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Reciprocal Teaching Tutoring Lesson Plan

Student ___Jaxon Wernke_________________________ Tutor: Rebekah Hilby ____________

Date: _March 28, 2014______________ Lesson # ____3___

Common Core State Standard: CCSS ELA-Literacy RF.5.4a Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding I can learning target (related to your goal for the reader and the Common Core): I can engage in a close reading using Fab Four to better comprehend the text I am reading

Text complexity: Lesson Componen t Description of Planned Activities T i m e Outcomes and Comments (The reader and you)

Warm-up and reading for fluency Text introductio n and reading

Text and level:

Text and level: Platypuses: Level- 2627 Opening: I have a informational text that we will still be working with the Fab four concepts in addition to doing some

still need to continue the lesson wasnt able to finish due to assembly: make

Preview/tex t feature walk Record predictions

close reading in this text.

Remind to think about questions to ask andto lookfor a word(s) to clarify during reading

Prior knowledge: Show a clip off youtube about mammals. Afterwards discuss or describe what mammals are and what are some of the characteristics. m/watch?v=_YSCLSFm2eA

Preview: Today we will be reading about platypuses, what are somethings you know about platypuses? Do a picture walk on page 3 looking at the comparison chart, Compare the different kingdoms of species that exist: reptiles, birds, mammals, fish, amphibians, then make connections to where a platypus would be classified under.

it more interesting with going through the text to find information in order to take care of a platypus, have Jaxon be a zoologist observing platypuses in their natural habitat collecting information

Predict: Before we begin reading we should always make a prediction before getting started. To help organize our predictions lets write them on a sticky note and then place the sticky note underneath the predictions box. We can use clues from the text and illustrations to help make predictions on what we will learn from the reading. Using the chart to help think of different ways to express your prediction. I predict....will learn about different

Understands the how to make predictions. The intro video was a great start in talking about different animals and leading into a picture walk, think aloud about mammals, reptiles, birds and how it relates to Platypuses. Whe n it came to Jaxon making a prediction he asked to further

characteristics of a platypuses being a mammal why (thought process behind prediction): Looking at the illustration, the images and charts they all seem to focus on platypuses and how they compare to other species. Now allow the student to write his or her own prediction about what they will learn from the reading, then have him explain his supporting detail from the text of illustrations on why he made his prediction. Set a purpose for reading: While you read, consider the predictions you just made and decide if you were right as well as some other important information you have learned. I will also be asking you to come up with questions and to clarify something you read as well so be prepared to do that. What is the author writing about, what is his purpose for writing this? Direct attention towards the Fab Four Chart and point to these words.

his picture walk to the specific section we were going to read. This was great because Jaxon is understanding that the illustrations and text headings can help gather information on what we will be reading! It didn't even occur to me to have him picture walk the section we were going to be reading, very pleased with his responses and predictions.

when doing a picture walk of the chart it really caught Jaxon's attention. And he was able to tell me a good amount of information about what he knew

about mammals After reading discussion

Strategy use highlighted Verify predictions Reader talks about how he/she clarified a word (or an idea) Write a question Reflect on the helpfulness of the strategies

Clarify: Remember you can always receive help from the clarifying Fab Four friend. Use your imaginary magnify glass to help you figure out tricky words or ideas you don't understand. On page 13 remember when we saw the word Habitat.(write the word on a sticky note and place it underneath the clarify section on the Fab Four chart) I wasn't familiar with this word so how did I go about clarifying the word? Direct attention to the Fab Four chart for help. Have the student help find the meaning of this word through reading on in the text. Now what is something you needed to clarify while reading? (allow the student to write any words they need help clarifying on a sticky note) Were there any words or ideas you didn't understand? What strategies did you use to figure out this word? Encourage him to use the Fab Four chart to help think of strategies and record words that need clarifying. list of words that should be explained: habitat, burrows, territory, grooming,

Jaxon understood habitat, but didn't understand burrow. That was a word we worked together defining together since the word was not in the glossary. Jaxon didn't really go back to the book to reread to help him clarified, instead he would try to use prior knowledge or a schema to help clarify the word, which was good to see him try to recall the word, but however he struggled to give a complete definition saying a burrow is close to water and form of shelter. However forgetting it was a hole or

overcrowded Question: Bring attention to the Fab Four chart question section: Remember the questions you ask should be based on what you read in the text. Some of these questions can be answered in the book ("quiz questions") while others are inferred. As you read what were questions that you came across when reading the text. I might ask...(write on a sticky note to help remember the question) When are platypuses most active? Show me where you would locate the answer to this. What's a why question you could ask based off what you read in this chapter?

chains formed underground used for protection and a place of living. So Jaxon needs to work on looking back into the text to help clarify and remember various ideas and key words

Retell: Tell me everything you remember about the chapter you just read. Add as much detail as you can.

Summarize: Came up with a good question that relates to Platypuses asking what other mammals lay eggs? He does a great job asking I wonder questions

but needs to work on quiz questions we weren't able to finish the lesson and only read pages 13-14.

Teaching point(s)

Guide student to come up with a summary statement similar to: (option of sticky note or paper) Platypuses live in Australia where they dig burrows to establish a home. These burrows have entrances found under water and above the ground for the protection of their young. They feed on food found at the bottom of streams and if the food is plentiful they will spend most of their time in their homes. They cannot breath underwater and can hold their breathe for up to ten minutes if they are in danger. When their territory is overcrowded platypuses move or compete for food in the area making it difficult to always find food. This is why platypuses typically live on their own once their young are old enough to take care of themselves. Check: Does this include all the main ideas ion this section? Would somebody have a good idea about this reading based of this summary? Ask: What helped you as a reader

Key ideas and details:

Text categories and questions

Craft and structure:

Integration of knowledge and ideas:


Decoding development:

Vocabulary development:

Fluency development:

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