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People serve the True Guru only when the fever of egotism has been eradicated.

nwnk ka gu{ ByitAw ibnsy sgl sM wp !"!#!$#! %"&'&( s)*rwgu( mhlw &+ ,anak has met the Guru- all his sufferings have come to an end. .."..#..$#.. isr*rwgu mhlw & ! %"&'/+ 0iree )aag( 1ifth Mehl2 ieku p3w45 6*A kw ieko r74hw{ ! %"&'/( isr*rwgu( mhlw &+ The 8ne is the 7nower of all beings- 9e alone is our 0avior. ieks kw min Awsrw ieko p)w4 A:w{ ! %"&'$( isr*rwgu( mhlw &+ The 8ne is the 0upport of the mind- the 8ne is the 0upport of the breath of life. i su sr4we; sdw su7u pwrb)hmu kr w{ !<! %"&'$( isr*rwgu( mhlw &+ *n 9is 0anctuary there is eternal peace. 9e is the 0upreme =ord God( the 3reator. ..<.. mn myry sgl apwv i Awgu ! %"&'#( isr*rwgu( mhlw &+ 8 my mind( give up all these efforts. gu{ p5rw Awrwi: in ieksu k* ilv lwgu !<! rhwa ! %"&'#( isr*rwgu( mhlw &+ :well upon the Perfect Guru each day( and attach yourself to the 8ne =ord. .. <..Pause.. ieko Bwe; im u ieku ieko mw ip w ! %"&'#( isr*rwgu( mhlw &+ The 8ne is my Brother( the 8ne is my 1riend. The 8ne is my Mother and 1ather. ieks k* min tyk h> i6in 6*a ipMfu id w ! %"&'?( isr*rwgu( mhlw &+ The 8ne is the 0upport of the mind- 9e has given us body and soul. so p)Bu mnhu n ivsr> i6in sBu ik3u vis k* w !@! %"&'?( isr*rwgu( mhlw &+ May * never forget God from my mind- 9e holds all in the Power of 9is 9ands. ..@.. Gir ieko bwhir ieko Awn ABn ir Awp ! %"&'<C( isr*rwgu( mhlw &+ The 8ne is within the home of the self( and the 8ne is outside as well. 9e 9imself is in all places and interspaces. 6*A 6M siB i6in k*ey AwT phr i su 6wip ! %"&'<C( isr*rwgu( mhlw &+ Meditate twenty'four hours a day on the 8ne who created all beings and creatures. ieksu sy * ri Aw n hov* sog sM wpu !D! %"&'<<( isr*rwgu( mhlw &+ Attuned to the =ove of the 8ne( there is no sorrow or suffering. ..D.. pwrb)hmu p)Bu eyku h> d56w nwh* koie ! %"&'<<( isr*rwgu( mhlw &+ There is only the 8ne 0upreme =ord God- there is no other at all. 6*a ipMfu sBu i s kw 6o i su Bwv> su hoie ! %"&'<@( isr*rwgu( mhlw &+ 0oul and body all belong to 9im- whatever pleases 9is Eill comes to pass.

guir p5r> p5rw BieAw 6ip nwnk scw soie !"!?!$?! %"&'<@( isr*rwgu(
mhlw &+ Through the Perfect Guru( one becomes perfect- 8 ,anak( meditate on the True 8ne. .."..?..$?.. isr*rwgu mhlw & ! %"&'<D+ 0iree )aag( 1ifth Mehl2 i6nw si gur isa ic u lwieAw sy p5ry pr:wn ! %"&'<D( isr*rwgu( mhlw &+ Those who focus their consciousness on the True Guru are perfectly fulfilled and famous. i6n ka Awip dieAwlu hoie i n ap6> min igAwnu ! %"&'<D( isr*rwgu( mhlw &+ 0piritual wisdom wells up in the minds of those unto whom the =ord 9imself shows Mercy. i6n ka ms ik ili7Aw i n pwieAw hir nwmu !<! %"&'<"( isr*rwgu( mhlw &+ Those who have such destiny written upon their foreheads obtain the ,ame of the =ord. ..<.. mn myry eyko nwmu i:Awie ! %"&'<&( isr*rwgu( mhlw &+ 8 my mind( meditate on the ,ame of the 8ne =ord. srb su7w su7 Fp6ih drgh p>:w 6wie !<! rhwa ! %"&'<&( isr*rwgu( mhlw &+ The happiness of all happiness shall well up( and in the 3ourt of the =ord( you shall be dressed in robes of honor. ..<..Pause.. 6nm mr4 kw Ba gieAw Bwa Bgi gopwl ! %"&'</( isr*rwgu( mhlw &+ The fear of death and rebirth is removed by performing loving devotional service to the =ord of the Eorld. sw:5 sMgi inrmlw Awip kry p)i pwl ! %"&'</( isr*rwgu( mhlw &+ *n the 0aadh 0angat( the 3ompany of the 9oly( one becomes immaculate and pure- the =ord 9imself takes care of such a one. 6nm mr4 k* mlu kt*A> gur drsnu dyi7 inhwl !@! %"&'</( isr*rwgu( mhlw &+ The filth of birth and death is washed away( and one is uplifted( beholding the Blessed Gision of the GuruHs :arshan. ..@.

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