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12th of May 2014 What th !o" #$ %a&y # !'(t )$o& a*o't ADR
Mediation is a form of dispute resolution and is becoming increasingly more popular. This seminar will provide solicitors with an overview of the process and its advantages and disadvantages. S+ a) #, Leading Barrister and Mediator, Alva Brangam QC. Alva Brangam QC was called to the Bar of orthern !reland in "#$% and the Bar of !reland in "#%&. 'e specialises in Commercial and Construction law, Clinical and (rofessional egligence, Chancery ) (robate * !nheritance, Companies * (artnerships and +mployment law. Alva became a C+,- Accredited Mediator in May ./// and has completed the Mediation of thirty one disputes. 'e is a former Chair of the Bar Advocacy Committee, a Tutor at the !nstitute of Legal 0tudies and a part time Lecturer with 0L0 at Queen1s 2niversity of Belfast.

1-th of May 2014 . Th L /a% I!+%01at0o$( of th # 1 $t 2ON THE RUN3 % tt #(

The recent 3udgment in the case of The Queen v 4ohn ,owney has raised 5uestions about the legal status of those 6nown as 78n the -un9s9 and letters issued by the government to some individuals as against those who have not received letters. This seminar considers such 5uestions when assessing the implications of the ,owney 3udgment and, in particular, the 4udge1s finding that it was contrary to the public interest1 to allow the trial to proceed. S+ a) #, :ordon Anthony is (rofessor of (ublic Law at Queen1s 2niversity Belfast, and a Barrister;at;Law. 'e is the author of Judicial Review in Northern Ireland <'art (ublishing, 8=ford, .nd ed, ./">?. We are delighted to announce that this seminar will be introduced by the Honourable Mr Justice Treacy QC.

24th of May 2014 . Ca+a10ty I((' ( a$" th E%" #%y

A lecture on mental capacity issues and the elderly including the pitfalls that solicitors may e=perience when dealing with elderly and incapacitated clients. !n particular the lecture will cover@ Testamentary Capacity Capacity to deal with financial affairs including +nduring (owers of Attorney and Controllership Capacity to deal with property and land

S+ a) #, ,r Barbara +nglish MB M-C(sych is a Consultant (sychiatrist based in Anoc6brac6en 'ealthcare (ar6 with a speciality in the (sychiatry of 8ld Age.

20th of 5'$ 2014 . R 1 $t Ca( La& D 6 %o+! $t( 0$ th Co!! #10a% Co'#t
An overview of some of the most important cases in this area, with emphasis on what 0olicitors in practice should be aware of when advising clients.

S+ a) #, 4ames Turner ) (artner, 89-eilly 0tewart, Belfast. 4ames has a particular interest in Construction Law and has prime responsibility for advising and representing clients in Ad3udications, Arbitrations, Mediations and 'igh Court actions including (rocurement challenges. As part of his role heading the Commercial Litigation team within his firm, 4ames is also recognised as a leading individual in (rofessional egligence actions acting on behalf of various parties including lenders, insurers and government bodies. We are delighted to announce this seminar will be introduced by the Honourable Mr Justice Weatheru

10th of S +t !* # 2014 . A#*0t#at0o$ P#a1t01 7 P#o1 (( 8 P#o1 "'#

Arbitration is a private dispute resolution procedure that offers parties an alternative to issuing court proceedings. This seminar will provide 0olicitors with an overview of the practice, process and procedure typically used in arbitration. S+ a) #, Berguson Bell is a Chartered Quantity 0urveyor, -egistered Ad3udicator, Arbitrator and Mediator. 'e is a Member of The Academy of +=perts and is a Cardiff 2niversity Accredited +=pert Citness.

22$" of S +t !* # 2014 . R +# ( $t0$/ +a#t0 ( 9+a# $t( a$" th G'a#"0a$ a" L0t !: 0$ P'*%01 La& Ch0%"# $ O#" # +#o1 "0$/(;

S+ a) #, Clare Curran, Corthingtons 0olicitors ; Clare graduated from Q2B with an honours law degree in "###, 5ualified as a 0olicitor in .//" and was made a partner in .//$. 0he deals with all aspects of separation and divorce, financial settlements, pre and post nuptial agreements, cohabitation issues, civil partnerships, domestic violence proceedings, Children 8rder matters, and care, adoption and wardship issues. Clare is an accredited member of the Children 8rder panel and is 5ualified to practice collaborative law. We are delighted to announce that this seminar will be introduced by Her Honour Judge !myth.

2-th of S +t !* # 2014 E<t#a"0t0o$ Th =a(01(

+=tradition is a relatively new area of wor6 and is becoming increasingly more common with socio economic migration throughout +urope. This discussion will loo6 at the e=tradition process from the client9s detention through to the Court process including bars to e=tradition in the conte=t of the detained persons 'uman -ights. S+ a) #, ,avid 'eraghty BL ) ,avid 3oined the Bar of ! in .//D transferring from Too6s Chambers in London where he wor6ed alongside Michael Mansfield QC. ,avid has an e=tensive practice in Criminal Law, 4udicial -eview and +=tradition. We are delighted to announce this seminar will be introduced by His Honour Judge Mc"arland Recorder o# $el#ast.

>0th of S +t !* # 2014 ?#o! Po%01 Stat0o$ to Co'#t A P#a1t01a% G'0"

Bac6 by popular demand, this annual C(, lecture receives e=cellent feedbac6 from our members on how this practical presentation inspires greater confidence in the police station and in the Magistrates9 Court. This lecture will feature an update from last year and provide invaluable advice for young solicitors ma6ing it a C(, must for everyone in this area of practice..
S+ a) #(, Martin McCallion ) is a (artner in McCallion Aeown 0olicitors Ltd who 5ualified from the !nstitute of (rofessional Legal 0tudies in "##$. 'e specialises in Civil Litigation

and Criminal ,efence wor6. Charlene :raham ) Current !E0A Chair, 'iggins 'ollywood ,eaFley 0olicitors ) Charlene has been involved in criminal wor6 for a number of years now. 0he

completed the Advanced Advocacy Course in ./"D and conducts a substantial amount of her own cases in the Magistrate9s and Crown Courts. We are delighted to announce that this seminar will be introduced by %residing &istrict Judge $agnall. E6 $t D ta0%(, All C(, events will ta6e place in the Lecture Theatre at Law 0ociety 'ouse. -egistration and Lunch will commence at "..D/pmwith each lecture beginning at "pm sharp and ending at .pm. +ach lecture will attract " hour general C(,

Attendance fee for each lecture is G./ for membersHG>/ non;members.I (laces are secured once payment has been received

!olicitors aged '(yrs and under are automatically members o# the NI)!*.



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S $" *oo)0$/ fo#!( to, Timothy -an6in ; Cleaver Bulton -an6in, K/ Bedford 0treet, Belfast, BT. $BC ,L >." - Belfast

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