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DJ1; Hello. Albert :Hello. Dj1 : Hello. Albert :Yeah Dj1: Albert Rannai.

Nei ke tinwa hou chor (Your phone has been repaired). Albert : Oh Ya Ya Ya. Repetation of Dj1: Nei ke tinwa hou chor (Your phone has been repaired) . Albert : Pardon Dj1 : Nei ke tinwa hou chor (Your phone has been repaired). Albert : Oh yeah yeah yeah.And then. Dj1: NeiNei tang yat chang aa..! (YouYou wait for a while aa). Albert : Oh,The phone is it? Dj1: NeiNei tang yat chang aa...Tunggu Sekejap. V:Okay.Okay. Dj2:Hallo.Hallo V:Ya Dj2:Aah.Lu cannot speak Chinese aa. The word Lu comes from the English word you. V:Ok. Ok.I dont know how to speak Chinese. Dj2: Okay.Okay This one I call from ____centre in KL a.:Because why your phone you sent to fix fix for the screen aa. So far, so far aa last time we call your screen ,maybe around 1K plus to fix aa. We check inside aa. We fix a new screen already but the phone still doesnt work what happened aaa. The phrase This one means This phone call Victim:What. Dj2: What happened. Victim:The phone is working its with me now.

Dj2:No the problem is. No we have aa your phone with us now. Albert : What. i just received this last Friday. The guy in Miri called me and then he said that phone arrived already. Dj2 : Okay wait wait wait. U take back the phone to which centre aaa. The __-__.Eh.Talifon salah orang lagi la..Aiyyo.. DJ1 : Mai mei ye phone lei ke ? (Bought what type of phone is it ?) .Hello.Ok.they. i think got problem you can do me a favour aa Mr Albert .how much they charged u aa that one. 935..your. The one you collect how how how it look aaa. Albert :.Its the same one,its black.they even check the iei number its all the same. Dj2 : Your phone its actually price is 600 u know not 900 u know. Albert : O really. Dj2 : You cannot get charged extra u know. Albert : Ok. Dj2 : How come You simply simply pay pay you dont asked question one. Albert : They have the receipt they even checked the iei number and everything. Dj2 : I understand how come you also you pay 900 does not correct you know that means that shop they charged you extra.Now you know aaa. Albert : Ok but why did you take so long. I sent it on the sixth of January but until now you want to call me is it. Dj2 : Mr why shout shout. Because Im the one from KL.For me this is Chiang. Im Chiang. Thats why you also mr. Im sorry to say a bit stupid aa u dont asked the guy. Albert : Alright.Yeah Im stupid right.Ok. Dj2 : Ok. No no no Dont say you stupid aaa later I kena la my bos aa. Albert : You just said Im stupid anyway. Ok give me your number.What is your number. Dj2 : I said I said what you do is stupid I not call u stupid. Albert : OK Dj2 : what..Ok u wait aa. You can talk to Mr Haliman then he will see the case for u. Hes also a lawyer to our side aa. Albert : Can you hurry up Im actually in a middle of something. Albert : Miri.Yeah.The phone that I got is the exact same phone that i sent it got scratches on it .

Albert : Ok. Dj2 : Ok hold on. Haliman! Dj3 : Hello.Ya.Ok.We.ermm.Which Which part of JB is it.Dekat Miri. Albert : Miri.Yeah.The phone that I got is the exact same phone that i sent it got scratches on it . Dj3 : Im suspecting they tried to make some money from u because why, we got another phone here but we have to call u first to ask about the phone you must approve the price first so u paid how much 638.619. Albert : 935. Dj3 : And u ok with that. Albert : Im ok with it. Because he told its going to be 1000 plus that time. Dj3 : U not very good with phone is it. We dont offer that much. Screen doesnt cost 900 Ringgit sir. Albert : Ok but then i send it on the 6th of January now u just call me is it. Dj3 : Yeah because we just got the phone. Albert : What take u so long. Dj3 : 6th of January? 6th January. We just received this unit with your name on it day before yesterday weekend Saturday. Albert : Alright. Is this a Gotcha call. Dj3 : I wish it was but actually it is man this has gone so freaking long I got to review ----is---Gotcha call. Albert : Who did this? I cant tell. Dj3 : Oh my god,do that again. Wargh got dragon... I cant tell u who did this because Mazrina will get so mad . Albert : What the hell.(shrieking) Dj3 : Oh my god.Dude you should be the metal band dude, the way you say arghhh.. Albert : Mother..---..Dude Im not your mother la just Ian here bro. Before I go out here the important words to says Gotcha

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