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Guidelines for Term Paper

1. Marks distribution:
Mid Term report- 5 marks End Term report- 15 marks Viva /presentation-10 marks

2. Report will not be a epted a!ter t"e due date "as passed !or t"e same. #. $ast date !or mid-term report submission is 2%t" &eptember' 2012.
%. (! t"e student will op) some material wit"out proper re!eren in*' appropriate marks will be dedu ted+ even ,ero marks an to be awarded wit"out an) e- eption.

5. Term paper s"ould be written b) t"e students in t"eir own lan*ua*e. &impl) op)in* t"e ontents !rom internet or books is liable to be re.e ted and appropriate marks will be dedu ted. /. T"e report s"ould be properl) !ormatted. 0. T"e student s"ould submit "is/"er own report and s"ould be able to distin*uis" "is/"er work !rom rest o! t"e *roup members. 1. 2lon* wit" t"e ETE Report 3"ard op)4t"e student is also re5uired to upload t"e same report 3in .doc !ormat4 on t"e 6M& link provided !or t"e same. 7. 2n) 5uer) or doubt re*ardin* an)t"in* s"ould be leared in advan e. 8n t"e spot reasonin* or e- uses will not be entertained. 10. Term paper topi s will not be "an*ed. $ist o! allo ated topi s is provided on t"e ne-t pa*e. 2n) mistake in *roup allo ation or term paper topi is to be brou*"t to m) noti e till 21 t" 2u*' 2012. 11. T"e student is re5uired to do in-dept" stud) o! t"e topi and not .ust t"e material mentioned in t"e te-t book. &tudent s"ould re!er at-least t"ree resear " papers related to t"e topi proposed.

Term Paper Topic(K1R03)

&r. 9o 1

Members o! :roup ;uvra. &in*" <abra" &a"iba =itin 2rora

Re*istration Topi 9ame 9o. $e--2 $e-i al 2nal),er :enerator 110005%0 11000/00 11000705 11002%10 110025#1 1100##0% 1100#%2# 1100#1// 1100#772 1100%%01 110051%0 11005/0% 1100/%0/ 1100/017 11000021 11000#0# 11000##0 11000#51 11000/2# 11000010 1100010# 11000170 110071// 1100725/ 1100777% 11011012 11011225 110120#0 11000775 11001/25
Cisassembler Ce ompiler &our e-to-sour e ompiler Bardware ompiler &ta*e >ompiler ;a : ;et anot"er >ompiler->ompiler @le--@ast $e-i al anal),er *enerator >omplier :enerator =ust-(n time >omplier


<"a*wan &"ankar &in*" &unil ?umar 2vtar &in*"

<" &in*" &aurab" ?umar =aiendu ?amal &et"ia

&umit &in*" Tanvi =os"i &urb"i &"arma

&imran.eet &in*" 2mar =)oti Ae*u Arakas" >"akrabort)

2nkit ;as"vard"an &in"a 2mit ?umar Verma

Mukes" >"ettri Tripti &"rivastava &a*olsem >"a Man*anlakpa

&"ankar Toppo &"ub"am <airoli)a &"ub"am

&u.ata &en &unaina :u*lani Aravin ?umar


Bimes" ?umar Aarneet ?aur Renu Tiwari


Mano"ar ?umar =atinder >"au"an Ra.bir ?aur C"anda

11001071 1100111% 11002101 110021#/ 1100##15 1100%#12 1100%%10 1100%017 1100%121 1100%120 11005%22 11005012 11005111 1100/0/% 11000#02 110005#2 11000110 11001#0/ 110070/0 110071/5 110071/0 11007#%5 11007%05 11007172 11010%0# 1101#%#5

Te-t omplier


6.wal Camani 2dit)a >"opra 2b"is"ek ?umar

$an*ua*e translators


2poorwa Cube) Vis"wadeep Man"as Rupinder ?aur

>ommand $ine interpreters


2nand Ceep 2mrit ?umar 2kram &"u.a

Mi roassembler


Vivek ?umar &a "in ?umar Ris"u Ra.

C)nami linker


<o..a Mano. Ai)us" ?umar Mis"ra &)ed @ara, Bussain

Assembly Directives


Ceepak ?umar Ra"ul &"abd &"as"ank

Linker and loader


?eert"i Redd) Aari*i 2b"is"ek :aur Cevans"i &"arma

Multi Language Compiler


Auneet Valamala &"iva ?umar

LR and LALR parser

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