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To Whom It May Concern, Mr. Lynch was my Communications 101 teacher.

As a nontraditional returning student, who had not taken classes or o!er twenty years, I went into the class thinking that I would die "ecause we had to gi!e s#eeches and it would not "e !ery un. $owe!er, "ecause o Mr. Lynch, the class was !ery e%citing, and I got to know a lot o #eo#le. Mr. Lynch made all o the in ormation easy to understand and i we had any &uestions, we elt ree and con ident enough to ask. This class "uilt u# my con idence, and has made it easier or me to talk to and in ront o others. We talked a"out current situations and what was going on in the news and how it related to communications, which was nice "ecause it ke#t me u# to s#eed on what was going on around the world. Mr. Lynch was also !ery hel# ul with our s#eeches and would work with us indi!idually, with the whole class, and o!er e-mail. $e was always a!aila"le and willing to hel#. $e made the class di icult enough to where we learned something and we had to the work and do it right in order to get a good grade, "ut he made sure that we understood e!erything and ga!e us all o the material and ad!ice we would need to do well. I highly recommend Mr. Lynch as a teacher and his charisma will carry o!er to the class and moti!ate them to work hard. 'enni er Malone $enderson (e#artment o 'anuary ), )00*


From: Subject: To:

HARTFIELD, CHARLESTON V Chuchy Hart All course faculty, All course students

I' sorry ! !ssed you "uys on the last day, ho#e$er as a %etro Off!cer I had to #or& a 'rotest so I #as not a(le to a&e !t to school that e$en!n") I really en*oyed eet!n" you all, feel free to "!$e e a call !f you #ould l!&e y nu (er !s +,-./0+.//10) Than&s "uys for all of the cool !nfor at!on that you shared #!th e) And than& you 'rofessor Lynch for all you "a$e to the students, fro the heart) 2ou care)

I landed a job with what I learned. Great teacher but not if you want to be spoon fed the book or if you do not want to learn the subject. I admit to taking two summer courses at once, so the fault not profs. Did talk too much start of term about things but explained.

From: Subject: To:

3E2DO4N, %A2SSA 5 Hello) Lynch, Arthur

Hello 6rofessor) I *ust thou"ht I #ould send you an e a!l, *ust to say that I a $ery ha''y that I #as one of your students, you ha$e ade e real!7e a(out yself, y sourround!n"s, and *ust the #ay of l!fe !s)) you ha$e tau"ht e a lot and I don't 'lan on for"ett!n" any of !t) I *ust #anna say than& you for e$eryth!n") Its not "ood(ye, !ts cya later 89 Sala :that !s "ood(ye and #elco e !n Ara(!c9

A great semester I ha!e enjoyed the class tremendously and I did not dread attending as each "uesday. I was in fear of the class, but he made us relax, learn and grow. I ha!e walked away with

knowledge. I did really enjoy the history that he incorporated in the class.

#rofessor $ynch, %ou&re an excellent teacher. "hanks so much for a great class. %ou are passionate about this subject and it shows in your teaching. I learned a lot about getting a message across to an indi!idual or an audience properly. It takes a lot to do for little pay but you care about your profession and are !ery, !ery good at teaching it. I like that you recogni'ed when students needed a little extra encouragement and inspired the class to get in!ol!ed and help each other out. If anyone were to ask me if they should take your class, I would tell them &Absolutely %() *e is a great teacher & "ake care and good luck,

+ynthia ,c$eod -ederal Bureau of .eclamation, Boulder +ity, /0 +1, 232, )ec 455

0ery friendly man, encourges students to do their greatest, and is !ery knowledgeable on a great deal of subjects. Greatest and best teacher I ha!e had so far. /ot for e!eryone as he uses examples from history, politics and other things. great prof. for shy people who are ner!ous about taking a speech course and those who want to do well in other courses.

From: Subject: To:

SE;4RA, TRAVIS R RE8 Hey) Lynch, Arthur

So far you ha$e (een y ost !nterest!n"<&no#led"ea(le teacher s!nce y start at CSN, one of the fe# teachers I'd actually 'refer to l!sten to o$er (e!n" re=u!red to, then a"a!n that 'ro(a(ly #as your a!n "oal as a co un!cat!ons

Thank you for a great semester! I have enjoyed your class tremendously and I did not dread attending as each Tuesday I have walked away with knowledge of some kind. I did really enjoy the history that you incorporated in the class (guess that means I am getting or am Old). I also have mentioned you to 4 students who need to take ! . One of them works at "ch in the #$ dept she has her %&' and is going "ack for her $'. Our children attend school together. The other few I am good friend with. (o I hope you will have a e)citing class in the fall "ut as you know the spring *oulder +ity class of ,! ! is the "est and for some reason our personalities seem to click. -gain thank you .

./im"erly 0ohnson

,akes you work and think. Also encourages friendships and working together. -un class but strict on A#A, references, presentation. +ares about his students. "ake this teacher

Date: From: GOTZ, KASANDRA To: Lynch, Arthur Subject: hey Hey! Thank you for an awesome com class! Take care kasandra

I really appreciate the "open forum" format of the class, there are allot of experience in a bunch of areas and I enjoy hearing from everyone in the class as well as from the instructor. My phone # is 702-306-0384 -Brent Gordon

Best prof I e!er had. ,ade us work and used real world examples to explain concepts and need for class. Ask +om dept or call pre!ious

students. "ake this prof.

Dear Art, I was doing some research over the weekend and came across your thesis on Screen Actors Guild and the Performers Alliance online. It is very interesting and I enjoyed the historical snapshot of that period of time. Thanks for putting it out there. Best, Rebecca Damon

I have enjoyed everyone's speeches. Everyone's has some interesting things to talk about. The class/instructor humor is great and everyone is trying to have a good time! I am definitely learning a lot.

-Lindsay Petty

From: KAWIN TOWE To: Art Lynch(alynch)

Thank you very much, Dr. Lynch for, being so supportive and helpful for the entire semester. I enjoyed and learned so much both about giving speech and stuff that my classmates presented to the class. Today, a friend asked for my opinion regarding your class. I told her that if she really wanted to learn and ready to put in effort, she wouldn't be disappointed; otherwise, stay away from your class at all costs. I really had an awesome time during the course and I actually felt a little strange when I realized that it was over. Everyone was wonderful and I think you did such a terrific job.

Thanks again, Kawin

Gi!es you a chance to build from your mistakes from your speeches. (!ery speech he re6uires more of what you should be learning, thus the last speech is the toughest. Doesn7t re6uire a bunch of busy work. #uts his effort on speeches not lecture time B8" that means %18 ,8)" be responsable for the book info that is on the mid term and final
Date: 3/16/2010 7:44:11 PM From: BEYDOUN, MAYSSA J To: Lynch, Arthur Subject: RE: .... You are awesome.

%eah, Art is the teacher you want for +1,. %ou will learn, hopefully ha!e fun, and work a bit. If you don&t pass this class you can point the finger at yourself....period. *e keeps it entertaining and is understanding to students needs....he wants to see impro!ement.

Message no. 21090 Author: GORDON GRECO (00040947) Simply thank you for all you do for us!

Message no. 13586 Author: MATTHEW SMITH (00650505) You are a awsome teacher. I really enjoyed this class thanks to you. Hope the best for you! Thanks


You're a great teacher!


I was petrified to do public speaking, but he is so corky and fun that he makes you feel comfortable. *e likes things done his way when it comes to speeches but it is !ery simple. "ake him if your afraid to

gi!e speeches. hes a great teacher

Message no. 13441 Author: EVITA TAN (00639145) Thank you for being understanding and approachable during the whole semester. You always accomodated my questions and inquiries. Merry Christmas, Evita

Great teacher for students who are ner!ous about taking a speech course. *e helps make it easier. (ncourages students to work and ha!e fun in his class, but you still ha!e to study. "ake ,r. $ynch&s class
Message no. 21263 Author: PAMELA HALL (00657036) Date: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 10:30pm Thank you so much for your patience and I think you are a wonderful instructor. It is clear this is a lot to learn in 4 weeks, and you were fabulous at delivering the information in a variety of ways so I feel comfortable quite a bit will stay with me. Thanks again, Pam

High priority Mr. Lynch, I intend to write a strong positive formal letter for you when I am not groggy. I just logged in to see my grade on the Final. I am surprised I did so well but truthfully I did study for days on end. My reason for surprise is not that I did not understand or grasp the materiel but the way my brain functions at this time in my life is a frustrating thing to me. I struggle with short term memory and focus. Perhaps I just got out of the habit on focus but the menopause is too real and in my opinion too invasive into my life. Now that I understand the speech disipline more I am inspired to say things to my friends and co workers that I did not feel confident to do in the past. More later,... Sincerely,

Marilyn Cruson

Great teacher who knows his material. I would ad!ise those who aren&t comfortable in public speaking to take him because he makes it easier for you. "here is work to be done in class and chapters to read that will be explained in the syllabus. Attend class and get in!ol!ed. An simple A if you&re willing to do the work, still a great prof..

Professor Lynch, Thanks so much for a great class. You are passionate about this subject and it shows in your teaching. I learned a lot about getting a message across to an audience properly. I like that you recognized when students needed a little extra encouragement and inspired the class to get involved and help each other out. If anyone were to ask me if they should take your class, I would tell them 'Absolutely YES! He is a great teacher!' Take care and good luck, Cynthia McLeod COM 101, Sec 622

I can and will speak as a reference for Professor Art Lynch at any time. As a senior returning student, I currently work for the college taking notes for students and can be reached through that department. I may also be reached at (zeros not o).

Mr. Lynch youre an awesome professor I love being in your class. You are very knowledgeable and know your stuff. You bring up interesting topics and discussion and make the class room environment fun and good place to learn. During this course you have answered any and every question I have had. And you have done the same for others. - Dustin Osborne Com 101 HN 102

Message no. 13227 Author: ALMA JIMENEZ (00664032) Hi first class. I nervous, you that of all I wanted to thank you I really enjoyed being in your haven't been in school in four years so I was kind off but I have to say it wasn't bad at all. I also wanted to tell I already put to use what I learned in your class, long story

short my husband's boss asked him to make a presentation on why the company should pay for his college and how they would benefit from it. So basically I helped him put together a persuasive speech, we don't know the result yet but he was very impressed. Alma

9orth sticking out. Grades easier than he pretends all term. -riendships form and class can be fun if you stick it out and gi!e it a chance. greaexam teacher so far at +)/ or 8/$0. Don&t let his trying to scare you get to you, it is worth staying to the end of the term and getting a great grade.
Message no. 20858 Author: TRINA ANGELIQUE LOVETT (00555390) Thanks so much! It was fun! Again, thanks for a great class. I use what I've learned literally every day at work. Best-Trixie Lovett

9hat an outstanding class "he people I had class with could not ha!e been better friends...the instructor and the class made this experience incredible, helped in my re:entry into school after 5; years. ,y phone < is =35:>34:3>?@, call me if you e!er need anything, really :Brent Gordon. ,y email is .

Author: MAUREEN POLSTER (00666544) Date: Monday, December 18, 2006 9:12am Thank you very much for a great class and interesting conversation. This class was one of the first ones I have taken since being away from school for many years.

A#A and material in book, on line with help in class. /o spoon feeding. %ou learn your things. )o far doing a B,but really learned from class so far. /ot and simple class. /ot for e!eryone, but worth it. "ake hia class.

From: ROSALIND SUNDEY To: Art Lynch(alynch) I along with allot of students in the class can agree that you are a very good educator, and you are so informative, and outgoing. Like I said, alot of students think you are awesome! Rose

Subject: RE: Final Grade is a Solid A From: HUGH MCPHERSON To: Art Lynch(alynch) What a class!

Sent: July 19, 2008 10:08 PM

I have taken a lot of classes, a lot of them were over 10 years ago and many didn't transfer; I have to say one thing is for sure: you made me think, and I learned something!... I think that is the greatest compliment a Teacher can get! especially from a stubborn old bastard like me. You Rock! ( I think thats still a good thing, LOL)

Sent: December 9, 2008 4:32 PM From: ZACHARY MARSH To: Art Lynch(alynch)

I enjoyed the class, all the students and your teaching sir. Have fun in the future and if you have any questions or there is anything I might be able to do for you my department e mail is contact me any time.. Homeland Security Officer, Clark County Sheriffs Office/ LVMPD

From: Subject: Great class/great radio show/taxi Date: July 8, 2007 12:46:24 PM PDT To: Thanks again ,you were right I am sooooo glad I had you as a mentor for Com 101. Everything you wrote the first day on WebCT did come true! Please note the new address after 14 years. Because of your class, I am turning into a tech geek and even ventured into high speed internet. I was able to feed 2 birds with that one slice of bread.

Kindest regards, Gordie

Sent: December 10, 2008 12:58 PM From: KATHY WILSON To: Art Lynch(alynch) Thank you Professor Lynch! I had a great time in your class and I learned a lot from you! I was very nervous to begin and terrified of this class, but it turned out to be my favorite. I think you deserve all the credit for it! You are a great teacher and you are patient with those that need a little extra instruction. Thank you again for a wonderful experience! Kathy Wilson

December 9, 2008 2:39 PM From: JEZAMAY AREVALO To: Art Lynch(alynch) You are a very challenging prof. in a good way... I command you for that... and another thing, you were fair in the way you treated us in the classroom. I learned a lot from you.. :-)

Message no. 21680 Author: IVAN BANNAN (00622274) Date: Monday, July 30, 2007 7:39am Professor Lynch, Thanks for having me in your class. Honestly,.. compared to most of the pre-requisite classes that I have taken for Nursing, and other classes that I have taken at USC, I find that communications 101 is useful and applicable, to real situations. Thanks, it was a very enjoyable experience. -Ivan B.

Sent: December 4, 2008 10:48 PM From: JEZAMAY AREVALO To: Art Lynch(alynch)

It was a pleasure being your student Mr. Art... :-) We will miss you for sure...

Message no. 13438 Author: SYLVIA ROSE (00568603) Date: Friday, December 15, 2006 5:08pm Dear Art; Thank you for your help in my first semester in college at the age of 50. You have been a great help in educating me through your Communication 101 class. Keep up the good work! Also, if you have any additional comments as to how I may improve my experience through-out my college experience I would greatly appreciate it. When One Teaches-Two Learn Sylvia Rose

Sent: July 17, 2008 From: JERRIE HAGEN To: Art Lynch(alynch)

7:07 PM

I sure will tell everyone I meet to take your class. i really enjoyed it and i feel i learned a whole lot to bad you do not teach other fields. i do hope your job is not one that is cut because this class was the best class i've taken so far. Jerrie

Sent: December 14, 2008 12:36 PM From: JEZAMAY AREVALO To: Art Lynch(alynch)

I've learned a lot from this course. Now I can speak myself out in front of the people. This is one of many things I've learned from this class. Thank you for being too challenging! (in a good way). :-)

Sent: December 9, 2008 6:57 PM From: MICHAEL GARAVITO To: Art Lynch(alynch) I am very glad that you are a fair grader and I had a good experience in your class I really enjoyed it and the people that were in it ... Thank you, Tony Garavito

Sent: May 15, 2008 10:00 AM From: JENNIFER WEBBER To: Art Lynch I just wanted to say thank you for an awesome semester. I couldnt have asked for anything more for my first semester at college. I had a blast and I learned. Thanks. Have a good one. Jennifer Webber

Sent: December 10, 2008 2:43 PM From: SOLEIL NICOLE CRUZ To: Art Lynch(alynch) Hey Art, Just let you know, it was a fun and awesome semester. Especially with the everyday political, non-political and economic random facts discussion, it is pretty enlightening. I don't exactly view the world in the same perspective anymore, thanks to you (lol). :o) Sincerely, Soleil Nicole S. Cruz "Bi.2" HN110 Com 101 Fall 2008

Sent: July 24, 2008 10:06 PM From: ASHLEY BEARD To: Art Lynch(alynch) Thanks, class was great!!!

Subject: RE: Grades and References From: ANNA MIRASOL To: Art Lynch(alynch)

Sent: July 17, 2008 7:14 PM

I just wanted to tell you that I had a great time in your class. You made it fun and interesting. Never a dull moment especially with all the crazy people in the class. I've learned a lot and I do hope that one day I will overcome my fear of public speaking. Good luck and God bless. Thank you,


From: Subject: Hello Professor Lynch Date: April 5, 2008 12:18:14 PM PDT To: Cc:

Art, Well less than 1 year after "the best class I have ever taken" I have the opportunity to make a Speech of Acceptance. I still enjoy your weekly Sunday voice on the radio, Thanks for what you do. Kindest regards, Gordie

Subject: Amanda Stanek From: AMANDA STANEK To: Art Lynch(alynch) Hi Professor Lynch,

Sent: May 7, 2008 9:35 PM

I wanted to take this opportunity to say, "Thank you" again! It was a pleasure taking your class; I enjoyed the open communication you allowed all of us to partake in. However, I do not see myself taking another COM class - it has nothing to do with you or your teaching skills. LOL Good luck with your doctorate program; I wish you the best in all your endeavors. Sincerely, Amanda Stanek

TRANG NGUYEN (00680482) Date: Friday, December 14, 2007 5:36pm I just wanted to Thank you for having me as a student and by far this was one of the coolest class with great fellow students as well. Thank you for making it easy on us!!!!

Message no. 32148

Author: CHELSEA DOI (00700419) Date: Friday, December 14, 2007 6:51pm =) i'll A C T U A L L Y miss going to class =( take care and thanks for everything ... CHELSEA

Message no. 31948 Author: JEANETTA PITTENGER (00140888) Date: Friday, December 14, 2007 6:01am Being around others who are younger than you can sometimes help young ones, if they choose to take the advise...but being in your class made me realize that conversations with others can go along way if you allow them too. Merry Christmas to you and your family

Message no. 31914 Author: KARA STEIN (00624839) Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2007 10:59pm Thank you so much! I enjoyed your class and learned a lot. I looked forward to class and felt like I continued to exceed. I think you are a wonderful teacher and I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Holiday! Thanks again for a great semester Kara

April 6, 2007 Hey Art, I took your class in January and I promised that I'd update you when my baby was born. I was the pregnant woman that looked like I'd pop any time. Well, Nicholas was due March 13th, but came two weeks early. He was born February 28th at 10:10pm. He was 7 pounds, 5 ounces and 19 inches long. He has a full head of dark brown hair and blue/grey eyes. Sorry I didn't e-mail sooner, but things have been crazy as is to be expected with a new baby. I hope you and your wife are doing well. Again I want to let you know that I really enjoyed taking your class

and still use what we learned in my everyday life. I believe your class really helped me as both a communicator and a listener. Thanks! ~Caroline Cannon (I know this e-mail will say it was sent by Caroline Fadely.....that's my maiden name and I can't figure out how to change it on Yahoo.)

Author: DOUHA CONRAD (00598023) Date: Thursday, May 10, 2007 5:34pm You are fast at giving grades Mr. Art. I'm happy i got a B i wanted an A but it okay that means i really blew it on the final test. Thank you for everything. I enjoyed your class and learned a lot too. You have been a great teacher,you were always there for help. I appreciate your patient with me and have a great summer!!!!!! Im off home to Lebanon for three months, then back to CCSN. Are you teaching any other courses this fall? Your favorite students Douha :-)

Message no. 13439 Author: EDWIN WEIR (00430866) Date: Friday, December 15, 2006 6:35pm Hello I am glad that I did "stick it out." This class has been one of the more rewarding classes that I have taken at CCSN. Do you have any advise on what I can do to continue to improve my public speaking skills? Thanks Ed Weir

From: Date: August 16, 2007 12:14:41 AM PDT To: I have been fortunate, I have had alot of very good professors, such as yourself that have given me the opportunity to be successful.

Message no. 13587 Author: MONICA VALLEJO (00457011) Date: Sunday, December 17, 2006 6:07pm I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed the class even though I was frightened of doing the speeches! It was fun! Happy Holidays, Monica

Author: SHANITA WILLIS (00660342) Date: Friday, December 15, 2006 3:54pm

Professor Lynch, i loved your class and i will totally miss it. it was my first semester and your class helped it go by easier. I think we had a wicked class and i am glad to have met everyone i came across even if we didnt speak that often. I too will miss this class. Thank you Shanita

Message no. 13434 Author: KRISTINE AQUINO (00658562) Date: Friday, December 15, 2006 1:28pm I would just like to thank you. I had a great time in that class and learned so much from it. Thanks a lot I appreciate it.

Message no. 21674 Author: WAYNETTE YOUNG (00077203) Date: Thursday, July 26, 2007 8:11pm I have enjoyed to going to school after a long time off and truly it is classes like this that make it enjoyable. Thanks again. Waynette Young

Author: JESSICA LOCO (00669944) Date: Friday, May 11, 2007 7:44pm I did for sure leave this course better off than when I started, thank you. -Jess

Sent: December 9, 2008 3:04 PM From: YURI SEO To: Art Lynch(alynch) I was scared that I might not pass the class. Thank you for giving me chance for my last speech. I learned allot from this class. I hope you have a great holidays~~~=)

Message no. 636 Author: JILLIAN CROCKER (00567802) Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 1:27pm I told myself that I wasn't going to get all weepy and emotional, *sniff sniff*... lol, but seriously, I want to thank everyone online and from my actual class for a wonderful semester. Having WebCt has

been a great asset to the course and allowed many of us to correspond even though we weren't in the same section. I have really enjoyed the feedback and the study groups... I'm actually going to miss this class!! Thank you Mr. Lynch for all you gave us and core careing. Good luck to everyone in your future endevours (sorry, I can't spell) & have a safe & happy holidays!!! Jillian

Author: MILDRED DELACRUZ (00626339) Date: Friday, December 15, 2006 7:48pm thank you very much Mr. Lynch.. i really appriciate what you've done for me... i really enjoyed your class, it was a pleasure to have you as my professor. thank you again..

. Message no. 13612 Author: KRYSTALLINE DROWNS (00531639) Date: Saturday, December 23, 2006 8:11am Thank you for a great class. See ya around Boulder City.

Message no. 13602 Author: MALYSSA CASTRO (00647619) Date: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 1:52pm I just wanted to Thank you again for a great semester. Happy Holidays! Sincerly, Malyssa Castro

Message no. 13585 Author: BRANDI GILSTRAP (00660962) Date: Sunday, December 17, 2006 1:16pm Thanks you so much! I really enjoed this semester. Brandi

Message no. 13456 Author: FRANCIS VERASAMMY (00668528) Date: Saturday, December 16, 2006 3:15pm I really enjoyed your class this year. I learned a lot about myself and the class helped me not only in getting a required class but helping me to improve as a student. Thank you Aaron

Message no. 20862 Author: AIMEE DOUANGPRACHANH (00607251) Date: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 10:55am Thank you! It was an interesting start for my first semester in college. Very entertaining. Thank you again.

Message no. 13453 Author: LARISA GLICK (00604444) Date: Saturday, December 16, 2006 1:56pm I wanted to thank you for a great class, Thank you. Larisa Glick Message no. 13234 Author: ERICA WEBSTER (00653867) Date: Thursday, December 14, 2006 12:40pm Thank you so much and have a great Christmas! Sincerely, Erica Webster

Message no. 13231 Author: SHARON HAEHNEL (00655223) Date: Thursday, December 14, 2006 1:04am Dear Mr. Lynch, Thanks for a great semester. Sharon Haehnel Message no. 13229 Author: LEAH GARRETT (00572141) Date: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:17pm This class was fun i will be sure to take a class with you in the future.

Message no. 13433 Author: JILLIAN CROCKER (00567802) Date: Friday, December 15, 2006 12:42pm Thanks Art, You're class was great & I wish I could take 102 in the Spring, but you're teaching it at a bad time for me. Please take care & enjoy the pics of Xavier that should be on their way to your email soon!! Thank you again,


Message no. 13589 Author: KRISTINE AQUINO (00658562) Date: Sunday, December 17, 2006 10:48pm Have a wonderful Christmas and New Years and maybe I'll see you around next year. Again, you're class was a blast. Thank you!

Message no. 13442 Author: HALEY MYERS (00621267) Date: Friday, December 15, 2006 7:47pm This is HAley Myers again. I just forgot to give you my e-mail in the last note. It is Thanks again.

Message no. 13611 Author: ALEXANDRIA WILLIAMS (00444731) Date: Friday, December 22, 2006 1:40pm It was a pleasure. Hopefully I will see you on campus next semester. Take Care Alex

Author: BEAU BOATMAN (00615490) Date: Friday, May 11, 2007 4:59pm thanks alot for having me in your class it was a pleasure also thanks for helping me with communications I really learned alot. I apreciate it. take care and have a nice summer. beau Message no. 17912 Author: FRANCISE WILLIAMS (00636467) Date: Wednesday, April 4, 2007 7:03pm I think i will take your class in the fall...............that sounds great. But when i take your class i may need help. If you can gave me good information on who to do my speeches and note taking because i really want to do good in your class....MR. Lynch i would love to thank you and LaruRA SO VERY MUCH YOU GUYS ARE HELPINH ME SO MUCH ,,,,THANK YOU. bless your hearts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you both are angles.

Author: AUGUSTO MARROQUIN (00513418) Date: Friday, May 11, 2007 11:32am

Thanks Mr. Lynch I really enjoyed your class

Author: RUSTIN PARK (00636406) Date: Friday, May 11, 2007 10:26am Well, my number one goal is to get into the Nursing program at UNLV. The number two goal is to graduate with honors. The nursing program requires me to have high grades in certain biology classes while just getting at least a B in other disciplines. For some reason, I didn't realize our class was a +/- grade class. Because of that, I just Focused on making my Microbiology class a B+ instead of a B. I know it seems like I really dropped the ball but I scored a 98.2% on my Microbiology final, pushing my grade up from a B to a B+. A good friend of mine mentioned something to me. He mentioned how many Korean families tend to teach their kids that life was a ladder. You have to keep climbing. Once you get to the top, everything will come-marriage, career, education, and success. Life however is not like that ladder. It's like a balance. If you try to put everything on one side, then the other side will completely fall apart. Also, if that one thing you depend in life on falls apart, you have absolutely nothing--quite similar to that whole "all your eggs in one basket." In other words, balance is key. That's what I thought about when I realized after speaking to a Nursing counselor at UNLV. She said to focus on my Biology classes, not having Honors. It stinks because a lot of the reasons I took courses was to learn a lot, not just because they were required. Now I feel as though I am pushed to focus more on certain areas more than others (microbiology, chemistry, etc.). I'm waiting to find out how I did in my Macroeconomics class. I'm wondering if I Dropped the ball in there too. -.-; On another note, we always remember that the more difficult the path is, the more you'll be happy when you reach your destination. It seems like you have a lot going on in your life but at the same time, I know for strong people like us, we always find ways to persevere. Whether it's true or not, always tell yourself "if you tried your best, you'd be the best." You're going to do great and when people see your name, "Art Lynch", they will think of the many accomplishments you've made. Regardless of what my stupid counselor said, when people will judge me, I know they will not remember an A in 4-5 of my classes, rather they'll remember the C I got a couple years ago in my Pizza Dough Roughing class. We always have to do our best to be balanced (the C is representation of the one mistakes I make in life, not the literal C). This lady is obviously messing with my balance! Thanks for your nice words. I've been fortunate to have a lot of successful people say kind words to me and constantly encouraging me towards success. If it wasn't for those people, I know I wouldn't be so strong.

Date: Friday, May 11, 2007 12:04pm COM 101 WC806

Such a relief the semester is over. Now find myself with free time and little idea of where to spend it. Summer school is a bust, the classes I need, full. I had enrolled in the class in Spain through June. Not enough people singed up so the class was canceled, but only after we purchased airfare. So now we're stuck going to Europe for a month without any particular place to be. Should be some summer. Good way to wind down after the semester. Speaking of semesters, it was good working with you. Tough but good. An afterthought, I should have signed the picture of Amy Tan signing the playbill. If you want that signature, drop me a line, anytime. Thanks, and don't let the Microsoft getcha down. Your's truly, Joshua Musicant 5017 Wild Buffalo Ave. Las Vegas, NV, 89131-3662 (702) 379-1522

Message no. 21267 Author: LARA MCGOLDRICK (00662824) Date: Thursday, June 28, 2007 4:05pm I really enjoyed this class. I'm sad that it is over, and relieved that we made it through. Thanks so much Professor Lynch for everything.

Message no. 21290 Author: MATTHEW ISAKI (00689971) Thanx for a great semester, maybe I'll bump into you at the Cheyenne campus. Thanks for helping me THINK!

Message no. 21289 Author: MARCELL BRANCH (00697933) Thank you very much. i hope you no how much this mean's to me thank ..... Amen..

Message no. 21288 Author: GREGORY DONOHUE (00691443) Date: Thursday, June 28, 2007 7:40pm Thank you for the fun semester. I learned more than I ever thought I would. My email is if you'd like to contact me in the future.

Message no. 21291 Author: GORDON GRECO (00040947) Date: Friday, June 29, 2007 7:17am Thank you sir,I came a very long way indeed, can feel the growth,may have been the best thing that I ever chose to do (sticking with it after week 2 turned out to be uneqivally the best). Thanks again. I will be listening on Sundays.

Warmest regards, G2

Message no. 877 Author: SENEQUA MALONE (00578531) Hi- I only wanted to wish everybody "good luck" on their finals. It's our last day of class. I enjoyed each and everyone of you. I wish you all the very best with your degrees. Hopefully, we meet again in the future, and enjoy the rest of your summer!

Best wishes, Michelle M. A special thanks to Mr. Lynch for being an "excellent" instructor-Thank you!!

Message no. 21675 Author: ANGELA BAY (00626527) Date: Thursday, July 26, 2007 10:03pm Thank You!!

Message no. 22589 Author: ANGELA PITT (00434963) Date: Saturday, September 22, 2007 5:12pm Hi Art, I have totally enjoyed the 4 weeks in your class, and it has helped tremendously in my realizing that I can even TAKE this class (just signing up was terrifying :) due to my absolute paranoia of public speaking. It boils down to a time crunch, and biting off more than I can deal with. You are a great instructor, and have truly inspired me to keep up with current affairs, AND to have an opinion. I hope to sign up for your class again, but not sure when. taking precalculus and evolutionary biology this semester. I am still

Please remove my name from the 9/26 (Wednesday, 09:30am class) #2 slot, for the demo speech.

Happy autumn, and thanks again, Angela Pitt, RN BSN

I would just like to say that I have enjoyed this class very much. I started out this term taking this class only because it was a requirement. However, my views have changed since then and now I look forward to coming to class. I have made friends with several people in the class and I think that the group of students as a whole have great chemistry. I really appreciate your availability on WebCT for help. I especially found this helpful for my informative speech and I just want to thank you for all of your help. This has been a wonderful experience for me and I do feel that I have improved my public speaking skills because of this course. Thanks for everything, Caitlin Saladino

Message no. 31946 Author: INI O'DONG (00458423) Date: Thursday, December 13, 2007 9:48pm thank you! it was great being your student.

Message no. 31951 Author: PAMELA MANN (00275894) Date: Friday, December 14, 2007 9:34am Thank you Mr. Lynch for such an awesome class. You made it fun and interesting. luck with you paper today and happy holidays to you and your family. Pamela Mann Colburn Good

Message no. 32168 Author: NICOLE MOSEMAN (00656952) Date: Monday, December 17, 2007 11:19pm thanks for a great semester. enjoy your holiday!!- hopefully i'll see you around campus next sesmester!

Subject: RE: Final Grade CFrom: ROSALIND SUNDEY To: Art Lynch(alynch)

Sent: July 18, 2008 2:39 PM

Oh my gosh.. I can't stop crying.. happy tears though. Mom and I are celebrating! :) You really are a great teacher, and not just because you worked with my

grade, I mean all around, a very great professor. Thank you so. I know I can do better, I know I can, and if I ever have you as my teach again, i'll prove it. :) Maybe you'll see me perform a solo at a Boulder City event sometime or something. :) Thank you Mr. Lynch! Tears of joy on this end of the pc. I'll let you know if I get back into the Park service!It takes some processing time because its government, but I just need to turn grades into them, once i get my psy. 101 grade, then I'll know. :) You're the best! I'll keep in touch! OF COURSE! us boulder citizens have to stick together! haha Thanks for EVERYTHING, you're great, ROSE

From: Subject: To:

;ORDON, 3RENT 5 co un!cat!on 0,0))))

All course faculty, All course students

>hat an a#eso e class? The 'eo'le I had class #!th could not ha$e (een (etter fr!ends)))the !nstructor and the class ade th!s e@'er!ence !ncred!(le, I than& each and e$ery one of you for your !n'ut and 'art!c!'at!on, th!s hel'ed e ! ensely !n y re.entry !nto school after -A years than&s to all of you? %y 'hone B !s +,-.C,D.,C1E, call e !f you e$er need anyth!n", really? %y e a!l !s (rent*"ordonFyahoo)co )))I encoura"e you all to stay !n touch? I cons!der you all y fr!ends and a''rec!ate you all)

Art $ynch is and always has been a professional. I ha!e known him personally for o!er 5; years. In that time he has been a successful marketer, a steadfast supporter of the arts, particularly theater and motion picture arts, an educator, and an announcer. It has been said of great men that when you speak to them you lea!e feeling that you were the only two people in the room. Art shares some of those talents. -riends and associates great and small can count on his loyalty, and his willingness to

work hard on those things that he has committed himself to. If your project re6uires an honest assessment of it&s strengths and it&s weaknesses, Art $ynch is someone you want on your team. ,ichael +hamberlain B@3@C >D@:?225
Art Lynch
Media Buyer Art is an extremely talented individual in all of the arts. He is an excellent on air talent, and has a full knowledge of the communications industry. He is fully qualified to teach in any of these areas. DeAnne Sheehan April 22, 2010 Top qualities: Personable, High ntegrity, !reative
DeAnne hired Art in "##$, and hired him%her more than once. 23 people have recommended Art &

Art Lynch
self-employed at Self employed consultant would highly recommend Art 'ynch, he is de(endable, reliable, ca(able, and (leasant to work with. January 27, 2009
DeAnne )Account *xecutive at 'otus +roadcasting, worked with Art at Self em(loyed consultant. 23 people have recommended Art &

Art Lynch
Instructor / onsultant / !"ner at reati#e ommunication/ olle$e of Southern %e#ada have worked with Art over the (ast "- years in the advertising and radio business. Art has always been creative, de(endable, and easy to work with. would highly recommend him. DeAnne Sheehan May 21, 2008
DeAnne )Account *xecutive at 'otus +roadcasting, was with another com(any when working with Art at !reative !ommunication% !ollege of Southern /evada.

From: Joshua Musicant [] Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 10:15 AM To: Lynch, Art Subject: RE: Art Lynch- COM 101 teacher Hi Mr. Lynch!,

Great to hear from you! Your new website is looking good.

Thanks for checking up on me! Everything is beyond great, and it just keeps getting better. A general update: I transferred to UNLV in Fall of 2008 and decided to double major in English and Psychology. I expect to graduate with my Bachelor's in Psychology at the end of Summer 2010, and with my Bachelor's in English in the Spring of 2011.

Meanwhile, I joined Dr. Kim Barchard's Emotional Intelligence psychology lab as a Research Assistant this semester to get some research experience in the direction of graduate studies in Psychology. As to which direction in Psychology, I am still unsure. Probably Clinical, perhaps Educational, but I just wish Extra-Sensory Perception had more credibility (I loved that movie Vibes with Cyndi Lauper and Jeff Goldblum!). Anyway, I would definitely appreciate a letter of

recommendation. I think I will be applying to graduate schools by the end of this year for Fall 2011, but I'm still sorting out the details. Is it OK if I take a rain-check for now and get back with you in the very near future?

I'll keep in touch and let you know when I have my own website up (hopefully sooner than later).

Thanks again!

Joshua Musicant

5/19/10 COM101
Good Quality
Easiness3 Helpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest2

A great semester! I have e !oyed the "lass treme dously a d I did ot dread atte di g as ea"h #uesday$ I %as i &ear o& the "lass' (ut he made us rela)' lear a d gro%$ I have %al*ed a%ay %ith * o%ledge$ I did really e !oy the history that he i "or+orated i the "lass $

,lag this rati g

5/10/10 COM101
Good Quality
Easiness5 HelpfulnessClarityRater Interest2

.orth sti"*i g out$ Grades easier tha he +rete ds all term$ ,rie dshi+s &orm a d "lass "a (e &u i& you sti"* it out a d give it a "ha "e$ /est tea"her so &ar at C01 or 2134$ 5o 6t let his tryi g to s"are you get to you' it is %orth stayi g to the e d o& the term a d getti g a good grade$

,lag this rati g

5/-/10 COM101
Good Quality
Easiness5 Helpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest5

.hat a a%esome "lass! ! My email is (re t!gordo 7yahoo$"om $

,lag this rati g

-/18/10 COM101
Good Quality
EasinessHelpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest-

Good tea"her &or stude ts %ho are ervous a(out ta*i g a s+ee"h "ourse$ 9e hel+s ma*e it easier$ : "ourages stude ts to %or* a d have &u i his "lass$ Gives all the test a s%ers i adva "e' (ut you still have to study$ #a*e Mr$ 3y "h6s "lass!

,lag this rati g

-/10/10 COM101
Good Quality
Easiness2 Helpfulness5 ClarityRater Interest2

;ro& +osted this li * o his (log$ 0a% a gry +ost so I thought I %ould add he ma*es you %or* a d %ill meet %ith you to hel+$ A;A a d material i (oo*' o li e %ith hel+ i "lass$ 1o s+oo &eedi g$ <ou lear your stu&&$ 0o &ar doi g a /'(ut really lear ed &rom "lass so &ar$ 1ot a d easy "lass$ 1ot &or everyo e' (ut %orth it$ #a*e hia "lass$

3/2-/10 COM101
Good Quality
EasinessHelpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest-

Ma*es you %or* a d thi *$ Also e "ourages &rie dshi+s a d %or*i g together$ ,u "lass (ut stri"t o A;A' re&ere "es' +rese tatio $ Cares a(out his stude ts$ #a*e this tea"her!

,lag this rati g

3/18/10 COM101
Good Quality
Easiness3 Helpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest-

.hat a a%esome "lass! #he +eo+le I had "lass %ith "ould ot have (ee (etter &rie ds$$$the i stru"tor a d the "lass made this e)+erie "e i "redi(le' hel+ed i my re=e try i to s"hool a&ter 25 years$ My +ho e > is 802=30?=03@-' "all me i& you ever eed a ythi g' really! =/re t Gordo

,lag this rati g

3/10/10 COM101
Good Quality
Easiness3 Helpfulness5 ClarityRater Interest-

/est +ro& I ever had$ Made us %or* a d used real %orld e)am+les to e)+lai "o "e+ts a d eed &or "lass$ ,rie d loo*i g u+ +ro&s told me o& a gry "omme ts$ 0omeo e has a) to gri d$ Ig ore them$ As* Com de+t or "all +revious stude ts$ #a*e this +ro&$

,lag this rati g

3/5/10 COM101
Good Quality
Easiness2 Helpfulness5 ClarityRater Interest2

I %e t i to the "lass thi *i g that I %ould die' (ut "lass %as very e)"iti g$ 9e made the i &ormatio easy to u dersta d a d i& %e had a y Auestio s' %e &elt &ree a d "o &ide t e ough to as*$ 9e %ould %or* %ith us i dividually$ 9e gave us the material a d advi"e %e %ould eed to do %ell$=Be i&er Malo e = 9e derso 5e+artme t o& .ater 12/19/09 COM101

Good Quality
EasinessHelpfulness5 ClarityRater Interest3

/e&ore ta*i g the Comm 101 "lass taught (y Art 3y "h' I %as a shy a d i troverted +erso u less I * e% +eo+le very %ell$ I have ta*e several %or*sho+s &or s"ree a d stage i 1e% <or*' Atla ta' a d 3as 4egas' (ut "ould ot over"ome my stage &right$ :ve tually I le&t these

+ursuits$ ICll admit that i& this "lass %as Ct reAuired &or my degree'

11/2-/09 COM101
Good Quality
EasinessHelpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest5

3oved him! 3ear ed to love "lass! Great tea"her!

,lag this rati g

10/2@/09 COM101
Good Quality
Easiness5 Helpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest5

Great %ay to lea stu&& you eed to do (etter i "ollege$ 0old me o "ommu i"atio as a ma!or Dor mi orE$ 9el+ed stude ts i dividually a d +rovided "riti"ism %ith +ositive rei &or"eme t$ #oo (ad C01 "ut its (udget so dee+' he should (e tea"hi g more "lasses$

,lag this rati g

9/2-/09 "om101
Good Quality
EasinessHelpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest-

Great "lass! 9e "ares a(out his stude ts a d hel+s us o e o o e$ 3arge "lass at C01 is +ro(lem' (ut he still ma*es it &eel +erso al a d &u ! 9ighly re"omme d ;ro&essor 3y "h as a GF:A# tea"her!

,lag this rati g

9/23/09 Com101
Good Quality
EasinessHelpfulness5 ClarityRater Interest2

Mr$ 3y "h %as my Commu i"atio s 101 tea"her$ As a o =traditio al retur i g stude t' %ho had ot ta*e "lasses &or over t%e ty years' I %e t i to the "lass thi *i g that I %ould die (e"ause %e had to give s+ee"hes a d it %ould ot (e very &u $ 9o%ever' (e"ause o& Mr$ 3y "h' the "lass %as very e)"iti g' a d I got to * o% a lot o& +eo+le$ Mr$ 3y "h m

,lag this rati g

9/@/09 "om101
Good Quality
Easiness3 HelpfulnessClarity3 Rater Interest2

9e %as +retty "ool! ;retty laid (a"*! /ut do 6t e)+e"t to do othi g a d get a%ay %ith it$ Must read (oo* a d %or* hard i order to +ass the "lass$ Atte da "e is Ma datory

,lag this rati g

@/5/09 Com101
Average Quality
EasinessHelpfulness2 Clarity3 Rater Interest-

Class %as some%hat easy$ 0ometimes he did 6t ma*e se se$ #he te)t(oo* is ma datory' it is seriously goi g to (e your %orld &or the e tire "lass$ Overall i& you %or* hard a d study you %ill do %ell' he is a &airly laid (a"* tea"her' (ut do 6t ma*e him mad a d sho% u+ &or all s+ee"hes or e)+e"t a 0 o the assig me t!!!!

,lag this rati g

8/31/09 COM101
Good Quality
EasinessHelpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest2

Great #ea"her$ 9e made sure that %e u derstood everythi g a d gave us all o& the material a d advi"e %e %ould eed to do %ell$ I highly re"omme d Mr$ 3y "h as a tea"her a d his "harisma %ill "arry over to the "lass$ Class (uilt my "o &ide "e$ Mr$ 3y "h %as also very hel+&ul %ith our s+ee"hes a d %ould %or* %ith us i dividually' %ith the %hole "lass

,lag this rati g

8/18/09 "om101
Good Quality
EasinessHelpfulness5 ClarityRater Interest1

Great tea"her %ho is +assio ate a(out this su(!e"t$ Fe"og iGes %he a stude t eeds e)tra e "ourageme t a d gives guida "e$ A(solutely ta*e a y "ommu i"atio s "lass %ith ;ro&essor 3y "h!

,lag this rati g Fegistered 2ser

8/13/09 "om101
Good Quality
Easiness5 Helpfulness5 ClarityRater Interest1

;ro$ 3y "h is a outsta di g +ro&essor' o e o& the (est at this "ollege$ 9e ta*es the time to e)+lai "om+le) ideas a d is %illi g to %or* %ith you o e o o e i& you eed it$ #he te)t (oo* used %as terri(le (ut this is the last "lass that %ill (e usi g it$ I highly re"omme d you ta*e #9I0 CO2F0: %ith #9I0 ;FO,:00OF$

,lag this rati g Fegistered 2ser

?/2?/09 COM101
Good Quality

Clarity5 Rater Interest2

3ear a lot a d ho% to use it$ ,u "lass (ut lots o& %or* reAuired$ Made &rie ds$ ,i al grade (etter tha he leads you to (elieve$ Fe"omme d Mr$ 3y "h

,lag this rati g

5/29/09 "om101
Good Quality
Easiness3 HelpfulnessClarity3 Rater Interest-

+ro ly "h %as a easy goi g tea"her though he %as tryi g to (e tough o s+ee"hes a d AuiGes (ut he ever su""eeded$ 9e %ill thro% out some terms o "e i a %hile a d you %ill have o idea %hat he6s tal*i g a(out$ (ut he %ill mostly give out the a s%er &or the tests$ !ust revie% the AuiGes$ a&terall' he6s a &u tea"her to ta*e$

,lag this rati g

5/25/09 COM101
Good Quality
EasinessHelpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest-

/est +ro&essor i &our years o& "ollege$ 3i*e him a d re"omme d him$

,lag this rati g

5/22/09 COM101
Good Quality
EasinessHelpfulness5 ClarityRater Interest2

Cares a(out us a d our su""ess i "lass a d li&e$ 3ots o& %or* i s+ee"hes a d dis"ussio $ Gives a s%ers to e)ams i adva "e$ 3ots o& &rie ds &rom "lass$ /est tea"her so &ar i "ollege$

,lag this rati g

5/19/09 COM101
Good Quality
Easiness2 Helpfulness5 ClarityRater Interest1

:)"elle t tea"her ma*es "lass e !oya(le a d a++li"atio o& material re%ardi g$ 5i&&i"ult 0"a tro e)ams a d "riteria &or s+ee"h grades gets hard to%ard e d o& term' (ut gradi g a++ears li(eral$ Class (e"ame &rie ds (y e d o& term$:)+e"t +oliti"s a d history as e)am+les' too o&te !

,lag this rati g

3/?/09 COM101
Good Quality

Helpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest5

Great #ea"her! 0eems hard (ut i the e d mostly A6s$ 5is"ussio heavy' %ith ma datory s+ee"hes a d outli es$ A++lies "lass o& our &uture' +oliti"s' history' i "ome a d other "lasses$ I have used %hat he taught me to la d !o(s$ 9ighly re"omme d Art 3y "h$

,lag this rati g

11/19/0@ COM101
Good Quality
Easiness3 Helpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest3

;ro&essor 3y "h is a great tea"her! 9e is very hel+&ul a d %ill %or* %ith you o your s+ee"hes i& you have a y Auestio s$ I thought I %as goi g to hate the "lass (e"ause I do 6t li*e +u(li" s+ea*i g (ut he *e+t "lass &u a d i teresti g$ 9e is my &avorite +ro&essor to date' a d my &avorite "lass! #a*e him i& you have the "ha "e$

,lag this rati g

12/13/08 "omm1011
Good Quality
Easiness2 Helpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest3

0im+ly the (est I ever had!

,lag this rati g

12/5/08 "om101
Good Quality
Easiness5 Helpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest3

a%some tea"her$$ so easy to +ass his "lass

,lag this rati g

11/1-/08 "omm101
Good Quality
EasinessHelpfulness5 ClarityRater Interest3

:)"elle t tea"her$ very i tera"tive$

,lag this rati g

11/@/08 "omm101
Good Quality
EasinessHelpfulnessClarityRater Interest-

#his is a very &u "lass$ <ou %ill do %ell i& you ta*e otes duri g le"ture a d read %hat he as*s o& you$ I highly re"omme d this "lass to a yo e "o sideri g

,lag this rati g

1/8/08 COM101
Good Quality
EasinessHelpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest5

,u ' 2se&ul I &o' 3iste s

,lag this rati g

?/13/08 "omm101
Good Quality
EasinessHelpfulnessClarity5 Rater Interest3

he is a great tea"her$ al%ays i teresti g ever (ori g$ i& you are goi g to ta*e "ommu i"atio s ta*e his "lass$

,lag this rati g

5/2-/08 COM102
Good Quality
EasinessHelpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest1

#a*e home tests H &i al' all are le ghty' (ut o ly hard i& you did 6t read the te)t (e&ore ha d$ O+i io (ased Auestio s' so !ust a++ly "o "e+ts &rom (oo* I atte d "lass J easy A$ :very day %as &u a d most stude ts stayed a&ter "lass to tal* %ith him$ <ou %ill e !oy this "lass a d lear lots a(out yoursel&' others a d art o& i ter+erso al "om$

,lag this rati g Fegistered 2ser

-/25/08 COM101
Good Quality
Easiness5 HelpfulnessClarity5 Rater Interest-

9e is so &u y a d the "lass is so easy$ Bust ma*e sure to do the s+ee"hes$ 9e is my &avorite tea"her at the mome t$

,lag this rati g

12/3/0? "om101
Good Quality
Easiness3 Helpfulness5 ClarityRater Interest2

9e6s a +retty "ool dude' %he I &irst got i the "lass I thought I %as goi g to hate him (ut it !ust ta*es a %hile to u dersta d him$ 5emo 0+ee"h = 5o &ood! A d go &irst %he ever you "a $$$ he "uts a lot o& sla"* a d really %a ts all o& his stude ts to su""eed$

,lag this rati g Fegistered 2ser

11/15/0? Com101
Good Quality
Easiness2 Helpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest5

9e is +retty "ool a d "lass is usually &u ' (ut he li*es to tal* a(out +oliti"s a d is a 5emo"rat$ Fe+u(li"a s (e%are! Other tha that you "a lear a lot &rom him i& you do the %or*$

,lag this rati g Fegistered 2ser

11/15/0? COM101
Good Quality
EasinessHelpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest-

4ery * o%ledga(le I great &or dis"ussio s$ Feally hel+&ul I *e+t "lass i teresti g!!

,lag this rati g

10/1@/0? "om101
Good Quality
EasinessHelpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest5

very &u

y a d i teresti g

,lag this rati g

@/31/0? COM101
Good Quality
Easiness5 HelpfulnessClarityRater Interest3

#oo* him t%o years ago' (ut re"e tly &ou d out this site so do 6t * o% i& his tea"hi g the same$ I +erso ally love to tal* so this "lass %as great$ Got a A a&ter missi g a large s+ee"h$ 9e does "ut a lot o& sla"* eve tho he says di&&ere tly$ 4ery i teresti g +ro&essor a d great guy overall$

,lag this rati g Fegistered 2ser

12/2/05 "om 101

Good Quality
Easiness3 Helpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest1

he is a great tea"her$ his "lass is ever (ori g a d he is ot a&raid o& disse t$ he has a good se se o& humor a d *ee+s the "lass lively$ he %ill hel+ you %ith a ythi g i& he "a eve i& it relates to somethi g that has othi g to do %ith this +arti"ular "lass$ i& you are laGy a d do t %a t to %or* to mu"h 5O1# #AK: 9I0 C3A00$

9/?/05 "om 101

Good Quality

EasinessHelpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest5

loved him ' ma*e sure you "hoose e% a d di&&re t ideas &or your s+ee"hes LE

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3/18/05 "om 101

Good Quality
EasinessHelpfulness5 Clarity5 Rater Interest5

9e6s a (ig dude' (ut he o ly loo*s more i timidati g tha he really is$ 4ery i"e ma ' e "ourges stude ts to do their (est' a d is very * o%ledgea(le o a great deal o& su(!e"ts$ Good +ro&essor &or shy +eo+le %ho are ervous a(out ta*i g a s+ee"h "ourse$

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3/1?/05 "om101
Good Quality
Easiness2 HelpfulnessClarityRater Interest-

this tea"her is really great$ he de&i atly * o%s his &ield a d tea"hes very %ell$ he "overs every a"+e"t that a "om 101 tea"her should!

,lag this rati g

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