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The Effectiveness of CCTV Control Access System

The literature review is to examine whether the CCTV Control Access System can be effective or ineffective. The popularity of CCTV Control Access System is due to largely to its inexpensive and practical nature. CCTV Control Access System not only captures the presence of a car but also can be as monitoring. CCTV also provides an excellent opportunity in providing evidence. The literature review discuss that CCTV operation may be subject to a lack of continuous human monitoring. Most CCTV Control Access System are self-operate in that cameras are left running while people might only watch CCTV coverage for short amount of time. This poses a problem because events of concern are not viewed as they happen, thus the response time and effort may be compromised. With regard lack of human monitoring, eight European countries found that the majority of CCTV system aim to prevent deviant behaviour by symbolic but more or less incompetent deterrence because cameras are highly visible but those under surveillance are hardly visible for an observer due to irregular monitoring, informational overkill or even the deployment of dummy cameras as stated by Hampel and Toper 2004, p.7. CCTV can be considering some as form of spying on individuals. In particular, camera accuracy may pose the problem of capturing low quality images that will prevent accuracy of image from happen. In relation to accuracy, Henderson, Bruce and Burton (2001) conducted a series of test that revealed that even under optimal condition, the accuracy of face matching techniques using CCTV, broadcast quality recording, and still photographic images was unreliable, not least due to the low quality images used. A concern that CCTV introduces is the regard of human monitoring and versus CCTV effectiveness. It is crucial that an effective CCTV Control Access System is safeguarded by a quick response effort. Due to CCTV video information might be sensitive and has to be kept confidential. There are malicious people hack such confidential video to leaked out the video to in public which in result have caused an big economic problem. The literature review promotes the idea that having CCTV presence for recording purposes is simply not effective. CCTV Control Access System has to be followed by a rapid security to protect the informational video.

The literature reviews also discuss how CCTV requires continuous power consumption is considerably a lot as the camera keeps recording non-stop. In terms of power consumption of using CCTV Control Access System is very high in cost and high in power consumption because of the number of camera used and the system need power to operate. This can include the introduction of advance system to control the power consumption by lowering the cost. The literature review also addresses the concern for privacy. Science fiction literature provides a characterization of the intrusion of state authorized privacy intrusion. There is also disagreement about the appropriateness of using CCTV can infected peoples privacy. McCahill and Norris (2002) has cite a range of papers that report negative effects on young people arising from CCTV usage, whether or not it is specially targeted at them. P.Coleman and Sim (2000, p.635) also stated that CCTV has been touted as promoting human freedom, and there has also been protestation that CCTV infringes on peoples freedom and privacy. However, privacy has been entrusted to the use of CCTV operators concern may arise if CCTV cameras become misused. The final conclusion of the literature review addresses some key issues that influenced this project. Technological evaluations have contributed to a greater public perception about CCTV Control Access System. Continuous live monitoring is essential to increase the efficiency of CCTV systems. Other factors may obvious contributing to deterrent effect of CCTV Control Access System. It is crucial that CCTV technology is properly observed and is carried out. CCTV Control Access System poses a perception to make the most people feel ease when they park their car and feel safe when CCTV can ensure the security. It makes lesser problems in parking cars and is more likely to be reduced by CCTV Control Access System. Most people query whether the CCTV is trespassing personal privacy and it has been shown that cameras are open to being improperly used or misused. This disturbing outcome may be further promoted with the use CCTV Control Access System. Many countries lack of understanding of law enforcement governing the use of CCTV Control Access System. It should be noted that CCTV camera is not just by detecting presence of car and automatically opens the gate the use may be an efficient method for monitoring too.

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