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I Hope She Flakes December 21, 2012GameRoosh FacebookTwitter Flaking is a real problem in modern dating.

You make plans with a girl, get exci ted about the prospect of intimacy, and then she sends you a text message cancel lation containing a lame excuse. Maybe her best friend called her with a better plan. Maybe some guy she has a crush on finally came through. Or maybe she s just feeling lazy and rather catch up on her reality television shows. Whatever the e xcuse, it will come down to one reason: your value wasn t high enough. She didn t feel that she would miss out by not going on a date with you. There was no pain within her core in canceling. This is why if a girl flakes on you once, especially for the first date, it s almost impossible to turn things around, beca use she has already acted out on the belief that you are not worth her time. Flakes in my early days would burn. I d sit there, twiddling my thumbs at home, as king myself, Now what should I do? I had no other plan. I d be disappointed and my c onfidence would take a hit. Then, as the years went on, I begun to assume the fl ake and have a backup plan ready to go. This made flakes less disconcerting but still, they were not a pleasure to experience. Fast forward to today and I don t m ind if girls flake at all. In fact, more than half the time I wish they would fl ake. The reason? I m too busy. I have so many things to do that my schedule is always packed. Every night befor e I go to bed I fill my next day s to-do list full of tasks that will keep me busy for the entire day. Dates with girls disturb my work flow and set me back as mu ch as half a day. While I do enjoy dates and want to have sex with girls, I also place great importance in completing my day s work. What naturally happened was t hat on the day of dates I began to think, Man, I hope she flakes so I can get all my work done. I noticed something interesting when the thought of head: the girl never flakes. Let me fer to te and ake? I I hope she flakes pops into my

give you the opposite example. I meet a gorgeous girl who in my mind I re as dreamy. I m enamored by her and can t wait until we make love. We set a da I clear my schedule to accommodate her. What odds would you peg at the fl can tell you: at least 50%.

Am I saying that girls can read your mind when it comes to how you value them? N o, but I am saying that your thoughts about a girl transmute into words and body language that signals your value. That signal is perfectly interpreted by her, probably unconsciously, to determine whether or not she should proceed on a date with you. When you re a busy man with things going on, you act in a different way

than a man who has a lot of free time and really wants to be with a girl. You can say I hope she flakes all day until your face turns blue, but the girl wil l still flake unless it s a statement that s congruent with reality. You can even cr eate make-work in the hopes that you can convince yourself that you want her to flake, but this won t do it either. The only way to make it work is if you value s everal other things in life above women. If women are the most important thing in your life, and you chase them daily, yo u will surely get laid, but you will get flaked on. You have to play the numbers game to its mathematical conclusion. On the other hand, if women are not the mo st important thing in your life, you will get flaked on much less. Both cases ge t similar results in the form of bangs, but the latter man will get flaked on le ss because of the you re not that valuable to me signal that women positively respon d to. I ll be honest and say that I got more notches when women were number one in my li fe, but my rejection rate was high. I had to put up with a lot of disrespect I had to go out several times a week. I had to always be on. It was almost like a jo b. Now that women are slipping down from the number one spot and I put less work into chasing them, my quantity is going down, but I have no shortage of dates f rom girls I meet in my daily routine. If anything, I m going on too many dates, an d it s starting to interfere with my work. This afternoon I have a date with a gir l I met in the bookstore, and even though she s cute, deep down I hope she flakes. Read Next: 7 Signs That A Number Won t Lead To A Date ---------------------

My Most Efficient Move Is Buying A Drink November 23, 2012GameRoosh FacebookTwitter In Poland I started buying drinks for women as an experiment. The results were s o good that I have permanently implemented drink buying into my game, even while in Anglo countries. They provide a great way to move the interaction forward, b ut only under these circumstances: 1. When I want to have a more relaxed conversation. If we re talking in a loud par t of the club (next to the dance floor), and I want to move her to a quieter par t of the bar where I can talk to her better, I say, Let s go get a drink at the bar . The drink acts as an anchor in the part I want to stay in. There are also cases where I want a girl to stop dancing and focus on talking. Putting a drink in he r hand is the easiest way to accomplish that. 2. When I want her to loosen up. Some girls need booze until they start thinking of sex. If she s too sober, I ll perform a double drink buy: shots of tequila and t hen a regular cocktail. For the type of woman I go after (petite, under 120 poun ds), it s a nice combo that gets her to where I want within 20 minutes. 3. When I want to trigger her reciprocity. Unless you re dealing with a raging Ame rican cunt who actively uses guys for drinks, a girl will aim to be a little nic er to someone who just gave her a gift. After you buy her the drink, you ll notice how she will be more compliant. She will say yes if you suggest to sit down in a dark booth, speeding up the kiss. The only issue is that there are many women, specifically in the West, who will

use you for drinks without shame. There s one rule you must follow to avoid this: Do not buy a drink as a way to build attraction or retain her attention. If the pickup is going south, buying her a drink won t save it. She must already b e interested in you for it to work. Obviously this means not buying a drink as a n opener. Is $4-10 a worthwhile investment to move the interaction forward with a girl so that you get intimate with her quicker than not? I think so. As long as you foll ow the rules above, it will even work for you on American girls, albeit at a low er success rate. You can t go wrong if you only buy drinks when the interaction is on the upswing and after around 15 minutes of conversation (when you know she s c ommitted to talking to you). I can t remember the last one-night stand I had where I didn t buy a girl a drink. For just a few bucks, why go slow when you can go fa st? --------How To Bang A Girl While She s On Her Period November 16, 2012GameRoosh FacebookTwitter One part of the game that used to depend on luck was if a girl I wanted to bang for the first time was on her period or not. Because sex for women can be so imp ulsive, waiting for the opportunity to bang after her period clears may result i n failure. I estimate I lost out on about four or five notches in my life becaus e of this. The solution was right in front of me all along: go for the notch while she s on h er period. In Scandinavia I had a streak of three one-night stands in a row of g irls who were menstruating. If I was a beginner player, I would have probably lo st out on all three. There are two components to running period game 1. Get over the blood. If you re wearing a condom, you won t notice the difference i n sex quality. As long as you wrap it up and don t bang heroin junkies, you re safe. 2. Run some game to let her know you don t care. A girl can be extremely insecure when blood is leaking from her vagina, so in clear terms you must assure her it s something that doesn t bother you. When a girl hints she wants to have sex with yo u but can t because of her period, hit her with some of the following lines: I don t care. I ll drink the blood. :cool:

I m at the age where it really doesn t matter. I don t let a normal bodily fluid get in the way of an intimate moment. :cool: I ve had enough sex with girls on their periods that I can t even tell the difference anymore. :cool: I find guys who care about that to be more immature than average. They see sex as a sterile act while I see it as something more animalistic. It s okay if it gets a little dirty. :cool: Do you have a towel? Then it s no big deal. :cool:

Once you let a girl know that 1) you won t judge her for the blood, and 2) you see menstruation as human nature, she will actually be overeager to get on with the deed. I once had a girl go from I m sorry I can t have sex to Let s do it, my sheets are dark. I banged a Finnish girl who produced a huge amount of blood (small drops of it a ctually squirted from her vagina). Afterwards my bed looked like a scene from Am erican Psycho, but I couldn t tell during the amazing sex. She was sheepish but I gently assured her, all so we could do round two in the morning, which we did, w ith just as much blood. I was almost able to make a donation to the Red Cross. B esides the extra thirty minutes to wash the sheets after she left, I wasn t bother ed or disgusted one bit. Truth is I ll drink the blood. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now --------------------9 Things I Learned From Wearing A Suit September 5, 2012GameRoosh FacebookTwitter Thanks to influence from both Virgle Kent and The G Manifesto, I decided to try out suit game. It started with buying a suit while I lived in Poland. I tried on many different suits and picked the one with the best natural fit. It happened to be from Zara. It wasn t the highest quality but it looked good on me and was th erefore acceptable for testing purposes. I had the jacket sleeves shortened to a llow the cuff of my shirt to stick out a bit and I also tailored my pants, both the waist and length. I would wear it with a pocket square and skinny tie. Here are the things I ve noticed from my suit experimentation: 1. I received more eye contact from everyone. Women gave me more stares, but I a ctually got more attention from men, who approached me frequently to compliment my attire. 2. Women did not approach me outright because of the suit. After ten wearings it only happened twice, both by girls I wasn t interested in. You still have to be p ro-active about approaching. Don t expect the suit to draw in women like a tractor beam. 3. It caused me to spend more money. Wearing a suit had a strange psychological effect on my spending habits by encouraging me to make it rain in the club, even if I didn t plan on doing so. It s like my brain insisted on pushing a behavior tha t would better match my look. 4. My standards went way up. When I looked good and knew I looked good, I became much more discriminate about who I approached, with the effect that I approache d less. Very few girls were good enough for me when I was suited up. 5. Non-Westernized girls don t appreciate a man in a suit. If you go to Eastern Eu rope, it won t be uncommon for you to see beautiful girls with guys dressed like b ums. The girls know what a suit is, but it s not something that makes them interes ted in you. The times I got positive attention from the suit was more from Weste rnized girls. I remember in Iceland and Denmark I d get approached many times from girls when just wearing a nice collared shirt. 6. It didn t make the game easier. I ve written many times how money has less effect on getting laid than people think. If it improves your logistics and access to

women it will help, but just having a stack of cash in your pocket isn t going to do much if you don t have the game and lifestyle to match. If you pick up a girl i n a suit and then take her home in your hoopdie to some shithole apartment, you may actually turn her off more than if you had more of a hipster look. She d feel tricked. The suit has to be part of a rich tapestry. 7. I got more mileage from the suit while wearing it on dates. If a girl already liked me, and then I rolled up on the first date wearing a suit (on the weekend ), there was a sort of power couple effect when we went into a club. With a suit a nd a pretty girl, I would get an insane amount of looks from other females, incr easing my date s jealousy. The suit would also make her feel more proud to be hook ing up with such a fine looking gentleman. 8. Not all venues are made for suits. The effect of the suit will be greatly dim inished in a fancy place where every other guy is wearing one as well. On the ot her hand, wearing it in a dive bar will be a waste of your fine threads. The bes t place to wear a suit is in a semi-nice venue where you are the only one wearin g a suit. You will stand out in a positive way. 9. It can make you feel really hot. Even in cold weather, wearing a suit indoors can make you sweat. From a practical standpoint, it s not the most functional thi ng to wear when going out at night where even a little dancing will be involved. Overall, suit game promotes a more passive strategy where you hope to catch some eye contact from willing girls in order to do more casual, situational approach es. Unless the girl approaches you outright, the amount of work you ll have to put in compared to when you re suitless remains the same. The problem is that the sui t encourages you to lay back and be cool, meaning you will do a lot less approac hes than normal. Therefore, I actually got laid less with a suit than without. I t did not have a notch-increasing effect that I was hoping for. Unless you re in a venue where girls are approaching guys in suits (I m getting word that this may b e the case in America), I don t see it helping much. This experiment reminds me of how game and effort trumps everything. They are th e biggest determinant to a man s results with women. I don t believe it would happen that we can take the same girl and have her be interested in me while suited up though completely reject me if I m wearing something like a v-neck and jeans. Thi s may be the case in elite venues, but those aren t the type of places I go to. If you have the bankroll to frequent places where women look for status and weal th, a suit would be a logical choice to get your foot in the door, but looking t o the suit alone as some type of game miracle prop is foolhardy. It must fit in with your overall look, game, and vibe. I ll wear it once or twice a month just to mix things up (if it s not hot), but I don t see it taking over my more casual styl e in the foreseeable future. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now FacebookTwitter ------------------------The Secret To Fast Sex August 29, 2012Croatia, Europe, Game, TravelRoosh FacebookTwitter When you learn the game from scratch, you can t help but codify every part of your

game and try to make a guess on what is helping you and what is not. You analyz e your look, your opening lines, your routines, the method to getting a girl s num ber, and so on. Once you start getting laid regularly, all those parts merge int o one big blob, resulting in an overall style that fits you and your personality . You concentrate on the whole, but at the same time you take the parts for gran ted. The problem is that a couple of those parts are absolutely essential, and w hen you remove them, you no longer get laid. I began to get sloppy on my city research in the past couple months of my curren t European trip. For Zagreb, Croatia I ended up renting an apartment for one mon th in a quiet suburb. I made this huge commitment without knowing a few things: The suburb was far away from day game action. My neighborhood had no central squ are or busy supermarket. The club I lived near had girls, but isolation was impossible because groups of them would go there by sharing a ride (since it s so far). I could only get number s and kisses. It was hard to get girls to meet me in my suburb on dates, so I had to trek via public transportation to the center to meet them for drinks. There was no chance of venue changing to my apartment unless it was a weekend. I calculated I d have to put girls on a three date program due to my location, something I wasn t willin g to do. It didn t help that I arrived in the middle of July, when the only place you d consi stently find people is in the center square in the afternoon, a time I d either be asleep or typing away on my laptop. What happened during that month was I didn t fuck a Croatian girl. Not one. I got two dozen numbers, many kisses, an occasional date that I was reluctant to go on because of my bad logistics, but no Croatian flag. I wasn t even close. This was right after I made a post saying How To Get A Flag In 5 Days. I felt humbled, th at god had read that post as soon as I published it and decided to make me feel like an idiot. During that month I did find a bar in the center where I was able to drag out a girl on three separate occasions, something I couldn t do in the club closer to my apartment. I invited all three to my place for a drink once I got them outside. They asked where I lived and when I told them where (about a 20 minute cab ride away), they all scrunched their nose and said it was too far. I tried everything to get them to come, even saying I d pay for their cab ride back, but it didn t work . I m sure I would have banged at least two out of those three if I had rented an apartment in the center. Instead, I had to get their number and accept the built -in 50% flake rate that comes from dating. I half-assed the prospects and failed . I was literally getting a 0% bang return on my investment. It doesn t matter how often you approach, how tight your game is, or how succulent your kisses are, but if your logistics are fucked, you re not getting laid. You g et to date instead. If you have to take a taxi from the spot you re meeting girls, you re getting one-night stands infrequently enough that they will seem like a ma jor event for you. If you can t say down the street when a girl asks where you live, you better hope your phone has enough battery power when you re forced to get her number. Not only is logistics the biggest indicator of whether you ll get a one-n ight stand or not, but logistics alone is the best attractant for girls who want fast anonymous sex. If you fuck up the logistics like I did in my first month, I hope you have the p atience for marathon texting and conversation in boring venues where girls know they have the upper hand since your penis hasn t yet been inside them. Looking bac k the past 20 months in Europe, drum-tight logistics was the most consistent var iable in me getting fast sex, and forgetting that made for a frustrating month i n a place that shouldn t have been that hard.

In my first 31 days in a Zagreb suburb, I banged zero Croatian girls. When I mov ed to the center, I banged two within 38 hours. Sometimes you have to fail to ma ke you remember what made you successful in the first place. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now

------------------When You Should Walk Out On A Date June 4, 2012Dating, GameRoosh FacebookTwitter In a perfect world, girls would be feminine, beautiful, and sexy. They would ins ist on treating you with respect. They would feel honored to spend an evening wi th you in a bar having drinks with their cell phones turned off. The reality is a little different. Through no fault of your own, women may show up on dates onl y to treat you like scum. In that case you should get up and leave. Here are thr ee scenarios you should watch out for: 1. She is more than one point uglier than her profile pictures (for internet dat es). We all know that a girl will put up photos of herself that might as well ha ve been created using the latest Hollywood CGI technology. These days you must d o an automatic one point deduction from how she looks online. But if she s two poi nts uglier in person, maybe due to massive weight gain or photoshop trickery, yo u should not proceed with the date. She s conning you, hoping that you ll let her bl atant deception slide to give her one or two hours of entertainment that she cou ldn t get by honestly representing herself. Dont let her get away with it. If this happens to you, say, You don t look like your photos. I m not happy you trick ed me so I see no need to proceed with this date. 2. She talks on the phone for more than one minute. It s not terrible if a girl an swers the phone to tell the caller she ll ring back, though it would be better if she sends the call to voicemail. I ll let it slide once or twice if she apologized immediately afterwards. But if she answers the phone and then has a unhurried c onversation that you time as being over a minute long, she doesn t see you as a re al man and has no intention of sleeping with you. This is especially the case if her phone conversation has laughter, a sign that she has settled in for a chat. She does not at all care that you look her servant, waiting for her valuable at tention. If this happens to you, stand up, seek out the waitress, and ask for the check. When the check comes, demand her share of the bill. Make payment and say, You can talk on the phone all you want now. Have a good night. Cap it off with a smile. Bonus points if you walk to the bar and have a drink at your leisure to catch up on your Kindle app reading. 3. She brings someone else to the date. If it was clear that you were supposed t o have a 1-on-1 date and she brings someone uglier than her, she sees you as a c hump who will take whatever miserable situation she puts you in. This is more co mmon in South America than the States. If this happens to you, say, You didn t tell me you were bringing someone. Let her g ive you some lame ass excuse about how she just found her friend or cousin on the street. Then say, Okay well I hope you two have a lot of fun. Smile then leave.

As for other cases, the most common that will come up is texting. The correct mo ve is a little tougher to call since she will be disrespectful for only 20 secon d bursts. Personally, if I need to send a text I wait until I go to the bathroom so it doesn t disturb the flow of our conversation, but some women don t give you t his courtesy. You ll want to drop some hints that you don t like it and see if she s tops the behavior. Say one of the following two things during her second text at tempt: Do you want to take a ten minute break so you can catch up on your text messaging and Facebook updates? I see you have a lot of important text messages to send. Is this a bad time for o ur meeting? We can try again in a few days. Say it with a concerned look on your face, as if you really want to give her tim e to text message the world. If she doesn t get the hint and continues to text aft er that, she s basically telling you that you have zero worth in her eyes. Get the check and bounce. A date is an implied social contract that two individuals will share a non-inter rupted conversation over food or drink. If she breaks that contract through dece ption or disrespect then you are under no obligation to continue. If you value y ourself, you should end it before you spend any more time or resources into a wo man who is not treating you like a human being. There is no game move here to sa lvage the prospect, for it would be like trying to sculpt a turd into a beautifu l statue. Delete her number from your phone and move on. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now FacebookTwitter -------------------------Don t Be A Pussy Beggar June 1, 2012Game, LifebloodRoosh FacebookTwitter While getting laid is important, there are things I won t do to get laid. The firs t is directly pay for it. Maybe there will be a day when I become tired of the g ame, but I m not even close to getting at that point. There are other reasons that are more subjective: I will not follow a girl s orders or demands. If a girl insinuates that the only w ay to continue talking to her is to buy her a drink or do her a favor, she won t b e satisfied with how the interaction turns out. Same if she tells me I must or shou ld do something. I will not accept insults. If her style of flirting is to review my flaws, I wil l give her one chance to calm down and be real. If not then I return it right ba ck to her ten fold and ruin her night. I will not accept rude or callous attitude. If a girl is testing me for the shor t term by being frigid, I ll pass her test to get the bang. But if she really is a bitch or is trying to put me down, I will walk even if I may see a bang on the horizon. I won t let a girl reject me twice. It s within a girl s right to reject me, but then she becomes dead to me. A rejection means I will not communicate with her ever a gain.

Sometimes I come home alone after a long, grueling night out where I failed. I m h orny, drunk, lonely, and dejected, but there s one thing that I still have: my dig nity. I rather jerk my own dick than go against my beliefs for a few minutes of pleasure with a girl who s not treating me like a human being. With my dignity int act I can continue playing the game with my head held high, knowing I didn t sell myself out for sex. Otherwise, there s no limit to the abuse you ll take from women. You ll be nothing more than a chump and a pussy beggar. Getting laid is challenging enough, but I make it harder by only doing it on my terms. There is no woman in the world worth bending over for. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now

-------------------------Does Success Mostly Stem From Confidence? May 21, 2012GameRoosh FacebookTwitter People always look for causes. They want the world to be explained with outcomes that are easy to duplicate. It s not enough to know what happened but also why it happened. For example, when you see a handsome man talking to a pretty girl, yo ur brain wants to immediately conclude that his success is based on his looks, n ot his personality or any other factor that you can t easily see. All the things I have explained in the past that make a man attractive is an edu cated guess based on experience. If being alpha and cocky gets me laid more than not being alpha and cocky, I will conclude that those two reasons must contribu te to success. If one night wearing a sexy v-neck shirt caused more girls to app roach me, I want to believe that the v-neck caused that. If growing out my beard in a country led to decreased success, I want to believe that girls there don t l ike beards. I may very well be right on all those fronts, but I cannot provide scientific pr oof that the causation is fact. I have not done a double-blind study because it would be impossible to do so (any psychological study would merely provide a pos sible correlation). The question that comes up is this: is it possible that some behaviors are not t he direct cause for the result? Is it possible that the v-neck was not the main reason for girls approaching me? What else could be going on? Because I ve had success with a large combination of looks, game styles, professio ns, income level, and living situations, I have to look at the one of two things that is always present when I m getting laid: effort or confidence. Right now I w ant to focus on confidence. I believe how you feel about yourself is a strong determinant to how you ll do wit h women. Followed after that is your game, frequency of approaches, venue select ion, overall look, and so on. All factors contribute to the whole, but having a confident core will predict your success more than whether you spit indirect gam e versus direct game, whether your hair is long or short, or whether your style is hipster or James Bond. If having muscles makes you feel more confident, you ll act more confident and be

more successful. The confidence that comes from having muscles is more attractiv e to women than muscles themselves. If wearing a suit makes you feel more confident, you ll act more confident and be more successful. The confidence that comes from wearing a suit is more attractiv e to women than wearing a suit. If being the only foreigner in a city makes you feel more confident, you ll act mo re confident and be more successful. The confidence that comes from being the on ly foreigner in a city is more attractive to women than simply being the only fo reigner in the city. If having a big zit on your nose makes you feel less confident, you ll act less co nfident and be less successful. The confidence drop that comes from having a big zit is less attractive to women than the zit itself. Game gives you confidence because it forces you to take on a lot of experience t hat makes you both able and comfortable when interacting with women. Approaching gives you a base of confidence that can be built upon. Once a man s confidence le vel is high and stable, he can begin to pick up with anything. This is when game starts to lose meaning to him. He can go up to a girl reading the phone book an d she ll laugh and be intrigued. He can open with Hey how are you? and a girl will r espond with a question of her own. A man s game and look will always matter, but it begins to matter less. I can go o ut looking like a werewolf but as long as I feel confident doing it, I will get laid. There is a point where you transcend all the little things, but to get the re you have to build a strong foundation. When I go out wearing a suit, and I m the most sharply dressed man in the venue, I feel more confident and get more attention. Your gut instinct is to say the sui t alone causes the increase in attention or success, but is that not just the ea sy guess? It discounts other causes that we can t see or measure. I believe it s the increased confidence and not the suit that results in the bulk of the increased att ention. Now what if I were to tell you that I get laid just as much when I wear a ten do llar white v-neck with yellow armpit stains? I get less attention, but I bang ju st as much, if not more. I feel a tad less confident in the pit stain shirt than the suit, but I unconsciously increase the effort portion on the confidence-eff ort scale. When you re lacking in one, you can compensate with the other. If you re not a confident man, your success can come purely from raw effort and perseveran ce. When a man talks to a woman, there are things being communicated that we are not consciously aware of, just like how other wavelengths of light exist beyond wha t the human eye can see. We want to believe that concrete things like appearance , cocky lines, and wealth result in sex, but I believe they are just the visible frosting, that other things are being transmitted and received. I don t know exac tly what those things are, but it seems that being as confident as you can will properly transmit the right messages. Before you go out to talk to girls, you must ask yourself what is it you can do to make yourself feel as confident as possible. If it s wearing a suit every night , then so be it. Otherwise, just work your ass off. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now


Everything I Know About Women February 29, 2012GameRoosh FacebookTwitter I was sitting in a coffee shop when a young man came up to me. sked. Yes I m Roosh. I want to be good with women. Please teach me everything you know. I said, Before I teach you everything I know, I want you to prove to me that you will commit to my teachings. Go on the internet, find a couple pickup lines, and approach 100 women. Then come back and tell me how it went. One month later he came back. Roosh I did the 100 approaches. Some of them went okay but I usually ran out of t hings to say. I didn t get laid. So I m ready now for you to teach me everything you know. Before I teach you everything I know, I want you to go read 30 books. They can be about anything. Then come back to me and tell me which books you read. He came back six months later. He told me about the books he read and the intere sting things he learned from them. He showed me his new e-reader and mentioned h ow reading has become somewhat of an addiction for him. Okay Roosh I did the 100 approaches and read the books. Now can you teach me ever ything you know? I said, I will be more than happy to, but you don t look healthy. Your body is soft . Go read Starting Strength, follow the program to the letter, and come back to me in 3 months. When he came back again, his walk had more bounce and his muscles were bigger. I noticed he also got a new haircut. Okay Roosh I did the 100 approaches, read the books, and can now deadlift 250 pou nds. I feel more confident. But can you just teach me everything you know about picking up women? I said, Sure thing. But first I want you to do all three levels of the Pimsleur l anguage program in Spanish. Then I want you to go to Colombia for two weeks to p ractice the language. Jesus Christ Roosh! How is that going to help me with women? You want me to teach you everything I know about women, right? I said. Are you Roosh? he a

Yes I do, but it will take a long time to learn Spanish and save the money for a trip. I just want to learn how to get laid like you. I mean, I don t even know whe re Colombia is. Just do what I tell you to do, and I will teach you everything I know.

He came back nine months later and greeted me in decent Spanish. He told me a lo t of fun stories about Colombia, including how he had a little fling with Maria, a girl he met while asking for directions in Medellin. When I was in Colombia I heard a lot of guys hyping up Brazil, so I started learning Portuguese. It s not s o hard because the languages are similar. But anyways I still want you to teach me everything you know about women. You got it. But there s just one last thing I want you to do. Go do 100 more approa ches. Then I promise you that when you come back, I will teach you everything th at I know. Three months later he came back to the coffee shop. Behind him was a pretty girl . Hey Roosh this is Rebecca. I met her in the grocery store and we ve been going out for two months. When she stepped out to make a phone call, he said, Roosh you ve bee n very helpful to me. I ve grown a lot in the past couple years and can barely rec ognize myself in the mirror, but I m finally ready for you to teach me everything you know about Suddenly he stopped and stared at me. A smile formed on his face. He gave me a s trong handshake and then left with his girl. I never saw him again. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now ---------------------He Who Hesitates, Masturbates February 13, 2012GameRoosh FacebookTwitter I patiently waited to order a drink behind another customer. I was looking aroun d for talent when I saw a gorgeous brunette slide up to my left, also wanting to order a drink. She gave me eye contact then slowly opened her purse to fetch he r credit card. She had trouble finding it. I wondered if I should approach her o r not. I kept trying to fish for more eye contact to be absolutely sure I wasn t g oing to be rejected. At the same time, I noticed a bearded foreigner leaning against the bar. He was anxiously looking around, especially at me. For a second I thought he was gay. T hankfully he was out of position behind a screen of bodies. The girl stood next to me for another minute or two. I looked at her some more a nd she glanced at me one more time, but I didn t approach because it didn t seem tha t she was definitely interested. A spot at the bar opened up and she stepped for ward, putting her right next to the bearded man. After she got her drink, he tap ped her on the shoulder three times and said something I couldn t hear. One hour l ater I saw him kissing her upstairs on a couch. I was leaning against the bar in a loud Estonian club. It was ladies night and w ith that came a solid 1:1 ratio of females to males. I could sense the favorable ratio with the increased eye contact I was getting from women. I was feeling go od about the night even though the music was intolerably loud. A girl I had been checking out for the past hour finally got up from a table she shared with her girlfriend and walked to the bar. She stopped right next to a g ood-looking man. I cringed when I saw her give him eye contact before rummaging through her purse. I was blocked by a group of people and couldn t access her. My

position was hopeless. I prayed that the guy wouldn t approach because if he did I knew she would give a favorable response. I stared at the man intently, trying to will him not to approach. He looked at h er constantly while she continued to go through her purse. All I needed was for the customers at the bar nearest me to pay for their drinks and move so that my position could improve at his expense. After a couple minutes of them standing side by side, the crowd finally shifted and she walked up to a free spot in the bar, directly next to me. After she got her drink, I tapped her on the shoulder three times and started talking. She was receptive and eventually invited me to join her and her friend. After some time chatting, her friend dropped out and we went upstairs to sit on a couch. We kis sed there. At the end of the night she agreed to come back to my apartment. I wouldn t have been worried if my opponent guy was an average guy, but he was att ractive and nicely dressed. Thankfully for me, he was Estonian, meaning he could only approach a girl while drunk, which at the time he was not. If I was in Ame rica, it would have been automatic that I d be out-played in that scenario, but th anks to this man s fear of approaching, I snatched a girl up that, had I been in m y own country, would have been approached a billion times that night before my o pportunity came. A big part of why foreign guys are successful with local women is not the fact t hat they re foreign, but because they are more confident, more bold, and more inte resting than the local guys who grow up in a less cutthroat environment than Ame rican men. The shit that we have to go through to get laid is so overkill that i f anything we have tone down our game 50% so as not to overload a European girl s brain. Nonetheless, I wouldn t change my country of birth for any other. The tough environment of America has given me a killer instinct that allows me to do well just about anywhere else I go. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now FacebookTwitter -------------When Is It Too Late To Learn Game? January 2, 2012GameRoosh FacebookTwitter I constructed a chart to determine if it s too late for you to learn game:

A lot of guys in their 30s and 40s missed the game boat during their youth. They grew up in a time when feminism was taking hold but before countermeasures had yet to be developed. Should they just curse their timing and forget about ever b ecoming good with women or should they pick up a game book and start reading? The fact that every month of practicing game can yield significant gains tells m e that it s never too late. Even if you re a 50-year-old guy, there are tons of conc epts you can learn in the next year that will help your odds with women. The process is similar to learning a language after your 20s. I won t ever become fluent in Polish, but studying one hour a day for a couple months (at the age of

32) allowed me to connect with more Polish people. I could ask for directions, order what I wanted from a restaurant or coffee shop, and have simple chats with women who didn t speak English. My goal wasn t complete mastery of the language, bu t being able to do more than I could before. You should have the same goal with game. The only thing that older men need to be careful with is which school of game th ey learn. It wouldn t make much sense to duplicate Mystery s club game when their ag es make them better suited for hotel lounges, coffee shops, or artistic venues. They must select the game advice that would fit well with the lifestyle of a mor e mature man. I predict in the next few years you ll see more books dedicated to s erving this age group. Game is just an assembly of tools to increase your value to women. While it does give you specific lines and techniques, it also teaches you to be the best man you can be by hitting the gym, becoming well read, gaining interesting experienc es through travel or hobbies, and having great answers to typical questions that women ask. I don t know of a single man who wouldn t be helped by that. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now -------------------Imagine That This Is The Last Time You ll See Her January 25, 2012GameRoosh FacebookTwitter The biggest way to disappoint yourself while playing the game is to have expecta tions that a woman will satisfy you, treat you with respect, or come through for you in any way, shape, or form. They say you should live each day like it s your last, so when it comes to women, you should enjoy each meeting as if it will als o be the last. A lot of things can happen that prevent another date, most of which has nothing to do with you. This is especially true today when every woman feels like a litt le celebrity thanks to Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. She s content getting valida tion from internet fans and orbiters as much as a man in the flesh. Other times it may be completely about you. Maybe she s losing attraction for you or just not into your style of humor. In either case, besides spitting the best game you can , the result is out of your hands. There s no guarantee the number you got will lead to a date. There s no guarantee th at an amazing first date will lead to a second. There s no guarantee that a girl w ho said you gave her the best dick in the world will want to see you again. Ther e s no guarantee that your girlfriend of six months will not suddenly fall in love with another man. The only guarantee is the law of averages, which tells you to play the field and not bet the farm on one hand. Monogamous relationships with honorable women who want to grow old with you until death do you part is a thing of the past. In my early 20s, it was my nature to romantically fantasize about women I met. R eality helped me temper that habit. Otherwise I d be an emotionally shattered man too scared to ask out another girl for fear that she would flake on me. The trut h is that fantastic pickups and dates only slightly correlate to whether you wil l see a girl again. You can have the best game in the world with buttery lips th at make her melt with ecstasy, but there s no way you can counter a hater comment by her fat friend who did her best in making your girl feel guilty for going out with you. There s no way you can keep her ego at a normal level when 20 guys hit on her the night after you met her. You have absolutely no control over most of

the things that block your chances at getting into her pants. Women have trained men like me to be as cold ual needs. When I m with a girl that I like, s back into mine, I do all that I can to get , because I know there s a good chance I may can disappear off the face of the earth, and as possible in order to meet my sex and I look into her eyes and she look what I want from her at that moment never see her again. Her pretty face it won t make any difference to me.

Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now --------------------How To NEVER Run Out Of Things To Say From: ATTRACT, DATE, SEDUCE, CONNECT DATING TIPS HOW TO GET INNER GAME & CONFIDENCE HOW TO TALK TO WOMEN THE TYPE OF MAN WOMEN WANT WHAT WOMEN WANT FROM MEN February 25, 2014 inShare awkward_silence One of the biggest sticking points guys have is running out of things to say. In fact some guys know so terribly-too-well how awkward this feels that they avo id approaching a woman for fear of it happening. The worst thing that can come of this is creating a set of questions in your hea d to ask her to avoid ever facing the awkward silence because THIS is the fastes t way to turn any woman OFF. But there is a way to never run out of things to say without having to have a pres et list of rehearsed questions that make you sound like a police investigator And it s called Conversation Threading. Conversation consists of simple components woven together to create a more elabo rate and profound idea. It s like all the little tidbits that go into a coffee order at Starbucks: Venti, Skinny, Vanilla Latte, with Soy. All those words separately would leave you scratching your head but spoken to a se asoned coffee barista and you ve got yourself large, delicious, sugar-free, dairyfree, Vanilla latte! When you think of a conversation like this, as having singular threads woven thr oughout, keeping a conversation alive is easy because your mind will never go bl ank you ll always have something interesting to say! And you ll be able to do this once you can learn Conversation Threading. This involves taking a singular piece of her sentence and using it to create you r own sentence.

For example: Woman: I love going away to tropical places. It s so relaxing and far away from eve rything You: I definitely love going to remote tropical islands with nothing but a book. It really helps me unwind and relax too Or You: What do you love most about getting away?

I literally came up with these answers on the spot as I wrote this. And you can too as long as you re taking what she said and expanding on it, either with a personal experience of your own or by asking her to expand on it. Think of each word or phrase as a single thread for you to relate to. For example: I love going away to tropical places. It s so relaxing and far away from everything. Then, find a way to relate to either part of it: I love What do you love about it?; I love it too it s my favourite city to be in dur ing the summer going away Where else have you traveled? How often do you get to go? to tropical places I think Hawaii is lovely there s so much to do there besides rela x; What do you love most about tropical places? It s so relaxing I definitely need to get away to relax; I agree I can really just f eel the a sense of ease in the air as soon as I get off the plane You can do this every time she speaks, and you will find that the conversation w ill have a natural flow and you will never run out of things to say. All you have to do is LISTEN, pick a thread, relate and then wait for her to rep ly. Pick a thread, relate and then wait for her to reply. And so on. If you can master this skill it will increase your confidence when it comes to a pproaching women, because you know how to start and fuel a conversation. And it doesn t matter what she s says or if she s not giving you much to work with becau se if you listen closely enough she s ALWAYS giving you something to work with. Some guys worry about getting short yes s or no s and I say, as long as you re getting S OMETHING, you can still use conversation threading. She says no? Ask her why not? If she says yes?

Ask her how so? Most men today (and the problem most women have with men is that they) don t LISTE N or take into consideration what we re giving you on the spot. I ve been in situations where a guy asks me where I m from, I say Toronto, and he sa ys, Cool so what do you do? The SECOND he comes up with another question, I m checked out and so is every other woman you talk to this way. Find Out How To Keep Her Ultimately Interested in You and Only You The truth is, we want you to ask us questions and be curious about us but only in a way that makes us feel heard and special. Firing off question after question means you didn t hear our response and that you m ost likely had this list of questions for OTHER women you ve come across. And if we can smell something you ve used on OTHER women we immediately SHUT DOWN. Conversation Threading is the easiest way to get us to open up more to you and the fastest way to get us wanting MORE of you. But it s also just the first step in in sparking attraction in a woman because once you re done talking, how can you be sure that she ll wanna see you or talk to you ag ain? Unless you leave her with INTENSE FEELINGS from your conversation she s not gonna re member you from the cashier she ALSO had a nice conversation with that day. Luckily, I devised easy-to-follow cheat sheets that will show you how to increas ingly build attraction through your conversation to make sure you leave every woma n wanting more of you when you re not around That way, she not only remembers you from all the other guys out there but she ll al so want you in a way that no other guy could have her. They re all included in my step-by-step system How To Become a Man Women Want

I know you don t have all the time in the world to remember EVERYTHING you re suppos ed to say and do when it comes to women So I put together these cheat sheet checklists and they are all a part of my top rated program: How To Become A Man Women Want. You can use these when going t hrough the first few phases with women. Trust me, they have been a life safer for soooooo many of my private coaching cl ients. Screen Shot 2014-02-25 at 9.00.59 AMIt Includes: General Checklist Approaching Checklist Arranging The Date Checklist Date Checklist After The Date Checklist Get Access To Your Conversation Cheat Sheets Now To Make Sure You Have MORE than just a great conversation with any woman you come across now

Once you know how to leave a woman with butterflies from just one conversation you l l never have to wonder if you ll see or hear from her again! So get started on discovering how to push all her emotional hot buttons and make s ure to replace your 21 questions with Conversation Threading as soon as you can! wing-girl-728x90-1

inShare MORE ARTICLES ------------------She s Playing You, Homie This weekend I saw the movie He s Just Not That Into You. The movie, which is base d on a book of the same name, simplifies the whole dating process. The entire pr emise of the movie is that either someone is into you, or they re not. And their a ctions speak a whole lot more than their words. While the book was marketed to, and devoured by women out there, the principles behind the book apply just as equally to men. As men, the more we are into a wom an, the more we allow ourselves to rationalize her flaky, rude, or indifferent b ehavior. The book contains about 11 rules to know whether or not a man is into a woman. W hile pretty much all the rules can just as easily be applied to telling whether a woman is into you I am going to focus on the five most common. She s Just Not That Into You If She s Not Calling You If a woman wants to see you she will return your calls. She will answers your te xts quickly. And she will generally make herself available to you. When we re into a girl we try to rationalize her not calling every way we possibly can. We convince ourselves she didn t get the message. We wonder if maybe she los t her phone. Or she s out of town. Or maybe she did call back BUT our phone is bro ken Or worse, we start to over analyze and we convince ourselves that she s game. playing the

I m going to break it down for you very simply. We know the game. We ve read the web sites, ebooks, and listened to the audio programs and when we like a girl, most o f the time we can t help ourselves to call. Yes, the experienced girls might wait a few hours, or even a day to call back but if she hasn t called you back in over a day, she isn t calling. If you call her and she sends you a text back that says whats up she s not into you. She s Not Into You If She Won t Go Out With You DramaIf a woman wants to get to know you better, she will make time to see you. PERIOD. If you ve asked a girl to hang out on several occasions and she always tends to be

busy with work, school, or says something like I ve got a lot going on this week, maybe next week toss her number away she isn t into you. It is very simple. If a woman really has something important to do, or is really busy she will suggest another date immediately. She ll suggest the soonest possib le day she s available. If a girl really likes you she is not going to risk losing you She s Not Into You If She s Not Dating You If you ve been seeing a girl for awhile but she doesn t want thing to get serious beca use she s busy, or not ready for a relationship, or just getting over someone What this really means is that she s doesn t want a relationship with you. If a woman is into you she is going to want to tie you up. She will want to make sure you re hers. She will not be fine with you dating other girls. She will want something exclusive. She won t want you sleeping with anyone else, and she ll lose her desire to sleep with other men. If she s not pushing for exclusivity now she wo n t be pushing for it with you in three months from now. Trust me, the same woman who strings you along saying I m not ready for a relations hip will be practically married to a different guy a few months after you end it. She s Just Not That Into You If She s Not Having Sex With You kiss...A year or so after a my ex girlfriend Beth broke up with me, she started calling again. I was happy because I thought I won her back. The first night we hung out we had sex. But that was the last time we had sex. After that time she kept saying I want to take it slow, or Lets not rush things. er a month of hanging out without sex I got curious as to why she even started c alling me again. I asked a few friends, and quickly found out that she had just caught her current boyfriend cheating. I was her comfort pillow. I was the guy w ho was there to make her feel better about losing the guy she really wanted to b e fucking. Aft

If a girl is into you she ll have sex with you. Lots of sex. If she s avoiding sex (e specially after you ve already had it before) its because she d rather be fucking so meone else. PERIOD. She s Just Not That Into You If She s Breaking Up With You.. This one seems obvious on the surface. But faced with the breakup, how many of u s get the sickness and convince ourselves that we have to do everything possible t o get her back. I know that the two times I ve been on the losing end of a breakup I convinced mys elf it was me, that I had to prove my love, that I did something wrong And I quic kly learned that the more you try to prove your love to them the more you drive t hem away. Sure, with proper training you can get her back but if she was that into you in t he first place she wouldn t have left. There are too many girls out there who will genuinely be interested and into you to waste your time with girls who repeatedly blow you off, hold out on sex, ref use to get serious, or avoid seeing you. And yes, one of your buddies will always have a story about some guy who called a girl twenty times before she agreed to go out with him and now they re married. But remember, those are the exceptions, not the rules. ==> Now, how to tell if she IS into you

------------------------------How I Improved My Flirting Skills in One Evening RF246453You will find interacting with women much more fun and productive if you master the fine art of flirting. I struggled for years with an inability to fli rt. I found that I was either too shy and talked too little, or I would get over ly aggressive and scare a woman off. One night, I discovered a key concept in flirting that had always alluded me. On ce I discovered this simple, but often overlooked concept, my interactions with women not only became more successful, but I began to enjoy them more. In the article below I am going to teach you the subtle and fine art of flirting . The Subtle and Fine Art of Flirting Cute girl in a cityFlirting is a secret language. It really is. But it is a universal language that is quickly interpreted by the other person f or what it is. And that person can either choose to join you in this form of com munication, or they can reject it. The secret . Not only teractions ty to make you. to always having your flirtations embraced is to simply make them fun make them fun, but make them irresistibly fun and satisfying. Most in are mundane, boring, or down right awkward so if you possess the abili an interaction fun, women will line up in droves to communicate with

How I improved my flirting skills in one night There were three key factors I discovered one night that quickly took my game to the next level. Timing Subtleness Facial expressions and glances The basics behind flirting are well taught and documented. The premise you are s hooting for is to be playful with a girl. Almost immature. You re ideally trying t o bring out that playful little girl hidden inside of her. A WAX seduction + 4But it all must be done without bringing any attention to wha t is going on. It is like a graceful, elegant dance. And the smoother you are, t he more involved the girl will become in the dance. I used to fail because my dance was always choppy. I could never lose myself in the rhythm of the flirtation. I thought too much about it. I tried too hard to s ay something witty. I would try to tease a woman but wind up just insulting her. When a woman would get playful with me I would ruin the tension and suspense of the moment by immediately telegraphing my interest. And then one night, I got it. I realized that a subtle glance, at just the right moment, says more than any wo rds possibly could. How it happened I was standing near behind an extremely hot woman waiting to order a drink. She was sipping a mixed drink from a straw. Something made her laugh and she blew in to the glass and the drink poured out.

I wanted to talk to this girl so I desperately searched my mind for something wi tty to say. I drew a blank. So instead of forcing something unfunny or awkward, I waited for the exact momen t she looked up at me and our eyes met, and simply shook my head back and forth and gave her one those looks that says Can t take you anywhere. In that instant I learned the first of the three factors; timing. Every interaction has a beat. And once you learn to get in tune with the beat of an interaction, your social intelligence will appear to sky rocket. The great s tand up comedians have mastered the art of timing. Rent videos of some of the al l time greats and study how these use timing. When the woman at the bar spilled her drink I waited for the right moment. I did n t rush to make a comment, making my interest too apparent. And I didn t wait until later to use it as a joke. I simply waited for the inevitable moment that our e yes met, and subtly shook my head. She smiled. And the dance began. She then turned to her friends and started chatting with them. I squeezed in to order my drink. My mind, still trained to make the same mistakes I ve always made, is now racing to find something witty to follow up with. While the bartender was handing me my drink, one of her friends turned and asked me some question. I then turned into the group of three girls. I said something that made the group laugh. I then caught eyes with the one I was interested in and gave her subtle look that said don t spill it this time. Which is the second factor; subtly. ==> Video: How to ps Close The Deal and Get Her Back To Your Bedroom in 3 Simple Ste deal and say something like don t spill it. unsaid, sub communication is always much letting things go unsaid, you re almost cr of you share. You re also showing her that

It would have been easier to make a big And that would have even been fine. But more powerful then the spoken word. By eating an inside joke that only the two you re in tune with her wave length.

The girl was a little tipsy. Not stupid drunk, but buzzed enough to know she was a little drunk. Later in the conversation she starts telling me a story about s omething that had happened to her the night before. She is excited about the sto ry and talking quite fast. She trips over a word or two. I then give her a look similar to the Rock s eyebrow raise. Not a blatant eye brow raise, but a look that says you lost me sweety. She then slapped my chest and said And its on. The last factor is facial expression and glances. These are absolutely crucial i n sub communication. The right facial expression or glance at the right moment s ays a thousand times more than anything you could fill the dead air with. Once again, watch the best standup comedians. They know how to use their facial expressions to generate laughs. stop it

The object of these three factors is to tease her, get playful, and flirt, all w ith sub communication. And then continue to build the tension. The longer you can build the tension, th e more powerful the connection the both of you will feel. You will find that once you master these three factors, and it can be done in on e night, you will begin to understand the fine rhythm of flirting. ==> Video: How to eps ------------You are here: Home Dating Pick Up Skills How to Hook up with a Girl who is a e About the Author author photo I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my m ind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating article s/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out. See All Posts by Bobby Rio How to Score a Tease Do you want a piece of this? If you ve ever met a tease then you know exactly how frustrating they can be. Teas Close The Deal and Get Her Back To Your Bedroom in 3 Simple St

These are the sort of girls that will drive you crazy trying to figure out the m ixed signals they are sending. Even if you ve never encountered one personally, c hances are you know a friend who has gotten a bad case of oneitis over a girl he j ust could never seem to crack. These girls get their validation from the attention they get from men. They lov e being adored by men and will do just about EVERYTHING they can to have all the men around them pining over them And this includes FLIRTING HARD with you. Back in the day I was a sucker for a tease.

Even though I saw her flirting excessively with other men around me, I ALWAYS ma de the mistake of believing that I was the one. HA! Anyone who has dealt with a flirt knows that they seldom settle for any of the guy s they are seeking their validation from. No. These men are just FANS. And a tease will rarely hook up with one of her fans. (just like a celebrity never hooks up with a fan) This does not mean a tease does not hook up. That was always the most frustrating aspect of chasing a tease. Just when you would write her off as a virginal prude t of the blue some guy would come along, scoop her up, and have his way with her i ou

n every conceivable way. It would always boggle my mind. I used to just assume that she must be ned to be her type. really picky. And that this guy just happe

For awhile I just stayed away from these girls completely. I HATED knowing that I was simply there to boost her ego while she waited around for her perfect man t o show up. But as I got better with women and began to understand the nature of attraction, I once again became fascinated with these teases. My reason was twofold 1. I love a challenge. And these girls presented a new obstacle for me to over come in my quest to really master the art of attraction. 2. These women always seemed to be the most desirable They were usually HOT and often had the fun type of personality I enjoy in a woman. So I began my quest to figure out how to handle these women in a way that wound up with me being the man and not just a fan. The first thing I began doing was watching the way her other fans were interacting with her. Since these men seldom scored with her I knew I would have to do the opposite. (READ MORE)

You are here: Home Dating Pick Up Skills How to Hook up with a Girl who is a e About the Author author photo I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my m ind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating article s/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out. See All Posts by Bobby Rio How a fan acts toward these women:


Fights with other men for her attention Constantly acknowledges her flirting and quickly reciprocates Gives his power away to her immediately Actively tries to impress her by saying cool things If he senses he offended her he apologizes profusely The more physical she gets the more nervous and awkward he becomes He makes up his mind immediately that she is the one I knew enough about game at this point to know that you would NEVER score a tease ing any of these things. In fact, the first thing you must do is recognize if she currently sees you as th e man or just another fan. As Justin discusses in his article Are you the man or just a fan there are a couple of tips for judging how a woman currently views you : Is she at least a little bit nervous around you? Does she seem to fix herself u p? Does she tug on the bottom of her shirt covering her stomach area? Or brush


her hair back? If a woman is sexually interested in you she will show signs of n ervousness. Is she asking you questions about you? If a woman is really interested in you s he will often pry for information like do you have a girlfriend? What are your i nterests? Who are your friends? Women want to know these things about guys the y are contemplating sleeping with. um sir, my eyes are up HEREThese two tips are genuinely more predictive than the common indicators of interest because a tease will often send out IOIs to all of the men around her. No matter how she currently sees you it is EXTREMELY important that you proceed d ifferently with a tease than with a normal girl giving you IOIs. As I began to separate myself from the other fans I found that I could quickly hol d her attention a little longer. But I could still not seem to keep a tease inter ested enough to take the physicality to a more intimate level. Just when I thought I had her I would get the cheek when I went for the kiss. Or worse, she would start giving me really blatant indicators of disinterest like openly talking about other men she was interested in or telling me she has a frie nd she wanted to set me up with. I was going crazy. The Cat and the String It wasn t until I really started implementing the cat and the string theory. If you re unfamiliar with Mystery s cat and the string theory here is a brief summary

If you tie a feather to the end of a string, and use it properly, you can get a c at to perform acrobatics. But as soon as you put the feather down in front of th e cat, she will turn up her nose and walk away bored. Cats are always curious, especially about shiny new things such as the ball on a string, the catnip, the treats, the feather on a string etc. She can be easily distracted, but once she is invested in trying to catch something, it can become her single minded focus. A cat sees the feather from across the room, but continues about her business. T hen the feather slightly moves and her gaze is drawn. When the feather jumps jus t once or twice more, she starts to steadily creep in its direction. Jerk the st ring at just the right time, and the cat suddenly goes crazy, running circles ar ound the room, flying over furniture, doing everything to catch the feather. ==> Video reveals THE SECRET to making cat and the string theory work (and gets her obsessed) They secret to scoring with a tease was to tease her to the point where you become r single minded focus until she becomes overwhelmed with the feeling of having to have you. You must balance validation and attention so it is just out of her reach but not completely unattainable as she will lose interest and give up. (READ MORE) -------------------7 Emotional Mistakes Men Make Picking Up WomenSubscribe You are here: Home Dating 7 Emotional Mistakes Men Make Picking Up Women About the Author he

author photo I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my m ind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating article s/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out. See All Posts by Bobby Rio OsmosisLately I ve become intrigued by the idea of emotional intelligence. It is be ginning to appear to me that emotional intelligence ranks right up there with soc ial intelligence for succeeding in all aspects of life particularly in your quest to date beautiful women. Awhile back, I wrote an article titled Can You Control Your Emotions like Arod? wh ere I discussed the idea of managing your emotions in order to build the necessa ry momentum to succeed with women. In this article I want to talk about some of the most common emotional mistakes men make while picking up women. 7 Emotional Mistakes Men Make Picking Up Women These are some of the more common mistakes. The first step is to recognize when you are making the mistake- and simply ask yourself am I displaying emotional in telligence. 1. Liking a girl too soon We ve all done it. We will notice a really cute girl across the bar, and based so lely on her looks and gestures, make the decision that she is the one. Without ever even speaking a word to her, we ve already grown an emotional attachm ent to her. Because of this, approaching her becomes 100x more difficult. We n ow feel it necessary to come up with the perfect opener or have something brilli antly clever to talk about This is a huge mistake. Never start liking a woman until you ve engaged in sation with her and feel some sense of connection. Falling for a woman based lely on her looks is extremely beta and puts you immediately in the role of . She can smell this instantly and your chances of success from that point e slim to none. 2. Sticking to a dead end opener I remember after watching the episode of Keys to the Vip starring Cajun, I becam e obsessed with using the Do I look like a drug dealer opener. The thing was I never had any success with the opener. It would usually fall fla t and very rarely lead to an engaging conversation. But I kept using it because I thought it sounded cool. When it comes to success, what you ll often find is what you personally like, is v ery seldom what works. Just because you think an opener or joke is extremely cl ever doesn t mean the woman will. It is best to test out different lines, and stic k with the one that gets the best results. 3. Going out with that feeling of hunger a conver so pursuer on- ar

We all go through droughts. Droughts are those seemingly endless periods where things just aren t happening. During these streaks nothing seems to go right. And very often our hunger out of the drought is often the reason we continue to fail. to break

The best thing to do during a cold streak is simply take a week or two off from going out. Sure it will seem like the counterproductive thing to do, but trust me; you will feel mentally and emotionally rejuvenated by getting away from the g ame for awhile. Women can smell the hunger. And all but the most desperate of women will avoid a man who is noticeable hungry. (READ MORE) 4. Becoming addicted to the approval you re getting I see this happen all of the time with guys. They approach a group of women and they instantly create rapport with the women. They are usually talking about safe on that the women see as harmless. topics and generally engaging in a PG conversati

The women will seem to genuinely like the company of the men. The men become ad dicted to this approval and don t want to risk offending the women by escalating o r introducing anything sexual into the conversation. For some reason as men, we tend to think that women will be offended if we displ ay our true intentions when in fact, they respect you a lot more. Women know exact ly what you want and you re not going to get anywhere if you talk about puppy dogs a nd ice cream all night. 5. Reverting to your comfort zone conversation

We all have our comfort zones in life. These are emotionally safe areas for us. But the problem with comfort zones is that you can t grow if you re stuck in your co mfort zone. This tends to happen to men a lot when they are out hitting on women. They may s tart the conversation with a good opener, maybe bust out some cocky/funny lines b ut soon enough they revert back to interview mode. They do this because interview mode is comfortable for them. It is like comfort f ood. It is safe and makes us feel good because we ve been there before. The prob lem is just like comfort food, comfortable conversation topics seldom spark attra ction. 6. Becoming emotionally attached to the outcome

I wrote an entire post titled Let your winners ride which spoke all about how we t end to end the good interactions too soon, and stick around too long in a dead e nd interaction. This happens because we become emotionally attached to the outcome. When an int eraction is going good we start feeling positive emotions and we don t want to lose them. So we will often eject too early from a good set just to keep that positiv e feeling. And often when a set is going bad we begin to feel negative emotions. And we make the mistake of wanting to rid ourselves of the negative emotions so badly that we stick in the set hoping we can change the tide. The trick is to completely take your emotions out of a pickup. Don t let yourself feel too good or too bad based on how an interaction is going. Just simply int eract. If you re having fun, stick around. If you re growing bored, leave.

It s as simple as that. 7. Thinking this girl is different

Here is one of the biggest mistakes men make when learning game. They learn all the right techniques, strategies, mindsets, and behaviors but then they don t use them. The main reason we don t use them infield is because we start thinking this girl is different. Our emotions convince us that game won t work on her. And we start think ing I just need to be myself. Here is the thing very few girls are different. 99% of women respond to the same attraction triggers. It doesn t matter if they are white, black, Asian, Spanish, nineteen or fifty Attraction isn t a choice and all women will respond the same way. Next time you find yourself thinking I can t be cocky/funny with her self is she a woman? If the answer is yes proceed as planned. ------------------Turn Your Nervousness Around Women into Sexual ElectricitySubscribe You are here: Home Dating Sex Tips Turn Your Nervousness Around Women into Sexua l Electricity About the Author author photo I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my m ind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating article s/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out. See All Posts by Bobby Rio Throughout high school and into my first semester of college I was absolutely pa ralyzed by my fear of talking to beautiful women. The minute I sensed an interaction coming, I would tense up, my mouth would dry, my voice would crack, and I would feel my body visibly shaking. I began to fear this reaction so much that I completely avoided talking with any women. Heck, even merely thinking about approaching a woman brought about this paralyzing reaction. As I became determined to get better with women I thought the solution was to co mpletely eliminate this nervousness and fear. I tried various forms of affirmat ions, nlp, self hypnosis, and visualizations. But none of this seemed to work. In fact, the only thing that ever provided me the courage to chat up a woman wa s drinking lots of drinking. Unfortunately, while drinking gave me the courage to approach, by the time that courage arrived, I had lost most of my ability to hold a conversation without ma king a complete jackass out of myself. I knew there had to be a better way The Energy of an Audience Around the same time I was battling this approach anxiety with women, I was quic kly conquering a lifelong stage fright I had about performing in front of large gr oups of people. I was in a fraternity at college, and we routinely performed a homecoming skit i simply ask your

n front of an audience containing several thousand people every year. Our skit had a long reputation as being the show stealer and we always had a pressure to pe rform. (Until Montclair State banned us from campus for one our skits) I came to realize something after performing a major role in two of the skits. The realization was that on game day, in front of the I Made Friendsthousands of people, with all the pressure on we actually performed at a much higher level. Yes, the actual performance ALWAYS came off many times better than our rehearsal s that we did in private. This is not a phenomenon isolated to us in fact; musicians, actors, public speake rs, and athletes often talk about Game Day Performance always out performing their practice sessions. These same musicians, actors, public speakers, and athletes routinely talk about how the pressure elevates them to a higher level, and how the fear turns into a n adrenaline rush that ignites an almost zen like state. And how they feed off the energy of the crowd. During my times performing in front of thousands of people at MSU I came to unde rstand what they meant by that. Feeding off the energy of a woman It was also during the same period that I came to realize something else in rega rds to nervousness with women: If you completely lose your nervousness around a woman, you also lose the sexual tension, the excitement, the desire to perform, and a bit of your mojo. Yes, after clawing and fighting my way into several relationships during college , I quickly learned that once that nervousness around a woman fades, so does my excitement to interact with her. And not only does my excitement diminish but so does my performance. When there is no pressure, no fear, and no nervousness I find that I am much less often on. My jokes aren t as funny. I am much less charismatic. And the sexual te nsion is completely zapped from the room. You here the same story from the athletes, musicians, and public speakers. Many of them will declare how once they become too comfortable their performance dimi nishes. It loses the spark that harbored all the passion and energy.] Learn to Love the Nervousness TroyThe key to overcoming your nervousness around women is NOT to completely eli minate it. No, complete elimination of your fear would probably kill your mojo and prevent you from performing at a peak level Instead, you want to turn that n ervousness into sexual electricity. Earlier in this article I talked about the symptoms of nervousness around women. These symptoms include; dry mouth, tenseness, fidgetiness, shaking, and cracki ng of the voice. These symptoms don t come from the nervousness itself. These sy mptoms come from the surprise the nervousness causes your body. When you jump into a new state, and fear arises unexpectedly, your body responds with these symptoms. It is a gut level reaction. And in order to overcome thi s anxiety, you must learn how to change the symptoms of the nervousness. And not the nervousness itself. How to turn fear into sexual electricity

Every time my fraternity stepped in front of the crowd of thousands to perform o ur homecoming skit we were all full of fear and nervousness. But we were ready for it And because we were ready for it we were able to transmute that fear into energy . Here is how we did it. The day of the parade we would thrive on the adrenaline that was pumping through our veins. We became social animals. We would Mime in a Boxmarch through camp us sucking up the adulation and energy of the many people asking us if we were r eady to perform. The more people that we talked to, the more pressure that mounted, the further a nd further we went into our zen like state. That nervous energy became energy to exceed all expectations. It became energy to top last year s performance. And it became so intense that we were operating a t a completely different plane of existence. This is what you must learn to do with women. First, feel and acknowledge the nervousness and fear. Now it is no longer a surprise making it much less likely that the really damagin g symptoms will occur. Next, embrace the fear and nervousness. This fear should make you swell up with adrenaline that you are alive and filled with the capability to live outside yo ur comfort zone- and the excitement of knowing that you are about to experience something new. Remember, you no longer feel this fear and nervousness around women you re no long er attracted to and trust me, when it s gone, you ll do anything to get it back. Now, ignite the energy by elevating yourself to the next level socially. Get ou tside your head, and begin sucking in the energy of everyone around you. As you suck in their energy make it a point to give back just as much energy as you ta ke It is at this point that the sexual electricity should begin flowing through you r veins. Finally, engage in conversations with women that most excite you. And begin to share that sexual electricity with them. You ll find that not all women will be receptive you this electricity eightened state you just need to find the few that are. And sparks will fly. ------------------How to Keep Your Power Edge With WomenSubscribe You are here: Home Dating Attraction How to Keep Your Power Edge With Women About the Author author photo I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my m but in your h

ind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating article s/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out. See All Posts by Bobby Rio Night Train I m hungry. Come over to my house. And we ll head over to The Barnyard fo r a burger and some beers. Wear something cute and summery. Most guys would not have the balls to say something like that to a woman with wh om they are setting up a first or second encounter. They are afraid they might offend the woman. Or seem too dominant. Or they ll th ink, Maybe she doesn t like burgers. Here is how most guys would handle this conversation: Hey, what are you doing? Oh. Are you hungry? What do you feel like eating? Do you like burgers? I was thinking burgers and beer at The Barnyard. Is that ok ay? Cool. What time should I pick you up? The very second after that conversations ends, the man has just handed over a la rge portion of his power to the woman. On a silver platter. And he will most l ikely never get it back. Many guys on the surface say that they understand that women like a man who take s charge, is confident, and leads. Yet, when it comes down to it nner. they are just too scared to actually act in this ma

Do you find that you are continually giving your power away to beautiful women? Even sometimes to not so beautiful women? ==> Video reveals weird mind game that forces a girl to chase you Here is what you need to understand. Many men look around a bar or club and see the majority of women with men fawnin g over them. In many cases, even fat and ugly women seem to have their pick of men. And we begin to believe that women hold all the power. But this isn t the case. The real power is held by the small fraction of men at the very top- who actuall y give women what they want. These men understand that by holding onto their natural born power- women will a lways play the role of the pursuer. Women are looking to take that power. But once you give it to them you suddenly go from pursued to the pursuer and the woman now holds the power. You ll notice this when you display the slightest bit of power to a woman. She ll i mmediately test you to see if she can take it. Usually she will get really touc hy or flirty just to see how eager you become. If you can stand your ground, and maintain control of the frame, then this is the point where a woman usually rea lizes that she is dealing with a man. And not an eager little boy. Common ways men give power away Most men give their power away within seconds simply through the act of showing hesitation before the approach.

If you are stuck in your own head, going back and forth trying to gather up enou gh courage to talk to a woman you ve just given her power. If you call a woman to set up a date, but then wait for her to give you the efore taking the lead and setting it up you ve just given her power. If you re with a woman and sense that it s an appropriate moment to kiss her ou ve just given her power. okay b but don t y

If you re driving her around, paying for everything, always calling, and putting u p with her flaky behavior you ve just given her power. And once you give away power it is VERY hard to get it back.

How to keep your power with women The best and most effective way to keep your power with women is to set the prec edent early of how you expect her to 2008 Grand National Roadster Showact. And if she doesn t meet your expectations be willing to walk away. The easiest way to do this is to know exactly what you want. You need to be on a mission for specific results. You need have a clearly defin e vision of what you want. You need a purpose that is beyond some cute 7 you ar e chatting with in a bar. When you are out, define for yourself how your night is going to go. Decide who you feel like talking to, and talk to them. Take control of the conversation immediately. Hold onto the more dominant frame throughout the interaction. You are the judge. You are talking to her to see if she fits into the reality you ve defined for your self. Maintain the control. When you feel the conversation has run its course. End it. Tell her you ve got t o go. Tell her you ll call her later. When you call, tell her what you want to d o. Tell her to come over. Tell her to wear something cute. And if she doesn t. Be willing to walk away. ------------------------The Subtle and Fine Art of Flirting UncoveredSubscribe You are here: Home Dating Flirting/Kino The Subtle and Fine Art of Flirting Unco vered About the Author author photo I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my m ind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating article s/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out. See All Posts by Bobby Rio

How I Improved My Flirting Skills in One Evening RF246453You will find interacting with women much more fun and productive if you master the fine art of flirting. I struggled for years with an inability to fli rt. I found that I was either too shy and talked too little, or I would get over ly aggressive and scare a woman off. One night, I discovered a key concept in flirting that had always alluded me. On ce I discovered this simple, but often overlooked concept, my interactions with women not only became more successful, but I began to enjoy them more. In the article below I am going to teach you the subtle and fine art of flirting . The Subtle and Fine Art of Flirting Cute girl in a cityFlirting is a secret language. It really is. But it is a universal language that is quickly interpreted by the other person f or what it is. And that person can either choose to join you in this form of com munication, or they can reject it. The secret . Not only teractions ty to make you. to always having your flirtations embraced is to simply make them fun make them fun, but make them irresistibly fun and satisfying. Most in are mundane, boring, or down right awkward so if you possess the abili an interaction fun, women will line up in droves to communicate with

How I improved my flirting skills in one night There were three key factors I discovered one night that quickly took my game to the next level. Timing Subtleness Facial expressions and glances The basics behind flirting are well taught and documented. The premise you are s hooting for is to be playful with a girl. Almost immature. You re ideally trying t o bring out that playful little girl hidden inside of her. A WAX seduction + 4But it all must be done without bringing any attention to wha t is going on. It is like a graceful, elegant dance. And the smoother you are, t he more involved the girl will become in the dance. I used to fail because my dance was always choppy. I could never lose myself in the rhythm of the flirtation. I thought too much about it. I tried too hard to s ay something witty. I would try to tease a woman but wind up just insulting her. When a woman would get playful with me I would ruin the tension and suspense of the moment by immediately telegraphing my interest. And then one night, I got it. I realized that a subtle glance, at just the right moment, says more than any wo rds possibly could. How it happened I was standing near behind an extremely hot woman waiting to order a drink. She was sipping a mixed drink from a straw. Something made her laugh and she blew in to the glass and the drink poured out. I wanted to talk to this girl so I desperately searched my mind for something wi

tty to say. I drew a blank. So instead of forcing something unfunny or awkward, I waited for the exact momen t she looked up at me and our eyes met, and simply shook my head back and forth and gave her one those looks that says Can t take you anywhere. In that instant I learned the first of the three factors; timing. Every interaction has a beat. And once you learn to get in tune with the beat of an interaction, your social intelligence will appear to sky rocket. The great s tand up comedians have mastered the art of timing. Rent videos of some of the al l time greats and study how these use timing. When the woman at the bar spilled her drink I waited for the right moment. I did n t rush to make a comment, making my interest too apparent. And I didn t wait until later to use it as a joke. I simply waited for the inevitable moment that our e yes met, and subtly shook my head. She smiled. And the dance began. She then turned to her friends and started chatting with them. I squeezed in to order my drink. My mind, still trained to make the same mistakes I ve always made, is now racing to find something witty to follow up with. While the bartender was handing me my drink, one of her friends turned and asked me some question. I then turned into the group of three girls. I said something that made the group laugh. I then caught eyes with the one I was interested in and gave her subtle look that said don t spill it this time. Which is the second factor; subtly. ==> Video: How to ps Close The Deal and Get Her Back To Your Bedroom in 3 Simple Ste deal and say something like don t spill it. unsaid, sub communication is always much letting things go unsaid, you re almost cr of you share. You re also showing her that

It would have been easier to make a big And that would have even been fine. But more powerful then the spoken word. By eating an inside joke that only the two you re in tune with her wave length.

The girl was a little tipsy. Not stupid drunk, but buzzed enough to know she was a little drunk. Later in the conversation she starts telling me a story about s omething that had happened to her the night before. She is excited about the sto ry and talking quite fast. She trips over a word or two. I then give her a look similar to the Rock s eyebrow raise. Not a blatant eye brow raise, but a look that says you lost me sweety. She then slapped my chest and said And its on. The last factor is facial expression and glances. These are absolutely crucial i n sub communication. The right facial expression or glance at the right moment s ays a thousand times more than anything you could fill the dead air with. Once again, watch the best standup comedians. They know how to use their facial expressions to generate laughs. The object of these three factors is to tease her, get playful, and flirt, all w stop it

ith sub communication. And then continue to build the tension. The longer you can build the tension, th e more powerful the connection the both of you will feel. You will find that once you master these three factors, and it can be done in on e night, you will begin to understand the fine rhythm of flirting. ==> Video: How to eps Close The Deal and Get Her Back To Your Bedroom in 3 Simple St

---------------------------9 Skills for Better Conversations With Women (1-3) Let s face it; talking to a beautiful woman does not come easily to too many of us . In fact, so much of our energy and anxiety is deplored just gathering up the courage to approach her, that by the time the conversation begins we re burnt out and can t think of a damn thing to say. Holding a fun and flirtatious conversation with a woman does not need to be diff icult. But I can tell you right now, that if you start talking to a woman, and quickly find yourself asking her a lot of questions about her job, school, if sh e has pets, or any other type of questions that even vaguely resemble stuff that would be on a job application- you re dead in the water. So I ve put together a list of nine ways to make sure that you re having conversatio ns filled with fun and banter- and ultimately escalate you toward your goal of s leeping with her. 1. Avoid asking too many questions instead make statements

After breaking the ice with a woman, most guys will immediately start bombarding her with questions. These questions usually tend to be boring get to know you qu estions you know, the same sort of questions your aunt will ask you at a family p arty. Asking too many questions not only bores her, but it will also prevent her from actually engaging in the conversation. What usually happens is men will jump fr om question to question, without ever having the sense to expand upon a topic yo u can tell she loves to talk about. Try this instead: Any time you are talking to a woman and you ask her a question follow up her answ er with a statement rather than simply moving on to the next question. This not only shows that you are listening to her, but also shows that you can connect a t a different level. And will usually open up the conversation to move toward m ore fun or intimate topics. You: So do you have any pets? Her: Yea, I actually have three of the cutest cats in the world. You: Mmm . So you are one of those women with cats, huh? (sly smile) Her: Stop it.. haha no I m not one of those crazy cat women I just love my cats.

You: They say people who like cats tend to me more independent than dog lovers . As you can see, just by following up the question with a statement, you are able

to expand on the topic and bring a little fun and banter to the conversation. 2. Qualify her Once a man senses any sort of rapport with a woman, he immediately becomes scare d shitless of breaking that rapport or saying anything that will damage his chan ces of moving forward. So he stays on safe topics. Unfortunately, this tends to w ork counter-productive and usually winds up boring a woman that was previously in terested. Try this instead: Once you sense that you ve sparked a woman s interest a little bit begin qualifying her with questions or statements that place you in the role of the selector. This means you will make a statement that may disqualify her as potential lover Let s use the cat example from above to demonstrate: You: So do you have any pets? Her: Yea, I have three of the cutest cats in the world. You: mmmm We would never get along. I m a dog person, and what I ve heard is that d og and cat owners tend to have a really intense sexual connection but disagree on every other possible point. As you can see, you took a safe topic like pets and were able to bring an element of sexuality to the conversation. Not only that, but by making the statement we would never get along you re now placing the burden of approval seeking on her. ------You are here: Home Dating Flirting/Kino 9 Ways To Have Better Conversations With Women About the Author author photo I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my m ind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating article s/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out. See All Posts by Bobby Rio 3. Use Cold Reads As men, we love to talk about facts, events, and amusing surface level stories. While all of these should make up a great deal of your conversations they tend t o limit you from certain areas that really seem to ignite passion in a woman. Women get their fix from talking about the mystical, or the deeper level. Women l ove to delve into the emotional meaning behind the facts, events, or surface lev el stories. If you never hint to a woman that you are capable of communicating on this diffe rent wave length you re missing out on a great opportunity to separate yourself fro m other men. Try this instead: Next time you re talking to woman, try using a cold reading that will allow you to

go beneath the surface level, and get her to open up to some of her feelings. A cold read is simply stating something you ve noticed about her, and then making a deeper observation about it. Here is an example that you could use fairly soon into a conversation when she s ays something about a previous date or guy she knew. You: I can tell just by the way that you are talking there that you are the kin d of girl who goes on a lot of dates but has trouble finding someone you re actual ly interested in. Then when you find that person, you usually lose interest very quickly. Her: Yea that s so true. You: I bet you really love adventure sometimes it scares you, but deep down you crave something exciting. And what is probably happening is every time you re mee ting these guys you sense within that they are not going to satisfy that adventur e you crave. This particular example allowed you do delve into the mystical and emotional and also allowed you to disqualify the other guys, and at the same time, present you rself as something new, exciting, and different, who just might be the cure for her ailment. These are the first of three of the nine ways to drastically improve your conver sations with women. Part two and three of this series will be released througho ut this week. continue on reading to part 2 >>>>For more on creating fun, playful small talk with women, download the free l Talk Tactics report. It explains exactly how to make small talk sexy.<<<< ---------------9 Skills for Better Conversations with Women (4-6) The ability to carry an interesting conversation that escalates toward the end r esult you re looking for is a skill that most men have to actively learn. This is the second part of a three part series on crafting conversations that bu ild attraction in women. In the previous lesson, we talked about using how you should use statements rather that continually ask questions, we talked about the use of cold reading, and how it is important to qualify a woman as a way to amp lify the interest she is showing you. Today I am presenting three more tools for making your conversations with women more enjoyable. 4. Talk about things that you are passionate about Since most men stick to interview mode topics like work and school they seldom have a chance to demonstrate their passionate and excited side to a woman. Instead they talk about topics that bore them and in turn, bore the woman. Try this instead: When you ask a woman what she looks for in a man, pretty much all women will use the word passionate. While most of the time, I take what women say they want wi th a grain of salt in this case, I found this to be completely true. Smal

The fact is, as Mystery has said in the past, enthusiasm breeds enthusiasm. When you talk to a woman, stress the things you are passionate and enthusiastic about . Having passion towards something can take a relatively mundane subject like cook ing and elevate it to an engrossing conversation. If you love to travel, let her get a sense of what exactly excites you about see ing the world. If you re into building your business let her see the leader in you , let your entrepreneurial spirit shine bright if you love music, or art, or movi es, don t hide it. This doesn t mean brag about your knowledge of these subjects about them really drives you. it means explain what

Women like men with drive, men who know what they want and go after it let women see that side of you. 5. Tease her When most men approach a beautiful woman, they put her on a pedestal and because of this they tend to treat her like she is royalty. Most men become deathly afr aid of offending her. They become so worried about looking cool or coming up wi th the perfect thing to say, that the conversation quickly fizzles out. As I previously discussed in how to make women laugh, women want a guy that is f un to be around. The truth is we are all still children at heart. Although mos t of us love a good intellectual conversation from time to time when we are out a t a bar or on a date, we just want to relax, laugh a little bit, and have a good time forgetting about the worries and stress in our life. And the best way to do that is to keep the conversation playful and fun. --------------------Proven Ways to Naturally Boost Testosterone There seems to be a huge fascination with guys taking steroids lately. Obviously the major reason being that the increase in testosterone most anabolic steroids produce causes extraordinary gains in muscle mass. In addition to the gains in muscle mass many guys become addicted to the adrenaline rush of having excess te stosterone flowing through their veins. testosteroneTo put it bluntly; Taking steroids is a coward s way out that leads no where fast. I ve seen many of my friends succumb to the lure of steroids. While th ey would tell themselves it was going to be only one time soon they became relian t on them and were doing cycle after cycle. Not only are steroids an expensive habit, the side effects can be brutal in the short term and deadly in the long term. This is not to say that your body couldn t benefit from extra testosterone. Testos terone is the most important muscle building hormone in your body, and even a sl ight increase in its level will provide many amazing benefits. Benefits of increased testosterone Increase in strength and muscle size Body fat decrease Increased sex drive and endurance

More energized and motivated Decrease in bad cholesterol Makes you more attractive to women Increasing testosterone can be a huge benefit to you. Instead of cheating and do ing it the artificial way that will drain your wallet and health; I m going to giv e you tips to naturally increase your testosterone. Here s the biology behind testosterone: First, the brain releases a substance called Luteinizing Hormone, or LH for short. LH basically tells the body to start producing testosterone. Once this occurs, th e adrenal glands release DHEA into the bloodstream. LH and DHEA then travel toge ther to the testes where testosterone production begins. Testosterone can now be released into the bloodstream to perform its magic. ==> Video reveals more natural secrets for increasing testosterone and sex drive

1. Fill your work out with compound exercises. Exercises that put your muscles u nder the most amount of stress will force your body to produce more testosterone . These exercises include squats, dead lifts, bench presses, dips, lunges, and m ilitary presses. 2. Push yourself 110% at the gym. True gains in muscle and testosterone come whe n you push yourself to the limit at the gym. 3. Increase consumption of Essential Fatty Acids. The EFAs found in peanuts, avo cadoes, fish, olives, flaxseed, and canola are a proven natural way to boost tes tosterone. 4. Reduce Estrogen levels. Reducing the levels of estrogen (the main female horm one) will greatly increase your testosterone. You can reduce estrogen by eating more cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, radishes, and t urnips. You can also reduce estrogen by limiting the amount of soy protein you t ake in. Soy has been known to raise estrogen levels which decreases testosterone levels. 5. Limit Cortisol production. Cortisol is a catabolic hormone that will cause te stosterone to plummet. Cortisol is produced during times of high stress or anxie ty. It is also produced during times of lack of sleep. 6. Eliminate Binge Drinking. Excessive alcohol consumption can drastically reduc e testosterone levels. It is best to keep your drinking to a minimum and try not to exceed more than three drinks in a night. 7. Have more sex. Sexual stimulation causes the body to increase the production of oxytocin which increases endorphin production (the feel-good chemical), and thi s also raises testosterone. If you follow these 7 steps you can avoid having to resort to sticking needles i n your ass a couple days a week. These 7 steps will provide that natural boost in testosterone that will leave yo u feeling more healthy, vibrant, sexual, and attractive. -------------Awesome Men Throughout History: Richard FeynmanSubscribe You are here: Home Alpha Living Awesome Men Throughout History: Richard Feynman About the Author author photo Dave Kiefaber is a Baltimore-based writer who regularly contributes to Adfreak a

nd the Gettysburg Times. His personal website is at See All Posts by Dave Kiefaber I don t know about you guys, but I need something lighthearted after the Super Bow l. Yeesh. It was like watching the The Godfather if Denver was Sonny Corleone an d Seattle was all those guys hiding near the tollbooth.

Luckily, this week s Awesome Man Throughout History is a real doozy: Richard Feynm an. Equal parts physicist, educator, and possibly-autistic goofball, Richard was tailor-made for columns like this. He was the Neil Degrasse-Tyson of our parent s generation. Richard s contributions to science cannot be understated. For one thing, he was pa rt of the Manhattan Project. Although his work was more theoretical and less dir ectly involved with birthing the atom bomb, Richard worked on the Water Boiler, a small nuclear reactor at Los Alamos, and helped with safety procedures at the Oa k Ridge facility after that. Later, Richard would revolutionize quantum electrodynamics the theory of the inter action between light and matter and land himself a Nobel Prize in 1965 for his eff orts. He was especially skilled at diagramming, and his pictorial representation s of particle interactions (named Feynman diagrams, after him) are still prevale nt in theoretical physics today. feyman2I don t really have the scientific education to go into any more detail abo ut his career, which is a shame, but I can definitely expound on what made him s uch a cool, weird guy. Richard was a fan of strip clubs, and would use one as a remote office when he taught at Caltech. For real. He would sketch diagrams and write physics equations while girls half his age were trying to shake their cans in his face. It gets better, though. When the county tried to shut the club down, Richard was the only patron to testify in favor of keeping it around, since he was the only one who didn t care if anyone knew he went there. Richard told a courtroom that t he strip club was a public need, due to all the craftsmen, technicians, and engi neers who went there. Can you imagine being a stripper in that place and trying n scribbling on placemats for an hour to buy a lap dance? tory would have been totally sleazy if it had been anyone man was so good-natured that it ended up just being funny to get the guy who s bee The mind reels. That s else, but Richard Feyn and endearing.

I ll leave you with a snippet of one of Richard s lectures, in which he explains the scientific method. ---------------The Morality Of Game December 19, 2011GameRoosh FacebookTwitter When in America, I never feel that pumping and dumping city girls is morally wro ng, mostly since I know they love fucking, partying, drinking, and playing the g ame. They feel proud to be successfully emulating their horse-faced television r ole models, and are as likely to pump and dump me as the other way around. Even with girls I dated for a month or two, I never got the impression that I was emo

tionally hurting or scarring them when I walked bout wanting a serious relationship to get into ith a girl, I knew it wouldn t take more than a to get boned by a new man who was comparable to

away (it s not like I had to lie a their pants). After I was done w couple weeks of going out for her myself.

I ll be the first to admit that many of my bangs back in the States were hate fuck s. The masculine attitude and lack of care these women put into their style or h air irritated me, so I made it a point to fuck them and never call again. Doing that probably didn t make the world a better place, but I can say with confidence that I never hurt a good girl, something that I don t believe exists in American cit ies. If you think about it, is it even possible for a girl to be considered good if she is borderline overweight, has a sloppy appearance, consumes a diet of re ality TV and Kim Kardashian, possesses no homemaker skills, doesn t know how to be feminine, is addicted to attention-whoring on social networking sites, wants to ride a lot of cocks in her physical prime, or thinks dining out at a restaurant is the best way to be interesting? I m just wondering. In South America, a place where I wasn t getting many one-night stands, I happily dated the girls I became sexually involved with. If I lost interest before sex, I stopped calling without guilt. No morality questions came up. In Iceland, also known as Planet Slut, girls wanted to get rogered after knowing me for less than an hour. It was a pure sexual transaction. No morality questio ns came up. In Denmark, I might as well have been in America. I fucked progressive women who w ere empowered to bang me on the same night (go girl!). No morality questions cam e up. In Poland, I had the magic stick. A perfect storm of various factors made me as close to a rock star without actually being one. What ended up happening was I h ad one-night stands with good girls, the most good I ve met in my life. You ll be do ubtful that they were good girls if they fucked me the same night, but I have no shame to admit that I was manipulating them. I had a system that was bulletproo f, based on an incrementally increasing series of commitments with targeted rout ines at the right moments that released their inner slut. It s no surprise that bu yer s remorse was a side effect. Many girls were in disbelief that they had sex wi th a hairy man beast so quickly. Towards the end of my stay, when the third or fourth Polish girl insisted on cle aning my apartment after I ravaged her pussy from knowing her just a few hours, I started to feel guilty that I considered them a notch on my bedpost, a data po int on an upcoming fuck guide, while they saw a potential future with me. It did n t help that I began having to lie about how long I was staying in the country. M y strategic lies and tested game did not give these trustworthy and gentle girls a fighting chance to resist a rapid sexual outcome. I started to feel guilty ab out what I was doing. In the past, I never created a one-night stand. I banged girls who were horny, h adn t been laid in a while, and would have probably fucked another guy if I didn t s how up. But in Poland I created bangs. They had boyfriends or were actively gett ing fucked by another guy. They weren t cruising for cock and some never had a one -night stand before. I made her feel that she had an amazing connection with thi s foreign man, causing her to do something that she hadn t ever done. Then, in all likelihood, I cooled off. There was no one to replace me in a month or two. The connection she felt must have been fraudulent if I opted not to pursue it. Did I hurt some Polish girls? I remain pensive about it because I don t see them a s drunk sluts, or American cunts who I want to hate fuck. I saw them as girls th at, had I been in a different place, I d want to date long-term. I began to pedast

alize Polish girls because after nearly seven months in the country, I realized that they were worth being put on the pedestal. They are good and wholesome girl s. The morality question only arises if you re creating bangs in non-Western countrie s instead of merely screening for Western sluts who are pining for sex. Trust me when I say you aren t hurting any American or British girl with your one-night st and game, since in just a month you ll be a forgotten cock (she probably won t even count you as a notch). Yet if you go to Poland and sell big dreams to a girl who never met a foreign man before, she may view that sex as a means to some type o f long-term happiness, not the end itself. I m almost thankful of one thing: that I m from a country where it s impossible to lov e the women, where they want the same shallow fucking that I want, because if I was Polish, how could I spend over ten years pumping and dumping girls who want to care for me, cook for me, and do everything they can to make me proud that th ey re on my arm? You can t master game in a country where the women are worth it, be cause you ll find a sweet girlfriend before you get to that high level. If I ever go back to Poland, it has to be when I m older, when I m done banging just to bang. A big part of respecting the game is respecting the power it has over women, and not purposefully hurting a girl who obviously doesn t deserve it. Sadly , for most of you stuck in the States, you ll probably never meet that girl. Pump and dump at will. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now -------------Make Her Think Something Is Wrong December 12, 2011GameRoosh FacebookTwitter In Bang hinking t she s re four I wrote that you want to put a girl in a state of insecurity where she s t of her faults instead of your own. You want her to be self-conscious tha lacking in a quality that either you want or that other girls have. Here a ways to implement that strategy:

1. Make her think you re bored with her conversation or story. Look around the roo m when she s rambling about some nonsense. Let out an uninspired That s nice when she was expecting a stronger reaction. Tight game here is pretending you don t hear a lot of what she says. 2. Make her think she s not good-looking enough. When you re with her in a night ven ue, point out a girl hotter than her and ask, What do you think of that girl? She will give her answer and then ask you if you think she s hot. Poorly evade the que stion by hesitating for a few seconds and then saying something like, Her high-he els are nice. Tight game here is having a roaming eye on exceptionally beautiful women. 3. Make her think you re going to flake or stand her up. Take a long time to rm dates, almost as if it was an afterthought. Then show up 15 minutes late, ugh so that she texts you asking where you are. You re doing it right if she ly annoyed by the time you arrive. Tight game here is being forgetful, busy, putting her last in a list of things you need to do. confi eno s visib or

4. Make her think you only want to use her for sex. Repeatedly take her to the s ame bar venues. Insist on movie nights. Gently shoot down her suggestions to do so

mething different like a day hike or a wine festival outing. Tight game here is not wanting to be seen too much with her in public. I didn t invent the rules of human nature. I didn t declare that instilling insecuri ty in another person is the optimal way to keep their interest in you at a high level, but that s the reality. If you like a girl, you have to do things that show you don t like her while at the same time escalating the encounter by touching, k issing, and venue changing to your bedroom. While some of these suggestions can be relaxed on more sensual foreign women, with American girls you have to be col d and heartless in other to get the most amount of sex. Anxiety creates attraction. The more anxiety you create in a woman, the more she will lower her guard enough so that your game will be well-received. It forces her to question her value instead of yours. In any casual relationship, one pers on is creating anxiety while the other person is receiving it. If you re not the o ne creating it, then it s not her that s getting gamed. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now FacebookTwitter ---------------7 Signs That A Number Won t Lead To A Date November 28, 2011GameRoosh FacebookTwitter Whenever Monday rolls around and I have a few new numbers to play with of girls I met at night, I make a prediction before contacting her whether I ll get the fir st date or not. Doing this for several years has allowed me to pick out behavior s a girl does before giving the number that hints towards if another meeting is going to happen. 1. Did she ask for your number or Facebook before you asked first? You d think it d be a good sign if she asks for your contact information first, especially early in the interaction, but it s actually a sign that she doesn t want to see you again. If she asks you for Facebook, she s merely building a circle of admirers that wil l click the Like button when she posts whiny status updates or carefully selecte d photos. While it s a good sign when a girl offers you her number at the end of t he interaction, it s not good if she randomly asks for yours. 2. Did she make an attempt to separate from her friends? If your entire conversa tion was overheard by her friends and she declined your invitation to either dan ce or join you at the bar to order a drink, she won t see you again. If you re danci ng with her and she insists on remaining in her friend circle while she gives yo ur cock a half-assed grind, you re not getting her out. If a girl doesn t show you h er true self, which only comes with she s away from her friends, she was never serio us about getting to know you. 3. Did she go out on a limb? She can do this by either resuming the conversation after an awkward pause or trying to seek you out after excusing herself to the bathroom. If the interaction would have ended had you not put 100% of the effort in maintaining it, she s not going to see you again. 4. Did she tentatively agree to plans? If you got her number without hinting wha t you want to do with her (e.g. have a drink), you re much more likely to get stru ng along in text messaging hell. If you didn t pre-sell her the idea of hanging ou

t, and she didn t enthusiastically agree, a meeting is much less likely to occur. 5. Did you both remain in the same venue after the number was exchanged? If you get her number and she merely goes to a different part of the bar, maybe even fl irting with other guys, you just had a weak interaction. The number should only be exchanged when absolutely necessary, when the forces of nature will separate you and the only way you ll ever see her again is if you get her contact informati on. 6. Did the first break in the conversation come under the 10 minute mark? There are a lot of things in a night venue that can cause a pause in the conversation, like her phone making noises or her friend cockblocking you. If you re able to ma intain a non-interrupted conversation for those first 10 minutes, the chances of seeing her are drastically higher than if your chat is broken up into little ch unks. 7. Did you kiss her? There s a lot of debate over whether kissing a girl increases the chance of seeing her again, but let me ask you the following question: if a girl gave her number to ten guys over the weekend, and she was at a similar lev el of sobriety for each, is she more likely to remember the guys she kissed or d idn t? My experience shows a small but clear edge in getting girls out again that I kissed. If you didn t at least come close to getting the kiss, the chance you wi ll see her again is less than 10%. During the day it s a lot easier to tell if a number will lead to a date or not. S imply multiple the number of personal questions she asks you by the length of co nversation in minutes. Anything over 100 means at least a 50% chance of seeing h er again, which are great odds. While time is not necessarily a good correlator to seeing a girl again from night approaches, it is during the day. I m pretty down on numbers from night approaches. While I get them and will contin ue to get them, so many girls are willing to fuck the same night that getting on e implies failure. As long as you get them because you ve tried escalating as far as you can, and you don t become excited over only digits, go ahead and play the n umbers game to grind out bangs from regular dating. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now

-----------------The I Have Standards Excuse November 16, 2011GameRoosh FacebookTwitter If a man says, I have standards, I guarantee that not only does he fuck few girls, but the ones he does are no prize. You d think it d be the opposite, that a man wit h standards would be fucking model quality all the time, but it s never the case. He fucks average-looking chicks and then rationalizes it by saying things such as S he has a good job or She s not a slut. A man who harps about standards is using that as an excuse for a poor sex life. The quality of girls you fuck fit a standard bell curve. For me the meatiest par t of the curve would be around 7, meaning that s my typical lay. Some high 5s and high 8s may get squeezed in, but it s reliably centered around a 7. When I first s tarted in the game, the meatiest part of my curve was lower, closer to a 5. With tighter game, my average shifted to the right.

If I went out right now and said to myself, I have standards; I m only fucking 8s, t hen what would happen is I d get laid less with no guarantee of fucking more 8s, e specially since they are in short supply. It would be like an unemployed man ref using to accept jobs beneath him in a tough job market. As you know, it s much easie r to get a job when you already have one, so putting yourself through a cold spe ll because of your ego actually prevents you from getting what you wanted in the first place. I believe in having flexible standards. When I go into any environment, whether it s a new city, bar, or shopping mall, I quickly evaluate the talent. What is the average beauty present? I then adjust my standards based on what the environmen t is giving me, starting at the top and then working my way down. At the bar I i dentify the top two or three girls I want and go about making those approaches. If it hits with them then great, but if not I lower my sights so that I still ge t laid. If the 8s don t bite I move to the 7s. If the 7s don t bite then it s on to th e 6s. If the 6s don t bite then I go to the 5s to see if they are capable of givin g me a boner. This process ensures that on any night I get the best that s coming to me while still getting laid in quality-poor environments like Washington DC o r Copenhagen. In theory, with relative standards I should be getting laid the sa me amount anywhere I go. Sometimes I hear a man say something like, I rather not get laid than fuck an ugl y girl. He doesn t understand how the bell curve works. He doesn t understand that no man is fucking only hot girls, that they only sneak in every now and then. To f uck hot girls, you must fuck lesser girls to properly play the bell curve game. I m fucked hotter girls than most men, but I ve fucked some hogs as well. I ve fucked them all. Guys who claim high standards are no different from entitled American broads who post Craigslist ads listing a grocery list of positive qualities they desire. A s you already know, it s unreasonable to think that your dream girl will be served to you on a silver platter. You have to sift through a lot of stiff avocados un til you find the dark ripe one in the back of the bin. What s great about the sift ing process with women is that fucking is fun. Even those hogs I banged gave me my nut for the night and a funny story to tell my friends. There was no opportun ity cost because I only went after them when I knew I couldn t do better for that night. Sure, a tiny part of my soul cried in exchange for those notches, but my dick gave me a double high five. If I could go back in time I wouldn t change anyt hing. You can t go from not getting laid to fucking hot girls without accumulating a lot of sexual experience that comes from banging girls who aren t as hot. Having high standards rob you of that experience, ironically forcing you to date uglier gir ls for even longer had you not eliminated your ego from the start. Understand th at lowering your standards is a temporary cure-all to whatever game or sex probl em you re facing, whether it s in the approach, flaking, getting numbers, or sealing the deal. As long as the girl passes your boner test, and you didn t get anywhere with the hotter girls in the room, you should get with what you can. Fuck that hog and keep fucking them, until the day arrives when you re done putting in your dues and don t remember the last time you banged one. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now ---------------How To Choose The Best Prospects For Fast Sex October 12, 2011GameRoosh FacebookTwitter This Saturday night I m not going out not to practice my game, build my skills, ma

ke a girl laugh, entertain her friends, or have a good time. I m going out to fuck . Everything I do after the moment I leave my door will be to find a girl who is open to having sex with me that same night. During the day I m content with phone numbers, but at night I intend to go all the way, even on weeknights. Anything less than that is a complete, utter failure. There are two things that need to be in place for me to fuck same night: the rig ht game and the right prospects. The right game on the wrong prospect will lead to rejection. The wrong game on the right prospect will also lead to rejection. It s when you have both that sex will happen. I already got the right game for gir ls in America and a handful of other countries, so getting laid for me is now en tirely dependent on finding the right prospects. To maintain a high one-night stand conversion rate (one for every three or four times going out), I remain hyperaware of my fuck funnel. The word funnel comes f rom web marketing. Here s a definition: A funnel is a series of pages through which a visitor must pass before reaching th e goal conversion. The name comes from a graph of visitors who reach each page the first page counts the most visitors, and each successive page shows less visito rs as they drop off before reaching the final goal. Your fuck funnel is the series of steps you take from the approach all the way t o sex. Most girls will drop out as they go through your funnel by losing interes t, declaring they have a boyfriend, flaking out, throwing up, or a multitude of other reasons that prevent sex. This means that for ever one girl you fuck, you have to approach a lot of girls. This is the basic law of averages, where no man fucks every girl he interacts with (even serial rapists have a failure rate). Most guys allow the girl to remove herself from his funnel. For example, a guy w ill talk to a girl for two hours in the club and then have the girl disappear to the bathroom. Or maybe he will kiss her at the bar, be content with it, then no t get a response when he texts her a couple days later. In either situation, a w hole night is wasted. Now imagine that you can predict when a certain girl will allow her ugly girlfri end to cockblock. Or you can predict if a girl is flakey when it comes to going on dates. Or you predict that a girl is not interested in one-night stands. What happens? Well, if you like fast casual sex like I do, you drop her from your fu nnel. This means that you walk away from the interaction at an early stage well before she does, all for the goal of saving your time to focus on another girl t hat will be a better prospect. My goal is to get laid every night I go out, some thing that can only be reached by passing on girls who are not good prospects. How do you know when to walk away from an interaction? How do you know when a gi rl is not a good candidate? First, you ll need at least twenty notches of experien ce from cold approaches. You will then pick out the patterns of how those twenty girls responded to your game. If you meet a girl who responds in an opposite wa y from the pattern, stop talking to her. In essence, you re testing her to see if she responds in a way that other girls you ve fucked have responded. Let me give you two examples from my foreign fuck funnel. When I m abroad, all gir ls ask me the same types of questions, which I have scripted answers for. I have found out that girls who want to fuck me the same night tend to give eerily sim ilar responses to my stock answers. This is how I know whether I will fuck her s oon or not. If she gives me a response that strays from the optimum, I politely wind down the conversation and find another girl. Example 1. A girl asks me what I m doing in her country. My stock response is Sex a nd drugs. If she laughs or says something like And rock and roll? then it s possible

she may fuck me that night. If she doesn t even smile and says, No, really, what ar e you doing here, or gets clearly offended, then she will not fuck me within the timeframe that I desire. Because this question comes within the first five minut es of every approach, it s a reliable way to quickly eliminate bad prospects befor e I invest a lot of time. Example 2. About 30 minutes into an approach, well after touching has commenced and I m getting close to the kiss, I ask her if she s getting drunk. She ll say no and then I respond, Well then how about I buy you ten shots of vodka and then take a dvantage of you? She ll laugh at this and say she doesn t want ten shots of vodka. Th en I joke, How about I put a drug in your drink? I mime the act of drugging her dr ink. If the girl stiffens up and says, No drugs you rapist! then she will not fuck me that night. If a girl laughs, and then soon leaves her drink unattended in m y presence, I guarantee you I m fucking her. It has happened to me countless times where I hit her with my drug joke and she asks me to watch her drink while she goes to the bathroom. Think about that for a second: she s leaving her drink unatt ended with a guy who just joked about raping her. Guess what she wants to do in the not so distant future? With the use of several other tests, I will know within 30 minutes and with 75% certainty if I will get the one-night stand or not. Compare this to my past, whe re it was common to waste over two hours on a chick to only get a number and not even a kiss. Today that simply doesn t happen to me because I have my funnel test s that I stick to regardless of how pretty or interesting she is. Even if you read Bang frontwards and backwards, my game will not be identical to yours. Copying and pasting my tests will not work. What you must do instead is identify the responses that girls you ve fucked gave to your early lines and routi nes. Unless you have a sample size of twenty bangs this will be hard to do, but if you re a beginner you can create newbie funnels that deal with getting numbers or kisses instead of one-night stands. For example, what pattern of responses di d the last twenty girls who threw you digits give to your beginner game? The onl y thing you have to keep in mind is to make sure your tests are all executed wit hin the first thirty minutes, the longest amount of time you should waste on any girl. The hardest part of a good prospect strategy is walking away from a girl who is warm to you but not giving good funnel responses. Players are so used to pressin g on until a girl walks away from them that it s almost foreign to walk away first , but truth is approaching ten girls a night is easy. Plowing is easy. Walking a way from a girl who your history dictates is not a good prospect takes guts. Yet this is what you must do. It stings when a pretty girl takes offense to one of my tests in an otherwise solid interaction, but I have the history of all my ban gs at my back, reminding me that I m making the right decision. Continuing to talk to a girl who fails your test is the same as putting her on a pedestal, meaning you definitely won t fuck her. The irony is that more that I walk away, the more girls I fuck. Study your previous bangs, identify a handful of tests to sprinkle in your early game, and then follow them to make one-night stands as common as getting number s or kisses was for you in the recent past. A sign you re doing it right is when a ll your bangs start to look like copies of each other, as if you ve cracked the co de and developed a template that works powerfully well for your game and persona lity at your current location. This is what has happened to me. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now -----------------

The Talking Ratio October 3, 2011GameRoosh FacebookTwitter The best way to tell if a girl is attracted to you or not is if she asks you per sonal questions. The more she wants to know about you, the more likely you will have sex with her. The problem with this method is that it s not foolproof, especi ally at night, where a girl will ask you things like what you do or where you li ve without any intention of getting banged by your vein snake. You ll also encount er girls who are so shy that they don t ask you questions even though they re intere sted. There s another indicator that is even more reliable in predicting a successful ou tcome, and that s if she s increasing her stake in the conversation. In other words, is she talking more than when you first started? If yes, then you have a solid prospect on your hands. Otherwise, the conversation will soon end. I ve noticed th is phenomenon before but only now have I realized that it does just as good of a job in determining if sex will occur than when a girl asks you personal questio ns. Combine the two and you might as well be able to predict the future. Whether a girl is shy or not, you should see a relative increase of her particip ation in the conversation no later than the three minute mark. For example, let s say that you approach a girl and during the first three minutes you re doing 75% o f the talking, which is about standard. If after those three minutes you re talkin g even more then I guarantee the conversation will die. Here s how a failed approa ch looks on a graph: Girl is pink, guy is blue It seems to be going well in the initial moments because of her participation, b ut after a mild bump that gives you false hope, she gradually goes silent. Our e go wants to think that she s enraptured with what we re saying, so we keep going and going, oblivious to the fact that she s actually not at all interested and planni ng an exit strategy. All a sudden she hits us with a I m going back to my friends an d we re left stunned. Why did she leave when she was listening to everything I sai d?! What many men fail to understand is that seduction is a two-way street. The girl must be participating. The more she talks, the better it will go, even if she s i nterrupting your turbo game material. There s much truth in age-old advice to shut the fuck up and let a woman talk (once attraction is established). Here s how successful pickups look:

Notice how she steadily increases her share in the conversation. Often times she ends up talking more than you, sending the pink line over the blue. When you notice she s talking less than when you first started, understand that he r attraction for you is decreasing. Continuing to talk won t help matters, so what can we do to improve the situation? Shut your mouth. If you notice she s talking less, just stop talking completely after using one of the silence lines I wrote about before. Additional lines you can try (said with a smirk):

Can you please stop talking? I can t get a word in with you. I noticed you re not talking much. Do you not like foreign men with beards like lus h carpet? The best thing you can do when she s pulling back is to push her away. If she then makes the decision to stay, she will automatically invest herself more into the conversation. The worst thing you can do is talk even more in the hopes that so mething will hook her, because she s probably not even paying attention to your wo rds anyway. This technique is not a fix for building attraction; it merely tosses you a life vest when you re already drowning. It gives you a chance at survival, but underst and that over 80% of the time the interaction is unsalvageable if she s withdrawin g from it. Therefore it saves you time more than anything. Unfortunately, as you already know, you won t be able to connect with every girl you approach. The talking ratio is like a good friend telling me that I m doing well. It reminds me to relax a bit once the conversation is established and focus more on lettin g her do what she wants in order to get comfortable with me. It lets me know tha t the hard part of the approach is done, and all I have to do is start touching and think about getting the kiss. --------------------The 3 Blowout Rule September 23, 2011GameRoosh FacebookTwitter A blowout is when a girl doesn t allow you to finish your opener, doesn t respond, o r makes fun of you. In any night venue, if you get blown out three times in a ro w at any point, leave. Even if you re a newbie and your game skill is low, you sho uld not be in a place where you can t even find one girl to indulge your approach for a few seconds. I wholly believe in persisting until the end of the night, but three in a row is my canary in a coal mine that the odds are stacked against me in that particula r location. In the past year it has always held true that when three consecutive blowouts happened, I did not be getting laid no matter how many more approaches I made or how hard I tried. For whatever reason, some venues are so bad that yo ur normally tight game cannot begin to counter its black hole pulling you into a reluctant masturbatory session. Sometimes you ll discover that a venue can be great one night, but awful the next. An example is a Latin club I used to go to here in Poznan, which was fun on wee kdays with girls who were reasonably friendly. The music was cheesy, but I enjoy ed hanging out by the bar and doing an approach once every twenty minutes or so. Things changed on the weekends when there was a large influx of bridge and tunne l guys, both Polish and Spaniard, whose presence caused the girls to ice up. Whereas on Thursday at the Latin club I could meet a girl and get laid, on Frida y night I couldn t even get a girl to respond to me, even though I m the same guy in the same venue spitting the same game on a girl who is on the same level as the night before. The three blowout rule was being broken so regularly that I stopp ed going there on weekend nights entirely, instead frequenting a quieter club ac ross the street where it has never happened that I got three blowouts in a row. The irony is that you may do great at the Latin club on the weekend but get the three consecutive blowouts in the club I do well at. This is why venue experimen tation is so important. Follow your data, not the crowd.

Think for a second about how much of a bitch a girl has to be to blow out a guy, even if that guy s line is weak. What has to be going through her mind to complet ely disrespect a man who, while may not have the best game, is being respectful about trying to start a conversation? It s the mind if a girl who has absolutely n o interest in being real, friendly, or even human. It s okay to get rejected and h ave stalled conversations, but finding three cunts in a row is the same as god g iving you a personal message to get the fuck out and go somewhere else. It d be wi se to act on that message. ----------------My Biggest Game Fuckup September 14, 2011GameRoosh FacebookTwitter My most embarrassing game mistake happened when I was 24-years-old and still in the early stages of perfecting my skills. I was learning a lot from my best frie nd at the time, The Bomb, who had a great natural vibe that I tried to mimic. We w ould usually hit the huge clubs in DC, but every so often we d hang out at some co llege bars near the University of Maryland since we knew a couple people who sti ll went there. Somehow we got into a group of five girls who were freshmen and sophomores. I ha d my eye on Carolina, a skinny Puerto Rican with dimples and big eyes. At the sa me time, her best friend Katy had her eye on me, sending me messages on AOL Inst ant Messenger at random hours of the night. She was cute but a bit more husky an d chubby than I would ve liked. Like most men, I prefer women who are not overweig ht (maybe we can get a dating professional in here to verify that). The Bomb and I successfully set a date with Carolina and Katy one weekend night. Since they were underage, the plan was to sneak them into a bar where we knew t he bouncer. It would have been nice to eventually get them to my place, since my living room had a spare couch, but we didn t talk about it much. The date went well. We drank, flirted, took pictures, talked, and touched. At la st call I randomly suggested we all go back to my house to hang out some more. T he girls agreed. Two young girls and two guys going to a private home on a Saturday night. The ma th added up, the logistics worked out, and if you were to tell me this story now , I d ask, So, how was the sex? It doesn t get much more open and shut than that. The problem was that neither The Bomb or I discussed how we would close the deal . We had sex on our minds, sure, but we didn t consider the steps that would take us there. We hadn t even decided which girl we would take. Instead, we agreed to se e what would happen. Once at my place, The Bomb got on my computer and pulled up the web site of a ne w business he was working on, eagerly telling Carolina about his marketing plan. I messed around with my DJ equipment, letting Katy play with the decks. We were all in the same room. I didn t offer the girls anything to drink. I knew Katy wan ted me, but I still held out hope that somehow I d get Carolina. Thirty minutes in, the girls said they were tired and wanted to go to their dorm . The night was over. Neither me or The Bomb were at all upset that we didn t get laid that night. It wa s no big deal at all. Maybe next time, I told him. Even though we were knee-deep i

n game, our mindset of what was possible was so out of touch with the slutty rea lity of American sex culture that we didn t realize we fucked up. Only now can I l ook back and realize our rookie mistakes, enough so that I m sure Katy and Carolin a were shocked that neither of us made a move on them. I cringe that they probab ly thought we were gay. A few of our mistakes quickly come to mind I didn t understand that Katy s crush for me made it impossible for Carolina to hook up with me first. Instead of getting at least one girl, I got neither. The Bomb and I went out with the intention of having a good time instead of gettin g laid. We didn t focus on the goal. So yes, we had a good time, but we didn t get l aid. It s hard to get more than what you imagine. We jolted them out of a sexual vibe with our talk about business and DJing when all the girls wanted to do was drink and fuck. It s almost as if we were waiting f or the girls to make a move on us. We did not isolate the girls once at my place. The Bomb should have invited Caro lina to the kitchen with him to make a drink. Then I should ve locked my bedroom d oor, fucked Katy, and let The Bomb fuck Carolina on the couch. It s possible we co uld ve fucked both girls that night. The sad part is that we didn t even attempt iso lation at any point in the night. I put my head down in shame whenever I think of this story, but at the same time I appreciate how far I ve come. I now realize that everything I do with a girl sh ould be purposeful with the end goal to fuck her. I do not hang out just to hang out. I do not pick a random bar far from my crib when others are closer. I do n ot neglect to discuss the game plan with my wing if there are multiple chicks in the picture. I do not wait for a girl to make a move on me. I do not hope for g irls to isolate themselves. I do not destroy any sexual momentum I ve built up by going asexual at the moment of truth. My entire game from meet to close should b e surgical and deliberate. If there s something I m doing that I can t say is helping me get laid, then I must stop doing it. You know you re optimizing your game when you look back at nights like the one I h ad and quickly see the mistakes you ve made. Unless you re cringing at your game fro m yesterday, a girl will cringe at your game tomorrow. --------------------Don t Listen To A Foreign Guy On How To Pick Up His Country s Women September 6, 2011Game, TravelRoosh FacebookTwitter When you go to a new country with no knowledge of the local women, your instinct will be to ask a local guy in your age range. Since he s more of an expert than y ou are, he must have some golden tips to help your cause, right? Unfortunately y ou re wrong. The last person you should ask for pickup tips is a local guy, for tw o reasons: 1. A local guy picking up a girl will always be different from a foreign guy doi ng the same. The approach will be different, the conversation will be different, the vibe will be different, and the length of time to get her in bed will be di fferent. His typical bang will not mirror yours. 2. Local guys love to cockblock foreign men. Let s be real: you re going to his coun try to fuck his women and he knows it. Since chances are he has much more pride for his country s women than you do for American women, he will steer you down the wrong path and give you bullshit advice. I ve lost count of how many times foreig n guys gave me pickup advice that was the opposite of what ended up working. Was he ignorant or trying to trick me? Probably a combination of both. While an Ame

rican player is more likely to believe in a model of abundance and is more willi ng to share game with another guy, foreign guys think that if you get laid it wi ll come directly at his expense. If you want to learn basic knowledge from foreign men, one way is to listen to h is actual stories. Make him tell you about the last few girls he s fucked and how it went down while ignoring his editorial comments. That may give you some usefu l information, but the problem with that is they lie. The most beta foreign guy will make it seem like he fucks all the time and sex is easy for him, even thoug h his body language and lack of women or game skill suggest otherwise. Two weeke nds of hard work in any country will tell me more about game than any local guy can. If you want to build a social circle, befriend local girls in the 6 range, who d on t mind welcoming foreign guys into their group (there is sure to be at least on e available 7 or 8 in that crew). If a local guy wants to be your friend, I ll bet one month of book sales he doesn t know any cute girls who are single. Why would a local guy welcome a competitor if his social circle has hot girls he wants to fuck? I know I wouldn t, and I m one of the most generous guys I know. When it s time for you to get tips on the local women, ask men from your country w ho have traveled there. Avoid interactions with local guys as much as possible b ecause they will cockblock you at some point, whether consciously or not. I m real hesitant to mix with local guys who deep inside I know don t want me to pillage t heir women. Don t underestimate the amount of shame a local guy feels when you re fu cking his women and he s not. ------------------The Wingman Is Dead August 15, 2011GameRoosh FacebookTwitter The inevitable moment has arrived where I prefer to go out at night alone than w ith a wingman. I no longer seek the company of men when I m focused solely on gett ing laid. The first reason why is that I get approached more. It s easier for you to approac h a lone girl standing by the bar than a pair, is it not? Well you better believ e it s the same for girls, too. Only by going out alone have I had nights where I do only one or two approaches and get laid. In Copenhagen it was automatic that if I dressed up nice I d be approached by at least three girls that passed my bone r test (around the 6 range). Girls higher on the scale approach indirectly by st anding right next to me while giving marathon eye contact, making it painfully e asy for me to strike up a chat. The interesting thing is I m never the hottest guy in the bar (or even close), but her first choice for sex is a guy who is in a drunk wolf pack roaming around th e bar like an idiot with a hungry look in his eye. So by being alone, not drunk, relaxed, and approachable, I get bumped up on her sex wish list. This is where I tell you that social proof is overrated. You need it as much as you need to be over six feet tall. Now I play the reverse social proof angle by almost bragging to girls that I m alone and have zero friends (dolo proof). I lost count how many girls have told me it was cool and intriguing, which is contrary to what game logic would tell you. Social proof is more for places where girls acti vely seek status, like nightclubs with table service, not regular bars and chill neighborhood spots you should be going to.

The second reason I like to go out alone is that I experience fewer logistical p roblems and drama. It s so hard at my age to find a guy that I m compatible with, th anks to my firmly established quirks and neuroses, that I ve mostly given up on ma king new friends. The random local guys I befriend usually have an inferior leve l of game with horrible instincts and an incomplete understanding of wingman rul es. He can make a mistake on a girl in the group that gets attributed to me, he can blow my spot by revealing too much information he wasn t supposed to, or he ca n do an infinite amount of stupid shit that raises my blood pressure and makes i t harder for me to get laid. The best time a wingman is useful is when there is a pair of girls, but even the n the odds that both of you will match up with each girl and get the hookup is s o low that is has happened to me less than five times over the past ten years. While wingmen help you get into a social mood, perhaps their most suitable funct ion, I ve found a suitable replacement: watching an episode of Seinfeld before goi ng out. A few laughs from Kramer and the gang get my mind ready to duplicate the same sarcasm and playful nature on girls at the bar. Even this type of prep wor k is necessary because while solo you re given a pass for having a more low energy vibe since, well, you re alone. You don t need to be amped up, you don t need to danc e like a monkey, and you don t need to pretend you re having a great time with a fak e smile on your face. You don t even need to bob your head to the music. You have carte blanche for initially appearing boring. I appreciate and value male comradery, but I no longer care for finding new wing men. If I m passing through a city for a few months, sex is far more important tha n a short-term wingman friendship with a guy. Even if I go back to DC and find o ut my boys have wives, my instinct will be to go out alone rather than meet new guys. Your game will arrive at the point where other guys will fuck things up an d make things harder instead of enhancing your chances of pulling. I will admit that I prefer a life of bountiful sex than hanging out with guys who aren t exactl y on the same page as myself. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now

------------------Top 15 Game Tips For Long-Term Relationships August 12, 2011GameRoosh FacebookTwitter A lot of guys email me for relationship advice, where they banged the girl and n ow want to keep her over a long period of time. They may find the game to be fun and life-changing, but they ultimately want to settle down with one beautiful f lower, which is probably what you want as well. Unfortunately, I can t help you much there. I have a PhD in one-month sexual relat ionships, not pair bonding. That said, the blogger formerly known as Roissy has put out the best relationship advice for men that you can find on the internet. Here are what I think to be his top 15 relationship posts: Agree And Amplify - an elegant method for dealing with shit tests Dread - how instilling dread helps promotes a healthy relationship Teasing Should Be Like Breathing - how to maintain a fun, attractive vibe in you r relationships The Fundamentals - how to be the aloof and indifferent man Relationship Game Thoughts - dozens of practical relationship tips, rapid style Tender Lovemaking - how to deal with various relationship scenarios like making

plans and visiting family Trumped-up Charges - how to respond when a girl starts nagging at you Things A Man Should Never Say First In A Relationship - how to avoid saying crin geworthy lines I Love You Too - how to respond when a woman says she loves you Subtle Dominance Plays - how to execute moves that increase your power The Male-Female Spontaneous Touch Initiation Ratio - how to judge the health of your relationship How Good Is Your Alpha Acumen - what to do when your girlfriend treats you poorl y in front of other people Hints Your Relationship Is Doomed - how to regain the upper hand when you ve lost the power in a relationship The Easiest Way To Revive A Flagging Relationship - what to do when your girlfri end withdraws from you The Hazards Of Long Term Relationships - how to avoid the negative features of r elationships These fifteen posts are safely saved on my hard drive. Who knows, maybe one day I ll get into a serious relationship myself. -----------------Always Have A Plan B July 27, 2011GameRoosh FacebookTwitter Right now we re living in an age of overconfident women who believe the best way t o find their Prince Charming is to play the field for a decade or three until de ciding that they re on the physical appearance downswing. Since it s unlikely you ll b e chosen as their end game provider man (and if you do you re probably doing somet hing wrong), that means you ll have to put up with a lot of anti-social behavior a nd flaking in order to get casual sex. The sad fact is that no matter how tight your game is, how many dozens of girls you ve fucked, or how hard your two-week Br azilian girlfriend used to suck your cock, Western women who are lower quality t han what you ve had before will try to treat you like crap. The quickest path to unhappiness with dating is to hope that a girl will please you, treat you with respect, or even show up on dates. While I do think it s rude for a girl to treat you poorly when you haven t done the same to her, she is free to act in any way she wishes. She has that choice because it s not against the law for her to send a last-minute cancellation text or to not pay attention when yo u re telling a story that means a lot to you. After putting out our best game, her behavior is not something we can control. But you can control how you deal with women. You control who you ask out on date s. You control who you reward with attention. You control whether to contact her again after sex. You also control how to plan dates so that things will still w ork out in your favor even if she disappoints you. This means you should always have a backup plan so that when a girl cancels, you ll have an alternative that is as superior as going out with her. It never happens that I m sitting at home, upset that a girl cancelled on me. I m ne ver trying to analyze why she changed her mind at the last-minute. I m never think ing of what witty or cocky text to send to get things back on track. It s impossib le for a girl to upset me because I was never counting on her in the first place . Here are three things I do when it comes to dating: 1. I plan dates on nights where I ve decided that I m going out no matter what, whet her she comes through or not. In Poland I would do a first date on a Wednesday n ight, the same night I know of a club that has ladies night. It s no big deal if s

he flakes because I will still have a good time flirting with women. I don t schedule a date on days where there is nothing going on. If she flakes on my ass, that means I m in danger of getting stuck at home, sifting through my porn collection. The worst thing you can do is wait for her send a confirmation text to know if you should hop in the shower and start getting ready. Don t give her t hat power. 2. I tell her to meet me in a location that is close to another good spot I can bounce to. Many times a girl will take you for granted and put no effort in help ing with the date conversation. Or she ll nurse her beer until it tastes like came l urine, saying she wants to take it easy tonight. If after one drink she has not performed to a standard that you would ve expected based on your original meeting, wish her a good night and ditch her. You ll already know where to go. 3. I take a book. If she s acting stupid then I take out my book and start reading . She can drink alone or pretend like she has to catch up on her text messaging. The absolute worst that can happen to me on a date night is that I have a coupl e beers and read a good book. It should get to the point where your don t mind when a girl flakes on you. d a girl would flake so that I can do better backup plan you have, the less girls can feel that your night is not or not. plan B is decent enough that you actually It has happened to me where I ve actually hope the backup. The strange thing is that the likely you ll get flaked on. It s almost like hinging on whether she makes an appearance

Twice in the past couple of months a girl flaked on a date, I executed the backu p plan, and had a one-night stand with another girl. Don t be surprised if a girl flaking on you sets the wheels in motion for you to meet a girl that s even better . These days when a girl flakes, she s often doing me a favor. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now -------------------How To Pull A Robbery July 25, 2011GameRoosh FacebookTwitter The problem we face at night is that there are too many horny guys who approach as much as we do. If you wait for girls to be alone, you will have a lower selec tion than if you also approach girls who may already be talking to guys. While i t doesn t make any sense to hit on girls with boyfriends, it s not a bad idea to hit on girls who are in the process of getting gamed. Here s how to do it: 1. Pick the right target. A girl who s a good robbery candidate will be talking to a guy that she has not yet kissed, meaning he s not her boyfriend or fuck buddy. She should not be intimately touching him, though it s fine if he s touching her. If they re kissing, don t bother. While you can pull robberies when the girl s two-year boyfriend is in the same club (I have), it s more of a crap shoot. Robbery Countermeasure: Make out with girls quickly, in under an hour. 2. Patiently wait for him to get distracted. A lot of things happen in a bar whe n a guy has to turn away. Maybe his buddy wants to tell him something (my favori te), he has to go to the bathroom (less frequent), or he has to go to the bar to get a drink. You ll need one of these distractions where his focus will be taken

off the chick for at least 30 seconds. The most common failed robbery attempt I see is when a drunk idiot tries to appr oach a girl on the dance floor who s actively dancing with another guy. This will result in failure because a girl will not indulge your approach if she s in the mi ddle of the interaction. The pause is needed. For the first few seconds of your approach, the robbery victim shouldn t even know that his prospect is getting holl ered at. He should back turn around, see his chick enjoying a chat with you, and think, What the fuck? Robbery Countermeasure: Do not let your girl out of your sight until you make ou t with her. Hold your urine until you get the kiss. Going to the bathroom on a g irl you haven t kissed is a risk in sausagefest environments. 3. During the pause in their conversation, do your standard approach. No special game is needed. 4. Do not engage the guy. Don t be friendly with him and don t make eye contact with him, because it will just give him an in to come back. Since he has yet to make out with the girl, he can t barge back in without seeming needy, so he has to sit on his hands and hope for the girl to ditch you. 5. Lower his value. You ll catch him watching from the corner of your eye. Tell th e girl, By the way, that guy you were talking to is staring at us pretty hard rig ht now. I think he likes you a lot. Almost always the girl will discount him by s aying, Yeah I just met him. Sometimes she ll hate on him outright. It s never happened where she says, Oh I must get back to talking to him. Her attraction for him is d ecreased when you verbalize his affections for her. It s like he himself told her. 6. Prevent the reverse robbery. If the interaction is going well, he will be sal ty as hell that you stole his chick. He ll stand nearby, staring hard, with smoke coming out of his ears. The smarter guys ease back on the girl by saying somethi ng like, Oh hey, I lost you for a second. The dumber ones try to grab her away, wh ich never works. What you must do is move her to another spot in the bar so that any appearance by the guy makes it seem like he s stalking her. If you take her t o another section and the dude follows, she will be creeped out and lose all rem aining attraction she had for him. If you stay in the same spot where you did th e robbery, you put yourself at risk for the reverse robbery. You may be wondering, Won t the girl immediately turn me down if I approach when sh e still wants to talk to the other guy? No, for three reasons. First, she may wan t to make the guy jealous by talking to you, never guessing that your game is ti ghter and she will actually become more attracted to you instead. We use her fem inine need to stir jealousy as a trap to get her talking to us. Second, when a girl is about to hook up with a guy, she starts wondering if she could do better, just like I m sure is the case with you. You let her shop around just a little more before deciding to get with that guy. It s not your fault that you are indeed better. Third, the guy probably put her in a good, flirty state that automatically gets transferred to you. She s more receptive than if she hadn t been talking to him. It s almost like he s warming her up just for you. Your robbery attempt will only succeed if you overall value is higher uy s. If you re a loser but the guy is cool as shit, then you will be ded. I only go for the robberies when I know I m cooler than the guy, of the time. Since you need to build fast attraction with robberies, e you will not even rob a pack of bubblegum if your game is weak. than the g caught red-han which is 98% I guarante

I must say that it s immensely satisfying to have a guy with a stupefied look on h is face staring at me in disbelief, hovering around in the hope that the girl I stole will return to him. He s thinking if I know her from somewhere or if I m maybe an ex-boyfriend. How did he get in with her so quickly? How is he making out wi th her so quickly?! I m a complete stranger, a man who has fought in the jungle lo nger than you have, who put in his dues longer than you have. Here s a pen and pie ce of paper to take some notes on. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now FacebookTwitter


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