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UHS PreCalculus Adaption of AP Calculus AB/BC 2012 Question 3


Let f be the function whose graph consists of three line segments and a semicircle, as shown above. 1. Domain of f __________________ Range of f ___________________

2. For what interval(s) of x is f positive? ________________ Negative? __________________

3. For what interval(s) of x is f increasing? __________________________ Decreasing? __________________________

4. For what value(s) of x is f(x)=0?

5. Calculus (specifically, Calculus I) is all about slope, or rate of change. Considering only the three line segments, for which interval(s) of x is the average rate of change (slope) of f positive? ____________________ Considering only the three line segments, for which interval(s) of x does f have an average rate of change ____________________ ?

6. On the graph above, draw the graph of

( ) . Lets call this new graph ( ).

For which values of x is g increasing? ____________________________ Decreasing? ___________________________

7. While Calculus I is all about slope, Calculus II is all about area. Connect the endpoints of the original graph to the x-axis. Now shade and find the area under the curve (i.e., the area made with the function and the x-axis) using geometry formulas. Remember that if the graph is above the x-axis, you have positive area; if the graph is below the x-axis, you have negative area.

UHS PreCalculus Adaption of AP Calculus AB/BC 2011B Question 5

Ben rides a unicycle back and forth along a straight east-west track. The table above gives values for Bens velocity, ( ), measured in meters per second, at selected times t. 1. Use the data to find the average rate of change of v from to seconds; indicate units of measure.

What do we call the rate of velocity?__________________________ Ask a student in physics if you dont know.

2. Estimate total distance that Ben traveled between 0 seconds and 60 seconds by using a left Riemann sum with three subintervals; include the units of your result.

3. Estimate total distance that Ben traveled between 0 seconds and 60 seconds by using a right Riemann sum with three subintervals; include the units of your result.

4. Estimate total distance that Ben traveled between 0 seconds and 60 seconds by using a trapezoidal sum with three subintervals; include the units of your result.

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