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Abstract: Nowadays many vehi !es a"e #sin$ i!!e$a!!y do #men%s s# h as vehi !e n#m&e"' RC &oo(' )o!!#%ion' ins#"an e e% *' &e a#se %he %"a++i on%"o! RTO de)a"%men%s a"e no% )ossi&!e %o ve"i+y %his a!! %hin$ ins%an%!y and %he same %ime #sa$e vehi !e a"e mo"e on%"o! and ve"i+y %his a!! %hin$ ins%an%!y and %he same %ime #sa$e vehi !e a"e mo"e on%"o! and ve"i+y s%a++ a"e !ess and same %ime %"a++i is mo"e' &#% in %his ase a"e )"o,e % wi!! he!) %o ve"i+y %he vehi !e a!! de%ai! wi%ho#% s%o))in$ %hei" vehi !e* The )"o,e % has %h"ee #ni%s !i(e %"a++i )o!i e-s hand he!d se%* RTO-s head.#a"%e" #ni% and vehi !e #ni%* The +i"s% #ni% wi!! a""y %he %"a++i )o!i e man %o any !o a%ion and he an s%and in any ,#n %ion o" "oad side' i+ any vehi !e wi!! )ass in so#"in$ %his #ni% wi!! %a(e %he en%i"e vehi !e da%a and i% wi!! sen% %o RTO side se ond #ni% and %his #ni% wi!! onne %ed %o %he sys%em %o ve"i+y %he da%a i+ %he vehi !e da%a is %"#e i% wi!! no% +i!e any ase in ase o+ +a!se i% wi!! +i!e %he ase and !as% #ni% wi!! onne %ed %o vehi !e and i%s on%en% %he en%i"e vehi !e in+o"ma%ion* Aim o+ %his )"o,e % is i+ any vehi !e is no% havin$ )o!!#%ion o" "e$is%"a%ion e"%i+i a%e o+ ins#"an e and o%he" do #men%s i% wi!! iden%i+y wi%ho#% wi"e and i% wi!! sen% %o RTO o++i e +o" +i!e %he ase* This is an advan ed %e hno!o$y #sed %o %"a ( %he vehi !e no / "e$is%"a%ion de%ai!s #sin$ RF hi)* Some %imes )eo)!e mani)#!a%e %he o"i$ina! de%ai!s !i(e vehi !e no' "e$is%"a%ion de%ai!s %o %he )o!i e man* 0he"e )o!i e +inds di++i #!% %o +ind %his* So %o e!imina%e %his )"o&!em' we a"e #sin$ an RF mod#!e whi h is )!a ed in %o %he vehi !e whi!e "e$is%e" %he vehi !e* The RF mod#!es a"e he!d wi%h %"a++i )o!i e* I% is hand he!d om)a % mod#!e* The RF "e eive" "e eives vehi !e in+o"ma%ion when %he vehi !e )assin$ in +"on% o+ %he %"a++i )o!i e man* The "e eived da%a i+ i% is %"#e %hen hand he!d se% wi!! !ea" %he in+o"ma%ion and a!so i% wi!! %a(e o%he" vehi !e da%a' in ase %he in+o"ma%ion is +a!se %he hand he!d se% wi!! send %hese de%ai!s %o RTO head .#a%e" sys%em %h"o#$h "adio +"e.#en y*

The RTO head.#a"%e"s a+%e" "e eivin$ %he in+o"ma%ion +"om %"a++i add"ess*

ons%a&!e hand he!d

sys%em i% wi!! +i!e %he ase and %he same %ime %he ase in+o"ma%ion wi!! )os%ed %o vehi !e owne"

The +i"s% mod#!e a% %he in )o!i e hand he!d se% is #sed %o he ( %he da%a 1!i ense'RC' ins#"an e ' )o!!#%ion2+"om #se" vehi !e wi"e!ess!y #sin$ RF %e hno!o$y* The missin$ da%a have %o &e dis)!ayed on %he RTO head .#a"%e" mod#!e* And %he %hi"d mod#!e is )!a ed in %he #se" vehi !e %o %"a ( %he da%a* RF is a 3AN %e hno!o$y &ased on %he IEEE 456*78*9 s%anda"d* Un!i(e :!#e%oo%h o" wi"e!ess US: devi es' RF devi es have %he a&i!i%y %o +o"m a mesh ne%wo"( &e%ween nodes* Meshin$ is a %y)e o+ daisy hainin$ +"om one devi e %o ano%he"* This %e hni.#e a!!ows %he sho"% "an$e o+ an individ#a! node %o &e e;)anded and m#!%i)!ied' ove"in$ a m# h !a"$e" a"ea*

This )"o,e % #ses "e$#!a%ed 8V' 855mA )owe" s#))!y* <458 %h"ee %e"mina! vo!%a$e "e$#!a%o" is #sed +o" vo!%a$e "e$#!a%ion* :"id$e %y)e +#!! wave "e %i+ie" is #sed %o "e %i+y %he a o#% )#% o+ se onda"y o+ 6=5>76V s%e) down %"ans+o"me"*

BLOCK DIAGRAM: Traffic police hand held set:

Power Supply


MAX23 2


7?@6 LCD




Step down T/F

Bridge Recti ier

Filter Circuit

Regulator Power supply to all sections

RTO Office Unit:

Power Supply

Contrast control

RF MAX23 2

3 C 6 7

7?@6 LCD


9 4

Transistor !ri"er Circuit



Step down T/F

Bridge Recti ier

Filter Circuit



Power supply to all sections

In vehicle


M E Power Supply L E

Step down T/F

RF Bridge Recti ier Filter MAX23 Circuit Reset 2 Regulator Crystal

Power supply to all sections

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