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Drawing Timeline/Interpreting Character/Context Clues I. Write the appropriate meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.

Choose from the word pool below. departed disappeared increase argument drain conceal delirious agreement dangerous expecting amazing talking working cry laugh


____________________ 1. Katherine seems aloof. Her unfriendliness can be caused by her being new in the community. ____________________ 2. The frolicsome twins played tricks on their unsuspecting friends. ____________________ 3. The baby studied the faces around her assiduously, careful to note any sign of unfamiliarity. ____________________ 4. Hurricanes and tornadoes are treacherous. Only a very foolish person would go out during that kind of weather. ____________________ 5. Many ships have vanished during hurricanes. No survivors from the lost ships have ever been found. ____________________ 6. By anticipating the robber's next move, the police were able to arrive at the bank before the next robbery happened. Now the robber is in jail. ____________________ 7. I'm really hungry! That apple didn't appease my hunger. I want a sandwich now. ____________________ 8. The dispute about marijuana in California will probably never be resolved. ____________________ 9. The little girls began to giggle when they saw the boys walk by. When the boys heard the giggling, they pretended not to notice. ____________________ 10. Students! Students! Please stop chattering and listen to me. Class has begun. ____________________ 11. This virus has really sapped my energy. I get tired just walking across the room. I hope to get better soon because I need to return to work. ____________________ 12. Some people think that discussing the dangers of cigarette smoking obscures the real issue. They believe the real issue is that smokers are discriminated against. II. Read the given statements. In the blank before the number, describe the character of a person. Choose from the words inside the box. faultfinder risk taker generous curious talkative nervous serious sentimental braggart selfish

___________________ 1. A young boy will not share his toys with other children. At the same time, he often grabs things away from others and tries to keep them for himself. ___________________ 2. Carlo is always excited when he encounters something new. He immediately wants to figure out how or why it works or what it is made of. ___________________ 3. Only occasionally did he allow himself luxury of opening his mouth wide enough to laugh. He smiled with his mouth alone, never including his eyes. ___________________ 4. He gently patted the head of each child who passed, reached into his pocket to see if he had any goodness left for them. ___________________ 5. Larry tried to look brave as the two men approached him on the lonely street. But his mouth seemed to become dry, and his hair stood on end. He could not prevent his heart from thumping wildly or the color from draining out his cheek. ____________________ 6. Lorraine always walks to the edge of cliffs to see the view. She loves to climb mountains and spends time hang gliding and skydiving. ____________________ 7. Whenever Gilbert can find a fault on one of his workers, he lets the person know about it. He never misses an opportunity to criticize them. He rarely has anything good to say about their work. _____________________ 8. I have my own opinion about it, said Mrs. Quirino. No on e asked me, but I know more about it than most people think I do. Im not going to tell everything that I know, but Im telling you right now that somebody stole those tomatoes right off the bushes. _____________________ 9. Oh, theres nothing to be alarmed about, he told is companion. I dont mind ghosts at all. In fact, I enjoy talking to them. _____________________ 10. The little old lady spent some time just looking at the package. She walked slowly to the kitchen with it and took the scissors from the right-handed of the top drawer in the corner cupboard. She carefully cut the strings she has collected over the years, which she kept at the left side of the bottom drawer. Then she took it to a collection of similar wrapping paper in the closest. Now, she was down to the white tissue with the pink ribbon. How beautiful. IV. Recall the story, How the World Began. Draw a timeline with 1 10 important topics to relate. Write legibly. Answers hardly read are considered wrong. Use the back portion of the paper. V. Recall the story, Legend of Mariang Makiling. Give three descriptions and justify the adjectives being used.


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