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A Sustainable Culture

I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain. John Adams (letter to Abigail Adams, 12th May 1780)

Any civilisation that has the fortitude to persist till date is the only one which gives prospect to its existing generations to reflect about their culture for its preservation and development. The world we are living in is not only a world we inherit from our predecessors but a world we owe to our successive generations. I understand culture hence, as languages, institutions, ideas, customs, codes, beliefs, taboos, tools, techniques, works of art, ceremonies, rituals, and symbols; altogether playing a crucial role in human evolution, that we pass on to the next generation, in order for it to endure and flourish. In the contemporary world, education and culture are much interlinked thereby providing a repertoire of perspectives for the people to reflect upon and eventually come up with ideas that promote peace and sustainable development for the entire global population. I hail from the second most populous nation in the world - India. My motherland is accredited with being the largest democracy, boasting of the most diverse population there is in the entire world. Indian culture has evolved over millennia, starting from the Indus Valley Civilization, through the enlightenment of the Buddha, the teachings of Gandhi, the construction of the marvel called Taj Mahal, festivals like Holi, Diwali, Eid-ul Fitr, Pongal and dance forms like Odissi, Mohiniattam et al taking shape into the neo liberal world that we populate today. A very popular and revered event in Bihar (my home state in India) is a rite called Chhath Puja. It is a 4 days long religious affair, performed with immense devotion and sheer adoration for the two most powerful forces of nature we consider sacrosanct, namely the Sun and the River (Ganges). This pious ritual has been a practise in Bihar for centuries and as one stands witness to this celebrated ritual being performed during the crack of dawn at the banks of the holy river Ganges in its complete glory, the mind ventures to see the objects of worship within the context it has in todays developed and technologically advanced world. For a sustainable world primarily and expeditiously we need sustainable and renewable sources of energy. The Sun is the revolutionary source of Solar Energy. The river water today generates the indispensable Hydro Energy. Therefore, that which has been worshipped for centuries holds true even in todays times. Sun is still worshipped but the means have changed to generation of

solar energy, similarly for river water. Today, with the ever progressing science and technology we can tap such unexplored venues and come up with more solutions to the pressing world problems of environment and sustainability. Its foundational setting, however, lies in the depths of culture imbibed through the length and breadth of a living and growing society. All we need are new eyes to tap the potential of culture that has abundant to offer. In linking an aspect of a tradition observed in my home state, with the present day technology, I further venture to observe the possibilities it offers around me. All around us people have singular cultures and beliefs that they hold close and follow religiously. When we go deep down to traditions that have continued for generations, one stands a chance to discover various truths that they reveal and all of it has immense possibilities to offer. When Buddha preached monism and peace, we understood the essential message of a world culture, of oneness with all irrespective of the pluralities one may witness in the world. That in my opinion is the gift of a well rounded and holistic education that the youth consistently needs in order to bring about and sustain the required peace in the world and a socio-economic-technological development that is not only all inclusive but also heavily influenced and accommodative of the essential culture of us all humanity and global oneness.

Acknowledgement : Images from Google (images) Chatth Puja in Bihar

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