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Tutorial 4

1) The total power content of an AM signal is 1000W. Determine the power being transmitted at the carrier frequenc and at each of the sidebands when the percent modulation is 100!.

") A bandwidth of "0 M#$ is to be considered for the transmission of AM signals. %f the highest audio frequencies used to modulate the carriers are not to e&ceed ' (#$) how man stations could broadcast within this band simultaneousl without interfering with another one.

') Determine the power content of each of the sidebands and of the carrier of an AM signal that has a percent modulation of *+!and contains 1"00 W of total power.

4) The input to an en,elope detector is a single-tone AM signal .AM/t)0A/11macos2mt)cos2ct) where ma is constant) 03ma31) and 2c442m. /i) 5how that if the detector output is to follow the en,elope of &AM/t)) it is required that at an time t0

1678 92m//masin2mt0)6/11macos2mt0))


5how that if the detector output is to follow the en,elope at all times) it is required that 78:/1-ma")16"6ma2m

+) An 55; transmission contains 10 (W. This transmission is to be replaced b a standard amplitude modulated signal with the same power content. Determine the power content of the carrier and each of the sidebands when the percent modulation is *0!. <) The signal =/t) 0 >11 m cos /2mt) ? cos /2ct) is detected using a diode en,elope detector. 5(etch the en,elope output when m 0 ".

@) A&plain the phasing method for generation of 55;-58 signal. *) A&plain about B5; s stem.

Tutorial +
1) Determine the instantaneous frequenc in hert$ of each of the following signalsC a) 10cos/"00Dt1D6') b) 10cos/"0Dt1Dt") c) 8os"00Dtcos/+sin"Dt)1sin"00Dtsin/+sin"Dt)

") 8onsider an angle modulated signal .c/t)010cos>10*Dt1+sin"D10't?. Eind the ma&imum phase de,iation and the ma&imum frequenc de,iation.

') An angle modulated signal is described b .c/t)010cos>"D 10< t10.1sin10' Dt?. a) 8onsidering &c/t) as a FM signal with (p010) find m/t) b) 8onsidering &c/t) as a EM signal with (f010) find m/t).

4) A "0 megahert$ carrier is frequenc modulated b a sinusoidal signal such that the ma&imum frequenc de,iation is 100 (#$. Determine the modulation inde& and the appro&imate bandwidth of the EM signal if the frequenc of the modulating signal is a) 1 (#$ b) 100 (#$ c) +00 (#$.

+) 8onsider an angle modulated signal s/t)010cos/2ct1' sin2mt). Assume FM and fm01(#$. 8alculate the modulation inde& and find the bandwidth when a) fm is doubled and b) fm is decreased b one-half. <) When EM is s/t)010 cos/2ct1' sin2mt) and fm01 (#$. 8alculate the modulation inde& and find the bandwidth when a) fmis doubled and b) fm is decreased b one-half. @) A&plain indirect method of EM generation.

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