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Do you need to DE-TOX? Aisha Bauer Answer Yes or No 1. I feel tired and lethargic all the time 2.

2. I catch colds easily. 3. I usually have bad breath. . I tend to get congested! stuffed"u#! or #ost"nasal dri#. $. I have un#leasant body odors %ith out deodorant or #erfume. &. I often have bloating! gas or indigestion after eating. '. I usually have dar( circles under my eyes. ). I have allergies. *. I have ec+ema! acne! or #soriasis. 1,. I often go for more than one day %ithout having a bo%el movement. 11.I am a current or former smo(er! or I s#end time regularly around smo(ers. 12. I usually drin( less than three cu#s of %ater a day 13. I usually eat meat t%o times or more a day. 1 . I tend to get bloated or #uffy. 1$. I usually eat starchy food more than t%ice a day YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO

SCORES: -ore than YES ans%ers indicate it is hea!thier for you to .eto/ify. -ore than " YES ans%ers indicate you NEED to .eto/ify. -ore than # YES ans%ers indicate you $%ST .eto/ify. 0 fe% sim#le changes can ma(e a big difference in your diet that %ill maintain your health. 1. Eat an e/tra fruit and an e/tra vegetable every day. 0 diet filled %ith #roduce is considered hel#ful to all sorts of health conditions. 1or e/am#le! a recent study loo(ing at the relationshi# bet%een fruit and vegetable consum#tion and heart disease! found that for ea&h e'tra ser(in) o* *ruits or (e)eta+!es a #erson ate! the ris( for heart disease was !owered *our ,er&ent- 2he most hel#ful #roduce3 green leafy vegetables and vitamin 4" rich foods such as citrus fruits. Other studies suggest the ris( for heart disease could be reduced 2, to , #ercent through a diet filled %ith fruits and vegetables. Eating #lenty of #roduce is also lin(ed to a lo%er ris( of cancer. In fact! it5s been estimated that diets high in fruits and vegetables 6five to 1, servings a day7 could #revent at least 2, #ercent of all cancer incidence. 0 revie% of more than 2,, studies found that the ris( of lung cancer %as halved %hen fruit and vegetable consum#tion increased from t%o servings a day to five. 1ruits and vegetables seem to have the greatest #rotective effect against cancers of the mouth! eso#hagus! lung! stomach! colon and rectum. 0 diet rich in #roduce may also boost bone health! cut the ris( for cataracts and #rotect against stro(e! high blood #ressure and diverticulitis.

2. .rin( more nutrient"#ac(ed beverages. -any #eo#le si# coffee! soda #o# or fruit"flavored drin(s throughout the day"yet none of these beverages offer much nutritionally. 2hat5s a missed o##ortunity to hel# your health. 8ic(ing a better beverage is an e/cellent and easy %ay to get many more vitamins! minerals and other healthful substances into your body. 1or e/am#le! one cu# of orange 9uice gives you double the vitamin 4 you need in a day #lus one"third of the amount of folic acid you should have. 0#ricot nectar contains one"third of your vitamin 0 re:uirement and tomato 9uice is a good source of vitamins 0! ;&! 4 and folic acid #lus iron and #otassium. 3. 4hange from #lain grains to %hole grains. <hole grains are hot. 0 revie% of 12 recent studies sho%ed that regularly eating %hole grains as #art of a healthful diet could reduce heart disease ris( by as much as 2& #ercent. 1orty studies that loo(ed at 2, different ty#es of cancer deemed %hole grains a %inner too. =egularly eating %hole"grain foods as #art of a lo%"fat diet reduced the ris( of several ty#es of cancer by 1, to &, #ercent. 0nd! %hole grains may #rotect against diabetes. 2he Io%a <omen5s >ealth Study of nearly *,!,,, %omen found that %omen %ho ate more than five grams of fiber from %hole"grain cereal a day had a 3, #ercent lo%er ris( of develo#ing ty#e 2 diabetes than %omen %ho ate less than 2.$ grams a day. ?itamins ;& and E along %ith folic acid! several minerals! antio/idants and #hotochemical give %hole grains their @#o%er.@ E/#erts believe three servings of %hole"grain foods a day can ma(e an im#act. Source3 N08SI EASY Body C!eanse Sou,
Serves )"1,

& 3 & 3 C 1 1 1 1

#ods of Aarlic tbs# eSutras Or)ani& ;asil tbs# eSutras Or)ani& 4oriander tbs# eSutras Or)ani& Bemon Arass ts# eSutras Or)ani& ground cloves ts# eSutras Or)ani& ground thyme ts# eSutras Or)ani& ground blac( #e##er $,g 61&o+7 can diced tomatoes 6%ith 9uice7 or & fresh tomatoes 6tastes even better7 $,g 61&o+7 eSutras Or)ani& =ed Bentils 6you can substitute this %ith a can of beans7 $,g 61&o+7 cans vegetable broth or & cu#s of %ater. 8inch of turmeric

8lace all of the ingredients 6e/ce#t the turmeric7 into a large sou# #ot! bring to the boil and simmer for , minutes. 0dd the turmeric ! stir and simmer for a further $ minutes. Serve hot %ith salt if needed.

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