Anderson Glenn Linda 1998 Russia

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fAtXHfiCv.Uo T.t

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Name and address of sponsoring church(es) or organization recommending you:

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Marital Status

Spouse's full name

Wedding Date OB/Zb/ if)


Children's name and date of birth

R'S^ 9'-^ -


' ^5
Brief Career Summary (attach additional sheet if necessary) ' Position^ ~ * .Service

G;^ru...taeu CLijc^cL

Sn^4JlS.7cl^ QAxdjS^Cui C^u^-vcg^ ^U.I0Y

Education (High School and later)




^ School,

, r u Location




Brief Description of Duties on Mission Fieid

Father's Name
Forwarding Agent




Mother's full maiden name.


9:0^ b,
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\fhgv4-t Ceiub

Ipl^Slo iLc 1^^

Full Name of Mission

^V-fo T^o>c o,.,

please Retum to: P. O. Box 13111. Knoxville, TN 37920-0111

Mission Services Association

Personal File Form


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Complete Stateside Address

Phone Number in U.S.A.

MD'^ - , if
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Name and address of sponsoring church{es) or organization recommending yc^.

Marital Status

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Spouse's full name

_^ildren's name and date of birth

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Brief Career Summary (attach additional sheet if necessary)

Uu^U g,u r)
^ , School, cT^'o 0 f Location^

ri).', A
. i Years

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Education (High School and later) ^

UpUjU^ i UjcXu:i3|-i^^ ^fVi^vL

Brief Description of Duties on Mission Field

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Father's Name Forwarding Agent



(C^C.QJX.i^\j[other's full maiden name. ^ s

9i rnh iC'-


Full Name of Mission

Cdtl'^I^ } i2jj^[a^ Please Return to; P. O. Box 13111, Knoxville. TN 37920-0111

Russia Christian Mission Glenn and Linda Anderson
PO Box 91

Mt. Zion, IL 62549

News Release

Glenn and Linda Anderson departed St. Louis, Missouri mid-January for two years of service in Russia. Their efforts of ministry will be concentrated primarily in the Moscow region. Moscow alone is eleven million people and needs the spiritual leadership trained men and women of the gospel will offer. There are several evangelical ministries in Moscow and its suburbs already. The Anderson's will be joining forces with two other couples whose primary work is through a preacher training college. Their efforts will be through the college with goals to plant and raise up indigenous churches. This includes converting, discipling and equipping Russians for Christ. Russia has been spiritually oppressed for seventy plus years. It was a difficult, hopeless existence. Without Christ, Russians had only the lack necessities and hardship of life to focus on. Since the blood of Christ has brought down the iron curtain, many have a hope and joy they never knew existed. They now have a reason to look out for others, not just themselves. God has made a way for Russia to hear the gospel and Glenn and Linda are committed to sharing it.
A Russian in Moscow once relayed to me his understanding of Russia's current situation. He said the

following, "Russia has been deprived of so many things, power, influence, money, in general prosperity, because it turned its back on God." To which I replied, "Unfortunately, America is headed the direction from which you've just come." I had hired that man to give me a ride to the train station as I was returning to my missionary city in Russia three years ago. He was not my friend or even a Christian, but he
understood what it meant for his country to be without God. Prepared by Jena M. Anderson Forwarding Agent for Russia Christian Mission
March, 1998

Russian Christian Mission

Glenn and Linda Anderson
Meet Glenn & Linda Anderson
Glenn Anderson was born (5/29/48) and raised at Forest Lake, Minnesota,
the youngest of ten children and actively involved in the local Christian Church. A graduate of Minnesota Bible College in 1971 with a Bachelors in Ministry degree and attended Lincoln Christian Seminary.

Linda (Feece) Anderson was born (2/20/46) and raised at Niles, Michigan,
the third of four children. Linda was actively involved in the First Church of Christ in Niles. A 1968 graduate of Minnesota Bible College with a degree in Christian Education and has always been involved in children's education of the local church. Glenn and Linda have been married for 28 years and are the parents of three

children - Jena (age 26), Jeremy (age 24), and Jolynda (age 18). For the past 26 years the Anderson's have been in the located preaching
ministry and have just concluded a 5 ministry with the Mt. Zion Christian Church. Glenn has made four previous short-term mission trips to Russia, Linda has been there twice, so they are no strangers to life and ministry in Russia.

Purpose for going to Russle

Several years ago God allowed the Anderson's to share the gospel in the once atheistic land of Russia. The compelling need to return and "make disciples" has never gone away. Our purpose is to win the lost to Christ, to teach the saved, and
mobilize these new believers to reach their friends for Christ.

Defining our Task

1) Our primary objective is to establish new churches is the city of Moscow (11 million population). 2) Building up and supporting already established churches. 3) Teaching in various settings - home study groups, through an already established preacher training college and training seminars in the churches.
4. Ultimately to train Russians to lead their own churches.

Russia: A great door

for effective work!
Did you know. . .







throughout Russia who do not have

the a church service or Bible in their

own language? Eleven of those people groups equal approximately 8,044,000 Russian peoples.

Russian Orthodoxy has been the accepted religion since the time of
Peter the Great in the 1800's?

40% of the population are atheists

(have no faith in God)?

more Christians have been

martyred for their faith in this century than all previous centuries

The Sleeping Giant Population -147,987,000 (1997 estimate) Capital - Moscow, approximately 11 million
Religion - Eastern Orthodox 55%
- Atheistic 32.7%

"I am going to do something In your days that you would not believe, even If you were told" (Habakkuk 1:5)

God has opended a "great door" (I Corinthians 16:9) for the gospel. We dare not miss this opportunity.


Glenn & Linda Anderson

PO Box 91, Mt. Zion, IL 62549

1 a>

E-mall gaarussia@]

.2 Srt'?

The Mandate

The Missionaries

The Need

^And if 1be liftedup from the eardi,willdraw all

men unto me" John 12:32

Ru^ia is "a great door for effective work" (1

Corinthians 16:9) and now is the time to walk through the door. Because of the nature and scope of the task your support is needed as:

Go Into all die worrld and preach the gospelto

all creation. Maik 16:15

Go and make disciplesof all nations,baptizing

them in the name of hte Father and of hte Son

andofdieHofy Spirit, and teachingdiem to ofvey everything I have comanded you. And surefyI am withyou always. Matthew28:19-20

Glenn and Linda Anderson are graduates of Minnesota Bible College. They have served in located ministry for hte past twenty-seven years

leading many to Christ, training men and

women for Christian Service, establishing new churches and strengthening existing ones. In

Prayer Partners - dus is a major step of faitk anJ. you are asbeJ. io join as Prayer Partners. Tkis endeavor is solax^ tkat if God isn't in it, it will fail. Mis guidance and bless ing is needed if anything of etezmal significance is to be accomplisbedfor tbe Kindgom of God.
Financial Partner - Will you Join in tbis ministry as a financial supporter? If God's people willgetbehindGod's workers great things, can be accomplisbed for tbe Kindgom. jMontbly

the past five years they have made two short journeys to minister in Russia together while
Glenn has made an additional three hjourneys alone. Through te grace of God, He saw fitto

The Mission

send them back.

support is sustaining support. \^ill you? Will your churchcommit to pving monthly?
Monthly Ministry Needs Monthly Living Needs
$1,200 $1,900

To seek and save the lost through:

Partnering with local churches In ministry Equipping Russian nationals to minister

Support existing churches
Riant a new church

The Commitment
Glenn and Linda have committed the next two

years of their lives to serving God in Russia. After that time they will evaluate their effectiveness and opportunity to return for
further ministry.

Gienn and Linda will initially reside in Moscow and assimilate both culter and language.

While there, theyt will team up with veteran missionaries Max Coins and George Keralis to

prepare local men and women to minsister In

the metropolitan area of Moscow. They are currently educating several college students to minisisterin their home towns upon completion
of their college degrees.

Communism relinquished its hold and the spiritual oppression ended leaving such an emotional and spiritual vacuum in it people. With all the changes the political and
economical situation of Russia has been in

land mass, extending across eleven time zones, including former Baltic republics. The church in Russia has experienced
the most severe and sustained

Russia is the world's largest

persecution of any nation in recent history. Millions were martyred, 90% of church buildings
seized or destroyed, Christians discrinimated against and millions in^risoned or exiled.

great turmoil. There is a constant threat that

Russia will close it's doors to foreign missions. There is great urgency in the task.

Address://o^ Scc tc Phone and E-mail number: (^7)

Name and age:

;4?tc[L 't.dCrU
/ jO ^

Present vocation: ry)Z:LU^^^

I HAVE DECIDED TO ... (check one or more ofthese five decisions)

1/ GO

=t-wrll go on a short-term mission trip
-I will go wherever God leads

^Specifically. %. (circle if it appjjegio your decision)

-I win go to the following country or people group: P^^sjlouj ,


Specifically... (circle if it applies to your decision)

-I will increase my regular giving to missions -I will become a partner with a missionary from my home church -I will keep in regular contact with those I help to send -I will pray regularly for my missionary partner

Specifically... (circle if it applies to yourdecision) -I will regularly pray and fast for world evangelization

-I will pray specifically for the following country orpeople group

-I will pray forthe missionaries that my church supports
-I will pray through the book "Operation World"
-other: WELCOME

Specifically... (circle if it applies to yourdecision)

-I will personally befriend at least one international student this year

-I will become involved with a campus ministry which reaches out to Int. students -I will make my home or dorm room a place of welcome for Int. students -I will regularly pray for Int. Students by name

-I will mobilize my home church for missions

-I will mobilize my youth group/ss class for missions -I will seek to recruit missionaries from my circle of influence

-I will take an active role in the missions committee of my church.


I agree to tell at least one other Christian friend from my school or church

about this decision I have made and I will ask them to hold me accountable.

Russia Christian Mission Glenn and Linda Anderson
PO Box 91

Mt. Zion, IL 62549

March 5,1998

Dear Ms. Sharpe,

I apologize for the long delay responding to your request for Information. Here it is, however. Should you need additional information, please feel free to contact me at the address or phone below. I can also be reached via e-mail at this

I beseech your prayers on behalf of my parents as they have encountered some struggles they didn't anticipate since their arrival. We are uncertain whether or not these matters will infringe upon their ministry in Russia.

Jena M. Anderson

Forwarding Agent

Russian Mailing Address: 109518 A/R 33 (the R is backward)

Glenn Anderson

E-mail Address:

Moscow, Russia

Jena M. Anderson 408 E Kratz Rd Montlcello, IL 61856

217-762-2221 or 762-5129

The Russia Report


Glenn & Linda Anderson

P.O. Box 91

Mt. Zion, IL 62549

Russia Christian Mission

Summer, 1998

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Early this year we arrived in Moscow with the desire to serve God through reaching out to the Russian people. Our first task was to adjust to the culture
and it was at this point that we hit a road block. As time went on Linda had

increasing problems dealing with the sudden changes brought on by separation from children and adapting to what was to her a "new world." Coupled with some
other things it was determined she should return home the first of March and I

came a month later. By the grace of God she is doing so much better, thank you
for all your prayers. Even though Linda is doing much better we have concluded
she should not return to Russia to live full-time.
time this

For thai; reason our focus is

changing iust a little (see "Russia...IBS...Ukraine"). Wg^are returning for a short

We have thanked many of you already but we want you to know how much we appreciate all of you. Many have written and/or phoned to tell us you are praying for us and standing with us. You have no idea how much that means to

At this time we believe. Cnrl hac Gth.=r rJans for us. Our hopes and dreams of serving the Lord have not changed, they are just being refocused. Your
prayers and support are needed just as much now as before. God still has work together. for all of us to do
For Christ and Russia,
Glenn and Linda Anderson

Nearly every Saturday from the time

of our arrival we traveled to the city of

Gus Krustalny. For the past six years the

Goins' have traveled the 170 miles (one

way) every week leading this congregation. At first it was thought we would be assuming the leadership of the
Gus church but Russian nationals are

The Lord willing Glenn and Linda will be going to Moscow for a few weeks

leaving July 6. They will be teaching, preaching and setting up future trips.

taking up this responsibility - PTL. The Evangelical Christian Church was a truely Russian experience. This church was started 27 years ago and is located in the village of Vostrokovo, at the
cu'ue of MosOow. We met the Pastor and his wife <Konstintine and Anna> at the Tek


They started the church in this








communists would not bother them out

there and that has been the case. They

meet in a renovated house and have been

We arrived in Moscow on January

15 and settled into our new flat on the

a delight to worship with.

I preached for

second floor of a large apartment building. It was cold and snowy but we were greeted
warmly by fellow missionaries Max &

them on two occasions. The last weekend Glenn was in

Russia he traveled to preach and teach at

Kostroma Christian Church. These folk

Marilyn Goins and George & Connie Keralis. We would soon meet Scott Spies living in a different part of the city. These were our co-workers while ministering in this city of 11 million. They were an immense help and encouragement to us.

are no strangers to us having ministered

with them on several occasion in the last

six years. Kostroma is an overnight train ride from Moscow, it was a good visit renewing friendships and sharing the
message of the cross.

MINISTRY IN RUSSIA During the next few months we

would meet and minister with Christians at several churches. We knew from the

DID YOU KNOW: There are 42 people


outset that our ministry would be to people

although our methods would be different.
The Church at Tekstilshchiki was

throughout Russia who do not have an opportunity to worship God or have a Bible

near where we lived. Their worship service was on Sunday evening so we

would often go there even if we were with another church that weekend. Glenn led a

in their own language? Some 40% of the population are atheistics (no belief in God) and 55% claim

the Orthodoxversion of Christianity?

More Christians have been

mid-week Bible study during the month of March with this congregation.

martyred for their faith in this century than

in all previous centuries combined?




DYTKAVAK The Church at Dyatkavah, Russia is needing their own building. George and

Thank You Lord for ....providing direction in the decision to return home and healing, time to refocus ....providing friends/support and financial faithful support ....the sale of our home ....your
love and concern for those outside of
Christ - here and across the world.

Connie Keralis have been working with this congregation and mentoring their Russian Minister, Valodya Turin for the
past three years. Because all public buildings are government owned it has become increasing difficult for them to rent a place of worship without running into
difficulties with the authorities. It is

Prayers for ....the lost - here and across the world ....the Church in Russia - they are often small, fragile and in need of national leadership ....the coming trip in July/August ....ministry support needs ....opportunities to develop youth and
children ministries ....that more Christians

estimated that a building wiii cost them about $15,000 to $20,000 of which $3,400
has been raised. KQH is the mission for

in the U.S. would catch the vision of the

International Bible School ....Max &

several camps and VBS's this summer and

in most cases the offerings will be going to the Dytkavak building need. If you would like to give please designate your gift and
we will pass it on to the Keralis'.

Marilyn Goins, George & Connie Keralis, Scott Spies (serving in Moscow); Dean & Judy Huffman (Ukraine) ...Dytkavak building need.

Valodya, Natasha and young son

Vlodic work full-time with this


He has completed studies


A complete financial report for the past year and Ministry Plan (needs) for the coming year is available on request. If you would like a copy write/call the address
below. Glenn and Linda can be reached here as weJL

at the Bible Institute in Moscow directed by Max Goins and is preparing to return to school through TCM working on an M.A. in
connection with Cincinnati Bible Seminary. Hopefully, he will start classes in

September. Please continue to pray for them and the church at Dyatkavah..

408 E. Kratz RdT^^^ Monticello, IL 61856 (217) 762-5129

Gifts can be sent to the same address as before;
P.O. Box 91

^06 aaid: "Wfieti 3 ant Ufted up piom

the eoHth, (3) wiH dbtam cdl men ta nt^eip"" John 12:32 NIV)

Mt. Zion, IL 62549



We are continuing the work of ^6H on three fronts. 1) Russia. To develop youth and children's ministries among existing
churches. Most Russian Christians don't know how to teach their own children

the Bible, let alone have an outreach program to other families/children. Many of the churches started during communist rule have no Bible classes for children or

adults. Our goal is to develop teams to assist these churches in learning how to
teach their own people.

2) Ukraine: Dean and Judy Huffman will be working with a congregation in Mikoleye, Ukraine. They wanted us to come and work full-time with them this fall. Since that is not possible the next best thing Is to lead a short-term team over In the spring of next year. You will be hearing more about this exciting

3) i.B.S: The international Bible School vjbs started some seven years ago with the goal of reaching foreign nationals with the gospel through Bible correspondence courses. Through newspaper ads reader are invited to write to an address In America for a correspondence course in English to learn more about Christianity. That person would be linked up with a volunteer (like yourself) in this country who would grade the completed course and the student
would then receive another course. The goal is to funnel the students name to

missionaries living in that country for a personal follow-up. This ministry is based in Joplln, Missouri (Don Dewelt of College Press was one of the founders). We are considering what part we can have in this ministry.

Russia Christian Mission

P.O. Box 9i



Mt. Zion, IL 62549

Permit No 83

Monticello, Illinois

Mission Services P.O. Box 13111

Knoxville, TN 37920


Tke Russia Report

Glenn & Linda Anderson
P.O. Box 91

Mt. Zion, IL 62549

Russia Christian Mission

Fall, 1998

July Trip To Russia

We recently returned from a productive trip to Russia, spending three weeks in the land of the Tsars and the once powerful communist state and it could not have been done without your support - prayers and gifts. Thanks to each of you for being they're for us.

Our main objective in going was to work with the Evangelical Christian Church of Vostrokovo located in a village at the edge of Moscow but God allowed them to do so much
more. We wanted to lead this old line Russian Church (established

27 years ago during the days of communism) to develop their teaching ministry with the goal of having a "Bible Club" (our version of Vacation Bible School) next summer. The idea was weU
received but there is work to be done before it can become a reality.

God andwedTusTfo encdifrageTEe^h^ega^idh^to ldokl;o~fhe"future considering ways to reach the lost and teach their young people to
become mature in Christ.

Munh More**

Two days were spent with the jfiLoatroma Church (300 miles north of Moscow) while their Bible Camp was going on, learning much as well as observing God work in a marvelous way. They had great youth attendance and involvement by both American and Russian teachers. Many young people's lives were changed (a large number of conversions) and the community knew something special was happening. We stayed in the home of long time friends and had the opportunity to encourage them about some spiritual
struggles they were dealing with. At the Tekstilshchiki Church we were able to encourage the saints and share in their worship. On the last Sunday with them Glenn baptized a new convert into Christ. Natasha was just introduced to Christ 10 days previous and made the decision to

give her life to the Savior.


God is still in the life changing

One of the yoxmg couples at the Tek Church is Nick and Irene. They have a beautiftd little 18-month old girl and Linda just fell in love with her. The last Sunday there Linda caine to the worship service prepared to have a class for little Liza, but she wasn't there (she was with grandma at the Dacha).. Not to be discouraged, Linda asked Irene if she had thought about having a

class at the church for Liza and other children her age. The idea had not occurred to Irene (she thought 18 month old children were too young to learn about (Jod) but she was willing to learn to teach this age so that week Linda spent much time helping Irene become
a teacher of little children. Irene caught Linda's enthusiasm for

teaching children and additional materials/resources are being

sent to Russia for Irene.

God blessed this mission trip in different ways than

anticipated and only He knows what will happen with the seeds planted. Praise the Lord.

Building for Dyatkavah

We have had the privilege of working in Moscow with George
and Connie Keralis. One of the churches they work with is at

Dyatkavah (200 miles south of Moscow). This congregation has their own Russian preacher and meet in a school. Because they
have had some trouble with the authorities of the school it is the

churches desire to buy a large house for their meeting place. It was decided early on that the campsATBS's where we were the mission the offerings would go toward the Dyatkavah building fund. As of this writing about $3,000 has been directed that way.
What Is Next?

We are not returning to Russia, as many of you know, except for short term trips but we want to continue to be a promoter of the work in Russia by informing the American church of what God is doing in that part of the world. Special needs like the

Dyatkavah building fund, the work of missionaries like the

Keralis', Max and Marilyn Goins, Scott Spies and the Russian

churches will be kept before you folk. Someone recently asked, "since your focus has changed what are you going to do?" The answer to that question is taking shape. After much prayer and aearnhing we are preparing to return to the preaching ministrv
here in the states. Where that will be is not known as of this

writing but we are nnnfiflent God will lead us."

God Is Providing
Until we take a full-time ministry we are living on the support given to Russia Christian Ministry and God continues to provide. Some have chosen to end their support while others have given an ending month and that is understandable.

Many TTinnks From Your Russian Friends

Time and again the Christians in Russia would tell us how much they appreciate you. They are overwhelmed and even amazed that Christians in America would care enough to provide the money for someone to come and teach them. Your gifts and prayers continue to be an investment in Kingdom work.

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