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Fata Morgana By Jeremy Freedberg

EXT. SMALL BOAT - DAY A small wooden boat bobs up and down on the open ocean. The sun shines and white clouds dot the sky. CONRAD, short, mid 20s, black hair and unshaven face, sits up straight at the bow of the boat, legs crossed. He speaks in a monotone yet articulate voice. CONRAD They can sometimes be seen on land but for the most part they appear on bodies of water. Light rays get bent as they pass through air layers of different temperatures. The hot and cold layers of air mess with radio waves that circle the earth. This causes a duct in the atmosphere above the water and the density of those air layers build up inside it. LEO, early 40s, scruffy beard in a dirty Hawaiian shirt, sits at the stern, whittling a block of wood. In between his legs is the corpse of a bird and next to him is a pile of whittled sculptures of birds. He sits in a heap of sawdust and wood shavings. CONRAD (contd) The air and the radio waves themselves cause intense light refraction, resulting in what we see before us: a Superior Mirage, or the Fata Morgana as some sailors call it. Thats not a ship, my friend. We are still very much alone. There is a large silhouette on the horizon; in the shape of a boat covered in mist. Its difficult to look at from the suns bright reflection on the waves. It is an ominous, black shape. Conrad peers at it for a moment then tilts his head back and looks at the clouds, Leo takes no notice that Conrad has spoken and focuses his work. Conrad ponders the clouds for a moment, then leans forward, creaking the loose wood on the boat. CONRAD (pointing to the bird) Cant we eat that yet? Leo doesnt answer, he continues to whittle. (CONTINUED)



CONRAD (annoyed) Ay! Are you listening? I think we should-LEO I told you. I must make a memorial. We must create an offering before we throw it overboard like the others. This bird lived a full life and its place on this boat will need to be replaced. Conrad sighs as Leo whittles faster. LEO (contd) We have an obligation to God to let this animals spirit live on. It died on our boat; its our responsibility; we must ask for forgiveness. When we get rid of the body we must, in return, create a vessel for its soul. It is bad luck to have the corpse on our boat. CONRAD Jesus... you really cant stop rambling about this animal spirit crap, can you-LEO And you cant stop rambling about fucking light-rays. I know a big ship when I see one, and I know what Im doing when it comes to the dead. A bird falls from the sky and lands in the boat with a loud thud. The two stare at it in silence. Conrads hungry eyes are transfixed on the corpse while Leo looks on in concern. Its the first time Leo has looked up from his whittling. CONRAD Another one! Leo, Im starving, were starving. Im eating it. Ill save you half, but really its for the wellbeing of us both. He reaches for the bird and Leo swiftly points his knife at Conrad.


CONTINUED: LEO Back off! I am going to carve another offering then we are going to throw them both overboard. Just like the others.


Leo chips at the side of the boat with the knife, breaking off a small piece of wood and begins to whittle it. LEO (Nodding towards the distance) When the ship comes, Im sure theyll feed us. CONRAD We are going to run out of boat if you keep going like that. And Im telling you right now, that is not a ship. Its a mirage caused by fluctuations in the-LEO (interrupting) Got it, thanks. You wont shut up about it. CONRAD And for good reason, we are gonna starve on this raft, Leo. Those birds are all we have. Another bird lands in the boat. Leo quickly pulls it towards his side. CONRAD Dammit! Whats wrong with you? Your God is handing them to us! Leo points his knife at Conrad again. LEO Arent you just a little curious why? God doesnt just cast birds from the sky. These beautiful creatures are dying from something. Toxins? Poison? Plague? Whatever it is, itll kill us a lot slower and more painfully than a little time without food. God has given us the answer to our prayers, a boat on the horizon. Think of the warm beds they have. Dry clothes, hot meals, booze. Weve come this far havent we? (CONTINUED)



Conrad puts his head in his hands. Leo shrugs and turns his knife towards the wood block, chipping away at it. Conrads stomach growls loudly. CONRAD Do you know where the name Fata Morgana comes from? Its Italian for The Fairy Morgana. She was a powerful sorceress who sought the souls of men. She could change shape at will, and was said to live below the sea in a crystal palace that could rise above the surface. These "fairy palaces" lured sailors to a false port and to their death. Morganas sirens found ships accross the world. Many men have died chasing the mirages, Leo. I promise you, you will never reach it. It is not a ship, its not our salvation. We need to think ahead and keep ourselves alive. Im eating the bird, Leo.

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