Lecture 250 - Introduction To Feedback Concepts: (READING: GHLM - 553-563) Objective

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Lecture 250 Intro.

to Feedback Concepts (2/28/02)

Page 250-1


(READING: GHLM 553-563) Objective The objective of this presentation is: 1.) Introduce the background and basic concepts of negative feedback Outline Influence of negative feedback Feedback configurations with ideal source/load Examples Summary

ECE 6412 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design - II Lecture 250 Intro.to Feedback Concepts (2/28/02)

P.E. Allen - 2002 Page 250-2

Ideal Feedback Equation Ideal Negative Feedback Configuration:


Se S fb

Amplifier a So

f Feedback Network

Se = Si Sfb = Si fSo So = aSe = aSi afSo So a T = af Loop Gain A = Si = 1 + af Closed Loop Gain So a 1 A = Si = 1 + T for T >> 1, A f Sfb T Feedback signal/Input signal = Si = 1 + T Se 1 Error signal/Input signal = Si = 1 + T

Some authors (Allen and Holberg) define the loop gain as af. ECE 6412 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design - II

P.E. Allen - 2002

Lecture 250 Intro.to Feedback Concepts (2/28/02)

Page 250-3

Gain Sensitivity Sensitivity of the closed loop gain with respect to the open loop gain: 1 1 a A 1 dA 1 + af - af = = = = 2 2 2 a (1 + T) a 1+T da (1 + af) (1 + T) dA 1 da = A (1 + T) a Example: An amplifier with a gain of 10 has a gain variation of 3.3%. Use these amplifiers to design an amplifier with a gain of 10 and a gain variation < 0.1%. Solution: We must cascade several amplifiers together and feedback around the cascade. With feedback, dA/A = 0.001. For three cascaded stages, da [10(1+0.033)]3 - 1000 = 0.1023 a = 1000 and a = 1000 dA 1 da 0.1023 = A (1 + T) a = 1+T = 0.001 T = 101. 101 1000 a = 1000 f = 1000 = 0.101 A = 1+101 = 9.80 Gain is close to 10 but not exactly. However, the tolerance will be 0.1%
ECE 6412 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design - II Lecture 250 Intro.to Feedback Concepts (2/28/02) P.E. Allen - 2002 Page 250-4

Effect of Negative Feedback on Nonlinear Distortion The major cause of nonlinear distortion in amplifiers is due to changes of gain with signal level.
So S02 S

Basic Amplifier a =0

So S02 S

Feedback Amplifier A =0



slope = a1 a2 a 3= 0 -S 01 -S 02



slope = A 1 A2 A 3= 0 -S 01 -S 02



(1 + a1f)


a1 1 A1 = 1 +a1f f Key points: 1. Three gain regions exist for each case 2. Horizontal scale compression for feedback amplifier 3. No distortion improvement for hard saturation cases 4. Distortion improvement with feedback (1 + T)
ECE 6412 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design - II

a2 1 A2 = 1 +a2f f

P.E. Allen - 2002

Lecture 250 Intro.to Feedback Concepts (2/28/02)

Page 250-5

Demonstration 1 Reduction of Nonlinearity by Negative Feedback Consider the following circuit for this demonstration.
v1 A1 x10 v2 A2 x10 v3

Assume that the amplifiers have the following voltage transfer functions.
v3 Vmax
1 10 1 5

v2 Vmax

v3 Vmax
1 100


v2 x


1 50 1


10 1 5 1



Fig. 250-02


Fig. 250-03


Fig. 250-04

ECE 6412 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design - II Lecture 250 Intro.to Feedback Concepts (2/28/02)

P.E. Allen - 2002 Page 250-6

Demonstration 1 - Continued Now let us apply feedback around the second stage resulting in a gain of x2 and increase the gain of the first stage from v1 x10 to x50. To find the value of f, we can solve the following, A2 v3 = v2 1+A2f = 2 f = 0.4 The resulting transfer function is,

f v2 + v3

A1 x50 x50

A2 x10 x2


v3 Vmax


100 1


100 1 83.3 1
ECE 6412 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design - II


Fig. 250-06
P.E. Allen - 2002

Lecture 250 Intro.to Feedback Concepts (2/28/02)

Page 250-7

Demonstration 1 Continued The demo circuit:

-15V 3R

10R v1 + Fb. Sw. A2 0.4R R + v2 R + R

R R + R v3

9R-49R R A1

3R +15V

ECE 6412 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design - II Lecture 250 Intro.to Feedback Concepts (2/28/02)

Fig. 250-07

P.E. Allen - 2002 Page 250-8

Effects of Negative Feedback on Signal Distortion Consider the output stage of an amplifier where distortion occurs because this stage is being driven very hard and a distortion signal Sd is introduced. Examine the two cases of with and without feedback.
Sd Si a Open Loop Amplifier So Si f Feedback Network a a Sd So

So = aSi + Sd

a2Si Sd So = 1 + a2f +1 + a2f Sd a-1 Now choose f = a2 So = aSi + a

Key points: 1. Desired output signal is the same in both cases 2. With feedback, distortion is reduced by gain a 3. T = a2f = a 1 4. Improved performance with inferior amplifier (if used in large quantities sometimes more can be better)
ECE 6412 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design - II P.E. Allen - 2002

Lecture 250 Intro.to Feedback Concepts (2/28/02)

Page 250-9

Influence of Negative Feedback on Frequency Response When negative feedback is used with an amplifier having a single dominant low and a single dominant high frequency pole, gain and bandwidth can be traded evenly as shown.
a o


f low ( 1 + T )

f low

f high

f high( 1 + T ) Freq.

ECE 6412 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design - II Lecture 250 Intro.to Feedback Concepts (2/28/02)

P.E. Allen - 2002 Page 250-10

Four Basic Amplifiers

Parameter Voltage Small-Signal Model Ideal Forward Gain Ideal Ri Ideal Ro Si, Sfb and Se So Variable SS Model with Source and Load Ideal source, RS Ideal load, RL Overall Forward Gain

Amplifier Type Transconductance Transresistance

+ vo + ve Ri Gmve io Ro ie Ri Rmie Ro + vo ie

Ri Aiie io Ro

+ ve -

Ri Avve


vo = A vve 0 Voltage Voltage

RS + Ri ve A vv e Ro RL + vo vi

i o = Gm v e Voltage Current
RS + ve R i - Gmve Ro RL io

v o = Rm i e 0 0 Current Voltage
ie ii R S R i R m ie Ro RL + vo ii

io = A iie 0 Current Current

ie RS R -i A iv e R o R L

RS=0 or RS<<Ri RS=0 or RS<<Ri RS= or RS>>Ri RS= or RS>>Ri RL= or RL>>Ro RL=0 or RL<<Ro RL= or RL>>Ro RL=0 or RL<<Ro RSRLAi RSRLRm RiRLAv RiRoGm (RS+Ri)(RL+Ro) (RS+Ri)(RL+Ro) (RS+Ri)(RL+Ro) (RS+Ri)(RL+Ro)


ECE 6412 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design - II P.E. Allen - 2002

Lecture 250 Intro.to Feedback Concepts (2/28/02)

Page 250-11

Four Basic Feedback Topologies

series mixing Rs + ve vi + v fb Feedback Network Voltage Amplifier + v o RL ii shunt sampling shunt mixing series sampling i e Current Rs i Amplifier fb Feedback Network io + vo RL

series mixing Rs + ve vi + v fb Feedback Network Transconductance Amplifier

series sampling io + vo RL i i

shunt mixing i e Transresistance Amplifier i fb Feedback Network

shunt sampling + v o -



ECE 6412 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design - II Lecture 250 Intro.to Feedback Concepts (2/28/02)

P.E. Allen - 2002 Page 250-12

Series-Shunt Feedback Amplifier Series-shunt configuration:

ii vi + ve - vfb + Ri ave Basic Amplifier Ro i + vo -

Fig 250-08

+ vo Feedback Network

Find the equivalent voltage gain, input resistance (Rif), and output resistance (Rof). vo a vo = ave = a(vi-vfb) = avi avfb = avi afvo vo(1+af) = avi v = 1+af i vi vi ve+vfb ve+fvo ve+afve Rif = ii = veRi = Ri ve = Ri ve = Ri ve = Ri(1+af) = Ri(1+T) vo | vo-ave vo-a(-vfb) vo+afvo Ro Ro i= R = = R Rof = 1+af = 1+T Rof = i vi=0 Ro o o

ECE 6412 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design - II

P.E. Allen - 2002

Lecture 250 Intro.to Feedback Concepts (2/28/02)

Page 250-13

Shunt-Shunt Feedback Amplifier Shunt-shunt feedback configuration:

ie ii + vi ifb fvo
Fig 250-09

i aie Basic Amplifier Ri Ro + vo -

+ vo Feedback Network

vo = aie = a(ii-ifb) = aii aifb = avi afvo

vo(1+af) = aii

io a ii = 1+af

vi ieRi ieRi ieRi Ri Ri Rif = i = i +i = i +fi = i +afi = 1+af = 1+T i e fb e o e e vo | vo = Roi+aie = Roi+a(-ifb) = Roi-afvo Rof = i ii=0 vo Ro Ro Rof = i = 1+af = 1+T
ECE 6412 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design - II Lecture 250 Intro.to Feedback Concepts (2/28/02)

vo(1+af) = Roi

P.E. Allen - 2002 Page 250-14

Shunt-Series Feedback Amplifier Shunt-series feedback configuration:

ie ii + vi ifb fio
Fig 250-10

i aie Basic Amplifier Ri + Ro v Rof

io Feedback Network

io = aie = a(ii-ifb) = aii aifb = aii afio io(1+af) = aii

io a = ii 1+af

vi ieRi ieRi ieRi Ri Ri Rif = ii = ie+ifb = ie+fvo = ie+afie = 1+af = 1+T v | v Ro(io-aie) Ro(io+afio) Rof = io = = = Ro(1+af) Rof = ioii=0 io io

ECE 6412 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design - II

P.E. Allen - 2002

Lecture 250 Intro.to Feedback Concepts (2/28/02)

Page 250-15

Series-Series Feedback Amplifier Series-series feedback configuration:

ii vi + ve - vfb + ave Basic Amplifier Ri + Ro v i Rof

Fig 250-11

io Feedback Network

io = ave = a(vi-vfb) = avi avfb = avi afio

i e e e

io(1+af) = avi

io a = vi 1+af

vi vi ve+vfb ve+fio ve+afve Rif = i = v Ri = Ri v = Ri v = Ri v = Ri(1+af) = Ri(1+T) v | Rof = ioii=0 v Ro(io-ave) Ro(io+afio) Rof = i = = = Ro(1+af) i i
o o o

ECE 6412 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design - II Lecture 250 Intro.to Feedback Concepts (2/28/02)

P.E. Allen - 2002 Page 250-16

SUMMARY Four Basic Feedback Topologies (Ideal Source/Load)

Parameter Feedback Topology Si, Sfb and Se So Variable Closed Loop Gain Closed Loop Input Resistance Closed Loop Output Resistance Voltage Series-shunt Voltage Voltage Av Avf = 1+fA

Amplifier Type Transconductance Transresistance Shunt-shunt Series-series Voltage Current Current Gm Gmf = 1+fG

Current Shunt-series Current Current Ai Aif = 1+fA Ri Rif = 1+fA

Voltage Rm Rmf = 1+fR Ri Rif = 1+fR


i i

Rif = Ri(1+fAv) Ri Rof = 1+fA

Rif = Ri(1+fGm) Rof = Ro(1+fGm)

m m

Ri Rof = 1+fR

Rof = Ro(1+fAi)

ECE 6412 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design - II

P.E. Allen - 2002

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