TLex Suite User Guide

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The TLex Suite

2012 / 2013
Professional Lexicography, Terminology and Corpus Query Software

User Guide
Version !"!#

$a%id &offe ' Gilles()aurice de Schry%er

Copyright 2004-2013 TshwaneDJe Human Language Technology http !!tshwane"#e$com!

Table of Contents
General Notes to the User Guide.......................................................................................................1 Terminology Used in this User Guide.............................................................................................1 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)................................................................................................1 Ch ngeLog.......................................................................................................................................1 Addition l !esour"es.......................................................................................................................1 Getting Started with TLex: Quic Start Guide................................................................................2 Cre ting #e$ %i"tion ry &ro'e"t..................................................................................................( )*er*ie$ o+ the TLex,tlTerm -nter+ "e............................................................................................ /onolingu l 0diting 0n*ironment , tlTerm................................................................................ 1ilingu l 0diting 0n*ironment...................................................................................................2 0ntry List 314 (5Lemm List6 in TLex7 nd 5Term List6 in tlTerm).............................................2 Qui"kSe r"h 1ox....................................................................................................................2 Tree 8ie$ 3(4..............................................................................................................................9 Attri:utes (F17 F() nd Tools (F.7 F27 F97 F;) <indo$ 3.4.......................................................9 &re*ie$ Are 324.........................................................................................................................9 1ilingu l =Side>:y>Side? 8ie$ /ode.........................................................................................9 =0x@ nded 8ie$? /ode *s. Side>:y>Side 8ie$ /ode..............................................................; Adding #e$ 0ntries to the %i"tion ry,Term: se............................................................................; Stru"turing Arti"les $ith the Tree 8ie$ Control.............................................................................; Ch nging the )rder o+ 0lements.................................................................................................A Ch nging the )rder o+ Bomonyms.............................................................................................A / rking 0ntries s C-n"om@leteC.......................................................................................................A S *ing Dour <ork...........................................................................................................................A !estoring the L st>s *ed 8ersion o+ n 0ntry (CUndoC)...................................................................E Adding 1 t"h o+ #e$ 0ntries7 )r 5-m@ort <ordlist,CS86...........................................................E %eleting 0ntries +rom the %i"tion ry,Term: se..............................................................................E &rinting your %i"tion ry..................................................................................................................E / king !egul r 1 "ku@s.................................................................................................................E / nu l 1 "ku@s..........................................................................................................................E Autom ti" 1 "ku@s.....................................................................................................................F )++site 1 "ku@s...........................................................................................................................F =Cloud? 1 "ku@s.........................................................................................................................F Getting Started with tlTer!: Quic Start Guide...........................................................................10 Cre ting #e$ Term: se..............................................................................................................1G &rim ry %i++eren"es 1et$een tlTerm nd TLex............................................................................1G "hanging the #nter$ace Language %Localisation&..........................................................................12 1uilt>in Lo" lis tion 0ditor H Cre ting #e$ -nter+ "e L ngu ges................................................1( 'ee(ing )our So$tware U( To *ate...............................................................................................1+ ,-ide .iew/ 0ode and ,1igh .iew/ 0ode.................................................................................12 F1( )*erl y <indo$ (L rger Attri:ute 0diting <indo$)............................................................1; 3ttri4utes %51& and %52&...................................................................................................................16 Attri:utes (F1)................................................................................................................................1A =-n"om@lete? Che"k:ox............................................................................................................1E Attri:utes (F() H Closed Lists $ith /ulti@le Sele"tion.................................................................1E 7diting 3ttri4utes.............................................................................................................................18 0x@ nsion o+ Tilde Ch r "ter (I)..................................................................................................1F )*erriding the Tilde Su:stitution Text.....................................................................................1F

Using Text Form tting <ithin Text Field..................................................................................(G / rku@ Ch r "ters (1old7 -t li"s7 Underline et".)....................................................................(G Sm rt Form tting !e*ers l (J:7 Ji *s. J17 J- > =so+t? *s. =h rd? :old,it li"s)...............(1 Using -nline 0lements +or Text Form tting 3Ad* n"ed4...............................................................(1 Con+igur :le Key:o rd Short"uts..................................................................................................(1 -nline 0lementsL S@e"i l MiNCT ggingCM,iN Short"ut Keys 3Ad* n"ed4....................................(. !e@l "e As Dou Ty@e....................................................................................................................(. Con+iguring !e@l "e>As>Dou>Ty@e 3Ad* n"ed4......................................................................(. -nserting &honeti" Sym:ols (e.g. -&A)...........................................................................................(. 7diting TLex ,S!art "ross9re$erences/........................................................................................22 =Sm rt? Cross>re+eren"esL )*er*ie$.............................................................................................(9 Adding Cross>re+eren"es................................................................................................................(; 0diting Cross>re+eren"es................................................................................................................(A Customising the Cross>re+eren"e Ty@es........................................................................................(A Search %53&........................................................................................................................................2: )*er*ie$........................................................................................................................................(E Se r"h )@tions...............................................................................................................................(E =C se Sensiti*e?........................................................................................................................(E =<hole <ord )nly?..................................................................................................................(E =!egul r 0x@ression? Se r"hes 3Ad* n"ed4.............................................................................(E A Fe$ Use+ul !egul r 0x@ression 0x m@le A@@li" tions....................................................G =Find? Tool.....................................................................................................................................G =Se r"h nd !e@l "e? Tool.............................................................................................................1 Se r"hing F( Lists $ith =Find? nd =Se r"h nd !e@l "e?............................................................1 Se r"h =Sm rt &resets?...................................................................................................................1 5or!at %5+&.......................................................................................................................................33 Altern ti*e Sets o+ L :els +or Lists.................................................................................................. Cross>re+eren"e L :el Sets............................................................................................................... Sho$ !el ted Cross>re+eren"es 3TLex4..........................................................................................2 0x@ nd 0ntities...............................................................................................................................2 Sho$ Frequen"y..............................................................................................................................2 0x@ nd Tildes (I)...........................................................................................................................2 Sho$ Timest m@............................................................................................................................2 Sho$ Usern mes.............................................................................................................................2 5ilter %52&...........................................................................................................................................32 Ty@es o+ Filter Conditions..............................................................................................................9 =!e*e l? Filter................................................................................................................................; =Bide? Filter....................................................................................................................................A Com:ining =!e*e l? nd =Bide?....................................................................................................A 0xtr "ting or &rinting Su:set o+ the %i"tion ry,Term: se..........................................................E "or(us %5;&.......................................................................................................................................38 Con+iguring the Cor@us...................................................................................................................F %oing Cor@us Se r"h...................................................................................................................F Sorting the !esults..........................................................................................................................F Auto>gr ::ing Us ge 0x m@les.....................................................................................................F Co@ying Sele"ted 0x m@les (Cor@us Lines) to the Cli@:o rd......................................................2G Cor@us 0n"ry@tion.........................................................................................................................2G Cor@us !egistry Settings 3Ad* n"ed4............................................................................................2G -n"re sing the / ximum #um:er o+ Cor@us Lines !eturned..................................................2G -n"re sing the / ximum #um:er o+ C "hed Sets o+ Se r"h !esults.......................................2G

Tags....................................................................................................................................................+2 )*er*ie$........................................................................................................................................2( T gging Comm nds.......................................................................................................................2( T g Filter........................................................................................................................................2. T gging in the =Find? Tool............................................................................................................2. T gging ! nge o+ 0ntries (e.g. n Al@h :eti" Se"tion)..............................................................2. 0icroso$t -ord #ntegration............................................................................................................++ TLex <ilingual 7diting 5eatures.....................................................................................................+2 Linked 8ie$...................................................................................................................................29 Autom ti" Lemm !e*ers l..........................................................................................................29 Single Arti"le !e*ers l.............................................................................................................29 Full %i"tion ry !e*ers l...........................................................................................................29 Tr nsl tion 0qui* lent , Term F nouts 3TLex O tlTerm4.............................................................2; "o!(are/0erge................................................................................................................................+6 )*er*ie$........................................................................................................................................2A A"tion Comm ndsL =Add?7 =/erge?7 =!e@l "e? nd =%elete Le+t?.............................................2E Settings...........................................................................................................................................2F 1ilingu l %i"tion riesL Choosing <hi"h Sides to Com@ re.....................................................2F 1 t"h /erge...................................................................................................................................2F =uler Tool >3d?anced@.....................................................................................................................21 <h t is /ultidimension l Lexi"ogr @hi" !ulerP.......................................................................91 !ulers in TLex...............................................................................................................................91 "usto!ising the *ictionarA Gra!!ar or Ter!4ase 5ields using the *T* >3d?anced@..........2+ 1 si"s o+ Bier r"hi" l % t /odelling..........................................................................................92 0lements nd Attri:utes............................................................................................................92 <h t is %T%P.............................................................................................................................99 0lement Ty@es...........................................................................................................................99 0lement Attri:utes....................................................................................................................9; 0lement Child !el tions...........................................................................................................9A 0lement Child !el tion Constr ints.....................................................................................9E Syn"hroniQing the Child 0lement )rder $ith the )ut@ut )rder in the Styles.....................9F Co@y Child 0lement List to Cli@:o rd.................................................................................;G S@e"i l 0lement Ty@es (TLex>intern l).........................................................................................;G %i"tion ry nd L ngu ge 0lements...........................................................................................;G Lemm 0lement........................................................................................................................;G !e+eren"es 0lement...................................................................................................................;G The TLex %e+ ult %T%.................................................................................................................;1 0lements....................................................................................................................................;1 Attri:utes...................................................................................................................................;1 Attri:ute Lists................................................................................................................................;. /ultimedi (Audio nd -m ges)....................................................................................................;A S@e"i l 0lement nd Attri:ute Ty@es (User>"on+igur :le)............................................................;A Tr nsl tion 0qui* lent (T0)......................................................................................................;A Frequen"y..................................................................................................................................;E Sense.........................................................................................................................................;E %is@l y Lemm Sign.................................................................................................................;E -ntern l 5#otes6.........................................................................................................................;F %T% Tem@l tes..............................................................................................................................;F "usto!ising the "ross9re$erence TA(es.........................................................................................60 !en ming7 !emo*ing nd Adding Cross>re+eren"e Ty@es............................................................AG

Ch nging the )ut@ut )rder o+ Cross>re+eren"e Ty@es...................................................................AG Cre ting Singul r nd &lur l L :els +or Cross>re+eren"e Ty@es....................................................AG Customising the L ngu ge used to %is@l y Cross>re+eren"e Ty@es..............................................A1 "usto!ising the 3l(ha4etic Sorting...............................................................................................63 )*er*ie$........................................................................................................................................A. T :le>: sed Sorting.......................................................................................................................A. Con+iguring T :le>: sed Sorting...................................................................................................A. Sele"ting )ther Sort &lug>ins.........................................................................................................A2 Lo ding,S *ing Sort Con+igur tions.............................................................................................A9 StAles SAste!.....................................................................................................................................6; )*er*ie$........................................................................................................................................A; Styles,+orm tting............................................................................................................................A; 1 si" Form tting )@tions.........................................................................................................A; Font # mes St rting <ith =R?................................................................................................AA Colours......................................................................................................................................AA Text 1e+ore,A+ter )@tions........................................................................................................AE Grou@ Style &ro@erties +or /ulti@le 0lements or List -tems.....................................................AE Autom ti" #um:ering...............................................................................................................AF & r gr @h Style )@tions (=-ndents nd S@ "ing? T :).............................................................E1 Using & r gr @h *s =Jn? to Gener te #e$>lines 1e+ore,1et$een 0lements.....................E1 & r gr @hs nd =Sho$ $hites@ "e? )@tion.........................................................................E1 & r gr @h / rgins (S@ "ing)...............................................................................................E( Cre ting B nging -ndent....................................................................................................E( Cre ting #ested -ndents........................................................................................................E( 3Ad* n"ed4 #otes on Using & r gr @h Styles.....................................................................E( )ut@ut (%is@l y) )rder..................................................................................................................E. 0lement nd Attri:ute )ut@ut (%is@l y) )rder.........................................................................E. =8isi:le? Fl g (#on>&rinting Fields)........................................................................................E2 0ntities...........................................................................................................................................E2 Using 0ntities to 0m:ed L :els $ithin )ther Fields nd Further Customis tion....................E9 Style Sets7 )r 5)ne % t : se7 / ny %i"tion ries6........................................................................EA =/ sks? (Sele"ti*ely Biding S@e"i+i" -n+orm tion on &er>0dition 1 sis)............................EE Con+iguring / sks...............................................................................................................EF =Sm rt Styles? (%yn mi" lly Customis :le Styles) 3Ad* n"ed4..................................................F1 "reating a Thesaurus.......................................................................................................................82 #!(orting *ata into TLex/tlTer!...................................................................................................83 -m@ort <ordlist , CS8 (Comm Se@ r ted 8 lues)......................................................................F. -m@orting S/L 3Ad* n"ed4..........................................................................................................F9 C/ergeC S/L -m@ort.................................................................................................................F; &ost>-m@ort &ro"essing , % t !emodelling.............................................................................F; =S/L Line :y Line? -m@orter..................................................................................................F; 7x(orting *ata $ro! TLex/tlTer!.................................................................................................8: Co@ying Lemm Signs7 Terms nd Arti"les..................................................................................FE Co@y Lemm Sign , Term.........................................................................................................FE Co@y 0ntry Text........................................................................................................................FE Co@y 0ntry BT/L....................................................................................................................FE 0x@orting the % t : se7 in & rt or in Full......................................................................................FE Lemm Signs 3TLex4 , List o+ Terms 3tlTerm4.........................................................................FE Text...........................................................................................................................................FF !TF (!i"h Text Form t)...........................................................................................................FF BT/L (<e: & ge)..................................................................................................................1GG

S/L (eStensi:le / rku@ L ngu ge).....................................................................................1GG S/L (Form tted)....................................................................................................................1G1 0x@orting to -n%esign..................................................................................................................1G1 0x@orting to -n%esign *i !TF...............................................................................................1G1 0x@orting ! nge o+ 0ntries or Single Al@h :eti" Se"tion7 e.g. =A?......................................1G( Networ %B*<" *ata4ase& Su((ort >3d?anced@........................................................................103 )*er*ie$......................................................................................................................................1G. Con+iguring n )%1C % t : se..................................................................................................1G. -m@ort nt #ote +or ;2>:it <indo$s Clients................................................................................1G2 =C "hed? )%1C ()%1C7 S@ed U@)...........................................................................................1G9 0ntry Lo"king..............................................................................................................................1G9 Lo"king the % t : se...................................................................................................................1G9 )@timis tion Ti@s........................................................................................................................1G9 #otes +or &ostgreSQL..................................................................................................................1G; "o!!andline B(tions >3d?anced@...............................................................................................106 Autom ti" lly Logging )n to the %o"ument & ssed on the Comm ndline............................1GA -atch 5olders >3d?anced@............................................................................................................10: Lua Scri(ting >3d?anced@..............................................................................................................108 Getting St rted $ith Tsh$ neLu S"ri@ting................................................................................1GF Lu S"ri@t Attri:utes...............................................................................................................1GF St nd> lone S"ri@ts..................................................................................................................1GF St nd> lone 0ntry S"ri@ts........................................................................................................11G A&- !e+eren"e %o"ument tion7 Ti@s7 S m@les nd Further -n+orm tion....................................11G )ther Uses o+ Lu <ithin TLex,tlTerm......................................................................................11G =Sm rt Styles?.........................................................................................................................11G Lu Filters...............................................................................................................................11G Lu Sorting..............................................................................................................................111 TCli"k S"ri@tsT And TSe r"h S"ri@tsT......................................................................................111 User 0anage!ent...........................................................................................................................112 Con+iguring User Logins.............................................................................................................11( %eleting UsersL =%elete? *s. =&urge?..........................................................................................11( &ri*ileges System.........................................................................................................................11( Field>S@e"i+i" &ri*ileges.........................................................................................................11. /onitoring nd Tr "king &rogress..............................................................................................11. User &rogress St tisti"s...........................................................................................................11.

General Notes to the User Guide

TLex ( lso kno$n s Tsh$ neLex) (+or =lexi"ogr @hy?) is s@e"i lised so+t$ re @@li" tion +or "om@iling dictionaries. tlTerm (@re*iously " lled Tsh$ neTerm) (+or =terminology?) is term: se editing @@li" tion7 i.e. s@e"i lised @@li" tion +or "om@iling nd m n ging terminology lists. (For :rie+ ex@l n tion o+ the @rim ry di++eren"es :et$een TLex nd tlTerm7 nd $hen to use $hi"h7 see the CGetting St rted $ith tlTermC "h @ter). tlTr nsl te is CTr nsl tion /emoryC @@li" tion7 +or "om@uter> ssisted tr nsl tion. The n me CTsh$ neC stems only +rom the tr dition l A+ri" n n me +or &retori 7 the "ity $here the so+t$ re $ s origin lly de*elo@ed > the so+t$ re itsel+7 ho$e*er7 is +ully intern tion lised7 nd " n :e used +or *irtu lly ny l ngu ge in the $orld. All +ields in TLex7 tlTerm nd tlTr nsl te $ill thus ""e@t Unicode "h r "ters (i.e. "h r "ters +rom ny l ngu ge). -+ you h *e @ro:lems dis@l ying "h r "ters +rom @ rti"ul r l ngu ge7 this is usu lly 'ust "on+igur tion @ro:lem (e.g. "hoosing the "orre"t +ont).

Terminology Used in this User Guide

Throughout this do"ument7 the terms =le!!a?7 =entrA? nd =article? re gener lly used inter"h nge :ly or ne r inter"h nge :ly. The terms =le!!a sign? nd =headword? re used ne rly inter"h nge :ly. The @hr se =translation eCui?alent? is l$ ys used to re+er to more or less equi* lent @hr se in the target l ngu ge in :ilingu l di"tion ry7 $hile the term =de$inition? is l$ ys used to re+er to monolingu l explanation in the same language s the he d$ord. The terms =ele!ent? nd =attri4ute? stem +rom the terminology o+ the S/L industry st nd rd7 on $hi"h TLex7 tlTerm nd tlTr nsl te re : sed. The terms = su4entrA? nd =co!4ination? re lso used inter"h nge :ly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

For ddition l do"ument tion7 ti@s nd tri"ks7 ns$ers to "ommon queries7 in+orm tion on undo"umented +e tures7 nd other in+orm tion +or getting the most out o+ your so+t$ re7 you should lso regul rly "he"k out the FAQ (=Frequently Asked Questions?) do"ument7 * il :le online tL htt@L,,tsh$ ned'e."om,+ q.html. The FAQ lso "ont ins su@@lement ry do"ument tion (e.g. on ne$ +e tures) th t h s not yet m de it into the User Guide.

The most u@>to>d te in+orm tion on the ne$est +e tures nd +ixes in the so+t$ re is l$ ys @u:lished in the o++i"i l Ch ngeLog tL htt@L,,tsh$ ned'e."om,tsh$ nelex,"h ngelog.html

Additional Resources
Free tutori l *ideos re * il :le online *i L htt@L,,tsh$ ned'e."om,*ideos,

TLex Suite User Guide

Getting Started with TLex: QuickStart Guide

Creating a Ne !ictionary "ro#ect

To st rt ne$ di"tion ry @ro'e"t7 o@en TLex nd sele"t the =File,#e$ di"tion ry? menu o@tion. A di log $ill @@e r @rom@ting +or : si" in+orm tion :out the di"tion ry @ro'e"t7 su"h s the n me o+ the di"tion ry7 n o@tion l des"ri@tion7 "o@yright in+orm tion nd U!L (Uni+orm !esour"e Lo" tor7 i.e. $e:site ddress7 i+ @@li" :le +or the di"tion ry @ro'e"t). #ote th t these @ro@erties m y :e modi+ied t ny l ter time :y using the =%i"tion ry,&ro@erties? menu o@tion. Under =%i"tion ry ty@e?7 you must sele"t $hether you re "re ting monolingu l or :ilingu l (i.e. "onsisting o+ t$o =l ngu ges,sides?) di"tion ry d t : se. -+ you $ nt to "re te semi>:ilingu l di"tion ry7 "hoose the =1ilingu l? o@tion. 1elo$ this7 under =&rim ry l ngu ge?7 enter the n me o+ the m in (@rim ry) l ngu ge +or the di"tion ry (+or :ilingu l7 this $ill :e the =le+t? h l+ or se"tion)7 nd i+ "re ting :ilingu l di"tion ry7 the t rget l ngu ge n me under =T rget l ngu ge? (this $ill :e the =right? h l+ or se"tion). (#ote th t the =#oun "l sses? o@tion en :les +e tures th t re rele* nt to the 1 ntu l ngu ge + mily7 $hile the =g ,s ,se (#orthern Sotho)? o@tion en :les +e ture rele* nt to the #orthern Sotho l ngu ge.) The =Qui"klinks? +ield is not im@ort nt to the d t : se itsel+ H this is only used to "on+igure the l@h :eti" short"ut links th t $ill @@e r t the to@ o+ the TLex &re*ie$ Are .

Figure 1: An example of the New dictionary dialog for a bilingual Swahili nglish dictionary pro!ect

#ote th t ll +ields in this di log7 s e*ery$here else in TLex7 $ill ""e@t Unicode "h r "ters. )n"e you re s tis+ied $ith the : si" @ro@erties +or your di"tion ry7 "li"k =)K?. The TLex editing en*ironment $ill @@e r7 llo$ing you to :egin "om@iling your di"tion ry. 1e+ore you @ro"eed7 sele"t =File,S *e? +rom the menu (or @ress CtrlUS)7 nd enter +ilen me under $hi"h to s *e your
TLex Suite User Guide 2

di"tion ry @ro'e"t. There +ter7 this di"tion ry d t : se " n :e o@ened g in :y sele"ting the =File,)@enL TLex (Tsh$ neLex) +ile? menu o@tion nd sele"ting this +ile. Also note th t ll re"ent di"tion ries you h *e $orked on re listed under the =File,)@en re"ent? menu o@tion. These "tions re lso * il :le on the =st rt @ ge? (=T sks , )@en re"ent?) th t @@e rs in the "entre o+ the $indo$ $hen you o@en TLex.


o& the TLe'(tlTerm )nter&ace

)n"e you h *e "re ted ne$ di"tion ry7 you $ill :e @resented $ith the m in editing en*ironment. The de+ ult l yout o+ this $ill de@end on $hether you re $orking on monolingu l di"tion ry or :ilingu l di"tion ry. Monolingual Editing En iron!ent " tlTer!

Figure ": An example of the monolingual editing en#ironment for an explanatory Northern Sotho dictionary $%ata online at: http:&&africanlanguages'com&psl&(

)n the s"reenshot7 the +our m in editing re s h *e :een m rked =1? to =2?. These re dis"ussed :elo$.

TLex Suite User Guide

#ilingual Editing En iron!ent For :ilingu l di"tion ry7 the inter+ "e is s@lit do$n the "entre7 nd simil r editing $indo$s +or e "h side o+ the di"tion ry re sho$n side :y side.

Figure ): *he *+ex bilingual editing en#ironment in Side,by,Side -iew mode for the ./xford 0ilingual School %ictionary: Northern Sotho , nglish.

The +our m in editing re s7 s indi" ted :y the num:ering on the :o*e s"reenshots7 re the =Lemm List? 3147 the =Tree 8ie$? 3(47 the =Attri:utes nd Tools $indo$? 3.47 nd the =&re*ie$ Are ? 324. 0 "h $ill no$ :e dis"ussed :rie+ly. Entr$ List %&' ()Le!!a List* in TLex+ and )Ter! List* in tlTer!, This is s"roll :le list o+ ll entries in the di"tion ry,term: se. To *ie$ or $ork on n entry7 "li"k on the $ord , term in this list.
Quick*earch +o'

Vust :o*e the 0ntry List is =qui"k>se r"h? :ox. <hen you st rt ty@ing TLex,tlTerm $ill utom ti" lly 'um@ to the "losest m t"hing entry in the list.

$ord into this :ox7

#1L The shortcut eA =0s"? (es" @e) $ill l$ ys immedi tely t ke you to the qui"k>se r"h :ox +rom lmost ny$here in TLex,tlTerm.

TLex Suite User Guide

Tree -iew %.' 0 "h di"tion ry rti"le h s hier r"hi" l stru"ture7 e.g. lemm "ont ins senses $hi"h m y +urther "ont in su:senses. The Tree 8ie$ is used to *ie$ or modi+y this hier r"hi" l stru"ture o+ n rti"le7 e.g. to dd senses7 su:senses7 us ge ex m@les7 "ollo" tions7 "ross>re+eren"es7 et". 0 "h node in the Tree 8ie$ is " lled n ele!ent. !ight>"li"king on ny element in the Tree 8ie$ dis@l ys menu $ith list o+ editing o@tions * il :le +or th t element7 su"h s dding "hild elements. /ttributes (0&+ 0., and Tools (01+ 02+ 03+ 04, 5indow %1' This $indo$ "onsists o+ +i*e su:>$indo$s7 $hi"h " n :e ""essed qui"kly using the short"ut keys =F1? to =F;?. The +irst t$o su:>$indo$s re used to edit the so>" lled attri4utes o+ the "urrently sele"ted element in the Tree 8ie$7 i.e. the "tu l * lues th t re sso"i ted $ith the element. Thus the Tree 8ie$7 $hi"h sho$s elements7 is : si" lly used to modi+y the s1eletal structure o+ n rti"le (e.g. dding us ge ex m@le t "ert in @oint)7 $hile attributes +lesh out th t stru"ture $ith "tu l content (e.g. the text o+ the us ge ex m@le itsel+ @lus its "it tion). The =Attri:utes (F1)? $indo$ "ont ins text :oxes +or editing text ttri:utes o+ the "urrently sele"ted element7 $hile the =Attri:utes (F()? $indo$ llo$s one to modi+y ttri:utes th t re "onstr ined to sele"tion +rom de+ined list o+ * lues7 su"h s @ rt o+ s@ee"h list ($ith the ex"e@tion o+ single>sele"tion lists7 $hi"h lso @@e r under =Attri:utes (F1)?). =Se r"h (F.)? "ti* tes se r"h +un"tion $hi"h en :les text se r"hes to :e m de in the entire di"tion ry. =Form t (F2)? llo$s "ert in settings to :e modi+ied th t ++e"t ho$ the out@ut $ill @@e r in the &re*ie$ Are nd $hen ex@orting the di"tion ry d t (+or @rinting or ele"troni" dis@l y). The +ilter +un"tion7 =Filter (F9)?7 " n :e used to de+ine "riteri to $ork on or ex@ort subset o+ the di"tion ry. The =Cor@us (F;)? su:>$indo$ o++ers n integr ted "or@us query tool. 6re iew /rea %2' This $indo$ dis@l ys n @@roxim te re@resent tion o+ ho$ the "urrently sele"ted entry $ill @@e r in @rint ( so>" lled <DS-<DG (=$h t you see is $h t you get?) *ie$)7 s $ell s dis@l ying the rti"les immedi tely +ollo$ing the "urrently sele"ted rti"le. The &re*ie$ Are u@d tes immedi tely s "h nges re m de in the Tree 8ie$ or Attri:utes (F1 nd F() nd Form t (F2) su:>$indo$s. )ne *ery use+ul +e ture o+ the &re*ie$ Are is the dis@l ying o+ related cross,references o+ the "urrently sele"ted rti"le H ll rti"le th t re "ross>re+eren"ed by the "urrent rti"le7 s $ell s ll those th t h *e "ross>re+eren"es to the "urrent rti"le7 re dis@l yed in the &re*ie$ Are . T Drinting: #ote th t you " n @rint the "ontents o+ the &re*ie$ Are (e.g. "urrently sele"ted rti"le) :y right>"li"king in it nd sele"ting =&rint...? or =&rint &re*ie$...?. #ilingual 7Side8b$8Side9 -iew Mode For :ilingu l di"tion ry7 ll +our m in editing re s re sho$n +or each language7 side :y side. 0 "h o+ these sides ("ont ining the +our m in re s) is kno$n s =l ngu ge editing $indo$?7 nd the currently acti#e l ngu ge editing $indo$ is highlighted $ith red :order. (<hen one uses key:o rd short"uts su"h s =0s"? +or the qui"kse r"h :ox or =-nsert? to dd ne$ entry7 these "omm nds re "ti* ted +or this "urrently "ti*e l ngu ge editing $indo$.)

TLex Suite User Guide

7Ex:anded -iew9 Mode s; Side8b$8Side -iew Mode <hen $orking on :ilingu l di"tion ry7 the "urrently "ti*e l ngu ge editing $indo$ m y :e ex@ nded to o""u@y the entire TLex $ork re ( s is l$ ys the " se $ith the monolingu l editing inter+ "e) :y sele"ting the =<indo$,0x@ nded *ie$? (CtrlU<) menu o@tion. This is use+ul +or in"re sing the siQe o+ the $ork re $hen $orking mostly on one side o+ the di"tion ry. To return to Side>:y>Side 8ie$ mode g in7 sim@ly sele"t this menu o@tion (or @ress CtrlU<) g in.

Adding Ne

,ntries to the !ictionary(Term-ase

The sim@lest $ y to "re te ne$ entry is to "li"k on the =#e$ (-ns)? :utton in the to@ le+t "orner o+ the l ngu ge editing $indo$7 or the =U? sign in the tool: r (see im ge t right). Dou $ill then :e @rom@ted +or the he d$ord,term o+ the entry to :e dded. 0nter the he d$ord nd "li"k =)K? or @ress the =0nter? key. A ne$7 em@ty entry $ill :e dded7 utom ti" lly "orre"tly sorted. (-+ the ne$ lemm is homonym7 the homonym num:er $ill lso utom ti" lly :e dded :y TLex.) To dd $ord senses to the lemm 7 right> "li"k on the =Lemm ? element in the Tree 8ie$ nd "li"k on =AddL Sense?. To dd de+inition or tr nsl tion equi* lent (T0) to the sense7 right>"li"k on the ne$ly dded =Sense? element in the Tree 8ie$ nd sele"t =AddL %e+inition? or =AddL T0?7 nd then edit the de+inition or tr nsl tion equi* lent under =Attri:utes (F1)?. Altern ti*ely7 s short"ut7 one m y le+t>"li"k on the =Sense? element nd then enter de+inition or tr nsl tion equi* lent dire"tly into the =W%e+inition (#0<)? or =WT0 (#0<)? text:oxes under =Attri:utes (F1)?. Dou " n lso use the =Lemm ,-nsert ne$ lemm ? menu o@tion to dd ne$ rti"les to the di"tion ry7 or use the =-nsert? shortcut eA on the key:o rd. #ote th t $hen $orking on :ilingu l di"tion ries in Side>:y>Side 8ie$ mode7 these short"uts $ill @@ly to the currently acti#e l ngu ge editing $indo$7 i.e. the side o+ the di"tion ry highlighted $ith red :order.

*tructuring Articles

ith the Tree .ie


3dding: !ight>"li"king on ny element in the Tree 8ie$ sho$s list o+ ll @ossi:le elements th t m y :e dded s "hild o+ th t element. (Underne th the se@ r tor7 " s" des o+ "hild elements re lso * il :le. For ex m@le7 inste d o+ +irst dding the "hild element =Sense? to =Lemm ?7 +ollo$ed :y the ddition o+ the "hild element =0x m@le? to th t =Sense?7 one m y sele"t =AddL SenseLL0x m@le? to o:t in the s me result $ith single instru"tion. These =multi>element " s" des? re sho$n $ith dou:le>"olons =LL?.) *eleting: 0lements " n :e deleted using the right>"li"k =%elete? menu o@tion7 or :y @ressing =%elete? on the key:o rd7 to delete the "urrently sele"ted element. 0o?ing: !ight>"li"k o@tions to =Cut? (CtrlUS) nd =& ste? (CtrlU8) elements re lso * il :le. A @ ir o+ s"issors =3EM4? is sho$n in the Tree 8ie$ during the @ro"ess o+ "utting nd @ sting7 nd $ill rem in *isi:le in +ront o+ the l st element @ sted (to sho$ $h t is "urrently on the "li@:o rd).

TLex Suite User Guide

The right>"li"k =Cut? (CtrlUS) nd =& ste? (CtrlU8) menu o@tions " n lso :e used to "ut nd @ ste elements :et$een different rti"les. *rag9and9*ro(: -t is lso @ossi:le to mo*e elements in the Tree 8ie$ round :y dr gging them $ith the mouse "ursor. This is dis :led :y de+ ult7 :ut " n :e en :led s user @re+eren"e $ith the =8ie$,Tree 8ie$ dr g> nd>dro@? menu o@tion. "o(Aing: A right>"li"k menu o@tion =Co@y? (CtrlUC) llo$s n element su:tree to :e du@li" ted ny$here else in the do"ument *i =& ste? (CtrlU8). <hen @ rti"ul r element is sele"ted7 it " n :e turned into su:>element :y "hoosing the right> "li"k =/ ke su:>element? menu o@tion. This $ill ty@i" lly :e used to "h nge senses into su:senses. A @ rti"ul r tr nsl tion equi* lent (=T0?) " n :e turned into the +irst tr nsl tion equi* lent o+ ne$ sense $ith the right>"li"k =/ ke se@ r te sense? menu o@tion. Changing the <rder of Ele!ents 0lements on the s me le*el in the tree hier r"hy " n :e mo*ed u@ nd do$n7 using either the right> "li"k =/o*e u@? nd =/o*e do$n? o@tions7 or their "orres@onding eA4oard shortcuts =CtrlUU@? nd =CtrlU%o$n? res@e"ti*ely. Changing the <rder of =o!on$!s To "h nge the order o+ homonyms7 right>"li"k on the to@>le*el =Lemm ? element nd use the right> "li"k "omm nds =/o*e homonym u@? (CtrlUU@) or =/o*e homonym do$n? (CtrlU%o$n). The entries $ill :e re>ordered nd the homonym num:ers $ill utom ti" lly u@d te.

/arking ,ntries as 0)ncom1lete0

0ntries th t require +urther ttention m y :e m rked s =in"om@lete?. The "om@lete,in"om@lete st tus o+ e "h rti"le " n :e toggled $ith the =-n"om@lete? "he"k:ox under =Attri:utes (F1)?7 or :y @ressing CtrlUShi+tU-. -n"om@lete entries re dis@l yed $ith question m rks next to them in the &re*ie$ Are . 8 rious im@ort nd ex@ort +un"tions o+ TLex,tlTerm m ke use o+ the =in"om@lete? setting. For ex m@le7 $hen ex@orting d t in @re@ r tion to :e @rinted7 in"om@lete entries re :y de+ ult (this is "on+igur :le o@tion) ex"luded +rom the out@ut7 to hel@ @re*ent you +rom in d*ertently @u:lishing un+inished entries. #ote th t the =Filter (F9)? tool " n e sily :e used to +ind nd sho$ ll entries m rked s in"om@lete t ny time.

*a%ing 2our 3ork

#e$ly "re ted or modi+ied entries re dis@l yed $ith =X? (or =Y?) next to them in the &re*ie$ Are . This me ns =uns *ed "h nges?7 nd @@e rs on ll ne$ entries $hi"h h *e "h nges th t h *e not yet :een s *ed to disk. To s *e your "h nges7 sele"t =File,S *e? (CtrlUS). -t is good ide to do this regul rly.
TLex Suite User Guide 7

Restoring the Last4sa%ed .ersion o& an ,ntry (0Undo0)

-+7 $hen $orking on n entry7 you "h nge your mind :out the "h nges7 it is @ossi:le to =restore? th t entry to the last sa#ed #ersion. To do so7 "hoose the =0dit,!estore? menu o@tion (CtrlUShi+tUZ). This "omm nd $ill only h *e e++e"t $hen there re uns *ed "h nges in your entry7 i.e. $hen =X? @@e rs next to th t entry7 nd $hen the entry h s :een s *ed to disk t le st on"e :e+ore.

Adding a +atch o& Ne

,ntries5 $r 6)m1ort 3ordlist(C*.7

-t is @ossi:le to dd m ny entries to the d t : se t on"e +rom $ordlist (one $ord @er line)7 or +rom CS8 (Comm Se@ r ted 8 lues) +ile +rom s@re dsheet so+t$ re su"h s )@en)++i" or /i"roso+t 0x"el. To do this7 use the =File,-m@ort,<ordlist or CS8 (Comm Se@ r ted 8 lues)? menu o@tion. See the "h @ter =-m@orting % t into TLex? +or more in+orm tion.

!eleting ,ntries &rom the !ictionary(Term-ase

To remo*e n entry +rom the di"tion ry,term: se7 sele"t th t entry in the 0ntry List7 nd "li"k the =%elete? :utton (ne r the to@ le+t o+ the editing $indo$). Dou " n lso use the key:o rd short"ut =CtrlU%elete?. #ote th t in TLex7 i+ you h *e other entries th t "ont in =sm rt "ross>re+eren"es? to the entry you re deleting7 TLex $ill $ rn you :out these :e+ore deleting the entry. TLex $ill lso utom ti" lly remo*e these "ross>re+eren"es +or you i+ you @ro"eed to delete the entry.

"rinting your !ictionary

<hen you $ish to @rint your di"tion ry7 the sim@lest is to ex@ort it to !TF (!i"h Text Form t) nd o@en it in ny $ord @ro"essor7 su"h s )@en)++i"e.org7 Corel <ord&er+e"t or /i"roso+t <ord. A@@ly ny +in l +orm tting "h nges (e.g. dding "olumns) in the $ord @ro"essor :e+ore @rinting. To ex@ort to !TF +orm t7 sele"t the =File,0x@ort,!TF (!i"h Text Form t)? o@tion +rom the menu. An =0x@ort o@tions? di log $ill @@e r (do not $orry :out these o@tions t this st ge7 their me ning $ill :e ex@l ined in the "ourse o+ this User Guide). Cli"k =)K?. Dou $ill :e @rom@ted to enter +ilen me +or the out@ut !TF +ile. -+ you re $orking on (semi>):ilingu l di"tion ry7 you $ill :e @rom@ted +or +ilen me t$i"e H on"e +or e "h side o+ the di"tion ry. #ote th t :y de+ ult7 rti"les th t h *e :een m rked s =-n"om@lete? (i.e. those th t re dis@l yed $ith question m rks) $ill not :e ex@orted. This " n :e o*erridden7 i+ desired7 in the =0x@ort o@tions? di log :ox7 $ith +urther o@tion to hide the in"om@lete m rker =P?.

/aking Regular +acku1s

Manual #acku:s For ll di"tion ry nd terminology @ro'e"ts7 it is crucial to m ke regul r : "ku@s. TLex,tlTerm @ro*ides +e ture th t m kes it e sy to qui"kly "re te : "ku@ o+ your "urrent d t : se. To "re te
TLex Suite User Guide 8

: "ku@ "o@y o+ your d t : se t ny time $hile $orking on it7 sele"t the =File,Cre te : "ku@? menu o@tion. This $ill s *e +ull =sn @shot? o+ your d t : se into : "ku@ +older. (#ote th t7 :y de+ ult7 this $ill ty@i" lly :e s *ed on the s me "om@uter s the +ile you re $orking on. This $ill thus not @rote"t you i+ th t "om@uter is d m ged or stolen[ it is "ru"i l to lso m ke =o++site? : "ku@s7 dis"ussed :elo$.) The +older in $hi"h : "ku@s re stored m y :e "on+igured using the =settings? di log7 $hi"h m y :e o@ened using the =Tools,)@tions? menu o@tion. /uto!atic #acku:s -n ddition to the m nu l =File,Cre te : "ku@? menu o@tion7 TLex,tlTerm lso h s n automatic : "ku@ system th t utom ti" lly s *es : "ku@ "o@y o+ the "urrently o@en d t : se into the : "ku@s +older t "on+igur :le time inter* l. 1y de+ ult7 this is set to one hour (=;G? minutes). <hether or not to @er+orm utom ti" : "ku@s7 nd the inter* l in minutes7 " n :e "on+igured under the =Tools,)@tions? menu (on the =settings? t : l :elled =Gener l?). 0*ery 5inter* l6 the @re*ious : "ku@ is o*er$ritten $ith the l test : "ku@7 :ut one : "ku@ e "h @er t$enty>+our hours is ke@t. All users re lso *ery strongly en"our ged to @eriodi" lly m ke offsite bac1ups7 dis"ussed next. <ffsite #acku:s The : "ku@s "re ted m nu lly using =File,Cre te : "ku@? s $ell s the = utom ti" : "ku@s? $ill :y de+ ult :e s *ed to the sa!e co!(uter on $hi"h you re $orking ( lthough you m y "on+igure this to s *e to =m @@ed net$ork dri*e? on nother "om@uter on the LA# (Lo" l Are #et$ork)). Bo$e*er7 to @rote"t g inst dis strous e*entu lities su"h s h rd disk + ilures7 the+t7 lightning7 e rthqu kes7 +ires7 nu"le r in"idents nd so on7 it is crucial to lso h *e @oli"y +or "re ting regul r offsite bac1ups H th t is7 : "ku@s th t re stored t le st in different building to the one in $hi"h the "om@uter :eing used to "om@ile the di"tion ry is. This "ould :e s sim@le s regul rly $riting "o@y o+ your d t : se +ile to C% or +l sh disk nd t king it to someoneCs home7 or e>m iling "o@y o+ the d t : se to "olle gue. Dou m y $ish to "onsider +urther @rote"ting o++site : "ku@s :y storing them in s +e. -t is re"ommended th t you m ke n o++site : "ku@ t le st on"e e*ery t$o $eeks. 7Cloud9 #acku:s / ny ser*i"e @ro*iders (su"h s 5%ro@1ox6) no$ @ro*ide utom ti" +ile stor ge ser*i"es onto their ser*ers on the -nternet7 $ith e sy>to>use so+t$ re th t utom ti" lly u@lo ds +iles +rom sele"ted +olders on your "om@uter. This " n @ro*ide n ddition l "on*enient o++site : "ku@ system +or you. Bo$e*er7 do 4e care$ul H i+ the only "o@y o+ your do"ument is in th t +older +or ="loud? syn"hronis tion7 you " n still lose the d t i+ "orru@ted "o@y is u@lo ded7 s most su"h ser*i"es do not m int in +ull +ile histories. Thus7 su"h ser*i"es m y lull you into + lse sense o+ se"urity $ith res@e"t to your d t H use $ith " ution s n additional : "ku@ + "ility. Also7 ser*i"es like %ro@1ox re not im@lemented $ith 5true6 en"ry@tion>: sed d t @rote"tion H +or n ltern ti*e th t is7 "onsider 5S@ider) k6. N<: An ddition l =se"urity " *e t? lso @@lies +or @ro'e"ts in $hi"h "on+identi lity is "riti" l. #ot ll su"h ser*i"es re s se"ure s one might ex@e"tY

TLex Suite User Guide

Getting Started with tlTer!: QuickStart Guide

Creating a Ne Term-ase

To "re te ne$ term: se7 o@en tlTerm7 nd sele"t =File,#e$ terminology list?7 or "li"k on =Cre te ne$ terminology list? in the m in CT sksC $indo$. The C"re te term: seC di log @@e rsL

Figure 4: *he .create new termbase. dialog in tl*erm

The =Add l ngu ge? nd =!emo*e l ngu ge? :uttons " n :e used to enter the list o+ l ngu ges th t you $ould like to tre t in your term: se. The +ield list on the right " n :e used to sele"t $hi"h types of information you $ould like to :e :le to enter for each term in each language. The * rious other +ields re o@tion l. /ost o+ the : si" editing +un"tion lity in tlTerm is simil r to TLex[ @le se @ro"eed :y $orking through the =Getting St rted $ith TLex? se"tion. Terms re dded in the Tree 8ie$.

"rimary !i&&erences +et een tlTerm and TLe'

The m in di++eren"e :et$een tlTerm nd TLex is th t terminology is concept,oriented7 $hile lexi"ogr @hy is lemma,sign 2.word. & phrase3 oriented. -n terminology7 n entry in the d t : se gener lly "orres@onds to n abstract concept7 e.g. you might h *e d t : se entry +or the 5 :str "t "on"e@t6 o+ =" t? in gener l7 i.e. not sso"i ted $ith ny @ rti"ul r l ngu ge. The terms +or th t "on"e@t in e "h o+ the * rious tre ted l ngu ge re then tt "hed7 s =equ ls? nd on the s me le*el7 to th t "entr l "on"e@t. /ulti@le terms th t re
TLex Suite User Guide 10

synonyms in the s me l ngu ge $ould :e tt "hed to th t s me entry,"on"e@t7 s they re merely ddition l terms +or the same concept.

Figure 7: 6onceptual structure of an entry in a terminology database

-n lexi"ogr @hy ( nd thus TLex)7 n entry in the d t : se "orres@onds to n "tu l orthographic word in particular language7 e.g. the "tu l =0nglish $ord " t?. Any tr nsl tion equi* lents in other l ngu ges m y then :e tt "hed to th t $ord H like =hu: nd s@oke? model. Synonyms o+ th t $ord in the s me l ngu ge (e.g. 0nglish =+eline?) $ould :e tre ted s entirely separate entries7 (unlike tlTerm7 $here they $ould :elong on the s me entry +or the 5" t "on"e@t6)7 @erh @s $ith "ross>re+eren"es to sso"i te the t$o (e.g. re+eren"e =see cat? under the entry +or =+eline?).

Figure 5: 6onceptual structure of two synonymous entries in a dictionary database

tlTerm7 unlike TLex7 lso "ont ins n extra dro(9down list in the m in tool: r7 +rom $hi"h you " n sele"t $hi"h l ngu ge you $ nt to *ie$ , index (sort) the m in 0ntry List on the le+t :y. 0ntries ("on"e@ts) th t do not yet "ont in ny terms in the "hosen l ngu ge +or th t entry,"on"e@t re dis@l yed in the list s =>?. N<: This !a es it easA to $ind untreated entries +or @ rti"ul r l ngu ge. (This is simil r to the =Sort :y? +un"tion under =Form t (F2)?.)

TLex Suite User Guide


Changing the >nterface Language (Localisation,

The inter+ "e o+ TLex itsel+ " n :e "on+igured *i =Tools,)@tions?7 under =L ngu ge?.

Figure 8: *+ex with French 9nterface 2data 6opyright %ictionary of +ouisiana French :ro!ect3

+uilt4in Localisation ,ditor 8 Creating Ne

)nter&ace Languages

TLex,tlTerm in"lude the tools to "h nge nd edit their o$n inter+ "e l ngu ge. These " n lso :e ""essed *i =Tools,)@tions? under =L ngu ge?. This tool is + irly str ight+or$ rd7 nd " n :e used to "re te ne$ inter+ "e l ngu ges +rom $ithin the so+t$ re itsel+7 :y "li"king on the =#e$? :utton7 then using =S *e s? $hen the lo" lis tion editor @@e rs. The lo" lis tion editor $ill dis@l y n inter+ "e sho$ing the origin l 0nglish strings7 nd :ox $here you " n enter the tr nsl ted string. 0 "h string is lso rooted to =key? * lue7 $hi"h looks something like =/0#U\F-L0? > this gi*es "lue s to $here it is used in the so+t$ re7 e.g. ll =/0#U\? strings @@e r in the @@li" tion m in menu. The CA@@lyC :utton " n :e used t ny time $hile tr nsl ting to @@ly the ne$ tr nsl tions immedi tely (+or some o+ them7 ho$e*er7 rest rt o+ TLex or tlTerm is still required). <hen you "li"k =S *e?7 the tr nsl ted strings re s *ed in =.l ng? ty@e +ile under +older th t $ill :e something like ="L]&rogr m Files]TLexSuite]% t ]C t logs?. This +ile " n :e distri:uted to other m "hines :y 'ust "o@ying it into th t +older. (-t is in + "t sim@le text +ile.) There re +e$ =s@e"i l? "h r "ters nd strings rel ting to the lo" lis tionL O A@@e rs in +ront o+ the "h r "ter th t $ill ty@i" lly :e"ome short"ut key to ""ess the "omm nd7 e.g. =OFile? to m ke =AltUF? o@en the =File? menu (in <indo$s7 these m y :e underlined).
TLex Suite User Guide 12

]t -ndi" tes =t :? "h r "ter. This must ty@i" lly @@e r in menu items :et$een the "omm nd n me nd the short"ut key7 e.g. =OS *e]tCtrlUS? +or /0#U\F-L0\SA80. Dou enter t : "h r "ter :y @ressing =CtrlUT :?. ]n #e$line. string * lue7 e.g. =0nter

Js -ndi" tes th t the so+t$ re $ill7 t run>time7 su:stitute this $ith ne$ text +or l :el TJsT?. Jd

-ndi" tes th t the so+t$ re $ill7 t run>time7 su:stitute this $ith numeri" l * lue.

#ote th t the rel ti*e ordering o+ Js nd Jd m rkers within one string must rem in the s me.

TLex Suite User Guide


?ee:ing @our Software U: To Aate

Tsh$ ne%Ve "ontinu lly rele ses ne$ =m inten n"e u@d tes? +or the so+t$ re. These u@d tes "ont in im@ort nt nd use+ul im@ro*ements nd :ug+ixes7 nd it is strongly re"ommended th t you kee@ your so+t$ re u@ to d te. Dou " n "he"k i+ there is ne$er rele se * il :le +or your *ersion o+ the so+t$ re :y using the =Bel@,Che"k +or u@d tes? menu o@tion. This $ill o@en your $e: :ro$ser to site th t tells you i+ ne$er *ersion is * il :le7 nd i+ so7 tells you $here nd ho$ to do$nlo d it. / inten n"e u@d tes (not to :e "on+used $ith "tu l *ersion upgrades) re +ree. <hen you inst ll m inten n"e u@d te7 re> "ti* tion is not usu lly required.

TLex Suite User Guide


75ide -iew9 Mode and 7=igh -iew9 Mode

%uring "om@il tion7 it m y :e desir :le to "h nge the $ork re o+ the Attri:utes nd Tools su:> $indo$s (F1 to F;). 0n"y"lo@ edi entries7 +or ex m@le7 re ty@i" lly mu"h longer th n di"tion ry rti"les7 nd one m y $ nt more =horiQont l? s@ "e +or the * rious in@ut :oxes. <ith the =8ie$,<ide Tools $indo$ l yout? menu o@tion (CtrlUAltUL)7 the Attri:utes nd Tools su:>$indo$s (F1 to F;) " n :e $idened to "o*er most o+ the $idth o+ the TLex,tlTerm $indo$. This is illustr ted +or the "om@il tion o+ en"y"lo@ edi entries in the s"reenshot :elo$L

Figure 8: Attributes 2F13 in wide #iew window layout 26trl;Alt;+3 for <ames =andi>s ncyclopedia $%ata online at: http:&&randi'org&encyclopedia(

-n other " ses one m y $ish to see more =*erti" l? s@ "e7 so s to +or inst n"e $ork $ith more in@ut :oxes under =Attri:utes (F1)? t single gl n"e. This is ty@i" lly the " se in multilingu l terminogr @hy. <ith the =8ie$,Toggle Tree 8ie$? menu o@tion (CtrlUAltUT)7 the Tree 8ie$ " n (moment rily) :e hidden. -n the s"reenshot :elo$7 +or ex m@le7 the high *ie$ $indo$ l yout h s :een en :led +or the "om@il tion o+ n ele*en>lingu l A-%S terminology list.

TLex Suite User Guide


Figure 9: Attributes 2F13 in high #iew window layout 26trl;Alt;*3 for an ele#en,lingual A9%S terminology list $%ata: ? %epartment of Arts @ 6ultureA South Africa(

#ote th t lthough the $ide nd high *ie$ $indo$ l youts $ere illustr ted +or the =Attri:utes (F1)? su:>$indo$7 these *ie$s re lso * il :le +or ll other su:>$indo$s (F( to F;).

F9: $%erlay 3indo

(Larger Attri-ute ,diting 3indo )

-n ddition to the =$ide? tools $indo$ l yout7 nother o@tion to g in more editing s@ "e +or editing the "ontent o+ text :oxes is the 512 o?erlaA window. <hile in n =Attri:utes (F1)? text :ox7 @ressing F1( $ill @o@ u@ l rger $indo$ +or editing the gi*en ttri:ute. )n"e done7 @ressing F1( "loses the $indo$ g in. <hile the F1( $indo$ is o@en7 you " n sele"t ny =Attri:utes (F1)? $indo$7 nd the F1( $indo$ $ill utom ti" lly s$it"h to editing th t ttri:ute. This $indo$ lso llo$s newline characters to :e entered in more intuiti*e $ y. The F1( $indo$ lso $orks in * rious text edit :oxes else$here in the so+t$ re. (This " n :e use+ul @ rti"ul rly $hen editing "ert in ty@es o+ text * lues7 su"h s Lu s"ri@t.)

TLex Suite User Guide


/ttributes (0&, and (0.,

Attri-utes (F9)
The m 'ority o+ di"tion ry6s rti"le "ontents re tA(ed into the * rious :oxes under =Attri:utes (F1)?. This is the @rim ry @ur@ose o+ the F1 su:>$indo$[ ho$e*er7 one lso edits drop,down closed list ttri:ute * lues here. %ro@>do$n lists llo$ only one @ossi:le * lue to :e sele"ted t time. -n the s"reenshot :elo$7 TLex is used s n ddress :ook7 nd the * lue o+ the =Country? ttri:ute is :eing sele"ted +rom dro@>do$n list.

Figure 10: Selecting an attribute #alue from a drop,down list under Attributes 2F13A in an address boo1

The $ y in $hi"h su"h ttri:ute lists re set u@ is dis"ussed in the se"tion on Attri:ute Lists7 in the "h @ter on Customising the %i"tion ry Gr mm r using the %T%. 1y de+ ult7 the ttri:ute l :els under F1 re dis@l yed in the s me "olour s the "olours +or those ttri:utes in the rti"le &re*ie$. This " n :e dis :led $ith the =8ie$,Use "olours in Attri:utes $indo$? menu o@tion.

TLex Suite User Guide


7>nco!:lete9 Checkbox #ote th t in the @re*ious s"reenshot7 the Cont "t =& nSAL1? h s :een m rked =-n"om@lete?7 hen"e the question m rk $hi"h @@e rs on the le+t o+ the entry in the Arti"le &re*ie$. See the se"tion on C/ rking 0ntries s -n"om@leteC +or more in+orm tion.

Attri-utes (F:) 8 Closed Lists

ith /ulti1le *election

The =Attri:utes (F()? su:>$indo$ dis@l ys ttri:utes $hose * lues " n :e entered :y sim@ly tic ing one or more * lues +rom de+ined list. -n the s"reenshot :elo$7 +or ex m@le7 t$o @ rts o+ s@ee"h h *e :een tt "hed to the lemm sign.

Figure 11: Selecting multiple attributes from a closed list under Attributes 2F"3 in a bilingual nglish 6hinese dictionary $%ata: ? +orraine +iang(

Under F(7 t$o ty@es o+ multi>sele"tion ttri:ute lists m y @@e rL =multi@le7 unsorted? nd =multi@le7 sorted?. =Unsorted? ttri:ute list * lues $ill :e dis@l yed in the out@ut in the s me order s the user ti"ked those * lues[ =sorted? $ill l$ ys :e dis@l yed in the out@ut in the s me order the list items @@e r in the list. The $ y in $hi"h these ttri:ute lists need to :e set u@ is dis"ussed in the se"tion on CAttri:ute ListsC in the "h @ter on Customising the %i"tion ry Gr mm r using the %T%.

TLex Suite User Guide


Editing /ttributes
,'1ansion o& Tilde Character (;)
The tilde "h r "ter =I? " n :e used $ithin ny ttri:ute s su:stitute +or the lemm sign (he d$ord). This is ty@i" lly used to re@resent the lemm sign in us ge ex m@les7 s $ell s in idioms nd other multi>$ord units7 in order to s *e s@ "e in @rint di"tion ries7 s sho$n in the ex m@le :elo$L

draw 2#erb3 to "re te @i"ture or di gr m7 usu on

@ @er L to ~ a picture ^ * the line de+ine or est :lish :ound ry or limit L We ~ the line at swearing

Although this s *es s@ "e7 it is less user>+riendly +or the user o+ the di"tion ry[ thus $hen @u:lishing to ele"troni" or online medi 7 the tilde " n utom ti" lly :e ex@ nded :y TLex nd :e re@l "ed $ith the lemm sign o+ the rti"le7 e.g.L

draw 2#erb3 to "re te @i"ture or di gr m7 usu on

@ @er L to draw a picture ^ draw the line de+ine or est :lish :ound ry or limit L We draw the line at swearing

This :eh *iour " n :e turned on or o++ using the =0x@ nd tildes (I)? "he"k:ox o@tion under =Form t (F2)?. Ch nges re immedi tely *isi:le in the &re*ie$ Are . < erriding the Tilde Substitution Text -n some situ tions7 the +orm o+ $ord in us ge ex m@le or multi>$ord unit di++ers +rom the +orm o+ the lemm sign itsel+. This results in the in"orre"t +orm :eing utom ti" lly su:stituted7 e.g.L

uni%ersity 2noun3

n institution o+ higher le rning $ith te "hing nd rese r"h + "ilities th t is uthorised to gr nt " demi" degrees L She graduated from the universit of !ondon in 1981"

TLex @ro*ides solution to this $here:y you " n o#erride the text th t the tilde is re@l "ed $ith in s@e"i+i" " ses. This is done :y entering the desired text to :e su:stituted in squ re :r "kets dire"tly +ter the tilde7 e.g.L
She graduated from the ~ U!i"ersit#$ of Lo!do! i! 1981%

The out@ut $ill then @@e r "orre"tly7 s +ollo$sL

uni%ersity 2noun3

n institution o+ higher le rning $ith te "hing nd rese r"h + "ilities th t is uthorised to gr nt " demi" degrees L She graduated from the #niversit of !ondon in 1981"

TLex Suite User Guide


Using Te't Formatting 3ithin a Te't Field

#ote th t gener l +orm tting issues re dis"ussed in the "h @ter on the Styles System[ this se"tion de ls $ith o*erriding +orm tting within ttri:utes. Marku: Characters (#old+ >talics+ Underline etc;, TLex ( nd tlTerm) @ro*ides s@e"i l $or!atting !ar u( characters th t m y :e used to s@e"i+y +orm tting styles su"h s :old7 it li"s nd underline $ithin subsection o+ n ttri:ute. These re s@e"i+ied :y entering =J? sym:ol +ollo$ed :y the m rku@ "h r "ter +or the desired +orm tting style7 e.g. =:? +or =:old?. For ex m@le7 i+ one $ nts the +ollo$ing to @@e r in the out@utL
This exam&'e demo!strates the use of bold a!d italics (ithi! a! attri)ute%

Then one $ould enter the +ollo$ingL

This exam&'e demo!strates the use of *))o'd*) a!d *iita'i+s*i (ithi! a! attri)ute%

Follo$ing is +ull list o+ the m rku@ "h r "ters * il :le in the so+t$ re7 s $ell s "orres@onding short"ut keys $hi"h m y lso :e used to enter themL 0ar u( "haracter J: J1 Ji JJu Jr Jl Jk Js Jn 0eaning <old <old #t li"s #t li"s Underline Su@ers"ri@t (r ise) Su:s"ri@t (lo$er) Stri ethroughout (strikeout) Sm ll " @s Ne$ line Shortcut 'eA CtrlU1 H CtrlUH CtrlUU H H H H H

-n order to gener te n "tu l =J? sym:ol in the out@ut7 use =JJ?. All o+ these m rku@ "h r "ters7 ex"e@t +or =Jn? (#e$ line)7 must @@e r in pairs th t en"lose the text :eing +orm tted. The so+t$ re $ill dis@l y l rge red error mess ge i+ m rku@ "h r "ter h s not :een ="losed?. -nste d o+ @hysi" lly ty@ing the J:7 Ji nd Ju m rku@ "h r "ters on either side7 one " n lso sele"t (highlight) the se"tion one $ nts to m rku@ +irst7 +ollo$ed :y @ressing J:7 Ji or Ju res@e"ti*ely. 3TLex>s@e"i+i"4 / rku@ "h r "ters " n lso :e used in the lemm >sign +ield. For ex m@le7 i+ one $ishes L tin lemm sign to :e dis@l yed in it li"s7 s y sub !udice7 then it m y :e entered s =Jisu: 'udi"eJi?. TLex $ill still sort the lemm "orre"tly. #ote th t m rku@ "h r "ters " n lso :e used $ithin the Styles System. See the "h @ter on the Styles System +or more in+orm tion.
TLex Suite User Guide 20

*mart Formatting Re%ersal (<-5 <i %s= <+5 <) 4 >so&t? %s= >hard? -old(italics)

For the m rku@ "h r "ters =Ji? nd =J:?7 i+ the text surrounding the m rked>u@ text is already it li"s or :old7 res@e"ti*ely7 then the +orm tting $ill re*ert to non>it li"s (!om n) or non>:old. For ex m@le7 i+ one h s the +ollo$ing text in n ttri:uteL
,s i! -r(e''.s *i,!ima' /arm*i0 ho(e"er0 some &eo&'e are 1more e2ua' tha! others3

Then this $ould ordin rily :e out@ut s +ollo$sL

,s i! -r(e''.s Animal Farm0 ho(e"er0 some &eo&'e are 1more e2ua' tha! others3

Bo$e*er7 i+ the entire ttri:ute is :eing out@ut in it li"s7 due to the Styles7 then it $ould :e out@ut s +ollo$sL
As in Orwell's ,!ima' /arm, however, some people are more equal than others

-+ you $ish to =+or"e? the m rked>u@ text to always :e it li"s or :old7 reg rdless o+ the style o+ the surrounding text7 then use the u@@er" se *ersions o+ the m rku@ "h r "ters7 =J-? or =J1?7 s in the ex m@le :elo$L
*45omo sa&ie!s*4 is a se&arate s&e+ies from 6ea!dertha's a!d other homi!ids

Using )nline ,lements &or Te't Formatting @Ad%ancedA

An ltern ti*e to the s@e"i l @er"ent ge>sign m rku@ +or +orm tting7 th t is more "losely : sed on S/L7 is to use =inline elements? (&C%ATA7 or =@ rsed "h r "ter d t ?). Form tting +or :old nd it li"s $ould then t ke the +orm o+ S/L t gs[ thus +or ex m@le7 inste d o+ =Ji?7 you might use =MiN? nd =M,iN? o@ening nd "losing t gs +or it li"sL
,s i! -r(e''.s 7i8,!ima' /arm79i80 ho(e"er0 some &eo&'e are 1more e2ua' tha! others3

-nline elements h *e "ert in d* nt ges nd re in m ny $ ys more @o$er+ul ( nd re more st nd rd)7 :ut lso h *e some dr $: "ks,limit tions. They re ex@l ined in more det il in the online FAQ (Frequently Asked QuestionsL htt@L,,tsh$ ned'e."om,+ q.html).

Con&igura-le Bey-oard *hortcuts

-n TLex,tlTerm7 key:o rd short"uts7 lso kno$n s m "ros7 " n :e used to ty@e in "h r "ters ($ith or $ithout di "riti"s)7 or sym:ols7 th t re not * il :le on your key:o rd. 1y extension7 su"h short"uts " n lso :e used to ty@e in entire text strings. To "re te those short"uts7 go to the =Tools,)@tions,Key:o rd short"uts (m "ros)? menu o@tion.

TLex Suite User Guide


Figure 1$: *+ex settingsA Beyboard shortcuts 2macros3 tab

From the :o*e s"reenshot7 one +or ex m@le sees th t $hen @ressing the short"ut key =CtrlU%?7 the =L tin sm ll letter % $ith "ir"um+lex :elo$? "h r "ter $ill :e out@ut. -t is suggested th t su"h =s@e"i l "h r "ters? re +irst sele"ted in $ord @ro"essor7 using the =-nsert,S@e"i l Ch r "ter...? ()@en)++i" or =-nsert,Sym:ol...? (/i"roso+t <ord) menu o@tion. -t is im@ort nt to "hoose Uni"ode +ont in the $ord @ro"essor7 in order +or the s@e"i l "h r "ter to :e =+uture @roo+?. )ne " n then "o@y (CtrlUC) the "h r "ter +rom the $ord @ro"essor7 nd @ ste (CtrlU8) it into the =Text to insert $hen short"ut is @ressed? +ield o+ the di log sho$n :o*e. -+ one kno$s the hex de"im l * lue o+ the "h r "ter7 one " n lso use the :uilt>in =Tools,Ch r "ter -n+orm tion Tool? to =gener te? the "h r "ter7 s illustr ted :elo$L

Figure 1): 6haracter 9nformation *ool

#ote th t7 $hile in the =Short"ut key? in@ut :ox o+ the key:o rd short"ut "on+igur tion di log7 you h *e to press the shortcut 1ey itsel+. Also7 $hen "hoosing the short"ut key7 you must use short"ut th t is not lre dy in use +or one o+ the menu "omm nds (the short"ut key $ill not $ork).

TLex Suite User Guide


#e$ key:o rd short"uts " n :e dded (=Add short"ut?)7 $hile existing ones " n :e remo*ed (=!emo*e short"ut?). -t is lso @ossi:le to s *e (=Lo d ...?). set o+ key:o rd short"uts (=S *e s ...?)7 nd to lo d n existing set

>nline Ele!ents: S:ecial BiCDTaggingDB"iC Shortcut ?e$s %/d anced' S@e"i l Tt gT short"ut keys " n :e "re ted under TTools,)@tions,Key:o rd short"uts (m "ros)T th t m ke t gging d t $ith inline elements under TAttri:utes (F1)T + r more "on*enient nd user> +riendly th n ty@ing out t gs m nu lly. This in*ol*es "re ting short"ut key $ith the +ollo$ing +orm t +or TText to insert $hen short"ut is @ressedTL _TAG_Lt gn me For ex m@leL _TAG_L: &ressing this short"ut key in n TAttri:utes (F1)T :ox $ill then utom ti" lly CintelligentlyC out@ut either n o@ening TM:NT or "losing TM,:NT t g s @@ro@ri te7 or i+ some text is sele"ted7 surround the sele"ted text $ith @ ir o+ o@ening nd "losing t gs.

Re1lace As 2ou Ty1e

-n ddition to the key:o rd short"uts7 some =s@e"i l "h r "ters? " n lso :e ty@ed in s @re>@re@ red =re@l "e> s>you>ty@e? "om:in tions. For ex m@le7 i+ you enter =(")? it $ill utom ti" lly :e re@l "ed :y the "tu l "o@yright sym:ol7 =`?. -+ you enter =]U>?7 it $ill :e re@l "ed :y the sym:ol =a?. 8 rious other "om:in tions exist7 in"luding "om:in tions +or entering @honeti" sym:ols. To see "om@lete list o+ the * il :le =re@l "e> s>you>ty@e? "om:in tions7 ""ess the =Tools,Sho$ re@l "e> s>you>ty@e hel@? menu "omm nd. (This " n :e @rinted :y right>"li"king in the hel@ $indo$ nd sele"ting =&rint...?.) 1y de+ ult7 =re@l "e> s>you>ty@e? is en :led. This setting " n :e toggled $ith the =Tools,0n :le re@l "e> s>you>ty@e? menu "omm nd. Configuring Ee:lace8/s8@ou8T$:e %/d anced' The de+ ult =%e+ ult!e@l "eAsDouTy@e.r yt? "on+igur tion +ile " n :e +ound in the @@li" tion d t +older (ty@i" lly =CL]&rogr m Files]TLexSuite]% t ?). -t is @ossi:le to dd your o$n re@l "e> s> you>ty@e "om:in tions :y "re ting text +ile $ith the extension =.r yt? nd s *ing it to this s me +older. Su"h text +iles " n :e @re@ red $ith ny : si" text editor7 su"h s #ote@ d. Uni"ode +orm t text +iles re lso su@@orted. 0 "h =re@l "e> s>you>ty@e? entry is entered on ne$ line sim@ly s the string to :e ty@ed7 +ollo$ed :y "omm 7 +ollo$ed :y the text to re@l "e the string $ith7 e.g. =(")7`?. A+ter "o@ying your +ile to the rele* nt d t +older7 rest rt the @@li" tion +or the "h nges to t ke e++e"t. Any num:er o+ se@ r te .r yt +iles m y :e @l "ed in this +older[ ll $ill :e lo ded.

)nserting "honetic *ym-ols (e=g= )"A)

TLex Suite User Guide


The re@l "e> s>you>ty@e tool des"ri:ed :o*e "ont ins short"uts +or ne rly ll @honeti" sym:ols. Dou "ould lso "on+igure key:o rd short"uts +or these or other @honeti" sym:ols.

TLex Suite User Guide


Editing TLex 7S!art Cross8references9

>*mart? Cross4re&erencesC $%er%ie
<hen the user o+ di"tion ry is re+erred +rom one @l "e to nother @l "e $ithin the "entr l se"tion o+ di"tion ry7 this is "hie*ed :y me ns o+ "ross>re+eren"e. For ex m@le7 the tre tment o+ the lemm =gr y? m y sim@ly re+er the user to the lemm =grey?7 $here +ull tre tment o+ the lemm $ould :e +oundL

gray E G=7)

grey 2ad!ecti#e3 o+ "olour th t is intermedi te

:et$een :l "k nd $hite[ 2noun3 :et$een :l "k nd $hite neutr l "olour

A "ommon @ro:lem in di"tion ries is in#alid cross,references. This is $hen the user is re+erred to lemm th t h s not been treated in the di"tion ry. The user might lso :e re+erred to non,existent or incorrect sense7 or7 in " ses $here the t rget lemm h s multi@le homonyms7 the user m y :e re+erred to non,existent or incorrect homonym. Another "ommon @ro:lem is ambiguous "ross> re+eren"es7 $here the user is re+erred to lemm 7 :ut then +inds th t th t lemm h s multi@le homonyms (or senses)7 nd it is not "le r $hi"h homonym (or sense) $ s intended. Kee@ing tr "k o+ "ross>re+eren"es in order to redu"e or elimin te su"h errors is huge t sk7 i+ done m nu lly. The TLex =sm rt? "ross>re+eren"es system7 ho$e*er7 sol*es these @ro:lems. TLex llo$s you to enter "ross>re+eren"es in su"h $ y th t the system =kno$s? the "tu l stru"ture o+ the "ross>re+eren"e7 i.e. intern l =links? re est :lished :et$een the re$erence position ($here one +inds the "ross> re+eren"e)7 the re$erence mar%er (i.e. the ty@e o+ "ross>re+eren"e)7 nd the re$erence address (or t rget). This h s "ou@le o+ im@ort nt nd @o$er+ul im@li" tionsL 1. A "ross>re+eren"ed lemm sign or sense (the re+eren"e ddress) has to exist H TLex thus pre#ents you +rom :eing :le to "re te in* lid "ross>re+eren"es to non>existent lemm signs or senses. (. 1e" use o+ the utom ti" num:ering o+ homonyms nd senses in TLex7 the homonym nd sense num:ers o+ ll "ross>re+eren"es to lemm sign or sense t re+eren"e @osition $ill :e automatically updated $hene*er the homonym or sense num:er "h nge on the t rget. .. -+ the +orm (orthogr @hy) o+ the "ross>re+erred lemm sign "h nges7 the s me "h nge $ill :e utom ti" lly e++e"ted t the re+eren"e @osition. The TLex "ross>re+eren"es system thus +rees you +rom h *ing to m nu lly kee@ tr "k o+ "ross> re+eren"es7 nd lso +rees you +rom h *ing to m nu lly u@d te the "ross>re+eren"e homonym nd sense num:ers $hene*er you "h nge the order o+ homonyms or senses o+ "ross>re+eren"e t rget. -t lso +rees you +rom h *ing to dou:le>"he"k $hether the s@elling t the re+eren"e @osition nd the re+eren"e ddress re the s me. Further7 the &re*ie$ Are lso utom ti" lly dis@l ys ll rti"les th t re "ross>re+eren"ed :y the lemm you re "urrently $orking on7 s $ell s ll lemm s th t h *e "ross>re+eren"es to the lemm you re "urrently $orking on. This llo$s you to qui"kly nd "ontinu lly "he"k the "orre"tness o+ "ross>re+eren"es t ll times. This is sho$n in the s"reenshot :elo$L

TLex Suite User Guide


Figure 1&: =elated cross,referenced articles Cto and from> are shown in the :re#iew AreaA here for a bilingual Biswahili nglish dictionary $%ata online at: http:&&africanlanguages'com&1dp&(

-n this ex m@le7 the rti"le +or =m$ n +unQi? "ont ins t$o "ross>re+eren"es7 one to =m$ n ? homonym num:er 17 nd se"ond one to =>+unQ ?. The rti"les +or :oth o+ these re sho$n7 in th t order7 under the se"tion l :elled =Arti"le h s "ross>re+eren"es to NN?. From the se"tion $ith the he ding =NN Arti"le is "ross>re+eren"ed +rom? one lso sees th t the rti"le =$ n +unQi? "ont ins "ross>re+eren"e to =m$ n +unQi?. 0s@e"i lly the l tter ty@e is highly re*e ling. Further note th t the re+eren"e mar1ers $ith $hi"h the re+eren"e relations re :eing est :lished (=!oots? nd =See singul r?) re me ning+ul text segments. These m rkers re :eing sele"ted +rom dro@ do$n list $hen est :lishing the "ross>re+eren"e rel tions7 s sho$n in the next se"tion. #ote th t it is lso @ossi:le to hide the outgoing nd in"oming "ross>re+eren"ed rti"les7 :y toggling the st tus o+ the =Sho$ rel ted "ross>re+eren"es? "he"k:ox under =Form t (F2)?.

Adding Cross4re&erences
To "re te "ross>re+eren"es in TLex7 one uses the s@e"i l =!e+eren"es? element. 0 "h =!e+eren"es? element " n hold multi@le "ross>re+eren"es. 1y de+ ult7 the =!e+eren"es? element " n :e dded either to =Lemm ? elements7 or to =Sense? elements (in " ses $here the "ross>re+eren"e should only :elong to @ rti"ul r $ord senses). To dd "ross>re+eren"es7 right>"li"k on the =Lemm ? element or on =Sense? element in the Tree 8ie$ nd sele"t =AddL !e+eren"es?. A =!e+eren"es? element $ill :e dded7 nd the "ross>re+eren"e editor di log (sho$n :elo$) $ill @@e r. This di log llo$s you to dd "ross>re+eren"es to lemm s7 or to @ rti"ul r senses $ithin lemm s7 :y sele"ting them +rom list o+ ll the "urrent lemm s nd senses in the di"tion ry d t : se. -t is thus im@ort nt to re lise th t "ross>re+eren"es re ne*er ty@ed in m nu lly. The re+eren"e @osition is de+ined :y the @l "e in the Tree 8ie$ $here one " lled u@ the "ross>re+eren"e editor. The re+eren"e ddress(es) is, re "hosen using the =Qui"k>se r"h :ox?7 =Lemm list? nd =Senses o+ sele"ted lemm ? se"tions o+ the "ross>re+eren"e editor. The re+eren"e m rker7 +in lly7 is "hosen +rom the dro@ do$n menu indi" ted :y =Cross>re+eren"e ty@e sele"tion?. <hen "ross>re+eren"es to se*er l items re m de7 ll re sho$n in the su:>$indo$ l :elled =Cross> re+eren"es?. The order o+ these " n :e "h nged using the =/o*e u@? nd =/o*e do$n? :uttons H see =Cross>re+eren"e order modi+i" tion?. A @re*ie$ o+ the resulting rti"le7 together $ith the linked rti"le(s) is sho$n in the =Cross>re+eren"e rti"le @re*ie$?. -+ one $ nts to m ke "ross>re+eren"e to n item th t h s not s yet :een tre ted in the di"tion ry7 then one $ill ty@i" lly "re te the lemm sign o+ th t item +irst nd m rk the (em@ty) rti"le s in"om@lete. This $ y the item :e"omes * il :le in the "ross>re+eren"e editor7 nd one " n then +ill in the "ontents t l ter st ge.

TLex Suite User Guide


Figure 1': 6ross,reference editor dialogA here for a bilingual Biswahili nglish dictionary $%ata online at: http:&&africanlanguages'com&1dp&(

,diting Cross4re&erences
-+ you $ nt to modi+y the "ross>re+eren"es under n existing =!e+eren"es? element7 you " n do this :y o@ening the Cross>re+eren"e 0ditor g in +or th t element. There re t$o @ossi:le $ ys to do thisL 1. !ight>"li"k on the =!e+eren"es? element in the Tree 8ie$ nd sele"t =0dit?. (. %ou:le>"li"k on the =!e+eren"es? element in the Tree 8ie$.

Customising the Cross4re&erence Ty1es

<hen you "re te ne$ di"tion ry in TLex7 de+ ult list o+ "ross>re+eren"e ty@es is set u@7 $ith7 mongst others7 =equi* len"e?,=b?7 =see? nd ="om@ re?. -t is @ossi:le to remo*e these or dd ne$ ty@es7 using the "ross>re+eren"e ty@es editor di log ""essi:le +rom =%i"tion ry,0dit "ross>re+eren"e ty@es?. For more det ils on ho$ to do this7 see the "h @ter on Customising the "ross>re+eren"e ty@es.

TLex Suite User Guide


Search (01,
The =Se r"h (F.)? tool in TLex,tlTerm llo$s you to @er+orm di"tion ry or terminology d t : se. +ull text se r"h on the entire

#ote th t i+ +ilter is "urrently @@lied7 the se r"h +un"tion $ill only se r"h the su:set o+ entries "urrently re*e led :y the +ilter (see the "h @ter on the =Filter (F9)? tool +or more in+orm tion).

*earch $1tions
7Case Sensiti e9 <hen the =C se sensiti*e? o@tion is ti"ked7 the se r"h +un"tion $ill reg rd the " se o+ letter (i.e. u@@er" se,lo$er" se) s im@ort nt $hile se r"hing7 nd $ill not m t"h results $here the " se di++ers +rom the se r"h string. 75hole 5ord <nl$9 <hen the =<hole $ord only? o@tion is ti"ked7 the se r"h +un"tion $ill only return rti"les $here the se r"h string o""urs s $hole $ord7 nd not those $here the se r"h string @@e rs s @ rt o+ $ord. This di++eren"e is illustr ted in the s"reenshots :elo$L

Figure 1(: Searching with partial word matching in a Figure 1): Searching with Dhole word only matching bilingual nglish 6hinese dictionary in a bilingual nglish 6hinese dictionary $%ata: ? +orraine +iang( $%ata: ? +orraine +iang(

7Eegular Ex:ression9 Searches %/d anced' Ti"king the =!egul r ex@ression? o@tion llo$s you to @er+orm =regul r ex@ression? se r"hes. This is s@e"i l =l ngu ge?7 $ith its o$n synt x7 +or "re ting more "om@lex se r"h queries.
TLex Suite User Guide 28

The : si" @ur@ose o+ regul r ex@ressions is to llo$ you to "re te single se r"h string th t " n m t"h multiple @ossi:le strings in the di"tion ry text. As sim@le ex m@le7 one " n se r"h +or o""urren"es o+ either =gr y? or =grey? (t$o ltern ti*e s@ellings o+ the s me $ord) :y using the se r"h string =gr ycgrey?. The *erti" l line =c? is regul r ex@ression "onstru"t th t denotes =)!?. 1ro dly s@e king7 regul r ex@ressions re n industry st nd rd7 nd m ny det iled re+eren"es re * il :le on the <orld <ide <e:7 su"h s the +ollo$ing re"ommended <iki@edi rti"leL htt@L,,en.$iki@edi .org,$iki,!egul r\ex@ression. Thus7 only :rie+ o*er*ie$ $ill :e @ro*ided here. #ote th t there re di++erent * rieties o+ regul r ex@ressions[ $e use the so>" lled =&erl synt x?. Follo$ing re +e$ more ex m@les o+ regul r ex@ression "onstru"tsL Single9character wildcard: =.? " n :e used to indi" te =one o+ ny "h r "ter?7 thus the se r"h string =li.e?7 $ill m t"h =like?7 =line?7 =li+e?7 =lime?7 =li"e?7 et". (:ut not =lie?). 0ulti9character wildcardL =.X? <eginning o$ $ield: =d? " n :e used to indi" te =:eginning o+ +ield?7 thus llo$ing you to se r"h +or ttri:utes th t start $ith gi*en text string7 e.g. =dto?. 7nd o$ $ield: =_? " n :e used to indi" te =end o+ +ield?7 thus llo$ing you to se r"h +or ttri:utes th t end $ith gi*en text string7 e.g. =" t_?. 7!(tA $ieldL =d_? (me ning7 m t"h :eginning o+ +ield +ollo$ed immedi tely :y end o+ +ield) Bne or !ore: =U? denotes th t the @re"eding "h r "ter m y :e re@e ted one or more times7 e.g. =loUse? $ill +ind o""urren"es o+ :oth =lose? nd =loose?. Fero or !oreL =X? denotes the the @re"eding "h r "ter m y :e re@e ted Qero or more times. "haracter grou(L 3e47 e.g. =gr3e 4y? $ill m t"h :oth =grey? nd =gr y?. "haracter rangeL 3...>...47 e.g. =3G>F4? $ill m t"h ny numeri" l digit +rom G to F7 nd =3 >Q4? $ill m t"h ny "h r "ter in the (;>"h r "ter 0nglish l@h :et. The regul r ex@ression se r"h string =d3 >Q43 >Q43 >Q4_? $ould thus7 +or ex m@le7 +ind ll ttri:ute * lues th t re 'ust single three>letter $ord. #n?erse %not&L 3d...47 e.g. =3d 4? $ill m t"h ny "h r "ter other th n = ?7 =3d 4? $ill m t"h ny "h r "ter other th n s@ "e7 nd =3d eiou4? $ill m t"h ny "h r "ter th t isnCt *o$el. <eginning9o$9wordL ]M 7nd9o$9wordL ]N -+ you $ish to "tu lly se r"h +or one o+ the "h r "ters th t re used s s@e"i l regul r ex@ression query "h r "ters7 you " n do so :y =es" @ing? the "h r "ter H this is done :y @re"eding it $ith =]? "h r "ter. Thus =]._?7 +or ex m@le7 $ill +ind ll rti"les $here n ttri:ute "tu lly ends $ith =.?.

TLex Suite User Guide


#umerous use+ul regul r ex@ressions +or di"tion ry "om@il tion $ork re gi*en in the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions H htt@L,,tsh$ ned'e."om,+ q.html)7 e.g. =Find ll de+initions or ex m@les $hi"h end $ith +ullsto@?.
A Fe Use&ul Regular ,'1ression ,'am1le A11lications

Follo$ing is ex@ressions.

sm ll s m@le o+ ide s o+ t sks th t " n :e "hie*ed $ith the hel@ o+ regul r

5ind all exa!(les %or co!4inations& in which the GHG was not used %o +ield>s@e"i+i" (e.g. T0x m@leLL0x m@leT) regul r ex@ression se r"h +or Td3dI4U_T. 5ind all de$initions %or exa!(les etc.& which end with a $ullsto( %o +ield>s@e"i+i" (e.g. T%e+initionLL%e+initionT) regul r ex@ression se r"h +or T]._T. 5ind all de$initions %or exa!(les etc.& which do not end with a $ullsto( %o +ield>s@e"i+i" (e.g. T%e+initionLL%e+initionT) regul r ex@ression se r"h +or T3d].4_T. 5ind all de$initions %or exa!(les etc.& which 4egin with an u((ercase letter %or with a lowercase letter& %o +ield>s@e"i+i" (e.g. T%e+initionLL%e+initionT) " se>sensiti*e regul r ex@ression se r"h +or Td3A> Z4T (or Td3 >Q4T +or lo$er" se letters). 5ind all single9word %i.e. non9!ulti9word& headwords/ter!s which 4egin with an u((ercase letter %o " se>sensiti*e regul r ex@ression se r"h under F. +or Td3A>Z43d 4X_T. (A mist ke @eo@le sometimes m ke in terminology or di"tion ry $ork7 @ rti"ul rly inex@erien"ed users7 is to enter he d$ords or terms st rting $ith " @it l letter7 e.g. TCom@uterT inste d o+ T"om@uterT[ this se r"h " n hel@ utom ti" lly +ind su"h " ses7 $hile ignoring multi>$ord terms th t should "tu lly :e u@@er" se7 e.g. T<orld <ide <e:T.) 5ind all two9word headwords %o +ield>s@e"i+i" (e.g. =Lemm LLLemm Sign?) regul r ex@ression se r"h +orL d3d 4U 3d 4U_

>Find? Tool
-n ddition to the se r"h +un"tion lity * il :le under F.7 +rom the =0dit? menu. This " n :e in*oked $ith =CtrlUF?. +ull d t : se =+ind? tool is ""essi:le

TLex Suite User Guide


The =Find? tool in"ludes the s me : si" o@tions s Se r"h (F.)7 n mely =$hole $ord only?7 =" se sensiti*e?7 =regul r ex@ression?7 nd =Fields? t : th t llo$s you to restri"t the se r"h to @ rti"ul r ttri:utes only. -n ddition to this7 it lso h s the +ollo$ing +our "omm ndsL =T g ll?L T g ll m t"hing entries. This dds to ny "urrent sele"tion o+ t gged entries. =Unt g ll?L Unt g ll m t"hing entries. This does not "le r existing t gs +rom non>m t"hing entries. =Filter U?L Cre te nd @@ly =!e*e l? +ilter th t dis@l ys only the entries "ont ining m t"hes. =Filter >?L Cre te nd @@ly =Bide? +ilter th t dis@l ys ll entries th t do not "ont in m t"hes. See the rele* nt se"tions on t gging nd +ilters +or more in+orm tion.

>*earch and Re1lace? Tool

A +ull d t : se =se r"h nd re@l "e? tool is lso ""essi:le +rom the =0dit? menu. =Se r"h nd !e@l "e? " n :e in*oked $ith the short"ut key =CtrlUB?. An ltern te =Find? di log " n :e in*oked $ith =CtrlUF?. Addition l d* n"ed =se r"h nd re@l "e? o@tions llo$ you to do re@l "ements $ithout tou"hing the user nd d te,time tr "king +ields > these should gener lly :e used only i+ you kno$ $h t you re doing.

*earching F: Lists

ith >Find? and >*earch and Re1lace?

Dou " n se r"h +or multi@le sele"tions in n ttri:ute :y using =7? (#1L $ithout s@ "e) s the se r"h string7 e.g. =noun7*er:? (#)T =noun7 *er:?). Dou " n lso do =intelligent? re@l "es[ e.g. re@l "ing =noun7*er:? $ith 'ust =noun? $ill "le r the =*er:? "he"k:oxes. !e@l "ing $ith =noun7@ronoun? $ill "le r the =*er:? "he"k:ox nd ti"k the =@ronoun? "he"k:ox (@ro*iding it exists in the list).

*earch >*mart "resets?

-n :oth =Se r"h (F.)? nd the =Find? nd =!e@l "e? di logs7 ,search (resets/ 4utton %la4elled ,II/& llo$s you to sele"t +rom * rious Cse r"h @re>setsC7 $ith user>+riendly n mes7 th t utom ti" lly +ill in the "orres@onding (non>user>+riendly) se r"h query ex@ressions nd settings +or you. These in"ludeL
(L st>modi+ied,"re ted d teL) Tod y Desterd y L st ( d ys L st . d ys L st A d ys L st 1G d ys L st 12 d ys L st .G d ys This month (so + r) L st t$o months L st three months L st month > 0m@ty +ield #on>em@ty +ield >
TLex Suite User Guide 31

/ulti>$ord +ield Single>$ord +ield T$o>$ord +ield Three>$ord +ield Four>$ord +ield Fi*e>$ord +ield T$o or more $ords Three or more $ords > St rts $ith CAC St rts $ith u@@er" se St rts $ith lo$er" se 0nds $ith +ullsto@ 0nds not $ith +ullsto@ > !eset settings

These " n :e hel@+ul +or @ rti"ul r t sks7 e.g. the =L st A d ys? o@tion " n :e used to hel@ +ind nd re*ie$ ll $ork done during the @ st $eek.

TLex Suite User Guide


0or!at (02,
-n the su:>$indo$ =Form t (F2)?7 eight di++erent ty@es o+ gener l +orm tting settings m y :e modi+ied. These settings ++e"t ho$ the out@ut $ill @@e r in the &re*ie$ Are nd $hen ex@orting the di"tion ry d t (+or @rinting or ele"troni" dis@l y). -n e "h " se the &re*ie$ Are u@d tes immedi tely s "h nges re m de. -n the s"reenshot :elo$ the settings h *e :een "hosen in su"h $ y th t they "ontr st the settings used in the s"reenshots so + r7 nd,or in the s"reenshots sho$n in the +ollo$ing "h @ters.

Figure 18: Eanipulating general formatting settings under Format 2F43A here for a bilingual nglish 6hinese dictionary $%ata: ? +orraine +iang(

Alternati%e *ets o& La-els &or Lists

The l rgest se"tion o+ the =Form t (F2)? su:>$indo$ is reser*ed +or =Altern ti*e sets o+ l :els +or lists?. As $ill :e ex@l ined in the se"tion on Attri:ute Lists7 in the "h @ter on Customising the %i"tion ry Gr mm r using the %T%7 e "h ttri:ute list " n h *e ny num:er o+ ltern te,* ri nt lists. -n the s"reenshot :o*e7 t$o ltern ti*e sets +or the @ rts o+ s@ee"h h *e :een @re@ red7 one in 0nglish7 the other one in Chinese7 $ith the Chinese *ersion :eing "hosen. C+. the +irst :l "k se"tions in it li"s nd :et$een :r "kets in the &re*ie$ Are .

Cross4re&erence La-el *ets

Vust s is the " se +or ttri:ute lists7 ny num:er o+ ltern te,* ri nt sets o+ "ross>re+eren"es " n :e @re@ red7 used nd out@ut. See the se"tion on Customising the L ngu ge used to %is@l y Cross> re+eren"e Ty@es7 in the "h @ter on Customising the Cross>re+eren"e Ty@es. -n the s"reenshot :o*e7 the =Sym:ols? set h s :een "hosen inste d o+ the 0nglish,Chinese sets. As result7 the re+eren"e m rker text =See? @@e rs s @ur@le rro$ =f?.
TLex Suite User Guide 33


Related Cross4re&erences @TLe'A

-n the =Sm rt? Cross>re+eren"es se"tion o+ the "h @ter on 0diting Cross>re+eren"es7 it $ s @ointed out th t rel ted "ross>re+eren"es de@ rting from nd rri*ing at the "urrently sele"ted rti"le re sho$n in the &re*ie$ Are 7 +ollo$ing the sele"ted rti"le. -+ one r ther $ishes to see the A to Z list only7 then one " n unti"k the =Sho$ rel ted "ross>re+eren"es? "he"k:ox.

,'1and ,ntities
0ntities7 dis"ussed in the "h @ter on the Styles System7 re utom ti" lly su:stituted $ith their sso"i ted * lues in the &re*ie$ Are $hen the =0x@ nd entities? o@tion is ti"ked. This is the de+ ult.



<hen ("or@us>deri*ed) +requen"y d t h s :een tt "hed to the lemm s7 this in+orm tion " n o@tion lly :e dis@l yed. -n the s"reenshot :o*e7 the rose>"oloured * lues @re"eding the lemm signs re the r nk num:ers in the 1GG>million>$ord 1#C (1ritish # tion l Cor@us). (For more in+orm tion on the l tter7 "+. Ad m Kilg rri++6s =1#C d t : se nd $ord +requen"y lists? $hi"h is * il :le +romL htt@L,,$$$.kilg rri++.",:n">re dme.html)

,'1and Tildes (;)

-n the se"tion titled 0x@ nsion o+ Tilde Ch r "ter (I)7 in the "h @ter on 0diting Attri:utes7 the :eh *iour o+ the =I? $ s extensi*ely dis"ussed. &le se re+er to th t se"tion +or more in+orm tion. <hen the =0x@ nd tildes (I)? "he"k:ox is ti"ked7 the tildes re utom ti" lly ex@ nded.



The l st>s *ed d te nd time +or e "h rti"le re utom ti" lly s *ed :y TLex,tlTerm. This in+orm tion " n :e re*e led :y ti"king the =Sho$ timest m@? o@tion. Timest m@s re dis@l yed t the end o+ e "h rti"le in the s"reenshot :o*e.



-+ CUser / n gementC is en :led on di"tion ry or term: se7 C"re ted>:y userC nd Cl st>s *ed>:y userC in+orm tion is s *ed t e "h entry. This in+orm tion " n :e re*e led in the &re*ie$ Are :y ti"king the =Sho$ usern mes? o@tion.

TLex Suite User Guide


0ilter (03,
The =Filter (F9)? +un"tion llo$s you to dis@l y nd $ork on only subset o+ entries in the di"tion ry or terminology d t : se7 : sed on s@e"i+ied "riteri . The +ilter "ts s kind o+ =m sk? or =sie*e? th t =lets through? only those entries th t "on+orm to the s@e"i+ied "onditions. There re m ny di++erent @ossi:le uses +or the +ilter. For ex m@le7 one " n sele"t to =sho$ only those di"tion ry entries $hi"h do not yet h *e us ge ex m@les?7 or =sho$ ll di"tion ry entries th t donCt h *e @ rt o+ s@ee"h indi" ted?. Another ex m@le might :e to =sho$ ll rti"les l :elled s C"olloqui lC?. A more "om@lex ex m@le might :e to =sho$ ll rti"les th t re m rked s "om@lete nd h *e de+initions7 :ut $hi"h l "k us ge ex m@le or @ rt o+ s@ee"h l :el?. -n tlTerm term: se7 the +ilter " n :e used to e sily +ind ll entries ("on"e@ts) th t do not yet h *e term +illed in +or @ rti"ul r l ngu ge7 e.g. =Sho$ me ll entries th t h *e 0nglish terms de+ined7 :ut no S@ nish equi* lent?. <hen +ilter is @@lied7 the &re*ie$ Are $ill dis@l y mess ge indi" ting s su"h7 nd sho$ ho$ m ny entries7 out o+ the tot l num:er o+ entries7 h *e @ ssed the +ilter7 e.g. = $Filtered: "74 of )"FG( ?. )ther tools in TLex nd tlTerm re lso = $ re? o+ the +ilter7 nd $ill ""ordingly $ork only on the su:set o+ entries re*e led :y the "urrently @@lied +ilter. These in"lude the =Se r"h (F.)? +un"tion7 nd TLexCs !uler Tool.

Ty1es o& Filter Conditions

There re se*er l ty@es o+ +ilter "onditions. These re ll listed under =Filter (F9)?. 0 "h "ondition h s "he"k:ox to the le+t o+ it7 $hi"h m y :e ti"ked in order to sele"t th t "ondition. The m in ty@es o+ +ilter "onditions re s +ollo$sL 7le!ent 5ilter: Che"ks +or the presence o+ the gi*en element ty@e $ithin the tree stru"ture o+ n rti"le7 e.g. =Sense?7 =Com:in tion?7 or =0x m@le?. For the "ross>re+eren"es element (=!e+eren"es?)7 one m y lso +urther "he"k +or only cross,references from a +emma7 or only cross,references from a Sense. 0ar u( 5ilter: Che"ks i+ ny m rku@ "h r "ters (e.g. =J:?) @@e r $ithin n rti"le.

TLex Suite User Guide


3ttri4ute 5ilter: Che"ks i+ the gi*en ttri:ute * lue appears in n rti"le and has a #alue filled in. Attri:ute +ilter "onditions re listed in the +orm =0lement# meLLAttri:ute# me?. For inst n"e7 ti"king =0x m@leLLSour"e? $ould "he"k +or rti"les th t "ont in n =0x m@le? element and h *e * lue +illed in +or the =Sour"e? ttri:ute o+ the =0x m@le? element. List 5ilter: Che"ks i+ ny list ttri:utes in n rti"le h *e the s@e"i+ied list item(s) sele"ted. #ote th t ti"king the list name (e.g. =& rt o+ s@ee"h?) inste d o+ @ rti"ul r item (e.g. =noun?) $ill "he"k i+ any o+ the list items (in this " se +or =& rt o+ s@ee"h?) re sele"ted in n rti"le. T$o sets o+ +ilter "onditions m y :e s@e"i+ied H "onditions +or inclusion o+ entries (=!e*e l?)7 nd "onditions +or exclusion o+ entries (=Bide?). These m y :e "om:ined to "re te more "om@lex +ilters. To @@ly +ilter7 @ress =F9? to sele"t the Filter tool7 s@e"i+y the +ilter mode (e.g. =A#%? or =)!?)7 ti"k the desired "onditions7 then "li"k =A@@ly?. To un @@ly the +ilter g in7 "li"k =Un @@ly?. To "le r the "urrently ti"ked "onditions nd mode7 "li"k =!eset?.

>Re%eal? Filter
The =!e*e l? +ilter (@re*iously " lled the =-n"lude? +ilter) is used to re*e l only entries th t conform to the s@e"i+ied "onditions. 1y sele"ting :et$een =Any o+ ()!)? nd =All o+ (A#%)?7 one " n +urther s@e"i+y $hether only one or more o+ multi@le s@e"i+ied "onditions needs to :e @resent7 or $hether multi@le s@e"i+ied "onditions should all :e @resent7 res@e"ti*ely7 in order to in"lude the entry. Some ex m@les +ollo$L 1. ,Show onlA entries !ar ed as inco!(lete/ Under =!e*e l?7 sele"t =Any o+ ()!)? Ti"k =Lemm LL-n"om@lete? Cli"k =A@@ly? 2. ,Show all ho!onA!s/ Under =!e*e l?7 sele"t =Any o+ ()!)? Ti"k =Lemm LLBomonym#um:er? Cli"k =A@@ly? 3. ,Show onlA nouns and ?er4s/ Under =!e*e l?7 sele"t =Any o+ ()!)? Ti"k =noun? under =& rt o+ s@ee"h? Ti"k =*er:? under =& rt o+ s@ee"h? Cli"k =A@@ly? The =)!? o@tion is used here s the rti"le m y h *e either the =noun? l :el or the =*er:? l :el sele"ted +or the lemm to :e re*e led :y the +ilter. +. ,Show all nouns that 4elong to the JlinguisticsJ do!ain/ Under =!e*e l?7 sele"t =All o+ (A#%)? Ti"k =noun? under =& rt o+ s@ee"h?
TLex Suite User Guide 36

Ti"k =linguisti"s? under =%om in l :el? Cli"k =A@@ly? #ote th t this ex m@le ssumes th t you h *e =linguisti"s? dom in l :el. The =A#%? o@tion is used :e" use both "onditions must :e s tis+ied +or n rti"le to :e sho$n (i.e. lemm =must :e noun? A#% =must h *e linguisti"s l :el?).

>Dide? Filter
The =Bide? +ilter (@re*iously " lled the =Su:tr "t? +ilter) " n :e used to re*e l only those entries th t do not "on+orm to s@e"i+ied "onditions. &hr sed ltern ti*elyL The =Bide? +ilter " n :e used to hide ll entries th t conform to the s@e"i+ied "onditions. 1y sele"ting :et$een =Any o+ ()!)? nd =All o+ (A#%)?7 one " n +urther s@e"i+y $hether only one or more o+ multi@le s@e"i+ied "onditions needs to :e @resent7 or $hether multi@le s@e"i+ied "onditions must all :e @resent7 res@e"ti*ely7 +or n entry to :e hidden :y the +ilter. Some ex m@les +ollo$L 1. ,Show all entries that do not ha?e usage exa!(les/ Under =Bide?7 sele"t =Any o+ ()!)? -n the "onditions list7 ti"k =0x m@le? Cli"k =A@@ly? 2. ,Show all entries that do not ha?e the (art o$ s(eech s(eci$ied/ Under =Bide?7 sele"t =Any o+ ()!)? -n the "onditions list7 ti"k =& rt o+ s@ee"h? Cli"k =A@@ly?

Com-ining >Re%eal? and >Dide?

The =!e*e l? nd =Bide? +ilters m y :e "om:ined7 llo$ing more "om@lex +ilters to :e de+ined. Some ex m@les +ollo$L 1. ,Show all inco!(lete articles that ha?e de$initions 4ut not usage exa!(les/ Under =!e*e l?7 sele"t =All o+ (A#%)? -n the =!e*e l? "onditions list7 ti"k =Lemm LL-n"om@lete? -n the =!e*e l? "onditions list7 ti"k =%e+inition? Under =Bide?7 sele"t =Any o+ ()!)? -n the =Bide? "onditions list7 ti"k =0x m@le? Cli"k =A@@ly? The =!e*e l? @ rt o+ this +ilter $ill +irstly sele"t only the su:set o+ rti"les th t re m rked s in"om@lete nd th t h *e de+initions[ the =Bide? @ rt o+ this +ilter $ill then su:tr "t +rom th t ll those lemm s th t h *e us ge ex m@les. 2. >Note: #n <antu languages such as 'iswahiliK nouns are grou(ed in singular/(lural classes.@ -n the s"reenshot :elo$7 ll ="om@lete? nouns th t h *e :een m rked $ith the singul r ="l ss F? or the "orres@onding @lur l ="l ss 1G?7 nd re = nim te?7 :ut +or $hi"h the tre tment does not h *e n =ex m@le senten"e? or ="om:in tion?7 re :eing extr "ted. )ut o+ the ;712A lemm s in the d t : se7 this "ondition is +ul+illed +or only 2; o+ them7 s sho$n t the to@ o+ the &re*ie$ Are .

TLex Suite User Guide


Figure 19: 6ombining the =e#eal and Hide filters under Filter 2F73 to extract a section from a bilingual Swahili nglish dictionary $%ata online at: http:&&africanlanguages'com&swahili&(

,'tracting or "rinting a *u-set o& the !ictionary(Term-ase

The +ilter m y :e used to sele"t nd ex@ort only su:set o+ the di"tion ry or term: se. <hen you ex@ort your d t ($hether to !TF7 BT/L or S/L +orm t)7 the =0x@ort o@tions? di log in"ludes n o@tion to =Use +ilters?. Sele"ting this o@tion $ill " use the "urrent +ilter to :e @@lied to the out@ut. As n ex m@le7 one "ould "hoose to ex@ort only the lemm s in di"tion ry th t h *e :een m rked $ith =linguisti"s? l :el7 e++e"ti*ely gener ting linguisti"s lexi"on or terminology list +rom the m in di"tion ry d t : se. 1y "om:ining the +ilter $ith the use o+ multi@le sets o+ styles7 $hi"h m y +urther hide or re*e l di++erent elements or ttri:utes7 multi@le di"tion ries " n e++e"ti*ely :e gener ted +rom single di"tion ry d t : se. See the "h @ter on the Styles System +or more in+orm tion.

TLex Suite User Guide


Cor:us (04,
Con&iguring the Cor1us
Ste@>:y>ste@L 1. &re@ re your "or@us +iles s text +iles. (-t m y :e good ide to s *e them ll to s@e"i+i" dedi" ted +older7 :ut th t is not ne"ess ry.) (. Under TCor@us (F;)T7 "li"k on TCon+igureT nd sele"t TTexts,Add multi@leT. .. Cli"k T1ro$seT to sele"t the +older "ont ining the text +iles (the Tre"urseT o@tion $ill s@e"i+y $hether or not TLex,tlTerm $ill lso uto> dd text +iles +rom su:+olders $ithin the sele"ted +older). 2. Cli"k T)KT. 9. The desired "or@us +iles should no$ @@e r in the list. The "on+igur tion $ill :e s *ed long $ith the @ rti"ul r d t : se. /ore +iles " n :e dded t ny time l ter7 or +iles m y :e remo*ed +rom the list. The =right to le+t? "he"k:ox llo$s you to s@e"i+y i+ l ngu ge7 su"h s Ar :i" or Be:re$. "or@us +ile "ont ins text in right>to>le+t

!oing a Cor1us *earch

)n"e the "or@us +iles re "on+igured7 you " n @er+orm se r"h queries on the "or@us. 0ither query " n :e entered m nu lly under TCor@us (F;)T7 or you " n ti"k the TAuto>se r"hT o@tion7 nd TLex,tlTerm $ill then utom ti" lly l un"h "or@us se r"h +or the "urrent he d$ord,term e "h time you sele"t n entry. The most re"ent results re ke@t in memory7 thus i+ you sele"t nother entry nd then go : "k g in to the +irst entry7 the se r"h results should re> @@e r immedi tely. -+ the se r"h h d not yet "om@leted7 it $ill utom ti" lly "ontinue on its $ y g in.

*orting the Results

The ordering o+ "or@us se r"h results " n :e "on+igured :y "li"king on TCon+igureT under TCor@us (F;)T7 nd under TSortT7 using T/o*e u@T nd T/o*e do$nT to "h nge the order o+ sort items. For ex m@le7 :y mo*ing T<ord 1e+ore Se r"h TermT to the +irst @osition7 the entries $ill +irst :e sorted on the $ord to the le+t o+ the se r"h term $ithin results line. (-+ the $ord to the le+t is the s me +or t$o lines7 the next item in the list $ill de"ide ho$ they re +urther sorted7 nd so on.)

Auto4gra--ing Usage ,'am1les

)ne o+ the @o$er+ul time>s *ing +e tures o+ TLex,tlTerm is the :ility to utom ti" lly Cgr :C senten"e +rom line in the "or@us results nd tt "h it s us ge ex m@le in the "urrent entry. To do this7 use the +ollo$ing @ro"edureL

TLex Suite User Guide


1. Sele"t the desired CSenseC element in the Tree 8ie$ to $hi"h you $ish to tt "h the ex m@le (. Sele"t the desired line (or lines) in the "or@us results :y "li"king on its num:er in the le+t "olumn .. &ress the short"ut key "trlL56 #oteL This Trelies onT the de+ ult TSenseT nd T0x m@leT elements +rom the de+ ult TLex %T% :eing @resent. -t is lso @ossi:le to gr : multi@le senten"es t time. Vust sele"t the desired "or@us lines (e.g. holding in TCtrlT $hile "li"king on them $ith the mouse to "re te multi>sele"tion) nd @ress CtrlUFA[ e "h one $ill :e dded s n C0x m@leC to the "urrently sele"ted CSenseC.

Co1ying *elected ,'am1les (Cor1us Lines) to the Cli1-oard

Dou " n use the short"ut TCtrlUCT to "o@y the "urrently sele"ted "or@us line to the "li@:o rd.

Cor1us ,ncry1tion
The "or@us (F;) tool in"ludes + "ility to Cen"ry@tC "or@us +iles nd @rote"t them $ith @ ss$ord. The result nt en"ry@ted +iles " n :e used only $ithin the TCor@us (F;)T tool7 :ut outside o+ TLex,tlTerm the +iles $ill :e unre d :le. This llo$s you to @rote"t your "or@us +rom @otenti l the+t :y mem:ers o+ your te m or nyone else $ith ""ess to their "om@uters. To @@ly en"ry@tion to ll or @ rt o+ your "or@us7 "li"k on TCon+igureT under TCor@us (F;)T7 "li"k on the TTextsT t :7 then sele"t one or more +iles th t you $ould like to en"ry@t +rom the list. /ulti@le +iles " n :e sele"ted :y holding in TCtrlT on the key:o rd $hile "li"king $ith the mouse. Altern ti*ely7 i+ you $ish to en"ry@t ll +iles7 "li"k on T0n"ry@t llT. Dou $ill :e @rom@ted +or the @ ss$ord th t $ill :e used to @rote"t the +iles. 0nter the @ ss$ord " re+ully nd "li"k T)KT. #e$ "o@ies o+ e "h "hosen +ile $ill :e s *ed (to the s me +older) $ith n extension T.te"ry@tT. These +iles m y then hen"e+orth :e distri:uted to the "om@ilers inste d o+ the origin l text +iles. #0DB=T3NT:

/ ke sure to kee@ : "ku@ "o@y o+ the origin l "or@us +iles in s +e @l "e. %o not lose the origin ls. -+ you +orget the @ ss$ord7 the origin l +iles " n not :e re"o*ered. The en"ry@tion @ ss$ord is " se>sensiti*e7 me ning T T is "onsidered di++erent +rom TAT.

Cor1us Registry *ettings @Ad%ancedA

>ncreasing the Maxi!u! Nu!ber of Cor:us Lines Eeturned 1y de+ ult only the +irst 1GGG results +or se r"h re returned[ this " n :e "h nged. Under TBK0D\CU!!0#T\US0!,So+t$ re,Tsh$ ne%Ve,(A@@li" tion# me),SettingsT ("re te i+ ne"ess ry)7 "re te %<)!% registry key " lled T/ xCor@us!esultsT nd set the * lue to the desired m ximum num:er o+ "or@us lines. >ncreasing the Maxi!u! Nu!ber of Cached Sets of Search Eesults

TLex Suite User Guide


The most re"ent sets o+ "or@us se r"h results re " "hed7 so th t i+ you immedi tely return to re"ent se r"h7 the results " n :e dis@l yed immedi tely. The num:er o+ results to " "he " n :e "h nged. Under TBK0D\CU!!0#T\US0!,So+t$ re,Tsh$ ne%Ve,(A@@li" tion# me),SettingsT ("re te i+ ne"ess ry)7 "re te %<)!% registry key " lled T/ xCor@usC "hed!esultsT nd set the * lue to the desired m ximum num:er o+ se r"h results. The de+ ult is (G. CAUT-)#L Ch nging this to *ery high num:er m y im@ "t @er+orm n"e.

TLex Suite User Guide


0ntries in your d t " n :e =t gged?. This is tem@or ry C+l gC on n entry th t merely m rks th t entry s :eing t gged7 llo$ing you to do "ert in things $ith it7 su"h s +ilter on ll t gged entries (see the se"tion on +ilters +or more in+orm tion). T gged entries dis@l y in the &re*ie$ Are $ith red h l+>:order to the le+t nd to@7 nd $ith sm ll im ge o+ t g next to them. T gs re not s *ed $ith your do"ument7 nd re "le red $hen you "lose it.

Figure "I: *agged entries in a 6hinese , nglish dictionary in *+ex' *he JShow tagged alwaysJ option is enabledA thereby showing all tagged entries with a red border in the :re#iew Area at all times' 2*he data is from the 6 %96* pro!ect and is online at http:&&dictionaryK'com&chinese&'3

Tagging Commands
=0dit,T g entry? (CtrlUF()L T g or unt g the "urrently sele"ted entry. =0dit,T g ll?L T g ll entries in the Lemm ,Term List (o+ the "urrent l ngu ge,se"tion). This is =+ilter> $ re? > i+ +ilter is "urrently @@lied7 only the entries th t @ ss the +ilter $ill :e t gged. This llo$s +or ne$ $ y to combine the results o+ se*er l di++erent +ilters H :y t gging the m t"hing entries o+ e "h +ilter7 one " n then +in lly +ilter on =t gged? entries. =0dit,Cle r ll t gs?L Cle r ll "urrent t gs. =0dit,Filter t gged?L Cre te nd @@ly +ilter th t dis@l ys only "urrently t gged entries.
TLex Suite User Guide 42

=0dit,Sho$ t gged l$ ys?L %is@l y ll t gged entries in the &re*ie$ Are @ersistently. )ne use +or this $ould :e i+ you $ nt to "ontinu lly *ie$ or re+er to n entry $hile $orking on nother entry.

Tag Filter
Under =Filter (F9)?7 the =3T gged4? +ilter "ondition llo$s you to @@ly either +ilter +or t gged entries. =re*e l? or =hide?

Tagging in the >Find? Tool

-n ddition to the =0dit? menu "omm nds +or t gging7 the =Find? tool llo$s you to utom ti" lly t g or unt g ll entries th t m t"h gi*en se r"h query. This "ould :e use+ul i+ you $ould like to "om:ine the results o+ multi@le di++erent se r"h queries7 nd e.g. "re te +ilter +rom th t.

Tagging a Range o& ,ntries (e=g= an Al1ha-etic *ection)

To t g ny r nge o+ entriesL 1. (. .. 2. Sele"t the +irst desired entry o+ the r nge in the entry list Cli"k =0dit,T g entry? Sele"t the l st desired entry o+ the r nge in the entry list Cli"k =0dit,T g r nge?

-+ "om:ined $ith t g +ilter7 this " n then lso :e used to e sily ex@ort s@e"i+i" r nge o+ entries (e.g. single l@h :eti" se"tion) :y sele"ting the CUse +iltersC o@tion t ex@ort time.

TLex Suite User Guide


Microsoft 5ord >ntegration

TLex nd tlTerm +e ture /i"roso+t <ord -ntegr tion. This " n :e en :led or dis :led *i the =Tools,/i"roso+t <ord integr tion? menu o@tion. <hen /i"roso+t <ord -ntegr tion is en :led7 TLex,tlTerm utom ti" lly do se r"h in the "urrently o@en d t : se +or the $ord on $hi"h the "ursor is st nding in /i"roso+t <ord7 nd dis@l y @o@u@ $indo$ in the lo$er right "orner $ith mini ture *ersion o+ the results o+ the se r"h7 i+ "orres@onding entry is +ound. -+ the $ord is not +ound7 "li"k :le o@tion llo$s you to immedi tely dd the $ord. This m y :e use+ul +or lexi"ogr @hers7 nd is ide l +or terminogr @hers. The @o@u@ $indo$ is lso ide l +or tr nsl tors.

Figure "1: Eicrosoft Dord 9ntegrationA which shows instant loo1,up results in your termbase or dictionary for the current word in Eicrosoft Dord

#ote th t this +un"tion lity is %i"tion ry,Term: se System.


* il :le to end>users in the TLex 0le"troni"

TLex Suite User Guide


TLex #ilingual Editing 0eatures

Linked .ie
<hen Linked 8ie$ mode H $hi"h is * il :le +rom the =8ie$,Linked *ie$? menu o@tion H is en :led7 rel ted lemm s on the other side o+ the di"tion ry re immedi tely sho$n $hene*er you $ork on lemm . Th t is7 the l ngu ge editing $indo$ +or the other side utom ti" lly dis@l ys ll rti"les $hose lemm signs @@e r s tr nsl tion equi* lent in the "urrently sele"ted rti"le. This llo$s +or qui"k "om@ rison7 hel@ing you to ensure : l n"ed tre tment o+ rel ted lemm s on :oth sides o+ the di"tion ry. -n the s"reenshot sho$n in Figure 27 +or ex m@le7 $ork is :eing done on the isi#de:ele to 0nglish side ("+. the red :order round th t l ngu ge editing $indo$)7 while in +in1ed -iew mode. The tr nsl tion equi* lents +or the *er: => khi$ ? re =:uild? nd ="onstru"t?7 $hi"h results in the utom ti" dis@l y o+ ll entries on the 0nglish side $here =:uild? nd ="onstru"t? re lemm signs. For the *er: l uses on the 0nglish side7 one +inds the tr nsl tion equi* lent => kh ? (the root o+ => khi$ ?)7 $hi"h me ns th t this di"tion ry is indeed : l n"ed in this " se. The re*ersi:ility @rin"i@le h s in other $ords :een honoured here. 3The re?ersi4ilitA (rinci(le is the "ondition $here:y ll lexi" l items @resented s lemm signs or tr nsl tion equi* lents in the S>D se"tion o+ :ilingu l di"tion ry re res@e"ti*ely tr nsl tion equi* lents nd lemm signs in the D>S se"tion o+ th t di"tion ry.4

Automatic Lemma Re%ersal

TLex @ro*ides +un"tions +or utom ted re*ers l o+ rti"les. These +un"tions re intended @rim rily s n id to s@eeding u@ the "om@il tion o+ the re*erse side o+ the di"tion ry. Single /rticle Ee ersal To re*erse the "urrently sele"ted lemm 7 "li"k on the =!e*erse? :utton in the to@ le+t o+ the l ngu ge editing $indo$7 or sele"t the =Lemm ,Auto>re*erse lemm ? menu o@tion. The =!e*erse tool? di log $ill @@e r. This lists @otenti l " ndid tes +or re*ers l H ty@i" lly one @er tr nsl tion equi* lent $ithin the "urrent rti"le. -n the le+t "olumn o+ this $indo$7 you " n toggle $hi"h o+ the tr nsl tion equi* lents you $ould like to gener te re*erse entries +or :y "li"king on the "orres@onding =-n"luded? o@tion. )n"e you re s tis+ied $ith the sele"tion7 "li"k the =!e*erse? :utton. The sele"ted ne$ re*ersed lemm s $ill :e gener ted nd dded to the other side o+ the di"tion ry. The utom ti" lly gener ted entries $ill :e m rked s =in"om@lete?7 s they $ill ty@i" lly require +urther $ork +rom you :e+ore they " n :e "onsidered "om@lete. 0ull Aictionar$ Ee ersal -n " ses $here only one side o+ di"tion ry h s :een tre ted7 it m y :e desir :le to =ki"k>st rt? the other side o+ the di"tion ry :y @er+orming full l ngu ge re*ers l. This " n :e done using the =%i"tion ry,Full l ngu ge re*ers l? menu o@tion. A "on+irm tion di log $ill :e dis@l yed[ note th t +ull re*ers l " nnot :e undone7 there+ore it is strongly re"ommended th t you s *e your "urrent
TLex Suite User Guide 45

$ork +irst nd m ke : "ku@ (=File,Cre te : "ku@?) :e+ore @ro"eeding. )n"e you "on+irm th t you $ish to "ontinue7 the +ull l ngu ge re*ers l o@tions $indo$ $ill :e dis@l yed. This llo$s you to sele"t $hether or not to re*erse single>$ord tr nsl tion equi* lents7 or u@ to (> nd .>$ord multi> $ord tr nsl tion equi* lents7 or to sim@ly re*erse ll tr nsl tion equi* lents ( nd @ r @hr ses). Dou m y lso "hoose to m rk utom ti" lly re*ersed lemm s s =in"om@lete?7 sin"e utom ti" lly re*ersed lemm s $ill ty@i" lly require +urther $ork nd "he"king :e+ore they " n :e "onsidered "om@lete.

Translation ,qui%alent ( Term Fanouts @TLe' E tlTermA

The =+ nouts? tool " n :e en :led *i the =8ie$,Sho$ + nouts? menu o@tion in TLex7 s $ell s tlTerm. This +e ture utom ti" lly sho$s entries rel ted to the "urrent one *i sh red Tr nsl tion 0qui* lent or term (e.g. ll other entries in the same side th t sh re Tr nsl tion 0qui* lent th t lso @@e rs $ithin the "urrent entry). -n m ny " ses7 the results re some$h t kin to =thes urus *ie$?.

TLex Suite User Guide


The Com@ re,/erge tool llo$s you to *isu lly "om@ re t$o di"tion ry d t : ses7 or t$o *ersions o+ di"tion ry d t : se7 side :y side. <hen there re di++eren"es7 +our o@tions re @ro*ided +or resol*ing those di++eren"es7 n mely =Add?7 =/erge?7 =!e@l "e? nd =%elete le+t?. This tool thus llo$s you to integr te "h nges m de :y other users : "k into the m in di"tion ry d t : se7 or to integr te "h nges m de on nother "om@uter (e.g.7 i+ you h *e $orked t home7 nd no$ $ish to dd the "h nges m de t home to the d t : se t the o++i"e). -t lso llo$s you to merely "he"k on the @rogress th t h s :een m de sin"e @re*ious *ersion o+ the di"tion ry7 or :y nother lexi"ogr @her. The Com@ re,/erge tool " n :e ""essed *i the =File,Com@ re,merge di"tion ry? menu o@tion. As n ex m@le7 ssume th t you usu lly $ork on the m in TLex +ile +or Kis$ hili H 0nglish di"tion ry7 " lled =Kis$ hili.tldi"t?7 $hile your "olle gue7 S r h7 $orks on her o$n "o@y o+ this d t : se7 " lled =S r h.tldi"t?. )n"e $eek7 S r h e>m ils you her +ile7 nd you merge her "h nges into the m in di"tion ry d t : se. Dou then send her "o@y o+ the ne$7 u@>to>d te "om:ined d t : se7 nd she @ro"eeds $ith her $ork on th t +ile. -n order to use the Com@ re,/erge tool to "hie*e this7 you $ould do the +ollo$ingL

)@en your m in di"tion ry +ile =Kis$ hili.tldi"t? s you $ould usu lly do7 e.g. using =File,)@enL TLex +ile? nd sele"ting it. (Al$ ys o@en the main di"tion ry d t : se +ile +irst7 nd then the +ile you $ nt to "om@ re g inst nd $hose "h nges you $ nt to integr te.) Sele"t the =File,Com@ re,merge di"tion ry? menu o@tion. A +ile sele"tion di log $ill @@e r7 l :elled =Choose +ile to "om@ re g inst?. Sele"t =S r h.tldi"t? nd "li"k =)@en?. The Com@ re,/erge di log $ill @@e r7 s sho$n in Figure ((.

The Com@ re,/erge di log is s@lit into t$o h l*es H the le+t h l+ dis@l ys list o+ lemm s in the main database =Kis$ hili.tldi"t? th t $ s o@ened +irst[ the right h l+ dis@l ys list o+ lemm s in the d t : se you re "om@ ring against7 n mely S r h.tldi"t. The +ilen mes re indi" ted in the he dings :o*e e "h list o+ lemm s. -t is im@ort nt to note th t ny "h nges th t you m ke using the Com@ re,/erge di log $ill l$ ys :e m de to the main (i.e. le+t) d t : se. The title : r o+ the di log dis@l ys summ ry o+ the num:er o+ di++eren"es +ound. There re +our @ossi:le " ses7 e "h o+ $hi"h is dis@l yed in di++erent "olour in the list o+ lemm sL 1. ,Sa!e/L The lemm exists in :oth di"tion ry do"uments7 nd is identi" l in :oth7 i.e. no "h nges h *e :een m de. These re dis@l yed in 4lac text $ith $hite : "kground (see e.g. =@om:e?7 =@ro+es ? or =>@u n ? in the s"reenshot). (. ,*i$$erent/ The lemm exists in :oth di"tion ry do"uments7 :ut the rti"le is di++erent7 i.e. "h nges h *e :een m de. These re dis@l yed in either (ur(le or red (see e.g. =@olisi 314?7 res@e"ti*ely =>@unguQ ?7 in the s"reenshot). -+ the lemm in the "om@ red> g inst (right) side h s ne$er =l st>edited? timest m@7 then @ur@le is used. )ther$ise7 red is used. .. ,BnlA le$t/: The lemm exists in the m in (le+t) di"tion ry do"ument7 :ut does not exist t ll in the "om@ red> g inst (right) di"tion ry do"ument. -n this ex m@le7 this $ould im@ly th t either you h *e dded ne$ lemm to the Kis$ hili.tldi"t +ile7 or S r h h s deleted n existing lemm +rom her S r h.tldi"t +ile. These re dis@l yed in 4lue (see e.g. =@olisi 3(4? in the s"reenshot).

TLex Suite User Guide


2. ,BnlA right/: The lemm does not exist in the m in (le+t) di"tion ry do"ument7 :ut does exist in the "om@ red> g inst (right) di"tion ry do"ument. -n this ex m@le7 this $ould im@ly th t either you h *e deleted n existing lemm +rom the Kis$ hili.tldi"t +ile7 or S r h h s dded ne$ lemm to her S r h.tldi"t +ile. These re dis@l yed in green (see e.g. =>@oke ?7 =@ole@ole? or => @on ? in the s"reenshot).

Figure $$: Action tab in the dictionary 6ompare&Eerge dialogA here comparing&merging two #ersions of a bilingual Biswahili nglish dictionary database $%ata online at: http:&&africanlanguages'com&1dp&(

Action CommandsC >Add?5 >/erge?5 >Re1lace? and >!elete Le&t?

At this @oint you might then $ nt to ins@e"t S r h6s "h nges in e "h " se $here there re di++eren"es7 nd use the =Add?7 =/erge?7 =!e@l "e? or =%elete le+t? "omm nds7 $hi"h re * il :le on the =A"tion? t :7 to then tr ns+er her "h nges to the m in d t : se. Kee@ in mind th t these "omm nds $ill l$ ys m ke "h nges to Kis$ hili.tldi"t (i.e. the +ile o@ened +irst)7 nd ne*er to S r h.tldi"t. The +our "omm nds $ork s +ollo$sL 3dd: The rti"le on the right is added to the m in d t : se7 in its entirety7 s ne$ lemm . Use this i+ the lemm is ne$ one or ne$ homonym dded :y S r h. 0erge: All senses nd other "hild elements o+ the rti"le on the right re added to the existing rti"le on the le+t (i.e. the existing rti"le in the m in d t : se). This o@tion only @@lies to lemm s th t exist in :oth d t : ses7 :ut re di++erent.

TLex Suite User Guide


=e(lace: The *ersion o+ the rti"le on the right replaces the *ersion o+ the rti"le on the le+t (i.e. the existing rti"le in the m in d t : se). This o@tion only @@lies to rti"les th t exist in :oth d t : ses7 :ut re di++erent. Use this i+ S r h h s m de corrections or extensions to n existing lemm . *elete le$t: The rti"le in the m in (le+t) d t : se is deleted. This o@tion only @@lies to rti"les th t exist in the m in d t : se only7 i.e. those sho$n in :lue. Use this i+ S r h h s deleted lemm 7 nd th t lemm should lso :e deleted +rom the m in d t : se. #ote th t it is @ossi:le to m ke "h nges to the m in d t : se $hile the Com@ re,/erge di log is o@en. )ne m y $ish to resiQe the Com@ re,/erge di log so th t one " n e sily mo*e +rom th t $indo$ to the m in di"tion ry d t : se.

Ty@i" lly one $ould not :e interested in seeing7 s y7 rti"les th t re identi" l in :oth d t : ses. -t is @ossi:le to "hoose $hi"h o+ the +our @ossi:le ty@es o+ di++eren"es to dis@l y in the list. This " n :e done :y "li"king on the =Settings? t :7 nd using the +our "he"k:ox o@tions7 s sho$n :elo$L

Figure $*: Settings tab in the dictionary 6ompare&Eerge dialogA here comparing&merging two #ersions of a bilingual Biswahili nglish dictionary database $%ata online at: http:&&africanlanguages'com&1dp&(

#ilingual Aictionaries: Choosing 5hich Sides to Co!:are <hen "om@ ring :ilingu l di"tion ry d t : ses7 :y de+ ult the left sides o+ the di"tion ries $ill :e "om@ red $ith one nother. -n order to sele"t the other sides o+ the di"tion ries7 "li"k on the =Settings? t :7 sele"t the desired sides to "om@ re under =Sele"t l ngu ges?7 nd "li"k =A@@ly?. This is sho$n in the s"reenshot :o*e. #ote th t it is lso @ossi:le to "om@ re di++erent sides,l ngu ges. This +un"tion m y +or ex m@le :e used to re*e l ll lemm signs th t h *e the s me orthogr @hi" +orm "ross the t$o l ngu ges. Ty@i" lly7 one $ill not $ nt to merge di++erent sides ho$e*er.

+atch /erge
-+ there re m ny "h nges in the "om@ red> g inst d t : se th t you $ish to merge into the m in d t : se7 this " n :e done utom ti" lly7 r ther th n dding,merging,re@l "ing entries =one :y one?. This +un"tion thus llo$s you to dd u@d tes to the m in d t : se =in :ulk? +rom the "om@ red> g inst di"tion ry. To do this7 sele"t the =1 t"h merge? t :7 s sho$n in the s"reenshot :elo$L

TLex Suite User Guide


Figure $&: 0atch merge tab in the dictionary 6ompare&Eerge dialog

There re t$o o@tions +or =1 t"h merge?L 1. ,3dd all entries that are onlA on the right/ L <hen this is sele"ted7 ll rti"les th t @@e r in the "om@ red> g inst (right) di"tion ry do"ument :ut not in the m in (le+t) di"tion ry do"ument $ill :e dded during the =: t"h merge?. These re ll the entries m rked in green. (. ,=e(lace all Jdi$$erentJ entries with one on right i$ ti!esta!( is newer/ L <hen this is sele"ted7 ll rti"les th t @@e r in :oth d t : ses7 :ut $here the *ersion on the right is newer7 $ill :e replaced :y the ne$er *ersion. These re ll the entries m rked in (ur(le. )n"e you h *e sele"ted the desired o@tions7 "li"k =%o 1 t"h /erge? to go he d $ith the merge. Note: -t is re"ommended th t you m ke :e+ore doing =: t"h merge?. 4ac u( o+ the m in d t : se (=File,Cre te : "ku@?)

TLex Suite User Guide


Euler Tool %/d anced'

3hat is a /ultidimensional Le'icogra1hic RulerF
-t st nds to re son th t the * rious l@h :eti" l " tegories in di"tion ries h *e di++erent rel ti*e siQes "om@ red to one nother. -n 0nglish7 +or ex m@le7 the l@h :eti" l " tegory S is huge "om@ red to7 s y7 M7 ) nd F. <hen one "om@ res existing di"tion ries +or @ rti"ul r l ngu ge $ith one nother7 one noti"es rem rk :le "onsisten"yL ex@ressed s @er"ent ge7 the siQe o+ "ert in l@h :eti" l " tegory is l$ ys roughly the s me. /oreo*er7 $hen one "om@ res n entire l@h :eti" l :re kdo$n deri*ed +rom existing di"tion ries7 $ith n l@h :eti" l :re kdo$n deri*ed +rom ele"troni" "or@or o+ th t l ngu ge7 one noti"es th t the t$o distri:utions "orrel te to *ery high degree. -t is7 in other $ords7 thus more th n +e si:le to design tool +or e "h l ngu ge $ith $it"h one " n guide the "om@il tion o+ ne$ di"tion ries. -n the lexi"ogr @hi" liter ture7 th t tool h s :e"ome kno$n s =multidimension l lexi"ogr @hi" !uler?. -n its most : si" +orm !uler is n abstract entity sin"e single series o+ @er"ent ges str ight+or$ rdly "orrel tes $ith the rel ti*e l@h :eti" l llo" tion in se!asiological dictionaries(i.e. di"tion ries th t re rr nged l@h :eti" lly). As su"h7 e "h l@h :eti" l " tegory is ssigned "ert in @er"ent ge7 re+le"ting the rel ti*e siQe o+ th t " tegory. %i++erent l ngu ges7 nd e*en di++erent ty@es o+ di"tion ries +or s@e"i+i" l ngu ge7 h *e di++erent !ulers. A gener l> l ngu ge !uler +or @ rti"ul r l ngu ge7 ho$e*er7 is * lid +or ll gener l>l ngu ge di"tion ries o+ th t @ rti"ul r l ngu ge7 nd is lso st :le "ross time. Vust s @hysi" l rulers $ith $hi"h one me sures7 !ulers " n :e m de s +ine>gr ined s one $ishes :y sim@ly :re king do$n the l@h :eti" l " tegories into sm ller se"tions. Vust s the hum n rulers $ho go*ern us7 !uler " n :e " lled in to m n ge @ro'e"t. !e+ormul ted7 !uler is @o$er+ul instrument $ith $hi"h measurements nd predictions " n :e m de on * rious m "ro> nd mi"rostru"tur l di"tion ry le*els. These le*els re met >le*els sin"e one is not t king ny indi*idu l sem nti"s (e.g. the num:er o+ senses) or indi*idu l gr mm r (e.g. @ rts o+ s@ee"h) o+ single rti"les into ""ount[ one r ther $orks $ith a#erages "ross di"tion ry. -t is @re"isely :e" use *er ges re used th t the tool "ryst llised into single !uler * lid on multi@le di"tion ry le*els7 hen"e its "h r "teris tion s multidimension l lexi"ogr @hi" !uler.

Rulers in TLe'
-n TLex7 some d* n"ed +un"tion lity h s :een im@lemented in order to $ork $ith !ulers in user> +riendly $ y. For ex m@le7 i+ one $ nts to "om@ile ne$ 0nglish H isi#de:ele N 0nglish di"tion ry7 then one " n lo d the so>" lled =!uler d t ? (i.e. the rel ti*e llo" tions to e "h l@h :eti" l " tegory7 ex@ressed in @er"ent) +or these t$o l ngu ges. !ulers +or :oth l ngu ges h *e :een designed7 nd the d t " n :e +ound in the lexi"ogr @hi" liter ture. The +irst s"reenshot :elo$7 Figure (97 sho$s the =Con+igure !ulers? t :7 ""essi:le +rom the =%i"tion ry,!uler tool? menu o@tion. The @er"ent ges one sees re the :re kdo$n +or 0nglish gener l>l ngu ge re+eren"e $orks. A""ording to this !uler7 the 0nglish l@h :eti" l " tegory S m kes u@ 11.(.J o+ the tot l7 $hile F only "o*ers G.(AJ. These @er"ent ges " n lso :e dis@l yed s "oloured stri@7 one "olour @er l@h :eti" l " tegory7 s seen in the +irst (to@) !uler in Figure (;.

TLex Suite User Guide


Figure $': *+ex =uler tool dialogA 6onfigure =ulers tabA here configured for a general,language nglish dictionary side

Figure $(: *+ex =uler tool dialogA =uler tabA =uler -iew here comparing the general,language nglish =uler 2top3 with actual nglish,side dictionary data 2bottom3
TLex Suite User Guide 52

The se"ond (:ottom) !uler in Figure (; sho$s the "tu l d t o+ n 0nglish H isi#de:ele N 0nglish di"tion ry th t is :eing "om@iled. <hen one "om@ res these t$o "oloured stri@s7 one immedi tely noti"es th t there re quite some dis"re@ n"ies indeed7 $ith the +irst +e$ " tegories o+ the di"tion ry :eing "om@iled + r too l rge7 nd the se"ond h l+ under>tre ted. The !uler *isu lly @in@oints the @ro:lem re s (i.e. the @ro:lem ti" l@h :eti" l " tegories)7 nd one " n @ro"eed to redress the im: l n"e. -n TLex it is lso @ossi:le to *isu lly "om@ re7 not only the s@ "e llo" tion o+ the * rious l@h :eti" l " tegories $ith the !uler7 :ut lso to :ring in the "orres@onding num:er o+ rti"les tre ted @er l@h :eti" l " tegory. This " n :e seen +rom the s"reenshot :elo$L

Figure $): *+ex =uler tool dialogA =uler tabA Lraph -iew comparing space allocation 2blue bars3A number of lemma signs 2yellow bars3 and the =uler 2red line3

From Figure (A7 $hi"h dis@l ys the d t +or the s me 0nglish H isi#de:ele N 0nglish di"tion ry7 the * rious o*er> nd under>tre tments re e*en "le rer. Gi*en the heights o+ the :lue nd the yello$ : rs re l$ ys "om@ r :le +or e "h l@h :eti" l " tegory7 the a#erage article length is "onst nt in this di"tion ry. -t is thus not the " se th t rti"les re :e"oming longer nd longer in this di"tion ry7 nd th t s result +e$er nd +e$er lemm signs re :eing tre ted. ! ther7 there re7 in order to re+le"t the distri:ution o+ the 0nglish lexi"on more "orre"tly7 sim@ly too m ny rti"les under +or ex m@le "7 nd too +e$ under +or ex m@le S. 0*en i+ one does not h *e !uler +or @ rti"ul r l ngu ge (the red line in Figure (A)7 one " n still use the !uler tool to study *er ge rti"le length in di"tion ry7 $hi"h7 *ery o+ten7 $ill re*e l th t rti"les tend to gro$ in siQe s one @ro"eeds through the l@h :et. #ote th t !ulers " n :e "on+igured nd used +or the t$o sides o+ :ilingu l di"tion ry7 nd lso th t d t " n +irst :e +iltered :e+ore using ny !uler.
TLex Suite User Guide 53

Custo!ising the Aictionar$ Gra!!ar or Ter!base 0ields using the ATA %/d anced'
The @re"eding "h @ters @resented =gentle? o*er*ie$ o+ the use o+ the de+ ult +e tures * il :le in TLex,tlTerm. St rting $ith the "urrent "h @ter7 more d* n"ed +e tures re dis"ussed. The +irst o+ these des"ri:es the +ully "ustomis :le nd :uilt>in %T% (%o"ument Ty@e %e+inition) editor. This @o$er+ul tool7 $hi"h is : sed on S/L (eStensi:le / rku@ L ngu ge) st nd rds7 llo$s you to t ilor the di"tion ry gr mm r or term: se +ields o+ ny @ro'e"t. (#ote th t this is something m ny users $ould +eel more "om+ort :le llo$ing their 5-T ex@erts67 $here * il :le7 to do. Bo$e*er7 TLex,tlTerm llo$ you to do this yoursel+.) The %T% editor di log " n :e gr mm r)? menu o@tion. ""essed +rom the =%i"tion ry,Customise %T% (di"tion ry 4ac u( o+ the d t : se (=File,Cre te : "ku@?) :e+ore

Note: -t is re"ommended th t you m ke m king "h nges to the %T%.

+asics o& Dierarchical !ata /odelling

The : si" stru"ture o+ di"tion ry rti"le is hier r"hi" l ( s $ell s +or terminology entry7 ho$e*er7 in the " se o+ tlTerm7 the hier r"hies re usu lly + r sim@ler). A lemm m y "onsist o+ se*er l $ord senses7 nd e "h o+ those $ord senses m y in turn "ont in su:senses. Any o+ the senses or su:senses m y "ont in us ge ex m@les or multi>$ord units (=su:entries? in TLex)7 $hi"h themsel*es m y g in in turn "ont in one or more $ord senses. <hen "re ting n rti"le7 the lexi"ogr @her6s t sk " n :e seen s "onsisting o+ t$o essenti lly se@ r te :ut "losely rel ted su:> t sksL (1) To s@e"i+y the : si" skelet l structure o+ the rti"le7 su"h s the l yout o+ $ord senses nd us ge ex m@les7 nd (() to +lesh out th t : si" stru"ture $ith content7 su"h s the $ord sense de+initions nd us ge ex m@le texts. )ne " n @@ly =tree? met @hor hereL the stru"ture m y :e seen s :eing like the =:r n"hes? o+ tree7 $hile the "ontent itsel+ re the =le *es? on the :r n"hes.

Figure $8: mpty basic lemma tree structure 2tree without lea#es elements only3

Figure $9: 0asic lemma tree structure with content filled in 2tree with lea#es elements and attributes3

Ele!ents and /ttributes -n TLex,tlTerm7 the =root? nd =:r n"hes? o+ the tree stru"ture re " lled elements. The text content * lues7 $hi"h @ro*ide the "tu l data7 re " lled attri+utes. An element is essenti lly container th t stores7 +irstly7 other "hild elements7 nd se"ondly7 ttri:utes. %i++erent ty@es o+ elements m y :e
TLex Suite User Guide 54

de+ined7 nd +or e "h element ty@e there is @ rti"ul r set o+ ttri:utes sso"i ted $ith th t element. For ex m@le7 +or the =Lemm ? element7 one m y +ill in ttri:utes su"h s the lemm sign itsel+7 the @ronun"i tion +ield7 nd n etymology +ield. For us ge ex m@le (=0x m@le?) element7 there m y :e three ttri:utesL the us ge ex m@le itsel+7 tr nsl tion (i+ :ilingu l di"tion ry)7 nd o@tion lly the sour"e ("it tion). For =%e+inition? element7 one m y +ill in the de+inition attribute. The tree stru"ture is edited using the Tree 8ie$ "ontrol (see the se"tion on Stru"turing Arti"les $ith the Tree 8ie$ Control7 in the "h @ter Getting St rted $ith TLexL Qui"kSt rt Guide). To dd =Sense? to lemm 7 +or ex m@le7 one right>"li"ks on the =Lemm ? node in the Tree 8ie$ nd sele"ts =AddL Sense?. The =le *es? o+ the tree7 i.e. the "ontents7 re +illed in under the =Attri:utes (F1)? nd =Attri:utes (F()? tool $indo$s. Thus one uses the Tree 8ie$ @rim rily to edit the structure o+ n rti"le7 nd the =Attri:utes? $indo$s @rim rily to edit the content o+ element ttri:utes. <hen one "li"ks on ny element in the Tree 8ie$7 the =Attri:utes (F1)? $indo$ sho$s the ttri:utes sso"i ted $ith the ty@e o+ element one h s "li"ked on7 nd one m y immedi tely @ro"eed $ith entering or modi+ying the rele* nt "ontents. For ex m@le7 i+ you "li"k on us ge ex m@le7 =Attri:utes (F1)? sho$s the (three) +ields th t " n :e +illed in +or us ge ex m@les. These links :et$een (1) intern l rti"le stru"ture7 (() Tree 8ie$7 nd (.) :oxes , +ields to :e +illed in :y the user7 "onstitute one o+ the "ru"i l design +e tures to ensure smooth nd sound "om@il tion. )nly the rele* nt ttri:utes re seen t ny gi*en @oint7 so th t the s"reen does not get "logged7 nd so th t the @otenti l +or errors is minimised s only ttri:utes llo$ed :y the %T% re edit :le.

3hat is a !T!F
A %T% (%o"ument Ty@e %e+inition)7 lso (loosely) kno$n s =s"hem ?7 is des"ri@tion o+ the stru"ture o+ the rti"les o+ @ rti"ul r di"tion ry. 0ssenti lly7 this is des"ri@tion o+ the s@e"i+i" ty@es o+ elements th t di"tion ry h s7 s $ell s the attributes th t e "h o+ those elements m y h *e. 0*ery di"tion ry do"ument needs %T%7 nd this is ty@i" lly mostly set u@ s "om@letely s @ossi:le t the st rt o+ di"tion ry @ro'e"t7 $ith @erh @s minor modi+i" tions l ter on. The %T% is then used $hile "re ting the di"tion ry7 nd :y en+or"ing "on+orm n"e to $ell>designed %T%7 one " n ensure th t the +in l di"tion ry +ollo$s logi" l nd "onsistent stru"ture throughout. <hen ne$ di"tion ry is "re ted in TLex (i.e. using =File,#e$ di"tion ry?)7 TLex "re tes : si" de+ ult %T% (like$ise7 +or tlTerm). This m y then :e "ustomised +urther :y the user. #ote7 ho$e*er7 th t +e$ %T% element nd ttri:ute ty@es re +und ment l to TLex nd " nnot :e remo*ed7 lthough ll elements nd ttri:utes m y :e ren med. A %T% de+ines three : si" thingsL 1. 7le!ent tA(es: The ty@es o+ elements th t m y @@e r in the di"tion ry. (. 7le!ent attri4utes: The ttri:utes sso"i ted $ith e "h element ty@e. .. 7le!ent child relations: For e "h element ty@e7 one m y s@e"i+y $hi"h other element ty@es m y :e tt "hed s "hildren7 +or ex m@le =Lemm ? m y h *e =Sense? elements tt "hed to it.

Ele!ent T$:es

TLex Suite User Guide


The %T% "ont ins list of all the element types th t m y @@e r in the di"tion ry. -n the %T% editor di log7 the +ull list o+ element ty@es @@e rs on the left7 under the he ding =0lement ty@es?. See the s"reenshot :elo$L

Figure *0: %*% editor dialogA lement editing window: diting the 6ombination element

To "re te ne$ element ty@e7 "li"k on the =Add ne$ element? :utton :elo$ the element list7 ne r the :ottom le+t o+ the di log. 0xisting element ty@es m y :e ren med or remo*ed using the =!en me element? nd =!emo*e element? :uttons :elo$ the element list. -3=N#NG: -+ one remo*es n element ty@e in the *T* editor dialog7 all existing elements of that type throughout the dictionary $ill :e remo*ed. Ele!ent /ttributes 0 "h element in the %T% h s its own set of attributes. <hen n element is sele"ted in the list o+ elements on the le+t o+ the %T% editor di log7 the =Attri:utes o+ this element? $indo$ on the =%T% stru"ture? t :7 sho$n in the s"reenshot :elo$7 dis@l ys list o+ the ttri:utes +or th t element. For ex m@le7 i+ =Lemm ? is sele"ted7 ll lemm ttri:utes re sho$n7 su"h s =Lemm Sign?7 =&ronun"i tion?7 =0tymology?7 et". (These re the ttri:utes th t re sho$n under =Attri:utes (F1)? $hen node o+ this element ty@e is sele"ted in the Tree 8ie$ $hile editing the di"tion ry.)

TLex Suite User Guide


#e$ ttri:utes m y :e dded using the =Add ttri:ute? :utton to the right o+ the list o+ ttri:utes. 0xisting ttri:utes m y :e ren med using the =!en me ttri:ute? :utton. The order th t ttri:utes @@e r under =Attri:utes (F1)? m y lso :e modi+ied :y using the =/o*e u@? nd =/o*e do$n? :uttons. (#oteL This only ++e"ts the order th t ttri:utes @@e r under =Attri:utes (F1)?7 nd not the output order o+ ttri:utes in the &re*ie$ Are or !TF7 BT/L7 et". ex@orters. The output order is "on+igured se@ r tely7 nd $ill :e ex@l ined l ter.)

Figure *1: %*% structure tabA Attribute editing window: diting the attributes of the +emma element

Ele!ent Child Eelations The list o+ elements t the le+t o+ the %T% editor di log is =+l t? list7 i.e. it only des"ri:es what element ty@es @@e r in the di"tion ry7 :ut does not des"ri:e $hi"h element ty@es re llo$ed to :e tt "hed to $hi"h other element ty@es $hen :uilding the hier r"hi" l stru"ture o+ e "h rti"le in the Tree 8ie$ using the right>"li"k =AddL? "omm nds. Cle rly7 only "ert in elements m y :e dded to others7 +or ex m@le7 it $ill m ke little sense to dd =Lemm ? element :ene th us ge ex m@le7 so this is :lo"ked. Thus7 one needs to de+ine element ="hild rel tions?7 $hi"h des"ri:e the = llo$ed "hild element ty@es? o+ e "h element. This is done in the =Allo$ed "hild elements? $indo$ o+ the =%T% stru"ture? t : in the %T% editor di log7 sho$n in the s"reenshot :elo$. This $indo$ "ont ins t$o listsL the le+t one7 $ith he ding =Child element?7 is list o+ the "urrently llo$ed "hild elements +or the sele"ted element ty@e. The list on the right is sim@ly list o+ all element ty@es7 +rom $hi"h one m y "hoose to dd llo$ed "hild elements. For ex m@le7 i+ one $ishes to s@e"i+y th t =Sense? element m y h *e equi* lent) element tt "hed to it7 then one $ould do the +ollo$ingL =T0? (tr nsl tion

1. Sele"t =Sense? +rom the list on the *ery le+t o+ the %T% editor di log. (. Sele"t =T0? +rom the list o+ ll elements t the right o+ the =Allo$ed "hild elements? $indo$.
TLex Suite User Guide 57

.. Cli"k on the =M> Add "hild? :utton. The =T0? element $ill :e dded to the list o+ llo$ed "hild elements +or =Sense?. Su:sequently there $ill :e n =AddL T0? "omm nd in the menu th t @@e rs $hen right>"li"king on =Sense? in the Tree 8ie$. )ne " n remo*e n element +rom the list o+ llo$ed "hild elements +or the sele"ted element :y sele"ting them in the =Child element? list nd "li"king the =!em. "hild >N? :utton.

Figure *$: %*% structure tabA 6hild elements editing window: diting the list of allowed child elements of the Sense element

,lement Child Relation Constraints

0 "h =@ rent>N"hild? element rel tion m y lso h *e "onstr int sso"i ted $ith it7 su"h s =this element m y h *e only one "hild o+ this ty@e?. For ex m@le7 i+ the =Su:entry>NSense? "hild rel tion s@e"i+ied th t no more th n one =Sense? m y :e tt "hed to =Su:entry?7 then TLex $ill not llo$ more th n one =Sense? to :e dded to the =Su:entry? element $hen editing in the Tree 8ie$7 nd this o@tion $ill :e =greyed out? in the right>"li"k menu o+ the Tree 8ie$. There re +our @ossi:le "onstr int ty@es7 $hi"h m y :e sele"ted using the =Child element "onstr int? dro@>do$n list in the =Allo$ed "hild elements? $indo$ o+ the =%T% stru"ture? t :L 1. Bne: )ne "hild o+ this ty@e only. (. Fero or !ore: Zero or more "hildren o+ this ty@e. .. Bne or !ore: )ne or more "hildren o+ this ty@e (= t le st one?). 2. Fero or one: 0ither Qero or one "hild o+ this ty@e7 :ut no more th n one.

TLex Suite User Guide


The order th t "hild elements @@e r in the Tree 8ie$ m y lso :e modi+ied :y using the =/o*e u@? nd =/o*e do$n? :uttons. (#oteL This only ++e"ts the order th t elements @@e r in the Tree 8ie$7 nd not the output order o+ "hild elements in the &re*ie$ Are or !TF7 BT/L7 et". ex@orters. The output order is "on+igured se@ r tely7 nd $ill :e ex@l ined l ter.)
*ynchroniGing the Child ,lement $rder ith the $ut1ut $rder in the *tyles

As mentioned :o*e7 the output order o+ "hild elements " n :e "on+igured inde@endently o+ the order the "hild elements re "tu lly tt "hed in the data' (The d t order is ty@i" lly : sed on the order the elements re s@e"i+ied in the %T% in the "hild elements list. )ne ex"e@tion to this is $hen =&C%ATA? is en :led +or the @ rent element7 then the order o+ "hild elements is : sed on the order they6re s@e"i+ied :y the user in the *ree -iew > this is limit tion o+ S/L %T%6s.) The d* nt ge o+ s@e"i+ying output orders inde@endently o+ the %T% order +or "hild elements7 is th t it is more +lexi:le nd @o$er+ul7 s it llo$s you to intermingle attributes o+ the element $ith child elements in the &re*ie$ , out@ut gener ting system7 e.g. TAttr17 Child0lem17 Attr(7 Child0lem(T. Bo$e*er7 the dis d* nt ge is th t this "re tes :it more m inten n"e $ork $hen "on+iguring the %T%7 s $hen you "h nge the %T% order o+ "hild elements7 you h *e to m nu lly lso "h nge the output order s@e"i+i" tion in the Styles. -n this " se7 the = SAnchroniOe out(ut order in stAles? "omm nds " n :e used to mitig te this7 :y utom ti" lly syn"hroniQing the output order $ith the %T% order o+ "hild elements. These "omm nds " n :e "ti* ted :y right>"li"king on the list o+ llo$ed "hild elements in the %T% editor.

))' Figure: %*% editor child element list right,clic1 menuA with JSynchroniMe output order in stylesJ commands

TLex Suite User Guide


These "omm nds $ill try set the output order o+ "hild elements to :e the s me s their ordering in the C llo$ed "hild elementsC list. The +irst "omm nd does it +or the sele"ted element only7 $hile the se"ond does it +or all elements in the %T%. #ote this $onCt ne"ess rily $ork @ro@erly +or " ses $here there re Cout o+ orderC "hildren7 i.e. multi@le inst n"es o+ the s me llo$ed "hild element (eg. TA717AT). -tCs lso im@ort nt to rem in $ re here th t in the Cout@ut ordersC7 unlike in the "tu l %T%7 the elements m y :e intermingled $ith ttri:utes (due to the out@ut order system th t llo$s tr ns+orming the order on gener ting the out@ut)7 e.g. TAttr17Child0lem17Attr(7Child0lem(T > i+ so7 this +un"tion m y le *e some undesired orderings o+ "hild elements rel ti*e to ttri:utes[ these " n only :e resol*ed m nu lly s this +un"tion " nnot utom ti" lly kno$ the "orre"t desired ordering. The +un"tion tries to le *e ttri:ute ordering int "t7 :ut this isnCt l$ ys @ossi:le. -+ unsure7 s *e use+ul. : "ku@ o+ your +ile :e+ore @ro"eeding7 nd then *eri+y th t "h nges m de $ere

#ote th t i+ you h *e multi@le sets of styles7 these +un"tions o@er te on the "urrent set o+ styles only.
Co1y Child ,lement List to Cli1-oard

The right>"li"k menu des"ri:ed in the @re*ious se"tion lso in"ludes "omm nd th t "o@ies the list o+ llo$ed "hild elements +or the sele"ted element to the system "li@:o rd.

*1ecial ,lement Ty1es (TLe'4internal)

Some element ty@es h *e s@e"i l me ning in TLex7 in order to @ro*ide more d* n"ed +un"tion lity7 su"h s =sm rt "ross>re+eren"es?. The use o+ these s@e"i l elements is not stri"tly required7 :ut "ert in use+ul +e tures o+ TLex $ill not :e * il :le i+ they re not used. Aictionar$ and Language Ele!ents The =%i"tion ry? nd =L ngu ge? element ty@es @@e r in the list o+ elements :ut m y :e s +ely ignored[ these re merely there +or the :ro der stru"ture o+ TLex do"ument. Le!!a Ele!ent The =Lemm ? element is the to@>le*el element o+ e "h di"tion ry rti"le. -ts ttri:ute =Lemm Sign? " nnot :e remo*ed7 s its "ontents re used +or utom ted sorting @ur@oses. Eeferences Ele!ent The =!e+eren"es? element is s@e"i l element used to "re te TLex =sm rt "ross>re+eren"es?. For more on the use o+ these7 see the "h @ter on 0diting Cross>re+eren"es. The sm rt "ross>re+eren"e ty@es themsel*es " n lso :e "ustomised7 see the "h @ter on Customising the Cross>re+eren"e Ty@es +or this s@e"t.

TLex Suite User Guide


The TLe' !e&ault !T!

<hen you +irst "re te ne$ di"tion ry in TLex7 sim@le7 sensi:le de+ ult =generi" di"tion ry? %T% is "re ted7 in order to llo$ ne$ users to get u@ nd running qui"kly. Ele!ents Follo$ing is : si" des"ri@tion o+ ll elements in"luded in the de+ ult %T%. #ote th t the des"ri:ed intended us ge is merely your o$n @ur@oses s ne"ess ry. guideline H you m y d @t these elements +or

%i"tion ry

To@>le*el7 intern l>use element +or storing the entire di"tion ry do"ument. Cont ins either one or t$o =L ngu ge? elements7 +or monolingu l or :ilingu l d t : ses res@e"ti*ely. -ntern l>use element +or storing ll lemm s o+ monolingu l di"tion ry7 or +or e "h side o+ (semi>):ilingu l di"tion ry. Cont ins only =Lemm ? elements. 3Se!i94ilingual dictionaries re hy:rid ty@e $here:y di"tion ry rti"les re "on"ei*ed to "ont in :oth tr nsl tion equi* lents nd de+initions right +rom the st rt.4

L ngu ge

Lemm Sense 0x m@le Su:entry

-ntern l>use7 to@>le*el element o+ single di"tion ry rti"le. A single $ord sense o+ lemm or multi>$ord unit ($hen dded s "hild o+ =Lemm ? or =Su:entry?)7 or su:sense ($hen dded s "hild o+ nother =Sense?). A us ge ex m@le. Us ge ex m@les m y :e tt "hed :y de+ ult only to @ rti"ul r $ord senses7 i.e. to =Sense? elements. (&re*iously " lled =Com:in tion?) > Used ty@i" lly +or multi>$ord units7 e.g. idioms (see =dr $ the line? in the s"reenshots t the :eginning o+ this "h @ter). This m y :y de+ ult :e tt "hed to the to@>le*el =Lemm ? element o+ n rti"le7 or to @ rti"ul r $ord senses (i.e. =Sense? elements). This is ty@i" lly used to store single monolingu l (s me l ngu ge) de+inition o+ $ord or $ord sense. Zero or more de+initions m y :e dded to =Sense? elements. (#ote th t this is 'ust "ont iner +or the %e+initionLL%e+inition ttri:ute7 des"ri:ed :elo$.) =T0? st nds +or =Tr nsl tion 0qui* lent?. This is ty@i" lly used to store tr nsl tion equi* lents o+ $ord in nother l ngu ge (in e.g. :ilingu lised di"tion ries)7 or in the t rget l ngu ge (in :ilingu l di"tion ries). Zero or more tr nsl tion equi* lents m y :e dded to =Sense? elements. (#ote th t this is 'ust "ont iner +or the T0LLT0 ttri:ute7 des"ri:ed :elo$.) 3<ilingualised dictionaries re : si" lly (existing) monolingu l di"tion ries to $hi"h tr nsl tion equi* lents re dded on.4




This is s@e"i l element in TLex th t " n :e used to "re te "ross>re+eren"es using the "ross>re+eren"e editor di log. 1y de+ ult7 this m y :e tt "hed to =Lemm ?7 =Sense? or =Com:in tion? elements.


TLex Suite User Guide


Follo$ing is : si" des"ri@tion o+ ll ttri:utes in"luded in the de+ ult %T%. #ote th t the des"ri:ed intended us ge is merely guideline H you m y d @t these ttri:utes +or your o$n @ur@oses s ne"ess ry. 3ttri4ute
Lemm LL-n"om@lete Lemm LLLemm Sign

Lemm =in"om@lete? +l g (i.e. +or the =-n"om@lete? "he"k:ox under =Attri:utes (F1)?). The lemm sign (i.e. he d$ord) o+ n rti"le.

Lemm LLBomonym#um:er The lemm homonym num:er. This is utom ti" lly " l"ul ted nd +illed in :y TLex $hen multi@le rti"les sh re the s me orthogr @hi" +orm o+ the lemm sign (i.e. $hen he d$ords h *e the s me s@elling). Lemm LL&ronun"i tion Lemm LL%eri* Lemm LL0tymology Lemm LL#otes &ronun"i tion o+ the lemm sign. %eri* tion l in+orm tion7 e.g. =b" nUnot? +or =" n6t?. Bistori" l origin o+ the $ord7 e.g. +or the 0nglish $ord =s + ri? this might :e =S$ hili safari +rom Ar :i" safar 'ourney?. -ntern l lexicographer>s notes7 or notes +rom editor to lexi"ogr @her7 e.g. =this rti"le needs :etter us ge ex m@le? or =@le se "he"k H the se"ond sense looks in"orre"t?. The us ge +requen"y o+ the lemm s " l"ul ted +rom "or@us. <ord us ge in+orm tion l :el7 e.g. =+orm l?7 ="olloqui l?7 ...[ =s@orts?7 =@hysi"s?7 ... <ord @ rt o+ s@ee"h l :el7 e.g. =noun?. Sense num:er. This is automatically calculated :y TLex. Sense us ge in+orm tion l :el7 e.g. =+orm l?7 ="olloqui l?7 ...[ =s@orts?7 =@hysi"s?7 ... Sense @ rt o+ s@ee"h l :el7 e.g. =noun?. Us ge ex m@le. Dou " n use the =I? (tilde "h r "ter) s su:stitute +or the lemm sign o+ the rti"le in the us ge ex m@le7 e.g. =<e I the line t s$e ring? (in the rti"le o+ =dr $?). T rget l ngu ge tr nsl tion o+ us ge ex m@le +or :ilingu l di"tion ries. Sour"e ("it tion) o+ us ge ex m@le. The multi>$ord unit itsel+7 or lemm sign o+ su:lemm 7 e.g. =dr $ the line?. Dou " n use the =I? (tilde "h r "ter) s su:stitute +or the lemm sign o+ the rti"le7 e.g. =I the line? (in the rti"le o+ =dr $?). &ronun"i tion o+ the multi>$ord unit. %eri* tion l in+orm tion o+ the multi>$ord unit. Bistori" l origin o+ the multi>$ord unit. The us ge +requen"y o+ the multi>$ord unit in "or@us. /ulti>$ord unit us ge in+orm tion l :el7 e.g. =+orm l?7 ="olloqui l?7 ...[ =s@orts?7 =@hysi"s?7 ... /ulti>$ord unit @ rt o+ s@ee"h l :el7 e.g. =noun?. This is ty@i" lly used to store $ord or $ord sense. monolingu l (s me l ngu ge) de+inition o+

Lemm LLFrequen"y Lemm LLUs geL :el Lemm LL& rt)+S@ee"h SenseLLSense#um:er SenseLLUs geL :el SenseLL& rt)+S@ee"h 0x m@leLL0x m@le

0x m@leLLTr nsl tion 0x m@leLLSour"e Su:entryLLLemm Sign

Su:entryLL&ronun"i tion Su:entryLL%eri* Su:entryLL0tymology Su:entryLLFrequen"y Su:entryLLUs geL :el Su:entryLL& rt)+S@ee"h %e+initionLL%e+inition

TLex Suite User Guide



=T0? st nds +or =Tr nsl tion 0qui* lent?. This is ty@i" lly used to store single tr nsl tion equi* lent o+ $ord in nother l ngu ge or in the t rget l ngu ge. 3#ote th t the ide is thus not to ty@e se*er l equi* lents se@ r ted :y7 s y7 "omm in this +ield. For sAnonA!s one $ill r ther tt "h ne$ T0 ttri:ute to single =T0? element (thus =T0LLT0?)7 or +ill in the =WT0 (#0<)? +ield under =Attri:utes (F1)?. For di++erent7 (olAse!ous senses one $ill ty@i" lly "re te ne$ sense +irst. The @un"tu tion :et$een synonyms nd @olysemous senses (s y7 "omm s *s. semi>"olons) is de"ided on in the Styles System. See the "h @ter on the Styles System :elo$ +or more in+orm tion.4

Attri-ute Lists
Attri:ute lists re "losed lists o+ @re>@re@ red ttri:utes7 +rom $hi"h one " n sim@ly sele"t those ttri:utes th t need to :e tt "hed to "ert in elements. 1 si" lly7 there re t$o di++erent list ty@es. -n the +irst the user " n only sele"t one item +rom the list (=one o+?)7 in the se"ond Qero or more items m y :e sele"ted. For the se"ond ty@e7 di++eren"e is lso m de :et$een =sorted? nd =unsorted?. For the sorted ty@e7 the order o+ the out@ut o+ sele"ted list items $ill l$ ys :e the s me s the order o+ the items de+ined "entr lly +or the list. For the unsorted ty@e7 the order o+ the out@ut o+ sele"ted list items $ill :e the s me s the order in $hi"h they re sele"ted :y the user. Also note th t ny +ield " n :e "on*erted +rom +ree text +ield to "losed list ( nd *i"e *ers ) t ny time. The =one o+? ttri:ute lists re +ound under =Form t (F1)?7 see e.g. Figure 1G7 $hile the t$o ty@es o+ =multi@le? ttri:ute lists re +ound under =Form t (F()?7 see e.g. Figure 11. The se"ond t : on the %T% editor di log7 the =Attri:ute lists? t :7 is used +or the m n gement o+ the * rious lists in the di"tion ry d t : se. This t : "onsists o+ +our $indo$s7 s indi" ted on the s"reenshot :elo$L

TLex Suite User Guide


Figure *&: Attribute lists tab in the %*% editor dialog

The to@>le+t $indo$7 " lled =Lists?7 sim@ly enumer tes the n mes o+ the * rious ttri:ute lists. 0xisting ttri:ute lists " n :e ren med or remo*ed7 nd ne$ ones dded. The di"tion ry d t : se in the s"reenshot "ont ins three lists7 n mely =Us ge l :el?7 =& rt o+ s@ee"h? nd =#oun "l ss?. <hen you st nd on the n me o+ @ rti"ul r list in the =Lists? $indo$7 the list items +or th t @ rti"ul r ttri:ute list re re*e led immedi tely underne th7 in the :ottom>le+t $indo$ l :elled =List items?. Bere too7 existing items " n :e ren med or remo*ed7 nd ne$ ones dded. The order o+ the list items " n :e "h nged $ith the =/o*e u@? nd =/o*e do$n? :uttons. This order is lso the order in $hi"h the items $ill @@e r under F1 nd F(. )n"e one h s @re@ red the d t under =Lists? nd =List items?7 one : si" lly h s enough to st rt using the ttri:ute lists. <h t rem ins to :e done7 ho$e*er7 is to link those ttri:ute lists to the elements on $hi"h these list ttri:utes re llo$ed to @@e r. This is done on the =%T% stru"ture? t :. For ex m@le7 i+ one $ishes to tt "h =& rt o+ s@ee"h? list to the =Com:in tion? element7 then one $ill +irst need to "re te ne$ ttri:ute +or the =Com:in tion? element7 e.g. =& rt)+S@ee"h?7 nd7 under =% t ty@e?7 sele"t one o+ the list ty@es. S y one o@ts +or the ty@e =Sele"t +rom list (multi@le)?7 s $ s done +or the di"tion ry sho$n in Figure 0rrorL !e+eren"e sour"e not +ound7 then ne$ di log is @resented7 +rom $hi"h one " n sele"t the @@ro@ri te ttri:ute list7 s sho$n :elo$L

Figure *': Attaching an attribute list to an element in the %*%

TLex Suite User Guide


Choosing the ttri:ute list =& rt o+ s@ee"h? nd "li"king =)K? $ill tt "h th t ttri:ute list to the =Com:in tion? element. Gi*en =multi@le? ty@e $ s "hosen7 this list $ill :e * il :le under F(. A single list " n :e reused s m ny times s one $ nts. So7 the s me =& rt o+ s@ee"h? list " n lso :e tt "hed to +or ex m@le the =Lemm ? element nd the =Sense? element. This is +or inst n"e the " se in Figures .1 nd .( res@e"ti*ely. The @o$er o+ using ttri:ute lists +or di"tion ry "om@il tion is o:*iousL they s *e time during the editing o+ the d t ( s items " n sim@ly :e sele"ted +rom dro@>do$n menus (F1) nd,or sele"ted :y ti"king "he"k:oxes (F()7 nd should thus ne*er :e ty@ed in $hen "om@iling rti"les)7 they ensure "onsisten"y (e.g. 5@re@osition6 $ill l$ ys :e 5@re@.67 nd not r:itr rily 5@re@6 or 5@re@.6 or 5@@6 or 5@@.6 or 5@re@osition67 et".)7 nd s@elling errors re *oided ( s the lists only need to :e @re@ red on"e). /oreo*er7 ll list ttri:utes re * il :le +or the =Filter (F9)? tool7 $hi"h me ns th t one " n e sily extr "t ll lemm s m rked s7 s y7 :elonging to the s@orts dom in. Bo$e*er7 in TLex,tlterm the use o+ ("losed) ttri:ute lists h s :een t ken one ste@ +urther. Firstly7 they " n :e ex@ nded t ny time7 :y sim@ly returning to the %T% editor di log7 nd modi+ying the existing lists. Se"ondly7 e "h o+ the lists " n h *e s m ny ("ustomis :le) =linked * ri nt , ltern ti*e lists? s one $ nts7 $hi"h e++e"ti*ely me ns th t one " n dynamically customise the language of the metalanguage $ith 'ust +e$ "li"ks. -+ one @re@ res :oth long nd short +orm o+ the us ge l :els7 then one " n use the +ormer +or deskto@ edition nd the l tter +or @o"ket edition o+ the s me d t . -+7 +or :ilingu l lexi"ogr @hy7 one h s @re@ red the @ rt>o+>s@ee"h lists in the sour"e s $ell s the t rget l ngu ge7 then *ersions $ith di++erent met l ngu ges " n :e out@ut de@ending on the intended m rket. -n n ele"troni" or online en*ironment7 dyn mi" met l ngu ge "ustomis tion " n e*en :e re lised in re l time7 llo$ing +or truly inst nt neous t iloring. # mes +or @ r llel lists re gi*en in the to@>right $indo$ o+ the =Attri:ute lists? t :7 $hi"h is " lled =Altern te sets o+ l :els +or sele"ted list?. The ltern ti*e items themsel*es re entered underne th7 in the :ottom>right $indo$ l :elled =Altern te l :els +or list items?. -n Figure .27 +or ex m@le7 the Sesotho s Le:o (#orthern Sotho) equi* lents +or the 0nglish @ rt>o+>s@ee"h items re sho$n. )n"e n ttri:ute list nd its ltern tes h *e :een set u@ in the %T%7 they immedi tely :e"ome * il :le +or "om@il tion7 s m y :e seen +rom the F( $indo$ in the s"reenshot :elo$ ($here =lein k :otee? is the #orthern Sotho equi* lent o+ =(singul r) noun?)L

TLex Suite User Guide


Figure *(: Selecting list items from attribute lists under Format 2F"3 for an explanatory Northern Sotho dictionary $%ata online at: http:&&africanlanguages'com&psl&(

S$ @@ing to n ltern te l :el set +or ttri:ute lists m y e sily :e done under the F2 $indo$7 s sho$n :elo$L

Figure *): Selecting alternate label sets for attribute lists under Format2F43 for an explanatory Northern Sotho dictionary $%ata online at: http:&&africanlanguages'com&psl&(

TLex Suite User Guide


Ch nges t ke immedi te e++e"t throughout the entire di"tion ry d t : se7 s seen in the &re*ie$ Are . These settings re lso used $hen ex@orting d t .

/ultimedia (Audio and )mages)

1oth sound re"ordings nd im ges " n :e linked to ny element in the %T%. To do so7 it su++i"es to sele"t the =Sound +ile (Text)? ttri:ute ty@e7 res@e"ti*ely the =-m ge +ile (Text)? ttri:ute ty@e7 on the =%T% stru"ture? t : o+ the %T% editor di log. For s"reenshot o+ the rele* nt se"tion o+ the =%T% stru"ture? t :7 see Figure 2E. All sound +iles nd im ges re stored in "entr l @l "e. This @l "e is de+ined :y +illing in the =Sound,im ges @ th? in@ut :ox o+ the =%i"tion ry,&ro@erties? menu o@tion. See Figure 1 +or s"reenshot o+ th t di log. For n ex m@le o+ d t : se $ith :oth sound +iles (in this " se = udio @ronun"i tions?) nd im ge +iles7 see Figure F. S m@le C-m gesC nd CSoundsC d t : ses re lso in"luded in the C&ro'e"ts,S m@lesC +older.

*1ecial ,lement and Attri-ute Ty1es (User4con&igura-le)

The d* n"ed di"tion ry>"om@il tion>s@e"i+i" +un"tion lity :uilt into TLex H su"h s Linked 8ie$ ($here:y im@li"it links :et$een the t$o sides o+ :idire"tion l :ilingu l di"tion ry re utom ti" lly m de *isi:le +or the user)7 Autom ti" !e*ers l ($here:y single rti"les or e*en n entire (semi>):ilingu l di"tion ry m y :e re*ersed :y the so+t$ re)7 or Cross>re+eren"e Tr "king ($here:y "ross>re+eren"e integrity is ensured t ll times :y me ns o+ the utom ti" u@d ting o+ t rget homonym nd sense num:ers $hene*er these "h nge) H im@lies th t the so+t$ re m kes "ert in ssum@tions on the use o+ +e$ %T% elements nd ttri:utes. Although +und ment l to the @ro@er +un"tioning o+ TLex7 "h nges " n nonetheless :e m de to the de+ ult settings7 using the =S@e"i l ty@es? t : * il :le +rom the %T% editor di log. As " n :e seen +rom the s"reenshot :elo$7 the elements nd ttri:utes used :y TLex $hi"h " n nonetheless :e re ssigned in the %T% "on"ern the =Tr nsl tion equi* lent?7 =Frequen"y?7 =Sense?7 =%is@l y lemm sign? nd =-ntern l CnotesC? +ields. Note: -t is re"ommended th t you m ke 4ac u( o+ the di"tion ry d t : se (=File,Cre te : "ku@?) :e+ore re"on+iguring $hi"h elements nd ttri:utes h *e 5s@e"i l6 me ning in the %T%. Translation EFui alent (TE, The de+ ult elementLL ttri:ute =T0LLT0? is used :y TLex $hen @er+orming t sks su"h s utom ti" lemm re*ers l7 s $ell s sho$ing rel ted lemm s on the other side o+ the di"tion ry $hen in Linked 8ie$. From n n>lingu l d t : se7 n :idire"tion l :ilingu l di"tion ries e "h "ould :e @rodu"ed (:y ex@orting d t to n d t : ses).

TLex Suite User Guide


Figure *8: Special types tab in the %*% editor dialogA for a bilingual Biswahili nglish dictionary $%ata online at: http:&&africanlanguages'com&1dp&(

0reFuenc$ The de+ ult elementLL ttri:ute =Lemm LLFrequen"y? "ont ins ("or@us>deri*ed) +requen"y d t . )ne m y inste d $ish to @resent +requen"y d t +or l rger stru"tures (e.g. "om:ining homonym "ounts) or sm ller ones (e.g. on sense le*el). Sense The de+ ult =Sense? element is "ore "om@onent +or e "h @olysemous rti"le. -t ty@i" lly "ont ins n ttri:ute +or utom ti" num:ering7 nd h s =T0? nd,or =%e+inition? s "hild elements. The utom ted "ross>re+eren"e tr "king needs to kno$ $hi"h elements re senses. Ais:la$ Le!!a Sign This setting llo$s you to "on+igure $hi"h ttri:utes in the %T% re7 sem nti" lly7 lemm signs (or t le st 5dis@l y lemm signs6). This is used to gener te the hy@erlinks on the 5he d$ords6 in the &re*ie$ Are . Thus i+ one dds ne$ ttri:ute or elementLL ttri:ute =%is@l yLemm Sign? +or7 +or inst n"e7 the +ull edition *s. @o"ket edition7 one " n 5tell6 TLex th t =%is@l yLemm Sign? should :e hy@erlink in the &re*ie$ Are . These " n :e "on+igured +or e "h side o+ the di"tion ry se@ r tely ("+. the s"reenshot :o*e).

TLex Suite User Guide


>nternal PNotesQ The de+ ult elementLL ttri:ute =Lemm LL#otes? is used +or intern l lexi"ogr @her,editor6s notes. -nste d o+ only tt "hing =#otes? to the he d o+ n rti"le7 one m y $ish to7 +or inst n"e7 h *e the @ossi:ility to dd notes t sense le*el too. TLex needs to kno$ $hi"h +ields re reser*ed +or intern l notes7 s notes " n +or ex m@le :e utom ti" lly su@@ressed $hen out@utting d t .

!T! Tem1lates
-t is @ossi:le to s *e the %T% o+ @ rti"ul r di"tion ry @ro'e"t $ith the =%i"tion ry,S *e %T% tem@l te? menu o@tion. This %T% tem@l te " n then :e lo ded into ne$ di"tion ry (=File,#e$ di"tion ry?). See the =Lo d %T% tem@l te +rom +ile? se"tion o+ Figure 1 in this reg rd.

TLex Suite User Guide


Custo!ising the Cross8reference T$:es

Renaming5 Remo%ing and Adding Cross4re&erence Ty1es
<hen ne$ di"tion ry is "re ted in TLex (=File,#e$ di"tion ry?)7 the de+ ult "ross>re+eren"e ty@es re s sho$n in the s"reenshot :elo$L

Figure *9: 6ross,reference types editor dialogA with default #alues

This s"reenshot sho$s the "ross>re+eren"e ty@es editor7 ""essi:le +rom the =%i"tion ry,0dit "ross> re+eren"e ty@es? menu o@tion. 0xisting "ross>re+eren"e ty@es " n :e ren med or remo*ed. #e$ "ross>re+eren"e ty@es " n :e dded :y "li"king on the =Add ne$ ty@e? :utton.

Changing the $ut1ut $rder o& Cross4re&erence Ty1es

<hen "ross>re+eren"es re dis@l yed in the &re*ie$ Are or out@ut7 they re utom ti" lly grou@ed :y "ross>re+eren"e type. The order in $hi"h these grou@s re out@ut "orres@onds to the order in $hi"h they @@e r in the list o+ "ross>re+eren"e ty@es in the "ross>re+eren"e ty@es editor. Thus7 single =!e+eren"es? element th t "ont ins :oth n =0qui* len"e?,=b? nd =See? "ross>re+eren"e7 $ill :y de+ ult +irst dis@l y the =b? "ross>re+eren"e7 nd then the =S00? "ross>re+eren"e. This order " n :e "h nged :y using the =/o*e u@? nd =/o*e do$n? :uttons in the "ross>re+eren"e ty@es editor (see s"reenshot :o*e). Dou " n thus "on+igure the order in one @l "e7 nd the "h nge $ill immedi tely re+le"t throughout the entire di"tion ry.

Creating *ingular and "lural La-els &or Cross4re&erence Ty1es

Also note th t7 +or e "h re+eren"e m rker7 @ro*ision h s :een m de +or the "re tion o+ singul r s $ell s @lur l +orm. See Figures .F nd 2G +or ex m@les. TLex $ill utom ti" lly use the @lur l +orm $hen "ross>re+eren"es re m de to se*er l items o+ the s me ty@e. See in this reg rd +or inst n"e Figures 12 nd 19.
TLex Suite User Guide 70

Customising the Language used to !is1lay Cross4re&erence Ty1es

An logous to the ttri:ute lists7 to $hi"h ny num:er o+ @ r llel lists " n :e linked7 the "ross> re+eren"e ty@es too m y "ome in sets7 nd this +or multitude o+ use+ul @ur@osesL

Firstly7 $here one might +ind the "ross>re+eren"e texts $ritten out in +ull in multi>*olume edition o+ "ert in di"tion ry7 one $ill try to shorten those re+eren"e m rkers +or @o"ket edition7 either :y ::re*i ting the texts7 or through the use o+ sym:ols. To do this7 one lre dy needs three ltern te,* ri nt lists. Se"ondly7 in :ilingu l di"tion ry one m y $ish to :e :le to "on+igure the "ross>re+eren"e ty@e in+orm tion (e.g. =see?7 ="om@ re?) to :e dis@l yed in di++erent l ngu ge (e.g. =:on ?7 =: @etg ? in #orthern Sotho)7 de@ending on the di"tion ry6s t rget m rket. -+ this is done7 it +orms @ rt o+ the +r me$ork to "ustomise the l ngu ge o+ the met l ngu ge. Thirdly7 $hen @u:lishing in ele"troni" or online medi 7 one m y $ish to dynamically "h nge the l ngu ge used to dis@l y the "ross>re+eren"e ty@e in+orm tion7 de@ending on the @re+eren"e o+ the di"tion ry user. For ex m@le7 mother>tongue s@e ker o+ #orthern Sotho m y @re+er to see the "ross>re+eren"e ty@e l :els in #orthern Sotho.

TLex llo$s you to "re te sets o+ ltern te "ross>re+eren"e ty@e l :els7 in di++erent +orm ts nd in di++erent l ngu ges. -n the s"reenshot :elo$7 three sets o+ dis@l y l :els +or "ross>re+eren"e ty@es h *e :een @re@ redL

Figure &0: 6onfiguring alternate sets of display labels for cross,reference typesA for an explanatory Northern Sotho dictionary $%ata online at: http:&&africanlanguages'com&psl&(

<ith the =Cross>re+eren"es l :el set? setting under =Form t (F2)?7 illustr ted :elo$7 one " n then dyn mi" lly toggle :et$een the sets o+ l :els7 nd they $ill immedi tely "h nge throughout the di"tion ry.

TLex Suite User Guide


Figure &1: Selecting&using an alternate set of display labels for cross,reference typesA for an explanatory Northern Sotho dictionary $%ata online at: http:&&africanlanguages'com&psl&(

TLex Suite User Guide


Custo!ising the /l:habetic Sorting

TLex utom ti" lly sorts the rti"les in your di"tion ry7 +reeing you +rom h *ing to do so. Bo$e*er7 m ny di++erent methods o+ sorting exist7 nd o+ten m ny e*en +or the s me l ngu ge. -n order +or TLex to su@@ort ny @ossi:le sorting method th t m y :e desired7 n extendi:ility me"h nism $ s in"luded $here:y ne$ =sorting @lug>ins? " n :e "re ted. Thus7 su@@ort +or ny sorting method (e.g. :y r di" l,stroke "ount or :y @inyin rom nised +orm +or Chinese) " n :e dded to TLex.

Ta-le4-ased *orting
The de+ ult sorting method,=@lug>in? su@@orted :y TLex is "on+igur :le +our>@ ss t :le>: sed sorting system (: sed on the -S) 12;91 st nd rd) th t " n :e used +or most L tin>: sed l@h :ets. The +our @ sses re used +or "he"king di++erent "h r "teristi"s th t m y t ke @re"eden"e o*er one nother $hen t$o strings re "om@ red to determine their order in the di"tion ry. For ex m@le7 in @ ss one7 the strings re ty@i" lly +irst "om@ red using the so>" lled =: se l@h :et?7 th t is7 the underlying = l@h :eti" "h r "ters? o+ the letters7 s i+ there $ere no di "riti"s. )nly i+ the underlying letters re the s me7 re the di "riti"s in the string then "om@ red in se"ond @ ss. This llo$s ll =rel ted? "h r "ters to :e sorted together7 e.g. ll =o? +orms (=o?7 =h?7 =i?7 =j?7 =k?7 et".)7 me ning7 +or ex m@le7 th t the Fren"h lemm signs =roder? nd =rkder? $ill +ollo$ one nother in the di"tion ry7 s the di"tion ry user $ould likely ex@e"t. Thus ll =o? +orms re7 in this " se7 primarily sorted s i+ they $ere 'ust =o?7 nd only secondarily sorted on the di++eren"es in di "riti"s. -+ :oth the underlying l@h :eti" "h r "ters and the di "riti"s re the s me7 then third @ ss "he"ks +or u@@er" se,lo$er" se di++eren"es (e.g. the Fren"h lemm signs =/olse? *s. =molse?). Fin lly7 i+ there re no " se di++eren"es7 the +ourth @ ss "om@ res ll other =non> l@h :eti"? "h r "ters7 e.g. s@ "es7 d shes nd other @un"tu tion sym:ols (these "h r "ters in the +ourth @ ss re kno$n s =ignor :les?).

Con&iguring Ta-le4-ased *orting

The s@e"i+i" l@h :eti" "h r "ters nd di "riti"s th t should :e used during "om@ rison7 s $ell s the order o+ the letters7 is n tur lly l ngu ge>de@endent. For ex m@le7 in 0stoni n7 =Q? is sorted :e+ore =t?. Addition lly7 +or some l ngu ges7 "ert in di "riti" "h r "ters should :e sorted s se@ r te l@h :eti" "h r "ters e*en $hen the underlying +orm is the s me s nother "h r "ter. Ag in +or 0stoni n7 =m?7 =h? nd =n? re se@ r te letters th t re sorted :et$een =$? nd =x?7 nd not together $ith = ?7 =o? or =u? (see Figure 2( :elo$). Thus7 the entire system " n :e +ully "on+igured in =t :les? H hen"e the n me =t :le>: sed sorting?.

TLex Suite User Guide


Figure &$: First table&pass of sorting configuration for the stonian alphabet

-n order to edit the t :les th t de+ine the sorting :eh *iour +or the t :le>: sed sorting system7 sele"t the menu o@tion =%i"tion ry,Con+igure sorting?7 then "li"k on the t :le>: sed sorting method in the list under =Con+igured sorting methods?7 nd "li"k on the =Con+igure ...? :utton. The "on+igur tion di log +or the t :le>: sed sorting $ill @@e r7 llo$ing you to de+ine l@h :eti" "h r "ters7 their ordering7 nd the @re"eden"e o+ +or inst n"e di "riti"s or " se di++eren"es. Note: T :le>: sed sorting is r ther "om@lex[ good $ y to + mili rise yoursel+ $ith the system is to study nd de@ rt +rom the existing de+ ult "on+igur tion.

*electing $ther *ort "lug4ins

The t :le>: sed sorting system is 'ust one =sorting @lug>in? in TLex. A di++erent @lug>in $ould :e used to sort7 +or ex m@le7 Chinese "h r "ters. -n order to m ke use o+ di++erent sort @lug>in7 or e*en to use di++erently "on+igured inst n"e o+ the s me t :le>: sed sorting @lug>in7 +irstly o@en the =Con+igure sorting? di log7 sho$n in Figure 2.. The :ottom h l+ o+ the sorting "on+igur tion di log dis@l ys list o+ ll sorting "on+igur tions $hi"h h *e :een set u@ +or this di"tion ry. The to@ h l+ o+ the di log dis@l ys $hi"h o+ these sorting "on+igur tions re "tu lly currently in use :y the l ngu ge(s) in your di"tion ry. -n the :o*e s"reenshot7 de@i"ting n 0stoni n H Chinese :ilingu l di"tion ry7 the 0stoni n side o+ the di"tion ry
TLex Suite User Guide 74

h s :een "on+igured to use the t :le>: sed sort @lug>in7 $hile the Chinese side o+ the di"tion ry h s :een "on+igured to use the =Chinese > ! di" l , stroke "ount? @lug>in.

Figure &*: Sorting configuration dialog

The ste@s +or dding nd sele"ting the Chinese sorting method re s +ollo$sL

Cli"k on the =Add ne$ ...? :utton. Sele"t the desired @lug>in to use +rom the list7 n mely =Chinese > ! di" l , stroke "ount?. Cli"k =)K?. )@tion lly enter n me +or this sorting "on+igur tion7 e.g. =Chinese sort?. -n the =L ngu ge? list in the to@ h l+ o+ the di log7 "li"k on the l ngu ge you $ould like to h *e sorted $ith this ne$ly sele"ted @lug>in7 n mely =Chinese? in this " se. Cli"k on the =Sele"t ...? :utton to "hoose +rom the list o+ ="on+igured sorting methods? in the :ottom h l+ o+ the di log. Sele"t the sorting "on+igur tion +rom the list th t @@e rs7 here =Chinese sort?7 nd "li"k =)K?.

The Chinese side o+ the di"tion ry $ill then utom ti" lly :e resorted $ith the ne$ sorting method. #ote th t you must +irst "on+igure sorting method in the :ottom h l+ o+ the di log before you " n sele"t it +or use in the to@ h l+ o+ the di log. Also note th t7 unlike the t :le>: sed sorting7 the Chinese sorting @lug>in h s no +urther end>user "on+igur tion o@tions[ hen"e7 the =Con+igure ...? :utton $ill :e dis :led +or this sorting method.

Loading(*a%ing *ort Con&igurations

)n"e you h *e "on+igured sort method7 you m y $ nt to re>use the "on+igur tion +or other @ro'e"ts. The =S *e ...? nd =Lo d ...? :uttons llo$ you to s *e the "urrent "on+igur tion to =sorting "on+igur tion +ile?7 or lo d @re*iously>s *ed "on+igur tion.

TLex Suite User Guide


St$les S$ste!
The Styles System is used to =tr ns+orm? the stru"tured d t o+ di"tion ry rti"le into the "orres@onding out@ut in the &re*ie$ Are ( nd $hen ex@orting to +orm ts su"h s !TF7 BT/L7 et".)L

Figure &&: Structured data of an article in the *ree -iew Figure &': 6orresponding formatted article in the Article :re#iew

0*ery element nd e*ery ttri:ute in m y h *e its o$n style. The styles in " n :e modi+ied :y o@ening the StAles dialog7 ""essi:le +rom the =Form t,Styles...? menu o@tion. The Styles di log "onsists o+ three t :sL =Styles,+orm tting?7 =)ut@ut (dis@l y) order? nd =0ntities?.

-n ddition to :eing * il :le +rom the =Form t,Styles...? menu o@tion7 the =Styles,+orm tting? t : in the Styles di log " n lso :e ""essed :y "li"king the =Styles,+orm tting? t : t the to@ o+ the %T% editor di log7 nd e*en :y right>"li"king on ny element in the Tree 8ie$ nd "hoosing the =/odi+y styles,0dit style? menu o@tion. The =Styles,+orm tting? t : (see the s"reenshot :elo$) sho$s list o+ ll * il :le styles on the le+t7 under the he der =Styles?. 0lement styles re highlighted in grey7 nd the ttri:ute styles +or e "h element re sho$n :ene th it. Sele"ting n element or n ttri:ute +rom this list en :les one to modi+y its style @ro@erties. #ote th t $hen this di log is " lled u@ +rom the Tree 8ie$7 the di log $ill o@en $ith the styles,+orm tting o+ the element one h s "li"ked highlighted. #asic 0or!atting <:tions A =style? llo$s * rious +orm tting o@tions (su"h s +ont + "e7 +ont siQe7 :old7 it li"s7 underline7 su@ers"ri@t7 sm ll " @s7 et".) to :e "hosen +or e "h element or ttri:ute. The style " n :e "h nged in one @l "e7 nd the "h nge $ill immedi tely t ke e++e"t throughout the entire di"tion ry +or ll o""urren"es o+ the "orres@onding element or ttri:ute. These style "h nges re lso @@lied immedi tely in the &re*ie$ Are 7 thus one m y see the e++e"ts o+ style "h nges while one is "h nging the styles. (!esiQe nd,or mo*e the $indo$ o+ the Styles di log to see (@ rt o+) the &re*ie$ Are .) -n this reg rd the Styles System thus +un"tions in simil r $ y to the styles systems +ound in $ord @ro"essors su"h s )@en)++i" nd /i"roso+t <ord. Further7 $hen gener ting !TF out@ut7

TLex Suite User Guide


"orres@onding styles re "re ted in the $ord @ro"essor do"ument7 llo$ing the styles to :e +urther m ni@ul ted7 i+ ne"ess ry7 in those @ "k ges. -+ style @ro@erty (e.g. :old) on n element or ttri:ute is not s@e"i+i" lly set7 it 5inherits6 the "urrent * lue +or th t style @ro@erty +rom its 5@ rent6 element during the out@ut @ro"ess. Thus i+ one en :les 4old +or the =Lemm ? element7 the entire rti"le $ill :e"ome :old.

Figure &(: Styles&formatting tab in the Styles dialogA here for an address boo1

0ont Na!es Starting 5ith 7G9 Some o+ the +onts in the dro@>do$n list o+ +onts re @re+ixed $ith =R? "h r "ter. Gener lly7 you should not use these[ they re +or to@>to>:ottom text +or "ert in l ngu ges7 nd you $ill @ro: :ly see s@ "ing @ro:lems in the out@ut i+ you use these. Use the *ersion o+ +ont n me $ithout the =R? "h r "ter. Colours 0 "h element nd ttri:ute " n h *e its o$n +oreground nd : "kground "olours. Colours " n :e "hosen +rom user>+riendly "olour "h rt7 $hi"h is sho$n :elo$. -n this " se 4lue is sele"ted s the +oreground "olour o+ the =0/ il? ttri:ute seen in Figure 2;. )n"e one h s "hosen "olour7 one " n reuse (i.e. ="o@y nd @ ste?) the hex de"im l * lue o+ th t "olour (here =GGGGFF?) +or ny other element or ttri:ute $here one $ould $ nt to @@ly the ex "t s me "olour.

TLex Suite User Guide


Also note th t7 s + r s gener l +orm tting is "on"erned7 the +ont + "e =Courier #e$? $ s sele"ted here7 together $ith =Underline?. See Figure 1G +or n ex m@le o+ the result in the &re*ie$ Are .

Figure &): 6olour chart for selecting foreground and bac1ground colours of elements and attributes

Text #efore"/fter <:tions -n ddition to +orm tting o@tions su"h s :old nd it li"s7 nd the sele"tion o+ "olours7 "ommon text,@un"tu tion th t should @@e r :e+ore or +ter s@e"i+i" elements or ttri:utes " n :e "on+igured $ith the style. This " n :e used7 +or ex m@le7 to @re"ede e*ery us ge note $ith the text =Us geL?7 or to @l "e ll @ rt>o+>s@ee"h +ields :et$een :r "kets. 1y using styles7 this sort o+ text,@un"tu tion m y :e "h nged throughout the entire di"tion ry t on"e7 sim@ly :y "h nging the style. The user is lso +reed +rom entering su"h text,@un"tu tion m nu lly7 o*er nd o*er. Using the text :e+ore, +ter o@tions thus s *es time7 ensures "onsisten"y7 *oids ty@ing errors7 nd @ro*ides extr +lexi:ility. #ote th t +or e "h style7 there re t$o =Text :e+ore? nd =Text +ter? o@tions. The +irst o+ these7 l :elled =uses style +orm tting?7 $ill :e out@ut with the +orm tting o@tions o+ the style (e.g. 4old7 !agenta) @@lied. The other o@tions7 l :elled =:e+ore style +orm tting? nd = +ter style +orm tting? $ill :e out@ut :e+ore, +ter the +orm tting o@tions o+ the style re @@lied. For ex m@le7 in Figure 2; the text =Jn0>m ilL ? h s :een ty@ed into the =Text :e+ore (:e+ore style +orm tting)? in@ut :ox. This me ns th t e "h =0m il? ttri:ute $ill st rt on ne$ line (Jn)7 nd $ill :e @re"eded :y the text =0>m ilL? +ollo$ed :y s@ "e. The +orm tting =Courier #e$? nd =Underline? $ill not :e @@lied on this =Text :e+ore? se"tion7 ho$e*er. (#ote th t the +ont siQe is t ken +rom the @ rent7 =Cont "t?7 in this " se =1G @t?.) Ag in7 see Figure 1G +or the result in the &re*ie$ Are . Note: All $or!atting !ar u( characters (Jn7 Jr7 et".) " n :e used $ithin the Styles System. For list o+ the di++erent m rku@ "h r "ters7 see the se"tion Using Text Form tting <ithin Attri:utes7 in the "h @ter on 0diting Attri:utes. Grou: St$le 6ro:erties for Multi:le Ele!ents or List >te!s Grou@ style @ro@erties re edited in the :ottom right re o+ the Styles,+orm tting t :7 under the he ding =Style @ro@erties +or grou@s o+ multi@le "hild elements or multi@le list items?. These o@tions llo$ one to s@e"i+y the se@ r tor "h r "ter to use :et$een elements $hen there is =grou@? o+ elements7 th t is7 $hen n element in the do"ument tree "ont ins multi@le "hild elements o+ th t ty@e. For ex m@le7 one m y s@e"i+y here th t multi@le tr nsl tion equi* lents (=T0?

TLex Suite User Guide


elements) under e "h =Sense? element should :e se@ r ted :y "omm s7 or th t multi@le senses under lemm should :e se@ r ted :y semi>"olons. -n ddition to s@e"i+ying se@ r tor "h r "ter7 the grou@ style o@tions lso llo$ one to "on+igure text th t should @@e r :e+ore or +ter the entire grou@ o+ "hild elements o+ the s me ty@e. This " n :e used7 +or ex m@le7 to @re"ede e*ery @hr s l>*er: se"tion o+ n rti"le $ith =&B! 8?. The grou@ style @ro@erties re lso used to s@e"i+y :e+ore, +ter text nd se@ r tor "h r "ters +or =list? ty@e ttri:utes th t llo$ multi@le list items to :e sele"ted +rom ttri:ute lists7 su"h s the @ rt o+ s@ee"h ttri:ute o+ the lemm nd sense elements. #ote th t the grou@ style @ro@erties h *e no e++e"t +or other non>list ttri:ute ty@es. /uto!atic Nu!bering A "om@rehensi*e = uto>num:ering? system llo$s utom ti" num:ering to :e ssigned to any element ty@e7 :y me ns o+ n =Auto>num:er (-nteger)? ttri:ute ty@e. So7 +or inst n"e7 to num:er the * rious senses o+ @olysemous lemm utom ti" lly7 one $ill +irst h *e to "re te n =Auto> num:er (-nteger)? ttri:ute +or the =Sense? element7 s sho$n :elo$L

Figure &8: %*% structure tabA Attribute editing window: Selecting the Auto,number 29nteger3 attribute typeA used for automatic numbering of any elements

The ty@e o+ num:ering s"heme to :e dis@l yed in the out@ut " n :e "on+igured in the Styles System7 *i the =#um:ering? :utton on the =Styles,+orm tting? t :. So7 +or this ex m@le7 i+ one +irst "li"ks on the =Sense#um:er? ttri:ute under the =Sense? element on the =Styles,+orm tting? t :7 the +ollo$ing di log $ill @o@ u@L

TLex Suite User Guide


Figure &9: Numbering styles dialogA used to select numbering schemes for Auto,number 29nteger3 attribute types

The list on the right sho$s * rious num:ering s"hemes7 nd "li"king the =M> Add? :utton sele"ts one o+ them. Sele"ting se*er l (di++erent) num:ering s"hemes llo$s you to num:er the di++erent Tree 8ie$ le*els o+ n element. For ex m@le7 i+ in @ rti"ul r di"tion ry sense " n h *e su:senses7 nd these su:senses " n g in h *e su:senses7 then one $ill need three le*els o+ num:ering. -n the s"reenshot the ="ir"led S ns> Seri+ digit? num:ering s"heme h s :een "hosen +or le*el one (see e.g. Figure 11)7 =L tin H lo$er" se? +or le*el t$o7 nd =!om n numer ls H lo$er" se? +or le*el three. )ne " n o+ "ourse "hoose the s me num:ering s"heme +or ll le*els7 :ut "hoosing di++erent ones gener lly in"re ses re d :ility. There re lso o@tions to l$ ys sho$ the num:ering (thus e*en i+ there is only one sense in @ rti"ul r rti"le7 th t sense $ill l$ ys :e @re"eded $ith num:er,letter =1?,= ?,=A?,=i?,...)[ or to only st rt num:ering +rom the moment there re t le st t$o items on the s me le*el in @ rti"ul r rti"le[ or to only st rt num:ering $hen there re t le st t$o items on di++erent le*els in @ rti"ul r rti"le. TLex,tlTerm utom ti" lly re" l"ul tes the num:ering +or =Auto>num:er? ttri:utes $hene*er you dd7 mo*e or remo*e their sso"i ted elements in the Tree 8ie$. For homonyms7 @l in numeri" l digits re used :y de+ ult (see the %T% in Figure .1). -+ one $ould r ther h *e homonyms 5num:ered6 s7 s y7 = ?7 =:?7 ="?7 et".7 then one " n sim@ly o@en the =Styles,+orm tting? t : in the Styles di log7 m rk the =Bomonym#um:er? ttri:ute7 "li"k on the =#um:ering? :utton7 nd then sele"t the =L tin H lo$er" se? num:ering s"heme. (Adding extr le*els o+ num:ering s"hemes $ill7 o+ "ourse7 h *e no im@ "t +or homonyms.) Note: For some num:ering s"hemes to :e dis@l yed "orre"tly7 su"h s the ="ir"led S ns>Seri+ digit?7 one $ill need to "hoose +ont +or the uto>num:er ttri:ute (on the =Styles,+orm tting? t : in the Styles di log) th t su@@orts it. (A +ont th t su@@orts ll :ut one7 "+. Figure 2F7 is =Ari l Uni"ode /S?.) -n gener l7 i+ you see hollow sCuares (o) it me ns th t the sele"ted +ont does not su@@ort the required Uni"ode "h r "ters. &le se try to use di++erent +ont in th t " se.

TLex Suite User Guide


6aragra:h St$le <:tions (7>ndents and S:acing9 Tab, Se*er l =& r gr @h? nd @ r gr @h>rel ted styles re * il :le +or e "h style in the Styles di log under the =-ndents nd S@ "ing? t :. -+ the =& r gr @h? style "he"k:ox is sele"ted +or n element, ttri:ute7 then th t +ield $ill :e out@ut on ne$ line (in e.g. the &re*ie$ Are nd +orm tted ex@orts)7 using ne$ @ r gr @h. -n the de+ ult styles in ne$ do"ument7 the m in 5entry6 element is sele"ted s h *ing the =& r gr @h? o@tion. Thus $hen gener ting (s y) n !TF ex@ort7 e "h entry :egins on ne$ line $ith its o$n @ r gr @h se@ r tor. Daragra(hs and <orders: The @ r gr @h o@tion is @ rti"ul rly use+ul $hen $orking $ith =:ox> like? +ields7 e.g. i+ you h *e 5us ge notes6 :ox in di"tion ry7 or ny other d t +ield th t should :e surrounded :y :ox7 s :order styles @@lied to =@ r gr @h? ty@e +ields gener te :order round the entire @ r gr @h (like the =Ti@? :ox :elo$). Ti(: <hen ti"king the =& r gr @h? o@tion on style7 it is gener lly good ide to lso m ke sure +ont7 +ont siQe7 "olor7 nd @ossi:ly : "kground "olor re sele"ted +or th t style. This is :e" use ( s @ r gr @hs re not nested) @ r gr @hs do not inherit these +rom @ rent elements. #ote th t the =& r gr @h? "he"k:ox is lso n 5o:*ious o@tion6 to use i+ you re liter lly "re ting7 s y7 =@? (+or =@ r gr @h?) "ont iner element th t is intended to stru"ture @ r gr @h "ontent H e.g. simil r to the =@? element in BT/L.
Using "aragra1h %s ><n? to Generate Ne 4lines +e&ore(+et een ,lements

The @ r gr @h o@tion is lso use+ul $hen you $ nt "ert in +ield to l$ ys :egin on ne$ line (e.g. i+ you l$ ys $ nt su:>entries to @@e r on ne$ line7 you "ould use the @ r gr @h o@tion). An ltern ti*e is to use the =Jn? m rku@ sym:ol +or ne$>line (though there re @ros nd "ons to either @@ro "h). The m in di++eren"e :et$een the t$o is th t Jn gener tes =so+t ne$ line? ( kin to e.g. @ressing Shi+tU0nter in /i"roso+t <ord or Li:re)++i"e)7 $hile the @ r gr @h o@tion gener tes =h rd? ne$ line H i.e. +ull,@ro@er ne$ @ r gr @h. #either solution is =right? or =$rong?7 :ut e "h solution might :e more @@ro@ri te in di++erent "ir"umst n"es. There re some di++eren"es7 e.g. @ r gr @h lignment7 'usti+i" tion nd s@ "ing o@tions only @@ly to entire @ r gr @hs t on"e. The @ r gr @h o@tion lso " nnot "urrently :e sele"ted s @@lying 5only +rom the se"ond inst n"e o+ n element on$ rds6 in grou@ o+ "hild elements7 $hile the =Jn? method " n7 s it " n :e s@e"i+ied in the =Text :et$een? style +ield (in " ses $here you $ nt the +irst o+ some element not to :e on ne$ line7 :ut the rem ining su"h elements se@ r ted :y ne$ lines). See lso the T3Ad* n"ed4 #otes on Using & r gr @h StylesT notes :elo$.
"aragra1hs and >*ho hites1ace? $1tion

#ote th t the =Show whites(ace? o@tion (i"on in tool: r th t looks like @ r gr @h sym:ol7 i.e. @il"ro$ =p?) $ill lso dis@l y the t$o di++erently in the &re*ie$ Are H @ r gr @hs (h rd ne$ lines) re dis@l yed $ith the @ r gr @h sym:ol (@il"ro$ =p?)7 $hile =so+t? ne$>lines (e.g. =Jn? ne$>lines) re dis@l yed s le+t>@ointing rro$.
TLex Suite User Guide 81

"aragra1h /argins (*1acing)

The o@tions 5-ndent tion :e+ore text6 (le+t>o+)7 5-ndent tion +ter text6 (right>o+)7 5S@ "ing :o*e @ r gr @h6 nd 5S@ "ing :elo$ @ r gr @h6 " n :e used to set the le+t7 right7 to@ nd :ottom s@ "ing round @ r gr @h>styled +ield. #ote th t s@e"i+ying some s@ "ing either :o*e or :elo$ the m in 0ntry,Lemm element in di"tion ry do"ument " n :e *ery use+ul +or "re ting sm ll *isu l =g @? :et$een e "h entry7 $hi"h hel@s the user to *isu lly identi+y $here entries st rt. An ex m@le o+ this is sho$n in this im geL

Creating a Danging )ndent

A =h nging indent? " n :e "re ted +or @ r gr @h,entry :y s@e"i+ying neg ti*e =First line? indent (e.g. >1G@t)7 nd "orres@ondingly>siQed @ositi*e =1e+ore text? indent7 e.g. =1G@t?. The 5h nging indent6 e++e"t is sho$n in this im geL

Creating Nested )ndents

#ested indents " n :e "re ted7 su"h th t le+t>indent ""umul tes in"re singly $ith e "h inst n"e o+ "hild element in hier r"hy. #ote th t this o@tion is to some extent s@e"i+i" to our @@li" tion7 nd doesn6t ne"ess rily "orres@ond dire"tly to style o@tions in some out@ut +orm ts7 so m y not l$ ys render s ex@e"ted in some ex@ort +orm ts.
@Ad%ancedA Notes on Using "aragra1h *tyles

)ne minor 5quirk6 (this is rel ti*ely o:s"ure @oint) th t you might $ nt to :e $ re o+ $hen $orking $ith @ r gr @hs7 is th t (:e" use @ r gr @hs " nCt truly :e TnestedT)7 $hen out@utting @ r gr @h style7 the @@li" tion must (+or te"hni" l re sons) end the "urrent @ r gr @h t the end o+ the element, ttri:ute7 nd lso7 $hen ne$ @ r gr @h st rts7 ny existing @ r gr @h must :e "losed utom ti" lly). So in the ex m@le o+ using =& r gr @h? t su:>entries7 i+ you h *e other ttri:utes th t re out@ut +ter the Su:entries7 they " n end u@ CoutsideC @ r gr @h in the &re*ie$ Are 7 e.g.L

TLex Suite User Guide


M@ r gr @hNdr $ (*) > use @en"il on @ @er to "re te im gesM,@ r gr @hN M@ r gr @hNdr $ the line (*) (idiom) > est :lish :ound ry or limitM,@ r gr @hN 0tymologyL From L tin 5dro6 -n the :o*e sim@le ex m@le7 the 50tymology6 ends u@7 in sense7 C+lo tingC outside the s@e"i+ied @ r gr @hs7 nd thus it m y not "orre"tly inherit ll desired styles nymore H thus you m y need to re>s@e"i+y e.g. "olors nd +onts nd +ont siQes +or these ttri:utes i+ you h *e su"h 5+lo ting6 " ses. Also7 @ r gr @h elements should de"l re (in the Styles) t minimum +ont7 +ont siQe7 : "kground nd +oreground "olor ( s these : si" styles TresetT on e "h ne$ @ r gr @h in BT/L). #ote th t the :o*e 5quirk6 is not re lly h rm+ul7 :ut you m y see minor side e++e"ts su"h s the "olor o+ some in+orm tion (e.g. 0tymology :o*e) turning :lue in the &re*ie$ Are $hen ho*ering the mouse o*er it H this is " used :y + iling to e.g. inherit "olor.

$ut1ut (!is1lay) $rder

Ele!ent and /ttribute <ut:ut (Ais:la$, <rder The output 2display3 order o+ elements nd ttri:utes in the &re*ie$ Are ( nd +orm tted out@ut su"h s !TF7 BT/L7 et".) is "on+igured separately to the %T% stru"ture. This llo$s some se@ r tion o+ the underlying d t stru"ture nd the +in l *isu l out@ut. The out@ut order o+ elements is "on+igured using the =)ut@ut (dis@l y) order? t : in the Styles di log (or the %T% editor di log).

Figure '0: /utput 2display3 order tab in the Styles dialog: 6onfiguring the output order of child elements and attributes of the 6ontact element

TLex Suite User Guide


For e "h element ty@e7 one " n "on+igure the out@ut order o+ ( ) child elements o+ th t element ty@e7 nd (:) attributes o+ th t ty@e7 ll rel ti*e to one nother. As n ex m@le7 "onsider the =Cont "t? element ty@e in the :o*e s"reenshot7 $hi"h h s num:er o+ ttri:utes su"h s =# me?7 =&hoto? nd =#otes?7 s $ell s num:er o+ "hild elements su"h s =!e+eren"es? nd =&hysi" l.Address?. Some o+ the "ont "t ttri:utes (su"h s =# me?) should @@e r before the =!e+eren"es? nd =&hysi" l.Address?7 other "ont "t ttri:utes (su"h s =&hoto?) should @@e r after the =!e+eren"es? :ut before =&hysi" l.Address?7 $hile the =#otes? ttri:ute should e*en @@e r t the #ery end o+ the entry. <hen the =Cont "t? element is sele"ted (+rom the list on the *ery le+t o+ the =)ut@ut (dis@l y) order? $indo$)7 the list o+ ll "hild elements nd ttri:utes o+ the =Cont "t? element is sho$n7 nd the out@ut order o+ these " n :e modi+ied :y using the =/o*e u@? nd =/o*e do$n? :uttons. )ne " n thus s@e"i+y th t +or the =Cont "t? element7 the n me should :e dis@l yed :e+ore ny "hild re+eren"es o+ the "ont "t7 th t the @hoto should :e in"luded :et$een the re+eren"es nd the "hild ddresses7 :ut th t the notes ttri:ute should :e dis@l yed t the *ery end o+ the entry. ):ser*e th t7 like the styles7 "h nges m de here re @@lied immedi tely in the &re*ie$ Are . 7-isible9 0lag (Non86rinting 0ields, 0 "h "hild element or ttri:ute in the out@ut order "on+igur tion m y lso :e sele"ted to :e hidden in the &re*ie$ Are or out@ut. This " n :e done :y toggling the st te o+ the =8isi:le? "he"k:ox. This llo$s +ields to :e m rked s =non>@rinting +ields?7 i.e. +ields th t should not @@e r in the di"tion ry out@ut. -n the :o*e s"reenshot7 +or ex m@le7 the =Gender,."om,.org? ttri:ute h s :een m rked s non>@rinting +ield. <hen "hild element or ttri:ute is hidden7 it will still :e sho$n in the Tree 8ie$ or under =Attri:utes (F1)?7 nd it " n still :e edited H it is only dis :led in the output. See in this reg rd Figure 1G. #ote th t it is lso @ossi:le to qui"kly toggle n element ty@e s *isi:le,in*isi:le :y right>"li"king on the node in the Tree 8ie$ nd sele"ting =/odi+y styles,Toggle *isi:le? +rom the menu.

0ntities " n :e used to de+ine short"uts to "ommon text. These re then utom ti" lly su:stituted :y the entity6s sso"i ted "orres@onding text * lue in the out@ut $here*er the entity o""urs in the di"tion ry. 0ntities " n :e used to enter "h r "ters not usu lly e sily ""essi:le on key:o rd (e.g. you " n enter =O"o@y[?7 nd the so+t$ re $ill utom ti" lly re@l "e this $hen "re ting the out@ut $ith the "o@yright sym:ol =`?). 0ntities re entered :y ty@ing n =O? "h r "ter7 +ollo$ed :y the "h r "ter n me7 +ollo$ed :y semi>"olon. 0x m@les o+ other entities re =O@ound[? +or the @ound sym:ol =q?7 nd =Ohelli@[? +or the elli@sis "h r "ter =e?. Dou " n *ie$ the list o+ entities7 or dd or remo*e entity ty@es7 using the =0ntities? "on+igur tion di log7 * il :le :y sele"ting the =0ntities? t : t the to@ o+ the %T% editor di log (=%i"tion ry,Customise %T% (di"tion ry gr mm r)?). 1y de+ ult7 entities re utom ti" lly su:stituted $ith their sso"i ted * lues in the &re*ie$ Are . This " n :e toggled under =Form t (F2)? $ith the =0x@ nd entities? "he"k:ox.

TLex Suite User Guide


Using Entities to E!bed Labels within <ther 0ields and 0urther Custo!isation 0ntities " n lso :e used +or situ tions $here l :els need to :e em:edded $ithin other +ields7 s is the " se +or7 +or ex m@le7 the Fren"h 5+6 (=+eminine noun?) nd 5m6 (=m s"uline noun?) gender l :els. -n :ilingu l 0nglish H Fren"h H 0nglish di"tion ry one m y +or inst n"e +ind the +ollo$ing entryL

contri ance 2noun3 3tool7 machine4 @@ reilm7

m "hine+[ 3scheme4 in*ention+7 "om:in ison+ -n n ele"troni" en*ironment7 one $ould $ nt users $ho "li"k on the 5+6 nd 5m6 gender l :els to :e sent to the "orre"t me nings o+ those l :els7 r ther th n to r ndom ::re*i tions. -n existing ele"troni" 0nglish H Fren"h H 0nglish di"tion ries it is not un"ommon to "li"k on the 5+6 nd 5m6 gender l :els7 nd to :e @resented $ith n rr y o+ @ossi:ilities. Follo$ing u@ on e "h o+ them7 m y le d toL

Cli"king on 5+6 m y le d toL 5K $ ... nom masculin ... F7 + 5 ... abrN#iation ... F7 +r ... F Cli"king on 5m6 m y le d toL 0K ! ... nom masculin ... /7 m !eK !Q ... pronom personnel ... me[ mysel+ ! ... abrN#iation ... m !Q ^ !e 0. .. abrN#iation ... /r

-n other $ords7 i+ one does not lre dy kno$ $h t these ::re*i tions st nd +or7 one re"ei*es no guid n"e t ll7 $ith the +irst o@tion +or 5+6 s =nom m s"ulin? de+initely "on+using. To *oid su"h @ro:lems7 the 5+6 nd 5m6 gender l :els "ould :e de+ined s entities (e.g. 5O+[6 nd 5Om[6 res@e"ti*ely) $hi"h re re@l "ed in the out@ut $ith l :els "on+igured in singleA central place7 i.e. on the =0ntities? t :7 s sho$n :elo$L

TLex Suite User Guide


Figure '1: ntities tab in the Styles dialog: Adding new entities for the Cintelligent> use of gender labelsA in this case the raised Cf> for feminine and the raised Cm> for masculine $with COr> for superscript(

-n the next s"reenshot7 the use o+ the 5+6 nd 5m6 gender l :els s entities is illustr ted.

Figure '$: xample of the use of entities 2here C@fP> and C@mP>3 for situations where labels need to be embedded within other fields
TLex Suite User Guide 86

Using entities +or su"h " ses llo$s the so+t$ re to :e aware th t these l :els re @ rt o+ the met l ngu ge7 nd to thus @ro*ide more me ning+ul res@onse should the user "li"k on them. A @o$er+ul extra mechanism for customisation is moreo*er @ro*ided7 s the l ngu ge, @@e r n"e o+ the l :els " n7 g in7 e sily :e d @ted in one single @l "e.

*tyle *ets5 $r ,$ne !ata-ase5 /any !ictionaries #ot only " n the di"tion ry gr mm r +or ny @ro'e"t :e +lexi:ly "on+igured nd then ke@t under "ontrol $ith the "ustomis :le nd multil yered %T% editor di log7 gi*en th t ll elements nd ttri:utes re lso linked to "om@rehensi*e Styles System +or gener ting the out@ut ( nd @re*ie$)7 one single d t : se " n e++i"iently hold se*er l di"tion ries. This out"ome h s :een t ken one ste@ +urther7 nd +un"tion lity h s :een dded $ith $hi"h it is @ossi:le to set u@ !ulti(le sets o$ stAles nd to toggle :et$een them. There is no u@@er limit s to the num:er o+ sets o+ styles th t " n :e de+ined. 1ro dly s@e king7 this is "hie*ed :y doing t$o things. Firstly7 :y m king use o+ multi@le element =" tegories? to $hi"h the * rious d t ttri:utes re ssigned :y the user de@ending on $hi"h di"tion ry or di"tion ries they should @@e r in7 nd se"ondly :y de+ining di++erent set o+ styles +or e "h 5*ie$6 o+ the d t : se7 i.e. +or e "h di"tion ry. Cert in element " tegories re m de *isi:le or in*isi:le in e "h style7 $hi"h thus e++e"ti*ely +un"tions s kind o+ 5m sk6 th t +ilters nd re*e ls only the @ortions o+ d t to :e sho$n +or the "urrent di"tion ry. Addition lly7 this lso llo$s di++erent 5look6 to :e de+ined +or e "h di"tion ry. -n other $ords7 the multi@le sets o+ styles * il :le in single d t : se7 llo$ +or the simultaneous "om@il tion o+ multitude o+ di"tion riesL 5@o"ket6 *s. 5+ull6 editions7 5deskto@6 *s. 5ele"troni"6 editions7 5monolingu l6 *s. 5semi>:ilingu l6 *s. 5:ilingu l6 *s. 5multilingu l6 editions7 et". Gi*en th t :oth the styles,+orm tting nd the out@ut (dis@l y) order " n :e m ni@ul ted +or e "h =style set?7 :oth the =Styles,+orm tting? nd the =)ut@ut (dis@l y) order? t :s o+ the Styles editor (=Form t,Styles...?) h *e =Style sets? se"tion in the to@>le+t "orner7 s sho$n on the le+t s"reenshot :elo$L

Figure '*: dit sets of styles under the Format&Styles''' menu option

Cli"king on the =0dit sets o+ styles? :utton :rings u@ ne$ di log7 sho$n on the right s"reenshot :o*e7 $here ne$ style set " n :e "on+igured st rting +rom "lone o+ n existing style. Gi*en det iled>enough %T%7 ll the +e tures dis"ussed in the @resent "h @ter " n :e @@lied in "re ting multi@le *ie$s. A s m@le +ile demonstr ting +ull *s. @o"ket edition is * il :le in the =&ro'e"ts,S m@les? +older o+ TLex. &le se re+er to th t +ile. The settings illustr ted there result in the +ollo$ing *ie$s o+ the s me d t : seL

5ull edition:

TLex Suite User Guide


draw cdrkc 2noun3 tie in g me or s@orts m t"hL the

match was a draw[ 2#erb3 to "re te @i"ture or di gr m7 usu on @ @erL to draw a picture ^ draw the line de+ine or est :lish :ound ry or limitL =We draw the line at swearing[ 2#erb intransiti#e3 to @ro"eed or mo*e ste dilyL a ship drawing near the shore gray E grey grey cgrrc 2ad!ecti#e3 o+ "olour th t is intermedi te :et$een :l "k nd $hite[ 2noun3 neutr l "olour :et$een :l "k nd $hite u+ni+%er+si+ty cysCn>*trCsu>tvc 2noun3 n institution o+ higher le rning $ith te "hing nd rese r"h + "ilities th t is uthorised to gr nt " demi" degreesL She graduated from the #niversit of !ondon in 1981" 3/iddle 0nglish uni#ersite7 +rom )ld Fren"h7 +rom /edie* l L tin Qni#ersitRs4

Doc et edition:

draw noun. a tie i! a game or s&orts mat+h verb. to +reate a &i+ture or diagram0 usu o! &a&er : draw
the line define or establish a boundary or limit

gra$ H grey gre$ adjective. of a +o'our that is i!termediate )et(ee! )'a+; a!d (hite noun. a !eutra' +o'our )et(ee! )'a+; a!d (hite uni ersit$ noun. a! i!stitutio! of higher 'ear!i!g (ith tea+hi!g a!d resear+h fa+i'ities that is authorised to gra!t a+ademi+ degrees

<ith CtrlU& (or =Form t,Toggle "urrent style set?) one " n toggle :et$een the di++erent style sets. -+ one h s @re@ red7 s y7 +i*e style sets7 then one " n 5run through6 ll o+ them :y @ressing CtrlU& "onse"uti*ely. 7Masks9 (Selecti el$ =iding S:ecific >nfor!ation on a 6er8Edition #asis, (&le se re+er to the s m@le =/ulti@le 0ditions S m@le using / sks.tldi"t?.) This s m@le demonstr tes the T/ sksT s@e"t o+ the Tmulti@le di"tion ries +rom one d t : seT +un"tion lity in TLex. The d t : se "ont ins t$o CeditionsC > C+ull editionC7 nd sm ller C@o"ket editionC deri*ed +rom the +ull edition. )ne entry is used to gener te t$o @ossi:le output *ersions (i.e. the t$o editions "onstitute t$o di++erent =*ie$s? o+ the s me underlying entry d t ). 0 "h edition h s its o$n set o+ styles7 nd thus its o$n 5look6. The styles lso de+ine $hether or not @ rti"ul r +ields re entirely hidden in n edition[ +or ex m@le7 the T&ronun"i tionT +ield is hidden in the &o"ket edition. Dou " n @ress CtrlU& (or use TForm t,Toggle "urrent style setT) to s$it"h :et$een the t$o C*ie$sC (editions)7 or "li"k on the n me o+ the edition in the to@ right o+ the &re*ie$ Are . There re gener lly t$o di++erent CmethodsC in $hi"h +ields " n :e sele"ted to :e hidden +or e "h edition. Dou " n use either one method or the other7 or :oth methods "om:ined7 de@ending on your requirements.
TLex Suite User Guide 88

The +irst method (5?isi4ilitA $lag6) is +or i+ you $ nt to hide ALL inst n"es o+ @ rti"ul r +ield throughout the di"tion ry +or s@e"i+i" edition. For ex m@le7 the T&ronun"i tionT +ield is l$ ys hidden in this s m@le +or the &o"ket edition only. This method does not require the T/ sksT +e ture. To do this7 go to TForm t,StylesT7 sele"t the T)ut@ut (dis@l y) orderT t : long the t :7 sele"t the TStyleSetT "orres@onding to the CeditionC (you need t le st one StyleSet @er edition)7 then7 sele"t the (@ rent) element o+ the +ield you $ nt to hide t the le+t7 then sele"t the +ield ( ttri:ute) to :e hidden in the TChild element, ttri:uteT list7 then ti"k or unti"k the T8isi:leT "he"k:ox s desired. The se"ond method (50as s6) is i+ you $ nt to sele"ti*ely hide S)/0 inst n"es ($ithin entries) o+ @ rti"ul r +ield +or s@e"i+i" edition only7 e.g. i+ you $ nt "ert in us ge ex m@les *isi:le in the &o"ket edition7 :ut you $ nt other us ge ex m@les to :e hidden. This " n :e done using the / sks +e ture o+ TLex7 +or ny element ty@e7 nd is demonstr ted in this s m@le on the TSenseT element7 to ex"lude "hosen senses +rom the &o"ket edition. -n the Tdr $T entry7 +or ex m@le7 sense ( h s :een Cex"ludedC +rom the &o"ket edition > merely :y ti"king its TSenseLL0x"ludeT :ox under TAttri:utes (F()T. (This requires the T/ sksT to :e "on+igured +irst > this is ex@l ined :rie+ly :elo$.) #ote th t TLex lso CintelligentlyC re" l"ul tes the utom ti" num:ering +or elements th t re Tm sked outT > in this ex m@le7 sense . utom ti" lly :e"omes sense ( in the &o"ket edition. Fin lly7 s third 5method67 one " n lso "hoose = ::re*i ted? l :els +or the &o"ket edition under =Form t (F2)?. (A::re*i ted sets o+ l :els " n :e "on+igured in the C%T% editorC > see the User Guide se"tion TAttri:ute ListsT.)
Con&iguring /asks

#ote you " n re@e t CST0& (C to CST0& 2C here to set u@ / sks on ho$e*er m ny elements you need > e.g. you "ould m sk out us ge ex m@les on @er>edition : sis7 de+initions7 tr nsl tion equi* lents7 senses7 et". -n this ex@l n tion there re lso only t$o editions7 CFullC nd C&o"ketC edition7 :ut you " n "re te s m ny editions s you like. ST7D 1: "reate JStAleSetsJ $or each edition > )@en your do"ument in TLex (or tlTerm7 tl% t : se et".) > Go to CForm t , StylesC to o@en the Styles di log > Under the TStyle setsT list7 "li"k T0dit sets o+ stylesT > -+ you lre dy see C&o"ketC styleset in this list (e.g. i+ youCre em: rking +rom the s m@le)7 then you " n ski@ the rest o+ these instru"tions in TST0& 1T. > -+ you donCt lre dy h *e C&o"ketC styleset in this list7 then sele"t n existing set o+ styles (:y de+ ult there $ill usu lly :e only one here7 n med C%e+ ult stylesC)7 nd "li"k TCloneT > 0nter the n me C&o"ketC7 nd "li"k )K > Dou should no$ h *e t$o style sets in the list7 C%e+ ult stylesC nd C&o"ketC > Sele"t C%e+ ult stylesC nd "li"k the C!en me :uttonC7 then "h nge the n me to CFullC7 nd "li"k )K Dou should no$ h *e t$o sets o+ styles7 one +or CFull editionC nd one +or C&o"ket editionC. ST7D 2: 3dd an J7xcludeJ attri4ute %$ield& that will 4e used to actuallA select which in$or!ation to J!as J out > Go to C%i"tion ry , Customise %T%C

TLex Suite User Guide


> Sele"t the element t the le+t +or $hi"h you $ nt to :e :le to sele"ti*ely ex"lude inst n"es (e.g. CSenseC7 or e.g. CLemm C i+ you $ nt to sele"ti*ely ex"lude entire entries) > Cli"k the TAdd ttri:uteT :utton t the right > 0nter the ne$ ttri:ute n me T0x"ludeT7 or T0x"ludeFromT (this n me " n :e nything7 :ut C0x"ludeC or C0x"ludeFromC re good7 s they hel@ des"ri:e $h t it does) nd "li"k )K > / ke sure the 0x"lude ttri:ute is sele"ted in the list o+ ttri:utes7 nd then ( t the :ottom o+ the di log) "h nge its T% t ty@eT +rom TTextT to TSele"t +rom list (multi@le)T > Dou $ill get $ rning :out "h nging the ttri:ute ty@e > m ke sure youC*e sele"ted the ne$ 0x"lude ttri:ute7 then "li"k CDesC > Dou $ill get @rom@t :out "re ting ne$ list. -+ youCre setting u@ m sks +or the +irst time7 'ust "li"k T)KT here to TCre te ne$ listT. (-+ youC*e lre dy :een through these ste@s to "re te n 0x"lude list7 then you " n 'ust sele"t th t existing list here.). The list $ill "ont in list o+ CeditionsC. > #o$ sele"t the TAttri:ute listsT t : t the to@ o+ the %T% "ustomis tion di log > Sele"t the ne$ T0x"ludeT list in the list o+ lists. <ith the T0x"ludeT list sele"ted7 doL > Cli"k the TAdd ne$ list itemT :utton. 0nter ne$ list item n me TFullT nd "li"k T)KT > Cli"k the TAdd ne$ list itemT :utton. 0nter ne$ list item n me T&o"ketT nd "li"k T)KT Dou should no$ h *e ne$ F( "he"k:ox list ttri:ute n med C0x"ludeC7 $ith t$o list items +or its list > one +or e "h edition7 i.e. C&o"ketC nd CFullC. #ote th t the T/ sksT do not $ork :y sele"ting $h t $e $ nt to in"lude7 :ut :y sele"ting $h t $e $ nt to ex"lude,hide +or gi*en edition > hen"e the n me C0x"ludeC. ST7D 3: Set u( the actual J0as sJ This ste@ : si" lly ClinksC e "h editionCs Cstyle setC7 to its "orres@onding edition list item in the C0x"ludeC list7 s TLex C/ skC. (%onCt $orry i+ you donCt +ully underst nd $h t is h @@ening here > 'ust try +ollo$ the ste@s "losely7 nd there +ter you should :e :le to 'ust ti"k the ex"luded in+orm tion under CAttri:utes (F()C $hile editing.) > Go to CForm t , StylesC > Sele"t the C/ sksC t : t to@ right o+ the Styles di log > Sele"t the C&o"ketC styleset under the list titled TStyle setsT > Cli"k the TAddT :utton :elo$ the list > Sele"t the T0x"ludeT list +rom the CSele"t listC di log th t @@e rs > Then on the right h nd side re o+ the / sks "on+igur tion $indo$7 it $ill no$ dis@l y list o+ the items in the 0x"lude list7 n mely CFullC nd C&o"ketC7 $ith "he"k:oxes t e "h > ti"k the C&o"ketC "he"k:ox (me ning7 +or the C&o"ketC style set7 $e $ nt ex"lude i.e. Cm sk outC elements,entries $here C&o"ketC is ti"ked under F() > #o$ sele"t the CFullC style set under the list titled TStyle setsT > )n the right h nd side re o+ the / sks "on+igur tion $indo$7 ti"k the CFullC "he"k:ox (me ning7 +or the CFullC style set7 $e $ nt ex"lude i.e. Cm sk outC elements,entries $here CFullC is ti"ked under F() > Cli"k the TCloseT :utton t the :ottom o+ the TStylesT di log ST7D +: 1ide the J7xcludeJ attri4ute $ro! the Dre?iew 3rea and out(ut Sin"e the ne$ly "re ted C0x"ludeC ttri:ute t TST0& (T is lso 'ust Cnorm lC +ield7 it $ill :y de+ ult :e *isi:le in the &re*ie$ Are nd in the ex@orted out@ut. This is usu lly not desir :le. So +or the +in l ste@7 $e 'ust need to hide this ttri:ute.
TLex Suite User Guide 90

The ttri:ute hidden,*isi:le st te is "hosen se@ r tely +or e "h Cset o+ stylesC7 so $e need to do it t$i"e7 on"e +or the CFullC edition style set7 nd on"e +or the C&o"ketC edition style set. > Go to CForm t , StylesC > Sele"t the C)ut@ut (dis@l y) orderC t : t the to@ > Sele"t the CFullC style set under CStyle setsC > Sele"t the CLemm C element in the list t the le+t (or CSenseC7 or $hi"he*er element it $ s you sele"ted t ST0& .) > Sele"t the C0x"ludeC CAttri:uteC in the CChild element, ttri:uteC list > Unti"k the C8isi:leC "he"k:ox Then7 re@e t +or the C&o"ketC style setL > Sele"t the C&o"ketC style set under CStyle setsC > Sele"t the CLemm C element in the list t the le+t (or CSenseC7 or $hi"he*er element it $ s you sele"ted t ST0& .) > Sele"t the C0x"ludeC CAttri:uteC in the CChild element, ttri:uteC list > Unti"k the C8isi:leC "he"k:ox Fin lly7 "li"k the TCloseT :utton t the :ottom to "lose the Styles di log. Dou " n no$ st rt m sking out in+orm tion on @er>edition : sis s you edit. !emem:er the toggle o@tion CForm t , &re*ie$ ll sets o+ stylesC to en :le,dis :le re l>time @re*ie$ o+ ALL editions7 nd you " n use the CtrlU& CForm t , Toggle "urrent stylesetC "omm nd to s$it"h :et$een edition C*ie$sC (or sele"t the "urrent edition +rom the to@ right o+ the &re*ie$ Are ).

>*mart *tyles? (!ynamically Customisa-le *tyles) @Ad%ancedA

TLex,tlTerm llo$ you to set u@ rules (o+ ny @ossi:le "om@lexity) th t llo$ the *isu l @@e r n"e (style) o+ +ield to "h nge dyn mi" lly in di++erent situ tions. As sim@le ex m@le7 you might $ nt the utom ti" @un"tu tion :e+ore us ge ex m@le to "h nge de@ending on the +ield th t h @@ens to @re"ede it. )r7 you might $ nt to utomi" lly gener te +ullsto@ +ter the ex m@le only i+ it doesnCt end on n ex"l m tion or question m rk. All o+ these things " n "hie*ed :y tt "hing =Lu modi+ier s"ri@t? to style. This " n :e done under the =Ad* n"ed? t : in the Styles di log. There re se*er l s m@les in"luded $ith TLex demonstr ting the =Sm rt Styles? +un"tion lity. The s"reenshot :elo$ sho$s one o+ these s m@les7 in $hi"h the to@ 9GG most +requent he d$ords (: sed on "or@us r nk) re highlighted in red nd $ith n sterisk.

TLex Suite User Guide


Figure 74: Automatically and fully dynamically highlighting the most freKuent words 2redA and with a JSJ3 based on the corpus freKuency ran1ing' 2%ata shown in sample is the Adam Bilgarriff 0N6 top 5)1F wordlist'3

Creating a Thesaurus
TLex " n :e used to "re te thes urus d t : se. For more in+orm tion7 @le se see the =Thes urus? s m@le +ile in"luded $ith TLex

TLex Suite User Guide


>!:orting Aata into TLex"tlTer!

)m1ort 3ordlist ( C*. (Comma *e1arated .alues)
/ ny ne$ entries " n :e dded to the di"tion ry t on"e using the =File,-m@ort,<ordlist or CS8 (Comm Se@ r ted 8 lues)? menu o@tion. This im@orts d t in one or more "olumns (one entry @er ro$) +rom CS8 +ile s *ed +rom s@re dsheet so+t$ re su"h s )@en)++i" or /i"roso+t 0x"el. 0 "h "olumn " n :e =m @@ed? to "ert in ttri:ute in the %T% $hile im@orting. -n order to ssign ttri:utes to "olumns7 one must dou4le9clic on them in the le+t>side list o+ 0lementLLAttri:ute n mes. The s me ttri:ute " n :e dded more th n on"e. To remo*e n ssigned ttri:ute7 dou:le>"li"k on it in the right side list. A@ rt +rom the ddition o+ : t"hes o+ ne$ lemm signs to the di"tion ry7 this +un"tion " n thus lso :e used to dd "or@us>deri*ed +requen"ies to existing lemm s7 or to dd ny other "or@us>deri*ed or other$ise * il :le l yer(s) o+ d t . 1elo$7 n ex m@le is sho$n o+ the im@ort o+ three "olumns o+ d t +rom CS8 +ileL

Figure '': 9mport wordlist or 6S- 26omma Separated -alues3 options dialogA here used to import three columns of data 2freKuenciesA lemma signsA and parts of speech3

-n the :o*e ex m@le7 ne$ entry $ill :e "re ted +or e*ery =lemm sign , @ rt o+ s@ee"h @ ir? ("+. the =Al$ ys "re te ne$ entries? o@tion)7 nd ll im@orted d t $ill :e m rked s in"om@lete. -m@orting d t " n :e re@e ted s o+ten s one $ishes7 nd this t ny st ge during "om@il tion. Note: The =-m@ort <ordlist,CS8? tool "orre"tly h ndles Unicode +iles7 nd in"ludes n o@tion to llo$ +or the use o+ the s(ecial $or!atting !ar u( characters (Ji7 Jk7 et".) in the sour"e
TLex Suite User Guide 93

text,CS8 d t . For the l tter7 see the se"tion Using Text Form tting <ithin Attri:utes7 in the "h @ter on 0diting Attri:utes. Also note th t $hen im@orting se*er l "olumns7 the d t " n immedi tely :e @l "ed in the "orre"t +ields o+ the *T*. For the l tter7 see the "h @ter on Customising the %i"tion ry Gr mm r using the %T%. #ote lso th t some so+t$ re7 su"h s older *ersions o+ 0x"el7 re not :le to s *e Uni"ode,UTFE +orm t CS8 +iles.

TLex Suite User Guide


)m1orting H/L @Ad%ancedA

% t in S/L +orm " n :e im@orted *i the TFile,-m@ort,S/LT menu o@tion (@ro*ided7 to re son :le degree7 th t it is $ell>stru"tured). -t is @ossi:le to :oth im@ort ="le n? (i.e. s ne$7 :l nk do"ument)7 or do =merge? im@ort into n existing d t : se. -t is usu lly :est to im@ort d t into C"le n,em@tyC do"ument7 i.e. to sele"t the S/L im@ort "omm nd $hen no d t : se is o@en in the so+t$ re. #1L A+ter im@orting S/L7 there $ould usu lly :e no styles7 thus ll im@orted entries $ill usu lly :e dis@l yed in de+ ult text style in :l "k on $hite : "kground. Dou " n use the TForm t,StylesT menu o@tion s usu l to dd styles on"e you re s tis+ied $ith the im@ort. TLex h s one or t$o : si" Cex@e"t tionsC o+ ho$ the d t should :e stru"tured in order to im@ort the d t in me ning+ul $ y (i.e. in $ y th t llo$s TLex to Cunderst ndC $h t some o+ the key +ields re7 su"h s the he d$ord). The +ollo$ing is n ex m@le o+ roughly the sim@lest S/L do"ument th t " n :e thro$n t the im@orterL
<Dictionary> <Language> <Entry LemmaSign="cow"> </Entry> /Language> </Dictionary>

#ote th t the element +or Cdi"tion ry entryC @@e rs t the third de@th le*el in the do"ument7 nd should "ont in n ttri:ute " lled TLemm SignT th t "ont ins the he d$ord[ this llo$s TLex to re"ognise $hi"h ttri:ute it should use s the he d$ord +or @ur@oses o+ sorting7 indexing in the Lemm List7 nd so on. (-+ the he d$ord is in di++erent element or ttri:ute7 it $ill still :e im@orted > TLex $ill 'ust not Ckno$C to use th t +ield +or the Lemm List nd so on.) The n mes o+ the elements :o*e (T%i"tion ryT7 TL ngu geT nd T0ntryT) " n :e nything7 lthough their stru"ture is im@ort nt (i.e. se"ond>le*el element re@resents e "h Cse"tionC or CsideC o+ di"tion ry $ithin TLex7 nd third le*el re@resents the list o+ entries $ithin th t se"tion). #ote th t you do not ne"ess rily need %T% tt "hed to the d t > i+ im@orting S/L d t $ith no %T%7 TLex $ill ttem@t to "onstru"t %T% : sed on the elements, ttri:utes it en"ounters. For $ell>stru"tured d t 7 this " n $ork $ell. Bere is slightly more "om@lex ex m@le (note TT0T st nds +or TTr nsl tion 0qui* lentT +or7 in this " se7 :ilingu l 0nglish > A+rik ns d t )L
<Dictionary> <Language> <Entry LemmaSign="dog"> <Plural>dogs</Plural> <Sense> <TE TE="hond" /> <Definition Definition="A domestic mammal that </Sense> </Entry> <Entry LemmaSign="cat"> <Sense> <TE TE="!at" />
TLex Suite User Guide

ar!s" />


</Sense> </Entry> </Language> </Dictionary>

The entries do not need to :e "orre"tly sorted $ithin the S/L (e.g. TdogT then T" tT :o*e) > TLex $ill utom ti" lly resort them ""ording to the de+ ult "on+igured Csort methodC ($hi"h " n lso :e "h nged t ny time l ter on). DMergeD IML >!:ort -+ you $ nt to im@ort entries into n existing d t : se7 the most im@ort nt thing is to CtellC the im@orter $hi"h CsideC (se"tion,l ngu ge) o+ di"tion ry to im@ort sets o+ entries into. This is done :y +illing in the l ngu ge T# meT ttri:ute $ith the ex "t s me n me "on+igured +or l ngu ge side,se"tion under T%i"tion ry,&ro@ertiesT. This is sho$n in the +ollo$ing ex m@leL
<Dictionary> <Language Name="English"> <Entry LemmaSign="dog"> <Sense><TE TE="in"a" /></Sense> </Entry> </Language> <Language Name="Zulu"> <Entry LemmaSign="in"a"> <Sense><TE TE="dog" /></Sense> </Entry> </Language> </Dictionary>

To do the CmergeC im@ort7 one then 'ust sele"ts TFile,-m@ort,S/LT $hile the desired d t : se is o@en. #1L -t is good ide to l$ ys do CFile,Cre te : "ku@C :e+ore doing Cmerge im@ortC. 6ost8>!:ort 6rocessing " Aata Ee!odelling For * rious re sons7 it is seldom the " se th t +reshly im@orted S/L d t " n :e used = s is?[ one o+ten h s to do * rious kinds o+ "le n>u@7 @ro"essing nd d t remodelling in order to m ke the d t more use+ul. %e@ending on $h t one $ nts or needs to do7 this " n o+ten :e non>tri*i l7 nd in*ol*e e.g. s@e"i lised Lu s"ri@ts to m ni@ul te the d t . -+ you re in dou:t7 Tsh$ ne%Ve is highly ex@erien"ed in de ling $ith these kinds o+ issues[ "ont "t the "om@ ny to dis"uss your requirements. 7IML Line b$ Line9 >!:orter The =S/L Line :y Line? im@orter is unique s@e"i liQed7 ni"he "on*ersion tool th t is es@e"i lly suited +or s"en rios $here m ny entries m y "ont in : d S/L > e.g. @rim rily d t "on*ersions +rom other +orm ts (e.g. ttem@ting to m sh SG/L or SG/L>like d t ). This llo$s @ rti l im@orting7 e*en $hen @otenti lly hundreds o+ errors re @resent th t $ould ordin rily " use stri"t S/L lo ding so+t$ re to + il. The @rim ry tenets o+ the =Line :y Line? im@orter re7 one line in the S/L +ile "orres@onds @re"isely to one "re ted entry7 nd e "h line "ont ins only the elements th t re child nodes o+ the m in entry node.
TLex Suite User Guide 96

#1L %e@ending on your d t 7 this might :e @oorly suited im@orter to use > there re se*er l di++erent @otenti l methods in this so+t$ re +or im@orting S/L d t [ itCs im@ort nt to use the "orre"t one de@ending on your @ rti"ul r needs. &le se lso see the =S/L Line :y Line im@ort? sa!(le th t "omes $ith the so+t$ re7 $hi"h "ont ins ddition l in+orm tion nd $orking s m@le th t you " n ex mine +or guid n"e on ho$ it $ould ex@e"t your d t to look. #ote th t this +un"tion lity is not * il :le in the =old %o"ument>):'e"t>/odel? *ersion o+ TLex.

TLex Suite User Guide


Ex:orting Aata fro! TLex"tlTer!

Co1ying Lemma *igns5 Terms and Articles
Co:$ Le!!a Sign " Ter! To "o@y the lemm sign or term (o+ the entry you re $orking on) to the "li@:o rd7 +rom $here it " n :e @ sted to ny other lo" tion (CtrlU8)7 use the =0dit,Co@y lemm sign? (CtrlUShi+tUC) menu o@tion. Co:$ Entr$ Text To "o@y the +ull entry text (o+ the entry you re $orking on) to the "li@:o rd7 in text>only +orm t7 use the =0dit,Co@y rti"le text? menu o@tion. Co:$ Entr$ =TML To "o@y the +ull text (o+ the entry you re $orking on) to the "li@:o rd7 in BT/L +orm t7 use the =0dit,Co@y rti"le BT/L? menu o@tion.

,'1orting the !ata-ase5 in "art or in Full

Under the =File,0x@ort? menu o@tion7 * rious $ ys to ex@ort your d t Le!!a Signs %TLex' " List of Ter!s %tlTer!' Use this to ex@ort only the list o+ lemm signs (or terms). The =% t ex@ort o@tions? sho$n in the s"reenshot :elo$ re * il :le +or this ty@e o+ ex@ort7 me ning th t +ilters " n :e used7 nd rti"les m rked s in"om@lete " n :e in"luded or su:tr "ted. -+ you re $orking on (semi>):ilingu l di"tion ry7 you $ill :e @rom@ted +or +ilen me t$i"e H on"e +or e "h side o+ the di"tion ry. There re * rious uses +or list o+ ll the lemm signs , terms in your d t : se7 one o+ them :eing to :uild "rude $ordlist>: sed s@ell"he"ker (e.g. +or l ngu ge +or $hi"h no s@ell"he"kers exist s yet). re * il :le. These reL

TLex Suite User Guide


Figure '(: xport options dialogA Leneral settings: %ata export options

Text Use this to ex@ort the text7 in text +orm t7 o+ your di"tion ry or term: se. The gener l ex@ort o@tions sho$n :o*e re * il :le. -+ you re $orking on (semi>):ilingu l di"tion ry7 you $ill :e @rom@ted +or +ilen me t$i"e H on"e +or e "h side o+ the di"tion ry. A @ossi:le use +or this ty@e o+ ex@ort is $ith s@ell"he"king @ur@oses in mind. (Corre"tions $ill o+ "ourse h *e to :e m de in the TLex,tlTerm +iles itsel+.) #ote th t i+ one is $orking $ith7 s y7 :ilingu l di"tion ry7 nd $ishes to s@ell"he"k the t$o l ngu ges se@ r tely7 one " n +irst use the Styles System H more in @ rti"ul r the =8isi:le? +l g on the =)ut@ut (dis@l y) order? t : o+ the Styles di log H so s to ex@ort only one o+ the l ngu ges t time. ET0 (Eich Text 0or!at, This is the most "ommon $ y to ex@ort d t 7 s the text formatting (in :l "k> nd>$hite) is s *ed s $ell. See the se"tion on &rinting your %i"tion ry7 in the "h @ter Getting St rted $ith TLexL Qui"kSt rt Guide7 +or more in+orm tion. 8 rious +orm t o@tions7 s illustr ted :elo$7 re * il :leL

Figure '): xport options dialogA Leneral settings: %ata export and format options

TLex Suite User Guide


#1L -+ one h s in"luded im ges in the d t : se7 the !TF out@ut nd the im ge +iles must :e stored in the s me +older. =TML (5eb 6age, Use this to ex@ort the d t 7 in BT/L7 $hen the intention is to @l "e the result online s $e: @ ge7 or s set o+ $e: @ ges. -n ddition to ll the gener l settings s dis"ussed :o*e7 there re se*er l BT/L>s@e"i+i" o@tions th t re * il :le.

Figure '8: xport options dialogA H*E+ options

The +irst o+ the BT/L>s@e"i+i" ex@ort o@tions llo$s you to sele"t to ex@ort the d t either s one l rge BT/L +ile7 or to s@lit the out@ut u@ into l@h :eti" se"tions7 or e*en into one +ile @er rti"le. A =tem@l te BT/L +ile? " n o@tion lly :e s@e"i+ied7 in $hi"h the out@ut $ill :e =dro@@ed? t the =_&LAC0B)L%0!_? text. C s" ding Style Sheets (CSS) " n lso o@tion lly :e used. -m ges re ty@i" lly stored in n =im ges? +older online[ use the rel ti*e @ th to it7 to o*erride the @ th stored under =%i"tion ry,&ro@erties?. -+ you re $orking on (semi>):ilingu l di"tion ry7 you $ill :e @rom@ted +or +ilen me t$i"e H on"e +or e "h side o+ the di"tion ry[ nd the "hosen o@tions (e.g. =one +ile @er entry?) $ill :e @@lied to the t$o sides. This thus me ns th t one " n end u@ $ith *ery l rge num:er o+ +iles. IML (eItensible Marku: Language, Use this o@tion i+ you $ nt to ex@ort your d t to the o@en7 st nd rd S/L +ile +orm t. -n ddition to the gener l o@tions s seen in Figure 9;7 there re t$o S/L>s@e"i+i" o@tions. These t$o llo$ "ross>re+eren"es nd list ttri:ute * lues to :e ex@orted s text (mimi"king more "losely the +orm tted out@ut)7 r ther th n :y intern l -%. )ne S/L +ile is gener ted7 e*en $hen s *ing d t +rom (semi>):ilingu l di"tion ry.

TLex Suite User Guide


Figure '9: xport options dialogA TE+ options

IML (0or!atted, The @l in =S/L? ex@orter out@uts your d t in its internalA structured +orm t. The =Form tted? S/L ex@orter @@lies the : si" Style nd out@ut order tr ns+orm tions to your d t 7 nd thus ex@orts your d t + r more "losely to ho$ it @@e rs in the :re#iew Area7 :ut sem nti" lly t gged. This ex@orter is most use+ul i+ @re@ ring d t +or7 +or ex m@le7 ty@esetting7 s it " n :e :rought into ty@esetting so+t$ re nd then e sily styled7 s e "h +ield is sem nti" lly m rked u@. #ote th t7 unlike the =@l in? S/L ex@orter7 the =Form tted? S/L out@ut does not lend itsel+ e sily to :eing im@orted : "k into the so+t$ re7 s mu"h o+ the structural in+orm tion is lost.

,'1orting to )n!esign
-t is @ossi:le to :ring your d t into Ado:e -n%esign * rious routes7 in"luding the BT/L7 !TF nd CS/L (Form tted)C ex@orters. !TF is dis"ussed :elo$. Ex:orting to >nAesign ia ET0 1.. 3)@tion l4 Try to get your styles s "lose to "orre"t s @ossi:le in TLex,tlTerm lre dy > this $ill minimiQe the mount o+ $ork th t needs to :e done l ter in -n%esign (.. 3)@tion l4 -+ you h *e multi@le stylesets7 sele"t the desired styleset $ith CtrlU& in TLex,tlTerm. ... 0x@ort !TF +rom TLex,tlTerm (CFile,0x@ort,!TF (!i"h Text Form t)C). 2.. Cre te Cne$C do"ument in -n%esign7 $ith the desired or estim ted @ro'e"ted num:er o+ @ ges7 nd the desired num:er o+ "olumns. 9.. Sele"t the CFile,&l "eC "omm nd7 nd sele"t the !TF +ile th t $ s ex@orted +rom TLex,tlTerm. ;.. Bold in Shi+t nd "li"k in the to@ le+t o+ the +irst "olumn. The entire do"ument should no$ :e im@orted. )n"e in -n%esign *i !TF7 e "h +ield (in+orm tion ty@e7 i.e. element, ttri:ute) h s n sso"i ted CstyleC $hi"h m y :e m ni@ul ted "entr lly in -n%esign.

TLex Suite User Guide


,'1orting a Range o& ,ntries or a *ingle Al1ha-etic *ection5 e=g= >A?

This " n :e "hie*ed :y =t gging? the r nge o+ entries th t you $ nt to ex@ort7 "re ting =t g +ilter?7 nd then ex@orting $ith CUse +iltersC @@lied. See the =T gs? "h @ter +or more in+orm tion on ho$ to do this.

TLex Suite User Guide


Network (<A#C Aatabase, Su::ort %/d anced'

)%1C ():'e"t % t : se Conne"ti*ity) is st nd rd inter+ "e +or "onne"ting a((lications to relational data4ase ser?er7 su"h s &ostgreSQL7 /ySQL7 )r "le7 or /i"roso+t SQL Ser*er. The :uilt>in )%1C su@@ort in TLex,tlTerm,tl% t : se llo$s "entr l d t : se do"ument to :e *ie$ed nd edited simult neously :y multi@le end>users. -n this " se7 TLex,tlTerm,tl% t : se +un"tions s 5"lient67 "onne"ting to relational database ser#er th t hosts the d t : se "ontent. The rel tion l d t : se ser*er so+t$ re " n :e ny o+ the m 'or SQL ser*ers7 n mely &ostgreSQL (+ree,)@enSour"e)7 /i"roso+t SQL Ser*er ("ommer"i l)7 )r "le %1 ("ommer"i l) or /ySQL (+ree,)@enSour"e). A@ rt +rom the rel tion l d t : se ser*er7 no other @ rti"ul r so+t$ re is required on the "om@uter design ted to run s the ser*er7 nd the ser*er "om@uter " n h *e ny )@er ting System th t su@@orts the sele"ted rel tion l d t : se so+t$ re (e.g. Linux s ser*er is su@@orted)[ TLex,tlTerm,tl% t : se don6t need to :e inst lled on the ser*er "om@uter. From the @oint o+ *ie$ o+ the end>user7 TLex,tlTerm,tl% t : se +un"tions ne rly identi" lly in )%1C net$orked mode7 s it does in st nd> lone (norm l +ile editing) mode[ the m in +un"tion l di++eren"e is the @resen"e o+ n entry "he"k>in,"he"k>out system (see the =0ntry Lo"king? se"tion in this "h @ter) to @re*ent multi@le users "re ting "on+li"ting edits simult neously on single entry. )n the ser*er "om@uter7 ty@i" lly only the rel tion l d t : se ser*er so+t$ re itsel+ is required to :e inst lled nd "on+igured. )n e "h "lient (end>user) "om@uter7 TLex,tlTerm,tl% t : se inter+ "es $ith the d t : se ser*er *i n B*<" %B4Rect *ata4ase "onnecti?itA& ,data source/ . )%1C is :uilt into <indo$s7 nd you " n gener lly "on+igure )%1C =d t sour"es? *i the <indo$s Control & nel. Thus on e "h end,user>s m "hine is ty@i" lly inst lledL ( ) the TLex/tlTer!/tl*ata4ase a((lication7 nd (:) the ,B*<" dri?er/ +or the @ rti"ul r rel tion l d t : se so+t$ re. The gener l r"hite"ture is sho$n "on"e@tu lly in the +ollo$ing +igure7 using the &ostgreSQL d t : se ser*er s n ex m@leL t TLex,tlTerm, tl% t : se A@@li" tion )%1C &ostgreSQL )%1C %ri*er #et$ork &ostgreSQL Ser*er So+t$ re Ser?er "o!(uter

"lient %7nd9user& "o!(uter

Con&iguring an $!+C !ata-ase

To initi lly s *e ne$ or existing @ro'e"t to n )%1C d t : se7 you must : si" lly +ollo$ these ste@sL 1. -nst ll the rel tion l d t : se ser*er so+t$ re (e.g. &ostgreSQL) nd "on+igure the rele* nt se"urity @ermissions to llo$ the "lient "om@uters ""ess. (The ex "t @ro"edure +or doing this is "om@letely s@e"i+i" to the rel tion l d t : se ser*er so+t$ re th t you re using[ e.g.
TLex Suite User Guide 103

(. .. 2.

9. ;.

+or &ostgreSQL you m y need to edit @g\h: ."on+7 nd m y need to "on+igure your timeQone "orre"tly.) Cre te one ne$7 em@ty d t : se in the rel tion l d t : se ser*er so+t$ re7 $ith single rel tion l d t : se usern me,@ ss$ord th t h s ""ess to it (e.g. i+ using &ostgreSQL7 this ste@ might ty@i" lly :e done using @gAdmin7 though there re m ny di++erent $ ys) -nst ll the )%1C "lient dri*er on your system Cre te nd "on+igure ne$ )%1C =d t sour"e? on your system7 using the :o*ementioned usern me,@ ss$ord in ste@ ( +or ""ess. -n <indo$s S&7 the d t sour"e " n :e set u@ :y going to =Control & nel , Administr ti*e Tools , % t Sour"es ()%1C)? ( N<: For ;2>:it <indo$s7 see the notes :elo$). )@en TLex,tlTerm,tl% t : se on your system7 nd either lo d n existing do"ument or "re te ne$ one (e.g. *i 5File , #e$6). Sele"t =File , S *e sL )%1C d t : se? +rom the menu7 nd enter the ex "t d t sour"e n me you "re ted under ste@ 2 s the =d t sour"e?. )ou should onlA need to do this ,Sa?e/ ste( once H this initi lly s *es your do"ument into the rel tion l d t : se ser*er nd sets it u@ +or su:sequent ""ess :y ll the other "lient systems. #ote th tTLex,tlTerm,tl% t : se $ill @rom@t +or t$o things here7 :e+ore s *ing the d t : seL 1. )%1C d t sour"e n meL The n me o+ the "on+igured )%1C d t sour"e. (. T :le n me @re+ixL All t :le n mes in the s"hem m y o(tionallA :e gi*en @re+ix. This sim@ly llo$s multi@le di++erent TLex,tlTerm,tl% t : se @ro'e"ts to :e stored in one "tu l rel tion l d t : se on the ser*er (this is sometimes use+ul in " ses $here7 +or ex m@le7 the num:er o+ d t : ses * il :le is limited :y ser*er hosting @l n). Unless other$ise desired7 it is s +e to sim@ly le *e this on the de+ ult =tl\?. (This +ield " n lso :e used to s *e se@ r te =test? d t : se +or testing @ur@oses7 e.g. you "ould use @re+ix =test\? +or test:ed en*ironment7 nd the de+ ult =tl\? +or the re l d t : se.)

%e@ending on the d t : se ty@e nd )%1C dri*er7 you m y lso :e @rom@ted +or the d t : se usern me,@ ss$ord $hen s *ing or o@ening the )%1C d t sour"e. -+ user m n gement h s not yet :een set u@ +or the @ro'e"t7 TLex,tlTerm,tl% t : se $ill lso dis@l y the user m n gement "on+igur tion di log during the :o*e @ro"ess7 in $hi"h you m y "on+igure ddition l users. #!(ortant: <A de$aultK a single ,3d!in/ user is created with the de$ault (assword ,3d!in/. See the "h @ter on User / n gement +or more in+orm tion. #ote th t +or )%1C d t : ses7 you " nnot dis :le the integr ted user m n gement. )n"e you h *e initi lly s *ed the )%1C d t : se7 you " n o@en nd $ork on it l rgely s i+ it $ere n ordin ry TLex,tlTerm,tl% t : se +ile (though7 o+ "ourse7 o@en it using =File , )@en )%1C ($ith lo" l " "he)?.

)m1ortant Note &or IJ4-it 3indo s Clients

;2>:it *ersions o+ <indo$s h *e t$o se@ r te )%1C dministr tor @ nels > one +or ;2>:it @@li" tions7 nd the other +or .(>:it @@li" tions. .(>:it @@li" tions (like TLex7 tlTerm nd tl% t : se) " n only see .(>:it d t sour"es7 nd ;2>:it @@li" tions " n only see ;2>:it d t sour"es. The )%1C dministr tor di log th t is ""essi:le *i the <indo$s Control & nel on ;2> :it <indo$s system is +or ;2>:it @@li" tions (only)7 $hile the )%1C dministr tor di log +or .(> :it @@li" tions h s :een "le*erly hidden :y /i"roso+t. For TLex7 tlTerm nd tl% t : se you must use the .(>:it )%1C dministr tor di log[ it " n :e ""essed :y going to the <indo$s =St rt? menu nd enteringL JSDST0/!))TJ]Sys<)<;2]od:" d.(.exe
TLex Suite User Guide 104

(Dou " n lso use =<indo$s Key?U! to o@en the =!un? di log7 nd entering the :o*e.) Dou " n tell i+ your <indo$s system is ;2>:it or .(>:it :y holding in the =<indo$s? key nd @ressing =1re k?7 nd "he"king the =System ty@e?. -+ your <indo$s system is .(>:it7 then you " n 'ust use the )%1C dministr tor di log ""essi:le *i the Control & nel.

>Cached? $!+C ($!+C5 *1ed U1)

-t is gener lly + r :etter to use the )%1C inter+ "e l :elled C B*<" %with local cache&C > this is like the ordin ry )%1C inter+ "e7 :ut ddition lly tr ns@ rently kee@s lo" l " "hed "o@y o+ entries th t h *enCt "h nged on the lo" l h rd disk7 llo$ing TLex,tlTerm to dr m ti" lly s@eed u@ gener l $ork nd "ti*ities like se r"hing nd +iltering. The +irst time the entire di"tion ry must :e lo ded $ill :e slo$[ there +ter7 it $ill :e mu"h + ster7 s it $ill only re>retrie*e entries $hen they "h nge. Should you e*er need to reset the " "he7 the " "he +older li*es in your so>" lled Ctem@C +older7 ty@i" lly something like C"L]%o"uments nd Settings]DourUsern me]Lo" l Settings]Tem@]Tsh$ ne%Ve\C "heC > 'ust "lose TLex,tlTerm nd delete the Tsh$ ne%Ve\C "he +older.

,ntry Locking
The m in di++eren"e :et$een $orking on st nd lone +ile nd $orking on n )%1C d t : se is the entry lo"king system in the l tter. 0ntries re :y de+ ult @rote"ted +rom " su l editing7 nd dis@l yed in the &re*ie$ $ith @ dlo"k next to them. <hen you ttem@t to modi+y n entry7 it $ill sk you i+ you re sure7 nd i+ you gree it $ill ttem@t to =unlo"k? the entry7 C"he"king it outC to your user. -+ su""ess+ul7 the @ dlo"k dis@l ys s unlo"ked nd $ith green ti"k. <hile you h *e n entry "he"ked out7 no other users $ill :e llo$ed to "he"k it out. -+ nother user h s n entry "he"ked out7 it $ill :e dis@l yed $ith red "ross through the @ dlo"k7 signi+ying th t you m y not unlo"k it. )ther users re there:y @re*ented +rom simult neously m king "on+li"ting "h nges. <hen you s *e your "h nges7 they re "ommitted : "k to the d t : se7 nd the s *ed entries re C"he"ked : "k inC7 llo$ing other users to modi+y them on"e more.

Locking the !ata-ase

Cert in ty@es o+ dministr ti*e t sks7 su"h s editing the %T%7 require th t no:ody else :e logged on to the d t : se t th t time. -n order to lo"k ll users out7 sele"t the =%i"tion ry,Lo"k d t : se? o@tion. -+ ny users re "onne"ted to the d t : se7 di log $ill :e dis@l yed sho$ing $hi"h users re logged on7 $hile those users $ill lso :e @rom@ted to s *e their $ork nd log out. )n"e ll users re logged out7 the di"tion ry $ill :e lo"ked nd you m y @ro"eed to $ork on it. <hile the di"tion ry is lo"ked7 no:ody else m y log on7 nd only the user $ho lo"ked the d t : se m y unlo"k it. %o not +orget to unlo"k the d t : se on"e you re done $ith the required dministr ti*e t sks.

$1timisation Ti1s

TLex Suite User Guide


<orking on n )%1C d t : se m y +eel sluggish7 @ rti"ul rly i+ the ser*er or net$ork is not + st. This is :e" use entries must +irst :e lo ded +rom the d t : se :e+ore they " n e*en :e dis@l yed7 nd this is done dyn mi" lly nd on n ongoing : sis in order to ensure th t you re *ie$ing the l test d t . )ne thing th t " n hel@ lot i+ the system +eels slo$7 is to sele"t the =Form t,&re*ie$ sele"tion only? o@tion. Also7 m ke sure to use the =" "hed? )%1C (mentioned :o*e).

Notes &or "ostgre*QL

-+ using &ostgreSQL7 you m y need to initi lly set u@ the "orre"t timeQone on the &ostgreSQL ser*er H i+ you re h *ing @ro:lems ""essing the d t : se th t seem other$ise inex@li" :le7 this might :e the re son.

TLex Suite User Guide


Co!!andline <:tions %/d anced'

The +ollo$ing o@tions llo$ the @@li" tion to :e dri*en nd "ontrolled *i the "omm ndline. >>nouserinter "tion L %is :les user inter "tion +or the session. >>runlu s"ri@t L Autom ti" lly runs the s@e"i+ied Lu s"ri@t s soon s the @@li" tion h s o@ened ( nd +ter o@ening ny do"uments lso s@e"i+ied on the "omm ndline). Dou " n s@e"i+y multi@le >>runlu s"ri@t items7 nd they $ill :e exe"uted in the order s@e"i+ied. >> utoexit L C uses the @@li" tion to immedi tely exit +ter o@ening. -+ used in "om:in tion $ith other o@tions7 this llo$s the @@li" tion to :e utom ted to @er+orm s"ri@ted "omm nds7 e.g. one "ould h *e : t"h @ro"ess th t utom ti" lly o@ens some +ile7 @er+orms some @ro"essing (e.g. *i Lu s"ri@t)7 nd then exits. 3+ilen me4 L Dou m y o@tion lly s@e"i+y do"ument +ilen me to :e utom ti" lly o@ened. -+ you s@e"i+y .xml +ile7 the :uilt>in S/L im@orter $ill :e used. /uto!aticall$ Logging <n to the Aocu!ent 6assed on the Co!!andline -+ you re @ ssing do"ument +ilen me7 you m y o@tion lly lso s@e"i+y logon usern me nd ( lso o@tion lly) @ ss$ord +or the do"ument. -+ you do7 this $ill :e used to ttem@t to utom ti" lly log on to the d t : se. The synt x is s +ollo$sL usern meL@ ss$ordP+ilen me )r 'ustL usern meP+ilen me -n $hi"h " se7 it $ill still @rom@t +or @ ss$ord.

TLex Suite User Guide


5atch 0olders %/d anced'

)n @er>@ro'e"t (@er>do"ument) : sis7 you " n "on+igure one or more +olders in $hi"h ny S/L +iles s *ed to th t +older7 $ill utom ti" lly :e im@orted into th t do"ument s long s it rem ins o@en. There re numerous settings th t "ontrol the $ t"h +older :eh *iour[ these " n :e "on+igured7 nd re do"umented in more det il7 under either C%i"tion ry,&ro@ertiesC or CTerm: se,&ro@ertiesC7 under the C&ro@erties 3Ad* n"ed4C t :.
-atch5olders < t"h the gi*en +older(s) +or in"oming +iles to :e utom ti" lly im@orted (semi>"olon se@ r ted list) 0o?e#!(orted5ilesTo5older -+ s@e"i+ied7 mo*e su""ess+ully im@orted +iles to this +older 0o?e5ailed5ilesTo5older -+ s@e"i+ied7 mo*e unsu""ess+ully im@orted +iles to this +older BnSuccess$ul#!(ort G b /o*e to /o*e-m@ortedFilesToFolder +older7 1 b delete +ile #gnore5iles3lreadA#!(orted %onCt im@ort the s me +ile g in i+ itCs lre dy in the /o*e-m@ortedFilesToFolder +older #!(ort5ileTA(es File ty@es to utom ti" lly im@ort (semi>"olon se@ r ted list) "hec #nter?al0illiseconds #um:er o+ millise"onds (thous ndths o+ se"ond inter* l. se"ond) :et$een @olls o+ the $ t"h +olders. Thus 9GGG b +i*e

3utoSa?e Autom ti" lly s *e do"ument $hen ne$ d t h s :een im@orted

TLex Suite User Guide


Lua Scri:ting %/d anced'

TLex,tlTerm in"ludes :uilt>in @rogr mm :ility *i integr tion o+ the o@en sour"e Lu s"ri@ting l ngu ge.

Getting *tarted

ith Tsh aneLua *cri1ting

The t$o m in ty@es o+ Lu s"ri@t @@li" tions in TLex,tlTerm reL 1. Lua Scri(t 3ttri4utesL A Lu s"ri@t ttri:ute is 'ust nother ttri:ute in the do"ument7 :ut is s@e"i l in th t inste d o+ ordin ry text or numeri" l d t 7 it "ont ins @ie"e o+ Lu "ode th t is exe"uted in order to gener te the resulting out@ut +or th t ttri:ute * lue. This is *ery simil r in @rin"i@le to C+ormul sC in s@re dsheet @@li" tions su"h s /i"roso+t 0x"el. (. Stand9alone Scri(tsL St nd> lone (or extern l) s"ri@ts exist in the +orm o+ text +ile7 nd re lo ded nd exe"uted *i the TTools , 0xe"ute Lu S"ri@tT menu o@tion. Lua Scri:t /ttributes A good @l "e to st rt le rning :out Lu s"ri@t ttri:utes is to h *e look t the TLu S"ri@ting Attri:uteT s m@le +ile in the S m@les +older. To *ie$ the s m@leCs s"ri@t ttri:ute "ontents7 go to T%i"tion ry,Customise %T%T7 sele"t the TSenseT element on the le+t7 then sele"t the TSense#umLu T ttri:ute under TAttri:utes o+ this elementT7 "li"k in the T%e+ ult,+ixed * lueT :ox t the :ottom right o+ the %T% editor7 nd @ress F1( to o@en the s"ri@t in the o*erl y editor $indo$. This s m@le demonstr tes the use o+ +ixed Lu ttri:ute * lue to gener te utom ti" sense num:ering in m nner "urrently not su@@orted :y the utom ti" num:ering stylesL S@e"i+i" lly7 re@e ting the sense num:er o+ the @ rent t e*ery su:sense (e.g. T( ... (: ...T). The return * lue o+ the s"ri@t is the * lue th t is out@ut in the &re*ie$ et". ($ith the usu l styles nd so on @@lied7 'ust s $ith ny other ttri:ute). #ote th t +or Lu s"ri@t ttri:ute you " n "hoose i+ the ttri:ute * lue should :e T+ixedT or not. -+ T+ixedT ( s in the s m@le)7 the s"ri@t is entered on"e > in the %T% editor > nd the s me s"ri@t is l$ ys exe"uted. -+ not +ixed7 di++erent s"ri@t " n :e entered +or the ttri:ute on n indi*idu l entry,element : sis. To "re te Lu %T% ttri:ute7 "re te n ttri:ute s usu l in the %T% editor7 then sele"t TLu s"ri@tT s the T% t ty@eT. #ote the use o+ the gCurrent#ode glo: l. This * lue l$ ys "ont ins the node (i.e. element in the do"ument tree) th t the ttri:ute on $hi"h the s"ri@t is "urrently :eing exe"uted :elongs to. (!el ted to this is lso gCurrent0ntry glo: l7 @ointing to the o$ner entry.) #ote ho$ ll lo" l * ri :les re ex@li"itly de"l red s su"h > in Lu 7 * ri :les re glo: l unless other$ise s@e"i+ied. Stand8alone Scri:ts St nd> lone (or extern l) s"ri@ts re : si" lly text +iles "ont ining Lu "ode. They " n :e exe"uted *i the TTools , 0xe"ute Lu S"ri@tT menu o@tion. 1y de+ ult they use T +ile extension7 though
TLex Suite User Guide 109

this is not ne"ess ry. Su"h s"ri@t " n :e used to @er+orm @retty mu"h ny kind o+ m ni@ul tion on the d t : se. N<: The text +ile en"oding +or Lu s"ri@ts must l$ ys :e CUTFE7 $ithout sign tureC. Stand8alone Entr$ Scri:ts TTools , 0xe"ute Lu 0ntry S"ri@tT exe"utes the sele"ted Lu s"ri@t +ile +or e*ery entry "urrently *isi:le in the 0ntry List(s) o+ the "urrently "ti*e do"ument (e.g. ll th t @ ss the +ilter). gCurrent0ntry $ill @oint to the "urrent entry ConC $hi"h the s"ri@t is :eing run. t!equestLo d() is " lled +or you7 :ut not t!equest/odi+y().

A") Re&erence !ocumentation5 Ti1s5 *am1les and Further )n&ormation

The Tsh$ neLu A&- (A@@li" tion &rogr mming -nter+ "e) re+eren"e " n :e *ie$ed *i TSt rt menu , &rogr ms , TLex Suite , Tsh$ neLu S"ri@ting A&-T. Good st rting @oints re the T%et iled %es"ri@tionT se"tions o+ t"#ode nd t"%o"ument. #ote th t $e im@lement Lu 9.G. For gener l Lu in+orm tion (e.g. synt x or st nd rd Lu +un"tion re+eren"e)7 it is suggested th t you m ke use o+ the Lu re+eren"e m nu l7 * il :le +rom the htt@L,,$$$.lu .org, $e:site. Al$ ys kee@ in mind the use o+ F1( to o@en the o*erl y editor $indo$ $hen editing s"ri@ts > this is *irtu lly indis@ens :le. -t is lso o+ten use+ul to edit s"ri@ts in text editor extern lly7 nd "o@y nd @ ste them into TLex,tlTerm. -n our A&-7 indexes re l$ ys Qero>: sed unless other$ise s@e"i+ied. Strings re l$ ys UTFE. /ore in+orm tion7 @lus s m@le s"ri@ts7 re * il :le tL htt@L,,tsh$ ned'e."om,tsh$ nelu ,. Se*er l s m@le +iles demonstr ting * rious uses o+ Lu re lso * il :le in the CS m@lesC @ro'e"t +older.

$ther Uses o& Lua 3ithin TLe'(tlTerm

7S!art St$les9 Lu s"ri@ts " n :e used to dyn mi" lly modi+y styles +or @ rti"ul r +ields s the out@ut is gener ted7 : sed on ny @ossi:le @rogr mm :le "ondition. See the se"tion on =Sm rt Styles? in the =Styles? "h @ter ( nd the s m@les in"luded $ith TLex) +or more in+orm tion. Lua 0ilters Lu s"ri@ts " n :e "re ted th t im@lement ne$ =Filter (F9)? "onditions. These t ke the +orm o+ .lu +iles7 nd must :e @l "ed in the C&lugins,Filters,C +older o+ the @@li" tion (note th t n @@li" tion rest rt m y :e required $hen "o@ying ne$ s"ri@ts into this +older). All .lu +iles listed in this +older $ill @@e r under the list o+ Filter "onditions under =Filter (F9)?7 $ith =Lu ? nd the n me o+ the +ile in squ re :r "kets. An ex m@le o+ Lu +ilter7 th t is in"luded $ith TLex,tlTerm7 is the =Lu 3/odi+ied4? +ilter7 th t +ilters through only entries th t h *e uns *ed "h nges. This is sim@le s"ri@t th t looks s +ollo$sL
TLex Suite User Guide 110

## TshwaneLua $ilter scri%t for TLe& or tlTerm ## 'eturn true if entry has modified flag set if g(urrentEntry)*as(hanged+, then return -. end return /.

Lua Sorting Custom l@h :eti" sorting lgorithms " n :e im@lemented using the =Lu S"ri@t Sort? sort method under =%i"tion ry,Con+igure sorting? , =Add ne$ ...?. The Lu s"ri@t should im@lement =m in? +un"tion th t t kes t$o strings7 s +ollo$sL
function main+s-0 s1, #2 +'eturn #- if s-<s10 - if s->s10 and / if s-=s1, 333 end

-t is lso @ossi:le to ugment existing sorting methods in TLex,tlTerm *i Lu [ the Lu sort lgorithm " n7 +or ex m@le7 modi+y the in"oming strings in some $ y :e+ore @ ssing them on to nother "on+igured sort method. This " n lso :e used to im@lement digr @h sorting. JClick Scri:tsJ /nd JSearch Scri:tsJ Under =%i"tion ry,&ro@erties?7 t$o ddition l s"ri@ts " n :e s@e"i+ied +or e "h se"tion in di"tion ry. These " n o@tion lly :e used $hen @u:lishing d t using the TLex 0le"troni" %i"tion ry Fr me$ork to "ustomise the :eh *iour $hen users "li"k on ttri:utes in the &re*ie$ Are 7 nd $hen users "ondu"t di"tion ry se r"h (e.g. to im@lement l ngu ge>s@e"i+i" se r"h :eh *iour7 su"h s de>in+le"tion or mor@hologi" l @ rsing +or n gglutin ti*e l ngu ge).

TLex Suite User Guide


User Manage!ent
Con&iguring User Logins
The user m n gement system llo$s you to "on+igure user logons +or e "h user th t $ill h *e ""ess to d t : se. The user m n gement system " n :e ""essed *i the =%i"tion ry,User m n gement? menu o@tion. N<: User / n gement " n :e en :led +or :oth st nd lone .tldi"t +iles nd +or net$orked "lient,ser*er )%1C d t : ses H you do not need rel tion l d t : se ser*er to use this +un"tion lity. <hen you +irst en :le user m n gement7 the so+t$ re $ill "re te ne$ =l st modi+ied :y? nd ="re ted :y? ttri:utes in the %T% t entry (=Lemm ?) le*el. )n"e these re @resent7 the so+t$ re $ill kee@ tr "k o+ $ho dded or modi+ied rti"les. Dou " n lso m nu lly "on+igure ttri:utes like this on su:>elements i+ you $ nt the system to kee@ tr "k o+ $ho "re ted or modi+ied su:se"tions o+ entries (e.g. @ rti"ul r senses). Notes: <hen logging on to TLex,tlTerm7 user n mes re not " se>sensiti*e7 :ut @ ss$ords re " se>sensiti*e. N<: %) #)T +orget your logon @ ss$ord(s). -+ you +eel you might +orget7 $rite them do$n nd store them in s +e @l "e. Also m ke sure =C @s Lo"k? is not on $hen entering @ ss$ord.

!eleting UsersC >!elete? %s= >"urge?

-+ you $ nt to remo*e user +rom the system7 :y de+ ult7 i+ you sele"t the =%elete? "omm nd7 the userCs @ro+ile $ill not "tu lly :e remo*ed +rom the system[ r ther7 it $ill merely :e mar1ed s :eing deleted. Ben"e+orth th t user $ill no longer :e :le to log on. The @rim ry re son +or ret ining the user @ro+ile is to :e :le to still dis@l y the in+orm tion in the rti"le history +or $here th t user =l st modi+ied? or ="re ted? rti"les. -t lso llo$s you to @otenti lly undelete the user g in in +uture. -+ you sele"t the =&urge? o@tion7 the user @ro+ile is $ell nd truly deleted +rom the system. -+ you use this o@tion7 then +or ny entries "re ted :y or l st modi+ied :y th t user7 the system $ill no longer kno$ $h t user in+orm tion to dis@l y. This " n not :e undone. To summ rise7 the =%elete? "omm nd " n thus :e seen s "omm nd is =h rd? delete. -t is re"ommended th t you sti"k to using the =%elete? o@tion. =so+t? delete7 $hile the =&urge?

"ri%ileges *ystem
-n the user m n gement di log7 you " n sele"t +or e "h user $h t @ri*ileges they h *e. For ex m@le7 you " n unti"k =0x@ort? to dis llo$ "ert in users +rom :eing :le to ex@ort the d t : se to other +orm ts7 or unti"k =0dit %T%? to @re*ent "ert in mem:ers o+ the te m +rom :eing :le to modi+y

TLex Suite User Guide


the %T% ( s this is something th t should only :e done :y someone $ho kno$s $h t they re doing). 0ield8S:ecific 6ri ileges Dou m y lso @re*ent indi*idu l users +rom :eing :le to edit s@e"i+i" ttri:utes7 using +ield> s@e"i+i" @ri*ileges. These re lso "on+igur :le under =&ri*ileges? in the user m n gement di log.

/onitoring and Tracking "rogress

There re t le st +e$ di++erent $ ys to kee@ tr "k o+ the @rogress o+ indi*idu l users. )ne is to use the =Cre ted :y? or =L st modi+ied :y? +ilters under =Filter (F9)? to re*e l entries "re ted or modi+ied :y @ rti"ul r user or users. This "ould :e "om:ined $ith the =Se r"h (F.)? tool to +urther n rro$ it do$n to @ rti"ul r d te r nges. For ex m@le7 i+ you +ilter on =L st modi+ied :yL % *id?7 nd then se r"h +or =(GGA>G2?7 it $ill sho$ you ll entries modi+ied :y the user % *id in A@ril o+ (GGA. This "ould lso :e t ken do$n to the le*el o+ indi*idu l d ys7 e.g. =(GGA>G2>(9?. See the FAQ (htt@L,,tsh$ ned'e."om,+ q.html) +or more @ossi:ilities. Dou " n use the =Sort 4A? +un"tion under =Form t (F2)? to sort the entries :y the Cl st modi+ied d teC (e.g. =Lemm LL/odi+ied?). This $ill re>index nd re>sort the Lemm List ""ording to the l st modi+ied d te7 sho$ing you ll the ne$est $ork t the :ottom o+ the list. This " n lso o@tion lly :e "om:ined $ith user>s@e"i+i" +ilter7 llo$ing you to see only the ne$est $ork o+ @ rti"ul r user sorted this $ y. User 6rogress Statistics Another tool +or tr "king the @rogress o+ users is the User Statistics tool. This " n :e ""essed *i the =%i"tion ry,User st tisti"s? menu o@tion. This tool dis@l ys "h rts o*er time7 : sed on the =l st> modi+ied? d te o+ entries7 o+ the num:er o+ entries modi+ied on @ rti"ul r d ys H :oth the tot ls7 s $ell s the num:er o+ entries +or s@e"i+i" users. The d te r nge " n lso :e "h nged. A "h rt +rom the User St tisti"s tool is dis@l yed in the s"reenshot :elo$.

Figure (0: A 14,day User Statistics chart for a single user

1 rs $ith grey : "kground denote $eekends.

TLex Suite User Guide


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