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Ibalon/Identifying Conflict/Synonym I.

Vocabulary Building: Write the synonym of the underlined word from the phrase given by arranging the scrambled letters in the box. Write the answer on the blank before the number. ________________ 1. The lush vegetation of the land.... essnterl a banauntad ________________ 2. It is an extensive matter to be discussed. sapidearnapec oabrd ________________ 3. Have a prosperous year ahead of you. ________________ 4. The ferocious barbarians... gevaas lthyeaw ________________ 5. To maim the infected wound... taeedf utimetla ________________ 6. The spirit felt being subdued by the mortal. ________________ 7. His agility in playing the guitar.. ________________ 8. The extinction of the endangered species... II. Recalling of Details: Give what is/are being asked. A. The three Bicol heroes The beast/s that was/were encountered 1. ____________________ ___________________________________________________ 2. ____________________ ___________________________________________________ 3. ____________________ ___________________________________________________ B. A landform which ended Ibalon - ____________________________________________ C. A mighty warrior of Batavara is ______________________________________________ D. A young friend of Handiong is _______________________________________________ E. A serpent who cloud transform itself to a woman is ____________________________ III. Write EX-if the conflict is external and IN- if the conflict is internal on the first blank. On the second blank, write A man vs. man, B man vs. nature, C man vs. society, D man vs. himself. 1. But one day, the peace and prosperity of the land was threatened by a huge man-eating wild boar. The ferocious beasts destroyed the crops and killed the people along its path. ______________, _______________ 2. Baltog left his home planning to confront his enemy. How will I defeat the monster? He immediately got his bolang krystal to know his future. Will I win? ______________________, _______________________ 3. The people are in great famine and hunger. There is a drought that devastated the whole town. People made sacrifices just to make the rain come. ___________________, ____________________________ 4. Simon and I are close friends. We encountered a pit bull along the way. It was running fast to our direction but the protruding plank could only accommodate one person in seconds. Hurriedly we both pull the plank and use it to our accommodation. We made it. __________________, ___________________________ 5. The babbling word, coming from her mouth are undeniably her conscious effort to be heard, to be understood and to be freed from the bondage of the fear gripping her...yet she is stuff and helpless...

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