Agenda 10-27-1

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Student Senate

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

6:00pm, 111 Harrison Hall
I. Call to Order
II. Two Minutes of Silence
III. Roll Call
IV. Announcements and Remarks by the Chair
a. Legislative Brainstorming – Next Monday @ 7:00 ASG Office
b. Senator Introductions-Herbst, Horvath, Huebner
V. Consent Calendar
VI. Student Concerns
Ms.Riddle: From DAC last night, re-wording the crime alert signature; break
transportation-Miami transportation shuts down Tuesday night but residence halls open
until Wednesday morning
Ms.Numar: Why is Martin only open 5-7
ProTemp: all dining halls are open those hours; it has to do with staffing hours
Chair: We have a guest speaker from housing/dining coming later this month, and police
VII. Reports
a. President of the Student Body
-I look forward to discussing BSC further at our Sunday session; I also had an
essay in the student today about the rec. center; plans to talk to student
organizations about this project
b. Vice President of the Student Body
-Elections and lobbying committees meet Friday, ad hoc committee on ballot
referendums- chaired by Matt Forrest
c. Vice President of Campus Activities
- Thank you for homecoming support
d. Vice President of Student Organizations
- Debt relief committee, meet after senate to elect a chair
e. Secretary for Diversity Affairs
- Thanks ASG and DAC exec for participating in safe zone training; DAC
minutes coming
f. Secretary for Off-Campus Affairs
- Thank you to everyone who came to pumpkin carving; Off-campus forums;
lighting tours
g. Secretary for On Campus Affairs
-Thank you to everyone who came to bonfire, safe trick-or-treat went well
h. Secretary for Academic Affairs
- AAC meeting Thursday 7 p.m. CAB building
i. Secretary to the Executive Cabinet
- B.O.T applications due this Friday
j. Treasurer
- Financial education forum
k. Tech Director
-switch to gmail, option by the end of this academic year, mandatory starting with
the class of 2014; senator profiles
Mr.Stephan: when will the lifetime email policy go into effect?
Mr.Sauter: the past few years and from now on
l. Advisor

VIII. Special Business of the Day:

a. Bicentennial Student Center Update – University Architect Bob Keller and Vice
President of Finance David Creamer

Mr.Keller: Slideshow is in three parts: review of work done in the past, evolution
of the design since May of last semester, and images of design possibilities

-Five original tasks: analysis of existing facilities, needs assessment of the

facility, program development, building site analysis, design concept statement
and design; Engaged University Student as Scholar model

-Original cost estimate- 120.4 million

-Gaskill, Rowan, Culler Halls combined; decision to take advantage of the

buildings rather than tear down and rebuild

-Two phases: renovate Gaskill and Rowan, then Culler- nearly the same square
footage as original design

- New design cost estimate- 77.7 million

Mr.Frazier: What can we do to help?

Mr.Keller: 4 student representatives currently, get the word out

Mr.Frazier: How does parking fit into the plan/

Mr.Keller: At this point parking is not included; we are losing the Gaskill parking

Mr.Senko: What kind of timeline are we looking at?

Mr.Keller: Deferred to Dr.Creamer’s presentation

Mr.Ciccone: What kind of plans do you have for converting the inside of Culler to
a more current version

Mr.Keller: Were at the very beginning of this process, that’s what we’ll be doing
this year
Mr.Streubing: When can we expect to see some drawings?

Mr.Keller: After winter break

Mr.Streubing: Could we change the roofs on the existing building to ensure

coherence if we decide to go with a more modern inner piece?

Mr.Keller: You could but I don’t think we would do so

Mr.Forrest: How much is sustainability a priority?

Mr.Keller: A minimum of Silver LEED certification

Ms.Bahir: Are there plans of keeping the street between Spring and High? Any
LEED certification plans that you were not able to get in the FSB?

Mr.Keller: I highly doubt the street would remain. Those decisions are all in the
works, green design is a high priority though

Mr.Stephen: How much do the three pre-existing building change the flow you
had initially designed?

Mr.Keller: I don’t think it changes the flow at all

Mr.Senko: How does the square footage compare to Shriver?

Mr.Keller: Not quite double.

Mr.Kadon: Would the movement of Physics to Krieger be one of the first tasks?
Will this be done regardless of the BSC?

Mr.Keller: The Krieger project is a state funded project, and were not certain
whether the funding will be enough. Yes, will be done regardless.

Mr.Huebner: how will you incorporate the exterior?

Mr.Keller: one of our architects is looking into this

Mr.Jacobson: any priority for food service preparation areas?

Mr.Keller: yes it is a challenge, but we have had several conversations about this

Dr.Creamer: Just examples of timelines, minimum amount- first phase into fall of
2013, second phase fall 2015.

-Funding scenarios
Mr.Senko: is it true that the Shriver center would not be a general fee?

Dr.Creamer: there would still be use of those facilities, just for operating, so it
would come down a bit. The food service helps subsidize it as well

Mr.Streubing: The bookstore will remain at shriver?

Dr.Creamer- there is not adequate space to move it to the new center, it would
probably expand within Shriver

Mr.Stephen: if our survey reveals the students are willing to pay a certain amount,
would you continue to try to find gifts?

Dr.Creamer: yes, the student fees would help us to go ahead with the project,
because raising this much money will take a bit of time

Ms.Bahir: what if the students respond that they are not willing to pay in student

Dr.Creamer: the fee would not go towards the building; fees would still exist for

Mr.Harris: was the cost of removing utility lines factored in?

Dr.Creamer: no it was not

Mr.Ciccone: how sure are we the state would fund the physics project in a timely

Dr.Creamer: up until a year ago, 99% but recent events may change this

Mr.Senko: the timeline you showed us is the best case scenario?

Dr.Creamer: correct.

Mr.Harris: what about inflationary costs if the building is built later?

Dr.Creamer: we have factored that in with our current plans, if the project is
delayed, construction prices will rise

Mr.Streubing: One of my professors mentioned how currently money given to the

center is pulled away from scholarships?

Dr.Creamer: Can I promise you no gift that would go to BSC wouldn’t have gone
to scholarships? No of course not, but the largest gifts tend to go to capital
investments by the preference of the donor
Mr.Senko: Would you be looking for this new student center to have a name?

Dr.Creamer: The hope would be a donor would be interested in this

Mr.Streubing: When they do Culler hall, would there be a second student fee for
phase two?

Dr.Creamer: only for operating costs, about $10 increase

b. Halloween Fun

IX. Old Business:

a. SR010909: A Resolution to change the Elections Bylaws
Mr.Hanna: good job on this bill
Mr.Ferguson: I think it’s too broad when it says “before the last week of classes”
Mr.Forrest: I am still concerned there won’t be enough transition time
Mr.Harris: The election will still be in a time recommended by elections
committee, if there are concerns the rules can be changed then
Mr.Ferguson: Certain positions it is important for the successor to step into the
shoes, like my position, they should have the ability to run a funding cycle
Mr.Zwayer: I think they should understand their job before they are actually
elected, rather than doing it all during transitions
Mr.Kadon: I also have a lot of concern with the lateness of elections in regards to
cycle three funding, could we make an adjustment for this position
Mr.Ciccone: It’s not just funding committee; my particular position is involved in
several committees, such as going to city council
Mr.Forrest: This bill does not lock us into dates, but that is not until the next bill
Motion to amend 604 A, striking the italicized words
Mr.Jacobson: This does not directly affect the timeline, but I see there is a
timeline change
Mr.Zwayer: It just opens up the entire second semester to give future senates
more flexibility
Mr.Harris: If they find the timeline does not work they can move it back the next
Mr.Ciccone: A little cushion for transitioning would be helpful
Mr.Zwayer: This has been tabled for two weeks, I wish concerns would have been
emailed to us; ultimately comes down to the senate and what they decide
Mr.Ferguson: I think you’re giving too much flexibility. We have been meeting as
a cabinet since we were elected. The potential that all transitioning could
potentially happen in a week could be problematic
Ms.Riddle: it would be wise if a friendly amendment is made for it to be changed
to 4 academic weeks before finals
Mr.Kadon: motion to strike the 4th week of classes and change it to no later the
13th week of classes, not including finals week
Chair: Friendly motion accepted
Passed by voice vote.

b. SR010910: 2010 Student Body Elections Timeline

Mr.Stephan: Does the elections packet deadline include cabinet?
Mr.Ferguson: You mentioned about people being able to turn in two and holding
one, will this be in the election rules?
Mr.Zwayer: Yes
Mr.Stephan: Typically it’s taken three weeks to pass secretary positions
Mr.Zwayer: It should still work
Mr.McNabb: I appreciate the work of the elections committee on this, last year
we were running a week in to the semester; as far as the v.p. of student
orgs, we will have to come up with something but I think this bill puts us
into a much better timeframe
Advisor: Raise question of exam studying priority
Mr.Ciccone: the second whereas clause needs to be changed to reflect the change
in the bill just passed
Mr.Zwayer: Rescinding bill

X. New Business:

XI. General Announcements

XII. Adjournment

A Resolution to change the Elections Bylaws

Nathan Zwayer, Off-Campus Student Senator


ASG Elections Committee

Adam Harris, Student Body Vice-President

Submitted to Student Senate on:

October 6, 2009

Whereas: Article I, Section 106.D of the Associated Student Government Bylaws states:
The Elections Committee shall establish rules governing election campaigns, subject to the
approval of Student Senate.

Whereas: Article VI, Section 602.A of the Associated Student Government Bylaws currently
The election of the Executive Cabinet shall be held at a time recommended by the Elections
Committee, after the month of January, but no later than nine weeks before the end of the second
semester, subject to the approval of Student Senate.

Whereas: The Associated Student Government Elections Committee (ASGEC) has found that
the current elections cycle is wanting,

Therefore be it Resolved: The Associated Student Government Elections Committee

recommends that the following bylaws changes be approved by Student Senate:

SECTION 104.G: Elect, by the second meeting following spring break, the President of the
Student Senate for the following academic year.

SECTION 602.A: The election of the Executive Cabinet shall be held at a time recommended by
the Elections Committee, after the month of January February, but no later than nine weeks
before the end of the second semester the last week of classes; not including finals week,
subject to the approval of the Student Senate.

SECTION 602.B: If there are more than two candidates for any one office, there shall be a
primary election for that office. The two candidates receiving the largest number of votes in the
primary shall be in the final election. The primary election shall be held in the month of
February, at least one week prior to the final election.

SECTION 602.C: Candidates for the Office of Vice President for Campus Activities must have
previously served at least one year on the Campus Activities Council.
SECTION 602.D: Each candidate must submit a petition and application to the Elections
Committee clarifying that the candidate qualifies and agrees to abide by and fulfill all duties and
regulations set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws.

1. This petition shall contain the signatures of 150 undergraduate students at Miami
2. Petitions and applications must be filed no later than 10 days before the primary
elections the date set by Elections Committee, as approved by Student Senate
3. The petitions shall contain the legal name or recognizable nickname of the candidate as
he or she would like it to appear on the ballot, as well as the office for which he or she is
4. Each petition and application will be examined and certified by the Elections Committee.
5. All petitions are final upon filing. No candidate shall be permitted to alter information
after filing.
6. The Elections Committee is granted the authority to alter the name submitted on the
petition to ensure a fair election process, even after the petition has been officially filed.
7. If no candidate or only one candidate runs for a single office, the deadline date for filing
petitions for that office shall be advanced 72 hours.

SECTION 602.F: If only one candidate has declared, that candidate shall be the winner for the
1. The Executive Cabinet-elect shall submit no more than three nominees for the vacant
office to the Student Senate in a time of no more than 28 days after the election.
2. The Student Senate shall then elect the nominee to fulfill the vacant office from the
names submitted by the Executive Cabinet-elect.

SECTION 602.E: If only one candidate has declared, that candidate shall be the winner for
the office.

SECTION 602.F: If no candidate is declared, Executive Cabinet-elect will execute the

following actions;
1. The Executive Cabinet-elect shall submit no more than three nominees for the vacant
office to the Student Senate in a time of no more than 28 6 days after the completion
of all Executive Cabinet elections.
2. The Student Senate shall then elect the nominee to fulfill the vacant office from the
names submitted by the Executive Cabinet-elect.

SECTION 602.G: Officers shall be elected by a majority of the votes cast in the primary or final
SECTION 602.H: The name of each candidate shall be rotated on the ballot.
SECTION 602.I: All offices shall be presented as separate and individual ballot questions on the
official elections ballot. Specifically, the format of the ballot shall not allow a single election
choice to fill more than one office.

Further be it Resolved: that the passage of this resolution will henceforth override all date
limitations as prescribed by the Standing Rules of the Associated Student Government,

Further be it Resolved: that subsequent to the passage of the this resolution, Administrative
Committee will review, at a time deemed proper by the Chair of the Administrative Committee,
the Standing Rules of the Associated Student Government to make sure that said Standing Rules
are properly aligned to the bylaws changes made by this resolution.

2010 Student Body Elections Timeline

Nathan Zwayer, Off-Campus Student Senator


ASG Elections Committee

Adam Harris, Student Body Vice-President

Submitted to Student Senate on:

October 6, 2009

Whereas: Article I, Section 106.D in the Associated Student Government Bylaws states:
The Elections Committee shall establish rules governing election campaigns, subject to the
approval of Student Senate.

Whereas: Article VI, Section 602.A in the Associated Student Government Bylaws states:
The election of the Executive Cabinet shall be held at a time recommended by the Elections
Committee, after the month of February, but no later than the last week of classes, subject to the
approval of Student Senate.

Therefore be it Resolved: The Elections Committee is recommending the following timeline in

accordance with the current bylaws of the Associated Student Government:

February 1, 2010 – Elections Packets released and disseminated to student body

March 1, 2010 – Elections Packets due with all requirements fulfilled
March 15, 2010 – Open campaigning for Student Body Elections commences
April 1, 2010 – Primaries for Student Body Elections are held as needed
April 8, 2010 – Student Body General Elections are held as needed
April 9, 2010 – Cabinet Election Packets due with all requirements fulfilled
April 13, 2010 – First round of Cabinet candidates released and Cabinet Elections
April 20, 2010 – Second round of Cabinet candidates released and Cabinet Elections
April 21, 2010 – Off-Campus Senator Elections Packets due with all requirements
April 27, 2010 – Election of Off-Campus Student Senators

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