves over to other side.


Basic Concepts

Figure 2.10 : Wrapping Pair

Example 2.1 Determine degrees of freedom for kinematic pairs shown in Figures 2.11(a), (b), (c) and (d) below :
A 1

B 1 2 2 x 2 A B x

y y A 2


1 B

C B y



Figure 2.11 : Degree of Freedom for Kinematic Pairs

Solution (a) In Figure 2.11(a), link A has two round cylindrical turnnions 1 fitting into cylindrical holes 2 of link B. There is turning motion of link A with respect to link B about axis x-x. In this pair, link A has relative turning motion with respect to axis x-x. Only one coordinate for rotation, i.e. is required. Therefore, this kinematic pair has one degree of freedom (Figure 2.11(a)). In Figure 2.11(b), link A is fixed on shaft (or pin) 1 and that fits into holes 2, in link B. There is only turning motion on link A with respect to link B,

(b) 32

about axis x-x. Link A rotates in relation to link B. The relation motion is rotation of link A with respect to B and can be represented by a coordinate . Therefore, this kinematic pair has one degree of freedom (Figure 2.11(b)). (c) In Figure 2.11(c), link A has internal conical surfaces with angle or taper . Link B having the same taper which fits into link A. There is rotary motion of link A with respect to link B. As shown in figure, the link A rotates with respect to B and it can be represented by a rotation coordinate . Therefore, this kinematic pair has one degree of freedom (Figure 2.11(c)). In Figure 2.11(d), link A is rotating about axis y-y and has a flat end 2 resting on ball 1. The ball has freedom of movement in socket C of link B. There is turning motion about axis y-y of link A with respect to link B. Link A rotates on ball 1 which rests on a flat surface in link B. The relative motion of link A with respect to link B can be represented by a coordinate . Therefore, this kinematic pair has one degree of freedom (Figure 2.11(d)).

Kinematic Constraints and Kinematic Pairs


Example 2.2 Find degrees of freedom for kinematic pairs shown in Figures 2.12(a) and (b).

3 O B



1 B S

(b) Figure 2.12


Solution 33

Basic Concepts


Link A has a ball end with sphere at surface 3 and round cylindrical pin 1 sliding along circular groove 2 of width equal to the diameter of pin. There is turning motion about axis y-y of link A with respect to link B and also another turning motion about axis passing through O of the sphere and perpendicular to groove 2 and they are independent. Therefore, this kinematic pair has two degrees of freedom. Link A has a sliding member 1 of rectangular cross-section and it fits in rectangular hole 2 of link B. There is sliding motion along common axis x-x of link A with respect to link B and this can be represented by a coordinate s. Therefore, this kinematic pair has one degree of freedom. For the following pairs describe the motion and determine degrees of freedom.
B 1 2 B



A A O 1 2 x y o S y


A 1 x 1 x y y

B B 2

(b) Figure 2.13


Determine degrees of freedom for the kinematic pairs shown in Figures 2.14(a) and (b).
B 1 A 2 x x B

Figure 2.14(a)
y 1 A

2 3

Kinematic Constraints and Kinematic Pairs

Figure 2.14(b)


The following pairs have single degree of freedom, describe these pairs and the motion shown at Figures 2.15(a) and (b).
B y

1 4 x x x B O

1 4 x

y 3

(a) Figure 2.15



Describe the joint and motion for the joint shown in Figure 2.16 which has two degrees of freedom.
Sy x A C 1 C 3 3 x Sx x Sx 4 B x 2 1

3 x

4 2 y C

Figure 2.16


Basic Concepts


A resistant body or group of resistant bodies with rigid connections preventing their relative movement is known as a link. The links are classified depending on number of joints. Singular Link A link which is connected to only one other link is called a singular link (Figure 2.17).

Figure 2.17 : Singular Link

Binary Link A link which is connected to two other links is called a binary link (Figure 2.18).
2 3

Figure 2.18 : Binary Link

Ternary Link A link which is connected to three other links is called a ternary link (Figure 2.19).

Figure 2.19 : Ternary Link

Quarternary Link A link which is connected to four other links is called quarternary link (Figure 2.20).

Figure 2.20 : Quarternary Link



Let n be the number of links in a mechanism out of which one link is fixed. If these (n 1) links execute plane motion without any connection, they will have 3 (n 1) degrees of freedom because each moving link has three degrees of freedom as discussed in Section 2.2. If these links are connected through hinges, each link loses two degrees of freedom as explained in Section 2.3. If these links are connected through j number of hinges, the number of degrees of freedom of the mechanism can be expressed as follows because each hinge results in loss of two degrees of freedom : F = 3 (n 1) 2 j . . . (2.1)

Kinematic Constraints and Kinematic Pairs

The joints or hinges j are simple hinges in Eq. (2.1) because each one of them connect only two links. If mechanism includes higher order hinges which connect more than two links the corresponding number of simple hinges j can be determined by the following equation :
j = j1 + 2 j2 + 3 j3 + 4 j4 + . . . + iji

. . . (2.2)

where number of hinges ji connect (i + 1) links. This means that each hinge connecting 3 links is equivalent to 2 simple hinges. If the mechanism has h number of higher pairs also, the Eq. (2.1) can be modified as follows :

F = 3 (n 1) 2 j h

. . . (2.3)

If F = 0 in Eq. (2.3), the mechanism has no movability and it is a structure. If F = 1, the mechanism has fully constrained motion and this represents a working mechanism which has practical utility. All the working mechanisms have single degree of freedom.


A system can be defined as a mechanism or a machine on the basis of primary objective.
Sl. No. 1 Machine If the system is used with the objective of transforming mechanical energy, then it is called a machine Every machine has to transmit motion because mechanical work is associated with the motion, and thus makes use of mechanisms A machine can use one or more than one mechanism to perform the desired function, e.g. serving machine has several mechanisms Mechanism If the objective is to transfer or transform motion without considering forces involved, the system is said to be a mechanism It is concerned with transfer of motion only

It is not the case with mechanisms. A mechanism is a single system to transfer or transform motion

In this unit, you have studied that the degree of freedom depends on the constraints imposed on a moving body. The bodies which have constrained motion have practical utility. In order to form a closed kinematic chain, links are connected with each other. These connections are known as kinematic pairs. There are different types of mechanisms which use different types of kinematic pairs. Their major classification is based on nature


Basic Concepts

of contact. Those having area contact are lower pairs and those having point contact or line contact are higher pairs. The pairs which provide constrained notion are used in kinematic chain. The mechanisms require links with multiple connections. A kinematic chain which consists of only binary links is termed a simple chain with hinges or joints. The degrees of freedom in a mechanism can be determined by Grblers Criterion to determine whether it is a working mechanism or not.


Kinematic Pair : A pair is a joint of two elements that permits relative motion. The relative motion between the elements of links that form a pair is required to be completely constrained or successfully constrained. : Kinematic link is a resistant body or an assembly of resistant bodies which go to make a part or parts of a machine connecting other parts which have motion relative to it. : A body is said to be a resistant body if it is capable of transmitting the required forces with negligible deformation. : When the motion between a pair is limited to a definite direction, irrespective of direction of force applied and only one independent variable is required to define motion. Such a motion is said to be a completely constrained motion. : When a connection between the elements, forming a pair, is such that the constrained motion is not completed by itself, but by some other means. Such a motion is said to be a successfully constrained motion. : A kinematic chain is a combination of kinematic pairs, joined in such a way, that each link forms a part of two pairs and the relative motion between the links or elements is completely constrained. : It is used to determine degrees of freedom of a mechanism.

Kinematic Link or Element

Resistant Body

Completely Constrained Motion

Incompletely Constrained Motion

Kinematic Chain

Grblers Criterion



Please refer the text.



Link A has barrel shaped spherical head 1. It fits into collar 2 of link B. There are three turning motions , and about three perpendicular x, y and z-axes respectively. There is one sliding motion of link A along Y-Y axis. Therefore, this kinematic power has four degrees of freedom. Link A has round cylindrical disc 1. It slides along guide 2. The disc does not have pure rolling motion. There is translatory motion of link A along


axis y-y and also rotational motion with respect to B about axis x-x. In absence of pure rolling, this kinematic pair has two degrees of freedom. (b) Link A has a sliding member 1 which has triangular cross-section and it fits in a triangular hole 2 of link B. This pair has only sliding motion along axis x-x and, therefore, it has single degree of freedom. Link A has two cylindrical holes 1 in which round cylindrical shaft is mounted. This shaft slides along hole 3 of link B. This kinematic pair has sliding motion along axis y-y and also independent rotational motion about axis y-y, therefore, this pair has two degrees of freedom. (c) Link A has two spherical journals 1 and 4. Journal 1 fits into spherical surface 2 of link B and journal 4 contacts cylindrical surface 3 of link B. There is only turning motion of link A with respect to link B along axis x-x. Link A has spherical pivot and it has contact through spherical surface of link B. There is rectangular lug 2 in the pivot with parallel annular side surfaces that fit in and slide along the cylindrical groove of link B. There is only turning of link A about an axis passing through O and perpendicular to the plane of paper. (d) Link A has prismatic sliding member 1 moving along square guide 2 of link B. Link C has prismatic sliding member 3 moving along guide 4 of link B. This joint has sliding motion Sx, of link A along axis x-x and also sliding motion Sy along axis y-y.

Kinematic Constraints and Kinematic Pairs


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