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Venus suffers from excess of wind and Kapha. It governs the sexual drive of an i ndividual.

It rules over face, eyesight, seminal fluid, reproductive organs, uri nary system, lacrimal (tear) glands, It is a water planet and is concerned with the endocrine (or hormonal) system of the body. It may cause disease of generati ve organs, urinary system, cataract, disease of tear glands, leucoderma, veneral disease, diabetes, carbuncle, urethral stricture, stones in kidney, tiredness a nd exhaustion. Venus rules over the Physiology of the body 1. vagina, overies. 2. urogenetal system, ( the uretha, bladder and kidney). 3. Shares rulership of Thyroid with mercury 4. sex hormones, semen. 5. Glands and cysts. VENUS RULES OVER : 1. Taurus-2 ( earthy sign) 2. Libra-7 ( Airy sign) 3. Pices-12 (watery sign ) Exhalts in this sign. 4. Vitamin B-3 called Niacin. and 5. Vitamin E. 6. Copper. FUNCTIONS OF VITAMIN B-3. 1 Helping in synthesing sex hormones. 2 helps in breaking fats and utilizing carbohydrates and protens 3 affects the health of the nervous system. DEFECIENCY OF VITAMIN B- 3. 1. Swelling of tongue. 2. Soreness around the corners of the mouth. 3. skin eruptions and bad breath. (Mars and venus) 4. forgetfulness, irritability, insomenia. 5. nausea and vomiting due to excess of Vitamin A. 6. Bad breath - (sun and Moon). EXCESS OF VITAMIN -3. Damage to liver and sex hormones. VITAMIN E and its functions. 1. Antioxidant . It prevents the formation of peroxides - toxins. 2. It dissolves blood cells and dilates blood vessals. 3. Prevents sterility in woman. 4. Prevents accumulation of pollutants in lungs. 5. Stimulates secretion of urine. Deficiency of Vitamin E. 1. It damages the lower lobes of lever, pancreas and kidney. 2. Upset gastrointestinal function, faulty absorption of fats. EXCESS OF VITAMINE E Ruptures blood vessals ( veins). COPPER : It is stored in Liver. It assists in the formation of hemoglobin and re d blood cells by facilitating in the absorption of Iron.In excess it causes loss then being less. It causes epilatic type seizures. Deficiency of Copper: Pre-disposes a person for cardiovascular disease. EXCESS OF COPPER: It causes epilatic type seizures. ( It goes in the mind and cr eates fits, unconscious) HYPOTHERMUS GLANDS : Control the heat in the body. Mars - Iron. Venus - Copper.

VENUS IN CARDINAL CROSS 1. Aries (sign-1) Hypo action. Cereblum. Mucus membrane in brain, congestion in head (cereblum)and nasal passage. Exzema of head and mouth and face. 2. Cancer ( sign-4) Hyper ction. gastric tumor, nausua and vomiting. For ladies cyst in the breast, premensuration swelling of the breast, gastric tumors, nause a and vomiting. 3. Capricon (sign -10) Hypo action. Nausea due to gall bladder disorders, skin e ruptions on knees and gouts. 4. Libra (sign 7) Hyper action. Uremea, (accumulation of waste constitutents), p olyurea FIXED CROSS OF VENUS 1.Tauras ( sign-2) Hypo action. Thyroid, swelling of tongue, neck, mums,high tem perature, fungous infection of the mouth, goiter, tonsilites. Polypis ( enlargem ent) in the throat. ( Mars and sun in sub). 2.Leo ( sign -5) Hypo action. Auratic disorders (main pipe) spinal afflection ba ck ache, dorsal region of arc, enlarged liver ( back area). 3. Scorpio (sign 8) violant sign/watery ) Problems with vaginal passage, bladder , veneral disease, painfulful mensuration, utrine, prolepsis or tumors, change o f its place of (uterous). 4. Aquarious ( sign -11) Rules retina of eye. affects retina, Oxidation, blood d isorders in knees, loss vision, varicose veins ( veins got distorted), swelling of ankles. MUTABLE CROSS OF VENUS 1. Gemini ( sign -3) Hypo action. Infection of mucous membranes of veins, hands, pulmonary infection, skin eruptions, upper part of lungs, improper breathing. 2. Virgo ( sign -6) Hypo action. Tape worms, sugar related problems, pancreatic ( less of sugar) glycocemia, intestine will get weak, lose bowls and tumor of in testines. 3. Saggartious ( sign -9) Hypo action. Gouts in knees, thighs, sacitic pains, er uptions of skin on hipps and thighs. 4. Pieces ( sign -12). Hypo action. Bunions an influence of swelling on foot or toe, gout in feet.

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