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An Introduction to ERP Systems

ERP Systems/ Enterprise Resource Planning Systems are software systems that consolidate information in REAL-TIME.
ERP Systems allow user-dependent configurations.

SAP/Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing ERP

SAP ERP is the most-used Enterprise System in the world.

SAP/Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing ERP

The SAP ERP can be configured to contain various modules.

SAP ERP Maintenance

Due to its complexity, SAP ERP systems need regular maintenance conducted by SAP Consultants. THE CONTROVERSY

Professional Opinion on the Controversy

RESPONDENT: Nadi Lasdacan POSITION: SAP ERP Consultant COMPANY: Fujitsu Enterprise Solutions MODE OF INTERVIEW: Written Survey

Professional Opinion on the Controversy

QUESTION: Do you think the SAP maintenance price hike affects the few businesses that use SAP ERP in the Philippines? How? ANSWER: Yes. It must have hurt the local companies in the Philippines as SAP maintenance costs a significant amount. But then again, SAP ERP is evidently a very useful tool and most companies are always open for upgrades as long as its

Professional Opinion on the Controversy

QUESTION: Do you think the SAP maintenance price hike affects global businesses that use SAP ERP? How? ANSWER: I think global businesses will not be affected much. SAP ERP has been worshipped by big companies and it would be a turn of goal to stop developing their systems because of a slight increase in maintenance fees.

Professional Opinion on the Controversy

QUESTION: In your professional opinion, is the SAP Maintenance Price Hike Justified or not? Why? ANSWER: The SAP ERP Maintenance price hike is justified. SAP is a huge business solution that handles a lot of business complexities. As these trends change, so does the maintenance service. SAP maintenance also does not fail to come in handy for companies.

The Interviewees Stance

Conclusively, although the interviewee seemed opposed to the controversy at first, his answers justified that he agrees with the SAP ERP Maintenance Price Hike.

The Researchers Argument

SAP ERP Maintenance Price Hike V.S. Client Loyalty

The Researchers Recommendation

Business owners affected by the SAP ERP Maintenance Price Hike should consult experts and engage in researches focusing on third-party companies that offer SAP ERP services and maintenance unless they have the budget to cope with the price increase.

Professional Communitys Communication Platform

Based on research and the interview, ERP Consultants and Analysts prefer to communicate via: E-mail Social Networking Sites Blogs Forums NOTE: These findings do not fully encompass ALL ERP Consultants.

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