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1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION 1.1 Identification of Substance o P e!a ation T ade Na"e P e!a ation Na"e P oduct Fo "at 1.# Dettol Liquid Dettol Liquid A liquid antiseptic / disinfectant.

Use of t$e substance % ! e!a ation For use in antiseptic wound cleansing and disinfectant of skin lesions and abrasions, cuts, bites and insect stings. Also for routine external antisepsis in obstetrics and midwifery; as a bat additi!e; as a germicidal agent for dandruff, spots and pimples. For general en!ironmental disinfection of floors and ard surfaces, la!atories, sinks and drains. Co"!an' % Su!!(ie Identification "eckitt #enckiser $% Delta #usiness &ark '()) *elton "oad +windon *ilts ire +,- ./0 1el2 344 5)674-. 89.).9



Dist ibuto In Re!ub(ic Of I e(and F A *yatt $nit 9 %eypoint #usiness &ark #allycoolin "oad #lanc ards 1own Dublin '' 1el2 3:-: 5)6 '88 '.: '7

&roduct +afety Data + eet ; D))-9(97 &age', <reated on (9/)'/).

#. COMPOSITION % INFORMATION ON IN)REDIENTS C$e"ica( natu e of t$e ! e!a ation Dettol Liquid for antiseptic wound cleansing and disinfection.

For t e full text of t e " p rases mentioned in t is +ection, see +ection '8 &. HA*ARDS IDENTIFICATION ,one based on t e pattern of use prescribed for Dettol= in t e >edicinal &roduct >arketing Aut ori?ation Application 5report numbers "<)():') @ "< )():''6 for t e $.%. &.1 C(assification ,ot applicable. &.# C(assification of P e!a ation %Substance+ 1 is product is not subAect to classification under c emical regulations as it is a medicinal product. &.& Most i"!o tant $a,a ds R -!$ ase.s/+ ,one 0. FIRST AID MEASURES 0.1 )ene a( ad1ice + ow t e container and / or t is safety data s eet to t e doctor in attendance. 0.# In$a(ation >o!e to fres air. Bf irritation occurs or persists or t ere is is any trouble breat ing, get immediate medical attention. 0.& S2in contact *as off contamination wit plenty of water. Bf symptoms de!elop or persist seek medical Ad!ice 0.0 E'e contact $ndiluted product2 B>>CDBA1CLD rinse eyes t oroug ly wit plenty of water. "emo!e any contact lenses and continue rinsing for at least '- minutes. Eet B>>CDBA1C medical attentionF Diluted product2 B>>CDBA1CLD rinse eyes t oroug ly wit plenty of water. "emo!e any contact lenses and continue rinsing for at least '- minutes. Bf irritation occurs or persists, get medical attention. 0.3 In4estion Bf swallowed, rinse mout wit water, DG ,G1 induce !omitingF Ei!e water or milk to drink. +eek B>>CDBA1C medical ad!ice. + ow t e container or product label to t e medical personnel.
&roduct +afety Data + eet ; D))-9(97 &age(, <reated on (9/)'/).

0.5 P otection of fi st-aide s Bf inAured indi!idual as clot ing t at is contaminated wit t e product, wear glo!es and a!oid contact wit your eyes. *as your ands wit soap and water after t e inAured person is no longer in your care to pre!ent possible eye irritation from contact wit any residue on your ands. 0.6 A44 a1ated Medica( Conditions ,one known. 3. FIRE-FI)HTIN) MEASURES 3.1 Suitab(e e7tin4uis$in4 "edia As suitable for surrounding fire. 3.# E7tin4uis$in4 "edia 8$ic$ "ust not be used fo safet' easons 1 e presence of t is liquid does not limit t e type of extinguis er t at can be used. 3.& S!ecia( e7!osu e $a,a ds a isin4 f o" t$e substance o ! e!a ation itse(f9 its co"bustion ! oducts9 o e(eased 4ases Dettol= Liquid as a flas point of 4)H < and a fire point of 8)H < but does not support combustion at 8)H < and .-H <I. 1esting performed at Bntertex 1esting +er!ices, Ltd., *estern Jetty, Bmming am Docks, Bmming am, $.%., carried out in accordance wit Bnternational Air 1ransport Association Dangerous Eoods "egulations, effecti!e January ())(. 3.0 S!ecia( ! otecti1e e:ui!"ent fo fi efi4$te s As in any fire, wear selfKcontained breat ing apparatus, pressure demand, >+LA / ,BG+L 5appro!ed or equi!alent6 and full protecti!e gear. 3.3 S!ecific "et$ods +tandard procedure for c emical fires. 5. ACCIDENTA; RE;EASE MEASURES 5.1 Pe sona( ! ecautions *ear personal protecti!e equipment. 5.# En1i on"enta( ! ecautions &re!ent product from entering drains. 5.& Met$ods fo c(eanin4 u! +mall spillages2 $p to ' litre, may be cleaned up wit a clot or absorbant material. >edium spillages2 $p to - litres, s ould be absorbed wit sand, eart , sawdust or ot er inert material and transferred to a suitable container for subsequent disposal. Large spillages2 + ould be contained wit sand, eart , sawdust or ot er inert material. Do not pump or release to drains. Do not contaminate water courses or ground. Bf necessary, pump to a safe place. <onsult your *ater Aut ority, Cn!ironmental &rotection Agency, local council or an expert for ad!ice on disposal.

&roduct +afety Data + eet ; D))-9(97 &age:, <reated on (9/)'/).

6. HAND;IN) AND STORA)E 6.1 Hand(in4 Tec$nica( "easu es%! ecautions+ ,one required for normal use according to t e label instructions. For occupational exposures wear appropriate eye and skin protection w ere t e potential for splas ing exists. Safe $and(in4 ad1ice+ Landle in accordance wit good industrial ygiene and safety practice. A!oid t e generation of aerosol, mist or dust. 6.# Sto a4e Tec$nica( "easu es%sto a4econditions+ %eep at temperatures below :) M<. %eep containers tig tly closed in a cool, wellK!entilated place. +tore in original container in areas inaccessable to small c ildren and pets. %CC& G$1 GF "CA<L GF <LBLD"C, Inco"!atib(e ! oducts+ ,o special restrictions on storage wit ot er products. S!ecific use.s/+ A liquid antiseptic and disinfectant. Pac2a4in4 "ate ia(+ &acked in a retail carton as an indi!idual product. <. E=POSURE CONTRO;S % PERSONA; PROTECTION <.1 Occu!ationa( e7!osu e cont o(s En4inee in4 "easu es to educe e7!osu e For occupational exposures, ensure adequate !entilation. A!oid contact wit t e liquid. Do not swallow. <.# E7!osu e (i"it 1a(ues <.& Pe sona( ! otecti1e e:ui!"ent Res!i ato ' ! otection+ ,o personal respiratory protecti!e equipment normally required. Hand ! otection+ ,one required for normal recommended use. For sensiti!e skin or prolonged use, wear rubber glo!es. E'e ! otection+ ,one required under recommended product use. Bf splas ing is likely to occur or for occupational exposures, wear appropriate eye protection. Cmergency responders s ould wear full eye and face protection. S2in and bod' ! otection+ ,one required under normal recommended use conditions. Bn case of continuous exposure wear lig tweig t protecti!e clot ing. Cmergency responders s ould wear impermeable clot ing and footwear w en responding to a situation w ere contact wit t e liquid is possible. H'4iene "easu es * en using, do not eat, drink or smoke. <.0 En1i on"enta( e7!osu e cont o(s Local aut orities s ould be ad!ised if significant, large quantity spillages cannot be contained.

&roduct +afety Data + eet ; D))-9(97 &age4, <reated on (9/)'/).

>. PHYSICA; AND CHEMICA; PROPERTIES >.1 )ene a( Info "ation P$'sica( state+ Liquid. A!!ea ance+ <lear liquid. Co(ou + Amber Odou + < aracteristic c emical odour. >ild &ine. >.# I"!o tant Hea(t$ Safet' and En1i on"enta( Info "ation !H+ 9.9) K ').'F(as$ !oint+ Dettol= Liquid, 4) 5M<6 I I 1esting performed at Bntertex 1esting +er!ices, Ltd., *estern Jetty, Bmming am Docks, Bmming am, $.%., carried out in accordance wit Bnternational Air 1ransport Association Dangerous Eoods "egulations, effecti!e January ())(. F(a""abi(it' .so(id9 4as/+ ,ot applicable. E7!(osi1e ! o!e ties+ ,ot applicable. O7idisin4 ! o!e ties+ ,o information a!ailable ?a!ou ! essu e+ ,o information a!ailable. Re(ati1e densit'+ ,o information a!ailable Densit'+ Filled product density 5N ()H <62 ).989 K '.))9 So(ubi(it'+ @ate So(ubi(it'+ Fully miscible wit water. 1A. STABI;ITY AND REACTI?ITY 1A.1 Stabi(it' +table under recommended storage conditions. 1A.#Conditions to a1oid +tore away from excessi!e eat and moisture. 1A.& Mate ia(s to a1oid ,o information a!ailable. 1A.0 Ha,a dous deco"!osition ! oducts Gxides of carbon and unknown organic compounds. 1A.3 Po('"e i,ation La?ardous polymerisation does not occur.

&roduct +afety Data + eet ; D))-9(97 &age-, <reated on (9/)'/).

11. TO=ICO;O)ICA; INFORMATION 11.1 P oduct Info "ation Post Ma 2etin4+ &ost marketing experience demonstrates t at t e o!erall incidence of ad!erse e!ents wit Dettol= Liquid is !ery low, particularly w en !iewed in t e context of its long istory and widespread usage. Dettol= Liquid is of low acute toxicity by t e oral route. Furt er support is pro!ided from reports of !olumes of up to :)) ml a!ing been ingested by adults and c ildren wit out any lasting effects. Gral toxicity of Dettol= Liquid2 LD-) in *eaning rats 5female6 K '..4 ml/kg body weig t. LD-) in weaning rats 5male6 K '-.9 ml/kg body weig t. LD-) in mice K 9.7- ml/kg body weig t. Dettol= Liquid is of low acute toxicity by t e dermal route. Dermal toxicity of Dettol= Liquid2 LD-) 5rabbit6 O(,))) mg/kg body weig t. Bn alation toxicity2 ,ot applicable. 11.# ;oca( effects S2in i itation+ ,one expected during normal conditions of use. E'e i itation+ ,one expected during normal use. >ay cause eye irritation upon direct contact wit eyes. $ndiluted Dettol= Liquid can cause se!ere eye irritation but was ing eyes immediately after application signficantly reduces t e ad!erse effect. <ontact wit neat Dettol= Liquid s ould be a!oided. In$a(ation ,one expected during normal conditions of use. In4estion Lealt inAuries are not known or expected under normal use. Sensiti,ation ,ot expected to be a skin sensitiser. <linical data demonstrates a low incidence of skin reactions and sensiti!ity to Dettol= Liquid. 1 is is furt er supported by t e low le!el of post marketing reports. Bn uman studies undiluted Dettol= Liquid caused only transient eryt ema t at resol!ed in most cases in (4 ours. -P solutions a!e a low irritant effect on umans. A uman study wit .9 !olunteers demonstrated no e!idence of skin sensiti?ation following a c allange application of 'P liquid. ,o e!idence of skin sensiti?ation was reported in uman studies wit c allange concentrations up to ')P < loroxylenol. C$ onic to7icit'+ Dermal K <linical experience pro!ides no e!idence of systemic toxicity following repeated topical administration of Dettol= Liquid. Bn addition, systemic toxicity was not reported in rats treated wit t e liquid at 'P, ')P and (-P dilution fo (' days. Gral K "epeated oral administration of Dettol= Liquid 5at up to -)P dilution6 to laboratory species induced only minor c anges in aematological parameters and organ weig ts wit out supporting istopat ology. 11.& S!ecific effects Ca cino4enic effects+ ,ot listed as carcinogenic by G+LA, ,1& or BA"<. ,o carcinogenicity studies a!e been conducted on Dettol= Liquid. 1 ere is no e!idence of carcinogenicity in mice following a lifetime of exposure to < loroxylenol. Muta4enic effects+ < loroxylenol is also wit out mutagenic acti!ity.

&roduct +afety Data + eet ; D))-9(97 &age8, <reated on (9/)'/).

Re! oducti1e to7icit'+ 1 ere is no e!idence to suggest t at components of Dettol= Liquid are reproducti!e or de!elopmental toxicants. Additiona( Info "ation Bnformation is based on data on t e components and t e toxicology of similar products. 1 is formulation of "eckitt #enckiser Lealt care Ltd. is lodged wit t e ,ational and "egional &oisons Bnformation <entres, w ere ad!ice is a!ailable to medical practitioners only. Bn case of emergency contact a medical practioner or "eckitt #enckiser Lealt care Ltd., Lull, $.%. at 1el2 53446 )' 47( :(8'-' and ask for t e emergency medical extension. 1#. ECO;O)ICA; INFORMATION 1#.1 Ecoto7icit' effects Eco(o4ica( Info "ation+ ,o data a!ailable. 1#.# P oduct Info "ation A:uatic to7icit'+ ,o information a!ailable. 1#.& Co"!onent Info "ation+

1#.0 Ot$e info "ation O,one de!(etion !otentia(C ODPC .R-11 D 1/ D ,o information a!ailable. )(oba( 8a "in4 !otentia( .)@P/ D ,o information a!ailable. Additiona( eco(o4ica( info "ation+ Bnformation gi!en is based on data on t e components and t e ecotoxicology of similar products. 1&. DISPOSA; CONSIDERATIONS 1&.1 @aste f o" esidues % unused ! oducts+ <onsumer instructions K Liquid may be disposed of by pouring to drain and rinsing wit large quantities of water. &ackaging may be disposed of wit normal ouse old waste. #ulk quantities 5unsold stock6 K dispose of in accordance wit local / national legislation. 1&.# Conta"inated !ac2a4in4+ Dispose of in ouse old tras as used product. 1&.& Fu t$e info "ation According to t e Curopean *aste <atalogue, *aste <odes are not product specific, but application specific. *aste codes s ould be assigned by t e user based on t e application for w ic t e product was used. Dispose of in accordance wit local, regional or national requirements. For furt er information contact your local waste aut ority.

&roduct +afety Data + eet ; D))-9(97 &age., <reated on (9/)'/).

10. TRANSPORT INFORMATION UN-No+ Not a $a,a dous 4ood AD" / "BD <lassification2 ,ot regulated. ,ot a La?ardous good. +ubsidiary risk2 ,ot applicable. &acking Eroup2 ,ot applicable. LB,2 ,ot applicable. <CFB< 1remcard ,o2 ,ot applicable. B>DE / B>G <lassification2 ,one in appropriate packaging. +ubsidiary risk2 ,ot applicable. &acking Eroup2 ,ot applicable. B>DE page2 ,ot applicable. >arine pollutant2 ,ot applicable. C>+2 ,ot applicable. >FAE2 ,ot applicable. B<AG Q BA1A <lassification2 ,one in appropriate packaging. +ubsidiary risk2 ,ot applicable. &acking Eroup2 ,ot applicable. >aximum quantity2 ,ot applicable. 13. RE)U;ATORY INFORMATION In acco dance 8it$ (oca( and nationa( e4u(ations+ 1 is is a medicinal product in terms of +ection ':) of t e >edicines Act of '987. Legal category2 E+L ;abe((in4 FOR E=TERNA; USE ON;YE Bf swallowed, was out mout and drink plenty of water or milk. Bf contact is made wit t e eyes, was t oroug ly wit cold water. Bn bot cases consult a doctor and take t e product container 5bottle6 wit you. FEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHI;DREN. R- P$ ase.s/+ 1 is product is not classified and requires no R"K& rases5s62R S -!$ ase.s/+ S ,ot applicable. 15. OTHER INFORMATION Te7t of R P$ ases "entioned in Section # Ris2 P$ ases+ S "'' K Lig ly flammable. S "(( K Larmful if swallowed. S ":8 K Brritating to eyes. S ":7 K Brritating to skin. S "4: K >ay cause sensiti?ation by skin contact. S "8. K Tapors may cause drowsiness and di??iness.

&roduct +afety Data + eet ; D))-9(97 &age7, <reated on (9/)'/).

1 is document complements t e tec nical usage instructions but does not replace t em. 1 e information contained erein is based on our best current knowledge if t e product concerned, and is gi!en in good fait . 1 e attention of recipients is drawn to 5amongst ot er t ings6 t e element of risk consequent to use of t e product ot er t an t at for w ic it was intended. Bn no way does t is document remo!e t e need of t e recipient of t e product to fully understand and apply statutory requirements. Bt is t e recipientUs sole responsibility to take due precautions relati!e to t e use made of t e product. All information contained erein is only to assist t e recipient in fulfilling t eir statutory duty connected wit t e use of a?ardous materials. 1 is list of information must not be considered as ex austi!e, and does not exonerate t e recipient from taking ot er precautions described in documents ot er t an t ose mentioned, concerning t e storage and use of t e product, for w ic t ey remain t e sole person responsible. Additional Bnformation2 Dettol= is a 1rademark of "eckitt #enckiser. Dettol= *ebsite2 *eb site address 5C$62 Data sources used in t e preparation of t is +afety Data + eet2 +upplierUs "aw >aterial +afety Data + eets. Safet' data efe in4 to+ #AA1%3<%EC PSDS C eated on+ #>%A1%A6 ?e sion 1.A

&roduct +afety Data + eet ; D))-9(97 &age9, <reated on (9/)'/).

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