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Organization Affiliation: Retired form the educational realm Interviewer: Breeanna Usher Interviewee: Rosa Introduction I interviewed an older adult that fit the demographics of older adults with eating disorders# I as$ed various %uestions a&out culture, social histor', and medical histor'# Rosa did have chronic illnesses and was ver' reluctant to get into her eating ha&its, &ut I was a&le to get a ideal of what the' ma' have &e &ased on some suggestive and pro&ing %uestions# (he does coo$ when she has the energ' to do so, &ut ma)orit' of the time she snac$s on fruits and nuts# *er daughter coo$s ever' (unda' and &rings her food for a couple of da's# (he stated she has used the meals on wheels service a couple of times mainl' &ecause her famil' insisted when the' went out of town# (he stated her &od' has undergone multiple changes as she continues to age and some of which was contri&uted to medications, &ut she was not specific# (he also stated that certain medications did affect her interest in eating# (he is ver' active and has famil' and friends that she interacts with regularl'+ although, she lives at home alone# Anal'ze ,he ma)or difference among 'oung and older adults is that medical conditions are a main reason for the reemergence or late onset of eating disorder# I found that the t'pes of treatment and prevention plans varied &ecause of what the different age groups ph'sical and mental capacit'# (urprisingl', the ps'chological factors were the same with onl' differences in the conte-t the' occur# Other useful information ,here are lots of treatment centers that are constantl' loo$ing to help people who struggle with disorders# ,hese facilities even find wa's to help fund 'our reha&ilitation Date of the Interview: April 2nd, 2 !"

2 through pu&lic assistant and private sponsors# .ating disorders in older adults are a lot more common than reported and so it is important to &e aware of the signs to ma$e ade%uate evaluation of clients and not misdiagnose it as a medical condition# ,he research on middle and older adults is ver' limited# /ersonal .-perience Impact I have learned a lot a&out eating disorders# I have &ecome a lot more competent on the su&)ect# Initiall' I thought to m'self how are we going to relate this to middle and older adults not even $nowing the epidemic that has occurred# I learned how simple it seems to go and visit m' grandmother and have m' aunt live with her and help coo$ ma$es a &ig deal in her medical condition and her overall livel' hood# In conducting the interview I thought of how privilege Rosa was to have a support s'stem and how often man' do not# 0uture (ocial 1or$ I anticipate &eing a&le to educate and advocate professionals in other professions a&out this social issue that e-ist# .speciall', in the medical field &ecause I feel addressing patients as more than a diagnosis can ma$e improvements# I am aware that I pro&a&l' will run into some push &ac$ and so I am committed and read' to &e the change I want to see# 2onclusion Ultimatel', I hope learn more a&out the older population and the man' other aspects that affect their outcomes# I will utilize the $nowledge gained from this assignment to ma$e educated evaluations# I will carr' it with me and continue to refine m' s$ills as a social wor$er in training#

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