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Exercises Purpose/Importance How is it done?

1. PELVIC TILT OR PELVIC ROCKING  Reduces back strain and strengthens the  Exhale, roll the hips and buttocks forward, hold for a
abdominal muscles. count of five, then inhale and relax.
2. TAILOR SIT/ INNER THIGH EXERCISE  Strengthens the thighs and stretches perineal  Sit cross-legged and stretch one arm high over your
muscles to make them more supple. head then release and exhale. Repeat on the other side.
3. KEGEL’S EXERCISE  Strengthens the muscles around the reproductive  Tighten the perineal muscles and pull them up toward
organs and improve muscle tone in order to the vagina as if trying to stop urination midstream
prevent or reduce accidental urine loss.
• LEG STRENGTHENING  Lower body muscle strength is important for  Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. With your
general balance and tone. back straight, bend your knees slowly. Lower yourself
to the ground as low as you can comfortably go. Keep
your heels on the ground. Hold the squat for 10 to 15
seconds, then slowly bring your body back up to a
standing position. Do it five times. Women might
become unbalanced during pregnancy and can use a
chair for support.
• WALL PUSH-AWAY  This exercise aim to make you stronger in your  Find a solid wall where it can support your weight. Put
pregnant state and increase your stamina. your palms flat against the wall, shoulder-width apart,
with bent elbows. From your feet to your palms, angle
yourself so that you will be slightly over 90 degrees
leaning into the wall from the floor. Slowly push
yourself off the wall and return to the original position
for ten counts.

• HIP CIRCLING  This exercise increases flexibility of your waist  Stand with your feet shoulders-width apart, knees
and spine and helps tone abdominal muscles. slightly bent, pelvis tucked under, and arms on the
waist. Turn slowly to the right side, pause, and then
turn slowly to the left side and pause. Return to the
front. Practice 10 times daily.


-UP & DOWN  This exercise will improve your circulation, help  Sit down in a comfortable position with legs straight
to reduce swelling and prevent leg cramps. infront of you. Point the toes of each foot downward
then upward.
-ROTATING  This exercise will improve your circulation and  Sitting with your legs straight, rotate your feet at the
help to reduce swelling. ankles in one direction 4 times; then repeat in opposite
 It also helps the veins return blood from the lower direction. Gravity will help reduce swelling if you raise
legs and minimize varicosities. your feet a little above your knees. Practice 5 times
each direction with each ankle daily.

• LEG LIFTING  Legs lifts tone the thigh muscles and hips.  Lie on the left side and keep your shoulders, hips and
knees straight in a line. For support, use your left arm
to support your head. Place the right hand in front of
your baby, palm down. Raise your right leg as high as
you can and bring it back down to rest. Try 10 reps and
then switch to the other side.
5. ABDOMINAL EXERCISE  To strengthen the abdominal muscle during  Slowly take a deep breath, expand the abdomen
pregnancy, therefore, may help prevent  Exhale slowly while pulling the abdomen in until the
constipation muscles are completely contracted
 To contribute effective second-stage pushing  Relax a few seconds and repeat the exercise
during labor.

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